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Preview Competition of Mesoscales and Crossover to Tricriticality in Polymer Solutions

Competition of Mesoscales and Crossover to Tricriticality in Polymer Solutions M. A. Anisimov, A. F. Kostko, and J. V. Sengers Department of Chemical Engineering and Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 (February 1, 2008) 2 0 Weshow that theapproach to asymptotic fluctuation-inducedcritical behaviorin polymer solu- 0 tions is governed by a competition between a correlation length diverging at the critical point and 2 anadditionalmesoscopic length-scale, theradiusofgyration. Accuratelight-scattering experiments n on polystyrene solutions in cyclohexane with polymer molecular weights ranging from 200,000 up a to 11.4 million clearly demonstrate a crossover between two universal regimes: a regime with Ising J asymptotic critical behavior, where the correlation length prevails, and a regime with tricritical 4 theta-point behaviordetermined bya mesoscopic polymer-chain length. 1 PACS:64.75.+g; 61.25.Hg; 05.70.Jk ] t f o Close enough to the critical point, the correlation mer solution near the theta point. The theta point is the s . length ξ of the fluctuations of the order parameter has pointoflimiting(infinitemolecularweightofpolymer)of t a grown so large that the microscopic and even the meso- phase separation in an infinitely dilute solution [5]. It is m scopic structure of fluids become unimportant: complex wellknownthatthetheta-pointisa”symmetricaltricrit- - fluidsbecome”simple”. Thisfeatureisknownascritical- ical point” [6]. Both the radius of gyration Rg (assumed d point universality [1]. Within a universality class, de- to be proportional to ξ ) of the polymer molecule and D n termined by the nature of the order parameter, properly the correlation length of the concentration fluctuations o chosenphysicalpropertiesofdifferentsystemsexhibitthe diverge at the theta point, leading to tricriticality. Phe- c [ same near-criticalbehavior. All criticalphase-separation nomenologically, a tricritical point emerges because of a transitions in fluids belong to the 3-dimensional Ising- coupling between two order parameters, one scalar and 1 model universality class, as the order parameter (asso- one vector-like, which results in a change in the order of v ciated with density or/and concentration) is a scalar. thephasetransition: asecond-ordertransitionassociated 2 2 However,inpractice,thepureasymptoticregimeisoften with the structural order parameter becomes first-order 2 hardly accessible. Even in simple fluids, like xenon and and thus is accompanied by phase separation [7]. At a 1 helium,thephysicalpropertiesinthecriticalregionshow tricriticalpoint,twouniversalityclassesmeeteachother, 0 atendencytocrossoverfromIsingasymptoticbehaviorto making tricritical behavior (in three dimensions) almost 2 mean-field behavior [2,3]. This crossover depends on the mean-field like. Thus, the radius of gyration serves as 0 microscopicstructureofthesystem,namely,ontherange a ”screening length” for the critical fluctuations of con- / t ofinteractionandonamolecular-size”cutoff”. Insimple centration. By tuning the radius of gyration (probing a m fluids, crossover to mean-field critical behavior is never different molecular weights) and the correlation length completed within the critical domain (which can be de- of critical fluctuations (changing the temperature dis- - d fined roughly as within 10% of the critical temperature): tancefromtheliquid-liquidcriticalpoint),onecanprobe n the ”cutoff” length and the range of interactions are too crossover from Ising asymptotic behavior to mean-field- o short. In complex fluids, regardless of the range of inter- like tricriticaltheta-point behavior. Sucha crossoverwas c action, the role of the cutoff is played by a mesoscopic first detected from analyses of the osmotic susceptibility : v characteristic length scale ξ that is associated with a obtained in a neutron scattering experiment [8] and of D i particularmesoscopicstructure[4]. Ifthecutofflengthis theshapeofpolymersolutioncoexistencecurves[9]. Un- X mesoscopic, it can compete with the correlation length ξ fortunately, experimental data analyzed so far were not ar withinthecriticaldomain. Thetemperatureatwhichthe close enough to the theta point to unambiguously sepa- correlationlengthbecomesequaltothe structurallength ratecrossovertotricriticalityfromnonasymptoticregular can be naturally defined as a crossover temperature be- effects [10]. tween two regimes, namely, an Ising asymptotic critical To observe the competition of two mesoscales in poly- regime and a regime determined by the nature of the mer solutions and convincingly prove crossover to theta- mesoscopic structure of the complex fluid. In some com- point tricriticality, one needs to tune both the radius of plex fluids, like polymer solutions, it is possible to tune gyrationandthecorrelationlengthofthecriticalfluctua- thestructurallength-scaleandmakeitverylarge. Ifboth tionsoveralargerange,thatistoprobeashighmolecular lengths, the correlationlength of the criticalfluctuations weightsas possible,andtomeasureboth the criticalsus- associated with the fluid-fluid separation and the struc- ceptibility andthe correlationlengthwithanaccuracyof tural correlation length, diverge at the same point, this theorderof1%. Itisachallengingexperimentaltaskand point will be a multicritical point. A perfect example evenmostrecentlight-scatteringexperimentsinpolymer of such a multicritical phenomenon appears in a poly- solutions [11,12] did not resolve crossover to mean-field 1 theta-point behavior. 4πnλ−1sin(θ/2)isthe scatteringwavenumber(n the re- 0 In this communication we report accurate light- fractiveindex,λ thewavelengthoftheincidentlight,θ 0 scattering experiments performed for polystyrene solu- the scatteringangle),andG(qξ)isthespatialcorrelation tions in cyclohexane with polymer molecular weight, function takenin the Fisher-Burfordapproximation[20], M , ranging from 200,000 to 11.4 million. The data w clearlyandunambiguouslyconfirmthephysicalnatureof [1+0.0842(qξ)2]η/2 G(qξ)= (2) crossover to theta-point tricriticality as described above. 1+(qξ)2(1+ η0.0842) 2 Moreover,thecrossoverbehaviorofthesusceptibilityand correlationlength is in excellent agreementwith the the- with η =0.033, a universal critical exponent. ory of crossover critical phenomena, also developed at The osmotic susceptibility and the correlation length the University of Maryland(see [13,14]and bibliography were represented by the following crossover expressions there). We havealsoattempted to solveoneof the most [8] taken for the particular case of the normalized cou- subtleproblemsoftricriticality,namely,experimentalde- pling constant u=1: tection of so-called logarithmic corrections to mean-field u∗νz2 tricritical behavior [15,16]. Such corrections have a uni- χ−1 =a τY(γ−1)/∆S[1+ ] , (3) 0 2(z2+2ν) versal nature as they are predicted theoretically to exist near all kinds of tricritical points [17]. Experimental technique, sample preparation, and ex- ξ =ξ τ−1/2Y(1−2ν)/2∆S , (4) 0 perimental procedure have been described in detail else- where [18]. Five polystyrene samples (obtained from where Y is a crossover function of a single argument, Polymer Laboratories Inc.) with a polydispersity in- z =ξ/ξ , defined as D dex 1.02 (M =1.96105), 1.06 (M =1.12106), 1.04 w w (M =1.95106), 1.05·(M =3.95106), and 1·.09 (M = Y =(1+z2)−∆S/2ν . (5) w w w · · 11.4107) have been investigated. Two identical He-Ne · In Eqs.(3)-(5), γ = 1.239,ν = 0.630, and ∆ = 0.50 lasers and a receiving photomultiplier system have been S ∼ ◦ ◦ (we adopted ∆ = 0.51 [13]) are universal critical expo- aligned at two fixed scattering angles, 30 and 150 . S nents and u∗ = 0.472 for the 3-dimensional Ising uni- Smallpartsofthe incident-beamintensityofbothlasers, versality class [1,13]; a and ξ are mean-field ampli- directed by means of beam splitters and optical guides 0 0 tudes of the inverse susceptibility and of the correlation to the photomultiplier, served as calibration intensities. length. In principle, the crossover function depends on Ourmeasurementprocedureallowseliminationofthein- two crossover parameters, z and a normalized coupling fluence of any laser power drift, as well as of slow fluctu- constant u. However, the analysis of the experimental ations in the sensitivity of the photomultiplier. A square data has shown that u is almost independent of M and optical cell with an optical path of 2 mm is placed in a w always close to unity. Since a theoretical analysis [10] two-stagethermostat. Thissystemallowsstabilizationof confirmsthatthisparameterisirrelevantforcrossoverto the temperature to within 0.5 mK over a few days. We theta-point tricriticality, we have adopted u=1. determined the critical temperature T (more precisely, c In the limit z 0, the crossover function Y 1, the the temperature of phase separation) by monitoring the → → susceptibilityandcorrelationlengthfollowmean-fieldbe- intensity of the transmitted beam and the scattering in- havior χ−1 = a τ and ξ = ξ τ−1/2. In the limit z , tensity while the sample is cooledfromabovethe critical Y (τξ /ξ )∆0S 0, the0susceptibility and th→e c∞or- temperatureinstepsof2-3mK.Thecriticalcomposition → D 0 → relation length exhibit Ising asymptotic critical behav- φ was checked by equality of volumes of the coexisting c ior: χ = Γ τ−γ and ξ = ξ τ−ν with amplitudes Γ = phases and established with an accuracy of at least 3- 0 0 0 5%. Turbidity measurements were made enabling us to 0.871a−01(cid:0)ξ0/ξD(cid:1)2(γ−1) and ξ0 = ξ0(cid:0)ξ0/ξD(cid:1)1−2ν [14]. apply the corrections due to turbidity loss and to mul- Actually,theOrnstein-Zernikeapproximationforthecor- tiple scattering evaluated by a Monte-Carlo simulation relation function should replace the Fisher-Burford ap- [19,11]. The overall accuracy of the intensity measure- proximation in the mean-field limit. However,the differ- ments inthe rangeofτ =(T T )/T varyingfrom10−6 encebetweenthesetwoapproximationsisnegligiblewhen c c to10−1 isestimatedtobeabo−ut1-2%. Dataatτ <10−5 the correlation length is small as it is in the mean-field andτ > 610−2 were not included in the analysisas they regime. · became strongly affected by uncertainty in the critical To represent the experimental data for each molec- composition and by polydispersity (close to T ), and by ular weight, four parameters were used as adjustable: c backgroundscattering (far away from T ). I ,I ,ξ ,andξ .Althoughtheamplitude a is absorbed c 0 b 0 D 0 The corrected scattering intensity, I, was fitted to the inI0,tocalculateΓ0,wefixeda0 =1,aspredictedbythe following expression Flory model in the theta-point limit [10]. The parame- ter I becomes important farther away from the critical b I =I χG(qξ)+I . (1) temperature where I and ξ are strongly statistically 0 b b D correlated. To make sure that we found accurate val- Here χ is the osmotic susceptibility, I is a back- ues for the parameters I and ξ we checked the results b b D ground intensity, I is an instrumental constant, q = obtained for different fitting intervals of τ. 0 2 exponent γ exhibits crossoverfrom its classicalvalue γ eff =1.00 to its Ising value γ =1.24. The reduced crossover 106 slope 1.24 G03 tricritical limit tinemflepcetiroantuproeinτt×o=f γe(ffT.×I−t tTucr)n/sTocuctatnhabteτ×de∼=fin(eξd0/aξsD)t2h.e 105 (Ising limit) g c t/ 2 4 10 Ising limit G0 103 1 25 25 g c t/ x 110012 MW 10-4 10-3 10-2t/1t0x-1 sl1ope 110.0 102 20 T-T , (K) xc 112050 100 195,900 (tricritical limit) ) 5 1,124,000 K 15 1100--21 1 131,,,994500000,,,000000000 , (Tc 0 0.0010.002M0.0W03-00.5.0040.0050.006 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 x T t/t x 5 FIG. 1. Scaled osmotic susceptibility and deviation of the succeptibility from Ising critical behavior (shown as in- 0 sert) for solutions of polystyrene in cyclohexane as a func- 0.05 0.10 0.15 tion of thescaled distance τ/τ× tothecritical temperature. f The symbols represent experimental data, the dashed lines c represent two limiting behaviors: Ising asymptotic behavior FIG.3. DifferencebetweenthecrossovertemperatureT× andmean-fieldbehavior,whilethesolidcurvesrepresentthe and the critical temperature Tc of polystyrene-cyclohexane crossover theory. solutions as a function of the critical volume fraction φc and of M−1/2 (insert). Solid circles correspond to the in- w flection points of γ (τ). Crosses correspond to the tem- eff peratures at which ξ = Rg/√3. Open circles are the 0.20 temperatures at which ξ = Rg/√3 for the system of 1100000 s(Ilsoipneg 0lim.6i3t) -1-1 x , nmx000...011505 3e0x.p5Regr-i1ment piopmfaorlaRyatgsmiotyhneratervbinecaeasb-eldledyeeunobtnyeexrE(otTrcqa×y.pc(−lo6ol)haT.tecex)da.∝neTN[h8e]−.s1Fo/l2oi,rdφwccuit≤rhve0N.i0s(5φactn)haedpvepafirlnuoexeds- 0 x n x t / x 10 0.000 0.001MW-0.50.002 0.003 anIdttfohlelocwosrrferloamtioEnqlse.n(3g)thasndob(t4a)inthedatfothredsiffusecreepnttibmiloitleiecs- MW slope 0.5 ular weights (different ξD) when reduced as χτ×γ/Γ0 and 1 1 , 112945,,090000 (tricritical limit) ξτ×ν/ξ0, respectively, should collapse into master curves 1,950,000 as functions of the scaled temperature τ/τ×. The mas- 3,900,000 11,400,000 ter curve for the susceptibility shown in Fig. 1 clearly 0.1 demonstrates a crossover between two limits, Ising and -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 meanfield, over seven orders of τ/τ×. In Fig. 2, the t/t same crossover is manifested by the correlation length. x It is remarkable that the correlation length taken at the FIG. 2. Scaled correlation length for solutions of crossover temperature follows almost perfectly the nor- polystyrene in cyclohexane as a function of the scaled dis- malized radius of gyration R /√3, independently mea- g tance τ/τ× to the critical temperature. The symbols rep- sured by neutron scattering [21]. It also follows from resent experimental data, the dashed lines represent Ising our analysis that the dependence of the critical ampli- asymptoticbehaviorandmean-fieldbehavior,whilethesolid tudes on the molecular weight can be described within curve represents the crossover theory. In the insert: molec- experimental accuracy by de Gennes’ scaling [6,22]. In ular-weight dependence of the inverse correlation length at Fig. 3, the difference between the crossovertemperature the crossover temperature (crosses); closed circles are the normalized radius of gyration, Rg/√3 , scaled as squared T×(determined as the inflection point of γeff(τ) and as root of themolecular weight of polymer [8]. For Mw 106, the temperature where ξ =Rg/√3)andthe criticaltem- thevaluesof Rg havebeen extrapolated. ≥ perature is plotted as a function of the critical volume fractionandofthe molecularweight. Thedifferencevan- A sensitive test of the shape of the crossover behavior ishesatthe theta-pointlimitandscalesapproximatelyas canbeobtainedfromananalysisoftheeffectiveexponent M−1/2,aspredictedbythecrossovertheory. IntheFlory w of the susceptibility, defined as γ = ∂logχ/logτ. The model, the critical volume fraction φ = 1/(1 + √N), eff c 3 where N = M /M is the degree of polymerization (M National Science Foundation Grant No. CHE-9805260. w 0 0 is the molecular weight of a polymer-chain unit). Ac- cording to de Gennes’ scaling, φ also scales as M−1/2. c w However, the dependence of T× Tc on φc and, corre- spondingly, the dependence of φ−c on Mw−1/2 exhibit a [1] M.E.Fisher,inLecture Notes inPhysics,F.J.W.Hahne, pronounced non-linearity (Figs. 3 and 4). The violation ed. (Springer, Berlin), Vol. 186, 1 (1982). of the Flory prediction for the critical volume fraction is [2] H. Gu¨ttinger and D. S. Cannell, Phys. Rev. A 24, 3188 a well-known fact: it has been attributed to partial col- (1981). lapsingofthepolymercoilsanddescribedbyapowerlaw [3] I.Hahn,F. Zhong, M. Barmatz, R.Haussmann, J. Rud- with an additional critical exponent [23,24]. Our analy- nick,Phys. Rev.E 63, 055104 (2001). sis, which includes old data of Melnichenko et al. 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