Compressor Performance: Aerodynamics for the User by Theodore Gresh • ISBN: 0750673427 • Pub. Date: March 2001 • Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books Preface This text has been designed to be used primarily by equipment The concepts and procedures presented in the following users, as a guide in selecting, monitoring, and enhancing pages, while generally in line with EUiott Company Policy the aerodynamic performance of various types of com- and Industry Standards, include opinions belonging solely pressors. Some basic theory is included as an aid in helping to me. Conforming to guidelines in this text therefore does field personnel to better understand the aerodynamics of not mean compliance with Elliott Company, API, or other compressors so that performance enhancements and trouble industry standards. The methods presented are meant to be resolution can be more readily realized. As much as possible, guidelines used for day-to-day performance trending or as I have attempted to stick to the "business end" of the the first step in selection, trouble-shooting, or retrofitting applicable aerodynamic principles. equipment. For potential wawanty cases, customer and vendor This book is the result of various books, articles, notes, must agree on a specific test procedure before proceeding. seminars, and personal experience that I have collected over For an "out of warranty" problem the field engineer is best the years working in the field of compressor aerodynamics. advised to get some help from the equipment manufacturer, As it is such a "collection," references have been used after some initial analysis is completed. extensively as noted. M. T. Gresh VII el stnemgdelwonkcA A special thanks to Elliott Company for the support in this Don Rudisel, Ron Aungier, John Beaty, Bob Spigarelli, Paul endeavor and permission to print the various drawings and Gallick, Bill Hohlweg, Katsuhiko Yamanaka, Dennis articles used throughout this book. Thanks also to GHH, Maffessanti, Ross Hackel, and my wife, Lynn. ,rezluS Carrier, General Electric Co., Ebara, Demag, Ingersol The talents of Frank Weidler, Gerry Brunson and Tom Rand, DuPont, Gulf Publishing, and Natural Gas Processors Humphrey are displayed throughout this book in the various Suppliers Association for technical data provided. drawings they created for .em Thanks also to all the people who have personally helped Most crucial, though, to the development of this book by offering their technical support and encouraging has been the excellent cooperation and typing skills of Kathy comments, with special thanks to Marc Sassos, Dave Galster, Lazur. ix slobmyS A Area, ft e q Heat transfer ft-lb force/lb mass a Speed of sound, ft/sec R Gas constant (1544/MW) BHP Brake or shaft horsepower Re Reynolds number C Discharge coefficient pr Pressure ratio )IP12P( % Specific heat at constant pressure, BTU/Ib mole ~ s Entropy, BTU/~ r Specific heat at constant volume, BTU/Ib mole ~ SHP Shaft horsepower D Pipe diameter, inches T Absolute temperature d Throat, or impeller diameter, inches (~ = ~ + 459.6) E Voltage cT Critical temperature (~ E Velocity of approach factor RT Reduced temperature (TITc) Eft Efficiency t Temperature (~ Fa Orifice meter thermal expansion factor U Tip speed, FPS cg Gravitational constant u Internal energy, ft-lb force/lb mass V velocity (ft/sec) 32.2 fi-lb mass Specific volume (ft3/lb mass) lb force-see 2 v GHP Gas horsepower W Work ft-lbs force lb mass Head ft-lbs force y H Flow meter expansion factor lb mass Ya Adiabatic expansion factor HP Horsepower Z Compressibility factor h Enthalpy (BTU/Ib mass) z Vertical height wh Differential pressure, inches water 1 Amperage GREEK LETTERS K Flow meter flow coefficient Throat (or orifice) to pipe diameter ratio k Adiabatic exponent (%1c0 fl Efficiency MW Molecular weight /7 Work coefficient Weight flow (lb/min) 7 M Mach number, V/a /Iat' AHbesaodl ute coefficient viscosity lb-sec/ft 2 N Speed, RPM ,N Specific speed V' Kinematic viscosity ft2/sec Density lb/ft 3 n Polytropic exponent P Flow coefficient P Static pressure (psia) cP Critical pressure (psia) SUBSCRIPTS rP Reduced pressure Pr Total pressure, psia ad Adiabatic process (Had) oP Stagnation pressure, psia p Polytropic process (Hp) vP Velocity pressure S Standard conditionsmusually 14.7 psia, 60~ dry PF Power factor air Q Flow rate ft3/min 1 Inlet conditions (Pl)(Ql)(tl) ,Q Flow rate fta/sec 2 Discharge conditions (Tz)(Pa) Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments Symbols Pt. I Theory Ch. 1 Introduction to Aerodynamics 3 Ch. 2 Thermodynamics 11 Ch. 3 Aerodynamic Components 23 Ch. 4 Compressor Characteristics 33 Pt. II Application Ch. 5 Equipment Selection 45 Ch. 6 Operation 55 Ch. 7 Field Performance Testing 67 Ch. 8 Troubleshooting 87 Ch. 9 Flow Meters 97 Ch. 10 Multi-section Compressors 103 Pt. III Reference Material App. A Properties 121 App. B Mollier Diagrams 127 App. C Conversion Tables 169 App. D Permissible Deviations and Fluctuations 187 App. E Thermal Expansion Factor 189 App. F: Surge Identification 191 App. G: Glossary of Terms 193 References 197 Additional Reading 198 Compressor and Steam Turbine Performance Software 199 Index 201 1 INTRODUCTION TO AERODYNAMICS ~ own through the years, human needs and With the advent of the Iron Age, which serised have required a continued began around 1000 s.c., no longer were simple evolution of more and more sophisticated drafting techniques adequate. A much higher fluid-handling apparatus. nI general, fluid hearth temperature required a pressurized air handling involves two problems, fluid blast. Small foot- and hand-operated bellows transportation and fluid pressurization. were used in the small hearths of the farrier and Ancient man saw most concerned with liquid blacksmith. Five hundred years ago immense transport and storage. Of primary concern saw bellows were used in Germany to supply the air irrigation for agricultural purposes and transport of required for large furnaces. These were water to .seitic ultimately supplemented by piston pumps. ehT Bronze Age, which began about 3000 .8 ,.c ,yadoT rotary compressors are used almost brought with it the requirement of smsinahcem ylevisulcxe for this purpose. for enhancing air supply to hearth .secamuf ehT Industrial Revolution and, most ,yltnecer Air saw first introduced in hearths by crude the ecapS Age, have produced an exponential drafts and simple fanning. With time, innovation growth in the advancement of turbomachinery, brought improved air supply .secived Hearths from the simple squirrel cage fan in a car's were oriented to capture the prevailing winds, heater to the liquid fuel pumps used on the and chimneys were added to help draw more ecaps shuttle .senigne air to the .secanruf FLUID MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS came the aerodynamic scientists Kutta, Joukowsky, Von Karman, noV Mises, Prandtl, Lamb, Struhal, Tiejens, Stodola, Little heed was paid to the various fluid properties in the Dryden, Parsons, and Paulson. With the advent of flight, design of compression devices until the 19th century. Until these men developed theories on boundary layer, vortex this period, only a slight density and temperature change shedding, aeroelastic phenomena, and other necessary tools was encountered at the reduced compression ratios used in used in the design of present-day turbomachinery 1. air pumps. The designer had a large margin of error possible since he was at liberty to "tinker" and adjust the apparatus STSRIF at the job site until it was perfected. nI most instances both the building and design were done at the job site. In Alexandria, Egypt, about 130 A.D., a priest scientist named Concepts of flow, energy, work, heat, and momentum, Hero employed aerothermo principles to generate steam which eluded the grasp of the early Greek philosophers and and drive a small reaction turbine. later the Roman engineers, gradually began to be understood Although the fluid mechanics of a compressor and turbine and deterpretni under the impetus of the Renaissance scientists are much the same, knowledge of fluid mechanics is much da Vinci, Galileo, Newton, Bernoulli, Euler, St. Venant, more crucial for the design of a compressor than for a .enibrut Stokes, and Navier. The mathematical tools to describe and A turbine, with its flow usually going from a high to a low solve problems were wrought by Liebniz, Newton, De pressure, will always work. With reasonable design, it will Moivre, Descartes, Legendre, and others. Watt, Stephenson, work at a respectable efficiency. A compressor, conversely, Carnot, Clausins, and Thurston through their applied efforts ylralucitrap an axial compressor, will not produce any pressure on the steam locomotive developed technical, mechanical, rise at all unless properly designed. Consequently, very little and thermodynamic solutions which have contributed to activity was seen in the field of compressor design until the the compression equipment of our century. The science of 18th century. heat transfer, thermodynamics, and energy conservation was In 1705 Denis Papin published full descriptions of the developed by Maxwell, Thurston, Otto, Helmholtz, Steffan, centrifugal blowers and pumps he had developed; however, Boltzmann, Rayleigh, Rankine, Mach, and Plank. In the the efficiency of these machines is unknown 2, 3. wake of the Wright Brothers' first flight ta Kitty Hawk John Barber designed and patented a gas turbine engine 4 THEORY in England in 1791. The engine was designed to operate on fluid through the process. The purpose may also include a a constant pressure cycle using gas from wood or coal as desired temperature rise to enhance the chemical reaction fuel [4]. in the process. In 1851, Henry Gifford flew from Paris to Trappes in Devices that develop less than 5.0 psig, or that effect a the first successful aircraft propulsion device, a propeller- 7% density increase from inlet to discharge, are classified driven dirigible balloon powered by a steam engine [5]. as fans or blowers. Above this level, the devices are referred In 1872, Dr. Stolze patented a gas turbine which was to as compressors. Due to the low density change, fan eventually built and operated. The engine employed a multi- equations assume constant density, thus simplifying the stage axial-flow compressor and a multi-stage turbine with calculations [7, 8]. both mounted on the same shaft. Heat was supplied to the Pumps are very similar to compressors but deal primarily air by means of a furnace located between the compressor with incompressible hydraulic fluids, whereas compressors and turbine [4]. generally deal with compressible gaseous fluids. Around the same period, Parsons and Delaval developed a reaction steam turbine, for the purpose of driving blowers TYPES OF COMPRESSORS and generators. Although Parsons also used this device in The two basic types of compressors are positive displacement reverse to serve as a compressor, the efficiency was low-- and dynamic. around 60%. Sir Charles Parsons' 1884 patent also made reference to the gast urbine engine and provided for cooling EVITISOP DISPLACEMENT ROSSERPMOC to the turbine blades [ 1-3]. The first United States patent covering a gas turbine The positive displacement compressor functions by means was by Charles Curtis (inventor of the Curtis steam turbine) of entrapping a volume of gas and reducing that volume, as in June of 1895 [3]. in the common bicycle pump, and the screw compressor In Dr. 1905, Alfred J. Buchi of Switzerland first suggested shown in Figure 1.1. The general characteristics of the positive the turbocharger for enhancing the output of internal displacement compressor are constant flow and variable combustion engines. He later went on to patent his ideas in pressure ratio (for a given speed). 1915 and to organize the Buchi Syndicate in 1927 for the Positive displacement compressors include purpose of developing his systems [3]. It was not until January ,61 1930, that Frank Wittle, an (cid:12)9 piston compressor officer in Great Britain's Royal Airforce, developed and (cid:12)9 screw compressor patented a practical design for an aircraft gas turbine engine. (cid:12)9 vane compressor However, the British Air Ministry dismissed the design, finding it impractical [3, 6]. (cid:12)9 lobe compressor A few years later in 1934, a German named Hans yon Ohain began development of an engine of similar design. In DYNAMIC ROSSERPMOC 1936 he joined forces with Ernst Heinkel, an airplane The dynamic compressor depends on motion to transfer manufacturer. Progress was good and an aircraft with yon Ohain's engine was successfully flown in August, 1939. Von Ohain's HESSA Engine had a centrifugal compressor and a mixed-flow expander [2, 6]. Meanwhile, Wittle had obtained some money from the British AirM inistry to develop his engine. In May 1941, an aircraft with Wittle's jet engine was successfully flown. Wittle's W2/700 Turbojet Engine, which consisted of an axial compressor, a single-stage centrifugal compressor, and an axial expander, was eventually developed into the Rolls- Royce Welland in England and also the General Electric J33 in the United States [3, 6]. DEFINITION OF COMPRESSOR A compressor is a device that transfers energy to a gaseous fluid for the purpose of raising the pressure of the fluid as Figure 1.1. Positive compressor. displacement ysetruoC( of NAM in the case where the compressor is the prime mover of the ).HHG INTRODUCTION TO AERODYNAMICS 5 energy from the compressor rotor to the process gas. The pressure process gas. This type of compressor is commonly characteristics of compression vary depending on the type used for vacuum applications. of dynamic compressor and on the type of gas being Centrifugal Compressor A centrifugal compressor acts compressed. The flow is continuous. There are no valves on a gas by means of blades on a rotating impeller. The and there is no "containment" of the gas, as in a positive rotary motion of the gas results in an outward velocity due displacement compressor. Compression depends on the to centrifugal forces. The tangential component of this out- dynamic interaction between the mechanism and the gas. ward velocity is then transformed to pressure by means of Dynamic compressors include a diffuser. Figure 2.1 is typical of a single-stage centrifugal compres- (cid:12)9 ejector sor. A high-pressure multi-stage compressor is shown in Figure 1.3. (cid:12)9 centrifugal compressor Axial Compressor An axial compressor imparts (cid:12)9 axial compressor momentum to a gas by means of a cascade of airfoils. The lift and drag coefficients of the airfoil shape determine the Ejector An ejector is a very simple device which uses compressor characteristics. Figure 1.4 shows a typical axial a high-pressure jet stream to compress gas. The momentum compressor. An axial compressor incorporated in a turbo- of the high-pressure jet stream is transferred to the low- charger is shown in Figure 1.5. ! ....... I .... teln~ elzzoN !:~.~- 24 --4PI 300o ! I ...................... i~ .... :.i ~ , ..... ~ i ~ ,/:'_'~--. i i ..i .. ...................... ......................................................... Figure 1.2. Centrifugal compressor. ysetruoC( of arabE ).noitaroproC CO ~ O c m "O .1 C e'- 2 e-" ID a CD E m I 8 E 0 L_ (cid:12)9 Q I TI i~ l I ! I ! i I 0