COMPOUND AMINO ACIDS.* BY SADAICHI MIYAMOTO AND CARL L. A. SCHMIDT. (From the Division of Biochemistry, University of California Medical School, Berkeley.) (Received for publication, March 10, 1930.) INTRODUCTION. A well known property possessed by amino acids is their ability to combine with acids and with bases. The change in acidity which takes place when such a reaction occurs is usually expressed graphically as a titration curve. From such curves the acidic and basic dissociation constants of amino acids can be calculated. On examination of the constants of the naturally occurring amino acids it is seen that they fall into three groups: (a) those having predominantly acidic properties, (b) those having predominantly basic properties, (c) those whose acidic and basic properties are about equal. It follows that when an amino acid with predominantly acidic properties is added to an amino acid with predominantly basic properties a change in the acidity of the solution should take place to a measurable degree and this change should proceed in accord- ance with the law of mass action. The result of this reaction should be the formation of a salt which contains the two amino acids in the molecule (RCOONHSR’). The chemical stability of such a salt appears to be a function of the dissociation constants of the two groups involved in the linkage. However, this type of com- pound differs from the usual linkage (-COHN-) when two amino acids unite to form a peptide. The stability of the peptide link- age as pointed out by Levene and Simms (1) is also a function of the dissociation constants of the two groups involved in the linkage. With the exception of the recent publication of Han (2), who * Aided by a grant from the Chemical Foundation, Incorporated and the Research Board of the University of California. 327 This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license. 328 Compound Amino Acids pointed out that histidine glutamate is probably formed in the isolation of glutamic acid, no work dealing with compound amino acids has apparently been carried out. In the present investigation we have studied the formation of compound amino acids by following the changes in acidity which take place when an acidic amino acid such as glutamic acid is added to a basic amino acid such as arginine. x=Arginine + Aspartic acid A=Histidine + Aspartic acid O=Lysine + Aspartic acid (All solutions 0.02 M) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PaH FIG. 1. Titration curves of aspartic acid. EXPERIMENTAL. The technique employed in obtaining the titration curves was similar to that described by Kirk and Schmidt (3). The amino acids employed were either prepared in this laboratory or were S. Miyamoto and C. L. A. Schmidt 329 commercial products. They were repeatedly recrystallized to insure a high degree of purity. Histidine and lysine were obtained as the dichlorides, arginine as the monochloride, and ornithine as the mixed chlorides. Glutamic and aspartic acids were the free acids. The hydrochlorides of the basic amino acids were neutral- ized by the addition of an equivalent amount of 0.1 N NaOH. TO x = Arginine + Glutamic acid n=Histidine + Glutamic acid o= Lysine + Glutamic acid (All solutions 0.02M) 100 m so 4 80 -0 z 70 'g 60 2 50 a- : 40 6 30 0 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 FIG. 2. Titration curves of glutamic acid. 5 cc. of the solution of basic amino acid in a 10 cc. flask varying amounts of glutamic or aspartic acid were added, and, vice versa, varying amounts of basic amino acid were added to a constant amount of acidic amino acid and the volume brought to 10 cc. by addition of carbon dioxide-free water, The solutions were 0.02 M with respect to each of the amino acids. The hydrogen ion activ- ity of each solution was determined electrometrically. 330 Compound Amino Acids The titration curves are represented graphically in Figs. 1 to 3. We have included a titration curve of ammonia with acetic acid as an illustration of the titration curve of a weak acid with a weak base and a curve of lysine with acetic acid. The titration curves of arginine and lysine with glutamic acid are essentially the same, x =Ammonia + Acetic acid a-Lysine + Acetic acid O=Ornithine + Aspartic acid (All solutions O.O2M) loo- QO- w 80- -zi D 70- w . w60- E 6-z g-g ;50- .-o c3 E40- ;Ex O’E L 30- -zKO -2o- 0’ 0 io- A 0 I I I I ITi\ -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FIG. 3. Titration curves of acetic and aspartic acids. while a similar relation holds for arginine and lysine with aspartic acid. The curves which histidine forms with aspartic and glu- tamic acids respectively are similar but differ from the curves first mentioned. The titration curve of ornithine with aspartic acid is essentially the same as the titration curve of acetic acid and ammonia. S. Miyamoto and C. L. A. Schmidt 331 DISCUSSION. In Figs. 1 to 3 the point of equivalence indicating complete salt formation is shown by the abrupt change in the acidity of the solu- tion on addition of a small amount of either amino acid in excess of an equivalent. The histidine curves do not show the distinct break in the curves. This is due to the fact that histidine is a relatively weaker base than lysine or arginine. Since the second dissociation constants of both the basic and the acidic amino acids are very much smaller than the primary constants, the assumption can be made that for the purpose of forming compound amino acids the dicarboxylic amino acid acts as R-COOH, and the diamino acid acts as R-NHZ. The hydrogen ion concentration in the salt solution can be calculated with the aid of an equation which is derived as follows: It is assumed that both the acid and the base which form the compound amino acid are weak electrolytes and obey the law of mass action. The hydrolysis reaction can be written Aii+H20*HA+ B0H If 1 mol of salt is contained in V liters and X = the fraction 1-x hydrolyzed, then at equilibrium v mols of salt will be practi- 1-x tally completely dissociated; e.g., v = the concentration of X the ions i and i. V denotes the concentration of acid which is assumed to be very slightly dissociated but relatively more so than the base. Now (i$ (Oii) = K, Go (A) = K (HA) 4 6, (0% --(Ezj- = Kb 332 Compound Amino Acids These when combined give (HA) @OH) _ Ku _ K (A, (A) Ka Ka H Now X X (HA) = - and (BOH) = - v V Hence = (OH) (1 - X) X2 , and K, = ___ b X (1 - X)2 Therefore K, = (ii, L or & = K, (KH)), and pH = $ pK. pK, (K&i’ K, and Kb are the acidic and basic dissociation constants re- spectively of the acidic and basic amino acid, K, is the dissocia- tion constant of water, and KIT is the hydrolysis constant of the compound amino acid. The ionization constant (K,) of a compound amino acid can be calculated with the aid of the following equations: RCOOH R’NHs (HA) @OH) Tl Tl R600 + ii R’NH, + Oii (A + I? (6 + OH) ?I RCOO NHaR’ (BA) (1) c;i, (OH) = K, 6 COG, (2) (BOH) = Rb S. Miyamoto and C. L. A. Schmidt 333 (A) (6 (3) (HA) = Ka (2 6) = K (4) AB ’ L+&=oH+A (5) 03) Z acid = HA + i + BA (7) 2 base = BOH + 6 + BA (6)-O’) Z acid - Z base = (HA) + (a) - (BOH) - (6) (a) (a)-(5) z: acid - I; base + (0;) - 6) = (HA) - (BOH) or (BOH) = Z base - Z acid - (OH) + (2) + HA (b) from equation (5) (ii, = i + oii - ii (0) If equations (b) and (c) are substituted in equation (2) .(A + OH - ii, (OH) Kb = (d) 2: base - z acid - (OH) + (ii, + (HA) from equation (3) (ii) = K, y (4 H If this is substituted in equation (d) (OH) Kb = HA - L: acid + L: base + H - OH or HA = (O6)2 - K, - Kb (Z base - Z acid + & - Ofi) k) &, - K, ‘4 H 334 Compound Amino Acids If this is substituted in equation (e) K, (OH)2 - K, - Kb (2 base - Z acid f A - (A) = T - OH) (h) H K b - K ‘-’ i Oii From equation (6) BA = z; acid - (HA + A) 6) Substituting equations (g) and (h) in equation (i), we get (O& - K, - Kb (Z base - 2 acid + & - Ofi) BA = aacid - 6) Ka-KK,+ i H If equation (h) is substituted in equation (c) &OH-&+$ K (OH)2- K, - & (Z base - 2 acid + A - OH) (k) H K b -KOH= + i H i Substituting equations (h), (j), and (k) in equation (4) and setting (OI$e - K, - Ka (2 base - I: acid + & - OfI) = s K-K@! b a+ H we get K, = Z acid - [(l+p] In Table I numerical values for K,, KE, and pH of the compound amino acids studied are presented. K, and Kb refer respectively 5 i : k .? p ‘5 3 z rt , 10-Z 1O-2 10-Z 10-l 10-2 10-Z 10-Z 10-Z lo-* 5 from ondon, ^ _ cids. T T DH KE -7 Experi. ( :a1ou- Med. nenta1 .- 3 x 4.55 x 10-6 6.00 6.37 4.85 1.8 X 5.00 x 10-s 4.50 5.00 x 10-c 5.88 6.34 4 x 6.17 1.12 x 10-c 5.76 1.7 x 1.62 X, 1O-6 6.45 6.65 3 x 1.78 X lo-* 4.81 5.13 1.5 x 1.78 X 1O-5 6.32 6.63 4 x 5.55 x 10-s 6.87 2 x 6.98 1 2.5 X 3.00 x 10-s 7.00 6.96 values do not differ more than 0.0hysical chemistry, New York and L i LI .- <- - ,,, _ . . _. A p TABLE I.* nts Relating to Compound Amino - Ka Kb I - 2 x IO-* 1.1 x 10-S 1.01 x 10-s 2 x IO-” 0.99 x lo-‘ 2 x lo-’ 4.46 x lo-6 2 x IO-’ 1.10 x 10-b 5.62 X IO+ 1.01 X 10-S 5.62 X lo-& 0.99 x 10-S 5.62 X lo+ 0.99 x 10-c 1.84 X KF 1.81 X lo+ 1.84 X 1O-6 - instead of ours the calculated pH I ktroduction to the principles of .- dy^-r. Consta ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. en by Washburn Washb urn, E. W., -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n givs. ( _^ - Arginine aspartate.. Histidine “ Lysine “ Ornithine “ Arginine glutamate Histidine “ Lysine “ Lysine acetate Ammonium acetate * With the equatioour calculated value318 (1915) .) 336 Compound Amino Acids to the dissociation constant of the predominant group of each of the amino acids in the compound. With the exception of the basic dissociation constant of arginine which is an unpublished value, the data have been taken from the tables of Kirk and Schmidt (4). The data given under pH indicate a satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimentally determined values of acidity in solutions of the compound amino acids. The calculated ionization constant (K,) for ammonium acetate, with molalities instead of activity values, varies but little over the whole range of the curve and the average value checks with that obtained from conductivity measurements. For the amino acids data for the activity coefficients are not available. With molali- ties for the purpose of calculating ionization constants, consider- able variation is shown over the range of the titration curve. This seemingly indicates that the activities of the amino acids may vary considerably with varying concentration. The ioniza- tion constants given in Table I are the averages of the values which appeared to us as most probable. In the present investigation only amino acids having pronounced acid and basic dissociation constants have been used for the study of compound amino acids since changes in the acidity of the solution can be most readily followed. The salt formation can, howcvcr, be extended to all amino acids having diffcrcnccs in dissociation constants. The stability of salts formed from amino acids having dissociation constants which are small is necessarily not great. Hardy’s (5) observation that many of the protein constituents of tissues or tissue fluids do not exist as such but are bound up in complexes is of importance in connection with this study. Com- pound proteins which are formed by the interreaction of acidic and basic proteins have been studied by a number of investigators. Hunter (6) and Gay and Robertson (7) prepared a number of compound proteins. Schmidt (8) demonstrated the formation of compound proteins by following the changes in acidity which take place when a predominantly acidic protein is added to a predominantly basic protein. The formation of compound amino acids and compound proteins is probably not unlike the union of toxin and antitoxin and other immune bodies. Thus Arrhenius and Madsen (9) have shown that