Progress in Mathematics Volume 225 SeriesEditors H. Bass 1. Oesterle A. Weinstein Mats Andersson Mikael Passare Ragnar Sigurdsson Complex Convexity and Analytic Functionals Springer Basei AG Authors: Mats Andersson Prof. Mikael Passare Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics Chalmers University of Technology Stockholm University 41296 Goteborg 10691 Stockholm Sweden Sweden e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Ragnar Sigurdsson Science Institute University of Iceland Dunhaga 3 107 Reykjaviik Iceland e-mail: [email protected] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 32F17, 32A26, 46Fl5 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at <>. ISBN 978-3-0348-9605-4 ISBN 978-3-0348-7871-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-7871-5 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use whatsoever, permission from the copyright owner must be obtained. © 2004 Springer Basel AG Originally published by Birkhauser Verlag in 2004 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 2004 Part or Spnnger SCIence +Busmess MedIa Printed on acid-free paper produced of chlorine-free pulp. TCF 00 ISBN 978-3-0348-9605-4 987654321 Contents Introduction .... . . . . . . . . . . . vii 1 Convexity in Real Projective Space 1.1 Convexity in real affine space . 1 1.2 Real projective space . 2 1.3 Convexity in real projective space. 5 2 Complex Convexity 2.1 Linearly convex sets . 15 2.2 {>convexity: Definition and examples. 25 2.3 C-convexity: Duality and invariance . 33 2.4 Open C-convex sets . 39 2.5 Boundary properties ofC-convex sets 45 2.6 Spirally connected sets . 63 3 Analytic Functionals and the Fantappie Transformation 3.1 The basic pairing in affine space .. 74 3.2 The basic pairing in projective space .. 83 3.3 Analytic functionals in affine space . . . 93 3.4 Analytic functionals in projective space 101 3.5 The Fantappie transformation . . . . 107 3.6 Decomposition into partial fractions 115 3.7 Complex Kergin interpolation . . . . 120 4 Analytic Solutions to Partial Differential Equations 4.1 Solvability in C-convexsets . . . . . . . 129 4.2 Solvability and P-convexity for carriers. 140 References 151 Index ... 159 Introduction In this monograph we are going to study certain classes ofdomains and compact subsets in <en which can be described in terms ofconcepts that are analogous to those ofusualconvexity theory in realaffinespace. Recall that there are (at least) twonaturaldefinitionsofwhataconvexset E inlRn shouldbe. Eitheronedemands that the intersection ofE with each line be connected, or else that through every point in the complement ofE there passes a hyperplane which does not intersect E. Under the mild assumption that E is connected these two definitions are in fact equivalent. We shall consider analogues of these two definitions in <en. Sets whose in tersection with any complex line is both connected and simply connected will be called <e-convex, whereas those sets whose complement is a union ofcomplex hy perplanes are said to be linearly convex. Any open or compact <e-convex set is linearly convex, and for domains with C1 boundary the two notions are in fact equivalent. Much ofthe motivation for studying complex convexity notions stems from a desire to represent holomorphic functions in terms of particularly simple ones. Let us therefore briefly recapitulate some facts regarding representation formulas for holomorphicfunctions. Iff is holomorphic in a neighborhoodofsomecompact E c C, then the classical Cauchy formula provides the representation ~1 f(z) = f(()d(, z E E, 2m 'Y (- z where "f is a smoothcurve encircling E on which f is holomorphic. This represen tation formula is useful in several respects: It expresses the values of f on E in terms of its values on "f, and the formula looks the same for any set E. Further more, it provides a decomposition of f as a (infinite) linear combination of the simple fractions z f--+ 1/((- z), which after the substitution a = -1/( is the same as a combination ofthe functions 1 z f--+ -1+-a-z. Now suppose we want to similarly write a holomorphic function defined in a neighborhood ofa compact set E c <en as a superposition ofthe simple fractions 1 z f--+ 1+(z,a) , viii Introduction Let us see what is required for this to be possible. First of all it is clear that for such a fraction to be holomorphic on E it is necessary that the hyperplane 1+(z,0) = 0 does not intersect E. Let us denote the set ofall such hyperplanes by E*. Then we wish to write 1as r I(z) = iE- dp,(o) , z E E, 1+(z,o) wherep,isameasure,ormorepreciselyananalyticfunctional, onE*. Ourfunction 1is now called the Fantappie transform of the functional p, and we write this as I=Fp,. Notice that1is thenautomaticallyholomorphicin E**,thesetofall zwhich do not lieinanyofthehyperplanesfrom E*. HenceifE isadomainofholomorphy and such a decomposition is possible, we must have that E = E**. Sets with this property are said to be linearly convex. We can thus rephrase the problem of representing each 1on E as a super position of simple fractions 1/(1 + (z,0)) into a question of surjectivity of the Fantappie transformation F: O'(E*) --+ O(E). The necessary condition that E be linearly convex is not sufficient in general. This was observed already by Mar tineau, and he called a linearly convex set E strongly linearly convex if F is an isomorphism. He showed that convex sets always have this property, but it was only later that a geometric criterion for strong linear convexity was found. The correct notion turned out to be what we have chosen to call «::>convexity. cn A subset E of is said to be C-convex if for every complex line £ the intersection E n£ is both connected and simply connected. Comparing with the usual definition ofconvexity, namely that E c IRn is convex if for any two points a and b in E the line segment between them is also contained in E, and noting that this is equivalent to saying that the intersection of E with any real line in IRn should be connected, we see that the notion ofC-convexity is a very natural complex analogue to ordinary convexity. All convex sets are C-convex and all C-convex sets are linearly convex, though this latter fact is far from obvious. Roughly speaking, representability in terms of simple fractions 1/(1 + (z,o)) is equivalent to the domain E be ing C-convex, whereas representability in terms of the more involved fractions 1/I17=1(1+(z,Oj)) amounts to E being linearly convex. The class of C-convex sets is not closed under intersections, so it is not a convexity concept in the usual sense, but it still has plenty of nice properties analogousto thoseofconvexsets. Inordertofully exploit this analogyit is best to placeoneselfin projectivespace, and to this endwe have included a short chapter explaining how ordinary convexity can be defined in real projective space. It is important to keep in mind that the projective viewpoint does not create any new convex sets, but rather puts the usual ones in a new perspective, and in a more elegantsetting. Forinstance,thedualcomplementE*,whichistheanalogueofthe polarofa convexset, will be viewed asa subset ofthedual projectivespace. Some Introduction ix of the basic properties of C-convex sets, in parallel with the real case, can then be formulated as follows: IfE is C-convex then so is E* as well as all images and preimages of E under projective mappings. Such mappings include for example affine projections and projections from a point. Notice that this does not hold in general for linear convexity. Let us give a hint as to how the surjectivity of :F can be proved using the Cauchy-Fantappie-Lerayformula. Take a compact C-convexset E and choose an openneighborhoodw:J E withsmooth boundaryow. The ideais tofind for every ( on ow a hyperplane s(() not intersecting E, and depending in a smooth way on (. Ifthis can be done then the Cauchy-Fantappie-Lerayformula r f(z) = _1_ f(() s1\ (8s)n-l Jaw z E E, (21fi)n (s,( - z)n holds, and since the kernel is homogeneous in s, one can replace s by the section a = -sf(s,() and then get r 1 f(()al\(8a)n-l f(z) = (21fi)n Jaw (1 +(a,z))n z E E. In order to remove the exponent in the denominator we makeanexplicit inversion ofthe kernel function ¢(z) = 1/(1+(z,Q))nand obtain a standard functional flo:, a so-called simplex functional, with :Fflo: = ¢. Combining this with the Cauchy Fantappie-Leray formula above, we then obtain a functional fl with :Ffl = f, and the surjectivity is proved. Even though all C-convexsets can be regarded as subsets ofcn, their study is deeply pervaded by the concept ofduality, and in order to have a satisfactory duality theory one is led to adopt a projective point of view. We will therefore often consider our sets as subsets ofprojective space. The open C-convex subsets of the projective line C U {oo} are the simply connected domains. The open C convexsubsets ofClP'n arealso topologically trivial, for they are homeomorphic to the unit ball B in cn. In fact, if we assume that E does not contain any affine n line and we choose the coordinates so that 0 E E, then as a consequence of the Riemann mapping theorem weget anexplicit homeomorphismc.p: Bn --+ E, whose restriction to any line through the origin is a Riemann mapping. The compact C convexsets are also topologically simple in the sense that their Cech cohomology groups vanish. It is C-convexity that is the main object of study in this book, but there are other notions of convexity that we are also interested in. We have already mentioned the concept oflinear convexity, and a related versionofthis is what we call weak linear convexity. An open subset E ofClP'n is said to be weakly linearly convex ifthrough every boundary point ofE there passes a hyperplane that does not intersect E. A compact set E in ClP'n is called weakly linearly convex ifthere exists a basis ofopen weakly linearly convex neighborhoods ofE. Aset is weakly x Introduction linearly convex if it is a connected component of its linearly convex hull E**, so every linearly convex set is also weakly linearly convex. For sets with a smooth boundaryhowever, weaklinearconvexitycoincideswith linear convexityand with «:::-convexity. There is more to be said about the boundary properties of«:::-convexsets. In lRn everyopen or closed convexset E is the intersectionofall the half-spacescon taining it. The affine hyperplanes separatethe spacelRn but an affine hyperplane , in cn is of real dimension 2n - 2 and its complement is a connected set. Hence in C1P>n and cn we have nothing comparable with the separation property ofreal convexity theory. Given an open set E and a boundary point a, we let f(a) denote the set of all ( E E* so that the hyperplane defined by ( in C1P>n passes through a. We can also describe f(a) as the intersection ofthe hyperplane defined by a in C1P>m with E*. Then E is C-convex if and only if f(a) is non-empty and connected for every a E 8E. In particular, if E is an open weakly linearly convex set with smooth boundary, then each f(a) consists of a single point, namely the point corresponding to the complex tangent plane at a. When the smoothness assumption is strengthened, so that isgiven bya defining function pofclassC2, thenoneconsidersthequadratic form Hp(a;w) = 2Re(LPjk(a)WjWk) +2LPjk(a)WjWk' j,k j,k where a E 8E, W E cn, Pjk =82p/8zj8zk,and P{k =82p/8zj8zk. This quadratic form is called the Hessian ofPat a, whereas its hermitian part Lp(a;w) = LPjk(a)WjWk j,k is called the Levi form. A smoothly bounded domain E is convex if and only if the Hessian of its defining function is positive semi-definite when restricted to the real tangent plane at any a E 8E. Similarly, a domain E is pseudoconvex preciselyiftherestrictionofthe Levi form to thecomplextangent planeis positive semi-definite. The notion ofC-convexity lies in between: A domain E c 1P>n with boundary of class C2 is C-convex if and only if for any a E 8E the Hessian is positive semi-definite on the complextangent plane at a. Complexconvexityturns up inmanydifferentcontexts,andwehavenot been able to coverthem all. Interestingtopics that we haveomitted include for instance the papersofLemperton invariant metrics and pluricomplexGreen functions, the connections to Radon transforms discovered by Henkin and his collaborators, as well as the study ofa-problems by Diederich, Conrad and others. Introduction xi The plan of the book is as follows: In Chapter 1 we discuss real convexity from the projective point of view. This chapter is quite independent and not a prerequisite for the following chapters. In Chapter 2we prove the main theorems on the structureoflinearly convexand «>convexsets. We consider their topology, their duality properties, and their invariance with respect to projective mappings. InChapter3westudyanalyticfunctions andfunctionals definedon«>convexsets. We relate them via the Fantappie transformation. Finally, in Chapter 4 we char acterize C-convexity in terms ofsolvability oflinear partial differential equations. Bibliographical references and historical comments are included in the "Notes" at the end ofeach chapter. The present text is the result of a joint effort protracted over several years. We were lead into this area via the study of complex interpolation problems. We found an intriguing subject with several nice results, and many natural open questions, but unfortunatelyalsoagreat uncertaintyabout what wasreallyknown and what was not. Severalofthe papers wecame acrosscontained sketchyproofs, vague references etc., and the results seemed to be very scattered in the existing literature. That is why we took on the task of providing a unified treatment of the subject, mainly presenting known theorems in a coherent fashion, but also contributing a few new results and giving simplified proofs. This work has taken much more time than we expected, since the job proved to be a painstaking one. Duringtheearlystagesofourworkwe benefittedmuchfrom theappearanceofthe book of Hormander [3], which contains a chapter on open C-convex and linearly convex sets. Among other people whose work has inspired us we wish to mention ChristerKiselman,SergeiZnamenskil,andofcourseAndreMartineauwhowasthe pioneer of the subject. Many colleagues and friends have helped us scientifically through valuable discussions, and also by kindly reading earlier versions of our manuscript. Particularly we want to thank Lev Alzenberg, Bo Berndtsson, Lars Filipsson, LarsHormander, Christer Kiselman, Hans Rullgard, Jan Alve Svensson and Sergei Znamenskil for pointing out errors and suggesting improvements. It goes without saying that any remaining mistakes are all ours.