Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1958 Editors: J.-M.Morel,Cachan F.Takens,Groningen B.Teissier,Paris Martin C. Olsson Compactifying Moduli Spaces for Abelian Varieties ABC MartinC.Olsson DepartmentofMathematics UniversityofCalifornia Berkeley,CA94720-3840 USA [email protected] ISBN:978-3-540-70518-5 e-ISBN:978-3-540-70519-2 DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-70519-2 LectureNotesinMathematicsISSNprintedition:0075-8434 ISSNelectronicedition:1617-9692 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2008931163 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):14K10,14K25 (cid:1)c 2008Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violations areliabletoprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. 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Coverdesign:SPiPublishingServices Printedonacid-freepaper 987654321 springer.com Contents Summary......................................................VII 0 Introduction............................................... 1 1 A Brief Primer on Algebraic Stacks ....................... 7 1.1 S-groupoids ............................................ 7 1.2 Stacks ................................................. 17 1.3 Comparison of Topologies ................................ 25 1.4 Coarse Moduli Spaces.................................... 26 1.5 Rigidification of Stacks................................... 26 2 Preliminaries .............................................. 31 2.1 Abelian Schemes and Torsors ............................. 31 2.2 Biextensions ............................................ 34 2.3 Logarithmic Geometry ................................... 43 2.4 Summary of Alexeev’s Results ............................ 51 3 Moduli of Broken Toric Varieties .......................... 57 3.1 The Basic Construction .................................. 57 3.2 Automorphisms of the Standard Family over a Field ......... 67 3.3 Deformation Theory ..................................... 70 3.4 Algebraization .......................................... 75 3.5 Approximation.......................................... 76 3.6 Automorphisms over a General Base ....................... 78 3.7 The Stack K .......................................... 80 Q 4 Moduli of Principally Polarized Abelian Varieties.......... 85 4.1 The Standard Construction............................... 85 4.2 Automorphisms over a Field .............................. 93 4.3 Deformation Theory ..................................... 98 4.4 Isomorphisms over Artinian Local Rings....................110 VI Contents 4.5 Versal Families..........................................113 4.6 Definition of the Moduli Problem..........................121 4.7 The Valuative Criterion for Properness.....................121 4.8 Algebraization ..........................................125 4.9 Completion of Proof of 4.6.2 ..............................130 5 Moduli of Abelian Varieties with Higher Degree Polarizations ..............................................135 5.1 Rethinking A .........................................135 g,d 5.2 The Standard Construction...............................138 5.3 Another Interpretation of P(cid:1)→P ........................142 5.4 The Theta Group .......................................144 5.5 Deformation Theory .....................................158 5.6 Isomorphisms without Log Structures ......................160 5.7 Algebraization of Formal Log Structures....................163 5.8 Description of the Group Hgp .............................166 S 5.9 Specialization ...........................................178 5.10 Isomorphisms in T ....................................201 g,d 5.11 Rigidification ...........................................202 5.12 Example: Higher Dimensional Tate Curve ..................207 5.13 The Case g =1 .........................................225 6 Level Structure............................................231 6.1 First Approach Using Kummer ´etale Topology ..............231 6.2 Second Approach using the Theta Group ...................237 6.3 Resolving Singularities of Theta Functions..................241 References.....................................................273 Index of Terminology..........................................277 Index of Notation .............................................279 Summary The problem of compactifying the moduli space A of principally polarized g abelian varieties has a long and rich history. The majority of recent work has focusedonthetoroidalcompactificationsconstructedoverCbyMumfordand his coworkers, and over Z by Chai and Faltings. The main drawback of these compactificationsisthattheyarenotcanonicalanddonotrepresentanyrea- sonable moduli problem on the category of schemes. The starting point for thisworkistherealizationofAlexeevandNakamurathatthereisacanonical compactificationofthemodulispaceofprincipallypolarizedabelianvarieties. Indeed Alexeev describes a moduli problem representable by a proper alge- braic stack over Z which contains A as a dense open subset of one of its g irreducible components. In this text we explain how, using logarithmic structures in the sense of Fontaine, Illusie, and Kato, one can define a moduli problem “carving out” the main component in Alexeev’s space. We also explain how to generalize the theory to higher degree polarizations and discuss various applications to moduli spaces for abelian varieties with level structure. If d and g are positive integers we construct a proper algebraic stack with finite diagonal A over Z containing the moduli stack A of abelian va- g,d g,d rieties with a polarization of degree d as a dense open substack. The main features of the stack A are that (i) over Z[1/d] it is log smooth (i.e. has g,d toroidal singularities), and (ii) there is a canonical extension of the kernel of the universal polarization over A to A . The stack A is obtained by a g,d g,d g,d certain“rigidification”procedurefromasolutiontoamoduliproblem.Inthe cased=1thestackA isequaltothenormalizationofthemaincomponent g,1 in Alexeev’s compactification. In the higher degree case, our study should be viewed as a higher dimensional version of the theory of generalized elliptic curves introduced by Deligne and Rapoport. 0 Introduction In attempting to study any moduli space M, one of the basic first steps is to find a good compactification M ⊂ M. Preferably the compactification M shouldhavereasonablegeometricproperties(i.e.smoothwithM−M adivisor withnormalcrossings),andthespaceM shouldalsohaveareasonablemoduli interpretation with boundary points corresponding to degenerate objects. Probably the most basic example of this situation is the moduli space M classifying elliptic curves and variant spaces classifying elliptic curves 1,1 with level structure. For M the compactification M is the stack which 1,1 1,1 to any scheme T associates the groupoid of pairs (f : E → T,e), where f : E → T is a proper flat morphism and e : T → Esm is a section into the smooth locus of f such that for every geometric point t¯→ T the fiber E is t¯ either a genus 1 smooth curve or a rational nodal curve. InordertogeneralizethiscompactificationM ⊂M tomodulispaces 1,1 1,1 Y classifying elliptic curves with Γ–level structure for some arithmetic sub- Γ group Γ ⊂ SL (Z), Deligne and Rapoport introduced the notion of “gener- 2 alized elliptic curves” in [15]. The main difficulty is that for a scheme T, an integer N ≥ 1, and an object (f : E → T,e) ∈ M (T) there is no good 1,1 notion of the N–torsion subgroup of E. More precisely, if there exists a dense open subset U ⊂ T such that the restriction f : E → U is smooth, then U U the finite flat U–group scheme E [N] does not extend to a finite flat group U scheme over T. Deligne and Rapoport solve this problem by introducing “N- gons”whichenablethemtodefineareasonablenotionofN–torsiongroupfor degenerate objects. The moduli space M has two natural generalizations. First one can 1,1 let the genus and number of marked points vary which leads to the moduli spaces M of genus g curves with n-marked points. These spaces of course g,n have modular compactifications M ⊂ M defined by Deligne, Mumford g,n g,n and Knudsen. The second generalization of M is moduli spaces for higher 1,1 dimensional (polarized) abelian varieties. Constructing compactifications of moduli spaces for polarized abelian varieties has historically been a much more difficult problem. M.C.Olsson,Compactifying Moduli Spaces for Abelian Varieties.LectureNotes 1 inMathematics1958. (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2008 2 0 Introduction Let A denote the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties g ofdimensiong forsomeintegerg ≥1.ThefirstcompactificationofA overC g is the so-called Satake or minimal compactification A ⊂A∗ constructed by g g Satakein[47].ThespaceA∗isnormalbutingeneralsingularattheboundary. g The basic question following the construction of the Satake compactification is then how to resolve the singularities of A∗ and to generalize the theory to g one over Z. Over the complex numbers such resolutions of A∗ were constructed by g Ash,Mumford,Rapoport,andTaiin[9]wheretheyconstructedtheso-called toroidal compactifications of A . These compactifications are smooth with g boundary a divisor with normal crossings. Unfortunately, these compactifica- tionsarenotcanonicalandthereisnosimplemodularinterpretation(though recently Kajiwara, Kato, and Nakayama [22] have given a modular interpre- tation of these compactifications using their theory of log abelian varieties). Later Chai and Faltings [13] extended the toroidal compactifications to Z. The problem remained however to define a compactification of A with g a simple modular interpretation, and to generalize the theory of Deligne– Rapoport to also give modular compactifications of moduli spaces for abelian varieties with level structure and higher degree polarizations. This is the pur- pose of this text. The starting point for our work is the paper [3] in which Alexeev studied moduli of varieties with action of semi–abelian schemes (Alexeev’s work in turn built on the work of several people including Namikawa [39] and work with Nakamura [4]). He constructed compact moduli spaces for two basic moduli problems, one of which leads to a functorial compactification of the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties A . One feature of his g approach, is that the resulting moduli spaces have many irreducible compo- nents with one “distinguished” component containing A . One of the main g ideas in this text is that using logarithmic geometry in the sense of Fontaine and Illusie ([24]) one can give a relatively simple functorial description of the normalizations of the main components. In fact this idea can also be applied to give a modular interpretation of Alexeev’s moduli spaces of “broken toric varieties”. In the principally polarized case our work yields an Artin stack K with g the following properties: (i) The diagonal of K is finite and K is proper of Spec(Z). g g (ii) ThereisanaturalopenimmersionA (cid:2)→K identifyingA withadense g g g open substack of K . g (iii) There is a good “analytic theory” at the boundary of A in K general- g g izing the theory of the Tate curve for elliptic curves. (iv) The stack K has only toroidal singularities (in fact the complement g Kg\Ag defines a fine saturated log structure MKg on Kg such that the log stack (Kg,MKg) is log smooth over Spec(Z) with the trivial log structure). 0 Introduction 3 In order to study moduli of abelian varieties with higher degree polariza- tions and level structure, we need a different point of view on how to classify abelian schemes with polarization. Let g and d be positive integers and let A denote the moduli stack classifying pairs (A,λ) where A is an abelian g,d schemeandλ:A→At isapolarizationofdegreed(byconventionthismeans that the kernel of λ is a finite flat group scheme of rank d2). The stack A g,d can be viewed as follows. Let T denote the stack over Z associating to any g,d scheme S the groupoid of triples (A,P,L), where A is an abelian scheme over S of relative dimension g, P is a A–torsor, and L is an ample line bundle on P such that the map λ :A→Pic0(P), a(cid:5)→[t∗L⊗L−1] ( L a has kernel a finite flat group scheme of rank d2, where t : P → P denotes a the action on P of a (scheme-valued) point a∈A. We will show that T is g,d in fact an algebraic stack over Z. For such a triple (A,P,L) over a scheme S, let G denote the group (A,P,L) of automorphisms of the triple (A,P,L) which are the identity on A. That is, G is the group scheme classifying pairs (β,ι), where β : P → P (A,P,L) is an automorphism commuting with the A–action and ι : β∗L → L is an isomorphismoflinebundlesonP.WecallthisgroupG thetheta group (A,P,L) of (A,P,L). There is a natural inclusion G (cid:2)→ G sending u ∈ G to m (A,P,L) m theelementwithβ =idandι=u.ThisinclusionidentifiesG withacentral m subgroup of G and we write H for the quotient. If the torsor P (A,P,L) (A,P,L) is trivial, then the group G is the theta group in the sense of Mumford (A,P,L) [36, part I, §1]. In particular, by descent theory the group scheme H is (A,P,L) a finite flat group scheme of rank d2 over S. As explained in 2.1.5 there is a canonical isomorphism At (cid:7)Pic0(P). The map therefore induces a polarization of degree d on A. This defines a map π :T →A , (A,P,L)(cid:5)→(A,λ ). g,d g,d L For any object (A,P,L) ∈ T (S) (for some scheme S), the kernel of the g,d morphism of group schemes Aut (A,P,L)→Aut (π(A,P,L)) T A g,d g,d is precisely the group scheme G . This implies that one can obtain A (A,P,L) g,d by a purely stack-theoretic construction called rigidification which “kills off” the extra automorphisms provided by G (the reader not famililar with (A,P,L) thenotionofrigidification maywishtoconsulttheexamples1.5.7and1.5.8). Thus in many ways the stack T is a more basic object than A . g,d g,d Withthisinmind,ourapproachtocompactifyingA istofirstconstruct g,d anopenimmersionT (cid:2)→T andanextensionofthethetagroupoverT g,d g,d g,d to an extension of a finite flat group scheme of rank d2 by G over the stack m T . The stack T should be viewed as a compactification of T , though g,d g,d g,d