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Comparative genomic study of arachnid immune systems indicates loss of beta‐ PDF

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doi:10.1111/jeb.12780 Comparative genomic study of arachnid immune systems indicates loss of beta-1,3-glucanase-related proteins and the immune deficiency pathway J. BECHSGAARD*, B. VANTHOURNOUT*, P. FUNCH*, S. VESTBO*, R. A. GIBBS†‡, S. RICHARDS†, K. W. SANGGAARD§¶, J. J. ENGHILD§¶ & T. BILDE* *DepartmentofBioscience,AarhusUniversity,AarhusC,Denmark †DepartmentofMolecularandHumanGenetics,BaylorCollegeofMedicine,Houston,TX,USA ‡HumanGenomeSequencingCenter,BaylorCollegeofMedicine,Houston,TX,USA §DepartmentofMolecularBiologyandGenetics,AarhusUniversity,AarhusC,Denmark ¶InterdisciplinaryNanoscienceCenter(iNANO),AarhusUniversity,AarhusC,Denmark Keywords: Abstract Arachnida; Analyses of arthropod genomes have shown that the genes in the different coagulation; innate humoral immune responses are conserved. These genes encode pro- genomics; teins that are involved inimmune signallingpathways that recognize patho- immunity; gens and activate immune responses. These immune responses include signallingpathway. phagocytosis,encapsulationofthepathogenandproductionofeffectormole- cules for pathogen elimination. So far, most studies have focused on insects leavingother majorarthropodgroupslargelyunexplored.Here, weannotate the immune-related genes of six arachnid genomes and present evidence for aconservedpatternofsomeimmunegenes,butalsoevolutionarychangesin thearachnidimmunesystem.Specifically,ourresultssuggestthatthefamily of recognition molecules of beta-1,3-glucanase-related proteins (bGRPs) and the genes from the immune deficiency (IMD) signalling pathway have been lost in a common ancestor of arachnids. These findings are consistent with previous work suggesting that the humoral immune effector proteins are constitutively produced in arachnids in contrast to insects, where these have to be induced. Further functional studies are needed to verify this. We fur- thershowthatthefullhaemolymph clottingcascadefoundinthehorseshoe crab is retrieved in most arachnid genomes. Tetranychus lacks at least one majorcomponent,althoughitispossiblethatthiscascadecouldstillfunction throughrecruitmentofadifferentprotein.Thegel-formingproteininhorse- shoe crabs, coagulogen, was not recovered in any of the arachnid genomes; however, it is possible that the arachnid clot consists of a related protein, sp€atzle,thatispresentinallofthegenomes. variety of pattern recognition molecules that are either Introduction present in a soluble form in plasma/haemolymph or The innate immune system consists of a range of associated with various cell types. Comparative studies cellular and humoral defences against parasites and of insects and vertebrates suggest that pathogen recog- pathogens (Rowley & Powell, 2007). Defence strategies nition proteins of the innate immune system are con- are based on the recognition of infectious agents by a served (Kim et al., 2000; Dziarski, 2004). These proteins typically recognize surface components of intruding Correspondence:JesperBechsgaard,DepartmentofBioscience,Aarhus agents and subsequently activate immune responses University,NyMunkegade116,building1540,8000AarhusC, such as phagocytosis and encapsulation, or the elimina- Denmark. tion of pathogens by antimicrobial peptides or Tel.:+4561684334;fax:+4587150201; other effector molecules like lysozymes (Janeway & e-mail:[email protected] ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY.J.EVOL. BIOL. JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 1 2 J. BECHSGAARD ET AL. Medzhitov, 2002). Our knowledge of the arthropod scientific attention for more than 50 years due to its immune system is predominantly based on insights extremesensitivitytothepresenceofbacterialendotox- from Drosophila and a few other insect or crustacean ins (Levin & Bang, 1964a,b). As T. tridentatus belongs to model systems (Lemaitre & Hoffmann, 2007; Imler, the Xiphosura, which constitutes a sister group to the 2014), leaving other major arthropod taxa such as arachnids, it can be used for an out-group comparison. arachnids largely unexplored. Recent sequencing of Clotting cascade proteins of T. tridentatus include the whole arachnid genomes now makes it possible to serine proteases factor B, factor C, factor G and proclot- explore immune system evolution in arachnids. The ting enzyme (Iwanaga et al., 1998). See Fig. 1 for an aim of this study was to analyse patterns of arachnid overview of the clotting pathway. Factor C is activated immune system diversity and evolution through com- in the presence of lipopolysaccharide, the main compo- parative analysis of arachnid and insect genomes. In nent of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. particular, we focused on three types of humoral The active factor C will activate factor B, which in turn responses: coagulation, melanization and release of converts the proclotting enzyme to clotting enzyme. antimicrobialpeptides (AMPs) via signallingpathways. FactorGisactivatedbythepresenceofbeta-1,3-glucan, a component of the cell wall of fungi, which also converts proclotting enzyme to clotting enzyme. The Coagulation clotting enzyme, activated either by factor B or factor Haemolymph coagulation properties of the tri-spine G, will convert coagulogen to coagulin (Iwanaga et al., horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) have attracted 1998). Coagulin is the main component of the clot in Microbialsurfacemolecules PGRP βGRP Upd LPS (1-3) β-glucans Spätzle IMD Domeless Toll Hop STAT Factor C Factor G dFADD TAK MyD88 Dredd Factor B Pelle Kenny Hep Tube IRD5 JNK/Basket (pro)Clotting enzyme Coagulogen Cactus Coagulin Dorsal Relish JRA Kayak STAT Clotting pathway Toll IMD JNK JAK/STAT Fig.1 Keycomponentssearchedforinfiveinvestigatedimmune-relatedpathways.Thetri-spinehorseshoecrabTachypleustridentatus modelofclottingisredrawnfrom(Iwanaga&Lee,2005),andthefruitflyDrosophilamelanogastermodelsofsignallingpathwaysare redrawnfrom(Bier&Guichard,2012).Clotting:darkbluerepresentspathogensurfacemoleculesthatinitiatetheclottingpathway,brown representscascademolecules,andgreyrepresentsendproduct.Toll:darkbluerepresentspathogensurfacemoleculesthatinitiatetheToll pathway,darkgreenrepresentsrecognitionmolecules,bluerepresentssignallingmolecules,andredrepresentstranscriptionfactor.IMD: darkbluerepresentspathogensurfacemoleculesthatinitiatetheTollpathway,greenrepresentsrecognitionmolecules,orangerepresents signallingmolecules,andpurplerepresentstranscriptionfactor.JNK:lightgreenrepresentssignallingmolecules,andlightbrown representstranscriptionfactors.JAK/STAT:yellowrepresentsligandofdomelessreleaseduponinfection(notsearchedfor),pinkrepresents signallingmolecules,andturquoiserepresentstranscriptionfactor. ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY. J.EVOL. BIOL.doi:10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY Immunesystemgenesinarachnids 3 horseshoecrabs,andformationoftheclotstopshaemo- cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin, which is the main compo- lymph loss and traps pathogens to prevent them to pro- nent of the clot in mammals (Doolittle et al., 2009). liferate further into the haemocoel (Theopold et al., Fibrinogen is functionally equivalent to coagulogen in 2004). The clot is stabilized as coagulin homopolymers T. tridentatus but not homologous (Theopold et al., are cross-linked with proline-rich proteins ‘proxins’, 2004). The thrombin that has arisen from the extrinsic which areantigens onthesurface of haemocytes(Osaki pathway will activate several different serine proteases et al., 2002; Osaki & Kawabata, 2004). This cross-link- inthe intrinsic pathway,which againwill leadto cleav- age is mediated by transglutaminase activity. The age of prothrombin to thrombin and the production of horseshoe crab coagulation cascade is linked to prophe- fibrin. Fibrin is stabilized by transglutaminase activity, noloxidase activation, as specific factors from the coag- which creates intermolecular cross-links as in the cray- ulation cascade lead to conversion of haemocyanin to fish. In summary, this section has demonstrated that phenoloxidases (Nagai&Kawabata, 2000). transglutaminases showa remarkablyconserved pattern Less is known about the proteins involved in haemo- across species, and that these protein–protein cross- lymph coagulation in crustaceans and insects. In the linking enzymes have been identified in all hitherto crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, haemolymph clotting is characterized clotting mechanisms (Theopold et al., mediated by transglutaminase activity which cross-links 2014). a plasma protein (Kopacek et al., 1993; Hall et al., 1995). This plasma protein is homologous to a protein Melanization found in the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, called lobster fibrinogen (Fuller & Doolittle, 1971; Kopacek Melanization, the encapsulation of pathogens with mel- et al., 1993; Hall et al., 1995). As opposed to horseshoe anin, and killing of pathogens through toxic quinone crab clotting, the cross-links occur intermolecularly precursors, is an important part of the innate immune between the plasma clotting proteins, and not between system in arthropods (Cerenius & So€derh€all, 2004). plasma clotting proteins and haemocyte surface Crucial for the melanization pathway is the enzyme antigens. The plasma proteins in the crayfish and the prophenoloxidase (proPO), which in the activated form spiny lobster are also found to be homologous to vitel- converts ortho-diphenols such as dopamine into qui- logenins, a major component of the insect clot (Hall nones that serve as a precursor for melanin that encap- et al., 1995); however, even though they are function- sulates the pathogen. In a common ancestor of ally equivalent to coagulogen in the tri-spine horseshoe arthropods, the oxygen carrying molecule haemocyanin crab T. tridentatus, vitellogenins and coagulogen are not likely evolved from a PO-like protein (Burmester, homologous (Iwanaga&Lee, 2005). 2002). PO has been found in insects and crustaceans, In Drosophila, there is evidence that the cascade but specific POs have not been found in the investi- involved in formation of dorso-ventral polarity in the gated chelicerates, as, for example, in the horseshoe embryo shows several similarities with the haemo- crab T. tridentatus, where the oxygen bearing protein lymph coagulation cascade in T. tridentatus (Krem & Di haemocyanin demonstrates PO activity after activation Cera, 2002), and homology between the factor B and (Nagai et al., 2001). Similarly, haemocyanin with PO proclotting enzyme in T. tridentatus and Drosophila activity has been identified in one tarantula species easter and sp€atzle (also functional in the Toll pathway, Eurypelma californicum (Decker & Rimke, 1998). These see below) was suggested (Smith & Delotto, 1992; observations indicate that arachnids may utilize haemo- Krem & Di Cera, 2002). There is evidence that lipo- cyanin inthe melanization process. phorin proteins and hexamerin and its receptor protein Fondue are involved in clot formation in some insects Recognition molecules,signalling pathways and (Theopold et al., 2004, 2014; Loof et al., 2011). How- antimicrobial peptides(AMPs) ever, analyses of the clot in Drosophila showed that the most abundant protein is hemolectin (Kotani et al., Pathogens are also targeted by AMPs, which act by 1995; Goto et al., 2003; Scherfer et al., 2004), and the increasing membrane permeability of the pathogen importance of this protein is substantiated by hemolec- leading to cell lysis (Bala & Kumar, 2014). The proteins tin knock-down experiments causing bleeding defects responsible for recognition of intruding agents consist (Scherfer et al., 2004). In Drosophila, the clot is of two groups of receptors, the beta-1,3-glucanase- stabilized by cross-linking caused by transglutaminase relatedproteins (bGRPs) and the peptidoglycanrecogni- activity, but there is also a discussion of whether or not tion proteins (PGRPs) (Gobert et al., 2003; Steiner, phenoloxidase plays a role in clotstabilization in insects 2004). Expression and release of AMPs is induced upon (Wanget al.,2010;Eleftherianos &Revenis, 2011). recognition of intruding agents and activation of one or The mammalian coagulation cascade has two more signalling pathways: the Toll, immune deficiency pathways: the intrinsic and the extrinsic. The extrinsic (IMD), JAK/STAT (Janus Kinase/Signal Transducer and pathwayisactivatedbytrauma,whichleadstotheacti- Activator of Transcription) and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal vation of the serine protease thrombin. Thrombin kinase) (Tanji et al., 2007; Schmidtberg et al., 2013; ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY.J.EVOL. BIOL.doi: 10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 4 J. BECHSGAARD ET AL. Myllymaki et al., 2014), see Fig. 1 for an overview of Materials and methods the signalling pathways. However, in some species (the horseshoe crab T. tridentatus, the spider Acanthoscurria Data sets gomesiana, the penaeid shrimps, and the bivalve Cras- sostrea gigas), a number of AMPs are constitutively Genes encoding proteins involved in different humoral expressed, stored in granulocytes in the haemolymph, immune responses in D. melanogaster were downloaded andthenreleasedwhenpathogensarerecognized(Iwa- from www.flybase.com (October 2014). The set of naga et al., 1998; Lorenzini et al., 2003; Bachere et al., immune-related proteins included in our analyses is 2004; Iwanaga & Lee, 2005; Kuhn-Nentwig & Nentwig, not exhaustive for all D. melanogaster immune 2013). Whether constitutive expression of AMPs is the responses, but were selected to represent a set of key general pattern in arachnids remains to be investigated. genes (Table 1) from each pathway (see for example The proteins and pathways involved in immune system Bier & Guichard (2012)). The set of genes encoding responses are remarkably conserved, and homologies effector molecules were chosen to represent all classes; amongarthropods,vertebratesandevenplantsimmune AMPs(defensins,glycine-richpeptides)inducedbyToll, responses exist. Comparative analyses suggest an IMD and JNK in D. melanogaster, lysozymes induced by ancientorigin that predatesarthropods at leastfor some Toll in D. melanogaster and TEPs induced by JAK/STAT of the immune pathways (Christophides et al., 2004; inD. melanogaster. Zou et al., 2007; McTaggart et al., 2009; Gerardo et al., We included the genes encoding clotting fac- 2010). For example, the AMPs of the defensin family tors from the pathway of the tri-spine horseshoe crab found in plants, animals and fungi, were proposed to T. tridentatus described in Iwanaga & Lee (2005). In originate from a bacteria-like ancestor (Silva et al., addition, key molecules (transglutaminase, hemolectin 2014). Nevertheless, different species show striking dif- and Fondue) from insect clotting were included (Goto ferences in gene diversity and the number of gene et al., 2003;Lindgrenet al.,2008). copies with the pea aphid having lost the entire IMD Gene lists based on annotation of the individual pathway as an extreme example (Gerardo et al., 2010). genome sequences by the authors conducting each Current knowledge suggests that immune response genes are conserved in the pancrustacean arthropods (crustaceans + hexapods). In this study, we annotated Parasteatoda tepidariorum the genes underlying the innate immune responses and Aranea Stegodyphus mimosarum determined whether immune response genes are also conserved in arachnids. Among the arthropods, the Acanthoscurria geniculata Drosophila melanogaster genome has the most complete Mesobuthus martensii annotation of genes involved in the immune response. Arachnida Tetranychus urticae Therefore, we used a set of D. melanogaster genes to Ixodes scapularis computationally annotate genes involved in the Chelicerata immune response in a set of arachnid genomes includ- ing the scorpion Mesobuthus martensii, the spider mite Tetranychus urticae¸ the deer tick Ixodes scapularis and the Xiphosura three spiders Stegodyphus mimosarum, Acanthoscurria geniculata (based on transcriptome (Sanggaard et al., 2014)) and Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Similarly, we used Arthropoda the genes involved in haemolymph coagulation in the tri-spine horseshoe crab T. tridentatus to annotate the Myriapoda genes encoding the clotting factors in the same set of arachnid genomes. The genomes of three insects, D. melanogaster, Tribolium castaneum and Aedes aegypti, were included as out-groups. The phylogenetic relationships of the major groups of arthropod discussed in this arti- Mandibulata Insecta cle are shown in Fig. 2 including detailed phylogenetic relationships of the relevant arachnids. Additionally, we performed an inhibition assay using the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus, the scorpion Babycurus jacksoni and Pancrustacea Crustacea two spiders, Stegodyphus africanus and Tegenaria domes- tica, that were unchallenged by bacteria to investigate whether their haemolymph could inhibit bacterial Fig.2 Phylogeneticrelationshipsofthemajorarthropodgroups growth, which would indicate a constitutive AMP includingthesixarachnidsofthisstudy.Therelationshipsamong expression. thearachnidsarebasedon(Sanggaardetal.,2014). ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY. J.EVOL. BIOL.doi:10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY Immunesystemgenesinarachnids 5 Table1 Overviewofthesetofkeyimmune-relatedgenesanalysed. Recognition Toll IMD JNK JAK/STAT Effectors Clotting Melanization PGRPs Toll IMD Hep Domeless TEPs FactorC‡ Prophenoloxidase bGRPs Spa€tzle dFADD Basket/JNK Hop/JAK Lysozyme FactorB‡ MyD88 Dredd JRA STAT Defensins Proclottingenzyme‡ Pelle TAK Kayak Glycine-richpeptide† FactorG‡ Cactus Kenny Coagulogen‡ Tube IRD5 Transglutaminase Dorsal Relish Fondue Hemolectin †onlysearchedforinthearaneomorphspiders. ‡fromthetri-spinehorseshoecrabTachypleustridentatus. sequencing project, respectively, were downloaded for php) using the search categories ‘arthropod’, ‘insect’, each species (see Appendix S1), and used for blastp ‘arachnid’, ‘spider’, ‘scorpion’ and ‘tick’ and retained analyses. Besides D. melanogaster, these included two unique sequences. These were blasted to the genome insects (the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Nene et al., 2007), sequences of S. mimosarum using the tblastx tool in CLC the beetle Tribolium castaneum (Richards et al., 2008)) and GENOMICS WORKBENCH v. 7.0. To verify the absence of six arachnids (the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Grbic bGRPs in the arachnids, we performed a more exten- et al., 2011), the deer tick Ixodes scapularis (Vectorbase, sive blastp search using representative sequences IscaW1.4), the scorpion Mesobuthus martensii (Cao et al., spanning all subfamilies of the bGRPs, GNBPs and beta- 2013), the mygalomorph spider Acanthoscurria geniculate 1,3-glucanase family. The sequences were recovered (Sanggaard et al., 2014), the two araneomorph spiders from Hughes (2012), and accession numbers can be Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Augustus 3, SpiderWeb, foundin TableS1. This search was limitedto the arach- Clarke et al., in prep) and Stegodyphus mimosarum (Sang- nid genomes. gaard et al., 2014)). Defensins from S. mimosarum were found by tblastx to the genome sequence, as no defen- Domain structureanalysis sinswere foundinthe genelist. The proteins involved in the clotting cascade in the tri- spine horseshoe crab T. tridentatus (factor B, C, G and Sequence comparison analyses proclotting enzyme) are all serine proteases. Serine Blastp analyses were performed using BIOEDIT proteases constitute a large family, and we identified a (Hall, 1999) by first creating local databases for each of large number of them in our genomes searches. How- theabove-mentionedgenelists,andsubsequentlyblast- ever, based on BLAST searches, orthology to the clotting ing the D. melanogaster or T. tridentatus genes of interest cascade proteins of T. tridentatus was difficult to deter- to each of the local databases. For each blast run, all mine. Domain structure analyses of the three best blast genes with an E-value lower than e-5 were blasted hits for each protein from each species were therefore back to the D. melanogaster gene list at NCBI, and genes conducted using the program SMART (Normal mode) that did not hit the D. melanogaster genes initially used to identify protein features specific for serine proteases to search the arachnid, Aedes aegypti and Tribolium casta- of the clotting cascade (Normal mode) (Schultz et al., neum gene lists were discarded. This was done to avoid 1998). Using a similar approach to the proteins of the mischaracterizing loci that have closer evolutionary clotting cascade, we performed a domain analysis of the relationships, and therefore high similarities, to D. me- PGRPs to investigate the presence of a transmembrane lanogaster genes that are not the actual gene or class of domain, signal peptide and zinc-binding residues, as genes searched for. This approach has the limitation these arecrucial forcorrect identification. that genes that are not identified cannot be unequivo- cally identified as missing. For example, the gene lists Phylogenetics may be incomplete, and certain genes may be little conserved or fast evolving making them difficult to Phylogenetic trees were constructed for all groups of detectusing a similarity search. genes/gene classes involved in the signalling pathways The above-mentioned approach did not yield any of the humoral immune responses from all nine species genes with similarity to defensins for S. mimosarum, and investigated. A phylogenetic tree was not constructed we did not find bGRPs in any of the arachnid genomes. whengeneswereabsentinthearachnids.Allsequences We therefore searched for defensins in The Antimicro- interpreted to belong to a certain gene class from blast bial Peptide Database (http://aps.unmc.edu/AP/main. analyses were included. No out-group sequences were ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY.J.EVOL. BIOL.doi: 10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 6 J. BECHSGAARD ET AL. used. Sequences were aligned using the CLUSTALOMEGA tri-spine horseshoe crab T. tridentatus (Fig. 3). Clotting algorithm (Sievers et al., 2011). All alignments were in T. tridentatus is initiated by recognition of manuallyinspected.Phylogenieswereconstructedusing lipopolysaccharides or beta-1,3-glucans, molecules from the maximum likelihood approach implemented in bacterial and fungal cell walls. These molecules bind to MEGA6 (Tamura et al., 2013). We used Jones–Taylor– factor C and factor G, respectively, which transforms Thornton(JTT)substitutionmodel,partialdeletionsand them into activated forms, and factor C subsequently modelled rate variation with a gamma distribution (5 activates factor B, which like factor G, activates the discrete categories). Tree inference method was nearest proclotting enzyme. Finally, this protease cleaves neighbour interchange (NNI) with 1000 bootstrap repli- soluble coagulogen resulting in the formation of the cations to obtain node support values. Appendix S2 clot-forming coagulin (Iwanaga, 2002). Factor B, G and includes all alignments used for phylogenetic recon- proclotting enzyme of the T. tridentatus all have a struction. domain structure consisting of a signal peptide, a CLIP domain and a trypsin-like serine protease domain (see Fig. 4b). This domain structure is common among ser- Inhibition assay ine proteases, and we found blast hits showing the Haemolymph samples were collected from horseshoe domain structure for all proteins in all species searched. crab (Limulus polyphemus), scorpion (Babycurus jacksoni) Factor C from T. tridentatus, on the other hand, has a and two spiders (Stegodyphus africanus and Tegenaria more complex domain structure consisting of six differ- domestica) by piercing the book lungs with a sterile ent predicted domains, including the LCCL domain minutien needle. Prior to haemolymph sampling, the characteristic of T. tridentatus factor C (named after Fac- animals were anaesthetized with CO and fixed under tor C from the American horseshoe crab Limulus 2 a mesh lying on their dorsal side. The book lungs were polyphemus), and 10 predicted domains in total (see disinfected in 70% ethanol, which was allowed to Fig. 4a). Blast hits with this specific domain structure evaporate before piercing. The haemolymph was were identified in the deer tick Ixodes scapularis and the collected by a 20-lL Drummond micro capillary and three spider species. A sequence with high similarity to allocated on an agar plate. For Limulus polyphemus, a T. tridentatus factor C (e-147) was found in the scorpion 1-mL syringe, 25 G needle was used to pierce the soft Mesobuthus martensii, but this sequence is incomplete by integument of the dorsal hinge between prosoma and lacking the 5’ end. Alignment of this sequence and the opisthosoma, withdrawing a haemolymph sample from complete T. tridentatus factor C sequence reveals that the dorsal heart. The hinge was disinfected with 70% the LCCL domain in T. tridentatus is located in the 5’ ethanol before sampling. An average of 1–5 lL of hae- part of the sequence and that the M. martensii sequence molymph was collected from each animal and applied is lacking. We therefore hypothesize that factor C is to theagarplates. present in M. martensii. These findings suggest that all Nutrientbroth(NB)plates(0.5%bacteriologicalagar) arachnids, but the spider mite Tetranychus urticae, use wereused,eachplatecontainingahaemolymphsample the same complete clotting cascade as the horseshoe from each of the experimental animals and a droplet of crabT. tridentatus. Ringer solution for control. Each plate was covered The clotable protein coagulogen was absent in all with a lawn of bacterial solution (100 lL per plate), arachnid genomes included in this study, but the after the haemolymph was absorbed into the agar. Two structure of coagulogen shows similarities to sp€atzle Gram-negative bacteria, Agrobacterium sp. and E. coli in, for example, the fruit fly D. melanogaster (Bergner were used. The bacteria were all reared in 10 mL liquid et al., 1996, 1997). As both proteins are activated by NB media while standing in an incubation shaker potential homologous serine proteases, it has been (Innova 4000, LabX, Midland, Canada) at 30 °C and suggested that one protease cascade evolved into two 120 rpm. The plates were incubated for 20 h at room cascades with very different functions, and that temperature. After incubation it was observed whether horseshoe crabs have co-opted a sp€atzle-like protein or not the haemolymph had inhibited the bacterial for blood coagulation (Krem & Di Cera, 2002). As we growth on the agar plates, and photographs of the find sp€atzle-like genes, coagulation in arachnids extending of the inhibition zones were obtained with a should be explored using a proteomics approach to Nikon DS-Fi1 camera mounted on a Leica stereo micro- decisively demonstrate the role of sp€atzle in arachnid scope(Leica Microsystems,Wetzlar, Germany). clot composition. We identified hemolectin encoding genes in all arachnid genomes, apart from T. urticae. This suggests Results and discussion that these proteins may be involved in clot formation in arachnids, similar to their function in some insects Coagulation and crustaceans. We find transglutaminase encoding Our analyses show that all arachnid genomes contain genes in all investigated genomes indicating that these genes with high similarity to the clotting factors of the enzymes, in the arachnids, stabilize the clot. Our find- ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY. J.EVOL. BIOL.doi:10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY Immunesystemgenesinarachnids 7 Insects Arachnids Gene Func(cid:2)on Drosophila Aedes Tribolium Ixodes Tetranychus Mesobuthus Acanthoscurriaa Parasteatoda Stegodyphus PGRP Recogni(cid:3)on 7 9 7 4 1 0 8 12 7 βGRP Recogni(cid:3)on 3 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Toll TOLL pathway 9 14 8 5 4 13 11 16 17 Spätzle TOLL pathway 6 8 6 3 5 5 3 4 5 MyD88 TOLL pathway 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Pelle TOLL pathway 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cactus TOLL pathway 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tube TOLL pathway 1 1 1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 Dorsal TOLL pathway 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 IMD IMD pathway 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 dFADD IMD pathway 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dredd IMD pathway 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TAK IMD pathway 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kenny IMD pathway 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRD5 IMD pathway 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Relish IMD pathway 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 0 Hep JNK pathway 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Basket/JNK JNK pathway 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 JRA JNK pathway 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Kayak JNK pathway 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Domeless JAK/STAT pathway 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 Hop/JAK JAK/STAT pathway 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 STAT JAK/STAT pathway 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 TEP Effectors/recogni(cid:3)on 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Lysozyme Effectors 7 7 4 2 3 8 1 3 3 Defensins Effectors/AMP 1 4 3 4 0 3 0 2 6b Puta(cid:3)ve Glycine- Effectors/AMP c c c c c c c 4 6 rich pep. Factor C Clo(cid:5)ng - - - 2 0 1d 1 1 1 Factor B Clo(cid:5)ng - - - e e e e e e Proclo(cid:5)ng Clo(cid:5)ng - - - e e e e e e enzyme Factor G Clo(cid:5)ng - - - e e e e e e Coagulogen Clo(cid:5)ng - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transglutaminases Clo(cid:5)ng 1 1 3 3 1 4 4 3 4 Fondue Clo(cid:5)ng 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hemolec(cid:3)n Clo(cid:5)ng 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 3 Prophenoloxidase Melaniza(cid:3)on 3 16 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Gene list from transcriptome sequencing. b Found by blas(cid:3)ng to genome sequence and not gene list. c Not searched for. d The LCCL domain characteris(cid:3)c of Factor C not detected, but the sequence is incomplete lacking the 5’ end that include the LCCL domain. Blast hit has e-value of 10-147. e Blast hits found with same domain structure as in the horseshoe crab Tachypleus treidentatus, but unclear if they are orthologous. Fig.3 Copynumbersidentifiedinsixarachnidandthreeinsectgenomes(inDrosophilamelanogasternumbersoriginatefrom www.flybase.org)ofthegenesinvolvedindifferenthumoralinnateimmuneresponses.Ontopisarepresentationofthephylogenyofthe focalspecies.Therelationshipsamongarachnidsarebasedon(Sanggaardetal.,2014).Theidentificationoftubeisdifficult(seetext),and itisuncertainwhetherweidentifiedatubehomologinthearachnids,indicatedby0/1inthisfigure.Thecolourcodingisthesameasin Fig.1,whereadetaileddescriptioncanbefound. ings are consistent with previous findings of no coagu- where multiple copies are found, for example three and lation activity in a species of the Tetranychus genus, four copies in D. melanogaster and the beetle T. casta- T. neocaledonicus(Rockett &Woodring, 1972). neum, respectively, and as many as 16 in the mosquito A. aegypti (Fig. 3). Also the centipede Strigamia maritima has a gene encoding proPO (Chipman et al., 2014). The Melanization lack of proPO-encoding genes in arachnid genomes is No proPO-encoding genes were identified in any of the corroborated by a separate study of the immune-related arachnid genomes, in contrast to the insect genomes genes in the deer tick Ixodes scapularis (Smith & Pal, ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY.J.EVOL. BIOL.doi: 10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 8 J. BECHSGAARD ET AL. (a) Signal EGF CCP CCP CCP LCCL CLECT CCP CCP TRYP_SPc (b) Signal CLIP TRYP_SPc Fig.4 Domainstructureoftheclottingcascadefactorsofthetri-spinehorseshoecrabTachypleustridentatus.(a)showsthedomainstructure offactorC,and(b)showsthedomainstructureoffactorB,factorGandproclottingenzyme.Signal:signalpeptide,EGF:epidermalgrowth factor-likedomain,CCP:Domainabundantincomplementcontrolproteins;SUSHIrepeats;shortcomplement-likerepeats(SCR),LCCL: namedafterLimulusFactorC,CLECT:C-typelectin(CTL)orcarbohydrate-recognitiondomain,Tryp_SPc:trypsin-likeserineprotease, CLIP:clipordisulphideknotdomain. 2014). The role of melanization in immune system mosarum PGRP sequence (Table 2). No transmembrane functioning (and not just colouration and/or sclerotiza- domains were predicted in the incomplete PGRPs of tion) in spiders was supported when black particles arachnids either. In the insects, on the other hand, were observed in the haemolymph after bacterial about half of the PGRPs have transmembrane domains. introduction in Stegodyphus dumicola (Reut Berger-Tal, The transmembrane PGRPs are involved in the activa- pers. obs.). Also, the insertion of a thread in the abdo- tion of the IMD pathway through pathogen recognition men of a male wolf spider leads to melanization of the suggesting that this pathway is important for the intruding thread (Ahtiainen et al., 2006). The absence insects, but not for the arachnids. Another group of of PO-encoding genes and the observation of melaniza- PGRPs are the ones that are catalytic, with amidase tion indicate that arachnid haemocyanin, a member of activity that break down peptidoglycans and thereby the same gene family as proPO (Terwilliger & Ryan, kill bacteria (Dziarski, 2004) and are characterized by 2006), displays PO activity, as observed in the tri-spine having three conserved residues in insects (Reiser et al., horseshoe crab T. and the spider Eurypelma californicum 2004). These residues bind zinc that is required for (Decker & Rimke, 1998; Nagai et al., 2001). In T. triden- amidase activity (Mellroth et al., 2003; Reiser et al., tatus, the AMP tachyplesin convert haemocyanin to 2004). We find that most of the insect PGRPs that have have prophenoloxidase activity after binding to patho- predicted zinc-binding residues also have a predicted gen chitin (Nagai et al., 2001). In E. californicum, signal peptide, suggesting an extracellular localization. haemocyanin obtained prophenoloxidase activity after In the arachnids, the picture is different with many treatment with trypsin and chymotrypsin (Decker & PGRPs that do not contain conserved zinc-binding resi- Rimke, 1998). See Fig. S2T for a phylogenetic tree of dues and signal peptides or have just one or the other arachnid haemocyanins, some insect haemocyanins and (Table 2) (Dostert et al., 2005; Souza-Neto et al., 2009; insect proPOs, arachnid haemocyanins form a Myllymaki & Ramet, 2014). The arachnid PGRPs form monophyletic group with high support as do the insect a monophyletic group, however, only with low support proPOs. (Fig. S2A). This tentatively suggests that the variation observed in arachnids arose after the origin of this group. Recognition molecules,signalling pathways and antimicrobial peptides Beta-1,3-glucanase-related proteins (bGRPs) Peptidoglycan Recognition Proteins (PGRPs) In the fruit fly D. melanogaster (where the term Gram- We identified genes encoding PGRPs in all arachnid negative binding proteins (GNBPs) is used) and other genomes investigated except for the scorpion Meso- arthropods, bGRPs function by binding the polysaccha- buthus martensii. The absence of PGRPs was also ride beta-1,3 glucans from the cell wall of fungi and reported for the crustacean Daphnia pulex (McTaggart lipopolysaccharides from the cell wall of Gram-positive et al., 2009) and the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum bacteria (Kim et al., 2000). This leads to activation of (Gerardo et al., 2010). The copy numbers of PGRP the Toll cascade. Our analyses show that D. melanogaster genes (both incomplete and complete) in spiders were and the beetle T. castaneum have three copies of bGRPs, 8, 12 and 7 in Acanthoscurria geniculata, Parasteatoda tepi- and the mosquito A. aegypti has seven copies. Whereas dariorum and Stegodyphus mimosarum, respectively, bGRPs are identified in all the insect species investi- which is comparable to insects, but appears higher than gated, in the centipede Strigamia maritima (Chipman those of other arachnids (Fig. 3). No transmembrane et al., 2014) and in the crustacean Daphnia pulex domains were predicted based on motif search (Reiser (McTaggart et al., 2009), we did not identify bGRPs in et al., 2004) in any of the complete PGRP sequences any of the arachnids (Fig. 3), also not after including a identified in the arachnids, except for a single S. mi- more extensive search for genes similar to members ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY. J.EVOL. BIOL.doi:10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY Immunesystemgenesinarachnids 9 Table2 NumbersofPGRPswithpredictedtransmembranedomain(T),signalpeptide(S)andzinc-bindingresidues(Z)ofthecomplete PGRPssequencesidentified. Aedes Tribolium Tetranychus Ixodes Parasteatoda Stegodyphus -SZ 3 2 0 1 2 3 T– 5 3 0 0 0 1 -S- 0 1 1 0 5 2 –Z 0 0 0 0 2 1 — 1 1 0 0 2 0 representing the entire Beta-1,3 glucanase family. This between mandibulata and chelicerates and have likely suggests that bGRPs have been lost in the common originated in a common ancestor (Fig. S2K–L). The ancestor of chelicerates, as bGRPs are also not found in scorpion M. martensii and the spiders have high two species of horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus and numbers of Toll receptors with P. tepidariorum and Tachypleus tridentatus, results not shown), but have been S. mimosarum exhibiting the highest number with 16 found in Mollusca (Zhang et al., 2007), and therefore, and 17 copies, respectively. It appears that there is that their function was lost, or taken over by different some variation in copy number across taxa as A. aegypti proteins inchelicerates. has 14, which are higher than both D. melanogaster and the beetle T. castaneum. The highest known diversity is Toll pathway found in the centipede S. maritima which has 36 copies The Toll pathway has functions in both development (Chipman et al., 2014). The functions of the different and immunity. The immune function of the Toll path- copies of Toll receptors and sp€atzle are not all well way is initiated by both fungi, Gram-negative and characterized. However, besides the dual function in Gram-positive bacteria in the fruit fly D. melanogaster development and immunity, it is possible that several (Valanne et al., 2011) and Gram-negative and Gram- variants facilitate the recognition of a broader range of positive bacteria in the Coleoptera and Lepidoptera pathogens. Phylogenetic analyses of the copies of Toll (Tanaka et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2010). Fungal and bacte- receptors and sp€atzle show that variants are not unique rial cell wall molecules are recognized by PGRPs and/or to either species or insects/arachnids, but must have bGRPs that cause cleavage of the extracellular protein, originated before the common ancestor of arthropods sp€atzle, which subsequently activates the transmem- (Fig. S2K–L). The transcription factor dorsal that is acti- brane Toll receptor. An active Toll receptor initiates an vated by the Toll pathway is mostly found in a single intracellular cascade that results in transcription of copy in the arachnids. In the araneomorph spiders, antimicrobial peptides and proPO, through the tran- P. tepidariorum and S. mimosarum, however, we find scription factor dorsal. The proteins from the Toll sig- three and two copies, respectively. As mentioned nalling cascade are conserved among insects and other above, we do not find bGRPs in the arachnids. bGRPs arthropods (McTaggart et al., 2009; Gerardo et al., 2010; are used by insects to initiate the Toll pathway suggest- Valanne et al., 2011; Chipman et al., 2014). We recov- ing that this pathway may either not be activated in ered all the genes encoding the proteins of the Toll the arachnid immune response, or that PGRPs or other cascade searched for in the three insect species. In the recognition molecules can initiate Toll based immune arachnids, the Toll cascade seems to be conserved as responses. well. One of the genes searched for, tube, appears to be missing in all of the arachnid species, which is in accor- IMD pathway dance with the absence of tube in the centipede Striga- The IMD signalling pathway is active against Gram- mia maritima (Chipman et al., 2014) and in the negative and Gram-positive bacteria in insects, (Yu crustacean Daphnia pulex (McTaggart et al., 2009). This et al., 2010; Buchon et al., 2014; Myllymaki et al., is however based on the search with D. melanogaster 2014). In the fruit fly D. melanogaster, transmembrane tube, which has lost its kinase domain. If the tube PGRPs are activated by bacterial peptidoglycans, which sequencefromthe mosquito A. aegyptiisused,blast hits cause the PGRP to interact with the IMD protein. This are obtained of proteins that have retained the kinase initiates the IMD signalling pathway resulting in the domain in the arachnids. However, tube and pelle are activation of the transcription factor relish, which members of the same gene family both having a death induces the production of several antimicrobial domain and a kinase domain, and orthology is difficult peptides. Although the IMD pathway seems to be con- to infer. served among insects, several of the components of this Multiple gene copies encoding Toll receptors and pathway were not identified in the arachnids. Espe- sp€atzle are found in both insects and arachnids. The cially the upstream components (IMD, dFADD and variation in both genes seems to be older than the split Dredd) are missing, whereas several downstream com- ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY.J.EVOL. BIOL.doi: 10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 10 J. BECHSGAARD ET AL. ponents like IRD5, TAK and relish are found. This find- JAK/STAT pathway ing suggests that relish is still functional as transcription Similar to the JNK pathway, the JAK/STAT pathway factor of certain AMPs, but is activated differently in has been shown to be involved in several biological arachnids. As mentioned above, the transmembrane processes, especially in development and immunity PGRPs are lost in arachnids, which is congruent with (Lebedeva et al., 2013). In insects, the JAK/STAT path- the absence of most upstream components of the IMD way is a signalling cascade mainly triggered by the pathway in arachnids, suggesting that IMD induced recognition of viruses, but it is also involved in the immunity may not occur in arachnids. However, this immune response against bacteria in both insects, for needs further verification as it is unknown whether example the fruit fly D. melanogaster (Boutros et al., insect and arachnid IMD pathways share a similar 2002) and arachnids, for example the deer tick Ixodes upstream component, and thus could be activated dif- scapularis (Liu et al., 2012). The part of the JAK/STAT ferently. IMD pathway genes also differ in amino acid pathway investigated here is conserved with all insects substitution rate which challenges the identification of showing a single copy of each of the involved genes orthologous genes, especially for fast evolving genes (Fig. 3). Arachnids such as the scorpion M. martensii (Obbard et al.,2009). and the two spiders A. geniculata and S. mimosarum are It has been reported that the IMD pathway has been all missing one or more genes involved in the insect lost in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Gerardo JAK/STATcascade. et al., 2010), and the authors of that study speculated that the close symbiosis with especially Gram-negative Antimicrobial peptides(AMPs) andother effectors bacteria has driven this development. A. pisum has also lost relish, which suggests that the antimicrobial pep- In insects, effector molecules, or pathogen killing mole- tides that were ancestrally expressed by the activation cules, are expressed and released from fat bodies (Bulet ofthe IMD pathwayare nolonger expressed. & Stocklin, 2005) following infection by the activation of one or more of the signalling pathways. Activation JNK pathway of the IMD pathway results in the expression of antimi- Our understanding of the role of the JNK pathway in crobial peptides like defensins, and the Toll pathway in arthropods is currently limited, but in the fruit fly the expression of other antimicrobial peptides and lyso- D. melanogaster, it is involved in various processes zymes (Gerardo et al., 2010). The JAK/STAT pathway including development, apoptosis and immunity causes the expression of thiolester containing proteins (Kockel et al., 2001). Several genes can initiate the JNK (TEPs) (Lagueux et al., 2000). However, there are pathway,suchasTAKthatisalsopartoftheIMDpath- exceptions, for example in mosquitoes, where TEP1 is way (Park et al., 2004). In D. melanogaster, JNK genes released into the haemolymph upon infection of Plas- are up-regulated by the infection of bacteria (Boutros modium and causes lysis of the bacteria via the activa- et al.,2002;Chenet al.,2002),andoverexpressionleads tionof theIMD orToll pathway(Blandin et al.,2004). to increased survival when challenged with mainly Defensins are AMPs that are used to fight pathogens Gram-negative bacteria (Libert et al., 2008). The part of across all eukaryotes (Silva et al., 2014). They are rela- the JNK pathway investigated here seems to be con- tively small peptides containing six to eight conserved served among the arachnids. As TAK is found in all cysteinesrequiredforappropriatefoldingoftheprotein. arachnids investigated, it suggests that the JNK path- In invertebrates five types can be distinguished way can be functional in arachnids. Insects appear to (Tassanakajon et al., 2015), arthropod and mollusc 6- have only one copy of each of the genes involved in cysteine defensins (Froy & Gurevitz, 2003), mollusc 8- the JNK pathway, whereas two copies of some of the cysteine (Yang et al., 2000), nematode 8-cysteine (Froy, genes are found in the arachnids (Fig. 3). An exception 2005), invertebrate big defensins (horsheshoe crab, is that the mosquito Aedes aegypti seems to have two Saito et al., 1995; amphioxus, Teng et al., 2012; mol- copies of Basket/JNK, but one variant (AAEL008622) luscs, Gerdol et al., 2012) and beta-defensin-like pep- seems to be highly divergent, and may not serve the tides (crustaceans, Tassanakajon et al., 2015). Visual function of Basket/JNK (Fig. S2B). Genes with two inspection of the alignment of the defensins identified copies in arachnids originated after the split between in the species studied in this paper reveals that they all mandibulates and chelicerates, but predate the split belongto the 6-cysteine type(see Fig. 5). between spiders and scorpions (Fig. S2B–E). The spider We did not find evidence for the presence of defen- A. geniculata deviate by apparently lacking a copy of sins in the genomes of the spider mite T. urticae and the hep, a protein foundin the JNK pathway. However,we spider A. geniculata. The gene list of A. geniculata origi- note that this could be due to the fact that the gene list nates from transcriptome sequencing (Sanggaard et al., of A. geniculata is based on transcriptome sequencing, 2014), and as defensins are small they may have been and therefore is less complete compared to the other missed or discarded in the assembly process. Similarly, genelists. the spider S. mimosarum gene list did not contain any ª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY. J.EVOL. BIOL.doi:10.1111/jeb.12780 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2015EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY

¶Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University, Aarhus C, Denmark . crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, haemolymph clotting is.
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