The Complete Cold reading routines Handbook A quIck guIde to cold reAdIng, tArot cArds, And seductIon Includes: • Interpretations for each individual tarot card • Ways to become a master of the esoteric arts • A quick method for doing in-field cold readings • A method to fix of a cold reading gone bad styleliFe Special edition and compliment them and accept disrespectful treatment in order to win their approval. Instead, they push-pull, demonstrate value, do cocky funny teasing, and disqualify them in order to win their approval. In other words, the intention is still the same. they’re still trying to win the approval of a com- plete stanger. thus, all they’re doing is showing their desperation in a new way, rather than in the traditional way. the general principle is that anytime you do CongruenCy is key something you wouldn’t normally do in order to win someone else’s approval, you are supplicat- leSSonS about the game from neil’S book tour ing. one of the things I enjoy most about book tours guys after studying attraction. they begin to un- so instead of becoming social artists, some men is that it’s a chance to meet many of you. And derstand how things work, and change the way end up just becoming better supplicators. I’ve notice lately that a big difference between they dress, act, and behave around women. they stylelife students and other attraction students is do things that they have learned cause attraction this doesn’t mean you can’t change. But you that you guys are, by and large, a cool bunch. in women: push-pull, demonstrating value, cocky should change because it makes you a better, funny teasing, role-playing, disqualifying, and the happier person – not because it will make people there are certain guys I’ve met in the community line. like you more. who I’d never be able to take to dinner with my regular friends or family, because there’s some- Yet even though they’re learning so much, going one of the subtleties of the game, which sepa- thing about them that just makes people uncom- out so much, and changing so much – especially rates the champs from the chumps, is being cen- fortable. compared to before the game, when they rarely tered in yourself, and going out to have fun and even approached women – they’re not improv- learn new things rather than show off for anyone For a long time, I could never figure out what ing at the pace they should. especially considering else. the difference was. I thought those guys were just all the work they’re putting in. not cool or too cheesy or not interested in any- If you do the “ring Finger routine” or “the thing in life but pick up. Here’s why: cube,” for example, with the expectation that a woman will be impressed by your knowledge But then I realized the difference, and I want to What’s one of the biggest turn-offs to women? and thus find you interesting, it will usually fall share it with you all in this newsletter because it’s I mean, besides a massive buildup of ear wax and flat. If you do the “ring Finger routine” or “the an important trap to avoid. nose hair. cube” because you’re interested in learning it or Most of us got into the game because we want you’re curious to know more about the person more success with women. And the reason for right – it’s neediness. you’re talking to or you just find it fun to do, then many of our failures, besides approach anxiety, you’re far more likely to create a real connection so then what’s one of the biggest mistake guys was that we were too needy and desperate with her. who are deep into the game make? around women, and didn’t understand how at- the same goes for push-pull and disqualification traction worked and how to generate and em- they replace one form of neediness with an- and cocky-funny. If you’re making these bold body attraction. other. statements and then expecting a reaction from But a strange thing happens to a certain subset of In other words, they no longer buy girls drinks her, they’re going to seem needy. And she’s going I to become uncomfortable, because she’ll sense you want or expect something from her. But if you’re doing them because you’re truly confident, and you un- Contents derstand and appreciate her, and you enjoy pressing her buttons because you’re in such deep rapport, they become powerful tools of attraction. IntroductIon: congruencY Is tHe keY And this is why some guys you will meet in the community you may not want By Neil “Style” Strauss to bring out to dinner with your friends and family. It’s not that they aren’t cool. It’s that they’re needy, and in every social interaction they’re trying to prove PAge 1 tHe esoterIc Arts overvIeW something or impress someone or get a certain reaction. And so they end up making the people they want to validate them uncomfortable. thus, they By Evolve never get the validation they’re seeking, and begin to grow negative and bitter and incongruent with the fun, successful, happy, and confident personality they PAge 3 cold reAdIng BAsIcs display. their personality becomes a theater mask, hiding a very different sort By Evolve and Gypsy of person underneath. PAge 4 Blood tYPe cold reAdIng the game is an art form full of ironies. one of them is that to attract a woman By Evolve who isn’t interested in you yet, you can’t let her know that you’re attracted to her. Another is that the harder you appear to be trying, the worse you’ll do. PAge 5 HAnds oF tHe gods And a third – and the lesson for today – is that in order to get the best reaction from a woman, you can’t appear to be seeking a reaction. By Neil “Style” Strauss And, the truth is, this irony is a good thing that will help you become a better, PAge 6 I HeArt routInes happier, more successful person. Because your power, your self-esteem, and By Evolve your enjoyment of each moment are yours to keep. don’t give them away every night to complete strangers. PAge 7 tHe guIde to tArot cold reAds By Evolve and Gypsy PAge 17 APologIA esoterIcA By Gypsy STYLE II The tHe esoteriC arts overview By evolve By Bolshevik If you’ve been alive aAnsd tart olealsot pgaYrt,i atllyA rcoon-t ctiAonrsd thse, PsAtylleMlife r cereAwd aInnd gI ,w Aonuldd r ercueinve eif s toIt nweass s HheAevr elu Bneaecny. WPAer wt ere in full party mode scious in America duroinFg ttHhee lsaestd ufecwt mIoonnt hcso MMwue nhitIt tYhe s tInowcne wItesa rcinog nsncueggPitesIo. Int d. aIwnn nede Ioln s trAanuds gse’ atrhedE uGpa mtoE t utrHn ethsee town upside down so then you’ve no doubtA bretesn Wexeproese cdA tlol tehde “lact-HIcmk ec trhAatc tkh”is B ceocuAldu bsee ao wF oWndoerMfuel nso’sc iIanl seAxpteIAriB-le wAeP PpeiltedIt ien tFoo gry tpsHye’s ucanr -and floored it for Hol- est infomercial produckt nswoeWepning. tthHe ensaeti oFno. uI’lrl stmYleenst. oWFo uFlod ritt buen peo stsiebllel Itnog a,t tAranctd w MomAennY in M orlyew loIokde. tHeM, Are All give you a hint: it’s bluPeA arntd o soF ftA a gndr oriduicPu oloFu sd. IscaI PtolIansteys w caArmll ebdod ty-Hleen getsho btlaenrkIect ?A Arfttesr. a few First seen on silly low budget commercials late at clicks of the mouse our snuggies were ordered As we approached the first bar we were pumped tHe PrIMArY PurPose oF tHe esoterIc Arts, In regArds to seductIon, Is to HelP BuIld night, it has had a meteoric rise in exposure and and we were about to find out. up to burst through the doors and make a splash. coMFort As Well As An eMotIonAl connectIon. coMFort BuIldIng routInes, sucH become a cultural phenomenon as the latest high the sneak busted out some impromptu freestyle As “tHe cuBe” or “strAWBerrY FIelds,” AlloW You to BuIld A deeP eMotIonAl connec- profile gimmicky consumer item guaranteed to the fateful day of the snuggie adventure arrived rap about the joys of wearing a snuggie as we tIon WItH Your tArget. tHe esoterIc Arts do tHe sAMe WItH tHe Added BeneFIt oF become the hot gag gift this holiday season. and we met at the stylelife office to don the strode up the street towards the entrance. We reAcHIng A Person sPIrItuAllY. comfy robes and sarge Hollywood. the crew handed the bouncer our Id’s and he barely bat- Yes, I’m talking about rtheel IgsnIuogngie, .s PtIhreI tsuleAevleItdY , Acnodns itstHeed oofc mcue,l tg yHpAsyv, et Ahel WsnAeYask ,B aenedn M PiokeW, ertFeud la nt oeyoe last hooFw soebdsucecn-ely ridiculous we were blanket to be worn wtIhoilen .y otuH eloYu Anglel ooWn t hues Ans teysleclifAeP’se c Frarcok Mso tftwHaer ec odenvesltorpAerI.n Atftse ro sFo tmHe e MdArteessreIAd.l I Wsuopprolsde , aA dnodo rman in Hollywood is sofa watching tv like ao flFeFeecre urosb teH teo HkeoePpe y touH At uWseele Assr ea rnguointg Moevreer lYw hsoP ecwkosu lod Fw deuars tw Ihnic hA n InprdoInFeF etroe nbetc oumninIvg ejradsee;d and we might have comfortably wrapped sinP IyroIturu AowlInt Yw aMrmAkthe sa nuds Feesln ulgIgkiee t(tHheeyr ew eIsr es oallM tehte HsaInmge sliAzer ganedr c ooluort) tHbereeen W ooner koIfn tghe I nle aostu rcu rious spectacles he’d shame. Much like the FFAlovwobre.e t iHn Itsh Ies 9W0’Hs, Yt htisH esew seY gslteeefMulsly H tAhrveew B oeenn o usro s PnougWgieesr aFnudl aFdodred s o lsoeenn go nA na dFr iWdayH nYi gthHt. etYh e doors swung opon quirky item has becomree MitsA oInw ng pruenActh ltinoe.o Itl iss Forso smede uadcdtitIioonna l taocc tesHsoIsr idesA Yto. make ourselves before us and we bounded inside the bar to the target of ridicule from high profile comedians all the more outlandish: sunglasses, headbands make a grand entrance, expecting the arrival of tHe Four Most PoPulAr esoterIc Arts Are AstrologY, tArot, PAlM reAdIng, And rune such as Jay leno who mercilessly mock its cheesy and gypsy even wore a duck pin. It’s surprising four wildly dressed snuggie freaks to ignite the stones. tHese Arts Are relAtIvelY coMPlex And cAn seeM overWHelMIng At FIrst commercial and the gullible dimwits who buy how quickly four grown adults regress to play- crowd into an eruption of joy at the mere sight glAnce, But WItH A FeW sIMPle tIPs You cAn APPeAr As tHougH You’ve Been studYIng them. the derision is well deserved as anyone ful children once they’re dressed up and feeling of us. But there was no burst of applause, laugh- AnY oF tHese Arts For YeArs. who’s seen one can attest that people wearing a giddy. We were riled up and giggling like four ter, or high fives. We found ourselves standing in snuggie look absurdly silly. Japanese school girls in a Hello kitty store. We the middle of a quiet, near-empty bar with half- joked and rough housed and made up names for asleep patrons. there were mostly small groups I took this as a challenge. After all, absurdly silly our snuggie alter egos. I became snoop snuggie scattered throughout all transfixed on a multi- is my specialty. I wondered what kind of reac- snug and gypsy transformed into dJ snugglebug. tude of flat screen tv’s watching various sport- 0071 WINGMAN | FEBRUARY 2010 rapid fire banter. the riotous laughter and smiles knoW tHe History oF your art. Mentioning a few facts about confirmed that we were a hit. But it was time to the roots of your art will add to the perception that you are a master. Many press on. esoteric arts have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years, so We walked proudly up the street charged from there is plenty of history to choose from. A master should always know red Bull and attention and arrived at the hottest, where his art came from. most prestigious club in Hollywood. After flirting deVelop a root. every social artist should have a story that explains shamelessly with some gorgeous, short skirted how he became interested in an art that most people disregard. the story astrology women lingering in front of the club we made you come up with could involve a best friend who became interested in an ill-conceived attempt to skip the entire line Western: the first evidence of astrology dates back to 3000 Bce. How- astrology, a mother who taught her son to read tarot cards, or an interest and waltz right in. Apparently, the bouncer didn’t ever, it wasn’t until the greeks adopted it from the Babylonians that it be- in viking culture that led to learning rune reading. this story helps flesh out share our view that four men in snuggies are akin came what most of us know as astrology today. Western astrology is the the perception that you are truly interested in the esoteric arts, and not just to celebrity and deserve instant access to the most common form of star reading. What you read about in magazines and a guy trying to pick up women. Be sure to include some of the art’s history most exclusive nightspot in town. We even tried in newspapers is a small fraction of Western astrology. as well as a personal story that supports your interest in which ever art to convince him we were “snuggie vIP’s” but he you’ve chosen. didn’t go for it and we went rambling on com- VediC: vedic astrology comes from India and is referred to as Jyotishi. sev- pletely unfazed. eral universities in India actually offer degrees in astrology, due to its cul- learn tHe Variations. Astrology exists all over the world in many tural importance. the vedic system is similar to Western astrology in many different forms. the same is true for many of the other arts. A pick up art- our walk along Hollywood Boulevard was con- aspects. It shares the same 12 signs that western astrology does (Aries, ist who practices the esoteric arts will eventually run into women who talk stantly interrupted by partygoers stopping us to taurus, gemini, etc.) as well as the same planets (sun, Moon, venus, Mars, about very specific styles of an art. If you know at least a few facts about the pose for pictures. We were quite the rambunc- etc.), however the difference is that its 28 degrees behind the Western most common variations of the arts, you’re ahead of the game. tious crowd: gypsy singing improvised snuggie zodiac, meaning that, if you are a scorpio in the Western zodiac then you’d melodies, Mike flirting and enjoying all the at- HaVe personal experienCe. Whether you read the stars or read be considered a libra in vedic. tention, and sneak riffing an endless barrage of the stones, it’s crucial to have stories about other people whose fortunes snuggie jokes. A strange thing occurred as we you’ve told. comparing one person to another helps an esoteric artist flesh stepped through the door of the next bar on our out the world that he’s created. the best way to obtain this information is tour: the crowd instantly burst into applause as if by doing as many readings as possible, including your own. they had somehow been expecting us. We piled astro-disqualiFy through the door all at once with huge smiles negAtIve trAIts For eAcH oF tHe sIgns to HelP You teAse tHe WoMen oF tHe on our faces and everyone in the bar laughed unIverse. and clapped as a single unit. We felt obliged to aries: coMPetItIve, cHIldIsH libra: co-dePendent, Inde- tarot deCks perform so we broke out into a spontaneous ArrogAnt, overconFIdent cIsIve, vAIn dance and hopped around to the rhythm of the rider Waite: the famous rider Waite deck is one of the most popular music. People loved us. We even picked up our tarot decks in the world. the cards contain an immense amount of astro- taurus: lAzY, selF-Indulgent, sCorpio: MAnIPulAtIve, first groupie. unfortunately, he was a guy. He fol- InsAtIABle cruel, dePressIng logical and occult symbolism and are one of the best decks for any beginner lowed us around like a puppy dog for the rest of tarot reader. the night just standing there in numb amusement gemini: JudgeMentAl, sagittarius: nArcIssIstIc, MAnIc-dePressIve, BItcHY ProMIscuous, excessIve tHotH: Aleister crowley,a an dw loarulgdh fianmg oatu os uorc caunlttiicsst. a nd influential member of an early 20th century occult group called “the Hermetic order of the the next bar we entered was a dimly lit dive but, golden dawn” created this deck based on a number of different occult CanCer: MoodY, crY-BABY, over- CapriCorn: cold, MIserlY, like most spots in l.A., filled with lovely women. ProtectIve MIserABle, rePressed systems. It features symbolism from cultures the world over. the deck has a gypsy and Mike wasted no time and were each book of interpretations that accompanys it called the Book of thoth. chatting up sexy blondes within minutes of walk- leo: egocentrIc, oBnoxIous, aquarius: detAcHed, over drAMA queen AnAlYtIcAl, WeIrd tHe otHers: Many otheirn gs tiynl etsh eo fd odoecr.k gs eypxissyt .h Fardo mhis a g iLrol rhda nofg inthge o Rni nhgiss deck to a fairies deck. theesvee r ayl tweronradte, hseetrs baored yu sleadn gmuaugceh mcoomrep lleiktee lryu nfixe- stones where each card haast ead m oonr eh impe rasso snhael ssiegenmifiecadn ecnet rraatnhceerd tbhya nt hae s fpaes-- Virgo: FolloWer, oBsessIve pisCes: WIsHY-WAsHY, FlAkY, coMPulsIve IrresPonsIBle cific meaning. cinating mind of this charismatic man in a fluffy monk robe. Mike and his blonde snuck off to the 000882 FOEBCRTOUABRERY 22001008 || WWIINNGGMMAANN styleliFe Cold reading basiCs HoW to tAlk lIke An exPert By Evolve sound bytes: Always think about the words you use. they should sound mystical and deep. they should also make the person you’re reading feel like everything is specifically about them. Here are a few common sound bytes to think about when cold reading: Personal Journey… the way you experience… the feeling you get… Breaking the common pattern… there’s no way I‘d date a scorpio. two paths to choose… You have this positive (or negative) energy… Conditional: aFFirmation: opposites: Make sure that nothing you say is definite. Peo- get them to accept your authority by respond- Most emotions and actions have a dual nature. ple can easily say “no, that’s not right.” to a ing to them with words like, combine opposite qualities into the same sen- definite statement. tence for a powerful cold read. “Yes.” Do not say, “You are confident.” Say, “I’m certain at times you can be lazy or “right.” lethargic, while at other times, when you are Say, “You can be confident at times.” doing something you’re interested in, you work like a maniac.” False speCiFiCation: ConFidenCe: approVal: Imply specificity by comparing this person’s Act like everything you say is true. People agree with positive statements about traits to everyone else’s. themselves and disagree with negative state- Don’t doubt what you say. ments about themselves. Merge the two prin- Say, “though most people don’t think before Do say everything like you’re the authority. ciples. they act, you almost spend too much time thinking before acting. Say, “some people think you lack confidence, when you’re really a confident person. gen- erally, they confuse the fact that you like to watch and learn before you speak.” 03 STYLELIFE InstAnt cold reAds blood type Cold reading By evolve type a People with blood type A are known for being able to stay calm under pressure. they like to keep the peace and live comfortably. they feel like they’re outcasts which leads to an amazing artistic quality, but also shy and sensitive personality. they secretly crave success and are known to be perfection- ists. Cold read #1 type b “they say that type B’s are the most dependable of the blood types; they can be counted on to finish any project they start. they always try to find their own way to complete a task, although they are good at following women with directions. they’re minds are one track, always focusing on what they’re working on at that moment bangs like that are and nothing else. they can seem cold because they tend to stick to the logic rather than emotion when dealing with people. they are individualists who can sometimes seem selfish. known for having type ab a nasty darkside.” type AB people are known for having a very dualistic nature they are known for being hot and cold, timid and confident, the life of the party and shyest person you know. they are easily overwhelmed with responsibility. AB types are known for being trustworthy and honest. Most AB’s are extremely Cold read #2 critical when it comes to their personal beliefs. “You look around type o a lot. supposedly People with type o blood are known for being energetic and social. they are said to be flighty and un- dependable especially when working on a project that doesn’t interest them. they love attention, and that means you’re listen well to others. they say what’s on their mind (sometimes without thinking) and are extremely some one who confident. needs to feel safe.” Compatibility by blood groups type A is most compatible with type A and type AB type B is most compatible with type B and type AB type AB is most compatible with type AB, B, A and o Cold read #3 type o is most compatible with type o, and type AB “the way you hold ContingenCies your glass is inter- • some girls hate blood, if they don’t want to talk about it, turn pale, or pass out – then you might want to stop the routine and move onto something else. esting. It means • some people don’t know their blood type. If the girl you’re speaking with doesn’t know hers you you’re really confi- can still run a story telling routine using only “the root” section of this underground that segues into a different cold reading paradigm, like astrology or tarot. dent.” • If you have a pivot, I’d suggest having her come up and agree that it’s right on and that she couldn’t believe how accurate it was. 04 styleliFe Hands oF tHe gods tHe rIng FInger routIne by neil strauss notice a gleam of metal on her fingers (a ring) nant person.” (Wave your index finger at them trace a line from her finger up her arm as you and say, “I have to ask before I run: Why did like “no no no” or “don’t do that.”) It represents say this.) you chose to wear that ring on that particular power and immense energy. “the pinky is represented by Ares. who is the finger….Interesting…do you always wear those Your middle finger is represented by dionysus god of war, and that’s why you see mobsters rings on the same fingers?” Note: Of course they who is the god of wine and partying. He is a very wearing pinky rings, It represents conflict.” always do, because that’s where they fit. irreverent god. so if you have a ring there, it If she is wearing a pinky ring, ask, “did you buy then continue, “I have a friend who’s a spiritual means you tend to do what ever you want and that yourself or did someone give it to you?” If type, and she just told me that the fingers you can be less about what others think.” (then lift she bought it herself, it means she is sometimes choose to wear your rings on says something your middle finger up on its own and give the at war with herself and has some inner conflict, about your personality…” bird and say, “It’s like fuck you to the world.” maybe an emotional conflict or something she is When they are wearing a ring on that finger, they If she is not wearing any rings, just ask instead, not comfortable with herself about. If she was always laugh at this.) “out of curiosity, and I’ll explain why I’m asking given it by someone ask, then ask by whom and in a second, when you do wear rings, what fin- “Your ring finger is of course represented by Aph- tell her there may be some tension below the gers are they usually on?” If she normally doesn’t rodite. she is the goddess of love, and that is why surface between the two of them, some unre- wear wings, ask, “Well, if you were to wear a we wear our wedding rings on that finger. (You solved problem that she just hasn’t solved yet. ring, and it wasn’t a wedding ring obviously, what can add all kinds of romantic cold-reading lines If a woman asks, “How do you know this?” You finger would it be on?” here, like, “When you fall for someone, you tend may respond, “An ex-girlfriend of mine was into to fall completely for them.”) then go on to explain: mythology and taught it to me.” “Interestingly, it is the only finger that has a vein “each one of these mounds” – the pads on the If she has a ring on her wedding finger ask, “Is that goes straight to the heart without branching palm where the fingers join the hand -is repre- that an engagement ring or do you just wear that off, and so when someone puts a ring on that fin- sented by a different god, and in greek culture, to keep the womanizers away?” You’ll be sur- ger, they’re actually making a direct connection you wear a ring on that finger to praise and pay prised how often the latter is true. with your heart.” (If she is comfortable, you can homage to that particular god. tHe ring Finger routine map “For example, the thumb represents Poseidon which as you know is the god of the sea. And he ares, rePresentIng conFlIct, AggressIveness, coM- was very independent. He was the only god who s PetItIveness u didn’t live on Mount olympus. He did his own H thing. And the thumb kind of sticks out, it kind of s CC r apHrodite, rePresentIng love, roMAnce, BeAutY u a e does its own thing. People who wear thumb rings neV s/b upit aarned gtheenreerfaollrye dvoe rthy eiinr doiwvidnu tahli nagn. dt hinedye dpoenn’dt efontl- /etid nysu eus/j dneisos, nAnyds duecsA,d reenPrceesentIng Irreverence, reBellIous- o o Z low trends, but prefer instead to set their own. sr rH di Zeus, rePresentIng doMInAnce, PoWer, And energY, am pa trAvel, exPAnsIon the index finger is represented by zeus, the king /s e of all gods, and the god of thunder and light- ra poseidon, rePresentIng n e IMAgInAtIon, IndIvIduAlItY ning. that’s a very dominant finger, and having a pt u n e ring there means you tend to be a more domi- n / o d sei o p 05 technique evolve’S faSt and eaSy I hearT rouTInes heart drawing cold read By Evolve to set up this cold read simply, grab a napkin, a pen, and a girl. Ask her to draw a broken Heart: heart on a piece of paper. Be sure to “root” the cold read. In other words, let them know why you know this game, for example: “I want to try out this little psychology test my friend taught me.” quickly falls in and out of love now simply cold read her based on the heart she drew. Pay attention to the size, lives for adventure. shape, and line structure. understands “the big picture.” lives for the moment. tHe basiC sHapes: uneVen, perFeCt, and broken not concerned with details. the ends justify the means. uneVen: one side is larger than the other. cutting and quick witted. extremely social. meaning: indicates some sort of imbalance in her life, you can easily associate it with right and left brain behavior, the larger side being more dominant. (left: logic right: creativity) perFeCt: both sides are even, the heart is full and round meaning: indicates a perfectionist, talk about how she has a need for control over situations concerning their love life and professional life. broken: lines don’t meet in the dip on the heart. meaning: indicates someone who thinks and acts quickly, talk about how they are impulsive in relationships and outside of them. uneVen Heart: perFeCt Heart: knows what she wants in life. LARGE RIGhT SIdE: she’s well organized, but neurotic at times. caring, Motherly, Artistic, she believes love, but not at first sight. creative, emotionally she lives for the moment. Impulsive, socially unique, she tends to be a perfectionist when it comes romantic, Passionate to things she loves. LARGE LEFT SIdE: she has huge dreams of success. easily excited, logical, Analytical, Philosophi- cal, “no time for drama,” emotional coldness 06 guIde to tArot cold reAds styleliFe By gypsy and evolve prepare yourselF For tHe tarot experienCe the idea of cards telling the future seems nonsensi- cal to most men, but to millions of women the tarot is no joke. By learning to read these ancient cards you’re peering outside the average guy’s pick-up world into a new realm of seduction. the following is a guide to help you map out your first steps. aCquire a deCk oF tarot Cards: For the beginning tarot enthusiast the “rider tarot deck”, also known as the “Waite tarot deck” and the “rider Waite tarot deck”, is the only deck you should be using. this is the standard deck of most tarot readers because it has strictly codified illustrations that also present the same images and symbols with each publishing. there are a myriad of other decks in circulation, including one illustrated by salvador dali himself! However, many of these decks differ in their imagery and symbols so it will be highly difficult to learn with the information we are providing you on one of these alternate decks. As you rise in skill level feel free to experiment with other decks. For now the “rider tarot deck” can be found in several varieties, even a smaller playing card size for easy transportation. Care and storage oF deCk: When you first get your cards take them out of the pack and play with them as much as you like. new decks can be very stiff and they require a period of breaking in before they can be shuffled and dealt with relative ease. try to keep your cards clean and stain free. do not expose them to liquids as this will warp cards and affect your dealing of the cards. Find a nice way to store your cards that says something about your personality. I personally keep mine in a decorated silk bag that a friend got me from thailand because it references my interest in 07