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Complete Additional Mathematics for Cambridge IGCSE® & O Level PDF

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Preview Complete Additional Mathematics for Cambridge IGCSE® & O Level

(@& OXFORD Complete Additional Mathematics -- Cambridge IGCSE® — O Level vr N Tony Beadsworth Lisi OXFORD Introduction About this book ‘Ihis book has boen written to cover the Cambridge IGCSE” Additional Mathematics (0606) conunse und i fully aligned with the syllabus. Ihe syllabus was designed for more able students at this Tevel and t was intended that they should have aleeacy completed the 0540 syllabus or equivalent before stazting this course tis possible co teach the 0580 and 0606 courses ia pasallel, but this cequites very careful dlosign of a scheme of work to ensure that students do rot meet topics covered i this course ‘before they have completed preliminary work in 580. An alternative isto teach more able students the 058 sylsbus a a faster rate and then beg the 0606 course, covering iat the same rae Arte start ofeach chapter thete is lst of the ebjectives draw from the O66 sjllabus that are cavered in the chapter. "They are not al in gllabus order, rather they are selected to follow a Me seleme of work which aay allow some ofthe parille teaching mentioned earlit ‘he book has been designed to assist teachers in preparing their students for the exunination, and thus contains many worked! examples aut a host of rigorous exercises, The exaanples show the important techniques required to tackle questions, Rach chapter contains sursmative exercise, 2 nne-hour timed est mal in most eases, set of past exsmination questions elevant to the topic, ineluding questions which may involve mslrial [rom previous chaplers, The exaeninaion questions are lacen Fram pxe-2010 papers se that che mast recent papers cna be used in a complete format by teachers for final revision, “At the end of chapters 4,8, 11, 15, 19 and 2 there isa timed exercise covering mixed topics Uhal can be used! as tera Lest. There are more ofthese terms tests avasllsle anne wowoxfondsecondary.com/9780198376705 Finally. to assist in preparing students forthe final examination, there is a collection of ‘revision fests and practice papers that can he used as required, Practice paper [can be Fouad at the end of tis book; the remaining practice papers and all revision tests are also available online at: wos wexfordsecondary.com/9780198376705, About the author ‘Tony Beadsworth his graduated from four universes, thiee ia the UK plus Makerere University, Karapale, Uganda. He bas taught Mathematics at O-level, IGCSE, A-level (Gneluding Further Mathematics) al s range of secondary, tertiary amd Sixth Form iasttutions Jn Bast Africa, the UK and Malaysia for over $0 years. He has also been a tutor counsellor for the UK's Open University tutoring fsst and second year university students, and has had extensive experience in examining, Currently semi-retired 2nd living in Kuale Larmpur, he spends his tise teaching, writing, and helping Melaysian studeats pzepace for entrance to UK universities OXFORD Student book & Cambridge syllabus UNIVERSITY PRESS matching grid Student Book: Complete Additional Mathematics Pecutemy for Cambridge IGCSE & O Level MAG Syllabus: Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics 0606 1 Set language and notation {we setlanpag and oi, and ene dagranaia describe ets and ep ere telah fetes st lows teunaun ounber Boiteshiyeme| acti) «andes and use he long eaten page? 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Sot prepestioe ee 12 Combiningsets 15 Pasting element in et8 occ 166 Couvertiag from English to Mathematics Mentitying reions vneeocenenenes 1 18 Usingsetsto solve problems soos SUMMIT. oon sa CChapwer 1 Susnmative Bere Chapter 1 Test oe Examination Quests Indices and surds = 21 Intaction 22° Lawsafindkes 23° Pastors ol sll numbers a 25 Theaithmetic of sande wv s-veseeone 32 26 Mined namoers esas Rt 23 The coniugats a 28) Rationelising the Gerominator.. 2.4 Squave wots mised naMbEHS monn 2.10. Geosetre sppieatons a a {Chapiee 2 Stenmalive BAete soon Chapter 2 Test. se amination Questions RREB BE Permutations and combinations .... 43-59 #1. Intraduction ey 32. Orderings .. aausesase Ml 25 bavloral notation cone AS 34 Restrictions 7 3 25° Permutations an! combinations 36 sn 1 SUMMA ween conn Chap? Suranalive BXeHC 86 ocean on Chapier #est Examination Questions Functions 60-79 A Intradiction on one fh 42 Mappings @ A onstians ooo ease 44 Defining Fanetons o AS nding he hue of fasct0e cou 62 46 Camyposite nctions 8 AF Inverse functions sn 6 15. Many one tnetions o 49 Theinverseofa composite funetion au 4.10. The mio fancton er) ssunumary 8 Chepter ¢ Sumative Fear:se ™ Chapter Test Examination Questions ‘Term es 1A (Chapters 1 Quadratic functions 5.1 madestion 52 Commplering the square on £3 Inespresing the expression omneneone 82 EA Shotehiog the graph ofa guadiatic AUPEHAN voce cc 55) Solving a qusetate gestion cB 56. Thed/serimvinant.. a Susumary = | CChopter § Susuaatve Prowse 0 Chapter Test ot Simuttancous equations and Inequalities ... vee 92~104 61 Intradostion ” 62. Siclancots linear esuations oe 53) Simelumcous :quatonssone liner, tone neler os 6a thesiga diagram oF Quast nequaliies oe Summary ~ ve TL Chapter 6 Sasnanative Exercise 101 Chspter 6 Test 103 Framination Questions ns The binomial theoreM enw 105-128 Fab Inleoduetin sono 105 72 Powers of ta 8) 2 Pascal teianghe Combinations Ihe binomial theoren for « positive integer index ‘Movs complicstes expressions harer 7 Summative Faerise Cate Examination Questions Polynomial factorisation 81 Tatraduetion 82 Pelymamtal division 8.3 The division algorithm £4 the romaindes Uieween 8.3 The factor theovern 6 Koctrisng polyoma Chipter 8 Summative Exercise ages 8 Test Framination Quessans Tar test24 Sbratght tines oe nenen 9.1 Tatrodustion 922 Lines and tine cepenente| 9.3 Basic coordinate geometry 94 Tho equation af aline nape 9 Siummave Faceise Chas Examination Quastoss 9 test “The derived function... 11 w2 wos wos os wos 07 os ws troduction Punstion disgrams The derived ferctian ‘thy fenetion Si) 8 Higher indices Me: oe pas “The gradient functor: thie ingrprotaion of the decvative complica Fancions pacing binomial expressions 1.10 the second derivative 168 11,11 Tangents and normals 165 Susninary 169 ‘Chapter 10 Sunumative Exsecise 170 Chapter 10 Tet m ‘Trigonometric functions 1 Tetoduction 12 “riganometrcraies LB Defining sine LA §y 1S) Graphs ofthe rn gonemetic ofthe unit etc fnctions 1 216 he tangens funetian and fs graph 180 1.7 Properties the tigenomettic fanctions 11 a Inserse tiganometrc fection... 182 19. “The period properties ot leigonormeite functions ls 1.10 Solving trigonometric equations va. 1 Suinmary 7 3s Chapter 11 Suramatine basses lar Chapter 11 Tet ise eran ies 3A {Chapters 9-11) 19 Circular measure 192-207 2.1 Rlsasaring ot angle is 2.9. Mensaration of the cicle 19s 223 theredien A Equivalen angle measurements 125 Cine geometry 2.6 Solving equations (Chapter 12 Summative Fsesise Chapter 12 Test Excrsnation Questions ‘Applications ofthe derivative une 208-230 3.1 Inoduction 208, 132 Stationary points 20s 33 ‘The Sa Men tare of stationary pats cn 210 ringthe nvwre a stationary points Sonal increments be chain rule 7 Comected mits a charge 14 rey 6 158 Composite functions 138) Mitsirnshag and minimising ‘Chaper 13 Surnnative Exercise Chapter (3 Test -xsmiation Questions Matrices .. z 251-257 V4 Inteecuction 23 122. Novation oa 143 Matrix algebes 23 sa More matrivalgenrs ™ 1.5 “The algebra ot (2 by 2) matrices cone 24 1446 Solving mates equations Ds 1A Solving simatanomts os}atom® vane 246 Summary si 219 CChapiee 1 Surette eres 280 CChapset Test 2s xanization Questions 233 Integration II intwoguetion 28 152 The integration pr 250 negra tation 29 Rules of integration Inegrating pelysonyalfuzetions Prams fet 0 afen enceantes 26 the gradient funeton 262 the sbstrary sunstent (gonstt anki 138 15.10 The ae ofthe reson hetween = aand = 6 26: 15.11 "The aes of the region between tvacurves 268 15.12 Curves helm the exis 269 15.18 Integrating composite functions... 270, (Chapter 15 Sumnnative Exercise on Chopiee 15 est 26 Faamination Questions am Tey test 48 (Chapters 12-15) 9 Further trigonometry 281-302 16d Iatrocustion 22 12 Reciprocal trigonameri anctions 282 17 19 Menties Trigonne 163 te entiies 165 Using trigonometric ier 16 Graphs ef tigonometvic faactions 162 Tranctnrming the graphs af rigor fancies 2 168 Maximising teigonometic fenetins 291 summary 298 Chapler 18 Sarinative Faerie 297 Chapter 16 Pest ooo 299 Framinetion Quest ans 00 Further differentiation 172 Intradkstion 172 “The product rale 173 thequsieat rule summary 7 (Chapter 17 Suns Chapter 17 Tes Exarunation Questions Lnercise Exponential and togarithenic functions 18. Intraksction 182 Exponential functions 183 Logoithine functions a 184 Laws ot exponential and Iain Fanti: ea 15. Problem selviog with logarithms... 329 185 Charging the base of logucithans... 324 187 Sraightening curves (Chepter 18 Sammasive Exerc Exartnation Questions Calculus and trigonometry 194 Intvadastion 192 sin(a 1), eosta 1 BP 193 ‘Thedesirasve ot ins 194 Thedenvatneot cosy 195 Ihe derivative af ten 2 ss 196 Applications Bu (Chapter 19 Sammative Exercie 350

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