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Proceedings of SPIE (2011) Complex light with optical singularities induced by nanocomposites Vlad V. Ponevchinsky and Marat S. Soskin∗ Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 46 Prospect Nauki, Kyiv 03650, Ukraine Andrei I. Goncharuk and Nikolai I. Lebovka† Institute of Biocolloidal Chemistry named after F. Ovcharenko, NAS of Ukraine, 42 Vernadskii Prosp., Kyiv 03142, Ukraine, Tel. +380-44-424-03-78, Fax: +380-44-424-80-78 1 1 Sergei V. Naydenov and Longin N. Lisetski 0 Institute for Scintillation Materials of STC ”Institute for Single Crystals” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2 60 Lenin Ave., 61001 Kharkov, Ukraine, Tel. +380-57-341-03-58, Fax: +380-57-758-69-18 (Dated: January 6, 2011) n a Thenonocomposites on thebaseoflong(5-10µm,o-MWCNTs) andshort (2µm,m-MWCNTs) J multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) hosted by nematic 5CB were investigated in details 5 by means of polarizing microscopy, studies of electrical conductivity and electro-optical behaviour. The spontaneous self-organization of MWCNTs was observed and investigated both theoretically ] and experimentally. The efficiency of MWCNT aggregation in these composites is controlled by l l strong,longrangedandhighlyanisotropicvanderWaalsinteractions,Brownianmotionofindividual a h nanotubes and their aggregates. The simple Smoluchowski approach was used for estimation of - the half-time of aggregation. It was shown that aggregation process includes two different stages: s fast, resulting in formation of loose aggregates (L-aggregates) and slow, resulting in formation of e compactedaggregates(C-aggregates). BothL-andC-aggregatespossessextremelyramifiedfractal m borders. Formationofthepercolationstructureswasobservedforo-MWCNTsatC =Cp ≈0.0025- t. 0.05%wtandform-MWCNTsatC =Cp ≈0.005-0.25%wt. Aphysicalmodeldescribingformation a of C-aggregates with captured 5CB molecules inside was proposed. It shows good agreement with m experimentallymeasuredcharacteristics. ItwasshownthatMWCNTsstronglyaffectthestructural - organization of LC molecules captured inside the MWCNT skeleton and of interfacial LC layers d in the vicinity of aggregate borders. Moreover, the structure of the interfacial layer, as well as n its birefringence, drastically changed when the applied electric voltage exceeded the Freedericksz o threshold. Finally,formation oftheinversionwalls betweenbranchesoftheneighbouringMWCNT c aggregates was observed and discussed for thefirst time. [ PACSnumbers: 02.40.-k,42.25.Ja,42.30.Ms,61.30.-v,61.46.-w,73.63.Fg,73.22.-f 1 v 4 9 I. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION OF up to singularities [3]. These effects may be especially 9 THE PROBLEM stronginnematicsfilledbynanoparticles. Itwasrecently 0 demonstrated that propagation of laser beam through . the uniaxial nematic 5CB filled with multi-walled car- 1 0 Complexlightisanessentialchapterofthemodernop- bon nanotubes (MWCNTs) generated the complex light 1 tics. It is especially actual for the light fields containing and nano-particles originated spontaneous birth of opti- 1 optical singularities and special topological structures. cal singularities in a LC host [4,5]. : Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the hot spots now. v The interesting data on the optical, electrophysical, i Many promisingcomposites onthe base ofnanoparticles X incorporated into continuous macro host were recently and thermodynamic properties of nematic 5CB filled r proposed. The classical examples are colloidal disper- with MWCNTs were already reported [6-8]. Irreversible a sions ofnanoparticlesin liquid crystals(LC) [1,2]. Typ- self-organisation of MWCNTs results in formation of fractalaggregates[9]withextremelyramifiedfractalbor- ically, concentration of nanofiller in a LC host is rather small,whichallowspreservingtheprincipalpropertiesof ders [6,7]. An individual aggregate consists of MWCNT the host [3]. However, in many cases self-organisationof skeleton with captured 5CB molecules inside. Moreover, nanofillerinsideLChostprovokesappearanceofunusual each aggregate perturbs the micron-sized interfacial LC nanostructureswith essentiallynew andnontrivialprop- layers producing the random director orientations in the erties. Note that perturbation of uniaxial nematic LC vicinity of the aggregate. The hexagon dimensions in may result in birth of additional topological structures 5CBmoleculematchexcellentlythehexagonstructureof MWCNT[2]andtheory[10]predictsthat5CBmolecules can be extra strongly anchored to the side walls of nan- otubes. The energy of interactionbetween 5CB and sur- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] face of nanotubes is of the order of -2eV that is two or- †Electronicaddress: [email protected] ders of magnitude higher than the thermal energy kT. 2 Such strong interactions may define unique optical and layerswere unidirectionalrubbed for arrangementof the other physical characteristics of the 5CB + MWCNT planar5CBhosttexture [3]. The transverseelectricfield composite called legally ”scientific duo” [2]. Moreover, couldbeappliedtoLCcellforinvestigationofelectroop- self-organisation and aggregation of the particles with tical effects including the Freedericksz transition of the highly anisotropic shape in anisotropic fluids is still far composite to the homeotropic orientation of 5CB host. from full understanding and requires thorough theoreti- cal and fundamental studies [11]. The main aim of the present investigations was the E. Optical investigations study of aggregation, electrical conductivity and elec- trooptical effects in 5CB filled by MWCNTs. The work Opticalstructuresofnanocompositeswereinvestigated discusseseffectsofspontaneousself-aggregationandper- and documented by modern optical polarization micro- colation,theoreticalmodeloffractalaggregation,captur- scope Olympus BX51 with colour high-resolution CCD ing of LC molecules inside MWCNT skeleton and inter- camera and computer controlled oven[13]. It allowedus facialLClayersinthevicinity ofaggregates,electroopti- to investigatethe structure of 5CB + MWCNT compos- cal data and electric field induced formation of inversion ites in crystal,LC and isotropicliquid phases. The com- walls. bined microscope objectives had prolonged focal length. Theirprecisemovementalongthemicroscopeaxis(∆z = 1µm)allowedstudyoftheopticalpolarizationstructures, II. MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL including topologicalstructures aroundand between the TECHNIQUES aggregates of nanocomposites inside the LC cell in var- ious cross-sections [4-7]. The scattering of propagat- A. Liquid crystal ing laser beams was investigated using a separate setup equipped by a He-Ne laser generating the lower trans- 5CB (4-pentyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl) was used as a ne- verse mode, i. e. Gaussian beams. matic host. It was obtained from Chemical Reagents Plant, Kharkov, Ukraine. The pure 5CB demonstrates the presence of a weakly first order isotropic to nematic F. Electrical conductivity measurements transitionatT 308 309Kandastronglyfirstorder ni ≈ − nematic to crystal transition at Tcn =295.5 K. The electrical conductivity measurements were done by Instek 819 under the external voltage of 0.2 V and frequency of 10 kHz applied to unaligned samples in a B. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes thick cell ( 0.5 mm) in the temperature range of 293- ≈ 350 K (at 2 K/min scanning rate both for heating and The MWCNT preparation procedure is described in cooling). Each measurement was repeated, at least, 3 detailin[6]. Itisknownthatallthepropertiesofcarbon times for calculation of the mean values of experimental nanotubes depend strongly on their aspect ratio [1, 2]. data. Two types of powdered MWCNTs were investigated: (i) ”long”o-MWCNTswith5 10µmlength(ii)and”short” ÷ m-MWCNTs with 2µm length obtained by careful III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ≈ grinding of long MWCNTs in a mill. The MWCNT as- pectratiowas 500and 200forlongandshortCNTs, A. Spontaneous self-aggregation and percolation ≈ ≈ respectively. threshold Freshly prepared 5CB+MWCNT composites undergo C. Preparation of MWCNT+5CB composites complicatedincubationprocessescomprehensivelyinves- tigated recently by a set of physical methods [6, 14]. Before sonication, MWCNTs form dense blocks sized The initial sonication resulted in homogeneous dispers- upto50µm,whichconsistofnanotubebundles(tangles) ing of MWCNTs; however, after short period of time [6]. Their mixture with chemically pure 5CB was ultra- a large quantity of spatially distributed aggregates were sonicated (20 min) carefully up using a UZDN-2T ultra- formed. The transformation of homogeneous distribu- sonic disperser to the apparently homogeneous state. tion of MWCNTs into the segregated state is believed tooccur owingto the aggregationbetweendifferentnan- otubes. The efficiency of aggregationis controlled by (i) D. Sandwich-type LC cells strongandhighly anisotropicvan der Waalsinteractions [1,2]and(ii)Browniandiffusionofindividualnanotubes. This mixture of 5CB + MWCNT was introduced into The simple Smoluchowskiapproachwas applied to es- asandwich-typeLCcellwith20µmthicknesses[5]called timation of the half-time of aggregation. In this ap- sometimes ”the flat capillary”[12]. Polyimide alignment proach,the MWCNTs were modelled by cylindricalpar- 3 ticles with huge aspect ratio r = l/d(r >> 1), where l formedinthermallyincubatedcompositesamples. These is the length and d is diameter of MWCNT. Under as- structural changes were confirmed by the presence of sumption that cylindrical particles can aggregate when changes in electrical conductivity, which evidently re- the distance between them is of the order of their length flectschangesinthemicrostructureofsamplesduringthe l, the half-time of aggregationθ can be estimated as transformation of L-aggregates to C-aggregates (Fig.1). The relative conductivity σ/σ (σ is the initial conduc- θ =(4Dπnl)−1, (1) tivityofthesystemaftersonicaotiono)increasedwithtime, however, the observed effects were more pronounced at where D is the diffusion coefficient and n is the numer- high temperatures. ical concentration of the particles. These values can be estimated as (cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) D =kT lnr/(3πηrd) (2) and n=(ρ/ρ)C/V, (3) respectively, where kT is the thermal energy, η is viscos- (cid:4)(cid:2) (cid:5)(cid:2) ity, ρ/ρ is the ratio of densities of 5CB and MWCNTs (ρ/ρ 0.5), C isthe massfractionofMWCNTsin5CB, and V≈=πd3r/4 is the volume of a single MWCNT. c Finally, the following relation can be obtained: θ 3πd3η/(8kTC)(r/lnr). (4) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:4) ≈ Taking into account that η 0.1Pa.s (viscosity of FIG. 2: Spontaneously self-aggregated clusters of ”long” (o- ≈ 5CB), d=20 nm, r=500, =300 K (temperature), we ob- MWCNT) (a, b) and ”short” (m-MWCNT) (c, d) at vari- tainθ 180s atC =0.01%wtandθ 18s atC =0.1 ous concentrations of MWCNTs: a, c - onset of aggregation ≈ ≈ % wt. (0.0025 and 0.005 wt %), b, d - percolation (0.025 and 0.25 wt %). The several (5-7) day incubation at room tempera- ture resulted in stabilization of microstructure, optical and electrical conductivity characteristics, and our ex- perimental data presented below were obtained just for suchstablesamples. NotethatformationofC-aggregates withirregularramifiedborders[10]wasvisuallyobserved by optical microscopy investigations even at rather low concentrations of MWCNTs ( 0.01-0.1 % wt). Such be- haviourwas observedboth for ”long”(o-MWCNTs) and ”short”(m-MWCNTs)nanotubes(Fig.2). Inbothcases, the structural transformations were similar: from small islands (Fig.2a, c) up to the percolation structure with neighbouringclusterstouchingeachotherastheirdimen- sions increase with concentration of nanotubes (Fig.2b, d). FIG. 1: Time dependencies of the relative electrical conduc- The cluster transverse dimensions start from few mi- tivity σ/σo (σo is initial electrical conductivity) in 5CB+o- crons. TheirsystemexpandsoverthewholeLCcellwhen MWCNTscomposites(0.1%wt)incubatedat310 and345. percolationstructureisreached. Atthismoment,thene- Thedecreaseofσ/σo inasampleincubatedatT=345 during matic5CBhostisbrokenintoasystemofisolated”lakes” its cooling to 310K reflects thetemperature effect on σ. in2Dandsinuous”channels”in3D.Moreover,formation of the percolation structure is accompanied by a drastic The detailedinvestigationshaveshownthatthe struc- increase of electrical conductivity by 1-2 orders of mag- tureofnanocompositesandtheirphysicalcharacteristics nitude [4, 6, and 10]. It was observed that unmodified attain stable values only after several hours or days af- nanotubes (o-MWCNTs) were forming the percolation ter sonication. It can be explained by existence of the networks at C = C 0.025 0.05 % wt., whereas the p ≈ − mechanism causing compacting of the ramified, or loose, modifiednanotubes(m-MWCNTs)wereformingtheper- aggregates (L-aggregates)formed in the ”fresh” suspen- colationnetworks at C =C 0.25%wt. So, the perco- p ≈ sion into the more compacted aggregates (C-aggregate) lation threshold concentration was 5-10 time higher for 4 m-MWNTs than for o-MWNTs. Extremely small per- colation threshold concentrations are rather typical for 2 suchcompositesandcanbeexplainedbythehighaspect g(d)=(π/4)d (8) ratio (r 100-1000) of MWCNTs. Increase of the per- ≈ and colationthresholdformodifiednanotubes(m-MWCNTs) (C =C 0.1 0.25%wt.) possiblyreflectedtheshorter p 3 length an≈d sm−aller aspect ratio r of the modified nan- Vnt =Bntl r−2 (9) otubes. in terms of the nanotube length and aspect ratio. It can beverifiedthatB =3π/2fortetrahedralskeletoncells; nt B =3π for cubic cells, etc... B. Theoretical model of fractal aggregation of nt Thus, the volume ratio of the cluster and the regular MWCNTs in the nematic LC matrix: formation of skeleton(i.e.,theratioofthevolumeencompassedbythe L-aggregates nanotubeskeletonandthetotalvolumeofthenanotubes involved) is Theabove-describedformationofnanotubeaggregates in the nematic LC matrix can be better understood us- 2 2 W =V /V =(A /B )r =Ar . (10) a cl nt cl nt ing the following theoretical model. The MWCNTs of L-aggregates can be considered as linear elements form- With increase of aspect ratio r (i.e., when nanotubes ing a compact skeleton of a certain regular surface that become longer or thinner), W grows rapidly, while the a bounds a certain confined space. We determine the vol- volume with nematic molecules ”captured” by the nan- ume encompassed by the skeleton considering only one otubeskeleton(thevolumeofthe”coat”)increasesmuch characteristic spatial dimension of MWCNT- its linear slower (not faster than linearly). The coefficient A de- lengthl,whichisfullyjustifiediftheaspectratior >>1 pendsonthespecificskeletongeometry,anditsvaluecan (r = l/d, where d is the characteristic lateral dimension vary within 10−1 > A > 10−2 ( = 1/3π 0.1 for cubic (diameter of MWCNT). cells, 0.025 for tetrahedral cells). ≈ Fromgeometricalsimilarityconsiderations,thevolume Thu≈s, W is the ratio of the L-aggregate volume (i.e., a of a cluster with characteristic linear dimension l can be the volume of a loose skeleton formed by the nanotubes presented as together with ”captured” molecules of the dispersion medium (nematic LC) both ”inside” the skeleton and 3 V =V (l)=A l , (5) cl cl cl in the nearest coordination layers) to the total volume of nanotubes comprising the skeleton. If C = V /V is where A is a constantdepending on the cluster geome- nt cl try(e.g.,A =1forcubicspatialstructure,A =√2/12 the volume fraction (or mass fraction if the difference cl cl betweenthedensitiesofthe dispersionmediumandnan- for spatial structure formed by tetrahedrons, etc.). Sim- otubes can be neglected) of nanotubes that were intro- ilarly, the total volume of the nanotubes comprising the ducedintothematrix,thevalueofC =cW canbecon- skeleton is V (l) = lB g(d), where B is another con- a a nt nt nt sideredaseffectivevolumeconcentrationofL-aggregates stant. The value of B depends upon cluster geometry nt in the matrix (solvent, dispersion medium). accounting for the number of nanotube edges compris- Inthe caseoffractalgeometry,boththe surfaceofthe ing one cell of the skeleton. Function g(...) determines skeleton formed by the nanotubes and the outer surface the volume of a single nanotube in the cluster as a func- of L-aggregateformed by the aggregatednanotubes and tion of its characteristic cross-section area. The form of captured molecules of dispersion phase will be of fractal g(...) in the case of a regular skeleton depends upon ge- character. Accounting for the fact that L-aggregatesare ometry of isolated nanotubes accounting for the bends, formed in orientationally ordered matrix by orientation- fractures, deviations from cylindrical shape, scatter of ally ordered nanotubes, it is reasonable to expect that lateral dimensions, etc. In the case of fractal geometry, these aggregatesshould be essentially oblate (flattened). g(...)should”feel”howthenanotubesareconnectedand It leads us to a heuristic formula should depend on the fractal ”coastline” picture in the direction normal to their predominant orientation. In a general case W =V /V . (11) a cl nt gf(x) xdf, (6) ∼ Correspondingly, the effective concentration of aggre- where d is the fractal dimension of the cluster and for gates in the LC+MWCNT dispersion is f regular geometry d = 2. f Forregularskeletongeometry,thetotalvolumeofnan- otubes in the skeleton is Ca =CWa =CrdfAcl/Bnt =CArdf. (12) V (l)=lB g(d). (7) Thus, the effective concentration of L-aggregates at a nt nt given initial concentration of nanotubes appears to be If nanotubes are cylindrical, a universal function of the aspect ratio, which is rather 5 attractive. The proportionality coefficient depends on molecules (nematic director) near the MWCNTs layers specific geometry of the nanotubes and the fractal skele- is perturbed due to random orientation of the nanotube ton structure formed by them; it can be considered as axes with respect to the regular planar orientation of constant for a given type of the nanotube dispersions. moleculesinthe5CBhost. Duetothestronginteraction As it was noted above, its value can be taken as falling betweentheMWCNTsandneighbouring5CBmolecules, within 0.025 - 0.1. thereappearsacomplexinterfacial layerofLCmolecules This formula accounts at semi-empirical level for all nearthesurfaceofaggregates. Asaresult,the MWCNT main factors affecting aggregationof the nanotubes: the aggregatesappear to be encapsulatedby such interfacial initial concentration of nanotubes C, their aspect ratio layers. r, geometry of cluster formation A and fractal dimen- These layers with strongly perturbed LC directors are sionality of the formed aggregates d . This formula can anchored to the extremely ramified border of aggregate f be easily verified experimentally. Thus, for two differ- and extend to the bulk 5CB with unperturbed orienta- ent MWCNT+LC dispersions prepared and studied un- tion of director. Formationof the interfacial layers leads der the same conditions but differing by certainparame- to new optical properties of 5CB + MWCNT compos- ters (e.g., aspect ratio r and/or nanotube concentration ites, resulting in creation of a new type of the complex C), the other measured characteristics should be related light. Indeed, one of the fundamental properties of LCs by equation (2). Preliminary verification can done us- is existence of elastic forces, which tend to orient the ing data from [13]. In this paper, Fig.3 shows values for neighbouring molecules in parallel to director [3]. These three concentrations of the nanotubes (generally speak- forces are expected to be especially strong in the in- ing, for three specific cases of L-aggregate formation). vestigated composites due to extra large energy of 5CB According to (1.3), at r = 100 and A = 0.1, we obtain molecule anchoring to the nanotube. It was shown that for C = 0.1 % and d = 1.81 the value of W = 417, anchored 5CB molecules mostly retain their positions in f a i.e., the total volume of the formed L-aggregates with any phase, including isotropic liquid [4]. Quite different fractal dimensionality 1.81 will make C = 41.7 % from is the structure of the outer part of the interfacial layer, a to total volume of the system (the remaining 58.3 % is whichsmoothlytransfersintothestructureoftheunper- the volume occupied by orientationally ordered nematic turbed 5CB host and possesses microscale dimensions. molecules thatremained”free”,i.e., notcapturedby the Strongelasticforcesintheinterfaciallayersinitiatede- aggregates). Accordingly, we get Ca = 12 % for C = velopmentofheterogeneousLCstructuresbothalongthe 0.01 % and df = 1.54. This is in a semi-quantitative aggregate borders and in the transverse direction. This, agreement with results of microscopic observations: the in turn, induces random local birefringence in the inter- aggregatesarerelativelyfewandvisuallyoccupy 10% facial layer,which manifests itself as bright spots on the ≈ of the visible area in dispersions with 0.01 % of MWC- darkbackgroundofunperturbed5CB inthe microscopic NTs, while in dispersions with 0.1 % of MWCNTs there imageoftheaggregatedcompositeobservedthroughana- is much more aggregates, their size is larger, and they lyzercrossedtopolarizerorientedalongalignmentlayers occupy about one half of the visible area. A similar ef- of the LC cell host (Fig.3a). It was previously demon- fect is experimentally observed when we do not increase strated that propagating laser beam gets scattered or concentration of the MWCNT, but changes occur with diffractedontheinterfaciallayers,thusacquiringspeckle- time in a freshly dispersed sample (incubation phenom- like structure full of optical vortices [4, 10]. Note that ena). After several hours the fraction of area occupied directmicroscopicobservationsusing high-qualitypolar- by the aggregates substantially increases ([13], Fig.6). ization microscope [12] have confirmed existence of the Behavior of 5CB molecules inside the aggregates and microscale interfacial layers and have shown that mean in the interfaciallayers has features in commonwith the thickness of such interfacial layers in 0.0025 wt % com- propertiesofnematicmoleculesinsidemicropores,which positewas1µm[4]. Notethatthe sizeof5CBmolecules is also a challenging problem [19]. In this case, essen- is only 1.5-2.3 nm, so, the interfacial layers may include tial differences are also noted in molecular mobility and thousands of monomolecular 5CB layers. physicalpropertiesofthe”bulk”andinterfaciallyordered portions of the nematic. D. Electrooptical investigation of interfacial LC layers in the vicinity of aggregates C. Capturing of LC molecules inside skeleton and interfacial LC layers in the vicinity of aggregates The interesting responses of electrophysical proper- ties to the transverse external electric field applied to Analysisoftheobtaineddataallowsustoassumethat a sandwich-type LC cell of thickness d were already ob- formed aggregates consist of a nanotube skeleton and served [3 - 6]. The 5CB molecules are anchored strongly a large number of small 5CB molecules (sized to the side walls of nanotubes and can retain their po- nm) captured inside this skeleton. It reflects the effect sition upon application of the electric field. The bire- of extra-strong anchoring of 5CB to the side walls of fringent structure of composites observed between the MWCNTs. As a result, the average orientation of 5CB crossed polarizer and analyzer shows that the structure 6 of the interfacial layer, as well as its birefringence, dras- E. Electric field induced formation of inversion tically changes when the applied voltage U approaches walls (IW) betweenbranches of MWCNT aggregates the Freedericksz transition threshold (Fig.3). Applicationofelectricfieldswithvoltageexceedingthe Freedericksz transition provokesalso formation of singu- (cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) lar ”channels”in the LC space between MWCNT aggre- gates. Figure 4 compares the microscopic images of the compositesamplesatU =0V(a,b)andatU =3.5V(c, d). Thefield-inducedlineartopologicalstructuresresem- ble those known as inversion walls, IWs [3, 16-20]. The IWswerefirstobservedinapureLCunderthetransverse (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:4) magneticfield[3]. Theywereobtainedlaterbylaserirra- diationofnematics incellswith smallpre-tilt[20]. As in (cid:4)(cid:2) (cid:5)(cid:2) the previously mentioned cases, in our experiments the IWs were presented by three stripes, one bright central and two dark lateral ones, which were observed between parallel polarizer and analyzer: (Fig.4c, d). (cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) FIG.3: Interfacial5CBlayerinthevicinityoftheaggregates of nanotubes (o-MWCNT, 0.005 wt %) as a function of the applied transverse electric field (analyzer A is crossed to po- (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:4) larizerPorientedalongtherubbingdirectionofthealignment layers): a - without field, U = 0; b - U = 2.5 V; c - U = 4 (cid:4)(cid:2) (cid:5)(cid:2) V;d-U =4.75V.Thescaleofblack-and-whitebrightnessis given on theright. New isolated bright spots appear at U = 2V when re- orientation of 5CB molecules to the homeotropic align- ment begins (compare Fig.3a and Fig.3b). The mean thickness of interfacial layers in 0.0025 wt % compos- FIG. 4: Micro scale inverse walls in 5CB host between the ite increases from 1 µm up to 4.5µm when nematic neighbouring aggregates of long carbon nanotubes (0.01 wt ≈ %) induced by the applied transverse electric field. The mi- structure of 5CB undergoes the Freedericksz transition croscopeimageoftheactualaggregatesisshownbothwithout fromplanartohomeotropicorientationundertheapplied external field, U = 0 V, (a, b) and under the applied field, transverse electric field 2.5 V [4]. Above the Freeder- ≈ U = 3.5 V, (c, d). The polarizer and analyzer were parallel icksz threshold, a large portion of 5CB molecules in the (a, c) and crossed (b, d). interfacial layersturn from initial planar to homeotropic orientation, and the average thickness of the interfacial Intensity distribution in IWs (Fig.5a) confirms that layer increases (Fig.2c, at U =4 V) and reaches its max- LCmoleculesofthecentralstriperemainmainlyplanar- imal value at U = 4.5 V (Fig.3d). oriented, unlike the auxiliary dark stripes with mainly However, the further electric field increase up to U homeotropic orientation of the director, which is in full ≈ 6 V decreases the layer thickness to 2µm [4]. Fur- accordancewith the previously reportedmodel (Fig.5b). ≈ ther increase of the applied field decreases the interfa- Same as for IWs induced by magnetic fields in pure cial layer thickness because most of 5CB molecules on LC [3], the total width of IW diminishes with increase the outer border of the interfacial layer also re-orient to of the applied field (Fig.6). It can be speculated that homeotropic arrangement. As a result, the visible thick- spontaneous birth of IWs between aggregates of MWC- nessoftheinterfaciallayersaroundtheaggregatesdimin- NTs is initiated by the electric field-induced changes ishes [4]. Note that detailed investigations have shown inside elastically strained overlapped interfacial layers the presence of quite different responses to the applied formed between different aggregates. Formation of such field in the inner ”lakes” and at the outer borders of IWs minimizes the internal stress in 5CB gaps between MWCNT clusters. These differences may be explained MWCNT aggregates. The formationofIWs reflectsself- by different degree of LC structure perturbation. The organisationin LC media that required free energy min- interfacial layers at the outer borders are less perturbed imisation. and there exist smooth transition from interfacial zone It was reported that IWs were produced on irregu- to unperturbed homeotropic state of 5CB. lar borders of nematic layer in a LC cell [16, 19]. Evi- 7 (cid:5)(cid:6) Figure6presentsthefullbandwidthathalfmaximum ζ of IW versus the applied field voltage U. The value of ζ was maximal at U = U 2.5 V and was decreasing th ≈ (cid:2) with decrease of U. Typically, no noticeable dependence (cid:3) (cid:2) of ζ upon the distance between different branches was (cid:1) (cid:3) observed. (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:4)(cid:4) (cid:1)(cid:5) (cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:7)(cid:6) (cid:4)(cid:2) (cid:5)(cid:2) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:4) FIG. 7: Relaxation of the induced inversion walls when the applied electric field U = 9 V (a) is turned off for different FIG. 5: Intensity distribution in the cross-section of induced periods after turning the electric field off: 2s (b), 5s (c), and inversion walls between the aggregates for parallel polarizer 7s (d). and analyzer (a). Schematic distribution of LC director in a cross-section of theinversewalls (b). Very elucidative is the transient evolution of the IW structure when the electric field is turned off (Fig.7a-d). As an example, in Fig. 7b (2s after turning electric field dently,theobservedIWswereprovokedbyirregularfrac- off), the left end of the ”channel” splits in two different tal borders of MWCNT aggregates. Moreover, the IWs walls that move to the neighboring MWCNT branches. appeared only between some branches of the aggregates In Fig. 7c (5s after turning electric field off), IW has (Fig. 3). ItseemsreasonabletosuggestthatIWsappear the form of a closed loop; the similar structure of IW betweenbranchesthatinducesplayandbenddistortions was observed for pure LC under external magnetic field of opposite sign (See [18], Fig.5c). [3]. Finally, the system relaxes to the initial state in 7s after electric field is turned off. The observed effects (cid:8)(cid:6) were completely reproducible when the electric field was repeatedly turned on and turned off. This demonstrates that all the elastic strengths involved into formation of (cid:1)(cid:7) IWs obey the Hook law. Finally, we noticed that formation of such IWs is re- (cid:3) latedwithsomekindofself-organizationminimizingelas- (cid:1)(cid:6) (cid:2) tic perturbations introduced by the nanotubes and the (cid:2)(cid:3)ζ effects ofIW formationand evolutionin a LC composite (cid:5)(cid:7) (cid:1) ≈(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:2) system containing the nanotubes deserve more detailed (cid:4)(cid:5) considerationinfuture,bothfromexperimentalandthe- oretical points of view. (cid:5)(cid:6) IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS (cid:7) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:5)(cid:6) (cid:5)(cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2) The main task of our investigations was to study the influence of carbon nanotubes on the micro and macro FIG. 6: Full width at half maximum ζ of induced inversion physical properties of their LC nanocomposites. Many walls versus theapplied field voltage U. properties of 5CB + MWCNT composites were thor- 8 oughlyinvestigatedbyelectrophysicalmethods. Thema- perturbed 5CB host. jor findings may be formulated as follows: 3. Transverseelectricalfieldapplicationtoasandwich- 1. Spontaneous self-organization of the nanotubes type LC cell homeotropicallyorients the 5CB molecules, producing the microscale aggregates in initially homo- which leads to increase of elastic strengths in the inter- geneous dispersion was observed and investigated both faciallayer,its thickness and induced birefringence. The theoretically and experimentally. The efficiency of ag- inversion wall topological structures were observed for gregationis controlledby strong,longrangedandhighly the first time in LC+CNT composites at threshold val- anisotropicvanderWaalsinteractionsandtheBrownian ues of the applied field in the vicinity of Freedericksz diffusion of individual nanotubes. The simple Smolu- transition. Cross-section structure of the inversion walls chowski approach was used for estimation of the half- and their thinning with electrical field increase were the time of aggregation; it was shown that the process of same as those observed earlier in pure nematic. The in- aggregationincludesthefaststageresultinginformation version walls were appearing between branches of some of loosed aggregates (L-aggregates) and the slow stage neighbouringMWCNT aggregates. Fullrelaxationofin- yielding compacted aggregates (C-aggregate). The ag- versionwallswasobservedwhenthecompositestructure gregates have ramified fractal borders; formation of the returnedtoitsinitialstateafterswitchingofftheapplied percolationstructureswasobservedatC =Cp 0.025 field. It witnesses that all the elastic strength changes ≈ − 0.05 % wt for unmodified nanotubes (o-MWCNTs) and obey the Hook law. atC =C 0.1 0.25%wt. forthe modifiednanotubes p ≈ − (m-MWCNTs). 2. 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