COMPLETELY DECOMPOSABLE DIRECT SUMMANDS OF TORSION-FREE ABELIAN GROUPS OF FINITE RANK 7 1 ADOLFMADERANDPHILLSCHULTZ 0 2 n a J Abstract. LetAbeafiniteranktorsion–freeabeliangroup. Thenthereexist 0 direct decompositions A = B⊕C where B is completely decomposable and 1 C hasnorank1directsummand. InsuchadecompositionB isuniqueupto isomorphismandC uniqueuptonear–isomorphism. ] R 1. Introduction G . Torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank (tffr groups) are best thought of as h additive subgroups of finite dimensional Q–vector spaces. All “groups” in this t a article are torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank. The rank of a group A is m the dimension of the vector space QA that A generates. By reason of rank, such [ groups always have “indecomposable decompositions”, meaning direct decompo- sitions with indecomposable summands. Although as shown in [16], a group has 1 v only finitely many non–isomorphic summands, its indecomposable decompositions 0 can be highly non–unique, (see for example [15, Section 90]), and a group may 6 have such decompositions in which the number of summands or the ranks of the 4 summands differ. A particularly striking result in this direction is due to A.L.S. 2 Corner [12], [13]. 0 1. Let P =(r1,...,rt) be a partition of n, i.e., ri ≥1 and r1+···+rt =n. Then G realizes P if there is an indecomposabledecomposition G=G ⊕···⊕G such 0 1 t 7 that for all i, ri =rank(Gi). 1 Corner’s Theorem. Given integers n≥k ≥1, there exists a group G of rank : n such that G realizes every partition of n into k parts n=r +···+r . v 1 k i Corner’s Theorem is related to two problems posed by Fuchs [15, Problems 67 X and 68], namely r a (1) Given an integer m, find all sequences n1 < ··· < ns for which there is a tffrgroupofrankmhavingindecomposabledecompositionsinton ,··· ,n 1 s summands, (2) Givenpartitionsr +···+r =n=r′+···+r′ ofapositiveintegern,under 1 k 1 ℓ what conditions does there exist a tffr group with indecomposable decom- positions with summands of ranks r ,...,r and r′,...r′ respectively? 1 k 1 ℓ The second problem of Fuchs was solved by Blagoveshchenskaya, [20, Theorem 13.1.19]for a restricted class C of groups: let P and Q be partitions of n. There is a group G∈C realising P and Q if and only if the sum of the largest part of each and the number of parts of the other does not exceed n+1. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20K15,20K25. Key words and phrases. torsion-freeabelian group of finite rank, direct decomposition, com- pletelydecomposabledirectsummand. 1 2 ADOLFMADERANDPHILLSCHULTZ More generally, one can pose the Question: Characterize the families P of partitions of n that can be realized by a tffr group. Corner’s Theoremshows that families of partitions of n of fixed length k can be realized. On the other hand, he comments that ...itcanbeshownquitereadilythatanequationsuchas1+1+2= 1+3 ...cannot be realized. A more general question was settled by Lee Lady for almost completely decom- posable groups (defined below) [17, Corollary 7], [20, Theorem 9.2.7]. A group G is clipped if it has no direct summands of rank 1. Lady’s “Main Decomposition Theorem” says that every almost completely decomposable group G has a decom- position G=G ⊕G where G is completely decomposable, G is clipped, G cd cl cd cl cd is unique up to isomorphism, and G is unique up to near–isomorphism. Near cl isomorphism is a weakening of isomorphism due to Lady [18]. There are several equivalent definitions, see for example [20, Chapter 9], the most useful one for us being that a group A is nearly isomorphic to B, denoted A∼= B, if there exists a nr group K such that A⊕K ∼=B⊕K. Itfollowsfromthisdefinitionthatnearisomorphismisanequivalencerelationon theclassofgroups. Moreoverrankandthe propertyofbeingclippedareinvariants of near isomorphism classes. An important result due to Arnold [1, 12.9], [20, Theorem 12.2.5], is that if A ∼= A′ and A = X ⊕Y, then A′ = X′ ⊕Y′ with X ∼= X′ and Y ∼= Y′. nr nr nr Conversely,if X ∼= X′ and Y ∼= Y′, then X⊕Y ∼= X′⊕Y′. nr nr nr LetAbeagroup. WesaythatanindecomposabledecompositionA= A Li∈[n] i of A is unique up to near isomorphism if whenever A = B is an Lj∈[m] j indecomposable decomposition of A, then n = m and there is a permutation σ of [n] such that Ai ∼=nr Bσ(i) for all i∈[n]. By Arnold’s Theorem, nearly isomorphic groups of rank n realize the same par- titions of n. Denote the partition (m,1,...,1) where there are k 1s, by (m,1k). Since in- decomposable groups are certainly clipped, if an almost completely decomposable group of rank n realizes partitions (m,1n−m) and (m′,1n−m′), then m=m′. OurmainresultisthegeneralizationoftheMainDecompositionTheoremtoar- bitrarytorsion-freegroupsoffinite rank(Theorem2.5)whichthensettles Corner’s remark. It may be asked to describe the isomorphism classes of indecomposable groups of a given rank. Rank–1 groups are indecomposable and have been classified by meansoftypes([19],[15])andthereare2ℵ0 isomorphismclasses. Itisalsopossible to describe the indecomposable almost completely decomposable groups of rank 2 (see[20, Section12.3])butingeneralthis taskmustbe acceptedasbeing hopeless. Acompletely decomposable groupisadirectsumofrank–1groups,andcom- pletely decomposable groupswereclassifiedin terms ofcardinalinvariants by Baer [15, Section 86, page 113]. In particular, their decompositions into rank–1 sum- mands are unique up to isomorphism. Almost completely decomposable groupsarefinite extensionsofcompletely decomposable groups of finite rank. This class of groups was introduced and first studied by Lee Lady [17], see [20] for a comprehensive exposition. An almost MAIN DECOMPOSITION 3 completely decomposable group X contains special completely decomposable sub- groups,namelythoseofminimalindexinX,theregulatingsubgroups of X. Rolf Burkhardt [11] showed that the intersection of all regulating subgroups is again a completely decomposable subgroup of finite index in X. This group, that is fully invariant in X, is the regulator R(X) of X. Most published examples of groups with non–unique decompositions are almost completely decomposable groups. It is also noteworthy that for an almost com- pletely decomposable group X with non–unique indecomposable decompositions the index [X : R(X)] is a composite number. On the other hand if [X : R(X)] is the power of a prime p, then Faticoni and Schultz provedthat the indecomposable decompositionsofX areuniqueuptonear–isomorphism,[14],[20,Corollary10.4.6]. The problem then remains to determine the near–isomorphism classes of inde- composables. For an almost completely decomposable group X, write R(X) = R with ρ–homogeneous components R and R 6= 0. Then T (X) Lρ∈Tcr(X) ρ ρ ρ cr is called the critical typeset of X. The problem has been largely solved when the critical typeset is an inverted forest in a number of papers by Arnold–Mader– Mutzbauer–Solak ([2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]) using representations of posets as a tool. 2. Main Decomposition A rank–1 groupis a groupisomorphicwith anadditive subgroupofQ. Atype istheisomorphismclassofarank–1group. Itiseasytoseethateveryrank–1group is isomorphic to a rational group by which we designate an additive subgroup of Q that contains 1. If A is a rank–1 group, then type(A) denotes the type of A, i.e., the isomorphism class containing A. Types are commonly denoted by σ,τ,.... We will also use σ,τ,... to mean a rational group of type σ,τ,.... It will always be clear from the context whether τ is a rational group or a type. The advantage is that any completely decomposable group A of finite rank r can be written as A = σv ⊕···⊕τ v with v ∈ A because 1 ∈ τ , and type(τ ) = τ . In this case 1 r r i i i i {v ,...,v } is called a decomposition basis of A. 1 r A completely decomposable group is called τ–homogeneous if it is the direct sum of rank–1 groups of type τ, and homogeneous if it is τ–homogeneous for sometypeτ. Itisknown[15,86.6]thatpuresubgroupsofhomogeneouscompletely decomposable groups are direct summands. Definition 2.1. A groupGis τ–clipped ifG does notpossessarank–1summand of type τ. Lemma 2.2. SupposethatG=D⊕B =A⊕C whereB andC areτ–clippedand D,A are completely decomposable and τ–homogeneous. Then D ∼=A. Proof. Let δ,β,α,γ ∈End(G) be the projections belonging to the given decompo- sitions. Let 0 6= x ∈ D. Then x = xα+xγ. Assume that xα = 0. Then hxi is a ∗ pure rank–1 subgroup of D and hence a summand of D and of G. Also hxi α=0 ∗ which says the hxi ⊆ Kerα = C. It follows that hxi is a rank–1 summand of ∗ ∗ C of type τ, contradicting the fact that C is τ–clipped. Hence α : D → A is a monomorphism and therefore rankD ≤ rankA. By symmetry rankA ≤ rankD and D ∼=A as desired. (cid:3) Thedirectsumofτ–clippedgroupsneednotbeτ–clippedasExample2.3shows. 4 ADOLFMADERANDPHILLSCHULTZ Example 2.3. Let p,q be different primes and let σ,τ be rationalgroups that are incomparable as types and such that neither 1 nor 1 is contained in either σ or τ. p q Let 1 1 X =(σv ⊕τv )+Z (v +v ) and X =(σw ⊕τw )+Z (w +w ). 1 1 2 p 1 2 2 1 2 q 1 2 ItiseasytoseethatR(X )=σv ⊕τv andR(X )=σw ⊕τw , andthatX and 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 X areindecomposableand, inparticular,clipped. Thereexistintegersu ,u such 2 1 2 thatu p+u q =1. Now 1(v +v )+1(w +w )= 1 ((qv +pw )+(qv +pw )). 1 2 p 1 2 q 1 2 pq 1 1 2 2 Set v′ =qv +pw , v′ =qv +pw , w′ =−u v +u w , and w′ =−u v +u w . 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 Then (change of decomposition basis) σv ⊕σw = σv′ ⊕σw′ and τv ⊕τw = 1 1 1 1 2 2 τv′ ⊕ τw′. Hence X = (σw′ ⊕τw′) ⊕ (σv′ ⊕τv′)+Z 1 (v′ +v′) so X has 2 2 1 2 (cid:16) 1 2 pq 1 2 (cid:17) rank–1 summands of type σ and τ. However, Lemma 2.4 settles positively a special case. Lemma 2.4. Let G = A⊕B where A = A is completely decomposable Lρ6=τ ρ and B is τ–clipped. Then G is τ–clipped. Proof. We may assume that rankA = 1. In fact, if A = A ⊕ ···⊕A where 1 k rankA = 1, then A ⊕B is τ–clipped by the rank 1 case, A ⊕···⊕A ⊕B is i k 2 k τ–clipped by induction, and A⊕B is τ–clipped by the rank 1 case. BywayofcontadictionassumethatG=τv⊕C =σa⊕Bwithτ ∼=6 σ(asrational groups or τ 6=σ as types). Let α:G→σa⊆G, β :G→B ⊆G, δ :G→τv ⊆G, andγ :G→C ⊆Gbetheprojections(consideredendomorphismsofG)thatcome with the stated decompositions. (1) We have v =vα+vβ uniquely. Suppose vα=0. Then (τv)α =0 and the summand τv is contained in Kerα=B. Then τv is a summand of B con- tradictingthefactthatB isτ–clipped. Soα:τv →σaisamonomorphism and τ ≤σ. (2) We have a = aδ +aγ. Suppose that aδ = 0. Then (σa)δ = 0 and the summand σa is contained in Kerδ = C. Hence C = σa⊕C′ for some C′ andG=τv⊕σa⊕C′ =σa⊕B. Hence G ∼=τv⊕C′ ∼=B. Thiscontradicts σa the factthatB isτ–clipped. Soδ :σa→τv isamonomorphismandhence σ ≤τ. (3) By (1) and (2) we get the contradiction σ = τ, saying that G = σa⊕B does nothave a rank–1summand of type τ, and the specialcase is proved. (cid:3) Theorem 2.5. (Main Decomposition.) Let G be a torsion-free group of finite rank. Then there are decompositions G = A ⊕ A in which A is completely 0 1 0 decomposable and A is clipped. 1 Suppose that G=A ⊕A =B ⊕B where A and B are completely decom- 0 1 0 1 0 0 posable and A and B are clipped. Then A ∼=B and consequently A ∼= B 1 1 0 0 1 nr 1 Proof. LetA beacompletelydecomposablesummandofGofmaximalrank. Then 0 G=A ⊕A and A is clipped. 0 1 1 Let A = A and B = B be the homogeneous decompositions of the 0 Lρ ρ 0 Lρ ρ completelydecomposablegroupsA andB . ByallowingA andB tobethezero 0 0 ρ ρ group, we may assume that the summation index ranges over all types ρ. MAIN DECOMPOSITION 5 WeconsiderG=A ⊕ A ⊕A =B ⊕ B +B . ByLemma2.4 τ (cid:16)Lρ6=τ ρ 1(cid:17) τ (cid:16)Lρ6=τ ρ 1(cid:17) A ⊕A and B +B are both τ–clipped. Hence by Lemma 2.2 we Lconρc6=lτudeρthat1Aτ ∼=LBτρ.6=Hτerρe τ wa1s an arbitrary type and the claim is clear. The fact that A ∼= B follows from the isomorphism A ⊕A ∼=A ⊕B . (cid:3) 1 nr 1 0 1 0 1 Corollary2.6. SupposethatGhasranknandGrealizesthepartitions(m,1n−m) and (m′,1n−m′) Then m=m′. Proof. The indecomposable summands of ranks m and m′ are necessarily clipped. so by Theorem 2.5, the completely decomposable parts of the decompositions are isomorphic. (cid:3) In particular there is no group that realizes both (1,1,2) and (1,3). We call a decomposition G=G ⊕G with G completely decomposable and cd cl cd G clipped a Main Decomposition of G. cl Corollary 2.7. Let C be a completely decomposable direct summand of a group G. Then G has a Main Decomposition G ⊕G in which C is a direct summand cd cl of G . cd Proof. Let G=C ⊕B and let B have Main Decomposition B = B ⊕B . Then cd cl G=(C⊕B )⊕B is a Main Decomposition of G. (cid:3) cd cl MainDecompositions areunique onlyup to nearisomorphism. Forexample,let X =τv⊕ (τv ⊕σv )+Z1(v ⊕v ) . Thegroup(τv ⊕σv )+Z1(v ⊕v )isinde- (cid:0) 1 2 5 1 2 (cid:1) 1 2 5 1 2 composable,henceclipped. WealsohaveX =τ(v+v )⊕ (τv ⊕σv )+Z1(v ⊕v ) 1 (cid:0) 1 2 5 1 2 (cid:1) and τv 6= τ(v+v ). On the other hand if G= G ⊕G and Hom(G ,G )= 0, 1 cd cl cd cl thenG isuniqueanddirectcomplementsofG areisomorphic([20,Lemma1.1.3]). cd cd References [1] D. M. Arnold, Finite Rank Torsion Free Abelian Groups and Rings, Lecture Notes inMathematics 931,Springer–Verlag,(1982) [2] D.Arnold,A.Mader,O.MutzbauerandE.Solak,Almost CompletelyDecomposable Groups and Unbounded Representation Type,JournalofAlgebra349(2012), 50–62. [3] D.Arnold,A.Mader,O.MutzbauerandE.Solak,(1,3)–groups, CzechoslovakMathematical Journal,63(2013), 307–355. [4] D. Arnold, A. Mader, O. Mutzbauer and E. Solak, Representations of posets and indecom- posable torsion-free abelian groups, CommunicationsinAlgebra,42(2013), 1287–1311. 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