Ames Laboratory Technical Reports Ames Laboratory 2-1964 Compatibility studies of several molten uranium and thorium alloys in niobium, tantalum, and yttrium Robert James Cash Iowa State University Ray M. Fisher Iowa State University Merl R. Core Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of theMetallurgy Commons Recommended Citation Cash, Robert James; Fisher, Ray M.; and Core, Merl R., "Compatibility studies of several molten uranium and thorium alloys in niobium, tantalum, and yttrium" (1964).Ames Laboratory Technical Reports. 60. This Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Ames Laboratory at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ames Laboratory Technical Reports by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected]. Compatibility studies of several molten uranium and thorium alloys in niobium, tantalum, and yttrium Abstract Niobium, tantalum, yttrium, and Inconel have been used to contain molten aluminum, lead, tin, zinc, and several of their respective uranium and thorium alloys for various times up to 3000 hours and at temperatures ranging from 600 to 1100° C. Altogether 76 capsule tests were run, almost all in a static isothermal condition. Tantalum showed the best resistance followed by niobium, Inconel, and yttrium respectively. The systems, lead in tantalum and lead in niobium, showed the greatest potentials for possible liquid-metal fuel carrier systems. An alloy of uranium-bismuth-tin contained in tantalum also exhibited promising possibilities . The tabulated test data include a classification of the type of corrosion attack which occurred and a measured value of the amount of corrosive penetration. Each test was also given an arbitrary rating for easy reference comparisons. A number of photomicrographs are included for each set of tests. Disciplines Engineering | Metallurgy This report is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository: IS-888 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF SEVERAL MOLTEN URANIUM AND THORIUM ALLOYS IN NIOBIUM, TANTALUM, AND YTTRIUM by Robert James Cash, Ray M. Fisher and Merl R. Core lf [L&\[ID® [ffi&\ @[ffiY! &\~ ~~ FHYSICAL SClli ·~:c..S READING ROOM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT - '! U.S.A.E.C. IS-888 Engineering and EquiP.ment (UC-38) TID-4500, June 1, 1964 UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Research and Development Report COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF SEVERAL MOLTEN URANIUM AND THORIUM ALLOYS IN NIOBIUM, TANTALUM, AND YTTRIUM by Robert James Cash, Ray M. Fisher and Merl R. Core February 1964 Ames Laboratory at Iowa State University of Science and Technology F. H. Spedding, Director Contract W-7405 eng-82 ii IS-888 This report is distributed according to the category Engineering and Equipment (UC-38) as listed in TID-4500, June 1, 1964. LEGAL NOTICE--------. r-------- This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Printed in USA. Price $ 2. 75 Available from the Office of Technical Services U. S. Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION l CORROSION BY LIQUID METALS 9 Types of Corrosion Attack l 0 Pure metals l 0 Alloys ll Impurities ll High damage factor 24 Medium damage factor 24 Low damage factor 25 Evaluation of the Degree of Corrosion Attack 25 Rate-Controlling Processes of the Corrosion Mechanisms 29 Corrosion Attack Inhibitors 35 OBJECT OF THE INVESTIGATION 39 DISCUSSION OF THE PROBLEM 40 Selection of the Containment Metals 40 Selection of the Liquid-Metal Alloys 46 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 55 Corrosion by Liquid Aluminum 55 Corrosion by Liquid Lead and Lead Alloys 57 Corrosion by Liquid Tin and Tin Alloys 61 Corrosion by Liquid Zinc and Zinc Alloys 63 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 66 Corrosion Test Procedures 67 Methods of Specimen Examination 75 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 78 Corrosion by Aluminum and Uranium-Aluminum 79 iv Page Corrosion by Lead and Its Thorium and Uranium Alloys 85 Corrosion by Tin and Its Thorium and Uranium Alloys 95 Corrosion by Zinc 122 CONCLUSIONS 128 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 131 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 3 5 APPENDIX A 141 Chemical Analyses of Metals and Alloys Used in the Investigation 142 APPENDIX B 146 v IS-888 COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF SEVERAL MOLTEN URANIUM ,:, AND THORIFM ALLOYS IN NIOBIUM, TANTALUM AND YTTRIUM Robert James Cash, Ray W. Fisher and Merl R. Core ABSTRACT Niobium, tantalum, yttrium, and Inconel have been used to contain molten aluminum, lead, tin, zinc, and several of their respective uranium and thorium alloys for various times up to 3000 hours and at temperatures ranging from 600 to 1100° C. Altogether 76 capsule tests were run, almost all in a static isothermal condition. Tantalum showed the best resistance followed by niobium, Inconel, and yttrium respectively. The systems, lead in tantalum and lead in niobium, showed the greatest potentials for possible liquid-metal fuel carrier systems. An alloy of uranium-bismuth-tin contained in tantalum also exhibited promising possibilities . The tabulated test data include a classification of the type of corrosion attack which occurred and a measured value of the amount of corrosive penetration. Each test was also given an arbitrary rating for easy reference comparisons. A number of photomicrographs are included for each set of tests. A background of the advantages and disadvantages of fluid-fuel reactors are compared with those for solid-fuel reactors. Differences between aqueous fuels and liquid-metal fuels are also discussed. The various types of corrosive attack of solid metals by liquid metals are defined and illustrated with several photomicrographs. The variables affecting liquid metal corrosion attack are given and driving forces for the various types of attack presented. Methods of corrosion inhibition are mentioned. The various criteria for selecting fuel and fertile alloys and suitable container materials were also considered. ':' This report is based on an M.S. thesis by Robert James Cash which was presented February, 1964, to Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. INTRODUCTION The greatest stimulus to the development of liquid metals technology was undoubtedly the advent of nuclear energy and the concept of the liquid metal-fuel reactor. With the growth of the atomic energy program, liquid metals were first considered as reactor coolants and later as fuel carriers. In addition, liquid metals were suggested for pyrometallurgical processing, that is, high temperature fuel reprocessing. Present trends of develop ment in nuclear power reactors are towards higher operating temperatures to improve thermal efficiency, and towards more irradiation-resistant fuels to achieve increased reactor stability and greater fuel utilization. The liquid-metal-fuel-reactor concept was first suggested by von Halban and Kowarski in 1941 (51), but it did not receive much attention until 1947. The first so-called liquid-metal-fuel-reactor (LMFR) as pro posed by the Nuclear Engineering Department of Brookhaven National Labora tory was a thermal, power-breeder reactor. A solution of uranium in bis muth was selected for the fuel because of the low melting point and low thermal neutron-absorption cross section of bismuth. Moreover, bismuth has a high boiling point [l477°C; (65)] which makes possible the high tempera ture operation of a bismuth-cooled reactor at fairly low pressures. One of the most outstanding features of the LMFR is the proposed method for fuel reprocessing. Pyrometallurgical experiments (5, 56) have shown that the removal of volatile fission products can be effected by vacuum degas sing, whereas nonvolatile fission products from the fluid fuel can be removed by extraction with a fused salt. Furthermore, this process can be put on a continuous basis which should show a low operating cost. 2 Modern conventional power plants have an approximate thermodynamic efficiency of 40 per cent. For a nuclear power plant to achieve simi Jar efficiencies, it is necessary to have the reactor outlet temperature above 500°C. With the LMFR, such temperatures are obtainable, and it repre sents one of the few potentialities for producing electric power com petitive with the best of the present conventional steam power plants. Moreover, the flexibility of liquid-metal-fuel systems is such that they range over several different reactor categories. Liquid-metal-fuel reactors may be designed as fast, intermediate, or thermal systems, with either circulating or static fuel systems (44). In order to understand better the characteristics and development problems of a liquid-metal-fuel reactor, fluid- and solid-fuel reactors should be compared. In particular, a distinction between the features of fluid fuels and those of liquid-metal fuels should be made (1, 36, 44, 46, 47, 60). The advantages of a reactor using a circulating fluid fuel over one with solid-fuel elements can be listed as follows: 1. Simple design and structure Fluid-fuel reactors can employ external heat exchangers separate from the core region, so that the nuclear requirements of the core do not have to compromise with the heat flow requirements of the exchanger since both need not be satisfied at the same place. Therefore, materials of high neutron absorption cross sections, which could not be used in the core of a thermal reactor, could be used for the heat exchanger construction. Furthermore, the heat transfer problem is simpler, because, in addition to conduction, advantage can be taken of the flui d fuel in transferring heat.