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Contents Map of the units +A Introduction 6 PET contenta nd overview 1 Homes and habits 8 2 Student days 16 Vocabularya nd grammar review Units 1 and 2 24 3 Funt ime 26 4 Our world 34 Vocabularya nd grammar reuiewt lnits 3 and 4 42 5 Feelings 44 6 Leisurea nd fashion 52 Vocabularya nd grammar reuiew []nits 5 and 6 60 7 Out and about 62 I This is me! 70 Vocabularya nd grammar reviewU nits 7 and 8 78 I Fit and healthy 80 10 A question of taste 88 Vocabularya nd grammar reuiew Units 9 and l0 96 11 Conservingn ature 98 12 What did you say? 106 Vocabularya nd grammar reuiewU nits li and 12 7r4 Grammarr eference 116 lrregular verbs 732 Writing reference 133 Speakingr eference r42 Authentic past PETp aper from CambridgeE SOL r48 Extra material 173 Answer key 175 Acknowledgements 238 Contents @ 1 Homesa nd habits ReadrnPg art5 : Livrngin a windmill; WritingP artl : ldentifyintga rget ListeninPg art4 . Routineasr oundth ew orld Livingn acavehome STTUCTUTES ldentifyinpga ralleel xpressions Readinfgo rg ista ndm arnp oints Wrjtrnga n emai Descriptioonf a room Twoc andidatedso ingS peakingP art1 2 Student days ReadingP art3 :Thed ailyl ifeo f a WritingP art2 :Writinga shortm essage Nadineta lkinga bouth ere xperienceass a n Beijingte enager Thank ing, explai ni n g . apologi sing, exchangset udent An extractf rom Teenm agaztne inviting.s uggesting Listenn g Partl : Fours hortr ecordings ReadingP artl . Fivete xtsa boutw ork Twoc andidatedso ingS peakingP art4 Vocabularya nd grammar review Units and2 3 Funt ime ReadingP art4 :T het eenagewr ho WritingP art1 :l dentifyinwg ordst o ListeninPg art2 . Fourw ayso f spendinga sarleoa crossa no cean changee; rrorc orTection dayo ut ldentifyinwg riter'sp urpose Describinfgr ee-tjmea ctivjties Talkinga bouta skiingh olidaY Twot eenaqerdsi scussintgh eirf reet ime Ip 4 Our world ReadingP art3 : Discovetrh e islando f WritingP art3 :Writn g a letter Selmata lkinga boutw heres hel ives Borneo ListeninPg art3 : Oymyakonth, e Northern Poleo f Cold A candidatdeo ingS peaklngP art3 Vocabutarya nd grammarr eviewU nits efid4 rl 5 Feelings ReadingP art5 : Howt o be happier WritingP art3 :Yourf avouritwe ayo f ListeninPga r4t :i dentifyitnhge l anguagoel Usrngtl 'e conle\tt o gL,esms issirg relaxing;Somethienxgc itingyo ul iket o oprnrons words do Candidatdeosi ngS peakinPga r4t Causea nde ffectl inks Formal/informeaxlp ressions r- 6 Leisurea nd fashion R[eenatedrintagPi namrt2 e:gnT uth iedG etu oi HdeoH nKgK ongJ Wsaryi tthinagnP kay ortu2 :Writinga shortm essagteo Tlwwoo pp eeoopplleetpa llakninngtan bgao nulgtT hVto p trjott gorgaemthmeers DJ. Jupitearn dt hek ickboxer ListeninPg artl : Fours hortr ecordingasb out ol lostr tems Twoc andjdatedso ingS peakingP art4 lr -- Gcaounry an gnmmarr eviewu nns and 6 z 7 Out and about ReadingP art1 :i dentifyintge xtp urpose WritingP artl . Transformation LrsteninPga rt2 . Photographinegx treme dialoguei;d entifyinpga rallel weathecr onditions expressions Gettingto the stationin t ime Describinfgu turec limates Twoc andrdatedso ingS peakingP art2 Twop eopled iscussintgra nsporitn t he future 8 This is me! ReadingP art3 : Lifec oachefsi nd Pun ctuation Kristiatna lkingto hisl rfec oach successw rtny oungp eople WritingP art2 :Writinga Physical ListeninPg art3 : Becominag filme xtra descilplon Describinsgo meone'psh ysicaalp pearance 'Skilfulli nkinob' etweenc ontenpt oints Threec andidatedso inqS peakingP artt Vocabulary,andg rammar review Units/ anod I Fit and healthy ReadingP art5 . Choosey ours port WritinPg ar3t :W ritinag s tory ListeninPg art4 :Y oungp eople'hs ealth Usingl hec ontexlto gless rr'ssing Texot rganisation ldentifyinagg reemendt,t sagreemeannt cl words Narrativvee rbte nses decision-making Listeninfgo ra greemendt,i sagreemeannt d decrsrons to A question of taste ReadingP art2 : Eightu nusual WrltlngP art2 :Writinga shortm essage A waiterg ivingi nstructions _,,'-l TESTAUTANIS Thdnk ing, explain ing, invitin g, ListeninPg artl : Sevens hortr ecordings JackB lenkharhna sh ish airc ut ap olo gi s i n g , su gge stnt g Peopleta lkinga bouth avings omethindgo ne Peope askingf or objectst heyd on't know the nameo f Onec andidatdeo lngS peakingP art3 Vocabularya nd grammar review UnitsI and lA I1 Conservingn ature ReadingP art4 : Internationcalli mate WritingP art3 : Lettera boutw ldlifea nd L steningP art2 :W ildlifein Indla champrons pets Listeningfo r wayso f expressinge xamples Matchingo ptionsw ith relevant Checkingfo rm istakes Listeningfo r word stress words in the text 12 What did you say? ReadingP art3 : Cany ous peakM artian?WritingP art3 . Writinga story Studentsd iscusstnag p roject ListeninPg art3 . WebC hallenge'competttton Vocaiitary ana grammar revilw Units I and 12 tun of the units @ . Discussrnag y oungp erson'sro orn Housea ndh ome . Prepositionosft ime . SpeakingP art1 .Q uesti0nasn da nsweTs Countablaen du ncountablneo uns . Frequencayd verbs . Presensti mpiea ndp resenct ontinuous . Statev erbs . A few, a little, many, much, a lot of, lots of . Prepositionosf p lace . Questionfo rms . Talkinga boutt ypicasl choodl ays Take.u t. passt.a il.l ose.m iss.lp srn.t each.s rudl Pasts impe andp astc ontinuous . Talkinga boutc hangesn yourl ife Earn,h ave,m ake,s pend,t ake Usedt o . SpeaklngP art4 .T urnt akinga nda ctv e Iistening . Talkinga boutw ork Talkinga bouty ourself Freet me Verbsf o lowedb y to or -rng SpeakingP art2 : lvlakingsu ggestionasn d Negativep refixes replyn g po itelyt o suggestions PhrasavJe rbs PronunciatioWn.o rds tressfo r newi nformation People'hso bbies Speakn g Part3 : Describn g photoso f places Holidaay ctivities Comparativaen ds uperlatrvaed jectives Travelj,o urney, trip Spelnl g of comparatlvaen ds upera tv e adjectives Buildn gsa ndp laces A bit, a little, much, far, a lot Adjectiveuss edt o describep laces /Votas..a.s ... Big and enormous[g radablea nd non-gradable adjectrvesl . SpeakingP art3 : Describinpgh otos Personafel ei ngs,o prnionse,x periences Can.c ould.n ighL.m ay[ abilitya rd possibii ty) . SpeakingP art4 : Describinpge rsonal Rea tronsw itho thers Should,s houldn't,o ught to, must,m ustn't,h ave to, experiecne s Adjectivesw ilh edand -ing don'th aver o( obligatioann dp rohibitionJ Adjectiveasn dp repositions Adjectiveosf emotiona ndt heiro pposites . Tak ng aboute ntertan ment Televisiopnr ograrnmes Presenpt erfect ' SpeakingP art4 .T alkinga bouta ctivitieast home Goingo ut Yet,a lreadyj,u st andg oingo ut;T alkinga boutt he clothesy oul ike Been/gone,m eet, get to know,k now,f ind out Sincea nd for to weaT Describinlgo sti tems Presenpt erfecot r pasts imple . Talkinga boute xtremew eather Weather Thef uture:w ill,g oingt o,p resentc 0ntinuousp, resent . SpeakingP art2 : Givinga nda skingfo r reasons Tran sport srmpe andp references Adverbso f degree . PronunciatioWn:e akf orms Too/enough P-epost ionso ' 'novenert. an foot'byc ar.e lc. Compoundw ords Sayingth e letterso ft hea lphabeat nds pelln g Phrasavle rbs Zero,f irsta nds econdc ondrtionsa words Descrb ingp eople Wheni,f , unless+ presentf,u ture SpeakingP art1 :A skingg eneraql uestions Prefixesa nd suffixes So do /and Nor/Neitherd o I SpeakingP art2 :W hichs portt o takeu p Healtha nde xercs e Which,t hat, who, whose,w hen and nzherec lauses Pronunciati:o Snt ressewd ords lllnesseasn da ccidents (defininagn dn on defning) q^^rtc ^^l ^.^ti^na Pastp erfecst imple ' Talkinga boutf ood Typeso f fooda ndd rink Commands ' Soeakn g Pdrt3 : Desc-ib'rgo bjecrsy oud onr Course,d ish,f ood,m eal,p late Haves omethingd one knowt he nameo f Shopsa nds ervices . nie.,,eain^ anim.l {..ia Then aturawl orld Thep assivep:r esenat ndp asts imple . Savingw ater Thee nvironment Comparativaen ds uperlativaed verbs . SpeakingP art4 : Savinge nergy Nouns uffixes ' Givn g exampe s . Pronunciation:Wosrtdre ssw iths uffixes . P-onrnciation:Weak'oirnnp sa ssv es ' Communicatinwgit ho thers Slangw ords Reporteds peech ' Descrrbinwgh eret hingsa re Speak.t alk.s ay,t ell. askf or Reportedc ommands ' SpeakinPga n3 : Descbr inga photo Preposrtionosf p lace Reportedsp eecho. therc hanges Reportedq uestions Indirecqt uestions Map of the units Cs) t lntroduction o An authentic past PET exam paper supplied by Cambridge ESOLf or you to practise with. o A CD-ROM which provides you with many interactive Who this book is for exercisesi,n cluding further listening practicee xclusive CompleteP ET is a stimulating and thorough preparation to the CD-ROM( pleaseu se the classa udio CDs for the course for students who wish to take the Preliminary Student'sB ook listening exercises)A. trlt hesee xtra English Test from Cambridge ESOL.I t teachesy ou the exercisesa re linked to the topics in the Student'sB ook. reading,w riting, listening and speakings kills which are Also availablea re: necessaryf or the exam as well as essentialg rammar and o TWo audio CDs containing listening material for the vocabulary. For those who are not planning to take the 12 units of the Student'sB ook plus the ListeningP aper exam in the neat future, the book providess kills and for the test suppliedb y CambridgeE SOL.T he listening language highly relevant to an intermediate level of English material is indicated by different coloured icons in the (CommonE uropeanF ramework( CEF)l evel BU. Student'sB ook as follows: (1 cu, (-) clz. What the book contains . A Teacher'sB ook containing: o Step-by-stepg uidance for handling the activities in In the Student's Book there are: the Student'sB ook. r 12 unitd for classroom study. Each unit contains: o A number of suggestionsf or alternative treatments . one part of eacho f the three papersi n the PET exam. of activities in the Student'sB ook and suggestionsf or The units provide languagei nput and skills practice extension activities. to help you deal successfullyw ith the tasks in each . Extra photocopiable materials for each unit of the part. Student'sB ook to practise and extend language r essentiali nformation on what each part of the exam abilities outside the requirements of the PET exam. involves, and the best way to approache ach task. . Photocopiable recording scripts from the Student's . a wide range of enjoyablea nd stimulating speaking Book listening material. activities designedt o increasey our fluency and your . Complete answer keys including recording scripts ability to expressy ourself. for all the listening material. r a step-by-stepa pproacht o doing PET writing tasks. . Four photocopiable progress tests for every three . grammar activities and exercisesf or the grammar Student'sB ook units. you need to know for the exam. When you are doing . 12 photocopiable word lists [one for each unit) grammar exercisesy ou will sometimess eet his containingv ocabularyf ound in the units. Each symbol:@ . rnese exercisesa re basedo n research vocabularyi tem in the word list is accompanibd from the Cambridge Learner Corpus and they by a definition supplied by the corpus-informed deal with the areas which often causep roblems for Ca mb r idge L eo r ner's D ictionary. studentsi n the exam. r A Student'sW orkbook containing: . vocabularyn ecessaryf or PET.W hen you seet his r 12 units for homework and self-study. Each unit symbol OAV a vocabularye xercise,t he exercise contains further exam-style exercisest o practise focuseso n words which PET candidateso ften the reading,w riting and listening skills neededi n confuseo r use wrongly in the exam. the PET exam. In addition, they provide further . Six unit reviews. These contain exercisesw hich revise practice of grammar and vocabulary, which also use the grammar and vocabulary that you have studied in information about common PET candidate errors each unit. from the CambridgeL earnerC orpus@ . r Speaking and Writing reference sections. These r A 'Vocabulary Extra' section, which contains twelve explain the possiblet asksy ou may have to do in the pageso f further revision and practice of the essential Speaking and Reading and Writing papers, and they PET exam vocabularyc ontainedi n the Student's give you examplest ogether with additional exercises Book units. and adviceo n how best to approacht heseP ETp apers. . An audio CD containing all the listening material for the Workbook. o A Grammar reference section which clearly explains all the main areaso f grammar which you will needt o . The website www.cambridge.org/completepetc ontains know for the PET exam. a full model PET for Schoolsp racticet est. Introduction Co) Homesa nd habits ,iir: tx Starting off 0 Wittr a partner, look at the two pictures and the photo of Julia. Which do you think is her room? whv? O @rlisten to Julia, and check your answer. t. @ Look at the underlined words from the recording. Match 1-6 to the expressionsa -f with similar meanings. I I'm out quite a lot then a the things I like Listening Far&4 f I most Q Readt hesei nstructions. 2 it'sn ot a particularlyb ig / b somebodyv isits room me . Youw ifl heara conversatiobne tweena girl,Z oe, l 3 I've got all my favourite \ c not in very much anda boy,L ucasa, boutd ailyh abitsin different things there countries. but there just isn't any space d beginningt o . Decideif eachs entence1 -5i s correcot r there improve incorrect. ) I'm startingt o getb etter e rather a small . lf it is correctp, uta tick [/) in the boxu nderA 6 when I have someoner ound f it's completely forY ESl.f it is notc orrectp, uta tick U) in the full up boxu nderB for NO. untr O \ Exom advice Beforey oul istenl,o oka t thes entenceasn d underlinteh e keyw ordst,h en: thinko f wordsa ndp hrasews itht hes ameo r oppositem eanings listenfo rt hesea nds imilaer xpressions. @ Discuss these questions about the recording with your partner. Use expressions from Exercise 4. @ nefore you listen, look at the underlined part of f Why do you think differentp arts of the world each sentence l-5 and think of other expressions often have different daily routines? that mean the same, or the opposite. 2 Which of the daily routinesy ou heard about is more like yours?I n what ways? A B 3 Which do you think is better?W hy? YES NO I Lucass ayst hat everywhere T I Grammar closese arly in his town. Frequencayd verbsq;L rcstiofno rms Lucasa nd Zoe agreet hat taxis tr are too expehsive. & pug* 117G rammarre ferenceF. requencay dverbs Zoe believest hat Lucas'st own canb e dangerouast night. T Q fook at these words and sentencesf rom the recording and answer the questions below. 4 Zoe saysp eoplei n the north of Europeg et up earliert han those ... they ofteng o out aftert hat ... in thes outh I I ... they don'tu suallyh avet heir main meal ... 5 Lucast hinks it is a good idea to ... therea re alwaysl ots of peoplea round. .. sleepf or a shortt imea fterl unch. I I ... olderp eopleg o to bed earlym ostn ights ... O (d} Now listen to the conversation and tick (/) ... the schoold ay is normallya boutt he same. .. the boxes. I Do frequencya dverbsl ike often go beforeo r after Pnepositions0 f time the main verb? D pug* 117G rammarre ferenceP. repasitionasf time 2 What happensw ith the verb be? 3 Where do frequencye xpressionsli ke mosf nights @O Zoe says at six o'clock and in the evening.PET go? candidates often make mistakes with prepositions of time. Circle the correct option in ifalics in @ nut the words in brackets in the correct position sentences 1-5. in these sentences. I The weatheri s cold in /@night. I I listen to music on the radio. (occasionally) 2 Schools tartsa t 8 o'clocko n / in the morning. T accnsio*n!-h6l islet lo wusic ot tl*e radio. 3 We got there at / on Friday evening. ' 2 I checkm y em5il. (everyt wo hours) 4 I'll seey ou on / at 4 o'clock. 3 I'm late for school.f never) 5 His birthday is on / ln July. 4 I write letterst o friends. (sometimes) 5 I don't have lunch at home. (always) @ Wittr a partner, put these expressions in the 6 tr'ms leepyi n the morning. (almoste very day) correct columns. Then think of more expressions 7 l go out on Monday nights. (hardly ever) to add to each column. 8 I stay in bed late. (mostw eekends) ... the-weekend ... the morning ... summer @ How true are sentences 1-8 for you? Rewrite . .. April 24 ... 2010 . . . the holidays those that are not true, using different frequency ... half pastt wo ... bedtime ... Saturdays adverbs and expressions. T rnrely listeu to wusic o+t ltne rndio. I- Iisleu to wusia ou ttne rndia +enrh* a!-!-t ne )riwe, v Homesa nd habits fil \_-/ @ Work in groups. Ask about these activities and @ ttow do the samew ith activities 1-3. answer using frequency adverbsp lus the correct preposition of time. arrivaet s chooolr w ork geth ome getu pi nt hem orning got o bed rh aveb reakfast haved inner havelu nch 'W|ne:';" do up?' Vou Vet 'I nlwn\s up nl t.so iu th"ew orui+w.' Vetr @ nst a partner questionsa bout the following, beginningD o yoa evero r How often do you ... . Use expressionsl ike eueryd ay, onceo week and' twice a month in your answers. chaot nline cooka meal god ancing reada magazines endte xtm essagest idyy ourr oom 'Do you ever cl*nt o+tLi+te7' 'ies, A ctnnl o'nli+tee very everi'tr,' 'Vow ottet do you se+rdf ey'l wessnVes?' 't seud o.X turry Lta# tnour| Reading Sart 5 O Work in small groups and answer these questions. r ln what waysa ret he homesi n the picturesd itferent from ordinaryh omes? r What aret he advantageasn dd isadvantageosf l iving in each? r Whichw ouldy ou like to live in?W hY? .g Quictty read the text at the top of pagel l, without filling in the gaps,a nd answert heseq uestions. o What kind of text (e.g.story, article) is it? r What is the text about? . Which of the pictureso n the rightshowst his building? . Which parts of it are the sails andthe bolcorLy? . Which five of the points below arein the text? I The family built a windmill and they now live in it. 2 The Wraysburyw indmill is four centurieso ld. 3 The windmill hast he samek ind of roomsa s a house. 4 Living in a windmill is different from living in a house. 5 Therea re sometimesfi resi n the windmill. 6 The windmill has a fire exit. 7 The windmill will make its own power' 8 They used material from abroadt o build the windmill. unitr @ .. :.. :.:,:.ta... .a::,:4 ..a,.:,:.a::..::::.::..,. r., :,:r.: ,:. ... .: ..:. ..'..aq..,' ri::iiil.::t::t::::: ' l l I ::li::l:::l:::l;liraai::': lr::t,::: .:. !,$9t..1''t' :' 6dr :'r,l :.T:trirh.a: . e.iirt:t niti:re:ii:r.itr:,:r.,s. . t S-metre long @ nead the text more carefully, and fill in the gaps @ nead the text below, paying no attention to the with these words. gaps for the moment. Decide what kind of text it is, what it is about, and its three main points. as corners etectricity few rground job like in on third Exam advice Beginb y readingt he text to get a generali deao f the type of text,i ts topic and the mainp oints. buyingc aveh omes.T he herei t is only1 8.l t nevefra lls climateis changinga nd muchb elowth at,e vend uringt he temperaturesa roundt he coldesmt onths. worlda re [2) .,b ut Modernc aveh omesli ket his insidea cavei t remains oftenh avea phones, atellite coole, veni3 l ... .. TVa nda n Interne[t6 ) summer. andt heya rev eryc omfortable. (7) the bedroomasr ev ery quiet,d arka ndc ool,p eoplelo ve I am sittingi n a caveh omei n Weo ftenb elieveth atl ivingin sleepinign t hemA. nd,t heys ay, Cappadociao, ne of the hottest a caveis [0)......C. f-r omt he distanpt astt,h ed ayso f cavemen partso fTurkey[, ) three it'se asyt o makem ore( 8) fory ourselYf.o uj ustd iga bigger o'clocko n a Julya fternoon. andc avewomebnu, tn owadays room! Outsideit reache3s5 degrees a [1). of peoplea re almos[t5 ) day,b ut in Homesa nd habits @ @Read the text on page ll about @ Discuss these questions in pairs. living in caves dgain and r Would you like to live in a caveh ome?W hy (not)? choose the correct word for r Which other unusual placest o live do you know of? each space, A, B, C or D. Use the questions in italics to help you. Grammar 0 Aalylhing Beverything Presensti mplea ndp resenct ontinuouss;t atev erbs .66-mffi) D nothing *|s ptg* 117G rammarre ferenceP. resentsimplaen cpl resentcontinuaus I A little B many {[) Vtatctr extracts 1-4 from the text with uses a-d of the present simple C few D lot and present continuous. 'of' Whiclt word goesb efore 1 I am sitting in a caue a it's alwayst rue and anoun? 2 tlrc climatei s clnnging b it's happeningn ow 2 A rising B lifting 3 it remainsc ool,e veni n summer c it happensr egularly C adding D raising 4 it reaches3 5 degreesa lmoste veryd ay d it's in progress Which verb doesn ot n€ed an @ Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. object? Use the present simple or the present continuous. 3 A about Bin Con D round Which prepositiong oesw ith the seasons? ;JJ 4 Aat B during C for Dbv Which preposition usually goes HiDavid, with exactt imes? t [f) ...1r'-.nrifi'vtg../.w..*rnif i!fr [write)to gouf romo urh olidagh ome, U - A some B both right nextt o the sea.I (2) [sit)i n mgc osgb edro6mw, hich C every D another t3) [beJa t the backo fthe buildinga, nd| [4) Whiclt word completest he [lookJo uta crossth ew avest o a littlei slandI. [5) . .... [loveJth is freqaencye xplession? view,a ndi nt he eveningI s ometimes(6 ) .. [stag)i nt o watcht he sung od ownE. vergd ag| (7) (goJf or a longw alka longt het oPo f A bridge B connection the cliffs.l t's lateJ unen ow,s o the weather[ 8) Iget)h otterb, ut C relation D tie lalwagts9 ) .. . [teavet)h e housee arlgi nt he morningw hilet hat Which word usuaLlyg oesw ith coolwindf romo ut at sea[ t0) ........[ ulow)|. [11). ..... .. ... 'Internet'? [haveaJ r eallgg oodti meh erea, nd| [12) ..[ nott hinkJl wantt o go 7 ASo B Since home! C Until D Even Bgef orn ow, Wttich linking word means Pamela 'becausd at tlrc beginning of a F+efr f \eFr$:fr4=effi fl sf 4sFwiF!4Jstwqsffi sentence? * prg* 118G rammarre ferenceS. tatev erbs 8 A area B floor C land D space Verbst hat describes tatesa le not normally usedi n continuousf orms: 'empty', we often believe that living in a cave ... not we-creof+er+aievins Whicttword means on and abovet lrc ground? insidea cavei t remainsc ool ... IJioftf i @ Wtrictr of these are state verbs? belong change consist contain oreim exist iirr torg;i guess improve include matter mean need own Paint : , prefer relax renfember seem suppose understand un*t @ \. @ nst your partner questionsu sing statev erbsa nd @ O The words in the box are all countable nouns, note down their answers. but some words in the home are uncountable, e.g. Doq ou be!,ouq lo a yrouth" club? Dok 04Ae vey hea ting, air - conditioning. PET c andidate s of ten u make mistakes with these. Chooset he correct PorV"t inpuortnututtni+Vs? option in italics in this sentence, then check your Now work with a different partner. Ask questions answer with the extract from the Cambrid.ge about their first partner. Learner's Dictionary. Doess h"ep reler weeKduis or see(erds? (Auswer, I am looking for new furniture / furnituresf or my Slne prelers uteeyeu&s.) bedroom. @ Uate questions using the present simple or the present continuous, adding and changing words noun lUl where necessary.T hen answer the questions in objectss uch as chairs, tables,a nd bedst hat you put into a room ol full sentences. building a nl iqu ef u rn iture 'state I what / verb' / mean? \tlh"ilr does'sfafe verb' weau? Stata varbs nret'f usun!-ly used i+t co'nliauaus I wantto b uys omen ewf umiturfeo rm yb edroom. *orns, w i 2 yol / prefer/ to get up / early or late? @ fook at the extract again and answer the 3 anybody at your house/ watch / TV / at the questions. moment? r Which symbol tells you the noun is uncountable? 4 what colour clothes/ yott / wear / today? r What do you think the symbol is for a countable 5 which things / in your house/ belong/ to yol? noun? 6 what / you / sometimes/ forget/ to do / in the mnrnino2 G-rammar @ fnint of a closef riend. Tell your partner these X &Lv,a t'fttfe,m any{, nueh,a lof of and lofs o{ things aboutt hem: $:]repO$iti{0:f} np$N i3ce a facts,e .g.S lrcl iuesi n ..., slrcb elongsto ... a thingst hey oftend o, e.g.H eo ftenp lays. . & pug* 118G rammarre ference."Afae wlit tlem, anym, ugna. a somethingt hey'red oingo vera p€riod of time, e.g. lot of.l otso f Slrc'sl earning Spa nish. what you think they're doing right now, e.g.H e's Q Study the text with the picture. Then complete walking lrcme. the rules and examples on page 14 with a little, a few, much, many, a lot, o lot of and lots of. Vocabulary Housea ncJh {:}mec;o untablac ndu ncoltntab}e n0uns D prg* 118G rammarre ferenceC.o untal)laen du ncountable NAUfiS Q Wtrictr of these does your home have? balcony bathroom bedroom corridor diningr oom garage garden hall kitchen Int heg ardenw e havea loto f flowerso f many lavatory livingr oom stairs differenct oloursA. t thist imeo f they eari t I Wittr a partner, decidei n which room the items in rainsa lota ndt herejs nl-muctsru ns6lrr,5 r, the box would normally be. summeirs d ifferentF. romJ unet o Auguswt e onlyh avea littler ain,a ndf or a fewm onths. armchair bath bell blankets . chesto f drawers cooker cupboards cushions dishwasher we havelo tso f sunshinael moset veryd ayl fridge microwave mirror pillow sink sofa toilet towels washbasin washingmachine !rp. Homesa nd habits @

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.