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Preview Comparison of 87Rb N-resonances for D1 and D2 transitions

Comparison of 87Rb N-resonances for D and D transitions 1 2 ∗ Irina Novikova, David F. Phillips, Alexander S. Zibrov , Ronald L. Walsworth1 and Alexksei V. Taichenachev, Valeriy I. Yudin2 1Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA 2Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia 6 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 We report an experimental comparison of three-photon-absorption resonances (known as “N- 0 resonances”) for the D1 and D2 optical transitions of thermal 87Rb vapor. We find that the D2 2 N-resonance has better contrast, a broader linewidth, and a more symmetric lineshape than the n D1 N-resonance. Takentogether,thesefactorsimplysuperiorperformanceforfrequencystandards a operatingonalkaliD2 N-resonances,incontrasttocoherentpopulationtrapping(CPT)resonances J forwhichtheD2 transitionprovidespoorerfrequencystandardperformancethantheD1 transition. 1 1 PACSnumbers: ] m-ph aarbeRsoeracpetnipotrlnyo,mreissoiwnnegancadeletsemkrnonnaotswitvnreaatestdo“Nct-ohrheaestorennattnhcrpeeseo”-pp[u6h,loa7tt,oion8n-] (a) FF''==12D1 transitio n D c FF.''=.=.03D 2 transitio n D c trapping (CPT) resonances[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for small o t atomic frequency standards using thermal alkali vapor. W W D W W W D W a In this letter, we report an experimental comparison P P P P s. of N-resonances for the 87Rb D1 (52S1/2 → 52P1/2, sic λop=tica7l95trannms)itiaonnds.DW2e(fi52nSd1/s2im→ilar52NP-3r/e2s,oλna=nce78q0uanlmity) FF==12 n 0 FF==12 n 0 y h factors for the D1 and D2 transitions,but a significantly (b) Solenoid Fabry-Perot p more symmetric lineshape for the D2 transition, which EOM etalon [ together implies superior performance for a frequency standard using the D2 N-resonance. Previous work has Laser l /4 PD 1 shown that the quality factor of alkali CPT resonances 6.835GHz Rb cell inside v frequency magnetic shielding 9 is about an order of magnitude worse for D2 operation synthesizer 7 than for D1.[9, 10] Thus, as currentminiature frequency 0 standards rely on vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers FIG. 1: (a) N-resonance interaction scheme for D1 and D2 1 (VCSELs) that are readily available for the D2 tran- transitions of 87Rb. ΩP and ΩD are probe and drive optical 0 sitions of Rb and Cs but more difficult to acquire for fields that create and interrogate the N-resonance; ν0 is the 6 the D1 transitions, the results reported here provide an splittingoftheground-statehyperfinelevelsF =1andF =2; 0 additional practical advantage for the N-resonance. and ∆c is the one-photon detuning of the probe field from / resonance between the F = 2 ground state and the excited s AnN-resonanceisathree-photon,two-optical-fieldab- state. (b) Schematic of the experimental setup. See text for c sorptive resonance (Fig. 1a). A probe field, Ω , reso- i P abbreviations. s nant with the transition between the higher-energy hy- y perfine level of the ground electronic state and an elec- h tronically excited state, optically pumps the atoms into ference between the resonance mechanisms. The CPT p : the lower hyperfine level, leading to increased transmis- transmission maximum appears as a result of optical v sion of the probe field through the medium. A drive pumping of atoms into a non-interacting coherent su- i X field, ΩD is detuned from the probe field by the atomic perpositionoftwoground-statehyperfine levels(a “dark r hyperfine frequency, ν0. Together, ΩP and ΩD create state”). However,apuredarkstateexistsonlyfortheD1 a a two-photonRamanresonancethatdrivesatoms coher- transition,thusthe amplitudeandcontrastofCPTreso- entlyfromthelowertotheupperhyperfinelevel,thereby nances are much higher for D1 operation than for D2.[9] inducing increased absorption of the probe field ΩP in For N-resonances, the three-photon absorptive process a narrow resonance with linewidth, ∆ν, set by ground- doesnotrequireadarkstate,withnoresultantadvantage state hyperfine decoherence. Attractive features of N- ofD1overD2. Furthermore,forcircularlypolarizedlight resonances for atomic frequency standards include high (commonlyusedinoptically-pumpedatomicclocks)reso- resonancecontrast,leading-orderlight-shiftcancellation, nantwiththeD1transition,someatomsbecometrapped and less sensitivity than CPT resonances to high buffer in the Zeeman state with maximum angular momentum gas pressures.[7, 8] — an “end” state ( F =2,m =±2 for 87Rb) — which F Better performance for N-resonances than CPT reso- limits resonance amplitude and contrast on the ground- nances on the D2 transition is expected due to the dif- state ∆mF = 0 hyperfine clock transition. However, for 2 D2 operation, the end state is coupled to the excited state through the cycling transition F =2→F′ =3. In on 1.0 si s the presence of strong collisional mixing in the excited mi s state (inducedby alkali-buffergascollisions),the cycling n a transition suppresses optical pumping of atoms into the d tr 0.5 el D transition eNn-dresstoantae.ncTehsuospwereateixnpgeocnt hthigehDer2retrsaonnsainticoenc.ontrast for obe fi D12 transition Figure1bshowsaschematicofourN-resonanceappa- Pr 0.0 ratus. We operated the system under conditions identi- -10 -5 0 5 10 Two-photon detuning (kHz) fiedinourpreviousworktogivegoodfrequencystandard performance.[7, 8] We derived the two optical fields ΩP FIG.2: Example87RbN-resonancesobservedforD1andD2 and Ω by phase modulating the output of an external D optical transitions. Laser power is260 µW, corresponding to cavitydiodelasertunedtoeithertheD1 orD2 transition anintensityof50mW/cm2. Probetransmissionisnormalized of 87Rb. Laser phase-modulation was performed at the to unityaway from two-photon resonance. 87Rb ground-state hyperfine frequency (ν0 ≃ 6.8 GHz) by an electro-optic modulator (EOM) driven by an am- plifiedmicrowavesynthesizerphase-lockedtoahydrogen qcorrespondstobetterfrequencystability.[1]]Asseenin maser. We used the +1 sideband as the probe field and Figures 2 and 3, the typical measured N-resonance con- thezerothordercarrierasthedrivefield. Wesetthelaser trast is significantly larger for D2 operation than for the detuning ∆c and EOM modulation index to match the D1 transition, whereas the linewidth is broader for D2 conditions for leading-order light-shift cancellation: [8] than for D1. The differences in contrast and linewidth for D1, ∆c ≈+700 MHz from the F =2→F′ =2 tran- largelyoffseteachother,suchthattheN-resonancequal- sition;forD2,∆c ≈+500MHzfromtheF =2→F′ =3 ityfactorisroughlycomparablefortheD1andD2transi- transition; in both cases the modulation index ≈ 0.38, tionsoverawiderangeofoperatingconditions. Notethat corresponding to a probe/drive intensity ratio of about inalkalivaporCPTresonances,thequalityfactorforthe 19%. The laserbeamwas circularlypolarizedby a quar- D2 transitionhasbeenmeasuredtobe aboutanorderof terwaveplate(λ/4)andweaklyfocusedtoadiameterof magnitude smaller than for the D1 transition.[9, 10] 0.8 mm before entering a Pyrex cell of length 7 cm and Optically-probed atomic frequency standards com- diameter 2.5 cm containing isotopically enriched 87Rb monly employ slow modulation of the microwave drive and 100 Torr of Ne buffer gas (which induced excited- and associated phase-sensitive detection as part of the state collisional broadening ≈ 2 GHz). We heated the crystaloscillatorlock-loop. Henceanasymmetricatomic cell to ≈ 65◦C, yielding 87Rb density ≈ 4·1011cm−3. resonance lineshape can induce systematic frequency We isolated the Rb vapor cell from external magnetic shifts proportionaltothe modulationparameters.[11]As fields using three layers of high-permeability shielding, seen in Fig. 2, 87Rb N-resonances are significantly more and applied a small (≈ 10 mG) longitudinal magnetic symmetricfortheD2 transitionthanforD1,whichgives field to lift the degeneracy of the Zeeman sublevels and an important advantage for D2 N-resonance operation. separate the F = 1, mF = 0 to F = 2, mF = 0 clock The relative asymmetry of the D1 and D2 N-resonance transition (with first order magnetic field independence) lineshapescanbequantifiedbydescribingeachmeasured from the m = ±1 transitions with first order magnetic N-resonanceasacombinationofsymmetricandantisym- F field sensitivity. The transmitted probe field power was metric Lorentzian functions: detected by a photodetector (PD); the strong drive field A∆ν/2 + Bδ andtheoff-resonantlowersidebandwerefilteredfromthe T =T − (1) o ∆ν2/4+δ2 transmitted laser beam by a quartz narrow-bandFabry- Perotetalon (FSR = 20 GHz, finesse = 30) tuned to the where T is the measured probe field transmission as a frequency of the probe field. function of two-photon Raman detuning, δ; and A, B, Figure 2 shows examples of measured D1 and D2 N- and∆ν arefit parametersthat representthe amplitudes resonances under identical conditions, with the probe of the symmetric and antisymmetric Lorentzian compo- field transmission normalized to unity away from two- nentsandtheresonancelinewidth. Fig.4showstheratio photon resonance. Figure 3 shows the measured de- of antisymmetric and symmetric components, B/A, de- pendence on laser intensity of the N-resonancecontrast, terminedfromourN-resonancelineshapemeasurements, linewidth, and quality factor. We define resonance con- asafunctionoflaserintensity,indicatingthattheD1 N- trast as C = 1 − T /T , where T and T are resonance is typically more than an order of magnitude min o min o the transmitted probe field intensities on two-photon more asymmetric than the D2 N-resonance. resonance and away from resonance, respectively. The In conclusion, N-resonances are three-photon- linewidth, ∆ν, is the measuredfull-width-half-maximum absorption resonances that are a promising alternative (FWHM);andtheresonancequalityfactorisq =C/∆ν. to CPTresonancesforsmallatomicfrequencystandards [The shot-noise limit to atomic clock frequency stability using alkali atoms. Here, we report an experimental is inversely proportionalto the quality factor; i.e., larger comparison of the D1 and D2 N-resonances in thermal 3 result implies a similar shot-noise-limit to N-resonance 30 (a) %) frequency standard performance on the D1 and D2 ontrast ( 20 DD12 ttrraannssiittiioonn twrhaincshittiohnesq—ualiintystfaarcktocronistraabsotuwtitahnCorPdTerroesfomnaangcneitsufdoer e c worse for the D2 transition than for D1. In addition, we nanc 10 find that the D2 N-resonance lineshape is significantly eso more symmetric than the D1 lineshape, indicating that N-r a D2 N-resonance frequency standard will have reduced 0 sensitivity to certain modulation-induced systematic 0 50 100 150 (b) Laser intensity (mW/cm2) frequency shifts. Thus, unlike for CPT resonances, Hz commercially available diode lasers for the D2 lines of k h, 10 Rb and Cs can likely be used without compromising the widt performance of an N-resonance frequency standard. e c nan 5 The authors are grateful to J. Vanier and M. Cresci- eso D1 transition manno for useful discussions. This work was supported N-r D2 transition by ONR, DARPA, ITAMP andthe Smithsonian Institu- 0 tion. A. V. T. and V. I. Y. acknowledge support from 0 (c) 5L0aser intensity 1(m00W/cm2) 150 RFBR (grants no. 05-02-17086, 05-08-01389 and 04-02- 10 -1atio (kHz) 86 DD12 ttrraannssiittiioonn metry B/A 1.5 DD12 ttrraannssiittiioonn dth r sym 1.0 Contrast/wi 42 sonance a 0.5 0 Re 0 50 100 150 0.0 Laser intensity (mW/cm2) 0 50 100 150 Laser intensity (mW/cm2) FIG. 3: N-resonance (a) contrast C, (b) linewidth ∆ν, and (c)qualityfactorq=C/∆ν,asafunctionoftotalinputlaser FIG.4: N-resonanceasymmetry,B/A,asafunctionoflaser intensity, measured on the 87Rb D1 (solid circles) and D2 intensity, determined from fits of a combination of symmet- (open diamonds) transitions. Dashed lines are to guide the ric and antisymmetric Lorentzian functions to measured N- eye. resonance lineshapes; for D1 (solid circles) and D2 (open di- amonds) transitions. Dashed lines are to guide theeye. 87Rb vapor. We find that the D2 N-resonance has better contrast but a broader linewidth than the D1 N-resonance, such that the N-resonance quality factor 16488). I.Novikova’se-mailaddress: [email protected]. ∗ is comparable for the D1 and D2 transitions. This also at Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow, Russia. [1] J. Vanier, Appl.Phys.B 81, 421 (2005). [8] I.Novikova,D.F.Phillips,A.S.Zibrov,R.L.Walsworth, [2] S. Knappe, P. D. D. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, A. V. Taichenachev, and V. I. Yudin, to appear in Opt. J.Kitching,L.Liew, and J.Moreland, Opt.Express 13, Lett. (2006). 1249 (2005). [9] M.Stahler,R.Wynands,S.Knappe,J.Kitching,L.Holl- [3] P. D. D. Schwindt,S. Knappe, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. berg, A. Taichenachev, and V. Yudin, Opt. Lett. 27, Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland, Appl. Phys. Lett. 1472, (2002). 85, 6409 (2004). [10] R.Lutwak,D.Emmons,T.English,W.Riley,A.Duwel, [4] A. B. Matsko, D. Strekalov, and L. Maleki, Opt. Com- M. Varghese, D. K. Serkland, and G. M. 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