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Comparison of Atom Interferometers and Light Interferometers as Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors PDF

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Preview Comparison of Atom Interferometers and Light Interferometers as Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors

Comparison of Atom Interferometers and Light Interferometers as Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors John G. Baker and J.I. Thorpe Gravitational Astrophysics Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8800 Greenbelt Rd., Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA We consider a class of proposed gravitational wave detectors based on multiple atomic interfer- ometers separated by large baselines and referenced by common laser systems. We compute the sensitivitylimitsofthesedetectorsduetointrinsicphasenoiseofthelightsources,non-inertialmo- tionofthelightsources,andatomicshotnoiseandcomparethemtosensitivitylimitsfortraditional light interferometers. We find that atom interferometers and light interferometers are limited in a nearlyidenticalwaybyintrinsicphasenoiseandthatbothrequiresimilarmitigationstrategies(e.g. multiple arm instruments) to reach interesting sensitivities. The sensitivity limit from motion of thelight sourcesisslightlydifferentandfavorstheatom interferometersin thelow-frequencylimit, 2 although thelimit in both cases is severe. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 04.80.Nn,95.55.Ym,03.75.Dg,07.60.Ly 2 n Introduction.—The detection and measurement of AI, like the one shown in Figure 1, is controlled by two a J gravitational waves (GWs) from astrophysical and cos- lasers (“left” and “right”) on separate platforms sepa- 6 mologicalsourcesisrecognizedasoneofthemostpromis- rated by a distance L. A three-level atomic system is 2 ing sources for new information about the universe[1] assumed with ground states |p ,ii, where p describes i i andhasbeena goalofexperimentalphysicistsfornearly the linear momentum of the atom in the xˆ-directionand ] c half a century[2–8]. The milliHertz-frequency region of i = 1,2 denotes the internal state. An atom cloud pre- q the GW spectrum is expected to be particularly rich in paredinstate|p ,1ienterstheinterferometerandissub- 1 - GW sources and has been the target of proposed space- jected to a Raman π-pulse beam splitter at point a at r 2 g based instruments, most notably the Laser Interferome- time t−2T. This splits the atomwavepacketinto a por- [ ter Space Antenna (LISA) [9]. LISA was identified as a tion in state |p1,1i and a portion in state |p2,2i. At a 1 priority in the most recent decadal survey of astronomy time t − T, a π-pulse converts the |p1,1i portion into v and astrophysics[10] but has yet to be implemented due |p ,2i at point b. A short time ∆t later, the same pulse 2 6 to funding constraints. convertsthe|p ,2istatebackintoa|p ,1istateatpoint 2 1 5 GWdetectorsbasedonasingleisolatedatominterfer- c. Attimet,thetwowavefunctionpathsconverge(point 6 5 ometer (AI) have been considered[11] but found to have d) and are re-combined with another π2 pulse. . little advantage over light interferometers[12, 13]. More 1 recentproposalsusetwoAIsseparatedbyalargebaseline 0 2 andreferencedto a commonpair oflasers[14,15]. These 1 instruments use the AIs both to provide an inertial ref- : erence and to measure the phase of the light fields used v d i as the atom “optics”. When the light source is placed X sufficiently far from the AI, the optical phase contains orm T orm ar a non-negligible contribution from GWs. However, the me Platf ∆t c Platf opticalphasemeasuredbytheAIalsocontainscontribu- ti er b er tions fromintrinsic phase fluctuations of the light source as as L L aantodmDs.opBpyleursminogtiaoncoomfmthoenlpigahirtosfoularsceersrefloartibvoetthoAtIhse, Left T Right the proposed GW detectors can eliminate contributions a from one of these light sources. However, the contribu- tions from the second light source remain. In this letter, L= Dc we calculate the limits on GW sensitivity resulting from space intrinsic phasefluctuations andlightsourcemotionfor a GWdetectorconsistingoftwoAIswhilemakingaparal- FIG. 1: A three-pulse Mach-Zehnder atom interferometer lelanalysisofalightinterferometer(analogoustoasingle controlledbytwolasersonseparateplatformsseparatedbya ‘arm’ of LISA). distance L Our treatment clarifies the relative merits of the two approachestospace-basedGWmeasurementandmaybe After recombination, the population in one or both of helpful in future GW instrument design considerations. the two groundstates is measured and the result is used Analysis.— A single three-pulse Mach-Zehnder (MZ) to determine the phase of the wavefunction. It has been 2 shown[16] that the wavefunction phase response, γ(t), from the AI measured just after the third pulse at time t is given by δΦ˜(Ll) ≈ kδx˜2−δφ˜2 e−iωD−kδx˜1+δφ˜1−kcY˜−. (7) h i γ(t)≈δΦ(t)−2δΦ(t−T)+δΦ(t−2T)+δΦm(t), (1) The primary difference between the phase measured by the AI and that measured by a light interferometer where δΦ(t) is the difference from nominal phases of the is in the sensitivity to motions of the light sources. In optical phases observed by the atoms and δΦm(t) is any the case of the AI, the measured phase is sensitive to measurement noise in the AI, for instance atom shot the common-mode motion of the light sources, where in noise. We assume T ≫ ∆t and we neglect the finite the case of the light interferometer the measured phase durationoftheRamanpulseshereforclarity[17]. Inthe is sensitive to differential motion. Importantly, the sen- Fourier domain, (1) becomes sitivity to intrinsic phase noise and gravitational waves are identical. γ˜ =−4sin2(ωT/2)e−iωTδΦ˜ +δΦ˜ , (2) m AclassicapplicationofasingleAIlikethatinFigure1 isasagravimeteroraccelerometer. Inthatcase,withthe where tilde denotes the Fouriertransformofa timeseries appropriate approximations δx˜ = δx˜ = δx˜ (common and ω is the angular Fourier frequency. In the low fre- 1 2 quency limit ωT ≪1 the transfer function from δΦ˜ to γ˜ rigidopticsplatform), δφ˜1 =δφ˜2 (commonlasersource), D ≈ 0 (short distance), and Y˜− ≈ 0 , Eq. 6 reduces to is that of a secondtime derivative. The significanttime- δΦ˜ ≈ 2kδx˜. Applying the low-frequency limit of (2), varying contributions to the phase differences are given L the output of the MZ is γ˜ ≈−2kT2δa˜, where δa˜≡ω2δx˜ by istheaccelerationnoiseofthelightsource(theatomsare assumedtobeinaninertialframeinthis analysis). This δΦ(t)=δφ (t)−δφ (t), (3) L R is consistent with results in the literature for AI-based where δφ (t) are the phase variations of the left light gravimeters[18]. L source retarded from a reference point in the vicinity of We consider one-arm GW detectors[14, 15] based on the atom cloud, and δφ (t) are the retarded phase vari- a pair of AIs in an arrangement similar to the design of R ations of the right light source. Specifically, gravity gradient experiments[19], as shown in Figure 2. A common pair of lasers drives two three-pulse MZ AIs δφ (t) ≈ kδx (t)+δφ (t), (4) are spaced by a distance L=cD. L 1 1 δφR(t) ≈ −kδx2(t−D)+δφ2(t−D)+kcY−(t),(5) where k is the nominal wavenumber of the photons, ne- Left AI Right AI glecting the splitting between the |1i and |2i internal states and other higher-order effects. The approximate trlatiihingogehdnhttsitnlphcatarersouienpasrsetaipodcglmaabottyipfcootlnnroicmouatndsil-mgapiserrhaeaDvbgsieetitva=wetnnieooLeinbns/ayeclt,δfhfoxoterh1rc(edttehi)sspetaooansnlneidttftitδohrxneaig2nlh(fledttuf)tc,rltaiaagusnnhaeddrt- time Left Laser Platform T T T Right Laser Platform T light sources are given by δφ (t) and δφ (t). GWs will 1 2 cause the received optical phase to differ from the emit- ted phase by a Doppler shift Y−(t). We ignore any GW effect on the individual AI, as- L= D c suming the atom separation is much smaller than L[14]. space Similarly, we neglect GW effects on the phase of the left light source, which is assumed to be close to the AI. In FIG. 2: An arrangement of two three-pulse Mach-Zehnder the Fourier domain, the phase difference needed for Eq. atom interferometers separated by a baseline L and using (1) is common light sources have been proposed as a detector of gravitational waves δΦ˜L ≈ kδx˜2−δφ˜2 e−iωD+kδx˜1+δφ˜1−kcY˜−. (6) The response of the left-hand interferometer is given h i by (6). The response of the right-hand interferometer is For comparison, we can evaluate the phase difference similar, measured by a one-way light interferometer link, which form the basis of light interferometer detectors such as LISA: δΦ˜R ≈ kδx˜1+δφ˜1 e−iωD+kδx˜2−δφ˜2+kcY˜+. (8) h i 3 where δΦ˜ denotes the phase difference at an AI vertex For comparison, consider the two-way light interfer- R ontherightatominterferometerandY˜ istheGWeffect ometer signal, which is formed by differencing the two + incurred by the left laser beam propagating to the right one-way optical phase measurements given by (7): atom cloud. ik ikc The effect of GWs on electromagnetic propagation Γ˜(l) =β(l) − δx˜ −δφ˜ + h˜ +∆Φ˜(l), from a distant source is familiar from the analysis of (cid:20) sin(ωD) 12 2 2ω (cid:21) m space-based light interferometer concepts, pulsar-timing (12) searches for GWs, and microwave Doppler tracking of where β(l) ≡ 2isinωDe−iωD, δx˜12 ≡ δx˜1−cos(ωD)δx˜2, spacecraft. The result is a Doppler-shift on the electro- and∆Φ˜(ml) is the combinedphase measurementnoise,for magnetic frequency given by [20, 21] example due to photon shot noise, in the single light in- terferometer arm. δν 1ninj[h (xa )−h (xa )] y(t)≡ = ij emit ij rec , (9) The strain sensitivity of a GW detector can be com- ν 2 1−kini puted by comparing the relative sizes of the GW strain and the noise sources in the detector output. For a gen- whereni isthelaserpropagationdirection,ki isthe GW eral GW detector with frequency response Γ˜ and noise propagation direction, and the spacetime metric h is ij sources θ˜ , the sensitivity can be computed as in transverse-traceless gauge evaluated at the points of α emission and reception at the atom. In our case we −2 2 will assume that ni is in the ±xˆ direction, and define S = ∂Γ˜ ∂Γ˜ S , (13) cos(θ) = kx. Then, assuming the instrument is opti- h (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)∂˜h(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) Xα (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)∂θ˜α(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) θα mally oriented for a linearly polarized GW signal h(t), (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where S is the pow(cid:12)er s(cid:12)pectral(cid:12)densi(cid:12)ty of the GW strain with t being evaluated at a point x midway between h 0 equivalent to the detector noise and S are the power the two atom clouds, the relevant metric component is θα h =sin2(θ)h(t−cos(θ)(x−x )/c). spectral densities of the noise sources. xx 0 This formalism can be applied to the GW detector in The GW terms, Y±, in (6) and (8) are related to the Figure 2 using the result in (11), yielding contributions GWDopplershiftin(9)byatimederivative. Takinginto tothesensitivityfromintrinsicphasenoise,platformpo- accountthe spacetime emissionandreception points, we get Y˜± = y˜±/(iω) = −1h˜Dsin2(θ)e−iωD/2sinc(ωD(1∓ sition noise, and measurement noise. Alternatively, the 2 sensitivitycanbeexpressedintermsoftheintrinsicfrac- cosθ)/2)). For the remainder of our analysis, we will tional frequency noise, S ≡ ω2/(2πν)2S , the plat- consider a GW source with anoptimal sky location(θ = δν δφ2 π), for which Y˜± ≈−h˜ω−1e−iωD/2sin(ωD/2). form acceleration noise, Sa2 ≡ ω4Sx2, and measurement 2 noise, which we assume is dominated by the combined The output of the GW detector in Figure 2 is ob- atomicshotnoise,S =2/ηHz−1, η beingthenumber tainedbydifferencingtheresponseofthetwoAIs,Γ(t)= shot of detected atoms: γ (t)−γ (t−D),whereγ istheresponsegivenin(1) R L L/R from the left and right AIs respectively. The GW signal 4 1 1 S =4S + S + , (14) is derived from the difference in the response γ˜ from the h δν ω2c2 a2 8(kcD)2sin4(ωT/2)ηHz two AIs, and thus depends on the optical phase differ- ence at the corresponding vertices on the left and right where we’ve taken the limit ωD ≪ 1, consistent with AI,∆Φ(t)≡δΦ (t)−δΦ (t−D). Makingsubstitutions typical AI GW instrument concepts. The literature on R L from (6) and (8) and converting to the Fourier domain, proposedAIGWinstrumentstypicallyonlyconsidersthe the result is last term in (14)[22]. The same procedure can be applied to the single-arm ikc ∆Φ˜ =2isin(ωD)e−iωD kδx˜ −δφ˜ + h˜ . (10) lightinterferometerdescribedby(12)withthe combined 2 2 (cid:20) 2ω (cid:21) measurement noise being the photon shot noise in the Note that in (10) the contributions from the left laser’s two interference measurements, Ss(lh)ot = 2h¯ν/PrecHz−1, intrinsic frequency noise and from the Doppler shifts in- where Prec is the light power received from the far light duced by the left laser platform’s motion are cancelled source, outbutthe correspondingtermsfromtherightlaserand 4 ¯h laser platform remain. The output of the complete two- S(l) =4S + S + . (15) h δν ω4c2D2 a12 πkcD2P cloudGWdetectorinFigure2canbecomputedbycom- rec bining (10) and (2): It is clear from the first terms in (14) and (15) that de- tection of a characteristic strain h with either a single- ikc Γ˜ =β kδx˜2−δφ˜2+ h˜ +∆Φ˜m, (11) arm light interferometer or a single-arm AI requires a (cid:20) 2ω (cid:21) light source with S1/2 ≈ h/2. The highest perform- δν where β ≡ −8isin2(ωT/2)sin(ωD)e−iωD and ∆Φ˜ rep- ing cavity-stabilized laser systems, which are limited by m resents the combined measurement noise in the two AIs. thermal noise in the cavity mirror coatings, have S1/2 ≈ δν 4 10−15·(f/1Hz)−1/2Hz−1/2 [23, 24]. This is roughly six Theatominterferometershowscommonmodemotionof orders of magnitude above the typical strength of as- the two end light sources rather than relative motion. trophysical GW sources in the milliHertz band. Light Becauseofthis difference, inthe AI instrument, accel- interferometers typically address this problem by utiliz- eration noise of one laser source can be cancelled, and ing multiple arms. For a detector with two equal-length the effect on GW sensitivity of the other becomes inde- orthogonal arms driven by a common laser source, the pendent of the instrument baseline. Beginning with a optical phase terms in each measurement will have the LISA-like concept, the use of AI would allow the con- same sign and magnitude while the GW term will have stellation to be shortened without increasing the resid- oppositesigndueto the quadrupolarsignatureofthe re- ual acceleration requirements of the reference point. A sponse. Differencing the signals from the two arms can- smaller instrument would potentially be more sensitive cels optical phase noise while retaining the GW signal. to higher-frequency gravitational-wavesignals. This cancellation can be extended to arrangements with To determine whether this potential could be realized unequal length arms using the Time Delay Interferome- requires the resolution of a large number of technical is- try (TDI) technique[25]. sues which fall beyond the scope of this analysis. The accelerationnoiserequirementontheatomclouds,forin- Because acceleration noise in orthogonal directions is stance,doesincreasewhenthearmsareshortened. Many uncorrelated,multiple-arminterferometerdesignsdonot of these technical issues have been carefully studied in allow light source acceleration noise to be cancelled. theAIcommunity,butdetailedrequirementsforaspace- However,there are two differences in sensitivity between basedgravitational-wavemissionhavenotbeencarefully the AI-based GW detector and the light interferometer worked out. Where they are known, the requirements equivalent. The first is that the AI is sensitive to the often exceed the current performance of ground-based absolute acceleration noise of one of the light sources experiments. We also note that we expect the GW sen- whereas the light interferometer is sensitive to the rel- sitivity limits due to opticalphase noise and lightsource ative acceleration noise between the two light sources. acceleration noise discussed here to be generally appli- The second is that the light interferometer sensitivity has an additional factor of (ωD)−2, which means that cable to more complex AIs. This is because the compe- tition between the GW signal, optical phase noise, and for a short detector baseline with a given light-source acceleration noise occurs in the optical phase. A more acceleration noise, the light interferometer will have a precise measurement of this phase with a more complex highersensitivitylimit(lesssensitivetoGWsignals)than AI (e.g. high-momentumtransfer atomic beam-splitters, the equivalent AI detector. In the case of the AI, the 5-pulse interferometers,etc.) may improve GW sensitiv- light-sourceaccelerationnoiserequirementsfordetecting ity relative to atom shot noise, but will not improve the astrophysical GW sources are independent of the base- sensitivity relative to optical phase noise or acceleration line, but nonetheless stringent. For example, to reach a strain sensitivity of S1/2 ≈ 10−21 at a frequency of noise. We expect the ideas presented here to be helpful h indesigningfutureGWinstrumentswhichmakethebest ω = (2π)1mHz would require a light source accelera- use of AI technology. tion noise less than S1/2 ∼ 10−15m/s2/Hz1/2. It makes a sensethatthis is comparableto the residualacceleration requirement on the drag-free test masses in LISA and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LISA Pathfinder [9, 26] since (ωD) ∼1. LISA Discussion.— In this analysis we have compared the During the preparation of this manuscript, we were basicgravitational-waveresponseandsensitivityproper- made awareofa relatedanalysisofground-basedatomic ties of possible space-based atom intereferometer instru- interferometergravitationalwavedetectorsmade by Jan ments with analogous laser-interferometer instruments, Harms. We thank Dr. Harms for providing a copy of his focusingontwooftheclassicnoisesources,spacecraftref- report[27] and find our calculations to be in agreement erencemotionandlaserphasenoise. Thesenoisesources with his in the appropriate limits. We also thank Hol- constrain traditional gravitational-wave mission design, ger Mu¨ller and Jeffrey Livas for helpful discussions and but have generally been given little attention in the dis- Bernard Kelly for his careful review of the manuscript. cussion of AI-based concepts. This work was partially supported by NASA grants 08- We summarize our results in terms familiar to the ATFP08-0126and 11-ATP11-0046. laser-interferometer GW community. Each AI cloud functions as a (nearly) freefalling laser phasemeter. The AI signal results from electromagnetic phase signals which are identical to analogous spacecraft-local phase [1] B. Schutz,Class. Quant.Grav. 16, A131 (1999). measurements in a light interferometer link in their re- [2] J. Weber,Physical Review 117, 306 (1960). sponses to both gravitationalwaves and laser frequency, [3] J. Weber,Physical Review Letters 18, 498 (1967). but differ in their responses to the light-source motion. [4] R. Hellings, Phys.Rev. 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