COMPACTIFICATIONS OF FAMILIES OF CURVES Robert Treger 1. Introduction and Statement of the Problem The purpose of this note is to describe a good compactification of the variety V ⊂ PN (N = n(n + 3)/2) n,d 6 of irreducible complex projective plane curves of degree n with d nodes and no other 9 9 singularities. The problem is discussed in classical literature, as well as in [1, Sect. 1], 1 [2, p. 219], [3, Sect. 2], etc. The naive compactification of V , namely V ⊂ PN , n n,d n,d a has very complicated singularities. In particular, V is not unibranch. One can J n,d 3 construct a unibranch compactification as follows. For d ≥ 1, let 2 1 Σ ⊂ PN × Symd(P2) v n,d 3 2 d be the closure of the locus of pairs (E, P ), where E is an irreducible nodal 0 Pi=1 i 1 curve and P ,...,P are its nodes. We have proved that Σ is unibranch every- 0 1 d n,d 6 where [4]. However, Σ is not a normal variety, even though it has no singularities 9 n,d / in codimension 1 [1]. We would like a compactification to be a normal variety with m o at worst rational singularities. Our compactification is in fact a quotient of a smooth e g variety by the full symmetric group S (Theorem 2.8). d - g l a v: 2. Compactifications of Configuration Spaces and Vn,d i X 2.1. To begin with, we will describe a nice compactification of Symd(P2)\∆, where r a ∆ denotes the singular locus. The construction presented below can be generalized to any smooth projective variety of dimension at least 2 (in place of P2). Let d ≥ 1 be an integer. Let L (P ,...,P ) denote the linear system of s 1 d curves of degree s having singularities in d distinct points P ,...,P ∈ P2, and 1 d PL (P ,...,P ) ⊂ Ps(s+3)/2 the corresponding subspace. Let k = k(d) be the s 1 d smallest integer such that dimL (P ,...,P ) is independent of the choice ofP ,...,P . k 1 d 1 d We get a rank k(k + 3)/2 + 1 − 3d vector subbundle E(d,k) of the trivial vector bundle on Symd(P2)\∆ whose fibers are linear systems of all plane curves of de- gree k. It can be extended to a reflexive sheaf α∗E(d,k) on Symd(P2), where α:Symd(P2)\∆ → Symd(P2) is the natural inclusion. Clearly α∗E(d,k) is not locally free provided d ≥ 2. 1 Let G = Gr(k(k + 3)/2 + 1 − 3d, k(k + 3)/2 + 1) denote the Grassmannian d,k of (k(k + 3)/2 − 3d) -planes in Pk(k+3)/2. We have a natural inclusion d γk : Symd(P2)\∆ → Gd,k, XPi 7→ PLk(P1,...,Pd). i=1 2.2. Definition. The variety Γ = Γ = γ (Symd(P2)\∆) is said to be a d d,k k compactification of Symd(P2)\∆. 2.3. Let F(P2,d) denote the complement in (P2)d of the large diagonals. To a point (P ,...,P ) ∈ F(P2,d), we can associate a flag 1 d PL (P ,...,P ) ⊂ ... ⊂ PL (P ) ⊂ Pk(k+3)/2. k 1 d k 1 We obtain a natural inclusion φ : F(P2,d) → F k d,k where F ⊂ G × ... × G is an appropriate flag manifold. d,k d,k 1,k 2.4. Definition. The variety Φ = Φ = φ (F(P2,d)) is said to be a compacti- d d,k k fication of F(P2,d). 2.5. For each r ≥ k, one can similarly define Γ and Φ . We have two natural d,r d,r morphisms Φ → Γ → Symd(P2). d,r d,r Consider the restriction of the tautological vector subbundle over G to Γ . d,k d By the universal property of Grassmannians, it is a unique minimal vector bundle extension of E(d,k). Similarly, let T ⊂ ... ⊂ T (rkT = k(k + 3)/2 + 1 − 3i). d 1 i denote the restriction to Φ of the universal flag of vector bundles over F . d d,k 2.6. We fix d ≥ 1 and vary n and g = (n − 1)(n − 2)/2 − d. Consider a natural inclusion V ⊂ PN × Γ n,d d 2 sending a curve C ∈ V to a pair (C, PL (P ,...,P )), where P ,...,P are the n,d k 1 d 1 d ′ nodes of C. Let V ⊂ PN×Φ denote the inverse image of V via the morphism n,d d n,d Φ → Γ . Let d d E(n,g) ⊂ PN × Γ , F(n,g) ⊂ PN × Φ d d ′ be the closures of V and V , respectively. The group S acts on F(n,g) via n,d n,d d its canonical action on Φ . We have two natural morphisms d F(n,g) → E(n,g) → Σ . n,d For n ≥ k, F(n,g) is just the projective bundle P(T ) over Φ . In general, d d F(n,g) is not a projective bundle over the image of its projection to Φ . We can d describe boundary points of Φ and prove the theorem below. d 2.7. Definition. The E(n,g) is said to be a compactification of V . n,d 2.8. Theorem. i) F(n,g) is a smooth variety; ii) E(n,g) = F(n,g)/S is a normal variety with at worst rational singularities; d iii) Φ is a smooth variety, and Φ /S = Γ (r ≥ k(d)); d,r d,r d d,r iv) Γ is canonically isomorphic to Γ , and Γ is a normal variety with d,k d,r d,r at worst rational singularities (r ≥ k(d)). References [1] S. Diaz & J. Harris, Geometry of the Severi varieties, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 309 (1988) 1–34. [2] D. Eisenbud & J. Harris, Progress in the theory of algebraic curves, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989) 205–232. [3] W. Fulton, On nodal curves, Algebraic geometry—Open problems, Proceed- ings, Ravello 1982, C. Ciliberto, F. Chione and F. Orecchi (eds.), Lect. Notes Math. 997, Springer-Verlag, Berlin NewYork, 1983, pp. 146–155. [4] R. Treger, Local properties of families of plane curves, J. Differential Geometry 39 (1994) 51–55. AG&N, Princeton, New Jersey [email protected] 3