Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Biotechnology for Biofuels DOI 10.1186/s13068-017-0866-1 METHODOLOGY Open Access Comparison of four glycosyl residue composition methods for effectiveness in detecting sugars from cell walls of dicot and grass tissues Ajaya K. Biswal1,2,3, Li Tan1,2,3, Melani A. Atmodjo1,2,3, Jaclyn DeMartini3,4,5, Ivana Gelineo‑Albersheim2,3, Kimberly Hunt2,3,6, Ian M. Black2, Sushree S. Mohanty2,3, David Ryno2,3, Charles E. Wyman3,4 and Debra Mohnen1,2,3* Abstract Background: The effective use of plant biomass for biofuel and bioproduct production requires a comprehensive glycosyl residue composition analysis to understand the different cell wall polysaccharides present in the different biomass sources. Here we compared four methods side‑by‑side for their ability to measure the neutral and acidic sugar composition of cell walls from herbaceous, grass, and woody model plants and bioenergy feedstocks. Results: Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass leaf cell walls, as well as cell walls from Populus wood, rice stems, and switchgrass tillers, were analyzed by (1) gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) of alditol acetates combined with a total uronic acid assay; (2) carbodiimide reduction of uronic acids followed by GC–MS of alditol ace‑ tates; (3) GC–MS of trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives; and (4) high‑pressure, anion‑exchange chromatography (HPAEC). All four methods gave comparable abundance ranking of the seven neutral sugars, and three of the methods were able to quantify unique acidic sugars. The TMS, HPAEC, and carbodiimide methods provided comparable quantita‑ tive results for the specific neutral and acidic sugar content of the biomass, with the TMS method providing slightly greater yield of specific acidic sugars and high total sugar yields. The alditol acetate method, while providing compa‑ rable information on the major neutral sugars, did not provide the requisite quantitative information on the specific acidic sugars in plant biomass. Thus, the alditol acetate method is the least informative of the four methods. Conclusions: This work provides a side‑by‑side comparison of the efficacy of four different established glycosyl residue composition analysis methods in the analysis of the glycosyl residue composition of cell walls from both dicot (Arabidopsis and Populus) and grass (rice and switchgrass) species. Both primary wall‑enriched leaf tissues and secondary wall‑enriched wood/stem tissues were analyzed for mol% and mass yield of the non‑cellulosic sugars. The TMS, HPAEC, and carbodiimide methods were shown to provide comparable quantitative data on the nine neutral and acidic sugars present in all plant cell walls. Keywords: Cell wall, Sugar composition, Feedstock, Secondary cell wall, Biofuel, Uronic acid Background production [1, 2]. The use of plants as a source for bio- Cell walls constitute the bulk of plant biomass, a products [3] is expected to increase as fossil fuel supplies major renewable resource for biofuel and biomaterial decrease, mitigation strategies for climate change inten- sify [4], and the world population increases [5]. Plant *Correspondence: [email protected] cell walls are a matrix of complex non-cellulosic poly- 2 Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, 315 mers (hemicelluloses and pectins), cellulose microfibrils Riverbend Rd., Athens, GA 30602‑4712, USA and fibers, proteins and proteoglycans, and in tissues Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © The Author(s) 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 2 of 18 with secondary walls, the phenolic polymer lignin [6]. galacturonic acid (GalA) in pectins and glucuronic acid The choice of plant species for production of specific (GlcA) in hemicellulosic xylans. UAs are abundant in bioproducts is influenced by the quality and quantity of dicot primary walls, of lesser abundance in dicot sec- the cell wall polymers [7]. Although all plant cell walls ondary walls, and of low abundance in grass walls. Many contain the same general types of polymers, the specific researchers have thus used the AA method to analyze amounts of the different polymers and their unique gly- the cell walls of grasses and dicot secondary walls. How- cosyl residue content and linkages vary in different types ever, this results in an underestimation, or total lack of of plants (e.g., woody versus herbaceous dicots versus recognition, of the presence of UAs in such biomass, as grasses) and in different tissues and cell types. Since the well as the risk of not identifying UA-containing matrix different cell wall polymers have unique physical–chemi- polysaccharides, such as pectin and glucuronoxylan that cal properties, their suitability as a resource for specific have been shown to impact biomass recalcitrance [15, bioproducts also varies, underscoring the need for cell 21–23]. Thus, the glycosyl residue composition analysis wall analysis methods that can detect critical differences methods that detect both neutral and acidic sugars, such in different biomass sources. as the TMS method, are preferable for the most com- A full analysis of cell wall structure requires the use plete analyses. However, despite its advantage over the of detailed, time-consuming, and often expensive ana- AA method, the TMS method is not without drawbacks. lytical methods [8]. However, an initial assessment of the TMS derivatization of methyl glycosides results in mul- polymer content of biomass samples can be obtained by tiple anomeric forms of the monosaccharide derivatives, analysis of the glycosyl residue composition. Multiple yielding multiple peaks for each sugar that can be diffi- methods exist to measure the sugar content of plant cell cult to distinguish and quantitate [20, 24]. walls; however, these methods have not been compared Another method to analyze both neutral and acidic side-by-side for effectiveness in analyzing the same tis- sugars is the carbodiimide method, which entails reduc- sues from multiple plant species. Here we compare the tion of UAs to their respective neutral sugars with four most common sugar composition methods for their subsequent analysis by the AA method (Fig. 1B) [25]. ability to reproducibly quantify the greatest number Specifically, the carboxyl groups of UAs in un-degraded of different types of sugars present in cell walls of dicot polymeric material are activated with a water-soluble and grass species. The goal was to provide researchers a carbodiimide and reduced with sodium borodeuteride reference source for selecting a preferred sugar analysis to yield 6,6-dideuterio sugars. The UAs are quantified as method for comparison of cell walls from different spe- the increased amount of their respective neutral sugars cies, cell types, and/or walls from native versus mutant/ in a pre-reduced compared to un-reduced sample. This transgenic/variant plants. method has been used to study the cell wall sugar com- The two most common plant cell wall sugar composi- position of apple [26] and maize [25]. tion analysis methods are the alditol acetate (AA) and Liquid chromatography-based methods are also avail- the trimethylsilyl (TMS) methods [9]. The AA method able that detect both neutral and acidic sugars in hydro- involves hydrolysis of monosaccharides from alcohol lyzed cell wall samples. High-pressure, anion-exchange insoluble residues (AIR) and their reduction to alditols chromatography (HPAEC) coupled with electrochemical using sodium borohydride, followed by acetylation with detection (ECD) allows for direct analysis of monosac- acetic anhydride to volatilize them for gas chromatogra- charides and oligosaccharides without derivatization or phy and mass spectrometry (GC–MS) (Fig. 1A) [10]. The labeling. It uses high pH (pH 12–13) to partially depro- AA method has been used to study the sugar composition tonate the sugar hydroxyl groups, yielding sugar anions of many plant species, including Arabidopsis [11], Ital- that can be separated on anion-exchange columns [27, ian ryegrass [10], potatoes [12], barley [13], tobacco [14], 28]. This method has been used to analyze cell walls from Populus [15], rice [16], and switchgrass [17]. The limi- multiple plant species including Arabidopsis [29], wheat tation of this method is that it does not measure acidic [30], potato [31], rice [32], and switchgrass [17]. HPAEC, sugars. In contrast, the TMS method involves sequential however, has the disadvantage that it is not readily adapt- methanolysis and trimethylsilylation of the hydrolyzed able to mass spectrometry for confirmation of sugar sugars to yield TMS-methyl glycosides (Fig. 1C), enabling identity. detection of both neutral and acidic sugars. The TMS Here we compare four different sugar composition method has been used to study sugar composition in a analysis methods (AA, carbodiimide, TMS, and HPAEC) variety of plant species including Arabidopsis [18], rice for their ability to quantify the sugar composition of [19], carrots and apples [20], and Populus [21]. cell walls from leaves of Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and Uronic acids (UAs) are ubiquitous acidic sugars in switchgrass. Our objective was to identify quantitative, plant cell wall non-cellulosic polysaccharides, including reliable, and facile methods for analysis of the glycosyl Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 3 of 18 Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 4 of 18 (See figure on previous page.) Fig. 1 Schematic overview of the derivatization of sugar residues by the A alditol acetate, B carbodiimide, and C TMS plant cell wall glycosyl residue composition analysis methods. Schematic depicts analysis of the designated terminal and internal sugars of the indicated plant cell wall polysaccha‑ rides: A terminal Rha and internal Man residues, B internal GalA residues of homogalacturonan and Gal residues in β‑1,3‑linked galactan, C internal GalA and terminal Rha residues. Cyclic and linear sugars are depicted as Haworth and Fischer projections, respectively residue composition of plant cell walls. Such informa- under a 16-h light/8 h dark cycle at 25–32 °C with con- tion is essential to understand plant cell wall structure/ stant misting, and fertilized weekly with Peters 20-10-20 function relationships and cell wall structures associated (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium; GroSouth Inc, Atlanta, with biomass recalcitrance and/or bioproduct quality. To GA). the best of our knowledge, this is the first side-by-side Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) var. Alamo II gen- comparison of the different analytical methods using the otype ST1 [34] was grown for 2 months as seedlings in same tissue sources from multiple dicot and grass spe- 3.8-L (1 gallon) pots followed by transfer to 11.4-L (3 cies. To ensure that the results from the analysis of leaves gallon) pots and a further 6 weeks of growth. Growing are applicable to other types of biomass tissues (e.g., medium was a soil mixture consisting of two 2.8-cubic- stems), we also compared the performance of the four feet bags of Fafards 3B (GroSouth Inc, Atlanta, GA), methods in the analysis of cell walls from Populus wood, one 2.8-cubic-feet of River Bottom Sand (Redland Sand, rice stem, and switchgrass tillers. We conclude that the Watkinsville, GA), and 118 mL of Osmocote Plus granu- TMS, HPAEC, and carbodiimide methods are the pre- lar fertilizer (18-9-12 minors, 8–9 month release). After ferred methods to obtain quantitative and reproducible planting, plants were fertilized once a week with 440 ppm sugar composition data on the major neutral and acidic Jack’s Peat Lite Special 20-10-20 (nitrogen-phosphorus- sugars present in all dicot and grass biomass. potassium; GroSouth Inc, Atlanta, GA). Rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds var. IAC 165 obtained Methods from the USDA National Plant Germplasm System were Plant material and growth conditions grown in 1.9-L (1/2 gallon) pots for 2 weeks. The seed- Arabidopsis wild-type (WT) [Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) lings were then transferred to 11.4-L (3 gallon) pots and Heynh. var. Columbia S6000] plants were grown essen- grown in a greenhouse under a 16-h light/8 h dark cycle tially as described [33]. Briefly, sterilized seeds were sown at 25–32 °C. Growing medium was the same soil mixture on media plates containing half-strength Murashige as described above for switchgrass. At the time of plant- and Skoog basal salts (Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. Louis, ing, plants were fertilized with 1.2-mL (1/4 teaspoon) MO) and 5.5 g/L plant agar (Research Products Inter- Sprint 330 Iron Chelate and 3.75 g Jack’s Peat Lite Special national Corp., Mount Prospect, IL) with pH adjusted 20-10-20 per 2 L water. After planting, plants were ferti- to 5.7 prior to autoclaving. Seed-containing plates were lized once a week with 440 ppm of the Peat Lite Special kept in a growth chamber with 60% relative humidity, 20-10-20. 150 μmol photons/m2/s light, and photoperiod cycle of light for 14 h at 19 °C and dark for 10 h at 15 °C. Follow- Isolation of plant samples and preparation of cell walls ing germination, 10-day-old seedlings were transferred to as alcohol insoluble residues (AIR) soil and grown to maturity in a growth chamber under Leaf samples were harvested from 5-week-old Arabidop- the same growth conditions as above. Fertilizer (Peters sis, 8-week-old rice, and 10-week-old switchgrass and Pop- 20/20/20 with micronutrients) was applied once a week ulus, ground to a fine powder using liquid nitrogen, and or as needed. stored at 80 °C until use. Biomass samples were isolated − Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. clone WV94 plants as follows: rice stem from 3-month-old plants, switchgrass were obtained from ArborGen Inc. (Ridgeville, SC) as whole tillers harvested at the R1 stage [35], and Populus plantlets generated in vitro from petiole explants via cal- wood from 9-month-old plants [21]. Harvested biomass lus. Rooted plantlets grown for 4–6 weeks in magenta samples were air dried completely and milled to a 20-mesh boxes were cleaned with running water to remove media (0.85 mm) particle size using a Wiley Mini-Mill (model and charcoal, and transplanted into soil in 3.8-L (1 gallon) number: 3383L10, Thomas Scientific). For Populus wood, pots. Growth conditions and plant maintenance were as the bottom 6 cm of stem measured from the soil surface previously described [21] and summarized below. The soil was collected from 9-month-old plants, the bark peeled was a mix of 1 bag (2.8 cubic feet) of Fafards 3B Soil mix using a razor, the remaining stem air dried, and the pith (GroSouth Inc, Atlanta, GA), 250 mL osmocote, 84 mL removed using a hand drill prior to milling. AIR was pre- bone meal, 84 mL gypsum, and 42 mL dolomite/lime- pared from the ground tissue/biomass powder and de- stone. Plants were grown in the greenhouse for 9 months starched prior to analysis as described [33]. Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 5 of 18 Glycosyl residue composition analysis by the alditol cooled immediately, and mixed with 80 μL of 0.15% (w/v) acetate (AA) derivatization method m-hydroxybiphenyl in 0.5% (w/v) NaOH by vortexing. The neutral sugar composition of AIR was analyzed by After 5–10 min, the pink color that developed was meas- the AA derivatization method [36] with modification. ured as absorbance at 540 nm using a microtiter plate Briefly, 100–500 µg AIR was incubated in 0.2–1 mL reader and the UA content was estimated by comparison 2 M trifluoroacetic acid (TFA, Thermo Fisher Scientific, to a standard curve of GalA (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Waltham, MA) at 121 °C for 2 h, followed by reduction MO) as illustrated in Additional file 2. with 200–300 μL of 10 mg/mL N aBD in 1 M ammonium 4 hydroxide for at least 2 h to overnight at room tempera- Glycosyl residue composition analysis by uronic acid ture (RT). The borodeuteride solution was neutralized reduction using the carbodiimide method by adding 3–4 drops glacial acetic acid, and dried down Glycosyl residue composition was analyzed by initial acti- twice with 200 μL methanol:acetic acid (9:1 [v/v]) and vation of UAs in an underivatized sample using the carbo- thrice with 200 μL anhydrous methanol under a stream of diimide method [41] followed by reduction with NaBD to 4 air. The samples were incubated with 250 μL acetic anhy- convert UAs to their respective 6,6-dideuterio sugars [25, dride and 250 μL concentrated TFA for 10 min at 50 °C 42, 43]. The AIR sample (10 mg) was suspended in 3 mL and dried down with 20–30 drops of isopropanol under a 0.033 M sodium acetate pH 4.6. With continuous stirring, stream of air. To the dried samples, 1 mL of 0.2 M sodium 250 mg of CMC [N-cyclohexyl-N’-(2-morpholinoethyl) carbonate and 1 mL of methylene chloride (Sigma) was carbodiimide] methyl-p-toluene sulfonate (Sigma) powder added, the samples vortexed, and the upper aqueous was added, and the pH kept at 4.8 by dropwise addition of layer removed. The bottom organic layer containing AA 1 M HCl for 2 h. The mixture was chilled on ice, mixed with derivatives of hydrolyzed sugars was washed thrice with 1 mL ice cold 4 M imidazole–HCl pH 7.0, and immediately 1 mL deionized water ( ddH O), transferred to a clean 300 mg NaBD was added to the suspension with continu- 2 4 tube, dried down, and resuspended in ~100 μL methyl- ous stirring on ice for 1 h. Excess borodeuteride was after- ene chloride. The samples (~1 μL) were injected using the wards destroyed by dropwise addition of glacial acetic acid. splitless injection mode and helium as carrier gas onto an The sample was dialyzed against running d dH O for at least 2 SP-2330 Supelco column (30 m 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm film 36 h, frozen, lyophilized [26], and one mg of the lyophilized × thickness) connected to a Hewlett–Packard chromato- material subjected to sugar composition analysis by the AA graph (5890) coupled to a mass spectrometer for GC–MS method as described above. The amount of the UAs, GalA, analysis. AA derivatives were separated using the follow- and GlcA was calculated as the increase in the amount of ing temperature gradient: 80 °C for 2 min, 80–170 °C at galactose (Gal) and glucose (Glc), respectively, compared 30 °C/min, 170–240 °C at 4 °C/min, and 240 °C for 20 min, to the amount measured in un-reduced samples analyzed and were ionized by electron impact at 70 eV. A sample of directly using the AA method [42]. the GC profile of alditol acetate derivatives of the neutral sugar standards is provided in Additional file 1. GC peak Glycosyl residue composition analysis by GC–MS areas were used to determine the response factors for of TMS‑derivatized methyl glycosides each sugar relative to the internal standard myo-inositol, Glycosyl residue composition of AIR was determined by and subsequently used to determine the amount of sug- GC–MS of per-O-trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives of mon- ars in the wall samples [8]. osaccharide methyl glycosides produced by acidic metha- nolysis as previously described [8, 44]. AIR (100–300 µg) Colorimetric determination of uronic acid (UA) content was aliquoted into individual tubes, supplemented with The UA content of AIR samples was determined using 20 μg inositol as internal standard, and lyophilized. The dry a modification of the methods of Blumenkrantz and samples were hydrolyzed for 18 h at 80 °C in 1 M meth- Asboe-Hansen [37], Filisetti-Cozzi and Carpita [38], anolic-HCl (Supelco, St. Louis, MO), cooled to RT, evapo- and van den Hoogen et al. [39] as described below. The rated under a stream of air, and dried twice more with hydrolysis of AIR samples was performed independently anhydrous methanol. The released glycosyl residues were with either sulfuric acid (H SO ) or TFA [40]. Briefly, derivatized with 200 μL TriSil Reagent (Thermo Fisher 2 4 0.4 mg AIR was suspended in 0.4 mL ddH O and mixed Scientific, Waltham, MA) at 80 °C for 20 min. Cooled sam- 2 thoroughly with 40 μL of 4 M sulfamic acid–potas- ples were evaporated under a stream of air, resuspended in sium sulfamate (pH 1.6). The sample was subsequently 3 mL hexane, and filtered through packed glass wool. Dried hydrolyzed with 2.4 mL of 12.5 mM sodium tetraborate samples were resuspended in 150 μL hexane and 1 μL sam- in either concentrated H SO or 2 M TFA, with incuba- ple injected using helium as carrier gas onto a Supelco 2 4 tion for 20 min at 100 °C for H SO hydrolysis or for 2 h EC-1 fused silica capillary column (30 m 0.25 mm ID) 2 4 × at 120 °C for TFA hydrolysis. The reaction mixture was on an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph interfaced to a Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 6 of 18 5975C mass spectrometer. The temperature gradient was: the comparison. Leaves were used as the initial target tis- 80 °C for 2 min, 80–140 °C at 20 °C/min, 140–200 °C at sue for this study for three reasons. First, leaves are com- 2 °C/min, and 200–250 °C at 30 °C/min. A sample of the parable organs between these two groups. In contrast, GC profile of the TMS-derivatized sugar standards is pro- for example, Populus wood has a different tissue struc- vided in Additional file 3. The response factor for each ture and composition compared to rice and switchgrass sugar was determined from the GC peak area (or total peak tillers. Secondly, leaves are a major biomass resource. areas of multiple peaks if multiple derivatives were formed) For example, leaves comprise a significant proportion of each sugar standard relative to the internal standard (25–44%) of switchgrass biomass [49]. Thirdly, leaves are myo-inositol, and the value subsequently used to calculate composed of both primary and secondary walls, and thus the amount of each sugar in the wall samples [8]. contain the majority of the different types of cell wall polysaccharides. Glycosyl residue composition analysis by HPAEC We first compared the four different glycosyl residue AIR (100 µg) was refluxed in 400 µL 2 M TFA at 120 °C composition analysis methods for their ability to meas- for 1 h [31, 45] and the resulting solution dried under a ure the nine major neutral and acidic sugars in leaf AIR stream of air with addition of isopropanol. The dried resi- from Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass. We due was dissolved in 200 µL d dH O and the solution cen- present the data in both the relative yield (mol%) (Fig. 2; 2 trifuged for 5 min. The supernatant was diluted 1:3 with Additional file 5) and the mass yield (μg sugar/mg AIR) ddH O and 50 µL of the diluted supernatant injected (Table 1; Figs. 3, 4). Mol% data provide information on 2 into a Dionex ICS-3000 HPLC system (Dionex, Sunny- the relative molar proportions of the different sugar vale, CA) for monosaccharide analysis by high pH anion- residues, which are indicative of the relative amounts of exchange chromatography with electrochemical detection different non-cellulosic wall polymers in different wall in the carbohydrate mode. The buffers used were A—nan- samples. As such, mol% data provide a facile means to opure water, B—200 mM NaOH, and C—1 M NaOAc. compare sugar compositions of different cell wall sam- Two programs were used to detect different monosaccha- ples, even when the total amount of polysaccharides rides. Program 1 was used to quantify fucose (Fuc), rham- in the walls differs as can be the case, for example, in nose (Rha), arabinose (Ara), Gal, Glc, GalA, and GlcA mutant versus wild-type samples [50]. Mass yield data using a Dionex PA20 column (3 150 mm) at a 0.5 mL/ provide information on the actual measurable amounts × min flow rate (see Additional file 4A for a sample chroma- of the different sugars present in cell walls from different togram). The column was equilibrated at 1% buffer B for plant samples, and thus, are indicative of the effective- 30 min prior to each separation. The gradient was: 0 min ness of the methods in quantifying both major and minor 1% buffer B, 0.1 min 10% buffer B, 2 min 10% buffer B, sugars. Finally, we further compared the efficacy of the 4 min 1% buffer B, 15 min 0% buffer B, 25 min 5% buffer four methods in the analysis of AIR from Populus wood, B and 10% buffer C, 30 min 5% buffer B and 50% buffer C, rice stem, and switchgrass tiller, which represent biomass and 35 min 1% buffer B. Program 2 was used to quantify from secondary cell-wall-enriched biofuel feedstock tis- xylose (Xyl) and mannose (Man) (see Additional file 4B) sues (Table 2; Figs. 5, 6, 7; Additional file 6). using a Dionex PA1 column (4 150 mm) and a flow × rate of 1 mL/min. The column was equilibrated with 1% Glycosyl residue composition analysis by the alditol of buffer B for 30 min, the sample eluted isocratically at acetate (AA) method 1% buffer B for 40 min, and the column regenerated with The glycosyl residue compositions of AIR from leaves of 100% buffer B for 5 min. For both programs, a standard Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass were measured mixture containing known concentrations of different by production of AA derivatives followed by GC–MS. The sugars was used to plot concentration-peak area stand- method allows the detection of neutral sugars, but not ard curves. The amount of each monosaccharide was acidic sugars. Using the AA derivatization method, Gal calculated from the standard equations based on the cor- (28 mol%), Xyl (22 mol%), and Ara (18 mol%) were iden- responding peak area as registered by ECD. tified as the predominant non-cellulosic sugars in Arabi- dopsis leaf cell walls (Fig. 2; Additional file 5). Arabidopsis Results AIR also had substantial amounts of Rha (12 mol%) and Our goal was to determine the preferred sugar composi- Glc (12 mol%), and lesser amounts of Man (5 mol%) and tion analysis method(s) for use across dicot and monocot Fuc (3 mol%). The major sugars in Populus leaf AIR were grass species, which have been shown to have charac- Ara (36 mol%), Xyl (25 mol%), and Gal (18 mol%). These teristically distinct cell wall compositions and structures leaf AIR sugar compositions of Arabidopsis and Populus [46–48]. Populus and switchgrass were chosen as bioen- with large amounts of Gal and Ara (predominant sugars ergy crops and Arabidopsis and rice as model plants for in pectin) are consistent with the dicot pectin-rich, Type Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 7 of 18 100 A 100 B 100 C 100 D Arabidopsis leaf Populus leaf Rice leaf Switchgrass leaf 80 Alditol acetate 80 Alditol acetate 80 Alditol acetate 80 Alditol acetate % 60 %60 %60 %60 mol mol mol mol 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 Ara Rha Fuc Xyl Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl Man Gal Glc 100 E 100 F 100 G 100 H Arabidopsis leaf Populus leaf Rice leaf Switchgrass leaf 80 Carbodiimide 80 Carbodiimide 80 Carbodiimide 80 Carbodiimide %60 %60 %60 %60 mol 40 mol 40 mol 40 mol 40 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc XylGlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc XylGlcA GalA Man Gal Glc 100 I 100 J 100 K 100 L Arabidopsis leaf Populus leaf Rice leaf Switchgrass leaf 80 TMS 80 TMS 80 TMS 80 TMS % 60 %60 %60 %60 mol 40 mol 40 mol 40 mol 40 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc 100 M 100 N 100 O 100 P Arabidopsis leaf Populus leaf Rice leaf Switchgrass leaf 80 HPAEC 80 HPAEC 80 HPAEC 80 HPAEC %60 %60 %60 %60 mol 40 mol 40 mol 40 mol 40 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Ara Rha Fuc Xyl GlcA GalA Man Gal Glc Fig. 2 Comparison of the glycosyl residue composition of leaf AIR from cell walls of Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass obtained by A–D GC–MS of alditol acetate derivatives; E–H the carbodiimide method; I–L GC–MS of TMS (trimethylsilane) derivatives; and M–P the HPAEC method. Data are average mol% monosaccharide quantified from two technical replicates of each of three biological replicates standard deviation, n 6 ± = [exceptions are three technical replicates for uronic acid assay (n 9) and a single technical replicate for HPAEC method (n 3)]. Monosaccharide = = abbreviations: arabinose (Ara), rhamnose (Rha), fucose (Fuc), xylose (Xyl), galacturonic acid (GalA), glucuronic acids (GlcA), mannose (Man), galactose (Gal), and glucose (Glc) I primary walls [6]. The high level of Xyl is likely from Measurement of uronic acid (UA) content of plant biomass xyloglucan and, to a lesser extent, xylan [6, 51]. In con- Since the AA method detects only neutral sugars, it was trast, rice, switchgrass, and other Poales and commelinid necessary to use an independent method to quantify the monocots have Type II walls that contain arabinoxylans amount of acidic sugars in the AIR samples. We ana- and β1,3:β1,4 mixed-linkage glucans as the predominant lyzed the total UA content of AIR from leaves of Arabi- hemicellulosic polysaccharides, and have significantly less dopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass using a method pectin [46, 52, 53]. This was confirmed by the AA analy- that combines sulfamate and biphenyl reagents to yield a sis data (Fig. 2; Additional file 5), which identified Xyl, Ara, pink-colored product representative of the UA content. and Glc as the predominant sugars in leaf AIR from rice The simultaneous use of sulfamate and biphenyl reagent (68, 18, and 8 mol%, respectively) and switchgrass (55, 20, reduces the brown color, which can develop from neutral and 19 mol%, respectively), as well as significantly lower sugars and interfere with detection of UAs [37, 38, 55]. amounts of Rha. Leaf walls of both grasses had similar rel- Since the hydrolysis procedure used to release monosac- ative amounts of the different sugars, with Xyl as the main charides from the polymers can affect total sugar yield, non-cellulosic sugar. The majority of Xyl in grass walls here we compared two different hydrolysis methods for arises from arabinoxylan, with a smaller amount from the UA analyses. Figure 3A shows that with sulfuric acid xyloglucan [13, 54]. Since the contribution of Ara from hydrolysis, the UA content was 160 and 124 µg/mg for leaf pectin is very small in grasses, the Ara was derived largely AIR from Arabidopsis and Populus, respectively, consist- from arabinoxylan [54]. ent with dicot Type I primary cell walls that are relatively Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 8 of 18 mples Total acidicTotal 120.3 108.6ca108.6228.9ab66.5230.2bb74.4233.1aa64.2223.6 175.7 91.4ca91.4267.1aa30.4265.7bb33.8272.8aa26.3259.7 336.8 12.1cc12.1348.9aa5.4338.5bb6.1343.9ac4.4351.6 423.2 4.5a4.5427.7a4.4432.3b5.0442.3b3.9437.1 d assay (n 9), and a =a particular (or total) nalysis of variance Table 1 Comparison of different glycosyl residue analysis methods for μg monosaccharide quantified per mg of AIR from four different leaf sa Leaf‑methodμg glycosyl residue/mg leaf AIR AraRhaFucXylGlcAGalAManGalGlcTotal neutral Arabidopsis Alditol acetate21.8 0.813.3 0.73.5 0.323.9 1.3––5.2 0.338.6 2.314.0 0.6120.3±±±±±±± Uronic acid*––––108.6 3.2–––±aababaaa Alditol acetate uronic acid**21.8 0.813.3 0.73.5 0.323.9 1.3108.6 3.25.2 0.338.6 2.314.0 0.6120.3+±±±±±±±±bcabbacbb Carbodiimide27.4 1.823.5 1.52.7 0.0232.7 1.41.7 0.0164.8 4.14.8 0.346.6 2.126.1 1.3163.8±±±±±±±±±cbbbbabbb TMS29.2 2.222.1 1.93.5 0.0332.2 1.11.9 0.0272.5 3.35.2 0.542.3 2.624.3 2.2158.8±±±±±±±±±bbbcacbbb HPAEC27.4 1.420.0 1.03.3 0.0235.5 1.51.8 0.0162.4 3.98.9 0.741.0 2.823.4 1.6159.5±±±±±±±±±Populus Alditol acetate55.2 3.813.6 0.75.3 0.241.5 2.6––3.9 0.435.7 2.520.5 0.8175.7±±±±±±± Uronic acid*––––91.4 4.1–––±aaaba Alditol acetate uronic acid**55.2 3.813.6 0.75.36 0.241.5 2.691.4 4.13.9 0.435.7 2.520.5 0.8175.7+±±±±±±±±bbbacb Carbodiimide98.1 5.111.2 0.75.1 0.251.5 2.90.9 0.0129.5 3.13.6 0.344.6 2.921.2 1.3235.3±±±±±±±±±bbbbcb TMS99.2 4.912.4 0.95.9 0.454.1 3.21.0 0.0132.8 2.95.1 0.442.3 2.120.2 1.8239.2±±±±±±±±±bcacab HPAEC95.7 6.310.6 0.84.2 0.360.3 4.10.7 0.0125.6 2.68.6 0.634.3 1.819.7 1.4233.4±±±±±±±±±Rice Alditol acetate64.1 3.92.8 0.10.7 0.02220.3 8.9 ‑ ‑ 1.3 0.0116.5 1.131.1 2.4336.8±±±±±±± Uronic acid* ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ 12.1 0.9 ‑ ‑ ‑ ±ababba Alditol acetate uronic acid**64.1 3.92.8 0.10.7 0.02220.3 8.912.1 0.91.3 0.0116.5 1.131.1 2.4336.8+±±±±±±±±babaaba Carbodiimide70.3 3.63.1 0.30.5 0.01212.3 9.31.1 0.204.3 0.41.2 0.0211.6 0.834.3 2.8333.3±±±±±±±±±babaaba TMS73.4 4.22.8 0.30.4 0.01214.5 11.31.2 0.024.9 0.42.0 0.0111.4 0.933.5 1.9338.0±±±±±±±±±ccabaab HPAEC75.3 5.82.9 0.20.8 0.02228.9 14.30.6 0.013.6 0.33.1 0.0410.8 0.625.6 2.1347.2±±±±±±±±±Switchgrass Alditol acetate71.3 2.42.5 0.31.0 0.02281.0 13.3 ‑ ‑ 1.4 0.0215.8 1.650.2 4.1423.2±±±±±±± Uronic acid* ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ 4.5 0.4 ‑ ‑ ‑ ±abaacca Alditol acetate uronic acid**71.3 2.42.5 0.31.0 0.02281.0 13.34.5 0.41.4 0.0215.8 1.650.2 4.1423.2+±±±±±±±±aababbba Carbodiimide75.8 3.32.5 0.30.6 0.01290.8 12.70.8 0.013.6 0.22.0 0.0212.6 0.743.7 3.9428.0±±±±±±±±±bbbbabbb TMS80.3 5.12.7 0.40.8 0.01295.3 13.80.9 0.014.1 0.41.0 0.0111.9 1.045.3 3.5437.3±±±±±±±±±±bababaab HPAEC84.0 3.72.0 0.20.6 0.01299.3 15.80.9 0.013.0 0.32.3 0.029.0 0.936.0 2.8433.2±±±±±±±±±±Data are means of three biological replicates standard deviation, with two technical replicates for alditol acetate, carbodiimide, and TMS methods (n 6), three technical replicates for uronic aci±=single technical replicate for HPAEC method (n 3). Different letters in superscript following the values indicate significant differences between the amounts (“a” represents the lowest amount) of =sugar residue in the cell walls of a species across different methods (and not between different types of sugars within that leaf sample analyzed using a particular method). Statistics are one-way a(ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests with significant P value <0.05 * Uronic acid assay data shown here are from analysis using TFA hydrolysis ** Alditol acetate uronic acid data shown here are the combined data of the respective individual assays+ Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 9 of 18 of Ara (11 mol%), Glc (11 mol%), and Rha (10 mol%). A 180 In Populus leaf AIR, Ara (38 mol%), Xyl (21 mol%), and H SO hydrolysis R160 2 4 Gal (15 mol%) were the major monosaccharides (Fig. 2; AI140 Additional file 5), followed by GalA (10 mol%) and Glc of 120 (8 mol%). Similar to the trends observed in the AA data g m100 above, the carbodiimide method also detected Xyl, Ara, A / 80 and Glc as the predominant sugars in leaf AIR of rice (66, U of 60 19, and 9 mol%, respectively) and switchgrass (58, 20, and g 40 18 mol%, respectively) (Fig. 2; Additional file 5). 20 Glycosyl residue composition analysis by the trimethylsilyl 0 (TMS) method Arabidosis PPooppuulluuss Rice Switchgrass In the TMS method, leaf AIR is hydrolyzed in the pres- B 120 ence of methanol to generate methyl glycosides, which are subsequently derivatized with TMS and the resulting TMS R100 TFA hydrolysis ethers separated and identified by GC–MS (Fig. 1C). The AI of 80 TMS analysis identified the most abundant sugar in Arabi- g dopsis leaf AIR as GalA (33 mol%), other major sugars m A / 60 bofe inAgr aG (a1l1 ( 1m6 oml%o)l,% G), lcX y(l1 0(1 4m oml o%l%),) , Rahnad (l9e smseor la%m), oMunatns U of 40 (3 mol%), Fuc (2 mol%), and GlcA (1 mol%) (Fig. 2; Addi- g tional file 5). The most abundant monosaccharide in Pop- 20 ulus leaf AIR was Ara (39 mol%) with other major sugars 0 being Xyl (20 mol%), Gal (14 mol%), GalA (11 mol%), and Arabidosis PPooppuulluuss Rice Switchgrass Glc (7 mol%) (Fig. 2; Additional file 5). TMS analysis of rice Fig. 3 Determination of uronic acid content of AIR from leaves leaf AIR identified more than 60% of total sugar content of Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass. Uronic acid assays as Xyl (66 mol%) and Ara (19 mol%), consistent with the were carried out using either A HSO or B TFA hydrolysis. Data are 2 4 high arabinoxylan content of grass Type II cell walls (Fig. 2; means of three technical replicates of each of three biological repli‑ cates standard deviation, n 9 Additional file 5). A considerable amount of Glc (9 mol%) ± = was also present in rice leaf AIR along with measurable amounts of the UAs GalA and GlcA. In switchgrass, Xyl was the most abundant (56 mol%) sugar followed by Ara rich in GalA-containing pectin and in agreement with (22 mol%) and Glc (19 mol%) (Fig. 2; Additional file 5). previously published UA content of AIR from Arabidop- A smaller amount of Gal (2 mol%) and trace amounts of sis leaves [56]. As expected for low-pectin-content grass GalA and GlcA were also detected in switchgrass leaf AIR. cell walls, the UA content of rice and switchgrass leaf AIR hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid was significantly lower than Glycosyl residue composition analysis by the HPAEC in the dicots, being 15 and 5 μg/mg AIR, respectively. method Compared to sulfuric acid hydrolysis, the TFA hydrolysis Leaf AIR from Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass yielded lower UA content for all four species, being 109, was hydrolyzed with TFA and the resulting monosaccha- 91, 12, and 4.5 μg/mg for Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and rides were separated and quantified by HPAEC. HPAEC switchgrass leaf AIR, respectively (Fig. 3B). composition analysis of Arabidopsis leaf AIR detected GalA (26 mol%), Gal (19 mol%), and Xyl (18 mol%) as the Glycosyl residue composition analysis by the carbodiimide predominant non-cellulosic cell wall sugars (Fig. 2; Addi- method tional file 5). Trace amounts of GlcA and Fuc were also Both neutral and acidic sugars can be detected by the detected. HPAEC analysis of Populus leaf AIR indicated a carbodiimide method. The carboxylic acid moieties of large Ara content (34 mol%) with other major sugars being UAs are activated by a water-soluble carbodiimide to Xyl (26 mol%) and Gal (16 mol%). Measurable amounts form products that can be reduced to primary alco- of GalA (8 mol%) and Rha (4 mol%) were also present. hols [41] (Fig. 1B). Using this method, GalA (30 mol%), The HPAEC data for rice and switchgrass leaf AIR (Fig. 2; Gal (18 mol%), and Xyl (15 mol%) were the major non- Additional files 5) revealed Xyl, Ara, and Glc as the pre- cellulosic monosaccharides detected in Arabidopsis dominant sugars (70, 17, and 8 mol%, respectively, in rice; leaf (Fig. 2; Additional file 5), with moderate amounts 60, 20, and 17 mol%, respectively, in switchgrass). Biswal et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2017) 10:182 Page 10 of 18 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Fig. 4 Comparison of the glycosyl residue composition of leaf AIR from cell walls of Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, and switchgrass obtained by A–D GC–MS of alditol acetate derivatives; E–H the carbodiimide method; I–L GC–MS of TMS (trimethylsilane) derivatives; and M–P the HPAEC method. Data are average µg monosaccharide quantified per mg of leaf AIR from two technical replicates of each of three biological replicates standard ± deviation, n 6 [exceptions are three technical replicates for uronic acid assay (n 9) and a single technical replicate for HPAEC method (n 3)]. = = = Monosaccharide abbreviations: arabinose (Ara), rhamnose (Rha), fucose (Fuc), xylose (Xyl), galacturonic acid (GalA), glucuronic acids (GlcA), man‑ nose (Man), galactose (Gal), and glucose (Glc). Different letters indicate significant differences between the amounts (“a” represents the lowest amount) of a particular sugar residue in the cell walls of a species across different methods (and not between different types of sugars within that biomass sample analyzed using a particular method). Statistics are one‑way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests with significant P value <0.05 Comparison of the glycosyl residue composition analysis four plant species, based on both the relative (mol%) and methods for analysis of leaf biomass the mass (μg/mg AIR) sugar yields (Figs. 2, 4; Table 1; A comparison of the glycosyl residue compositions Additional file 5). A minor exception was the HPAEC obtained from leaf AIR from the four different plant method which gave reversed orders, compared to the sources using the four different analysis methods can be other three methods, for the three least abundant neutral made based on both the relative mol% yield (Fig. 2; Addi- sugars (Rha, Man, and Fuc) in the majority of the samples tional file 5) and the μg sugar/mg AIR mass yield (Table 1; (Table 1). It is noteworthy, however, that the alditol ace- Figs. 3, 4) of sugars. An overview of the data showed that tate method often gave the lowest neutral sugar measure- the carbodiimide, TMS, and HPAEC methods were able ment, especially in the dicot samples, as apparent from to detect the most common nine neutral and acidic sug- the total neutral sugar mass yields and from some of the ars, while the AA method detected the most common individual sugar (particularly Ara, Xyl, Glc, and Rha) seven neutral sugars. mass yields (Fig. 4; Table 1). For a more in depth analysis, we first compared the The greatest mass yield of total acidic sugars from four methods for their ability to detect neutral sugars. All leaf AIR samples was obtained using the UA method four methods gave the same relative abundance order for for Arabidopsis, Populus, and rice, and with the TMS the neutral sugars present in leaf AIR from each of the method for switchgrass (Table 1). However, the TMS