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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff KKeennttuucckkyy UUKKnnoowwlleeddggee Entomology Faculty Patents Entomology 9-26-2017 CCoommppoossiittiioonn aanndd MMeetthhooddss ffoorr PPeesstt CCoonnttrrooll MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Bruce Webb University of Kentucky, [email protected] Kendra Hitz Steele Angelika Fath-Goodin Follow this and additional works at: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/entomology_patents Part of the Entomology Commons RRiigghhtt cclliicckk ttoo ooppeenn aa ffeeeeddbbaacckk ffoorrmm iinn aa nneeww ttaabb ttoo lleett uuss kknnooww hhooww tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt bbeenneefifittss yyoouu.. RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Webb, Bruce; Steele, Kendra Hitz; and Fath-Goodin, Angelika, "Composition and Methods for Pest Control Management" (2017). Entomology Faculty Patents. 8. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/entomology_patents/8 This Patent is brought to you for free and open access by the Entomology at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in Entomology Faculty Patents by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact [email protected]. II IIIlIIlII IIlIIlI lIl l lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111 US009770033B2 c12U) nitSetda Ptaetse nt (IOP)a teNnot. :U S9 ,770B,20 33 Webebta l. (45D)atoefP atent:Sep.26,2017 (54C)OMPOSITIAONNDMS E THODFSO RP EST EberKl.eEe,.ta , l" .M,i crCoobnitaorlfCo rloP pe sutssiI nngs ect CONTROMLA NAGEMENT VirusIenst,e"gP reasMttae nda gemPernitn:ca inpdPlr easc tice, 201C2a,bP iu bliWsahlilnignO gxfoorUndK,,,1 8p gs. Lee, eDat-l "H.M,,u taUtnidounbcsye1 d, 3-BuMteatdoibeonlei cs, (71) ApplicWaenbtbLs,e: xBirnugcteo n, KY (US); ButadDiieonlee poaxni1dd, e2m, 3,4-Diaettp hoHexp yrbtu tane KendHriatS zt eeLleex,i ngton,L oKcYiu nCs H O-CKell lMso,!C".e l2l0s0,12 4,( 3):411-149, 9 pgs. (USA)n;g elFiaktah -Goodin,W ebBb.,e, ta l., "Cpoantt2er2ri5L b:au tteendc y-rdeecfoimc­ient Lexingt(oUnS,) KY binaannmdtu taHnetl icozveneaur dpiav tihrcauatsu eessne h anced pathoalnsodtg eyr titolh ieitinyrsh eocst4t t9shA , n"n uMaele toifn g thseo cifoerIt nyv ertPaabtrhaoTtloeou g2ry0s,1 J 6u,2l 8.2, 0 1p6., (72) InvBernutWcoeerb sbL:,e xington, KY (US); 901, pg. KendHriatS zt eeLleex,i ngton," AKdYo potfGi eonne tEincgailnlCeyre oripentsd h Uen itSetda tes," (USA)n;g elFiaktah -Goodin,U niStteadDt eepsa rtment o1f9 9A6g-r22i00c11Ru55el ,pt ourrte,, Lexingt(oUnS,) KY 2p gsa.c,c efrsosmeh:dt tp://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/adop­ tion-of-genetically-engineered-crops-in-the-us/recent-trends-in-ge­ adoption.aspx. (73) AssUinginveeeorsfKs: ei nttyu Rceksye arch AdamSo.,A e.ta, l ".A,v iraaplh rodiints hciera icc Gkreytl lus FoundaLteixoinn,g t(oUnS,) ;K Y texeJnE ixsBp,i "o2 l0.1,24 1,7 (11P1)t9: 7 0-71 0p7g6s,. , PMID: LepidLeexxti,n KgYt o(nU,S ) 24625650. 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H,y ibdrizbaettiwoHenee lni coavremripgae ra TyaAg.ie,,ta l".B,i oinfoarnmaaltoyifcsc oisds uo sna pgaet ternasn Hde licoavsesru(plLate ap idopterad:e veNloocptmueindta e): anidn flufaecntcoiPrnesgn aimenou nso nduodni vAirrcVuhis r,o"l a,n dm orpholcohgaircaaclt oefr ihzFya btriioBdnus l,lo"ef t in 1 201166,1 (2):64p 5g9s-.4,6 24P6,M5 I8D6:3 33. EntoRmeosle a2r0c09h55,,: 409-pg4s1.6 , 8 UncklRe.sL"s.A,D, N AV iruDsr oosfo pPhLiolOSan ,e2",0 11,S wensSoJen,ta, l ".C,o Erna rwo(rLmesp idopteraas: Noctuidae) 61(0):e2160p5 g6sP4.M,,I D2:2 053195. PeosftS oybeJaI.nn ,t"Pe reMgsn.tg m2t0.1,3 :1 -488(p ,2g )s:. e • FIG 1. 00 • � �= � � � rJ'1 ORF92 '?('D . . O.R F2. ORF52 ORF113 'WiOkRHFyO1p� eFJ 7,,i w:nHdmrm0oRmb':6w ;ternOO�ROR,�RFe7F. 899 10 p ag�l .'" Na,_ HN:V},, .,. <� . . .. . 0N 2.,h1p, [6;"-/ 1 � � .·� .. I f -....J...... hhH. .· · . .!ffi ti-.1f1$:·_ .:._ ::n::�·�w:::::n:i:), =­ rJ'1 li:::.1,:i:n1;r111i:u:::1r:1:...::•.:: ::::.:-,::('D('D....... :: ::'::::.-::..· Wild-type ...... .. 0 ...... K!S:::,.:.....,.::--,... : ·:3:,,:: ::1· /. :,·:·: ::;:·:::·1:·:r·f11 ::a,_ :::: KSAS ir333333333333,33,,,,,,,,m11,1,101r,,i d 1{$-51 r.,;_ '"'..c =-....l= -....l w w = N U.SP.a tent US9 7,7 0,B023 3 Sep.26,2S0h1e7e t 2 of 6 FIG2. >- c (I) 0, o.. 100 (I) [] Ovi02 ffl 90 E •OviD3 � 80 ru.. 70 ni 60 'O 50 (ti c 0 40 0, ffl 30 0 20 - Cl.) 10 0, co 0 c: WT KSK�S3- K3S8- K3S9- K4S5- K5S1- 52 <1) 0 "- Q> 0.. Viruusse tdoi nffeecmta mloet hs U.SP.a tent US9 7,7 0,B023 3 Sep.26,2S0h1e7e t 3 of 6 FIG 3. � Q) 0, e1 soo a. C]OviD2 cu 1350 •OviD3 � 1200 .E..... 105·0 u.. 900· �,:, 750· S 600 � 40 5 0,cu 300 'o j 5� ·1..... wl...,_.,_ .__,_ __ ...... _ ... ,, _ _ _ § WT KSK-S3- K3S8- K3S9- K4S5- K5S1- 52 z Viruusse tdo ifnefmeacmltoe t hs U.SP.a tent US9 7,7 0,B023 3 Sep.26,2S0h1e7e t 4 of 6 FIG4. Femawleerisen feacntedeg dwg esr ceo un1t-de4ad yl sa ter w�·r·················································································································································· � 530 .t ................................................................. . E +I ------------------------------------ � 300 � ).,.w 502 +""" I :�i I ......... =-:£ E UninfeWcTt1 e0d, 0W0T04 0p fu/mGlF P22G FP1202, 000 pfu/ml 10,000,p0f0u0/ ml pfu/ml Infeccattieogno ry U.SP.a tent US9 7,7 0,B023 3 Sep.26,2S0h1e7e t 5 of 6 FIG 5. j1 100 mm -«I KS-3 � • VVT 80 ie 1//yIf p HzNV�2 ,:s � 60 c: 0 Cl ro 40 0- c 20 11) 0 0.. Syringe Pin Inoculmateithoond U.SP.a tent US9 7,7 0,B023 3 Sep.26,2S0h1e7e t 6 of 6

Kendra Hitz Steele, Lexington, KY. (US); Angelika Adamo, S.A., et al., "A viral aphrodisiac in the cricket Gryllus texenis," J Exp Biol., 2014, 217(Pt
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