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ompamon to BAROQUE MUSIC JorewordbyChristopher'Jiogwood Companion to Baroque Music This One ARPE-2GU-PW89 Companion to Baroque Music Compiled and edited by Julie Anne Forewordby ChristopherHogwood UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BerkeleyandLosAngeles Copyrightedmaterial UniversityofCaliforniaPress BerkeleyandLosAngeles,California Copyright©1990byJulieAnneSadie FirstPaperbackPrinting1998 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformor byanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,orbyany informationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthePublisher. PublishedbyarrangementwithMacmillanPublishing,aDivisionofSimon&SchusterInc. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica p1rin2tin3gn4umb5er6789 10 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Companiontobaroquemusic/compiledandeditedbyJulieAnneSadie; forewordbyChristopherHogwood. p. cm. Originallypublished:NewYork:SchirmerBooks,1991. Includesbibliographicalreferences(p. )andindex. ISBN0-5—20-21414-5(alk—.paper) — 1. Mu—sic 17thcentury Historyandcriticism. 2. Music 18th century Historyandcriticism. I. Sadie,JulieAnne. ML193.C56 1998 780'9'032—dc21 97-37695 CIP MN ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsofAmerican NationalStandardforInformationSciences—PermanenceofPaperforPrintedLibrary Materials,ANSIZ39.48-1984.0 Copyrightedmaterial Contents Illustrations vii Ahhrpvifltinns * Foreword xi AShortExplication xv Acknowledgments xviii I Places and People ITALY AnItalianOverview MichaelTalbot 3 BiographicalDictionary JulieAnneSadie I Piedmont-Savoy 18 Mantua 22 3 4 Venice 24 5 Modena-Rcggio 41 6 Tuscany 4} 7 The Papal States Bologna-Ferrara 4Q Rome 55 8 Naples 72 9 Sicily 78 10 ItinerantMusicians 70 FR\Nf.F. ParisanditsEnvirons Jf.A.S. 01 BiographicalDictionary 1 Parisand Versailles 103 2 TheProvinces 144 NORTHERN EUROPE GermanCourtsandCities Geoffrey Webber 140 BiographicalDictionary f.A.S. 1 North Germany 159 Berlin 165 Hamburg 170 2 Scandinavia 178 3 Poland 182 4 SaxonyandThuringia 185 Dresden IQ4 Leipzig 204 5 West GermanyandtheRhincland 215 V 6 MiddleGermany 218 7 Itinerant Musicians 222 CENTRAL EUROPE TheAustro-GermanCourts Susan Wollenberg 22Q BiographicalDictionary jf.A.S. 1 SouthGermany 240 Munich 242 2 Salzburg 245 3 Austro-Iliingary 246 Vienna 248 THE BRITISH ISLES PrivateandPublicMusic PeterHolman 2&I Biographical Dictionary f.A.S. 1 London 272 2 TheProvinces 30Q THE LOW COUNTRIES TheNetherlander AlbertDunning 315 Biographical Dictionary 7.A.S. 1 The United Provinces 319 2 TheSouthNetherlands 322 THE IRERIAN PENINSULA ANDITSNEW WORLDCOLONIES TheSpanishandPortugueseHeritage LouiseK.Stein 327 Biographical Dictionary f.A.S. 1 Spain 337 2 Portugal 343 3 The New World 346 II Baroque Forces and Forms Voices NigelRogers 351 Instruments JeremyMontagu 366 Formsand Genres Sandra Mangsen 376 III Performing Practice Issues NationalStyles HowardSchott 409 Ornamentation DavidFuller 417 TheIdeaofAuthenticity StanleySadie 43s I Chronology 447 SelectBibliographyofRecentBooksinEnglish 507 Index 510 vi Illustrations Plates Betweenpages174and17s 1 AVenetiannoblewoman takestheveil inSLorenzo(r1740)byGabrieleBella (PalazzoQuerini-Stampalia,Venice/photoGiacomelli) 2 Opera performed in the private theatre of the Turin royal palace in 1722; engraving by A. Aveline after FilippoJuvarra (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden,A.1050,3p.44) 3 Staged performance ofG.B. Costanzi's oratorio Componimento sacro given in 1727 at the Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, RGMiscell.A.31) 4 Outdoor performance ofJ.-B. Lully's Alceste (1674) in the Cour de Marbre, Versailles;engraving(1676)byJ.LePautre(BibliothequeNationale,Paris) 5 Le temps de la soiree; engraving (1738) by F.A. Aveline after Mondon lefils (BibliothequeNationale,Paris) 6 LaBarreand othermusicians;attributedtoRobertdeLaTournieres[Levrac] (NationalGallery,London) 7 Viol consort at the Brunswick court ofDuke August the Younger (1645) by AlbertFreyse(Landesmuseum,Brunswick) 8 Antonio Lotti's Teofane at the Dresden court theatre (1719); pen-and-ink drawing by Heinrich Christoph Fehling(Kupferstichkabinett,Deutsche Foto- thekDresden,Ca200/13) 9 ConcertatSanssouci,Potsdam,withFredericktheGreatasflutesoloist;engrav- ing(after 1740)byP. Haas(DepartmentofPortraits,Royal CollegeofMusic, London) 10 Detail from the interior of Augsburg Cathedral (1616) by Tobias Maurer (Stadtbildstelle,Augsburg) 11 AntonioCesti's//pornod'oro(1668);engravingbyF. Geffels(Osterreichisches Nationalbibliothek,Vienna) 12 Cesti's//pornod'oro.ActIV,scene 14;engravingbyM.KiisselafterLodovico Burnacini(Victoria&AlbertMuseum,London) 13 J.J. Fux's Costanza e Fortezza at Prague (1723); engraving by Birckart after GiuseppeGalli-Bibicna(NarodniMuzeum,Prague/photoOlgaHilmerova) 14 Concert in the Guild ofShoemakers (1753); photographic reproduction (ofa lostoriginal)fromtheZurcher Taschenbuch(1911)(Zcntralbibliothek,Zurich) Betweenpages302andjoj 15 TheCabal,untilrecentlyattributedtoJ.B.Medina(NostellPriory,Yorkshire) 16 Musical partyO-1750), British School (photocourtesy oftheNational Portrait Gallery,London) 17 Marriage ofthe Princess Royal to the Prince ofOrange (1734); engraving by J.RigaudafterWilliamKent(NationalPortraitGallery,London) vn* Copyrightedmaterial 18 DetailfromFestivalinaPalaceGardenbySebastianVrancx(StatensMuseum forKunst,Copenhagen) 19 Family making music (mid 17th century) by Jan Miense Molenaer (Frans Halsmuseum,Haarlem/RijksdienstBeeldendeKunst,TheHague) 20 SetdesignbyBacciodelBiancoforthecelebrationscenefromHidalgo'ssemi- operaFortunasdeAndromedayPerseo,performedfortheMadridcourtin 1653 (HoughtonLibrary,HarvardUniversity,MSTyp258,p.99) 21 Ferdinand VI and Maria Barbara of Spain in an opera setting with their courtiers;engravingbyG.J.Flipartafterthepainting(1752)byJacopoAmigoni (CalcografiaNacional,RealAcademiadeBellasArtesdeSanFernando,Madrid) 22 Caricature ofthe castrato Antonio Maria Bernacchi (1723) by A.M. Zanetti (FondazioneGiorgioCini,Venice) 23 Rehearsal of an Opera (^1709), by Marco Ricci (Private Collection/photo Colnaghi) 24 The violin as it was in 1620; painting attributed to Pietro Paolini (Elvehjem MuseumofArt,UniversityofWisconsin-Madison.GiftoftheSamuelH.Kress Foundation) 25 Fretted clavichord; painting by Jan Barentsz Muyckens (Gemeentemuseum, TheHague) 26 Detail from Saint Cecilia Playingthe Harp (1691) by Pierre Mignard (Musee duLouvre/ReuniondesMuseesNationaux,Paris) 27 The Bassoonist (mid 17th century) attributed to Harmen Hals (Suermondt- Ludwig-Museum,Aachen) 28 TrompettefromJohannChristophWeigel'sMusicalischestheatrum(c1722) 29 PauckefromWeigel'sMusicalischestheatrum(^1722) 30 Trade-cardofWilliamBull(BanksCollection,DepartmentofPrintsandDraw- ings,BritishMuseum,London) Maps Italyinthe 17thand 18thcenturies 2 Venice(NovumtotiusItaliae Theatrum, 1705) 26-7 Rome(MatthiasSeutter: VeterisetModernaeurhisRomaeIchnographiaetAccurata Designatio, 1720) 56-7 France.TheParisareaandmainprovincialcentres 92 Paris (C. Inselin: Plandela Ville, Citeet UniversitedeParis, ses Faubourgsetses Environs, 1740?) 104-5 Leipzig (Frederick de Wit: Theatrum Praecipuarum totius Europe Urbium, 1689- 95) 206-7 NorthernandCentralEuropeafter 1648 226-7 GreatBritainand Ireland 262 London (Will Roades: A Pocket Map ofthe Citties ofLondon & Westminster, 1731) 270-1 VIl•l• Copyrightedmaterial Spain,PortugalandTheNewWorld 326 (TownmapsreproducedbycourtesyoftheBritishLibrary.Othermapsdrawnby JohnGilkes.) Music Examples Voices 1 AntoinedeBocsset:'N'cspcrczplus,mesycux'withdiminutions 358-9 2 J.A. Hasse: 'Diglich'iosonfedele',Cleofide(1731),ActII 363-4 Instruments 1 Harmonicseries 373 FormsandGenres 1 Frobcrger:AllemandeinEminor(1656) 377-8 2 J.S.Bach:Gigue,EnglishSuiteinGminor 378 3 Monteverdi: 'Tuse'morta',L'Orfeo,ActII 379 4 Monteverdi: 'Viricorda0boschiombrosi',L'Orfeo,Act I 380 5 Cavalli:'NudoArciero',ScipioneAfricano,ActI 381-2 6 A. Scarlatti:'Agitatadaficraprocella',LaGriselda,ActII 384-5 7 Scheidt:JesusChristusunserHeitand 386-7 8 J.S.Bach: The Well-TemperedClavier, II, FugueinEmajor 388 9 LouisCouperin:Preludeenlamineur 390 10 Vivaldi:Concertoforviolinandstrings,RV208(secondmovement) 391 11 Castello:Sonata8(1629) 395-6 12 Vivaldi:Concertoforviolinandstrings,RV208(firstmovement) 399 13 Rameau:OverturetoCastoretPollux 401 14 J.S.Bach: NunkommderheidenHeiland 402-3 Ornamentation 1 Palestrina:Pulchraesarnicamea,asembellishedbvFrancescoRognoni (1620) 418 2 Ariosti:airin VespasianoyassungbySenesino 420-3 3 GiovanniBononcini:chamberduetfortwoaltoswithembellishmentsby CarloAntonioBenati,c1710 425 4 Simpson: TheDivision-Violist(1659;2ndcdn, 1665) 427 5 Mersenne,Harmome Universelle,vol.iii,Litrequatriemedesinstruments, pp.186-9 428 6 D'Anglebert: Piecesdeclavecin(Paris, 1689) 431 Copyrightedmaterial Abbreviations anon. anonymous apptd appointed attrib. attributedto b born bk book BWV Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis C. century C circa (nbc1620-85=bothdatesapproximate ^1620-1685=1stdateapproximate;2nddatefirm) chap(s). chapter(s) comp. composed 4 died ded. dedicatedto ed. editor,editedby edn edition Eng. English estab. established fl floruit(flourished) Fr. French It. Italian MS(S) manuscript(s) nr near orig. original,originally perf(s). performed,performance(s) posth. posthumous,posthumously pub. publish,publishing pubd published r. reigned,ruled repr. reprinted rev. revised RV Ryom-Verzeichnis[Vivaldi] suppl(s). supplement(s) trans. translation,translatedby vol(s). volume(s) Lettersindicatingpitch m -jQ- — — — — — o<S C B c b c' V c" b" c" b"' C - -B' x Copyrightedmaterial

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