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Titles in the IF A C Proceedings Series AKASHI: Control Science and Technology for the Progress of LANDAU: Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing Society, 7 Volumes LAUBER: Safety of Computer Control Systems (1979) ALONSO CONCHEIRO: Real Time Digital Control Applications LEININGER: Computer Aided Design of Multivariable ATHERTON: Multivariable Technological Systems Technological Systems BABARY & LE LETTY: Control of Distributed Parameter Systems LEONHARD: Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (1982) (1977) BANKS & PRITCHARD: Control of Distributed Parameter LESKIEWICZ & ZAREMBA: Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems Components and Instruments in Automatic Control BAYLIS: Safety of Computer Control Systems (1983) MAHALANABIS: Theory and Application of Digital Control BEKEY & SARIDIS: Identification and System Parameter MILLER: Distributed Computer Control Systems (1981) Estimation (1982) MUNDAY: Automatic Control in Space BINDER: Components and Instruments for Distributed Computer NAJIM & ABDEL-FATTAH: Systems Approach for Development (1980) Control Systems BULL: Real Time Programming (1983) NIEMI: A Link Between Science and Applications of Automatic CAMPBELL: Control Aspects of Prosthetics and Orthotics Control Van CAUWENBERGHE: Instrumentation and Automation in the NOVAK: Software for Computer Control Paper, Rubber, Plastics and Polymerisation Industries (1980) O'SHEA & POLIS: Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal CICHOCKI & STRASZAK: Systems Analysis Applications to Processing il980) Complex Programs OSHIMA: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing CRONHJORT: Real Time Programming (1978) Technology (1977) CUENOD: Computer Aided Design of Control Systems PAU: Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies (1983) De GIORGO & ROVEDA: Criteria for Selecting Appropriate Technologies under Different Cultural, Technical and Social RAUCH: Applications of Nonlinear Programming to Conditions Optimization and Control RAUCH: Control Applications of Nonlinear Programming DUBUISSON: Information and Systems ELLIS: Control Problems and Devices in Manufacturing Technolog y REMBOLD: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (1980) Technology (1979) FERRATE & PUENTE: Software for Computer Control RIJNSDORP: Case Studies in Automation related to Humanization FLEISSNER: Systems Approach to Appropriate Technology of Work Transfer RIJNSDORP & PLOMP: Training for Tomorrow - Educational Aspects of Computerised Automation GELLIE & TAVAST: Distributed Computer Control Systems ( 1982) RODD: Distributed Computer Control Systems (1983) GHONAIMY: Systems Approach for Development (1977) SANCHEZ & GUPTA: Fuzzy Information, Knowledge HAASE: Real Time Programming (1980) Representation and Decision Analysis HAÏMES & KINDLER: Water and Related Land Resource Systems SAWARAGI & AKASHI: Environmental Systems Planning, Design HALME: Modelling and Control of Biotechnical Processes and Control HARDT: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing SINGH & TITLI: Control and Management of Integrated Industrial Technology (1982) Complexes HARRISON: Distributed Computer Control Systems SMEDEMA: Real Time Programming (1977) HASEGAWA: Real Time Programming (1981) STRASZAK: Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications (1983) HASEGAWA & INOUE: Urban, Regional and National Planning SUBRAMANYAM: Computer Applications in Large Scale Power — Environmental Aspects Systems HERBST: Automatic Control in Power Generation Distribution and TITLI & SINGH: Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications Protection (1980) ISERMANN: Identification and System Parameter Estimation WESTERLUND: Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal (1979) Processing (1983) ISERMANN & KALTENECKER: Digital Computer Applications to Van WOERKOM: Automatic Control in Space (1982) Process Control ZWICKY: Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives JANSSEN, PAU & STRASZAK: Dynamic Modelling and Control of (1983) National Economics (1980) JOHANNSEN & RIJNSDORP: Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems NOTICE TO READERS Dear Reader If your library is not already a standing/continuation order customer to this series, may we recommend that you place a standing/continuation order to receive immediately upon publication all new volumes. Should you find that these volumes no longer serve your needs, your order can be cancelled at any time without notice. ROBERT MAXWELL Publisher at Pergamon Press IF AC Related Titles BROADBENT & MASUBUCHI: Multilingual Glossary of Automatic Control Technology EYKHOFF: Trends and Progress in System Identification ISERMANN: System Identification Tutorials (Automatica Special Issue) COMPONENTS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS Proceedings of the IF A C Symposium Paris, France, 9Ί1 December 1982 Edited by Z. BINDER and R. PERRET Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble, France Published for the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL by PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD NEW YORK TORONTO SYDNEY PARIS FRANKFURT U.K. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. CANADA Pergamon Press Canada Ltd., Suite 104, 150 Consumers Road, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9, Canada AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 544, Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia FRANCE Pergamon Press SARL, 24 rue des Ecoles, 75240 Paris, Cedex 05, France FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, Hammerweg 6, OF GERMANY D-6242 Kronberg-Taunus, Federal Republic of Germany Copyright © 1983 IFAC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the copyright holders. First edition 1983 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Components & instruments for distributed control systems. (IFAC proceedings series) Includes index. 1. Automatic control —Congresses. 2. Control theory — Congresses. I. Binder, Ζ. II. Perret, R. III. International Federation of Automatic Control. IV. Title: Components and instruments for distributed control systems. V. Series. TJ212.2.C65 1983 629.8'312 83-11448 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Components & instruments for distributed control systems. — (IFAC proceedings series) 1. Automatic control —Data processing —Congresses 2. Electronic data processing —Distributed processing — Congresses I. Binder, Z. II. Perret, R. III. Series 629.8*95 TJ212 ISBN 0-08-029991-1 These proceedings were reproduced by means of the photo-offset process using the manuscripts supplied by the authors of the different papers. The manuscripts have been typed using different typewriters and typefaces. The lay-out, figures and tables of some papers did not agree completely with the standard requirements; consequently the reproduction does not display complete uniformity. To ensure rapid publication this discrepancy could not be changed; nor could the English be checked completely. Therefore, the readers are asked to excuse any deficiencies of this publication which may be due to the above men- tioned reasons. Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co Ltd., Exeter IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON COMPONENTS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS Sponsored by The International Federation of Automatic Control Technical Committee on Components and Instruments Co-sponsored by Technical Committee on Theory International Programme Committee National Organizing Committee H. J. Leskiewicz, Poland (Chairman) Z. Binder, France (Chairman) Z. Binder, France (Vice-chairman) P. Andre J. Clot, France M. Combe M. Diaz, France M. Fournet A. N. Hagras, Egypt C. Pourcel T. Higuchi, Japan M. Horejsi, Czechoslovakia Β. V. Jayawant, GB T. Kuusisto, Finland F. Lhote, France R. Mezencev, France R. Perret, France T. Pfeifer, Germany I. V. Prangishvili, USSR G. Ramos, Mexico Κ. N. Reid, USA F. Siwoff, Bulgaria C. Sommer, South Africa Wang Lian Mei, China PREFACE The first work on hierarchical control began about fifteen years ago. Its industrial application, however, was put off for a long time because the technical means available were ill-adapted. With the enormous progress in micro-electronics that has taken place over the past few years, intelligent instruments can now be created that integrate processing once reserved for calculators. The development of distributed micro-computing systems is linked to this progress, and their use in industry and in service areas is becoming more and more widespread. Great progress has also been made in the design of sensors and other components in the automatic control chain. A combination of these four elements facilitates the design of distribu- ted control system. Their performance does not depend only on the quality of each element but also on the compatibility of these elements and the role that they play in the system. Effective system design requires the collabo- ration and co-operation of instrumentation specialists, control engineers, distributed control system designers, and the system* s users. This co-operation is the main objective of the symposium, and has been in mind throughout its preparation. I would like to thank all those who helped prepare this symposium, and I hope that together the organizers and lecturers will have contributed to a fruitful reflection on instrument development and its use in distributed control. Z. BINDER Chairman of the National Organizing Committee. vi OPENING SPEECH Professor Dr. Henryk J. Leskiewicz Chairman of the IF AC Technical Committee on Components and Instruments The Technical Committee on Components and reliability u/e are nou/ speaking about Instruments of IFAC is one of a small group includes not only a reduction in the pro- of Technical Committees established at the bability of failure, but also the ease and first IFAC World Congress held in Moscou/ in speed in overcoming such a failure. Thus an 1960. The original name vi/as "The Technical automatic control system may be said to have Committee on Components". The words "and a satisfactory reliability u/hen the probab- Instruments" have been added later to ility of a failure is sufficiently small and reflect the grou/ing field of interest of the u/hen difficulty in overcoming the failure is Committee. This field is grou/ing and acceptably small. changing rapidly, as can be seen by the topic of the present Paris symposium on The distributed block structure of control Components and Instruments for Distributed systems seems to be the best structure to Control Systems, u/hich is sponsored by the ensure reliability using the above approach. Committee. In this structure a certain number of com- ponents and instruments u/hich form the Many symposia in different countries have separate blocks of the system must be pro- been sponsored or cosponsored by the grammable. We may also in the future see Committee before, but this is the first one some intelligent components and instruments in France. It is taking place as a result incorporated in such systems. of the energetic efforts of AFCET, the French member-organisation of IFAC. Commencing in 1960, an IFAC World Congress Dr Ζ Binder from Grenoble, as the French has been held every three years in a representative to the IFAC Technical different country. The next u/ill be held Committee on Components and Instruments, has in Budapest, Hungary, in July 1984. It contributed a major part in organising this u/ill be differently organised from the Symposium; he is an internationally previous ones, as it u/ill be composed from recognised specialist in distributed control separate symposia and u/orkshops sponsored systems. and conducted by separate IFAC Technical Committees. The Technical Committee on The preprints of the Symposium illustrate the Components and Instruments u/ill sponsor in state of the art in components and instru- this Budapest 1984 World Congress the ments in Automatic Control, u/hich has been symposium on Programmable Components and achieved partly due to the rapid improvement Instruments. It u/ill be related to and in micro-electronics, particularly because influenced by this present IFAC Paris miniaturisation has increased circuit Symposium on Components and Instruments for reliability and reduced costs. In addition Distributed Control Systems. there is a considerable improvement in the reliability of an automatic control u/hen I u/ish this Symposium great success, which modern components and instruments are used is so u/ell deserved in recognition of the to form a distributed control system. The skill and enthusiasm of the organisers. vu Copyright © IFAC Components and Instruments for PLENARY PAPERS Distributed Control Systems, Paris, France 1982 DISTRIBUTED CONTROL: STATUS AND OPPORTUNITIES I. Lefkowitz and M. R. Büchner Department of Systems Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA Abstract. Goals of improved productivity, efficiency, and product quality have motivated a continuing development over the years of automatic control theory and practice in industrial applications. A brief historical account of this development leads to a discussion of the current status of distribu- ted control as a natural stage in the evolution toward complete integrated control of an industrial plant. The historical perspective also provides background for an examination of trends and opportunities in distributed control. Present generation microprocessor-based distributed control systems are des- cribed in terms of their generic features and attributes. Reference to limitations of these systems with respect to the goal of achieving implemen- table, cost effective and reliable integrated systems control motivates dis- cussion of some current research areas and expected future developments. Finally, a review of the hierarchical control approach is presented. This provides a conceptual framework for organizing the elements of the distribu- ted system for integration of the many diverse information processing, de- cision-making and control functions that are involved in a total plant control. Keywords. Hierarchical control; computer control; distributed control systems; real-time systems; integrated systems control. INTRODUCTION It was soon recognized that some of the more elementary supervisory functions could be The control of industrial processes has carried out automatically. For example, con- evolved very considerably over the past half trollers were introduced that could maintain century. Early objectives of automatic con- a fixed functional relationship among several trol were to relieve human operators of the process variables so as to improve process tedium and drudgery of maintaining certain performance (e.g. yield, efficiency, product key variables of the plant at desired values quality). At the same time, sophisticated through feedback actions. At the same time, monitoring and alarm systems were developed control devices provided the means of better that automatically sensed the status of all accuracy and more consistent and dependable the plant variables and alerted the operator results. The introduction of electronic in- if any of them exceeded preset limits. strumentation enabled remote sensing and ac- tuation which led to the development of cen- The advent of the digital control computer in tral control rooms where the operator could the 19501 s initiated a revolution in the con- keep track of a large number of control loops trol of industrial plants. The computer made His role became increasingly one of super- it possible to store and process large quan- vision - to adjust controller setpoints when- tities of data and to implement complex al- ever required by a change in the mode of op- gorithms in real-time so that we could ad- eration or in the specifications of the vance from simple control objectives of main- product. The operator also had the responsi- taining process variables at fixed desired bility of monitoring the performance of the values to the more interesting objectives of various control loops to make sure that the determining how these variables should be plant was operating properly, to make changes changed with time or in relationship to other whenever product quality or production effi- variables in order to optimize plant perfor- ciency fell below tolerance limits and to mance. The control computer also provided respond to contingency events (e.g. a mal- the capability of rapid switching from one function of a piece of equipment) with proper computational task to another. Thus, one emergency actions. machine could handle a large number of 1 2 I. Lefkowitz and M.R. Büchner control loops as well as various auxiliary- control capabilities had been accompanied by tasks such as monitoring, start-up sequences, a growing perception in industry of the need operational control, etc. for applying more advanced and effective con- trol, spurred on by such factors as: (a) the Unfortunately, the early process control com- need for more efficient utilization of re- puters were costly and had limited speed, sources (e.g. energy, water, labor, materials) memory capacity and software capabilities. because of increasing cost, limited avail- Reliability was another problem, i.e. assur- ability, or both; (b) demands for higher pro- ing safe and dependable performance of the ductivity to meet more intense competition; system over months and even years of contin- and (c) more stringent requirements concern- uous plant operation. As a result, many of ing product quality, environment impact, and the initial attempts at computer control, human safety because of government regula- while boldly conceived and implemented with tions and greater consumer awareness, great fervor and effort, fell dismally short of expectations. The problems of realization and implementation of an integrated systems control are quite Developments in computer technology over the formidable because of the complexity of pro- past fifteen years have resulted in tremen- duction processes, dynamic interactions among dous reductions in hardware costs while the production units, time-varying aspects of computation speeds and storage capacities the system, various constraints to be satis- have increased dramatically. User-oriented fied, etc. Additional factors to be consid- programming languages have greatly eased the ered include multiobjective decision-making man-machine interaction problem, e.g. in pro- under uncertainty and man-machine interactions. gramming, debugging and updating computer The hierarchical control approach provides a control algorithms. Also, reliability has rational and systematic design procedure for improved substantially as a result of more addressing the problems of complexity and un- reliable components and the increased feasi- certainty. Modern distributed intelligence/ bility of fault-tolerant designs, redundancy computer control systems provide the hardware and diagnostic routines — enhanced by low and software capabilities for cost effective hardware costs and more sophisticated design realization of the integrated system and for techniques. effective incorporation of the human (operator/ decision-maker) as an integral part of the More recently, advances in real-time applica- system. tions of minicomputers and microprocessors have had a profound effect on the directions With respect to decision-making and control, of current effort in industrial systems con- we distinguish the following basic elements: trol. Specifically, these have opened up new opportunities for system configuration based 1. The plant denotes the controlled system on (i) distributed data acquisition and con- and may refer variously to a production unit, trol and (ii) hierarchical computer control a processing complex or even an entire company where each computer performs selected tasks depending on the level of control being con- appropriate to its position in the hierarchy. sidered. The plant is subject to a variety of These approaches (in contrast with the ini- disturbance inputs, i.e. the effects of inter- tial idea of lumping all tasks in one giant actions of the plant with other plant units control computer) have contributed to design and with the environment that cause the system flexibility, improved reliability and secu- to deviate from desired or predicted behavior. rity, better performance, etc. A special type of disturbance is the discrete event or "contingency" occurrence, e.g., fail- Integrated Systems Control (See [1,2]) ure of a component or taking a unit off line, A contingency event usually implies that the A consequence of these developments has been system is no longer operating according to a vast broadening of the domain of what is assumptions imbedded in the current control technologically and economically feasible to model and hence, it is necessary to modify the achieve in the application of computers to structure of the system, go into a new control control of industrial systems. Now, all as- mode or develop some other corrective action. pects of information processing, data gather- ing, process control, on-line optimization, 2. The controller generates the controlled in- operations control - advancing even to real- puts to the plant for the purpose of achieving time scheduling and production planning func- a desired behavior or performance consistent tions may be included in the range of tasks with system constraints. The constraints define to be carried out by the computer control the regionsof feasible or acceptable plant system. This has made possible the realiza- operation; they are imposed to ensure safety tion of integrated systems control in which of operating personnel, security of the pro- all factors influencing plant performance are duction means, and that various "quality" re- taken into account in an integrated fashion— quirements are met, e.g. product specifications, recognizing the couplings, interactions and effluent pollution restrictions, etc. complex feedback paths existing in the sys- tem — to achieve an overall optimum perfor- The control functions may be performed by man, mance . by machine (computer), or more generally, by an integration of human operators, schedulers, The analytical and technological advances in and planners with the computer control and data Status and Opportunities 3 management system. The functions performed 1st Layer: The first or direct layer func- by man include those based on judgment or ex- tion constitutes the interface between the periences whose subleties or nonquantifiable controlled plant and the decision-making and attributes defy computer implementation. The control aspects of the system. An important functions performed by computers are essen- characteristic of the first layer, therefore, tially those where the tasks are routine and is its ability to interact directly with the well-defined and where the operating standards plant and in the same time scale. Typically, are quantified and established. this layer incorporates the functions of data acquisition, event monitoring and direct con- 3. The underlying assumption in the achieve- trol. ment of integrated control is that the con- troller acts on the basis of (real-time) in- 2nd Layer : The second-layer or supervisory formation concerning the state of the plant, function is concerned with the problem of de- external inputs, etc. Major functions of the fining the immediate target or task to be im- information processor include: plemented by the first layer. In the normal mode, the objective may be control of the (a) data gathering and processing, e.g. data- plant for optimum performance according to smoothing, noise filtering, prediction and ex- the assumed mathematical model. Under emer- trapolation, etc. gency conditions, different objectives may take precedence through implementation of the (b) the monitoring of system status for con- appropriate contingency plan. In general, tingency events to determine whether diag- there may be a number of operating modes or nostic and/or corrective responses are to be topologies identified for the system with initiated. each having a different mathematical model through which information describing the (c) the storage and retrieval of operating current state of the system is transformed instructions, standards, parameter values, into directives applied to the first layer and other information required for the func- function. In the conventional process con- tioning of the system. trol application, the second layer interven- tion takes the form of defining the set-point A block diagram of the relationship of the values for the first-layer controllers. In controller to the plant is given in Fig. 1. the discrete formulation, the output of the Current values of the output variables y supervisory function may be a specified tar- (feedback action) and some of the disturbance get or "next state" to be implemented by the variables ζ (for feedforward actions) are direct controller through a predetermined se- transmitted to the controller by means of sen- quence of actions. sors or measuring devices. The raw informa- tion set χ may be further processed (filtered, 3rd Layer: The third-layer or adaptive func- smoothed, transformed, etc.) by the informa- tion is concerned with the problem of updating tion processor. The controller generates its algorithms employed at the first and second outputs according to current information con- layers. The adaptive layer may intervene in cerning y and z, in relation to the input r, the operation of the lower layers in the fol- which defines the desired behavior of the lowing ways : plant, e.g. provides the setpoint values at which certain output variables are to be main- (a) updating of parameter values associated tained. Finally, the controller must communi- with the first and second layer control al- cate its decisions/actions to the plant — gorithms, say by least-squares fitting of the and this is the role of the actuator. The underlying mathematical models to observed elements represented in Fig. 1 are generic to plant behavior. all control and decision-making functions and are embedded within each of the hierarchical (b) updating of parameters associated with control structures described below. the event monitoring function. Of particular interest here is the sensing of the transition Hierarchical Control ([2,3]) of the plant from one operating mode to an- other . The overall complex problem may be decomposed according to various criteria; these include: (c) development of contingency plans, i.e. alternative procedures for second-layer imple- (a) decomposition according to control func- mentation, to be invoked when the plant de- tion: functional multilayer control hierarchy generates to an emergency mode. (b) decomposition according to subsystem A common and distinguishing feature of the classification or system structure: multilevel third-layer function is that its actions are control hierarchy a reflection of operating experience over a period of time. The actions are discrete, (c) decomposition according to time scale: taking place in response to event occurrences temporal multilayer control hierarchy. (e.g. operator inputs). The functional multilayer control hierarchy is 4th Layer: The fourth-layer or self-organi- characterized by the diagram in Fig. 2 where zing function is concerned with decisions four layers of control are identified: relevant to the choice of structure of the 4 I. Lefkowitz and M.R. Büchner algorithms associated with the lower layers In effect, the subsystem problems are solved of the hierarchy. These decisions are based at the first level of control. However, on overall considerations of performance ob- since the subsystems are coupled and inter- jectives, assumptions of the nature of the acting, these solutions have no meaning un- system relationships, coordination with other less the interaction constraints are simul- systems, etc. taneously satisfied. This is the coordina- tion problem that is solved at the second An example of the application of the foregoing level of the hierarchy. structure is provided by a catalytic reactor process. The process inputs are controlled The decomposition of the overall system into as continuous functions of time; however, at subsystems may be based on geographical con- discrete points in time, the "normal" opera- siderations (e.g. relative proximity of ting mode is disrupted to go into a "regenera- different units), lines of managerial res- tion" mode for the purpose of restoring cata- ponsibility (e.g. steel-making shop and lyst activity. rolling mill in a steel works), or on the type of equipment (e.g. distillation tower and re- The direct control function is concerned with actor in a chemical plant). In general, how- the task of controlling the process variables, ever, the plants are designed so that these e.g. pressures, temperatures and flow rates divisions correspond to lines of weak inter- to the set-point values defined by the super- action, i.e. through the incorporation of visory control function. This function is various "buffer" or control mechanisms, the implemented by means of conventional feedback resulting subsystems are partially decoupled control loops, with perhaps some feed forward so that interaction effects tend to be small considerations. and/or only slowly varying with time. The determination of set-points at the second Advantages of multilevel decomposition in- layer depends on the mode of operation. In clude (i) reduction in computational effort the normal operating mode the set-points may and data transmission requirements because the be determined to maximize product yield con- more complex coordination tasks are handled at sistent with system constraints and specifi- a higher level at lower frequency, (ii) oppor- cations on product quality. In the catalyst tunities for increased system reliability be- regeneration mode, the objective may be to cause most of the control tasks are designed minimize the regeneration period, i.e. the to be handled locally with short-term inde- time during which product is not being pro- pendence of the other subsystems, and (iii) duced. reductions in maintenance and system develop- ment costs by virtue of the fact that models, There are at least two distinct tasks that may control algorithms and computer software may be assigned to the third layer. The first re- be developed in a step-by-step, semi-indepen- lates to the updating of selected parameters dent fashion. of the lower-layer control algorithms to take care of the effects of normal variations in A particularly relevant application of the operating conditions, catalyst activity, etc. multilevel approach is in the electric power The second task updates the criterion function industry where the power generation and dis- for switching between operating and regenera- tribution system is designed as an inter- ting modes. connection of semi-independent subsystems. Thus, there is a natural decomposition induce< The fourth control layer has the responsibili- by technological considerations at the genera- ty of selecting the operating mode and, con- ting unit level, geographical considerations sequently, the programs to be used by the at the generating station level, ownership lower-layer control functions. In general, a boundaries at the company level, etc. transfer of mode requires extensive changes in the control structure which are to be coordi- A second application is suggested by the sys- nated by fourth-layer intervention. tem shown in Fig. 4 comprising several inter- connected production operations of a steel In the multilevel control hierarchy, the over- mill. In order to maximize his performance all plant system is decomposed into subsystems, (and still meet delivery commitments), rolling each with its own local controller. In this mill operator may call for slabs of different scheme (see Fig. 3) : sizes and grades. However, the steel shop scheduler wants to minimize the number of (a) The first-level controllers compensate grade changes because of the increased likel: for local effects of the disturbances, e.g. hood of off-standard product during transiti< maintain local performance close to the opti- from one grade to another. Similarly, there mum while ensuring that local constraints are is a significant set-up cost associated with not violated. changing slab dimensions on the continuous casting machine, hence, the slabbing depart- (b) The second-level controller modifies the ment wants to minimize the frequency of slab criteria and/or the constraints for the first- changes. An alternative is to provide more level controllers in response to changing re- storage of slabs in the slab yard but this m quirements on the system so that actions of increase slab yard costs. Thus, we have a r the local controllers are consistent with the for a higher level production scheduler that overall objectives of the system. reconciles the various conflicting local

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