Compressible forced viscous fluid from product Einstein manifolds Xin Hao, Bin Wu and Liu Zhao ∗ † ‡ School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China 5 1 0 2 January 19, 2015 n a J 9 2 Abstract ] h -t We consider the fluctuation modes around a hypersurface Σc in a (d + 2)- p dimensional product Einstein manifold, with Σ taken either near the horizon or e c h at some finite cutoff from the horizon. By mapping the equations that governs [ thelowestnontrivialorderofthefluctuationmodesintoasystemofpartialdiffer- 2 ential equations on a flat Newtonian spacetime, a system of compressible, forced v viscous fluid is realized. This result generalizes the non bulk/boundary holo- 6 4 graphic duality constructed by us recently to the case of a different background 1 geometry. 5 0 Keywords: Gravity/Fluid correspondence, holography, flat space, compressible . 1 fluid 0 5 1 PACS numbers: 04.20.-q, 04.50.Gh : v i X r 1 Introduction a During the last two decades our understanding on the properties of relativistic gravi- tation has been strengthened considerably. The major new concept which centralizes the studies on gravitation is holographic duality [1,2] originated from the area law of black hole entropy and has been realized in a number of different physical con- figurations, mostly with gravity in the bulk and some other physical system on the boundary. Among the various realizations of holographic duality, the most important ∗email: [email protected] †email: [email protected] ‡email: [email protected], correspondence author. 1 ones can be summarized as follows. First comes the well-known AdS/CFT correspon- dence [3–5], which has led to important applications and remains an active subject of study. Generalization of AdS/CFT has resulted in the so-called AdS/QCD [6,7] and AdS/CMT correspondences. In particular, in the AdS/CMT correspondence, impor- tant progresses have been made in the holographic understanding of phase transitions such as superconductivity [8–11], superfluidity [11,12] and so on. Another important aspect of holographic duality is the interpretation of quantum entanglement entropy using a holographic setup [13,14]. This line of research seems to be hopeful in inter- preting the origin of the area law of the black hole entropy, see [15] for a living review. Besides all these, there is yet another important realization of holographic duality, i.e. the Gravity/Fluid correspondence, see [16–40] for an incomplete list of related works. Unlike other realizations of holographic duality which match the full bulk gravitational degrees of freedom to those of the boundary systems, the Gravity/Fluid correspon- dence relates only the fluctuation modes of gravity in the bulk to a fluid system on the boundary, and the fluid is usually incompressible. Moreover, the sources of the bulk gravitation contributes to the boundary fluid as an external force, therefore, fluctua- tion modes of vacuum gravity in the bulk constitute a force-free fluid system on the boundary. In spite of the numerous success of the theoretical realizations of holographic dual and their applications, a mathematically rigorous definition for holographic duality is still missing. Practically, anything that relates gravity in the bulk to a system on the boundary can be viewed as a realization of holographic duality. In the recent work [40], we have made one further step which breaks the bulk/boundary picture of holographic duality. To be more concrete, what we have realized is a correspondence between fluctuation modes around a vacuum black hole solution with (possibly) curved horizon toaforced, compressible fluidwithastationarydensity distributioninaflatNewtonian spacetime inonelessdimension. Incontrast ofmostwell studiedcasesofGravity/Fluid correspondences, the fluid system in our work does not live on the boundary of the black holesolution. Moreover, the dual fluid is compressible andsubjects to some extra force, although the background gravity solution is source free. This result indicates that holographic duality can be understood beyond the bulk/boundary setting. It is certainly of interests to have more examples of this kind, which may hopefully led to deeper understandings about the essence of holographic duality. In this work we shall present some further example along the lines of [40]. Instead of a black hole background, we consider fluctuations arounda (d+2)-dimensional product Einstein manifold = , where dim( ) = 2,dim( ) = d. Following a 1 2 1 1 M M ×M M M process which is parallel to that made in [40], we will show that similar fluid dual can be realized in a flat Newtonian spacetime with one less dimension. Moreover, we will show that the near horizon limit is not essential in the construction – we can realize similar flat space fluid system by looking at the fluctuation modes around a finite cutoff surface in the background geometry as well. Since the technics used is extremely similar to that of [40], we shall be as brief as possible in the main text and just present the brief route leading to the results. 2 2 Product Einstein manifolds in (d + 2)-dimensions and hypersurface geometry The (d+2) dimensional product Einstein manifold which we consider is equipped M with the line element ds2 = g dxµdxν = f(r)du2 +2dudr +eΦ(x)δ dxidxj, (1) µν ij M − where (u,r) and (xi) are coordinates on and respectively, 1 2 M M 2Λ f(r) = 1 ωr r2, (2) − − d and Φ(x) obeys the following system of equations: d 2 4 δjk∂ ∂ Φ+ − 2∂2Φ+δjk∂ Φ∂ Φ (∂ Φ)2 + ΛeΦ = 0, j k 2 (cid:18) i j k − i (cid:19) d (no summation over i) (3) 1 (d 2) ∂ ∂ Φ ∂ Φ∂ Φ = 0 (i = j). (4) i j i j − (cid:18) − 2 (cid:19) 6 Forgeneric d, we present aspecial solutiontotheequations(3)and(4)intheappendix. More solutions might exist because these equations are nonlinear. Given any solution to eqs. (3) and (4), the metric g of the total manifold obeys the vacuum Einstein µν M equation G = Λg . (5) µν µν − We assume that ω > 0 and is sufficiently large when Λ < 0, so that f(r) always has zeros. Let the (biggest, if Λ < 0) zero of f(r) be r , which represents the radius of h a horizon. Consider a (d+1)-dimensional timelike hypersurface Σ located at r = r . c c Evidently, we need r > r when Λ < 0 and r < r when Λ 0 in order to ensure c h c h ≥ that Σ is timelike. The induced line element on this hypersurface is given by c ds2 = γ dxadxb = f(r )du2 +eΦδ dxidxj Σc ab − c ij = (dx0)2 +eΦδ dxidxj ij − 1 = dτ2 +eΦδ dxidxj, (6) ij − λ2 where τ = (λ√f )u, x0 = √f u, f is a shorthand for f(r ). Similar notations have c c c c been used in [40]. One can easily promote the hypersurface tensor γ to a bulk tensor ab γ and define the extrinsic curvature of Σ as K = 1L γ , with nµ being a unit µν c µν 2 n µν vector field which is normal to Σ at r = r . In the coordinates (u,r,xi), nµ has c c components 1 nµ = , f,0, ,0 . (cid:18)√f ··· (cid:19) p 3 The projection of (5) on Σ yields the momentum and Hamiltonian constraints, c D (Ka γaK) = 0, (7) a b − b Rˆ +KabK K2 = 2Λ, (8) ab − where Rˆ is the Ricci scalar of Σ , D is the covariant derivative that is compatible c a with γ . In terms of the Brown-York tensor t = γ K K , the momentum and ab ab ab ab − Hamiltonian constraints can be rewritten as D ta = 0, (9) a b t2 Rˆ +ta tb = 2Λ. (10) b a − d Explicit values of the extrinsic curvature and the Brown-York tensor will be made use of in the following context, so we present these values by direct calculations, f Kτ = c′ , Kτ = 0, τ 2√f i c f Ki = 0, K = Ka = c′ . (11) j a 2√f c These in turn lead to the background Brown-York tensor tτ(B) = 0, tτ(B) = 0, τ i f d f ti(B) = c′ δi , t(B) = ta(B) = c′ . (12) j 2√f j a 2√f c c We have intentionally added a superscript (B) to indicate that these are the values with respect to the background geometry. When considering fluctuation modes, these values must be supplemented with fluctuation modifications. 3 Petrov I boundary condition and near horizon limit In this section we shall consider the case with Σ placed very closed to the horizon, c i.e. r r = ǫα2λ2, where ǫ = 1 if Λ < 0, ǫ = 1 if Λ 0, and λ 0 is the same c h − − ≥ → parameter appeared in (6). The positive constant α is introduced to eliminate some un-necessary complexity when taking the near horizonlimit. We will focus ourselves on the fluctuation modes around Σ and pay particular attention to the Petrov I boundary c condition C = lµ(m )νlρ(m )σC = 0, (13) (l)i(l)j|Σc i j µνρσ|Σc where C represents the bulk Weyl tensor, and µνρσ 1 1 1 1 lµ = (∂ )µ nµ , kµ = (∂ )µ +nµ , u u √2(cid:18)√f − (cid:19) √2(cid:18)√f (cid:19) 4 (mi)µ = e−21Φ(∂i)µ (14) constitute a set of Newman-Penrose basis vector field which obeys l2 = k2 = 0, ,(k,l) = 1, ,(l,m ) = (k,m ) = 0, ,(m ,m ) = δ . (15) i i i j ij When restricted on Σ , we can write c 1 1 lµ = (∂ )µ nµ , kµ = (∂ )µ +nµ . (16) |Σc √2 0 − |Σc √2 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Therefore the boundary condition can also be cast in the form C +C +C +C = 0, (17) 0i0j 0ij(n) 0ji(n) i(n)j(n) with 4Λ C = γµ γν γσγρ C = Rˆ +K K K K γ γ , abcd a b c d µνσρ abcd ad bc − ac bd − d(d+1) a[c d]b C = γµ γν γσnρC = D K D K , abc(n) a b c µνσρ a bc − b ac 2Λ C = γµ nνγσnρC = Rˆ +KK K Kc + γ , (18) a(n)b(n) a c µνσρ − ab ab − ac b (d+1) ab where Rˆ and Rˆ are the Riemann and Ricci tensors of Σ . Inserting (18) into abcd ab c (17) and inverting the relationship between K and t , the boundary condition (17) ab ab becomes 2 t2 2Λ t tτ tτ + γ + γ (tτ 2λD ) γ t λ2 i j d2 ij d ij − τ − τ (cid:18)d ij − ij(cid:19) 2 D tτ t tk Rˆ = 0. (19) − λ (i j) − ik j − ij Note that the appearance of λ in this equation comes purely from the rescaling of the coordinate x0 τ/λ. → To see the effects of the fluctuation modes let us expand the metric, Ricci tensor and the Brown-York tensor on Σ in the following form, c γ = γ(B) + ∞ γ(n)λn, (20) ab ab ab Xn=1 Rˆ = Rˆ(B) + ∞ λnRˆ(n), (21) ab ab ab Xn=1 ta = ta(B) + ∞ λnta(n), (22) b b b Xn=1 where the leading terms on the right hand side represent the background values. In the near horizon limit, f can be rearranged in the form c 1 f = f (ǫα2λ2)+ f (α2λ2)2, c h′ · 2 h′′ · 5 4Λr 4Λ h f = ω + , f = . h′ −(cid:18) d (cid:19) h′′ − d which follows from the Taylor series expansion around r . Consequently, the back- h ground values given in (12) will also develop λ dependences. In the end, we have tτ = 0+λtτ(1) + , τ τ ··· tτ = 0+λtτ(1) + , i i ··· ǫ ǫf 4Λ ti = h′ αλ δi +λti(1) + , j 2(cid:16)pαλ − d ǫfh′(cid:17) j j ··· p dǫ ǫf 4Λ t = h′ αλ +λt(1) + . (23) 2 (cid:16)pαλ − d ǫfh′(cid:17) ··· p What we need to do is to expand (9), (10) and (19) into power series in λ and look at the first nontrivial order contributions. For this purpose we need to supplement (23) with expansions of Rˆ and D tτ . To evaluate the latter we need to expand the ab (i j) Christoffel connection Γˆa . Omitting the details we present the results as follows: bc Γˆa = Γa(B) + (λ1), bc bc O Rˆ = Rˆ(B) + (λ1), (24) ab ab O where the background values 1 Γˆτ(B) = Γˆa(B) = 0, Γˆk(B) = δk ∂ Φ+δk ∂ Φ δ ∂kΦ , ab τb ij 2 i j j i − ij (cid:0) (cid:1) 2Λ Rˆ(B) = 0, Rˆ(B) = eΦδ τa ij d ij are all λ-independent. Therefore, we have D tτ = ∂ λtτ(1) + (λ2) Γˆl(B) + (λ1) λtτ(1) + (λ2) (k j) (k j) O − (kj) O l O (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) λζ(1) +λ2ζ(2) + (λ3), (25) ≡ kj kj O where 1 ζ(1) = ∂ tτ(1) ∂ Φtτ(1) + δ δlm∂ Φtτ(1), (26) kj (k j) − (k j) 2 kj l m (2) (1) τ(2) and ζ is some complicated expression which depends on γ and t . We do not kj kj j (2) need to use the explicit form of ζ in this paper. kj Substituting eqs. (23) and (25) into (19), we get in the first nontrivial order (λ0) O the following identity, αǫ 1 ti(1) = 2γik(0) tτ(1)tτ(1) ζ(1) + t(1)δi , (27) j ǫf · k j − kj d j h′ (cid:0) (cid:1) p 6 where γik(0) = e Φδik. Notice that the dependences on α and ǫ can be get rid of by − choosing α = ǫ ǫf , which we will take from now on. Similarly, expanding the τ c′ component of (9p) into power series in λ yields, at order (λ 1), − O d 2 δij ∂ + − ∂ Φ tτ(1) = 0, (28) (cid:18) i 2 i (cid:19) j and expanding the spatial components of the same equation yields, at the order λ1, the following equation, 1 d ∂ tτ(1) t(1) tτ(1) ∂ Φ+ ∂ + ∂ Φ tj(1) = 0. (29) τ i − 2 − τ i (cid:18) j 2 j (cid:19) i (cid:0) (cid:1) The lowest order contribution to the Hamiltonian constraint is at order (λ0), which O yields tτ(1) = 2γij(0)tτ(1)tτ(1). (30) τ − i j Theformoftheequations(27), (28),(29)and(30)isexactlythesameasthoseappeared in [40] – though with different values for each quantity entering the equations – which had led to a flat space fluid system after introducing some appropriate holographic dictionary. Therefore, we can follow the same line of argument as made in [40] and introduce the holographic dictionary d d−2 µ ρ = e2Φ, µ = e 2 Φ, ν = = e−Φ, (31) ρ and v t(1) p τ(1) i t = , = , (32) i 2ν d 2µ where ρ,µ,v ,p are to be interpreted as the density, viscosity, velocity field and the i pressure of the dual fluid. Finally, eq. (28) becomes the continuity equation ∂j(ρv ) = 0, (33) j and eqs. (27) and (29) combined together give rise to the standard equation ρ(∂ v +vj∂ v ) = ∂ p+∂jd +f (34) τ i j i i ij i − for the velocity field of the fluid, where 2 d = µ ∂ v +∂ v δ ∂kv (35) ij j i i j ij k (cid:18) − d (cid:19) represents the deviatoric stress, which is symmetric traceless and depends only on the derivatives of the velocity field, hence vanishes in the hydrostatic equilibrium limit, and d 2 2 2 f = ∂jΦ d + − pδ + vjv ∂ ρ (vj∂ ρ)v (36) i ij ij j i j i (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) d − d 7 represents an extra force. Since the first two terms ∂ p+∂jd on the right hand side i ij − of (34) correspond to the ordinary surface forces, the last term which cannot be cast in the form of the first two terms must represent a body force. The equations (33) and (34) constitute a system of equations governing the motion of a compressible, forced, stationary and viscous fluid moving in the (d + 1)-dimensional Newtonian spacetime R Ed. × 4 Finite cutoff The whole construction of the last section is very similar to that made in [40] for black holebackground. Nowwewouldliketoaskadifferent question: Canweconstruct aflat space fluid dual without making use of the near horizon Petrov I boundary condition? To answer this question, let us go over the whole process of the construction. It is clear the every formulae until (22) still holds if Σ is not placed near the horizon. c However, from eq. (23) and onwards, things begin to change a little. Concretely, (23) must be replaced by tτ = 0+λtτ(1) + , τ τ ··· tτ = 0+λtτ(1) + , i i ··· f ti = c′ δi +λti(1) + , j 2√f j j ··· c d f t = c′ +λt(1) + , (37) 2√f ··· c where f ,f etc must be kept un-expanded. If we replace (23) with (37) and carry on c c′ therest processasmadeinthelastsection, thenwewillencounter sometrouble. Unlike what has been derived inthenear horizon limit, at finitecutoff the first nontrivial order of the boundary condition becomes τ(1) τ(1) (1) t t ζ = 0. (38) k j − kj insert (38) into (28), we could only come to the conclusion that at order (λ1) the O momentum constraints will not allow fluctuation in the tτ component, i.e. i τ(1) t = 0. (39) i If we expand the boundary condition to the next order, then the following relation would follow, t(1) √f ti(1) = δi c Ri(1) +2ζi(2) , (40) j d j − f j j c′ (cid:0) (cid:1) where ζi(2) = γik(1)ζ(1) +γik(0)ζ(2). j kj kj 8 Using (40) we can the spatial component of the momentum constraints (29) into the following equation: 1 √f d ∂ t(1) = c ∂ + ∂ Φ Rj(1) +2ζj(2) d i f (cid:18) j 2 j (cid:19) i i c′ (cid:16) (cid:17) = √ffce−d2Φ∂j ed2Φ Rji(1) +2ζji(2) , (41) c′ h (cid:0) (cid:1)i butitisexceedingly hardtoexplain(41)asapartialdifferential equationthatdescribes the fluid motion. To avoid the above problem and realize the fluid dual at finite cutoff, we employ a translation of Φ as follows: Φ Φ lnλ. (42) → − Such a translation does not alter the order of derivatives of Φ but does change the order of eΦ. After the translation (42), the spatial components of the induced metric (6) will be rescaled: 1 eΦ γ(B)dxadxb γ˜(B)dxadxb = dτ2 + δ dxidxj, (43) ab → ab −λ2 λ ij and eq. (3) becomes d 2 4ΛeΦ δjk∂ ∂ Φ+ − 2∂2Φ+δjk∂ Φ∂ Φ (∂ Φ)2 + = 0. (44) j k 2 (cid:18) i j k − i (cid:19) d λ As a result the Ricci tensor of Σ will be inversely proportional to λ, c 2ΛeΦ Rˆ(B) R˜(B) = δ . (45) ij → ij d λ ij The background Brown-York tensor ta(B), the Christoffel connection Γˆa(B) and ζ(1) are b bc ij all kept invariant. So we can list the new boundary condition as 2 t2 2Λ t γ˜iktτ tτ + δi + δi (tτ 2λD ) δi ti λ2 k j d2 j d j − τ − τ (cid:18)d j − j(cid:19) 2 γ˜ikD tτ ti tk Rˆi = 0. (46) − λ (k j) − k j − j The form of this equation looks identical to (19), however with a different background metric γ˜ij which is λ dependent. Using (46) in place of (19) and inserting (25) and (37), we get the following new equation at the order (λ1), O √f 1 √f ti(1) = c 2γik(0) tτ(1)tτ(1) ζ(1) + t(1)δi cRˆi(1). (47) j f · k j − kj d j − f j c′ (cid:0) (cid:1) c′ 9 Obviously the momentum constraints are invariant under the translation (42) for Φ, so there will not be any new terms in equation (28) and (29). Substituting (47) into (29), and introducing the following holographic dictionary ρ = fc′ ed2Φ, µ = ed−22Φ, ν = µ = √fce−Φ, √f ρ f c c′ v t(1) p τ(1) i t = , = , (48) i 2ν d 2µ eqs. (28) and (29) will again become the continuity equation and the Navier-Stokes equation ∂j(ρv ) = 0, (49) j ρ(∂ v +vj∂ v ) = ∂ p+∂jd +f , (50) τ i j i i ij i − where d takes the same form as in (35) (of course with different µ and v ), and ij i d 2 2 2 2√f f = ∂jΦ d + − pδ + vjv ∂ ρ (vj∂ ρ)v + cν∂ (ρRˆj(1)). (51) i (cid:18) ij 2 ij(cid:19) d j i − d j i f j i c′ Comparingtothecaseofthelastsection, weseethatanextraforceterm 2√fcν∂ (ρRˆj(1)) fc′ j i appears in f at finite cutoff. i 5 Concluding remarks The result of this work indicates that a compressible, forced, viscous fluid in flat New- tonian spacetime can not only be realized as the holographic dual of fluctuation modes around a black hole background, but also be realized as the dual of fluctuating modes around a product Einstein manifold. The construction relies on taking a timelike hy- persurface Σ – which is placed either near the horizon or at some finite cutoff – and c mapping it into an Euclidean space which lies in its conformal class. It is surprising that the final fluid equations, including theformof the extra forceterm f , arebasically i the same as that arising from fluctuations around a black hole background (though in the case of a finite cutoff a novel force term appears). It remains to understand the nature of the extra force term from the point of view of fluid dynamics. ExperiencedreadersonGravity/Fluidcorrespondencemightfeelthatthefluidequa- tionsinflatspaceareonlythoseforacurvedspaceincompressiblefluidindisguise. This is true in some sense. However, writing the fluid equations in flat Newtonian space- time is still a nontrivial step forward, because the holographic dictionary we adopt is quite different for that leading to a curved space incompressible fluid. In practice, any physical system which is dual to another one in some way can be regarded as its dual in disguise. However this view point does not disvalue the duality relationship between the two systems. 10