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Comparison Between Dtu And Commercial Hydraulic RAM Pump Performance 1992 PDF

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Preview Comparison Between Dtu And Commercial Hydraulic RAM Pump Performance 1992

DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY UNIT Working Paper No 33, Comparison Between DTU and Commercial Hydraulic Ram Pump Performance Developutent Tochnofogy Unit, Deparsment of Engineering, ‘Warwick University, Coventry CV4 TAL. ‘Tel: (0) 205 523.22 Fax: <0)209 418922 Telex: 311906 UNIVWK G. DTU Working Paper No.33 1992 Comparison between DTU and Commercial Ram Hydraulic Ram Pump Performances UPDATE AND COMMENTS, APRIL 1996 Since this pape: was written, the DTU Mark 6.4 pop has been shascd out, to be replaced by fizst the ¥f.d and more recently the S2. all these are pumps normally run wich a 2° Gt. drivepipe ard delivering to up to. L00n using a drive flow of 40 to 2d litres/min, ?relimizary xesults for the 8/82 on a single seltirg axe given at the end of this paper, indicating tha>, setting for se=ting, the 8 !s Superior to ite” predecessors Generally che uu later models are more et:icient. than the M6. Of course pertermance as measured in this paper ig only part cf the story. Tke PTU pumps are made largely of mild eter! and are therefore more suject to corrosion than mest ‘commercial’ machines. In recent yeers. caeve hag been a trend towards use cf plas-ics in ram pumps as pyc or ASS piping replaces galvanised iron. However plastic pumps can rarely operate reliably az delivery heads exceeding da neters. Tkere ia also a growing inceres- in providing the air-cushioning of the ourpl via an enclosed air packet (for example clesed cei. foam) instead of an air vessel witn a free air-wazer surface This arrangement can effectively increase the usable drive bead by dviowing the inpulse valve exhaust to erarge under water Ia the paper, the early comparisons with commercia: pumps use data from a study by tH Delft which were obtained from slightly lager “models (from che respeczive hanufacvurers' ranges), aad with a much higher drivehead, chan the compacisuns in the rest of the paper. vevails of the curvent (1956) ty designs, nanely S1 (tor use wits a 1* steel drivep'pe). 2 (2° stee.} acd Psu {30 mm. pyc) aye given ‘n UCJ Technical xeleases TRI, TRG and TRI2 respectively commons Page to. 1, INTRODUCTION 1 Li Detrt University 1 1.2 DTU, University of Marwick 1 2, SUMMARY UF WORK CARRIED OUT AT DELFT 2.1 Selection of Punps 2 2.2 Assessment of Feperinental Procedure 4 2.3 Summary of Results 6 2.4 Conclusions about Chomercial Pusps 7 2.5 Non-Dinenstonal Comperison 10 3. SUWHARY OF DTU TESTS 3.1 Experimental aig and Procedure 0 4.2 Pomp Tuning 0 3.3 Sumary of Test Results 2 4. COMPARISON OF TU AND COUMERCTAL PUMPS. 4.1 Problens im Comparison 7 4.2 EtVictency Comparisons 7 4.4. Power Comparison ro 5. COST CompaRison re 6. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSION 2 Appendix A CONTINUING DTU PUMP DEVELOPMENT 2s Appendix B TABLES OF PERRORMANCE RESULTS 8 Appendix C FURTHER NOTES aND COMMENTS ON THR BORK AT DRL 38 T.D.vettery april 1997 List of Tables Page No Table 1 Comparison of Commercial Hydroutic Rane 3 2 Cost Comparison of Comercial Rams 4 1 Hydrautts Rams Selected by Delft 3 4 Sumary of Detft Test Kesults 6 S Summary Of DTU MS.4 Test Results 7 List of Graphs. Graph L Effictenty of Commercial Pumps 3 2 Power of Commercial Punps 9 3 ati of Commercial Pumps rr 4 Bffisieney of DTI M64 1 5 Power of DIU Ms.4 6 6 Ratio of DIY MS.4 6 7 Bfficisney Comparison of DIV with Commercial Pumps 18 8 Power Comparison of 370 with Commercial Pumps” 2 9 Ratio Comparison of OT) with Commercial Punps 2 10 Sffisiency Comparison of ME.4 and ME.4 26 11 Power Comparison of 6.4 and MB.4 a List of Fiaures Figure 1 DIV experimental rig 2 1. INTRODUCTION ‘This paper detals the performance of whe DTU Mark 64 hydraulic mim pump io comparison 1p commerisl models run under similar condivons, Deals of the ‘pofformarce of mumber of commercial pumps tested at Delt’ University, Nethedands ort used for eompaicon. Li Del Univesity Between 1987 and 1964 J, Tacke of Dell Univemy of Technology canied out wats on a omber of commerialy availabe ydraalle ram pumpe These were published in 1988 with comprebencive details of ll resulls busied and the development af a. mathemalica model for predicion of ram perfnmanee. As pat of this programme field tests were oedueted by the Fourdation of Dulch Voluntoers in. Ravin, ‘These. almed 19 instigate the technical performance and durchilicy under operating condicions in 4 community setiDg, Social apoeplance and community partcipaon In installing, cperating and maintaining a hydraulic ram system, ‘The presentation by Del of all Labursiory west results is excellent and allows a gocd tevel ‘of comparison: for tesis on subsequent designs, Unforumacly ro detals of the findings oc conchosices resulting from the field tls in Rwanda wo made svailabe. Nowever the DIU we grealy indebted to Dell for ver provision of such a useful temuce. 4.2 DTU University of Warwick ‘The Deyclopment Technology Unit has been investigating ydrauic raw pump desig, perfomance and manufarwre since 985, "This began with sudem projects and has grown into a faltime research programme largely funded by tee Overseas Deselefment Adminisasion, The sims of the programme are 3) 1b analyse in detsil_ the operation oF @e ram pump eaining a compretensive Bundemapding of the operaing principles and complex hyde ractont ocuring wittia the pump. to produce pump designs suinble for manufsenre in developing coumies using available materials: and production process, ©) 10 dhoroughly test such designs for thelr performance: and endurance Gncluding cexenve fil) iss) and offer findings for widespread dissemination 4) develop and pre methods for surveying and design of complet wer sy Anstallations, ” vey ©) 10 produce design chars and computer based (ools to enable design and Geld engincers to confdenly inclade hydraulic ram pumps as an opdon # uheie water supply schemes. 5) provide technics) expenise and unining for two Atvican based programmes installing ‘rm pumps for vilage water supply and nigaton, 1 lems of haciware development tke DTU has wo distinct working areas. The fit is Ue development of designs of steel hydraulic vam pomps based on the 2° diameter BSP ipe that has been foutid to be widely avaliable in developing countries and is of an ‘Spproprive capacity for small village water supply schemes, The second ares of hardware evelopment 's the production of plastic nydrauflc ram pumps based on widely avails ‘Niommn plastic pipe and especially: sutatie Tor ligation clase to water coumes, Rough specifications and performance indications are given below, Stead Fasic Material sequlred 2" Galvantsed pipe cesseseveveeere 100m PYC pipe 2" Fitetngs Saal snount cP Wild stecl bar noe nnild steel parcs ‘Marufacoring process ¥elding Hand toals Deitling Turning ‘ypc performance ranges 40-1441 Drive Flow AOPTSO LOD eee vv ee eevee ene 206-350 Li Drive head 2-25m TD M,5-2.5m Delivery flow 2-12 Ijnin ¢ 2:25 pin Delivery head up to 1500. bp ta 15m Brflclency 501-908... 20-40% Expected ire 1 years... IID a years THis paper Is concemed solely with Be comparison of the 2° steel pamp with is commerisly available vals. Such rumpe hve foond “he widest application to date ia supplying water for demesic use. During the research many designs of ram pump have heen procuged amd tested, Th 1990 a design wis chosen as having proven itelf aulficendy in tems af performance and usability ty set a "henchman ogsiost which funhest developments could be assessed. It is (is model, Mark 64, that 1s used in the folowing comparison against commercial cesgr. 2, SUMMARY OF WORK CARRIED OUT AT DELET 21 Sciesion of Pumps Delfi decided to sehect 12 rams from 6 manufacturers that vere aonlicable in ypicw village ot domestic water supply schemes, to all, details of pumps from 10 manufacturers were Dbialned and selection made based on the folowing ers 3) a6 auny types of ram design a8 possible should be inched b} teats shold include oth traditional and medem designs. ©) sams should show reasonable price t2 petformance ratio. ‘To enable the lator of the erterla, manufacturers were sent a set of conwitions and asked 1m provide douils of che pump ty would mcommend and iis expected output and efficiency. Table 1 shows the results of this compas, TABLE I - COMPARISON OF HYDRAULIC RAMS ‘Arrangement: Source Supply 90 Minin Supply Head Wis = Delivery Head bd = 150 m Sm ‘Type of Hydeaulie| Drive Pipe | Volume of Driving | Pumping [Efficiency]approx Price Ran Uneh] (am) | Water Requited | Rate q | ind {for Rew Alone| {sia} Eéminy | 8) [tuss-1982] Vulcan 21/2 2 6 36-04 6.10 oe 7200 Blake ydram 31/3] 6 45. 96 6.00 a 1000 Sano No. s/o5am|2 65 50-110 6.95 n 1e00 Rife 20 HU cE) 38. 95 5.40 a 1100 SebLumpf 5423 so 50-100 5.50 6 2700 Alto CH 66-110-18, 265 50-90 5.40 oo 2100 Brian Da 2° 50 45. 90 3.49 so | s200 2 25-15 6.90 n 3500 2 6 60-100 450 so 1500 BoR-Ram WS, 2 6 45-90 2.70 30 | 200 Dele emmeudad that in terme of perfomance, the choice should favour the first eight Pumps and of these me fist six provide ine best performance 10 price rato Information given ihe choice seems to be a reacmable one. Prom she ‘An altmative comparion 0 evaluate the performs i price rtto would have been to Imetuse a cost per Hire delivered under these conditions, This signiicenly tem the ranking of pumps ar is shown in Table 2. TADLE 2 Type of Hydraulic] Poaping [Efficiency] Approx Price | Cost per [Rank Ran Rate q | (Trade) | for Ran Alone | Titre (Ciniat wo (US$-1982]—jdetivered IWulean 2 6.10 6s 1200 iT 3 B)ace Hyaram 34 | 6.00 7 1000 167 2 Sano wo. 5/65 am | 6.95 a 1000 148 1 Rife 20 HOU 5.40 eo 3100 204 4 semtumps 5x23 | 5.50 6 2700 21 8 Alto CH 66-110-18] $.40 0 2100 389 6 sciau De 5.40 69 3200 ss | 10 Icecoco - aso 6.30 " 3500 507 9 Pes No. & 4.50 $0 1500 333 5 sz8-nan ¥5 20 » 1200 “4 7 1 would als have been tovresting to irctude Gets from rams curently manvfacured in developing counties. Details of the mms scigcled are given in Table 3 22 Amesmen: of Expesimenial Procedure The sess conducted were ‘tly comprehensive with esch ram being obverved for approx, 1 month. The tist rig employed allowed a supply lead of leiween OF axl 30 mi with a dive pipe Jengin of 12m. Such a low drive head range it cleally the prxtuet of labortry limitations and does not reflect typicaly observed ranges in the Gel of 2 10 0m, Flows were measured by collecing water for 2 timed period and weighing it For each selling this was repeated a muntber of times to give a more accurate average flow. This is Potentially a very sccurwe method of flow messurmer bet Is open to numerous fexperimenta] emo, However it doce avoid the need to use flow meters that have their ‘own inacewrlics despite careful eal'tration, ‘The designs of ram pump tested exhibit a number of differen types of impulse valve oor of the six have tradional valves above the anit of the pump bedy tot th Schiumpt fas is valve teow te axis, No mention is made in the teat of the Delf werk a5 10 where the supply bead was messured fom, To allow sccurste comparison the vet should be taten trom the orifice of the impulse valve, not the axis of the pump boty. ta malty ‘oth the SANO and Sehumpf pompe may in some situations be able to utile a given supply head mere effectively by their impulse valve design TABLE 3 - HYDRAULIC RAMS SELECTED Type of Hydraulic Manufacturer Drive Pipe intake Deseriptton an Diameter capacity Lins} font f/ning Blake Hydean Ko. 2 John Blake Lid 1.5 25 A well-established standard Blake Hydran No. 4.5 England 25 65 45-96 design mide of cast oth vaste valve and delivery valve consist of a rubber dise covering a perforated gunmetal seat. Alto f 26-8U-8 JM, Desclaud 1 25 8-15 A recentty renewed pump design Atto CH S0-110-18 rane 2 50 30-60 made of stee: pipe components, but using conventional valve Aesigns, Weight- loaded guna ta} volcan 1 Valean 2! Green & Carter 234-18 A standard design made of cast- Eng laud 2 $0 23-46 Iron Ike the Blake Rydran avallamte fora long tine. goth vaste valve and delivery valve consist of a rubber disc covering 4 grid shaped, gunmetal seat SANO No. 1-25 me Fister + 1 256-16 A rather unconventions)” design, SANO No. 4-50 nm Langhanss 2 50 30-€5 novadays made of fite zinc-coated Germany steel, Both wiste valve and delivery valve are spring-act- ted and substantially gage of yonuetal, Davey No. 3 Rife Hydr. Lng 250 SAS wifes a twirly standard design Rife 20 HDi org. CO, 2 50 38-95 cade of casi-tron, Weighs-loaded rubber waste valve, mounted on 4 rocker-ant; detivery valve 15 2 rubber aise coveriag # grid iron Davey: tess efficient, less expensive lov base configuration, using a weight-loaded gunnetal waste valve and a netght-toaded Veather washer as delivery valve. Schionpt 44s Schlumpf Ag 1.5 40 30-60 A design available in 2 models Schtonpt 4423, Maschinenfabrik 1:5 40 40-60 Model A23 utes a spring-loaded Svitzeriand rubber waste valve mounted on a rocker and a veight-lcaded subber washer as delivery valve. The Tess efftcient model AS uses a ight-loaded rubber waste valve. ‘The Taboraiony experiments also Included Wer use of piezselectric pressure canslucer, Gisplocement areducers ard stain gumges to observe ja deal the changes occur, Atthotgh the resolution of these abservvlons i tow they ae well presented and provide ‘useful insights io, pump operation. ‘The major cfllcism of the information presented by Dell is that they supply no indication fof how cach pump was setup when she sesults were taken, They simply stale ut “Waste valve adjustment” was. “Kept consum” over the whole range of leak To ensure & fair comparison the wane valves were premmably initally adjonted to the manofscturers recommendation that would glve me best overll performance (efficiency and power output) ander typical operating conditions, If dis was not the care then she remilts ane peattcally ‘worthiest es some of the ponps may have been badly tuned while others were well tuned for the given operating. conditions 23° Summary of results ‘The results presented by Del are compehnsive within the Hmitaions of their tet sig eth. provide dita for 3 supply heada Jor each puup over a ange of daivery heads Of these the highest (Gm) has been aien as being the most representative ard all resus presented telow are for this fied supply head. ‘Table 4 shows some resulis for efficiency 4nd power st Qpical supply to delivery bead ratios, ‘TABLE 4 SUWARY OF TEST RESULTS Pup Efficiency (%) Foves (Watts) fat 30m at 60m uae | at 30 at 0m max piaxe wo 2) = [vos ams | Is.2 128 a5. Blake No 44 (2") [72.50 68 73 32S Jatto (a) 2 a 22 43 lAlte (2") 1 awe 0.30034 738 NWutean (r") sa se St 39 48 NWutean (2") mw oss on G2 se 9 SAN No 1 ( ost 6? 340 29 40 savo No 4 (2") 7 6 68 6 6 2.2 Ipavey Ko 3 (1") a 0 a4: aq kite 2080 (2") 8 a8 war 6 122 Seniuapr 4as Ca") - 2 te} Schiumpt 4023.14") | 43s gt 88 20 17.2

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