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Compiler Principles, Techniques and Tools PDF

804 Pages·2004·35.82 MB·English
by  AhoUllmanSethi
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Preface This bwk is a descendant of Prinrlpdes of Compiler Design by Alfred V, Aho and Jeffrey D. UNman. Like its ancestor, it is intended as a text for a first course in compiler design. The emphasis is on solving p b l c m s universally cnwuntered in designing s language' translator, regardless of the source or tar- get machine. Although few p p l e are likely to build or even maintain a compiler for a major programming language, the reader can profitably apply the ideas and techniques discussed in this book to general software design. Fwr example, the string matching techniques for building lexical analyzers have also been used in text editors, information retrieval systems, and pattern recognit ion programs. Curttext -free grammars and syn tax-d irected definitions have been u d to build many little languages such as the typesettin6 and figure drawing systems that prproduced this h k , The techniques of d e optimization have been used in program verifitrs and in programs that prduce 'Structured" pdograms from unstructured ones. The m a p topicn' in cornpib design are covered in depth. The first chapter intrduccs the basic structure of a compiler and is essential to the rest of the b Q k Chapter 2 presents a translator from infix to p t f i x expressions, built using some of the basic techniques described in this book, Many of the remaining chapters amplify the material in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 covers lexical analysis, regular expressions, finitc-state machines, and scanner-generator tools. The maprial in this chapter i s broadly applicabk to text-prcxx~ing* Chapter 4 cuvers the major parsing techniques in depth, ranging from tht recursiue&scent methods that are suitable for hand implementation to the mmputatianaly more intensive LR techniques that haw ken used in parser generators. Chapter 5 introduces the principal Meas in syntaxdirected translation. This chapter is used in the remainder of the h k for both specifying and implc- menting t rrrnslations. Chapter 6 presents the main ideas for pwforming static semantic checking, Type checking and unification are discuswd in detail, PREFACE Chapter 7 discusses storage organizations u d to support the run-time environment of a program. Chapter 8 begins with a discussion of intermediate languages and then shows how common programming language constructs can be translated into intermediate d e . Chapter 9 covers target d e generation. Included are the basic "on-the- fly" d e generation mcthds, as well as optimal rnethds for generating d t for expressions, Peephole optimization and dt-generator generators arc also covered. Chapter 10 is a wmprehensivc treatment of d t optimization. Data-flow analysis methods are covered in detail, as well as the principal rnethds for global optirnhtiw. Chapter I 1 discusses some pragmatic issues that arise in implementing a compiler. Software engineering and teaing are particularly important in m- pller mnstxuctim. Chapter 12 presents case studies of wmpikrs that have been ms~nrctcd udng some of the techniques presented in this book. Appndix A dcscriks a simple language; a "subset" of Pascal, that can be used as the basis of an implementation project, The authors have taught both introductory and advanced courses, at the undergraduate and graduate levels, from the material in this b k at: AT&T &11 hbratories, Columbia, Princeton, and Stanford, An introductory mmpibr course might cover matmid from the following sections of this book: introduction lexical analysis symbl tables parsing syn tax4 ireded trawlat ion type checking run-time organization intermediate code generat ion d e generation d e optimization Chapter 1 and Sections 2.1-2.5 2.6. 3.1-3.4 2.7, 7-6 2.4, 4.1-4,4 Informmtbn needmi for a programming project like the one in Apptndix A is introduced in Chapter 2. A course stressing twls In compiler construction might include tbe dims- sion of lexical analyzer generators in Sections 3.5, of pmw generators in SIX- tions 4.8 and 4.9, of code-generator generators in Wim 9.12, and material on techniques for compiler constriction from Chapter I I. An advanced course might stress the algorithms used in lexica1 analyzer generators and parser gcneratms discussed in Chapters 3 and 4, the material PREFACE 3 on type equivalence, overloading, polymurphisrn, and unifica~ion In Chapter 6 , the material on run-time storage organizalion in Chapter 7, the paitern- directed code generation methods discussed in Chapter 9, and material on code optimization from Chapter 10. Exercises As before: we rate exercises with stars. Exereism without stars test under- standing of definitions, singly starred exercises are intended for more advanced courses, and doubly starred exercises are fond for thought. Acknowledgments At various stages in the writing of this book, a number of people have given us invaluable comments on the manuscript. In this regard we owe a debt of gratitude to Bill Appelbe. Nelson Beebe, Jon Btntley, Lois Bngess, Rodney Farrow, Stu Feldman, Charles Fischer, Chris Fraser, Art Gittelman, Eric Grosse, Dave Hanson, Fritz Henglein, Robert Henry, Gerard Holzmann, Steve Johnson, Brian Kernighan, Ken Kubota, Daniel Lehmann, Dave Mac- Queen, Dtanne Maki, Alan Martin, Doug Mcllroy, Charles McLaughlin, John Mitchell, Elliott Organick, Roberr Paige, Phil Pfeiffer, Rob Pike, Kari-Jouko Riiiha, Dennis Rirchic. Srirarn Sankar, Paul Stwcker, Bjarne Strmlstrup, Tom Szyrnanskl. Kim Tracy. Peter Weinberger, Jennifer Widom. and Reinhard Wilhelra. This book was phototypeset by the authors using the cxcellenr software available on the UNlX system. The typesetting comnmd read picJk.s tbl eqn I t m f f -ms p i c is Brian Kernighan's language for typesetting figures; we owe Brian a special debt of gratirude for accommodating our special and extensive figure- drawing needs so cheerfully, tbl is Mike Lesk's language for laying out tables. eqn is Brian Kernighan a d Lorinda Cherry's language for typesetting mathcrnatics. trofi is Joe Ossana's program for formarring text for a photo- typesetter, which in our case was a Mergenthakr Lino~ron 202M. The ms package of troff macros was written by Mike Lesk. in addition, we managed the lext using make due to Stu Feldman, Crass references wirhin the text.-were mainrained using awk crealed by A l Aho, Brian Kernighan, and Peter Weinberger, and sed created bv Lee McMahon. The authors would par~icularly like to aekoowledp Patricia Solomon for heipin g prepare the manuscript for photocomposiiion. Her cheerfuhcss and expert typing were greatly appreciated. I. D. Ullrnan was supported by an Einstein Fellowship of the Israeli Academy of Arts and Sciences during part of the lime in which this book was written. Finally, the authors would like thank AT&T Bell Laboratories far ils suppurt during the preparation of the manuscript. A , V + A , . R . S . . J . D . U . Contents 1.1 Compilers .............................................................. I 1.2 Analysis of the source program ................................. 4 .......................................... 1.3 The phasa of a compiler 10 1.4 Cousins of the compiler ............................................ 16 1.5 The grouping of phases .............................,.....I......... 20 ....................................... 1.6 Compiler-construction tools 22 Bibliographic noles .................................................. 23 Cbapkr 2 A Simple Ompass Cempiler 1 ............................................................... 2.1 Overview ..................................................... 2.2 Syntax definition ......................................... 2.3 Syntax-directed translation 2.4 Parsing ................................................................ .............................. 2.5 A translator for simple expressions 2.6 Lexical analysis ....................................................... ...................................... 2.7 Incarprating a symbol table 2.8 Abstract stack machines ............................ ............... ................................... 2.9 Putting the techniques together ................................. ........................ Exercises ... Bibliographic notes .................................................. Chapter 3 bid Analysis 33 3.1 The role of the bxical analyzer .................................. 3.2 Input buffering ....................................................... 3.3 Specification of tokens ......................... .. ................. ............................................... 3.4 Recognition of tokens 3.5 A language for specifying lexical analyzers .................... 3. 6 Finite automata ................................. .. ................... 3.7 From a regular expression to an NFA .......................... 3.8 Design of a lexical analyzer generator .......................... ................ 3.9 Optimization of DFA-based pattern matchers Exercises ............................................................... .................................................. Bibliographic notes CONTENTS Chapter 4 Syntax A d y s b 4.1 The role of the parser ............................................... 4.2 Context-free grammars ............................................. 4.3 Writing a grammar .................................................. 4.4 Topdown parsing .................................................... ................................. 4.5 Bottom-up parsing ..; ..-. .......... ...................................... 4.6 Operator-precedence parsing 4.7 LR parsers ............................................................. ....................................... 4.8 Using ambiguous grammars ................................................... 4.9 Parser generators ..........*.................... ............*.*........*.**** Exercises .. .................................................. Bibliographic notes Chapter 5 SyntsK-Dim Translation ......................................... 5.1 Synta~directed definitions ....................................... 5.2 Construction of syntax trees ............. 5.3 Bottom-up evaluation of Sattributed definitions ............................................. 5.4 L-attributed definitions ............................................... 5.5 Topdown translation .................. 5.6 Bottom-up evaluation of inherited attributes 5.7 Recursive evaluators ......................... ...... ................. ..................... 5.8 Space for attribute values at compile time ................ 5.9 Assigning spare at compiler-construction time ......................... 5 . LO Analysis of syntaxdirected definitions ........*......................*.......**.........* .......... E ~ercises .'. .................................................. Bibliographic notes Chapter 6 Type khaklng .......................................................... 6.1 Type systems .......................... 6.2 Specification of a simple type checker .................................. 6.3 Equivalence of type expressions ..................................................... 6.4 Type conversions 6 3 Overloading of functions and operators ........................ .............................................. 6.6 Polymorphic funclions 6.7 An algorithm for unification ...................................... Exercises ............................................................... Bibliographic notes ................................................... 7+1 Source language issues ...................................... -- ...... ................................................. 7.2 Storage organization .............................. 7.3 Storage-allocation strategies ... .... .......................................... 7.4 Amss to nonlocal names CONTENTS 3 7.5 Parameter passing .................................................. 424 7.6 Symbol tables ....................................................... 429 ........... 7.7 Language facilities for dynamic storage allma tion 440 ................... ... 7. 8 Dynamic storage alkation techniques , 442 .................................. 7.9 $orage allocation in Fortran ..... 446 ............................................................... Exercises 455 ................................................ Bibliographic notes 461 Chapter 8 Intermediate C& Generstba 463 8 . I Intcrmediatt languages ............................................. ................... ........**............**..,........ 8.2 Declarations ... ............................................. 8.3 Assignment slaternents ................... 8.4 Boolean e~pressions .... ...................... ..........**................. .................*..... 8.5 Case statements - .......................................................... 8.6 Backpatching ....................................................... 8.7 P r d u r e calls Exercises ............................................................... ............................... Bibliographic notes ... ............... ........................ 9.1 Issues in the design of a code generator .................................................. 9.2 The target machine .................................... 9.3 Run-time storage management ..................................... 9.4 Basic blocks and flow graphs 9.5 Next-use information ................................................ ........................................... 9.6 A simple code generator ............................... 9. 7 Register allocation and assignment ......................... 9.8 The dag representation of basic blwks ............................................... 9.9 Peephole optimist ion ...................... 9.10 Generating code from dagg .. .............. .......... 9.1 1 Dynamic programming code-generation algorithm ......................................... 9.12 Code-generator generators Exercises ............................................................... ................................................. Bibliographic noles .......................... ............................ 10.1 Introduction I .. 586 10.2 The principal sources of optimization ........................... 592 ...................................... 10.3 Optimization of basic blocks 598 10.4 Loops in flow graphs .................................... .- .......... 602 ....................... 10.5 introduction to global data-flow analysis 608 10.6 l€erative mlutiosi of data-flow equations ....................... 624 10.7 Cde-improving transformations ................................. 633 ................................................. 10.8 Dealing with aliases 648 CONTENTS ................. 10.9 Data-flow analysis of structured flow graphs 660 .................................... 10.10 Efficient data-flow algorithms 671 10.1 1 A tool for data-flow analysis ...................................... 680 10.12 Estimation of typ ...................................... +,.,. ....... 694 10.13 Sy mblic debugging of optimized axle ......................... 703 ............................................................... Exercises 711 .................................................. Bibliographic notes 718 Chapter 11 Want to Write a Compiler? 723 ................................................. 11 . 1 Planning a compiler 723 11.2 Approaches to compiler development ........................... 725 ....................... I 1.3 The compilerdevelopment environment 729 1 L . 4 Testing and maintenance ........................................... 731 ........... 12.1 BQN. a preproawr for typesetting mathematics 733 ................................................ 12.2 Compilers for Pascal 734 ...................................................... 12.3 The C compilers 735 ........................... -........... 12.4 The Fortran H compilers .... 737 12.5 The Bliss( l 1 compiler ............................................... 740 12.6 Modula-2 optimizing compiler .................................... 742 ........................................................... A.l Intrduction 745 A.2 A Pascalsubset .................................................... 745 .................................................... A.3 Program structure 745 A.4 Lexical conventions .................................................. 743 .............................. ................... A . 5 Suggested exercises ? 749 ....................................... A.6 Evolution of the interpreter 750 ................................... A.7 Extensions ......................... : 751 CHAPTER Introduction to Compiling The principles and techniques of compiler writing are so pervasive that the ideas found in this book will be used many times in the career of a cumputer scicn t is1 , Compiler writing spans programming languages, machine architec- ture, language theory, algorithms, and software engineering. Fortunately, a few basic mrnpikr-writ ing techniques can be used to construct translators for P wide variety of languages and machines. In this chapter, we intrduce the subject of cornpiiing by dewxibing the components of a compiler, the environ- ment in which compilers do their job, and some software tools that make it easier to build compilers. 1.1 COMPILERS Simply stated, a mmpiltr is a program that reads a program written in oae language - the source Language - and translates it inm an equivalent prqgram in another language - the target language (see Fig. 1 .I). As an important part of this translation process, the compiler reports to its user the presence of errors in the murcc program. messages At first glance, the variety of mmpilers may appear overwhelming. There are thousands of source languages, ranging from traditional programming languages such as Fortran and Pascal to specialized languages (hat have arisen in vktually every area of computer application. Target languages are equally as varied; a target language may be another programming language, or the machine language of any computer between a microprocasor and a supercwmputcr , Compilers arc sometimes classified as ~ingle~pass, multi-pass, load-and-go, debugging, or optimizing, depending on how they have been con- structed or on what function they arc suppsed to pcrform. Uespitc this apparent complexity, the basic tasks that any compiler must perform arc essentially the same. By understanding thcse tasks, we can construct com- pilers h r a wide variety of murcc languages and targct machines using the same basic techniques. Our knowlctlp about how to organim and write compilers has increased vastly sincc thc first compilers startcd to appcar in the carty 1950'~~ it is diffi- cult to give an exact date for the first compiler kcausc initially a great deal of experimentat ion and implementat ion was donc independently by several groups. Much of the early work on compiling deal1 with the translation of arithmetic formulas into machine cads. Throughout the lY501s, compilers were mnsidcred notoriously difficult pro- grams to write. The first Fortran ~Cimpller, for exampie, took f 8 staff-years to implement (Backus ct a[. 119571). We have since discovered systematic techniques for handling many of the imponant tasks that mcur during compi- lation. Good implementation languages, programming environments, and software twls have also been developed. With the% advances, a substantial compiler can be implemented even as a student projtxt in a onesemester wmpilar-design cuursc+ There are two puts to compilation: analysis and synthesis. The analysis part breaks up the source program into mnstitucnt pieces and creates an intermdi- ate representation of the sou'rce pmgram. Tbc synthesis part constructs the desired larget program from the intcrmcdiate representation. Of the I w e parts, synthesis requires the most specialized techniques, Wc shall msider analysis informally in Sxtion 1.2 and nuthe the way target cude is syn- thesized in a standard compiler in % d o n 1.3. During anaiysis, the operations implicd by thc source program are deter- mined and recorded in a hierarchical pltrlrcturc m l l d a trcc. Oftcn, a special kind of tree called a syntax tree is used, in which cach nodc reprcscnts an operation and the children of a node represent the arguments of the operation. Fw example. a syntax tree for an assignment statemcnt is shown in Fig. 1.2. : e / ' \ gasit i o n + / '-. initial. + / \ rate 60 h. 1.2, Syntax trtx lor @sit ion : + initial + rate 60. EC. 1.1 COMPILERS 3 Many software tools that manipulate source programs first perform some kind of analysis. Some exampies of such tools include: Structure edit~m, A Structure editor takes as input a sequence of corn- mands to build a sour= program* The structure editor not ofil y performs the text-creation and mdification functions of an ordinary text editor, but it alw analyzes the program text, putting an appropriate hierarchical strudure on the source program. Thus, the structure editor can perform additional tasks that are useful in the preparation of programs. For example, it can check that the input is correctly formed, can supply kcy- words automatically (e-g.. when the user types while. the editor svpplics the mathing do and remidi the user tha# a conditional must come ktween them), and can jump from a begin or left parenthesis to its matching end or right parenihesis. Further, the output of such an editor i s often similar to the output of the analysis phase of a compiler. Pretty printers. A pretty printer anaiyxs a program and prints it in wch a way that the structure of the program becomes clearly visible. For example, comments may appear in a spcial font, and statements may appear with an amount of indentation proportional to the depth of their nesting in the hierarchical organization of the stakments. Static checkers. A siatic checker reads a program, analyzes it, and attempts to dimver potential bugs without running the program, The analysis portion is often similar to that fmnd in optimizing compilers of the type discussed in Chapter 10. Fw example, a static checker may detect that parts of the source propam can never be errscutd, or that a certain variable might be used before bctg defined, In addition, it can catch Iogicai errors such as trying to use a real variable as a pintcr, employing the t ype-checking techniques discussed in Chapter 6. inrerpr~iers. Instead of producing a target program as a translation, an interpreter performs the operations implied by the murce program. For an assignment statement, for example, an interpreter might build a tree like Fig. 1.2, and then any out the operations at the nodes as it "walks" the tree. At the root it wwk! discover it bad an assignment to perform, so it would call a routine to evaluate the axprcssion on the right, and then store the resulting value in the Location asmiated with the identifiet position. At the right child of the rm, the routine would discover it had to compute the sum of two expressions. Ct would call itaclf recur- siwly to compute the value of the expression rate + 60. It would then add that value to the vaiue of the variable initial. Interpreters are hqueatly used to cxecute command languages, since each operator executed in a command language is usually an invmtim of a cornpk~ routine such as an editor or compiler. Similarly, some 'Wry high-level" Languages, like APL, are normally interpreted bause there are many things about the data, such as the site and shape of arrays, that 4 1NTRODUCTION TO COMPILING SEC. I . cannot be deduced at compile time. Traditionally, we think of a compiler as a program that translates a source language like Fortran into the assembly or machine ianguage of some com- puter. However, there are seemingly unrelated places where compiler technol- ogy is regularly used. The analysis portion in each of the following examples is similar to that of a conventional compiler. Text formrrers. A text farmatter takes input that is a stream uf sharac- ten, most of which is text to be typeset, but some of which includes com- mands to indicate paragraphs, figures. or mathematical structures like wbscripts and superscripts. We mention some of the analysis done by text formatters in the next section. Si1it-m ct~stylihrs. A silicon compiler has a source language that is similar or identical to a conventional programming language. However, the vari- ables of the language represent, not locations in memory, but, logical sig- nals (0 or 1) or groups of signals in a switching circuit. The output is a circuit design in an appropriate language. See Johnson 1 19831. Ullman 1 19843, or Trickey 1 19BSJ for a discussion of silicon compilation. Qucry inrerpreters. A query interpreter translates a predicate containing relational and h l e a n operators into commands to search s database for records satisfying [hat pmlicate. (See Ullman 119821 or Date 11986j+) The Context of a Compiler In addit ion to a compiler, several other programs may be required to create an executable target program, A source program may be divided into modules stored in separate files. The task of collecting the source program is some- times entrusted to a distinct program, called a preprocessor, The preprocessor may also expand shorthands, called macros, into source language staternenfs. Figure 1.3 shows a typical "compilation." The target program created by the compiler may require further processing before it can be run. The corn- piler in Fig, 1.3 creates assembly code that is translated by an assembler into machine code and then linked together with some library routines into thc code that actually runs on the machine, We shall consider the components of a compiler in the next two sccticsns; the remaining programs in Fig. 1.3 are discussed in Sec~ion 1.4. 1,2 ANALYSIS OF THE SOURCE PROGRAM In this section, we introduce analysis and illustrate its use in some text- formatting languages, The subject is treated in more detail in Chapters 2-4 and 6. In compiling, analysis consists of three phaxs: 1. Lirtuar unu!ysh, in which the stream of characters making up the source program i s read from left-to-right and grouped into wkms thar are sequences of characters having a collective meaning. ANALYSIS OF THE SOURCE PROGRAM 5 library. rclrmtabk objcct filcs absdutc machinc adc Fig. '1 -3. A language- praccsning systcm. 2. Hi~rurc~htcu~ am/y,~i.s, in which characters or tokens are grouped hierarchi- cally into nested cdlcctiwnx with mlleclive meaning* 3. Scmontic unuiysh, in which certain checks are performed to ensure that I he components of a program fit together meaningfully. In a compiler, linear analysis is called Irxicd anulysi,~ or srmnin#. For exam- ple, in lexical analysis the charaaers in the assignment statement 'position := initial + rate * 6 0 would be grouped into the fdlowmg tokens; 1. The identifier go$ ition. 2. The assignment symbol : =. 3. Theidentifier i n i t i a l . 4. The plus sim. 5. The identifier rate. 6. The multiplication sign. 7. The number 6 0 , The blanks separating the characters of these tokens would normally be elim- inated during lexical analysis. Syntax Analysis H ierarchical analysis is called pur.~ing or synm antiiyxix 14 involves grouping the tokens of the source program into grammatical phrases that are used by the compiler to synthesize output. Usualty, the grammatical phrases of the source program are represented by a parse tree such as the one shown in Fig. 1 -4. I ' position Fig, 1.4. Pursc trcc for position : = initial + rate 60. In the expression i n i t i a l + rate * 60, the phrase rate 60 is a hgi- cal unit bemuse the usual conventions of arithmetic expressions tell us that multiplicat ion is performed before addit ion. Because the expression 5 n i t i a l + rate is foilowed by a *. it is not grouped into a single phrase by itself in Fig. 1.4, The hierarchical structure of a program is usually expressed by recursive rules. For example, we might have the idlowing rules as part sf the defini- tion of expressions: I . Any idmtijeris an expression. 2, Any m m h r is an expression. 3. If txprc.rsioiz 1 and ~xpr~'ssiun are expressions, then so are Rules (I) and (2) are (noorecursive) basis rules, while (3) defines expressions in terms of operators applied to other expressions. Thus, by rule I I). i n i - t i a l and rate are expressions. By rule (21, 60 is an expression, while by rule (31, we can first infer that rate * 60 is an expresxion and finally that initial + rate 60 is an expression. Similarly, many Ianguagei; define statements recursively by rules such as: SEC+ 1.2 ANALYSIS OF THE SOURCE PROGRAM 7 1. If identrfrer is an identifier, and c'xprc+s.~ion~ is an exyrcshn, then is a statement. 2. If expremion I is an expression and siumncnr 2 is a statemen I, then are statements. The division between lexical and syntactic analysis is somewhat arbitrary. We usually choose a division that simplifies the overall task of analysis. One factor in determining the division is whether a source !anguage construct is inherently recursive or not. Lexical constructs do not require recursion, while syntactic conslructs often do. Context-free grammars are a formalization of recursive rules that can be used to guide syntactic analysis. They are intro- duced in Chapter 2 and studied extensivdy in Chapter 4, For example, recursion is not required to recognize identifiers, which are typically strings of letters and digits beginning with a letter. We would nor- mally recognize identifiers by a simple scan of the input stream. waiting unlil a character that was neither a letter nor a digit was found, and then grouping all the letters and digits found up to that point into an ideatifier token. The characters so grouped are recorded in a table, called a symbol table. and removed from the input so that processing of the next token can begin. On the other hand, this kind of linear scan is no1 powerful enough to analyze expressions or statements. For example, we cannot properly match parentheses in expressions, or begin and end in statements, without putting some kind of hierarchical or nesting structu~e on the input. . - / -- \ position + I \ i n i t i a l + : = / \ vos i t ion + / \ initial * / ' \ rate h#~resl I Fig. 1.5. Scmantic analysis inscrt s a conversion frnm intcgcr to real. The parse tree in Fig. 1.4 describes the syntactic siructure of the input. A more common internal representation of this syntactic structure is given by the syntax tree in Fig. L.5(a). A syntax tree is a compressed representation of the parse tree in which the operators appear as the interior nodes, a.nd the operands of an operator are the children of the node for that operator. The construction of trecs such as the one In Fig. 1 S(a) is discussed in Section 5.2.

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