Madrono, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 301-306, 2004 COMPENSATORY FOLIAGE GROWTH RESPONSE TO PARTIAL DEFOLIATION IN THE DESERT PERENNIAL SHRUB ENCELIA FARINOSA (ASTERACEAE) Darren R. Sandquist Department of Biological Science, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92834 [email protected] Abstract Seasonal changes of water potential, leaf pubescence and foliage area were compared between two groups ofEnceliafarinosa (brittlebush) growing under field conditions: one group was partial defoliated, the other was left in tact. Partial defoliation at the start ofseasonal drought induced compensatory foliage growth with no evidence of ecophysiological compensation, including the expected departure from leaf pubescence values ofcontrol plants. The compensatory foliage growth occurred within the first month of drought, but allocation to these additional leaves did not appear to have a pronounced effect on overall plantgrowth forthe season. Leafpubescence iscrucial formaintainingfavorableenergy andwaterbalance in this species, and it is suggested that the lack ofphysiological compensation may resultfromconstraints imposed by this character, particularly its important interaction with plant water status during the hot and arid growing season in the Mojave Desert. Key Words: Drought, leafpubescence, physiological compensation, foliage area, herbivory. Productivity for the desert perennial shrub En- due to herbivory (especially by rabbits) when avail- celiafarinosa A. Gray (brittlebush) has been shown ability of other vegetation is scarce (personal obser- to depend on a close coupling between seasonal vation) orto leafdeathcausedby short-termfreezing changes of water availability and leaf morphology temperatures (Bowers 1991; Webb and Bowers (Cunningham and Strain 1969; Odening et al. 1974; 1993; Sandquist and Ehleringer 1996), might lead to Smith and Nobel 1977, 1978; Ehleringer and Moo- lowered water demand owing to a lower transpira- ney 1978; Ehleringer 1988). In particular, lower tional surface area (foliage area; McNaughton 1979). waterpotentials that occurduring drought cause the With this, whole plant water status would not be production ofnew leaves with highly reflective leaf expected to decrease at the same rate as a plant that pubescence. This pubescence decreases absorption had not been defoliated. This scenario could lead to of solar radiation and helps maintain leaf temper- a disruption of the usual environmental responses atures within a favorable range for photosynthesis exhibited by E. farinosa during drought, especially while also lowering demand for water used in tran- with regard to leaf pubescence. That is, with im- spirational cooling (Smith and Nobel 1977; Ehler- proved plant water status leafpubescence would not inger and Mooney 1978; Ehleringer 1983). In the develop to the same extent as for an intact plant. absence of water deficit, or when drought is ame- Although this result might be beneficial in terms of liorated, each new leaf cohort produced develops increased leaf-level photosynthesis through higher approximately the same amount of leafpubescence light absorption or other physiological compensa- as the previous leaves rather than becoming more tion, it could be equally detrimental owing to higher, pubescent; however, they do not become less pu- potentially lethal, leaf temperatures, or lower water bescent (Ehleringer 1982). Increasing pubescence use efficiency owing to greater transpiration needed during drought is not only beneficial on a short- to offset higher leaf temperatures. In the latter case term physiological basis, it is also associated with the relative loss of water versus carbon gain would longer seasonal activity (Sandquist and Ehleringer be expected to prematurely terminate plant seasonal 1997). activity. Although the interrelatedness of leaf pubescence Defoliation also begets an imbalance ofresource development and plant water status has been exten- supply and demand between roots and shoots. With sively examined from a mechanistic standpoint in E. severe foliage losses, canopy resource demand be- farinosa, few studies have explored the ecological comes lower than the potential root supply. Con- factors (other than rainfall) that might affect chang- versely, root carbohydrate demand significantly ing water status and the consequences of these outweighs leaf photosynthate supply. This imbal- changes, including how such changes interact with ance would likely result in root die-offifthere were constraint or plasticity of the water-relations/leaf- no compensatory leaf productivity response. One morphology association. For example, the response alternative response to leafdefoliation might be in- to partial defoliation, often observed for E.farinosa creased allocation to new leaves rather than ramp- MADRONO 302 [Vol. 51 Baker, California O o 0) "(5 \_ 0) Q. E CD Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Fig. 1. Climatediagramofmonthly meantemperatures (upperline) andprecipitation (lowerline)forBaker,California (17 km south of study site). Stippled area represents periods ofrelative drought. Data based on U.S. National Weather Service records for 1972 through 2002. ing up photosynthesis ofexisting leaves. In addition ofspring and ended three days priorto any summer to rectifying the imbalance of aboveground vs. be- rainfall, thereby encompassing the entire drought lowground supply and demand, this would also re- season of 2001. Winter and spring rainfall preced- establish a pattern ofwateruse similarto plants that ing measurements totaled 98 mm, ofwhich 90 mm did not experience defoliation. Such allocation, came between January 8th and March 5th. Plants however, may carry longer-term consequences in were in full leaf at the time of first measurements terms of reproduction, growth or storage. and partial defoliation treatment (25 March). In this study it was hypothesized that the reduc- tion of transpiration area (leaves), through defolia- Partial Defoliation Treatment tion of E. fahnosa, would lead to either (a) higher plant water status, and subsequently, reduced pro- From within a population of 72 tagged E. fari- duction of pubescence on new leaves, or (b) com- nosa plants, twenty mature plants withfull canopies were randomly chosen for partial defoliation treat- pensatory foliage production after defoliation with ment. Twenty additional plants were randomly cho- nfoolIicdahetniaotnnigfeywsiinliglnwlpheriaofcvhipdurebeessapcoenbnsecteetseroorcucwnuadrteerorswtisatnnagdtuistn.ogdeo-f pseernitoodbeofcohnitgrohlsg.rOownth2,5 Manarecshti2m0a0t1e,daf5te0r%aroefceanltl plasticity and constraints associated with foliage leaves were removed from all stems of the treat- growth and leafpubescence development, and how ment plants. Leaves were removed from the prox- imal portion of each stem, leaving the upper plant these responses couple with environmental stresses such as changing water availability and herbivory. canopy in tact. Methods Productivity and Physiological Measurement Study Site Foliage area was estimated for all 40 plants on four dates (24 March, 28 April, 6 June and 3 July, The field site (35°24'48"N, 116°03'48"W) was lo- 2001) using the following empirically derived for- cated in the Mojave Desert approximately 17 km N mula (Sandquist and Ehleringer 1997), of Baker, California at an elevation of540 m. Mean annual rainfall at Baker, CA is 102 mm, and mean Foliage area (m-) annual temperature is 21.3°C (Fig. 1). The popula- _ S tion studied was located on rocky, south-facing slope ~ L 0.106 X Sw.jj where E. farinosa was the dominant shrub. 9 X 10 Measurements at the field site were made in March, April, June and July of2001. The first mea- + (0.006 X 2 surements began two weeks after the last rainfall 2004] SANDQUIST: DEFOLIATION COMPENSATION IN BRITTLEBUSH 303 0.7 # CONTROL PLANTS 0.6 O TREATMENT PLANTS 0.5 c\J E g 0.4 S) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 70 - 65 o 60 CO < ^ 55 CD 50 45 -0.5 1.5 -2 -2.5 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Fig. 2. Seasonal changes of mean predawn water potential, leaf absorptance and foliage area for Enceliafarinosa control plants (closed symbols) and plants partially defoliated in March (open symbols). N = 20 plants per group. Error bars = 1 standard error. where S is total number of stems, Lj is number of iation of leaf sizes on the stem. The binomial co- leaves for stem i, and Wjj is leaf width (mm) for efficients in the equation (0.106 and 0.006) were leafj of stem i. Three stems per plant were subjec- empirically determined from a regression of mea- tively chosen to represent the variability of stems sured leaf widths versus leaf areas on 762 leaves; sizes on the plant. For each, the total number of the intercept was forced through zero (R- = 0.985; leaves (Lj) were counted and leaf widths (Wij) were P < 0.001). This nondestructive estimate offoliage measured on three leaves that represented the var- area compared well with other methods (Sandquist MADRONO 304 [Vol. 51 Table 1. Mean Values for Percent Foliage Area perpendicular to the maximum width. Measure- Change (± 1 SE) Over ThreeTime Periods for Encel/a ments were made in March and again in June to tFArRoilNOPSlAanPtasr.tiSiaglnliyficDaenftoldiifafteerdenc(eTsrebaatsmedenotn)AaNndOVCoAnR- determine relative growth over the season. were found for Group (P < 0.001), Month (P < 0.001), Group X Month (P = 0.001) effects. Statistics % Foliage area change VARRe;peaJtMePd m3.e1a,suSrAesS aInnasltyistiutseoIfncv.a)riwaansceu(sAedNOt-o March-April April-June June-July evaluate differences between treatment and control Treatment +25.5 (7.9) -48.8 (4.9) -61.2 (4.2) groups for seasonal responses of water potential Control -25.0 (6.4) -54.3 (4.0) -54.7 (4.3) c(epnrte-cdhaawnngeanidn fmoildi-adgaey)a,real.eaFfoarbsalolrpAtNanOcVeAanRdtpeesrt-s the recommendations of Potvin et al. (1990) were 1995). To standardize for differences in plant size, used for evaluation of effects due to group, month and group-by-month interaction. faorleiaagcehaarnegaeabnaeltywseeesnwemroentbhasserdatohnerpetrhcaenntonfoltioatgael A one-tailed Student's t-test was used to evaluate percent growth (March to June) differences be- foliage area. meaPsruerdeamwennt(s^p^w)eraendmamiddeda2y4 (M^amrdc)h,wa2t8erApportielntainadl etswiezeendttrheaattmternetatamnedntcopnltarnotls gwroouulpsd.gIrtowwaslehsyspotthha-n control plants owing to defoliation. 6 June 2001 using a Scholander-style pressure chamber (Soilmoisture Equipment Corp., Santa For all analyses, the assumptions of normality Barbara, CA). On the same dates, three fully ex- and equal variances were met and no transforma- tions of data were necessary. panded leaves of the most recently matured cohort were collected from each plant fordetermination of Results leafabsorptance. Leaves were stored in plastic bags with a damp towel and refrigerated until measure- Treatment plants, after partial defoliation, started ments could be made in the laboratory, within 5 d with approximately 30% less foliage area than con- of collection (short-term storage has no effect on trol plants, yet after one month, the foliage area of leaf absorptance value; Sandquist and Ehlerginer treatment plants was 40% greater than that of con- 1997). trol plants (Fig. 2, Table 1). As a percentage of Leafabsorptance measurements were made with- foliage area change, control plants showed a 25% in an Ulbricht-type integration sphere in which decrease between March and April whereas treat- monochromatic 625 nm hght was directed onto the ment plants increased foliage area by 25%. This % adaxial surface ofthe leaf. Absorptance is the of compensation in leaf area resulted in a significant radiation incident on the leaf that is neither reflect- group effect (P < 0.001) and group-by-month in- ed nor transmitted. Measurements were made for teraction (P = 0.001; Table 2). The percent change only the 625 nm wavelength because this wave- over the following three months was fairly similar length correlates most consistently with leaf ab- between groups (Table 1). By July, foliage area of sorptance values integrated over the entire energy both groups had converged on a very low level, spectrum (400-3,000 nm) as well as within the although treatment plants still maintained about photosynthetically active range (400-700 nm; Eh- 30% more total foliage area than control plants leringer 1981). (Fig. 2). Plant canopy volume (m^) was calculated using Between March and June, control plants in- the equation for a half spheroid and measurements creased in size by an average of 8.6% (±6.1 SE), of plant height, maximum canopy width and width whereas treatment plants actually decreased in size Table 2. Summary of Analyses of Variance with Repeated Measures (F-values and Significance Levels) for Traits Compared Between Groups (Partially Defoliated vs. Control) of Enceliafarinosa Over Five Months in the Mojave Desert. ANOVAR effects Group Month Group X Month Predawn Water Potential (^pd) 0.04 0.83 ns 382.5 <0.001*** 0.18 0.83 ns Midday Water Potential (^md) 0.86 0.36 ns 244.7 <0.001*** 2.02 0.15 ns Leaf Absortpance 0.67 0.41 ns 200.7 <0.001*** 0.27 0.75 ns Percent Foliage Change 15.78 <().001*** 54.56 <0.001*** 8.27 0.001** 2004] SANDQUIST: DEFOLIATION COMPENSATION IN BRITTLEBUSH 305 by more than 4.5% (±7.0 SE). In spite of the high from control plants throughout the drought period variances for these means, the difference between (Fig. 2). groups was significant at the P = 0.08 level and in These results suggest that a plastic response of the direction predicted. allocation to new foliage growth rather than phys- Predawn water potential showed a significant de- iological compensation is favored in E. farinosa. cline throughout the drought period as would be This result conflicts with findings for other desert expected, but there was no significant difference plants, in which physiological compensation was between the treatment and control groups (Fig. 2, the primary response to defoliation (Detling et al. Table 2). There was also no significant group X 1979; Nowak and Caldwel 1984; Senock et al. month effect (P = 0.83) thereby indicating that the 1991), but the results are not surprising given that seasonal decline in predawn water potential was there is a close relationship between energy bal- equivalent for both the control and treatment ance, water loss and leafmorphological features for groups (Fig. 2). Similar results were also found for this species. Indeed, maintenance ofhigher leafab- midday water potential (Table 2). Group and group sorptance (through lower leaf pubescence) as part X month effects were not significant (Table 2), but of the physiological compensation response to de- ^md significantly decreased (P < 0.001) over the foliation would threaten the temperature balance of course of the drought: from -1.9 MPa (±0.05 SE) the leaf (by absorbing too much radiation) or ne- to -3.4 (±0.05) for control plants and from -1.7 cessitate increased transpiration, resulting in high (±0.04) to -3.4 (±0.09) for treatment plants. water loss relative to carbon gain. On the other Mean leaf absorptance values in March (69% hand, foliage compensation, with no relative and 67% for control and treatment groups respec- change in leaf absorptance characteristics, retains tively) were in a range that is typically found in the the balance of efficient carbon gain vs. water loss early-to-middle stages of a drought (Sandquist and without subjecting leaves to potentially lethal ra- Ehleringer 1998), suggesting that plants had al- diation absorption. Furthermore, for species in arid ready experienced some degree of drought stress. environments, where there is a premium on main- However, the seasonal mean absorptance values taining high rootbiomass for wateruptake, it would were not significantly different between the treat- be expected that belowground demand for photo- ment and control groups (P = 0.42). As expected, synthate would necessitate a response that maxi- there was a significant decline in leaf absorptance mizes photosynthate production with the least water from March to June (Fig. 2, Table 2), and this de- demand. cline was statistically similarforboth treatment and A number of other studies have also found that control groups (group X month effect: P = 0.75). partial defoliation rarely results in changes of plant water status (e.g., Nowak and Caldwell 1984; Discussion Meinzer and Grantz 1990; Pataki et al. 1998; Hart et al. 2000). These studies suggest or demonstrate Partial defoliation of Encelia farinosa plants at that this result stems from increased stomatal con- the outset of drought was expected to affect the ductance and transpiration, but this may not to be water balance of the plants and thereby influence the case for E. farinosa in the current study. Al- the absorptance values of leaves produced subse- though not tested directly, the absence ofwater po- quent to defoliation. Because leafabsorptance cou- tential differences in this study could plausibly re- ples closely with photosynthetic and energy balance sult from compensatory canopy growth rather than aspects ofthe leaf (Ehleringer 1988), this predicted leaf-level stomatal compensation. compensation (considered physiological compen- Surprisingly, the consequences of increased fo- sation) might benefit a defoliated plant because it liage production were only marginally apparent. can occur rapidly and counteract the detriment of Treatment plants had only slightly lower total productivity loss due of defoliation (McNaughton growth over the season than did control plants, and 1983). However, drawbacks associated with physi- this difference was significant at only the P = 0.08 ological compensation, including greaterwaterloss, level. While moderate levels ofdefoliation may not might constrain this form of response. Indeed, no have lasting consequences to the plant, or may even physiological compensation was fou—nd for the benefit it (McNaughton 1983), the probable con- group of treatment plants in this study those that sequences of foliage compensation, such as lower were partially defoliated at the peak offoliage area reproduction and survival or reduced productivity production. As compared to control plants, the in subsequent years, were not measured in this treatment plants had equivalent leaf absorptance study. However, there were no strong immediate values throughout the post defoliation period (Fig. costs associated with compensatory foliage growth. 2). 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