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COMPLETELY BOUNDED BIMODULE MAPS AND SPECTRAL SYNTHESIS 7 M. ALAGHMANDAN,I. G. TODOROV,ANDL. TUROWSKA 1 0 2 Abstract. Weinitiatethestudyofthecompletelyboundedmultipliers n oftheHaageruptensorproductA(G)⊗hA(G)oftwocopiesoftheFourier a algebra A(G) of a locally compact group G. If E is a closed subset of J G we let E♯ ={(s,t):st∈E} and show that if E♯ is a set of spectral 1 synthesis for A(G)⊗hA(G) then E is a set of local spectral synthesis for A(G). Conversely, we prove that if E is a set of spectral synthesis A] for A(G) and G is a Moore group then E♯ is a set of spectral synthesis for A(G)⊗hA(G). Using the natural identification of the space of all F completelyboundedweak*continuousVN(G)′-bimodulemapswiththe . h dualofA(G)⊗hA(G),weshowthat,inthecaseGisweaklyamenable, t such a map leaves the multiplication algebra of L∞(G) invariant if and a m only if its support is contained in the antidiagonal of G. [ 1 v Contents 8 5 1. Introduction 1 2 2. Preliminaries 3 0 0 3. Multipliers of bivariate Fourier algebras 6 1. 4. Spectral synthesis in Ah(G) 17 0 5. The case of virtually abelian groups 29 7 6. VN(G)′-bimodule maps and supports 32 1 References 43 : v i X r a 1. Introduction The connections between Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory orig- inating from the seminal papers of W. Arveson [2] and N. Varopoulos [35] have been fruitfuland far-reaching. A particular instance of this interaction is the relation between Schur and Herz-Schur multipliers [6, 17] that has been prominent in applications, for example to approximation properties of group operator algebras (see e.g. [5]). It is well-known that, given a locally compact second countable group G, the Schur multipliers on G×G can be identified with those (completely) bounded weak* continuous maps on the space B(L2(G)) of all boundedoperators on L2(G) (here G is equipped with left Haar measure) that are also bimodular over L∞(G), where the latter is Date: 31 December 2016. 1 2 M.ALAGHMANDAN,I.G.TODOROV,ANDL.TUROWSKA viewed as an algebra of multiplication operators on L2(G). Theright invari- ant part of the space of Schur multipliers (which arises from the functions ϕ on G×G that satisfy the condition ϕ(sr,tr) = ϕ(s,t)) consists precisely of those maps that, in addition to the aforementioned properties, preserve the von Neumann algebra VN(G) of G. The original motivation behind the present work was the development of a counterpart of the latter result in a setting where the places of VN(G) andL∞(G) areexchanged. Thespace of all completely boundedweak* con- tinuous VN(G)-bimodule maps on B(L2(G)) has played a distinctive role in Operator Algebra Theory and have lately been prominent through the theory of locally compact quantum groups (see e.g. [20] and [22]). Those such maps that also preservethe multiplication algebra of L∞(G) have been studied since the 1980’s and are known to arise from regular Borel mea- sures on G (see [16, 27, 32]). However, a characterisation, analogous to the right invariance in the context of Schur multipliers – and one that uses only harmonic-theoretic properties–wasnotknown. Inthepresentpaper,wees- tablish such a characterisation and observe that it can be formulated in the language of spectral synthesis: it is equivalent to the statement that the an- itdiagonal of G is a Helson set with respect to the Haagerup tensor product A(G)⊗ A(G) of two copies of the Fourier algebra A(G) of G. Our inves- h tigation highlights the connections between completely bounded bimodule maps and spectral synthesis, which have not received substantial attention until now, despite the importance of both notions in modern Analysis. The aforementioned result required the development of a ground theory ofbivariateHerz-Schurmultipliersandservedasamotivation tostudyques- tions of spectral synthesis in A(G) ⊗ A(G). Our results show that, with h respect to spectral synthesis, the latter algebra is better behaved than the seemingly more natural A(G×G), and point to substantial distinctions be- tween these two algebras. Indeed, for a vast class of groups we establish transference of spectral synthesis between A(G) and A(G)⊗ A(G), while h such result does not hold for A(G×G) unless G is virtually abelian. In more detail, the paper is organised as follows. After collecting pre- liminaries and setting notation in Section 2, we study, in Section 3, the def bivariate Fourier algebra A (G) = A(G)⊗ A(G) and establish some if its h h basic properties, highlighting the rather well-known fact that it is a regular commutative semi-simple Banach algebra with Gelfand spectrum G × G. Viewing A (G) as a function algebra, we examine the space of its com- h pletely bounded multipliers, which can be thought of as a bivariate version of Herz-Schur multipliers, and show, among other things, that this algebra is weakly amenable if and only if the group G is weakly amenable. We ob- tain a characterisation of the completely bounded multipliers of A (G) in h terms of (bounded) multipliers on products with finite groups, providing a version of a result from [6](see Proposition 3.8). We show that the elements COMPLETELY BOUNDED BIMODULE MAPS AND SPECTRAL SYNTHESIS 3 of the extended Haagerup tensor product A(G)⊗ A(G) can be viewed as eh separately continuous functions, an identification needed thereafter. In Section 4, we study the question of spectral synthesis for A (G). Note h thatthedualofA (G)coincideswiththeextendedHaageruptensorproduct h def VN (G) = VN(G)⊗ VN(G) which, in turn, can be canonically identi- eh eh fied, via a classical result of U. Haagerup’s [17], with the space of com- pletely bounded weak* continuous VN(G)′-bimodule maps (here VN(G)′ denotes the commutant of VN(G)). Thus, the classical theory of commuta- tive Banach algebras allows us to associate to each such map its support, a closed subset of G×G. Viewing VN (G) as a (completely contractive) eh module over A (G), we obtain bivariate versions of some classical results h of P. Eymard [13]. The main results in Section 4 are related to trans- ference of spectral synthesis: associating to a subset E ⊆ G the subset E♯ = {(s,t) ∈ G× G : st ∈ E} of G× G, we show that if E♯ is is a set of spectral synthesis for A (G) then E is a set of local spectral synthesis h for A(G). Conversely, if E is a set of spectral synthesis for A(G) and G is a Moore group then E♯ is a set of spectral synthesis for A (G). Thus, h for Moore groups, the sets E and E♯ satisfy spectral synthesis simultane- nously. These results should be compared with other transference results in the literature, see e.g. [24], [30] and [31], and are a part of a programme of relating harmonic analytic, one-variable, properties, to operator theoretic, two-variable, ones [33]. In Section 5, we assume that G is a virtually abelian group, and show that, in this case, transference carries over to the set E∗ = {(s,t) ∈ G×G : ts−1 ∈ E}. This is obtained as a consequence of the fact that, for such groups, the flip of variables is a well-defined bounded map on A (G). h Section 6 is focused around the question of how the support of a map arising from an element of VN (G) influences the structure of the map. eh Our results demonstrate that the support contains information about the invariantsubspacesofthemap(seeTheorem6.6andCorollaries6.7and6.8). As a consequence, we show that a completely bounded weak* continuous VN(G)′-bimodule map leaves the multiplication algebra of L∞(G) invariant if and only if its support is contained in the antidiagonal of G. This gives an intrinsic, harmonic analytic, characterisation of this class of maps. Operator space tensor productsand, more generally, operator space theo- retic concepts and results, play a prominent role in our approach. Our main references in this direction are [3] and [10]. In addition, we use in a crucial way results and techniques about masa-bimodules in B(L2(G)), whose basic theory was developed in [2] and [12]. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we introduce some basic concepts that will be needed in thesequelandsetnotation. ForanormedspaceX,weletball(X)betheunit ballof X, and B(X)(resp. K(X)) bethealgebra of all boundedlinear (resp. 4 M.ALAGHMANDAN,I.G.TODOROV,ANDL.TUROWSKA compact)operatorsonX. IfH isaHilbertspaceandξ,η ∈ H,wedenoteby ξ⊗η∗ the rank one operator on H given by (ξ⊗η∗)(ζ)= (ζ,η)ξ, ζ ∈ H. By ω we denote the vector functional on B(H) defined by ω (T) = (Tξ,η). ξ,η ξ,η The pairing between elements of a normed space X and those of its dual X∗ will be denoted by h·,·iX,X∗; when no risk of confusion arises, we write simply h·,·i. By M (X) we denote the space of all n by n matrices with n entries in X; we set M = M (C). We let CB(X) be the (operator) space n n of all completely bounded maps on an operator space X. The algebraic tensor product of vector spaces X and Y will be denoted by X ⊙Y; if X and Y are Banach spaces, we let X ⊗ Y be their Banach γ projective tensor product. If H and K are Hilbert spaces, we denote by H ⊗K their Hilbertian tensor product. We let X⊗ˆY denote the operator projective, and X ⊗ Y the Haagerup, tensor productof the operator spaces h X and Y. By X⊗ Y we will denote the extended Haagerup tensor product eh of X and Y; we refer the reader to [11] for its definition and properties. If X and Y are dual operator spaces, their weak* spacial tensor product will be denoted by X⊗¯Y, and their σ-Haagerup tensor product by X ⊗ Y. Note σh that, in the latter case, X ⊗ Y coincides with the weak* Haagerup tensor eh product of X and Y introduced in [4]. We often use the same symbol to denote both a bilinear map and its linearisation through a tensor product. RecallthataBanachalgebraAequippedwithanoperatorspacestructure is called completely contractive if k[ai,jbk,l]kMmn(A) ≤ k[ai,j]kMn(A)k[bk,l]kMm(A) for every [a ] ∈ M (A) and [b ] ∈ M (A) and n,m ∈ N. Thus, if A is a i,j n k,l m completely contractive Banach algebra then the linearisation of the product extends to a completely contractive map m :A⊗ˆA → A. A Let A be a commutative regular semi-simple completely contractive Ba- nach algebra with Gelfand spectrum Ω; thus, A can be thought of as a subalgebra of the algebra C (Ω) of all continuous functions on Ω vanishing 0 at infinity. A continuous function b : Ω → C is called a multiplier of A if bA ⊆ A; in this case, we have a well-defined map m on A, given by b m (a) = ba, which is automatically bounded. If the map m is moreover b b completely bounded, b is called a completely bounded multiplier. We denote byMA(resp. McbA)thespaceofall multipliers (resp. completely bounded multipliers) of A. It is known that a (bounded) linear map T : A → A is of the form T = m for some b ∈ MA if and only if T(x)y = xT(y) for all b x,y ∈ A (see e.g. [23, Proposition 2.2.16]). Note that MA (resp. McbA) is a closed subalgebra of B(A) (resp. CB(A)). If b ∈ McbA, we denote by kbk the completely bounded norm of m ; we often identify the functions cbm b b ∈ McbA with the corresponding linear transformations m . Note that, if b a ∈ A, then kma(n)[ak,l]kMn(A) = k[aak,l]kMn(A) ≤ kakAk[ak,l]kMn(A) COMPLETELY BOUNDED BIMODULE MAPS AND SPECTRAL SYNTHESIS 5 for every [a ] ∈ M (A) and every n ∈ N. Therefore, the mapping a 7→ m k,l n a from A into McbA is a contraction. We next recall some basic facts from [13] and [6]. Let G be a locally compact group. The Haar measure evaluated at a Borel set E ⊆ G will be denoted by |E|, and integration with respect to it along the variable s will be denoted by ds. As customary, a∗b denotes the convolution, whenever defined, of the functions a and b. For t ∈ G, we let λ be the unitary t operator on L2(G), given by λ f(s) = f(t−1s), s ∈ G, f ∈ L2(G). We let t M(G) be the Banach *-algebra of all complex Borel measures on G and use the symbol λ to denote the left regular *-representation of M(G) on L2(G); thus, (λ(µ)f) = λ fdµ(s), µ ∈ M(G),f ∈ L2(G), s ZG where the integral is understood in the weak sense. We identify L1(G) with a *-subalgebra of M(G) in the canonical way. We let VN(G) (resp. C∗(G), C∗(G)) be the von Neumann algebra (resp. r the reduced C*-algebra, the full C*-algebra) of G. As usual, A(G) (resp. B(G))standsfortheFourier(resp. theFourier-Stieltjes)algebraofG. Thus, C∗(G) = {λ(f): f ∈ L1(G)}, VN(G) = C∗(G)w∗, r r B(G) = {(π(·)ξ,η) :π :G → B(H) cont. unitary representation,ξ,η ∈ H}, and A(G) is the collection of the functions on G of the form s → (λ ξ,η), s where ξ,η ∈ L2(G); see [13] for details. We denote by k · k the norm A of A(G). Note that the dual of A(G) (resp. C∗(G)) can be canonically identified with VN(G) (resp. B(G)). More specifically, if φ ∈ A(G) and ξ,η ∈L2(G) are such that φ(s) = (λ ξ,η), s∈ G, then s (1) hφ,Ti = (Tξ,η), T ∈ VN(G). We equip A(G) (resp. B(G)) with the operator space structure arising from the latter identification. Note that both A(G) and B(G) are completely contractive Banach algebras with respectto theseoperator space structures. For each ψ ∈ MA(G), the dual m∗ of the map m acts on VN(G); in ψ ψ fact, m∗(λ ) = ψ(t)λ , t ∈ G, and m∗(λ(f)) = λ(ψf), f ∈ L1(G). Note ψ t t ψ that a multiplier ψ ∈ MA(G) is completely bounded precisely when m∗ ψ is completely bounded; in this case, kψk = km∗k . We set ψ · T = cbm ψ cb m∗(T). The elements of McbA(G) are called Herz-Schur multipliers and ψ were introduced and originally studied in [6]. Let H and K beseparable Hilbert spaces and M⊆ B(H) and N ⊆ B(K) bevonNeumannalgebras. Everyelement u∈ M⊗ N hasarepresentation eh ∞ (2) u = a ⊗b , i i i=1 X where (ai)i∈N ⊆ M and (bi)i∈N ⊆ N are sequences such that ∞i=1aia∗i and ∞ b∗b are weak* convergent. In this case, the series (2) converges in i=1 i i P P 6 M.ALAGHMANDAN,I.G.TODOROV,ANDL.TUROWSKA the weak* topology of M⊗ N with respect to the completely isometric eh identification [4] (3) M⊗ N ≡ (M ⊗ N )∗, eh ∗ h ∗ whereM and N denote the predualsof M and N, respectively. Following ∗ ∗ [4], call(2)aw*-representation ofu. DenotingbyA(resp. B)therow(resp. column) operator (ai)i∈N (resp. (bi)i∈N), we write (2) as u = A⊙B. Every such u gives rise to a completely boundedweak* continuous M′,N′-module map Φ :B(K,H) → B(K,H) given by u ∞ (4) Φ (T) = a Tb , T ∈ B(K,H), u i i i=1 X and the map u→ Φ is a complete isometry from M⊗ N onto the space u eh CBw∗ (B(K,H)) of all weak* continuous completely bounded M′,N′- M′,N′ modulemapsonB(K,H)[4]. NotethatthealgebraictensorproductM⊙N can be viewed in a natural way as a (weak* dense) subspace of M⊗ N. eh 3. Multipliers of bivariate Fourier algebras In this section, we introduce a natural bivariate version of Herz-Schur multipliers and develop their basic properties. We set A (G) = A(G)⊗ A(G) and VN (G) = VN(G)⊗ VN(G). h h eh eh According to (3), we have a completely isometric identification (5) A (G)∗ ≡ VN (G); h eh under this identification, (6) hφ⊗ψ,λ ⊗λ i= φ(s)ψ(t), φ,ψ ∈ A(G),s,t ∈ G. s t We proceed with some certainly well-known considerations; because of the frequent lack of precise references, we provide the full details, which also serve our aim to set the appropriate context and notation for their subsequent applications. We first note that the natural injection ι :A(G) → C (G) G 0 iscompletelycontractive. Indeed,letU = [u ] ∈ M (A(G))andassociate i,j i,j n to U the map F : VN(G) → M given by F (T) = [hu ,Ti] . Then U n U i,j i,j (n) kιG (U)kMn(C0(G)) = supk[ui,j(s)]kMn = supk[hui,j,λsi]kMn s∈G s∈G ≤ sup{k[hui,j,Ti]kMn : T ∈ ball(VN((G))} = sup{kFU(T)kMn :T ∈ ball(VN((G))} = kFUk ≤ kFUkcb = kUkMn(A(G)). Thus, the map def (7) ι = ι ⊗ ι :A (G) → C (G)⊗ C (G) h G h G h 0 h 0 COMPLETELY BOUNDED BIMODULE MAPS AND SPECTRAL SYNTHESIS 7 is completely contractive. On the other hand, there is a natural contractive injection (8) C (G)⊗ C (G) → C (G)⊗ C (G) ≡ C (G×G), 0 h 0 0 min 0 0 which allows us to view the elements of C (G) ⊗ C (G) as continuous 0 h 0 functions on G × G (vanishing at infinity). In fact, C (G) ⊗ C (G) is a 0 h 0 (Banach) algebra under pointwise addition and multiplication and, by the Grothendieck inequality, coincides up to renorming with the Varopoulos al- gebra C (G)⊗ C (G). If v ∈ A (G) then, in view of (7) and (8), 0 γ 0 h (9) kι (v)k ≤ kvk . h ∞ h The duality in the next lemma is the one arising from the identification (5). Lemma 3.1. If s,t ∈ G and v ∈ A (G) then h (10) hv,λ ⊗λ i = ι (v)(s,t). s t h In particular, the map ι is injective. h Proof. Lets,t ∈ G, andsupposethat v = φ⊗ψ forsomeφ,ψ ∈ A(G). Then hv,λ ⊗λ i= hφ⊗ψ,λ ⊗λ i = hφ,λ ihψ,λ i =φ(s)ψ(t) = ι (φ⊗ψ)(s,t). s t s t s t h It follows that (10) holds for all v ∈ A(G)⊙A(G). For every T ∈ VN (G), eh the map v → hv,Ti is norm continuous. On the other hand, in view of (8), |ι (v)(s,t)| ≤ kι (v)k ≤ kι (v)k . h h ∞ h h Identity (10) now follows from the density of A(G)⊙A(G) in A (G). h Assuming ι (v) = 0, we have that ι (v)(s,t) = 0 for all s,t ∈ G. By h h (10), hv,λ ⊗λ i= 0 for all s,t ∈ G. An application of Kaplansky’s Density s t Theoremshowsthattheset{λ ⊗λ : s,t ∈G}spansaweak*densesubspace s t of VN (G); it now follows that v = 0. (cid:3) eh Since the Haagerup norm is dominated by the operator projective one, the identity map on A(G)⊙A(G) extends to a complete contraction (11) ˆι:A(G)⊗ˆA(G) → A (G). h Identifying A(G)⊗ˆA(G) with A(G × G) (see [10, Chapter 16]), we thus consider ˆι as a complete contraction from A(G × G) into A (G). Note h that ι ◦ ˆι = ι ; indeed, the latter identity is straightforward on the h G×G algebraic tensor product A(G) ⊙ A(G), and hence holds by density and continuity. Since ι is injective, we conclude that ˆι is injective. The dual G×G ˆι∗ : VN (G) → VN(G×G) of the map ˆι: A(G×G) → A (G) is easily seen eh h to coincide with the canonical inclusion of VN (G) into VN(G×G), and is eh hence (completely contractive and) injective [4, Corollary 3.8]. Inthesequel,weoftensuppressthenotationsι ,ˆιandι and,byvirtue G×G h of Lemma 3.1, consider the elements of A (G) as (continuous) functions on h G×G. 8 M.ALAGHMANDAN,I.G.TODOROV,ANDL.TUROWSKA The next proposition contains the main facts that we will need about the algebra A (G). Recall that a normed algebra (A,k·k ) is said to have a h A (left) bounded approximate unit [36], if there exists a constant C > 0 so that for every v ∈ A and every ǫ > 0, there exists u ∈ A such that kuk ≤ C A and kuv−vk < ǫ. A Proposition 3.2. The following statements hold true: (i) The space A (G) is a regular semisimple Tauberian completely con- h tractive Banach algebra with respect to the operation of pointwise multipli- cation, whose Gelfand spectrum can be identified with G×G. (ii) The map ι is an algebra homomorphism. h (iii) The algebra A (G) has a bounded approximate identity if and only if h Gis amenable. Furthermore, if G isamenable thenthe bounded approximate identity can be chosen to be compactly supported. Proof. (i), (ii) Let m :(A(G)⊙A(G))×(A(G)⊙A(G)) → A(G)⊙A(G) be the map given by m(φ⊗ψ,φ′⊗ψ′)= (φφ′)⊗(ψψ′). By [8, Section 9.2], m linearises to a completely bounded bilinear map m :A (G)⊗ˆ A (G) → A (G), h h h h turning A (G) into a commutative completely contractive Banach algebra. h Let w = φ⊗ψ and w′ = φ′⊗ψ′ for some φ,ψ,φ′,ψ′ ∈A(G); then ι (m(w,w′))(s,t) = ι ((φφ′)⊗(ψψ′))(s,t) = (φφ′)(s)(ψψ′)(t) h h = (φ⊗ψ)(s,t)(φ′ ⊗ψ′)(s,t) = ι (w)(s,t)ι (w′)(s,t). h h By the continuity of m, ι (m(w,w′)) = ι (w)ι (w′) for all w,w′ ∈ A (G) h h h h and ι is a homomorphism. Therefore m coincides with the pointwise mul- h tiplication. The fact that the Gelfand spectrum of A (G) coincides with h G×G follows from [34, Theorem 2]. Since ι is injective and A(G×G) G×G is a regular Banach algebra, we conclude that A (G) is regular, too. Note h that, since the elements λ ⊗λ , s,t ∈ G, are characters of A (G), the latter s t h algebra is also semi-simple. Note that the space X = A(G)∩C (G) is dense in A(G); it follows that c the space X ⊙X is dense in A (G). This implies that C (G×G)∩A (G) h c h is dense in A (G), that is, A (G) is Tauberian. h h (iii) Suppose that G is amenable. By Leptin’s Theorem, A(G) has a bounded approximate identity say (φ ) . Set w = φ ⊗φ . If ψ ,ψ ∈ α α α α α 1 2 A(G) then, clearly, w (ψ ⊗ψ ) → ψ ⊗ψ in A (G). Now a straightfor- α 1 2 α 1 2 h wardapproximationargumentshowsthat(w ) isa(bounded)approximate α α identity for A (G). h Conversely, suppose that (w ) is a bounded approximate identity of α α A (G). Let δ denote the character on A(G) corresponding to an element h s s ∈ G. The map id⊗δ : A (G) → A(G) is a (completely) contractive s h COMPLETELY BOUNDED BIMODULE MAPS AND SPECTRAL SYNTHESIS 9 homomorphism. For an arbitrary 0 6= v ∈ A(G), let s ∈ G so that v(s) 6= 0. Note that (id⊗δ )(w )v = (id⊗δ )(w )(id⊗δ )(v⊗v(s)−1v) s α s α s = (id⊗δ )(w (v⊗v(s)−1v)) → (id⊗δ )(v⊗v(s)−1v) = v. s α α s Thus, A(G) has a (left) bounded approximate unit. By [36, Theorem 1], A(G) has a bounded approximate identity. By Leptin’s Theorem, G is amenable. (cid:3) The following lemma will be needed shortly, but it may be interesting in its own right. Lemma 3.3. Let A be a commutative Banach algebra, B be a completely contractive commutative Banach algebra, and θ : A → McbB be a bounded homomorphism. IfAhas abounded approximate identityand the linear span of {θ(a)b : a ∈ A, b ∈ B} is dense in B, then θ can be extended to a bounded mapθ : MA → McbB. Inparticular, ifAisacompletely contractive Banach algebra with a bounded approximate identity, then MA = McbA. Proof. Fix a bounded approximate identity (a ) of A. Let α α B = span{θ(a)(b) : a ∈ A, b ∈ B}. 0 For a given c∈ MA, define θ(c) on B by 0 m m θ(c) θ(a )(b ) := θ(ca )(b ), a ∈ A,b ∈ B,k = 1,...,m. k k k k k k ! k=1 k=1 X X The mapping θ(c) is a well-defined linear map on B . In fact, if 0 n m (1) (1) (2) (2) θ(a )b = θ(a )b , k k k k k=1 l=1 X X (1) (2) (1) (2) for some subsets {a ,a : k = 1,...,n, l = 1,...,m} ⊆ A and {b ,b : k l k l k = 1,...,n, l = 1,...,m} ⊆ B, then n n (1) (1) (1) (1) θ(ca )b = lim θ(ca a )b k k α α k k k=1 k=1 X X n (1) (1) (12) = limθ(ca ) θ(a )b α α k k ! k=1 X m (2) (2) = limθ(ca ) θ(a )b α α l l ! l=1 X m m (2) (2) (2) (2) = lim θ(ca a )b = θ(ca )b . α α l l l l l=1 l=1 X X 10 M.ALAGHMANDAN,I.G.TODOROV,ANDL.TUROWSKA We claim that θ(c) is a completely bounded map on B . Let 0 ni,j (i,j) (i,j) θ(a )b k k " # Xk=1 i,j be an arbitrary element in the unit ball of M (B ). Then n 0 ni,j ni,j θ(c)(n) θ(a(i,j))b(i,j) = θ(ca(i,j))b(i,j) (cid:13) k k (cid:13) (cid:13) k k (cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) "Xk=1 #i,j(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13)"Xk=1 #i,j(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) ni,j (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (i,j) (i,j) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) = lim θ(ca a )b α (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)"Xk=1 α k k #i,j(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) ni,j (cid:13) = lim(cid:13)θ(ca )(n) θ(a(i,j))b(i(cid:13),j) α (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) α "Xk=1 k k #i,j(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) ≤ sup(cid:13)kθ(ca )k ≤ kθkkck supka(cid:13) k < ∞. (cid:13) α cbm MA (cid:13)α α (cid:13) α (cid:13) Since B is dense in B, the map θ(c) can be extended as a completely 0 bounded map (denoted in the same way) on B. Furthermore, θ(c) is a multiplier. In fact, let b,b′ ∈ B. Since B is dense in B, there is a sequence 0 ni θ(a(i))b(i) in B converging to b. We have k=1 k k i∈N 0 (cid:16) (cid:17) P ni θ(c)(bb′) = lim θ(c) θ(a(i))b(i)b′ k k i→∞ ! k=1 X ni = lim θ(ca(i))b(i)b′ k k i→∞ k=1 X ni = lim θ(ca(i))b(i) b′ k k i→∞ ! k=1 X ni = lim θ(c) θ(a(i))b(i) b′ = θ(c)(b)b′; k k i→∞ ! k=1 X thus, θ takes values in McbB. To prove the last statement in the formulation of the Lemma, note that if A is a completely contractive Banach algebra, A sits inside McbA in a natural fashion. Since A possesses a (bounded) approximate identity, the set {ab : a,b ∈ A} is dense in A. By the first part of the proof, the identity map can be extended to a map θ :MA → McbA where for each b ∈ MA, θ(b)(a) = lim(ba )a = ba. α α

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