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Compactons versus Solitons Paulo E.G. Assis and Andreas Fring (Dated: January 9, 2009) WeinvestigatewhethertherecentlyproposedPT-symmetricextensionsofgeneralizedKorteweg- de Vries equations admit genuine soliton solutions besides compacton solitary waves. For models which admit stable compactons having a width which is independent of their amplitude and those which possess unstable compacton solutions the Painlev´e test fails, such that no soliton solutions canbefound. ThePainlev´etestispassedformodelsallowingforcompactonsolutionswhosewidth isdeterminedbytheiramplitude. Consequentlythesemodelsadmitsoliton solutionsinadditionto compactons and are integrable. I. INTRODUCTION for the Hamiltonian density in (1) is l,m,p 9 H 0 u +ul−2u +gimup−2um−3 p(p 1)u4 (3) 0 In a recent investigation Bender, Cooper, Khare, Mi- t x x − x 2 hailaandSaxena[1]havefoundcompactonsolutions,i.e. +2pmuu2u +m(m 2)u2u(cid:2)2 +mu2u u =0. n solitary wave solutions with compact support, for - x xx − xx x xxx(cid:3) PT a symmetric extensions of generalized Korteweg-de Vries The main aim of this manuscript is to investigate J (KdV) equations. The proposed models generalize vari- whether this equation admits soliton solutions and is 9 ous systems previously studied and are described by the therefore integrable for some specific choices of the pa- Hamiltonian density rameters l,m,p. We will also address the question of ] whether it is possible to find solitons and compactons h t ul g in the same model or whether only one type of solu- p- Hl,m,p =−l(l 1) − m 1up(iux)m. (1) tions may exist. To answer these questions one could e − − of course construct explicitly the soliton solutions, con- h served charges, Lax pairs, Dunkl operators, etc., which The density reduces to a modification of a Hamil- [ tonian descrHiplt,i2o,pn [2, 3] of generalized KdV-equations is usually a formidable task. Instead we will carry out the Painlev´e test following a proposal originally made 1 [4], which are known to admit compacton solutions. For v by Weiss, Tabor and Carnevale [14]. The test provides l = 3, p = 0 and m = ε+1 one obtains a re-scaled ver- 7 anindicationabouttheexistenceofsolitonsolutionsand sionofthe -symmetricextensionoftheKdV-equation 6 PT discriminatesbetweenmodels,whichareintegrablethose 2 (ε=1)introducedin[5]. ThefirstPT-symmetricexten- which are not. 1 sionsofthe KdV-equationproposedin[6]cannotbe ob- . tained from (1) as they correspond to non-Hamiltonian 1 0 systems. II. THE PAINLEVE´ TEST 9 Thevirtueof -symmetry,i.e. invarianceunderasi- 0 multaneous pariPtyTtransformation : x x and time : P → − The basic assumptionfor the existence ofa solitonso- v reversalT :t→−t,i→−i,foraclassicalHamiltonianis lution is that it acquires the general form of a so-called i thatitguaranteestherealityoftheenergyduetoitsanti- X Painlev´e expansion [14] linear nature [5]. When quantizing one also needs to r ensure -symmetryofthecorrespoHndingwavefunctions ∞ a PT inordertoobtainrealspectra[7,8,9,10]. Themostnat- u(x,t)= λ (x,t)φ(x,t)k+α. (4) k uralwaytoimplement -symmetryin(1)istokeepthe Xk=0 PT interpretationfromthestandardKdV-equationandview thefielduasavelocity,suchthatittransformsasu u. One further demands that in the limit φ(x,t) 0, the Then is -symmetric for real coupling cons→tant functionu(x,t)ismeromorphic,suchthatthele→adingor- l,m,p g andHall possibPleTrealvalues of l,m,p. Alternatively, we dersingularityαisanegativeintegerandthe λk(x,t)are could also allow a purely complex coupling constant, i.e. analyticfunctions. ThegeneralprocedureofthePainlev´e g iR, by transforming the field as u u, such that test consists in substituting the expansion (4) into the ∈ is -symmetric when l is even→an−d p+m odd. equation of motion, (3) for the case at hand, and deter- l,m,p HForgeneraPlTreviewson -symmetryandnon-Hermitian miningthefunctionsλk(x,t)recursively. Apartialdiffer- Hamiltonian systems sePeT[11, 12, 13]. ential equation is said to pass the Painlev´e test when all λ (x,t) can be computed, including enough free param- The equation of motion resulting from the variational k eters to match the order of the differential equation. In principle [15] we recently applied this method to -symmetric PT ∞ extensions of Burgers and the standard KdV-equation, δ dx dn ∂ u = H = ( 1)n H (2) wheremoredetailsonthegeneralitiesandliteraturemay t (cid:18) Rδu (cid:19)x nX=0 − (cid:18)dxn∂unx(cid:19)x be found. 2 A. Leading order singularities oftherecurrencerelationbecomesanidentity,theλ be- r comesafreeparameter,otherwisethePainlev´etestfails. The Painlev´e test stays and falls with the possibility The possible values for r can be found by substituting that the initial condition λ0 can be determined, which u(x,t) λ0(x,t)φ(x,t)α+λrφ(x,t)r+α (7) is essential to commence the iterative procedure to solve → into (3) and computing all possible values of r for which the recurrence relation. We compute λ by substitut- 0 λ becomes a free parameter. Considering the case iii) ing the first term in the expansion (4), i.e. u(x,t) r λ (x,t)φ(x,t)α, into (3) and evaluating the values f→or for integer values l,m,p the coefficients of the leading al0l possible leading order singularities α. The individual order φr+α(l−1)−1 is proportional to terms in (3) have the following leading order behaviour: λ gα(2−l)/m(r+1)(r+αl)[r+α(l 1)]φα(2−l)+1. (8) u φα−1, ul−2u φα(l−1)−1 and all remaining terms r − x t x are∼proportionalto∼φα(m+p−1)−m−1. Therefore the lead- This means that besides the so-called fundamental res- onance at r = 1, we also find two more resonances at ing order terms may only be cancelled if any of the fol- r = αl,α(1 l). Since thedifferentialequation(3)isof lowing three conditions hold: − − order three all these models fully pass the Painlev´e test i) α 1=α(l 1) 1 α(m+p 1) m 1, provided λ−αl and λα(1−l) can indeed be chosen freely. − − − ≤ − − − Thestandardproceduretoverifythiswouldbenowto which results from assuming that ut and ul−2ux derive the recursive equation resulting from combining constitute the leading order terms. In this case we (4) and (3). Clearly for generic values of l,m,p this will obtainl=2andtheinequalityα(2 m p) m. be extremely lengthy, but even for specific choices it is − − ≤− Thus α remains undetermined. fairly complicated. It suffices, however, to compute the λ up to k > αl. We will present these values for vari- ii) α 1=α(m+p 1) m 1 α(l 1) 1, k − − − − − ≤ − − ousexamplesforseveralchoicesofthe parametersl,m,p which corresponds to the assumption that ul−2ux correspondingtoscenariosleadingtosolutionswithqual- isthe leastsingulartermandmatchingthe leading itatively different kinds of behaviour. ordersofalltheremainingones. Thenweconclude that l 2 and α is fixed to α=m/(m+p 2). ≤ − III. GENERALIZED KDV-EQUATION iii) α(l 1) 1=α(m+p 1) m 1 α 1. − − − − − ≤ − which is the consequence of u being least singular Cooper, Khare and Saxena [16] found that in the gen- t termandthematchingoftheremainingones. This eralizedKdVequation,i.e. m=2,a necessarycondition means the leading order singularity of u(x,t) is of for compactons to be stable is to consider models with the order 2<l<p+6. Thismeansnoneoftheconditionsi)orii) fortheleadingordersingularitytocancelcanbesatisfied. m α= Z− and l 2. (5) The special choice l = p+2,0 < p 2 guarantees that p+m l ∈ ≥ ≤ − the compacton solutions have in addition a width which Cancelling the leading order terms then yields isindependentoftheiramplitude[2]. Forthatparticular case alsothe conditioniii)admits no solution, suchthat λ(n) =e2πinα/m[gl(l 1)]−α/m(iαφ )−α, (6) the Painlev´e test fails. 0 − x However, for models which admit stable compacton where 1 n p+m l indicates the different solutionshavinga widthdepending onthe amplitude we roots of t≤he de≤termining−equation. can find solutions to the condition iii) and proceed with the Painlev´e test. For instance, m = 2,p = 1,l = 5 is In principle we could alsoenvisagea scenarioinwhich such a choice. In this case we find from (5) that α= 1 − u andul−2u aretheleastdominanttermsandthelead- and the leading order singularity of the corresponding intg order sinxgularity is cancelled by all the remaining differential equation is φ−5. Computing now order by terms. However, all these terms only differ by an overall order the functions λk we find the two solutions numericalfactor,suchthatλ0 turnsouttobezerointhis λ± = 2i 5gφ , λ± = i 5gφxx, case and we can therefore discard this case. 0 ± x 1 ∓ φ p p x λ± = i√5g 3φ2xx−2φxφxxx , (9) B. Resonances 2 ∓ 6 (cid:0) φ3 (cid:1) x 3φ φ2 4i 5g3 6φ3 6φ φ φ +φ2φ A key feature of the Painlev´e test is the occurrence λ±3 = t x∓ p (cid:0) 4x8xg−φ5 x 3x xx x 4x(cid:1). of so-called resonances, which arise whenever the coeffi- x ± ± cient in front of a specific λ in the recurrence relations Cruciallyweobservenextthatλ andλ canbe chosen r ± 4 5 becomes zero. This implies that λ can not be deter- arbitrarily. The remaining λ for k > 5 can all be com- r k mined recursively. When in this case the remaining part puted,buttheexpressionsareallextremelycumbersome 3 andwewillthereforenotreportthemhere. Making,how- the λ(n) with n=1,2,3, of which the first terms are k ever,thefurtherassumptiononφtobeatravellingwave, i.e. φ(x,t) = x ωt, simplifies the expressions consider- λ(n) = ie2πin/3(42g)1/3φ , −± ± 0 − x sacbelny.arCiohroeodsuincge tλo4 = λ5 = 0 the two solutions for that λ1(n) = ie2πin/232(/231φg)1/3φxx, (11) x ie2πin/3(7g)1/3 3φ2 2φ φ λ± = λ± =0 for κ=0,1,2,... λ(n) = xx− x xxx , 3κ+1 3κ+2 2 2(6)(cid:0)2/3φ3 (cid:1) ± ± ω x λ0 = ±2ip5g, λ3 =−16g, λ(n) = ie2πin/3(7g)1/3 6φ3xx−6φxφxxxφxx+φ2xφxxxx . λ± = 3iω2 , λ± = ω3 , (10) 3 (cid:0) 4(6)2/3φ5x (cid:1) 6 ∓3584√5g5/2 9 573440g4 From (8) we know that we should encounter resonances ± 33iω4 at the level 6 and 7, which is indeed the case as we find λ = , 12 ±1669857280√5g11/2 that λ(n)and λ(n) can be chosen freely. The remaining 6 7 ± 3ω5 λk(n) for k > 7 can all be computed iteratively and the λ = , ... 15 −66794291200g7 Painlev´e test is passed for this example. For a travelling wave ansatz φ(x,t)=x ωt with the − choice λ(n) = λ(n) =0 the expressions simplify to We conclude that the Painlev´e test is passed for this 6 7 choices of parameters, which means that besides stable λ(n) = λ(n) =λ(n) =λ(n) =0, for κ=0,1,... compacton solutions, whose width depends on their am- 5κ+1 5κ+2 5κ+3 5κ+4 plitude,wealsofindgenuinesolitonsinthesemodelsand, λ(n) = ie2πin/3(42g)1/3, λ(n) = e4πin/3ω , (12) provided the series (4) converges, they are therefore in- 0 − 5 36(42)1/3g4/3 tegrable. 17iω2 λ(n) = , In the unstable compacton regime, i.e. l 2 or 10 598752g3 ≤ l p+6, the condition iii) can not be satisfied. Con- se≥quently we do not expect to find genuine soliton solu- λ(n) = 53e2i3nπω3 ,... tions. We have also verified this type of behaviour for 15 −21555072(42)2/3g14/3 other representative examples which we do not present Thus we observe no qualitative difference in the - here. PT symmetric extensions in comparison to the case m = 2 andfindthatalsointhisonemayhavestablecompacton solutions, whose width depends on their amplitude and genuine solitons at the same time. IV. PT-SYMMETRIC GENERALIZED In the unstable compacton regime, that is l 2 or ≤ KDV-EQUATION l p+3m, the condition iii) can not be satisfied and ≥ the Painlev´e test fails. Once again we do not represent hereotherrepresentativeexamplesforwhichweobtained For the -symmetric extensions of the general- PT the same type of behaviour. ized KdV-equation (3) the necessary condition for com- pactons to be stable was extended by Bender et al [1] to 2<l <p+3m. Thusalsoforgenericvaluesofmnoneof V. DEFORMATIONS OF BURGERS EQUATION theconditionsi)orii)fortheleadingordersingularityto cancelcanbesatisfied. Furthermore,therequirementfor Considering m = 1,p = 1,l = 3 in the equation of stablecompactonsolutionstopossessalsoawidthwhich motion(3)isaverysimpleexampleleadingtoaPainlev´e is independent of their amplitude was generalized in [1] expansion for u(x,t), which can even be truncated after tol=p+m. Asforthespecialcasem=2thisvalueco- thesecondterm. Asthistypeofbehaviourisreminiscent incides with the leading order singularity resulting from ofB¨acklundtransformationgeneratingsolutionsfoundin the condition iii) tending to infinity and therefore the other models [14], we present this case briefly. For this Painlev´e test fails. choice (3) simply reduces to As in the previous case, for models which have stable compacton solutions whose width is a function of their u +uu 2igu + igu u2 u u =0, (13) amplitude the Painlev´etest has a chance to pass, as one t x− xx u2 xx− x xxx x (cid:0) (cid:1) canfind a value forthe leading ordersingularityandpo- whichcanbeviewedasadeformationofBurgersequation tentiallyhasthecorrectamountofresonances. Weverify [15] corresponding to the first three terms. Proceeding this for the example m = 3,p = 1,l = 7, for which we obtain α = 1 and φ−7 as the leading order singularity as in the previous sections, we find the solution − in(3). Since α/m=1/3inthiscase,wefindnowthree 6igφ 6igφ 3φ − u(x,t)= − x + xx− t (14) non-equivalentsolutionsrelatedto the differentrootsfor φ 2φ x 4 provided that φ satisfies the equation integrable. We found thatthe generalizedKdVequation resultingfrom andtheir -symmetricextensions l,2,p φ2φ +φ2φ =2φ φ φ . (15) have theHsame qualitatiPveTbehaviour in the three x tt t xx tx t x l,m,p H differentregimes. Forconveniencewesummarizethedif- Atravellingwaveφ(x,t)=x ωtisforinstanceasolution ferent qualitative behaviours in the following table: − of (15), such that we obtain the simple expression compactons solitons 6igφ 3 l,m,p u(x,t)= x + ω (16) H l =p+m stable, dependent A,β no ωt x 2 − 2<l<p+3m stable, independent A,β yes for the solution of (13). Incidentally, the travelling wave l 2 or l p+3m unstable no solution for Burger’s equation [14] coincides with (16). ≤ ≥ Table 1: The models and their solutions. l,m,p H Clearly our investigations do not constitute a full VI. CONCLUSIONS fletched mathematical proof as we based our findings on various representative examples for the different classes In previous investigations [2, 3, 16] various criteria and it wouldbe very interesting to settle this issue more have been found, which separate the models into Hl,m,p rigorously with a generic argumentation not relying on three distinct classes exhibiting qualitatively different case-by-casestudies. At the same time such a treatment types of compacton solutions, unstable compactons and would probably provide a deeper understanding about stablecompactons,whichhaveeitherdependentorfreely the separation of the different models. Nonetheless, our selectable width A and amplitude β. 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