Computational Economics 10: 387, 1997. Author Index to Volume 10 Amman, H.M., 103 Kanto, A.J., 1 Kasanen, E., 1 Ball, J.F., 279 Kontoghiorghes, E.J., 231 Bell, R.D., 107 Belsley, D.A., 195, 197 Lefoll, J., 359 Boucekkine, R., 169 Malgrange, P., 169 Cribari-Neto, F., 337 Cronshaw, M.B., 139 Olmeda, I., 317 Dinensis, E., 231 Page, S.E., 67 Dorsey, R.E., 279 Perrakis, S., 359 Puttonen, V., 1 Eddelbiittel, D., 353 Schoenberg, R., 251 Fernandez, E., 317 Souveton, R., 119 Szpiro, G.G., 267 Gable, J., 187 Geman, H., 119 Tobin, R.L., 15 Herbert, R.D., 107 Van Norden, S., 187 Hussey, R.M., 377 Vigfusson, R., 187 Jensen, M.J., 47 Wie, B.-W., 15 Jerrell, M.E., 89, 295 Johnson J.D., 279 Zarkos, S.G., 337 Juillard, M., 169 Computational Economics 10: 389, 1997. Subject Index to Volume 10 arbitrage, 119 large scale models, 169 artificial regression, 197 linear quadratic control, 107 automatic differentiation, 295 Markov switching, 187 biased t-test, 197 maximum likelihood, 187, 251, 295 morphological filters, 1 cellular automata, 67 multi-economies, 119 change of numéraire, 119 complex systems, 67 neural networks, 279 computation, 139 nonlinear rational expectations models, 47 computational economics, 103 numerical algorithm, 47 conformity, 67 observer, 107 data mining, 267 disequilibrium models, 295 parallel algorithms, 231 Durbin-Watson statistic, 197 parallel distributed processing, 279 dynamic game, 15 profile likelihood, 251 dynamical systems, 67 QR decomposition, 231 empirical analysis, 1 quanto options, 119 expectations, 169 regime switching, 187 forecasting, 267 repeated games, 139 risk premia, 119 game of life, 67 genetic algorithms, 267, 279 score, 187 gradients, 187 serial correlation, 197 simulation, 107 heteroscedasticity, 1 simultaneous equation models, 231 homotopy theory, 47 solution time horizons, 169 spatial oligopoly, 15 index returns, | statistical interference, 251 inequality constraints, 251 initial conditions, 169 terminal conditions, 169 input-output models, 89 3SLS, 231 interval arithmetic, 89 iterative algorithm, 15 uncertainty, 89 Kalman filter, 107 visualisation, 107 volatility vector, 119