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Compiler Construction: 8th International Conference, CC’99, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS’99, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 22-28, 1999. Proceedings PDF

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Preview Compiler Construction: 8th International Conference, CC’99, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS’99, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 22-28, 1999. Proceedings

Foreword ETAPS’99isthesecondinstanceofthe EuropeanJointConferencesonThe- ory and Practice of Software. ETAPS is an annual federated conference that wasestablishedin1998bycombininganumberofexistingandnewconferences. Thisyearitcomprisesfiveconferences(FOSSACS,FASE,ESOP,CC,TACAS), four satelliteworkshops(CMCS, AS,WAGA, CoFI),seveninvitedlectures,two invited tutorials, and six contributed tutorials. The events that comprise ETAPS address various aspects of the system de- velopmentprocess,including specification,design,implementation,analysisand improvement. The languages, methodologies and tools which support these ac- tivities are all well within its scope. Different blends of theory and practice are represented, with an inclination towards theory with a practical motivation on one hand and soundly-based practice on the other. Many of the issues involved in softwaredesignapply to systemsin general,including hardwaresystems,and the emphasis on software is not intended to be exclusive. ETAPSis a loose confederationin which each event retains its own identity, with a separateprogrammecommittee andindependent proceedings.Its format is open-ended,allowingitto growandevolveastime goesby.Contributedtalks and system demonstrations are in synchronized parallel sessions, with invited lectures in plenary sessions. Two of the invited lectures are reserved for “unify- ing” talks on topics of interest to the whole range of ETAPS attendees. As an experiment, ETAPS’99 also includes two invited tutorials on topics of special interest. The aim of cramming all this activity into a single one-week meeting is to create a strong magnet for academic and industrial researchersworkingon topics within its scope, giving them the opportunity to learn about research in relatedareas,andtherebytofosternewandexistinglinksbetweenworkinareas that have hitherto been addressed in separate meetings. ETAPS’99hasbeenorganizedbyJanBergstraofCWIandtheUniversityof AmsterdamtogetherwithFransSnijdersofCWI.OverallplanningforETAPS’99 was the responsibility of the ETAPS Steering Committee, whose current mem- bership is: Andr´eArnold(Bordeaux),EgidioAstesiano(Genoa),JanBergstra(Am- sterdam), Ed Brinksma (Enschede), Rance Cleaveland (Stony Brook),PierpaoloDegano(Pisa),HartmutEhrig(Berlin),Jos´eFiadeiro (Lisbon), Jean-Pierre Finance (Nancy), Marie-Claude Gaudel (Paris), Susanne Graf (Grenoble), Stefan J¨ahnichen (Berlin), Paul Klint (Ams- terdam), Kai Koskimies (Tampere), Tom Maibaum (London), Ugo Montanari (Pisa), Hanne Riis Nielson (Aarhus), Fernando Orejas (Barcelona), Don Sannella (Edinburgh), Gert Smolka (Saarbru¨cken), Doaitse Swierstra (Utrecht), Wolfgang Thomas (Aachen), Jerzy Tiuryn (Warsaw), David Watt (Glasgow) VI ETAPS’98 has received generous sponsorship from: – KPN Research – Philips Research – The EU programme “Training and Mobility of Researchers” – CWI – The University of Amsterdam – The European Association for Programming Languages and Systems – The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of these people and orga- nizations, the programme committee members of the ETAPS conferences, the organizers of the satellite events, the speakers themselves, and finally Springer- Verlag for agreeing to publish the ETAPS proceedings. Edinburgh, January 1999 Donald Sannella ETAPS Steering Committee Chairman Preface The present proceedings of the 1999 Compiler Construction Conference are, quite apartfromthe highlytopicalnatureofthesubjectsaddressed,remarkable for two reasons. First, I feel they illustrate very well the fact that this is still one of the most interesting research areas in computer science, and that it is possible to push the boundaries of knowledge here even further, thanks in large part to the growing theoretical penetration of the subject-matter. Second, both the quantity and quality of the contributions are a clear indication that the CompilerCompilerConferencehasbecome firmly establishednotonlyasapart ofETAPS,butinitsownrightandwithitsown“regular”andhighlymotivated group of participants. The number of papers submitted has remained roughly the same compared with previous years, as has the number of papers selected for presentation. Al- though, to begin with, I had – in my capacity as Program Committee Chair – favoreda physicalmeeting of PC members and hadpractically called for sucha meeting in my letter of invitation, I soon decided to first wait and see how the selection process and electronic discussion went – with the result that we were, ultimately, able to dispense with the meeting. This proved possible thanks not only to the use of an electronic conference system, provided courtesy of Vladimiro Sassone, but also and in particular to Jochen Burghardt’s willingness to assist me in the PC work and to take full charge of technical support for the installation and use of the relevant software. And I think all PC members will join me in saying he did a great job and is owed our thanks for ensuring that the submission, selection and publication procedures went so smoothly. I am also indebted, though, to my colleagues in the Program Committee for their willingness to cooperate so closely in these procedures and to offer their technical expertise in the refereeing and discussion process, thus making a major contribution to the successful production of the present volume. My thanks also go to Don Sanella, who was in charge of the ETAPS organization, for his many practical suggestions on how to improve procedures and for his strict but necessary demands that deadlines be met. Last but not least, I wish to thank all those who submitted papers for the conference.Evenifyourpaperwasnotacceptedthistime,Iwouldliketoexpress my appreciation for the time and effort you invested and hope to be able to welcome you to the conference in Amsterdam all the same. Finally, a last wordof thanks to the team at Springer-Verlagfor their excel- lent work and cooperation in preparing the present volume. I hope you will all enjoy reading it! Berlin, January 1999 Stefan Ja¨hnichen CC ProgramCommittee Chairman Program Committee Rudolf Eigenmann (USA), Lawrence Rauchwerger (USA), Guang R. Gao (USA), Yves Robert (France), Francois Irigoin (France), Mooly Sagiv (Israel), Stefan Ja¨hnichen (Chair, Germany), Martin Simons (Germany), Thomas Johnsson (Sweden), Chau-Wen Tseng (USA), Derrick Kourie (South Africa), David A. Watt (Scotland), Olivier Michel (France), Reinhard Wilhelm (Germany), Jerzy Nawrocki(Poland), Hans Zima (Austria) Referees V. Adve C. Dubois M. Langenbach S. Rubin G. Agrawal C. Eisenbeis E. Laure H. Saito M. Aiguier A. Engelbrecht D. Lavery D. Sehr N. Aizikowitz T. Fahringer Y. Lee H. Seidl J. Amaral C. Ferdinand A. Marquez G. Silber R. Amir A. Fraboulet L. Marshall V. Sipkova J. Bechennec T. Geiger E. Mehofer A. Stoutchinin B. Blount J. Giavitto J. Merlin B. Su W. Blume M. Gupta A. Mignotte X. Tang R. Bodik M. Hall P. Moreau S. Thesing P. Brezany P. Havlak J. O’Donnell D. Xinmin Tian J. Burghardt R. Heckmann Y. Paek P. Tu F. Cappello J. Hoeflinger I. Park T. Vijaykumar M. Chakarvarty G. Huard W. Pfannenstiel M. Voss S. Chatterjee D. Kaestner A. Pierantonio J. Wang W. Complak R. Kennell S. Pinter B. Watson Q. Cutts S. Wook Kim J. Prins B. Wender A. Czajka J. Knoop C. Probst A. Wojciechowski F. Delaplace U. Kremer F. Rastello A. Zaks J. Delosme P. W. Kutter N. Ros C. Zhang S. Diehl A. Lallouet J. Ross W. Zhao Table of Contents Compiler Generation Data Structure Free Compilation ........................................... 1 Joa˜o Saraiva, Doaitse Swierstra Debugging Eli-Generated Compilers with Noosa ........................... 17 Anthony M. Sloane Faster Generalized LR Parsing ............................................ 32 John Aycock, Nigel Horspool Interprocedural Analysis Interprocedural Path Profiling ............................................ 47 David Melski, Thomas Reps Experimental Comparison of call string and functional Approaches to InterproceduralAnalysis ............................................... 63 Florian Martin Link-Time Improvement of Scheme Programs ............................. 76 Saumya Debray, Robert Muth, Scott Watterson Code Optimization Expansion-BasedRemoval of Semantic Partial Redundancies .............. 91 Jens Knoop, Oliver Ru¨thing, Bernhard Steffen Register Pressure Sensitive Redundancy Elimination ..................... 107 Rajiv Gupta, Rastislav Bod´ık Code Optimization by Integer Linear Programming ...................... 122 Daniel Kaestner, Marc Langenbach Evaluation of Algorithms for Local Register Allocation ................... 137 Vincenzo Liberatore, Martin Farach-Colton, Ulrich Kremer Parallelization Techniques Efficient State-Diagram Construction Methods for Software Pipelining ... 153 Chihong Zhang, Ramaswamy Govindarajan, Sean Ryan, Guang R. Gao A Comparison of Compiler Tiling Algorithms ............................ 168 Gabriel Rivera, Chau-Wen Tseng

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