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AUTHOR(S) Kamal Sarabandi 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Radiation Laboratory, Department of Electrical Eng. and Computer Science REPORT NUMBER The University of Michigan 991549 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER U. S. Army Research Office P.O. Box 12211 39879.2-EL Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other documentation. 12 a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12 b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) The development of a compact reconfigurable HF-UHF antenna is of great practical importance in mobile military communications where low visibility and high mobility are required. Variations of monopole and di[pole antennas in use today are narrowband and are prohibitively large and bulky at these frequencies. Broadband antennas are not only large, but also suffer from jamming susceptibility and undesirable complex multiplexing requirements. Development of efficient, small geometry, planar, and reconfigurable antennas is investigated. Based on a resonating slot structure, small antennas that exhibit simultaneous bandselectivity and antijam characteristics. So far very small antennas using novel topologies have been developed that areas as small as (0.05λ)2 . Also efficient reconfigurability over a very wide range of frequency using electronic switches has been demonstrated. Design of DC contact efficient MEMS switches and wideband designs are also being considered. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES Small antennas, Planar reconfigurable 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OR REPORT ON THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UL NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev.2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18 298-102 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SF 298 The Report Documentation Page (RDP) is used for announcing and cataloging reports. It is important that this information be consistent with the rest of the report, particularly the cover and title page. Instructions for filling in each block of the form follow. It is important to stay within the lines to meet optical scanning requirements. Block 1. Agency Use Only (Leave blank) Block 12a. Distribution/Availability Statement. Denotes public availability or limitations. 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Enter appropriate price Address(es). Self-explanatory. code (NTIS only). Block 8. Performing Organization Report Block 17. - 19. Security Classifications. Self- Number. Enter the unique alphanumeric report number(s) explanatory. Enter U.S. Security Regulations (i.e., assigned by the organization performing the report. UNCLASSIFIED). If form contains classified information, stamp classification on the top and Block 9. Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency Name(s) bottom of the page. and Address(es) Self-explanatory. Block 20. Limitation of Abstract. This block must Block 10. Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency be completed to assign a limitation to the Report Number. (if known) abstract. Enter either UL (Unlimited) or SAR (same as report). An entry in this block is necessary if Block 11. Supplementary Notes. Enter the abstract is to be limited. If blank, the abstract information not included elsewhere such as; prepared in is assumed to be unlimited. cooperation with....; Trans. of...; To be published in.... When a report is revised, include a statement whether the new report supersedes or supplements the older report. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE (SF298) (Continuation Sheet) Compact Reconfigurable HF-UHF Antenna In this interim report the details of our progress during the last fiscal year is presented by providing the papers submitted for publications in archival journals and conferences and symposia. We submitted four journal papers and 4 conference papers, which have been presented or will be presented in the next few months. Two students are working on this project which are partially supported by the funds provided by this grant. Journal Papers Submitted for Publications 1. R. Azadegan, K. Sarabandi, "High-Q double spiral miniaturized slot-line resonator filters," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech. May. 2004, pp 1548-1557. 2. N. Behdad, and K. Sarabandi, "A Multi resonant Single-Element Wideband Slot Antenna", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 3, 2004, pp. 5-8. 3. R. Azadegan, K. Sarabandi, "Bandwidth enhancement of miniaturized slot antennas using folded, complementary and self-complementary realizations," submitted to IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. (Jan 04). 4. R. Azadegan, and K. Sarabandi, “A novel approach for miniaturization of slot antennas” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., March. 2003, pp 421-429. 5. K. Sarabandi and R. Azadegan, “Design of an efficient miniaturized UHF planar antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., June. 2003, pp 1270-1276. 6. Peroulis, D., Pacheco, S. P., K. Sarabandi, and L. Katehi, “Electromechanical Considerations in Developing Low-Voltage RF MEMS Switches ” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques., Jan. 2003, pp 259- 270. 7. Behdad, N., and K. Sarabandi, “Bandwidth Enhancement and Further Size Reduction of a Class of Miniaturized Slot Antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1928- 1935, August 2004. 8. Peroulis, D., K. Sarabandi, and L. Katehi, “Design of Reconfigurable Slot Antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, to appear in Feb. 2005 issue 9. Peroulis, D., S. P. Pacheco, K. Sarabandi, L.P. Katehi, “Electromechanical Considerations in Developing Low-Voltage RF MEMS Switches”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 259-270, January 2003. Conference Papers 1. N. Behdad and K. Sarabandi, “Miniaturized Slot Antennas with Enhanced Bandwidth,” Proc. IEEE Antennas Propagation & URSI Symp. Columbus, OH, June 22-27, 2003. 2. N. Behdad and K. Sarabandi, “Slot antenna miniaturization using distributed inductive loading,” Proc. IEEE Antennas Propagation & URSI Symp. Columbus, OH, June 22-27, 2003. 3. R. Azadegan, and. K. Sarabandi, “A compact printed folded dipole antenna for wireless applications,” IEEE Antennas Propagat. Symp. Columbus, OH., June 2003, vol. 1, pp. 4. R. Azadegan, and K. Sarabandi, “Miniaturized Slot-line and Folded-Slot Band-pass Filters”, IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, June 2003, vol. pp. 1595-1598. 5. Peroulis, D., K. Sarabandi, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Low Contact-resistance Series MEMS Switches”, Proceeding: IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Seattle, WA, June 2-7, 2002. 6. Peroulis, S. P. Pacheco, K. Sarabandi, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Alleviating the Adverse Effects of Residual Stress in RF MEMS Switches”, Proceeding: 31st European Microwave Conference 2001, London, U.K. September 24-28, 2001. 7. Peroulis, D., K. Sarabandi, and L.P.B. Katehi, “A Planar VHF Reconfigurable Slot Antenna”, Proceeding: IEEE International Antennas and Propagation & URSI Symposium, Boston, MA, July 14-18, 2001. 8. Peroulis, D., S. Pacheco, K. Sarabandi, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Tunable Lumped Components with Applications to Reconfigurable MEMS Filters”, Proceeding: IEEE Microwave Theory and Technical Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, May 2001. 9. Peroulis, D., K. Sarabandi, L.P.B. Katehi, and B. Perlman, “Planar Reconfigurable Slot Antenna for Communications”, SPIE's 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, CA, March 2001. 10. Peroulis, D., S. Pacheco, K. Sarabandi, L.P.B. Katehi, “MEMS Devices for High Isolation Switching and Tunable Filtering”, Proceeding: IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Symposium(MMT-S), June 11- 16, 2000, Boston, MA (Digest Vol. 2, pp. 1217-1220). 11. Peroulis, D., S. Pacheco, K. Sarabandi, L.P.B. Katehi, “MEMS Devices for High Isolation Switching and Tunable Filtering”, Proceeding: IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Symposium(MMT-S), June 11- 16, 2000, Boston, MA (Digest Vol. 2, pp. 1217-1220). Scientific Personal R. Azadegan, N. Behdad, D. Peroulis. Report of Invention N.A Scientific Progress and accomplishments See attached papers Technology Transfer R. Azadegan and K. Sarabandi “Efficient Miniaturized Resonant Slot antennas” (patent pending) D. Peroulis and K. Sarabandi, “Reconfigurable Slot Antennas for VHF/UHF Applications”, Disclosure submitted to University of Michigan Intellectual Property Office, February 2002. File no. UM2269. MASTER COPY: PLEASE KEEP THIS "MEMORANDUM OF TRANSMITTAL" BLANK FOR REPRODUCTION PURPOSES. WHEN REPORTS ARE GENERATED UNDER THE ARO SPONSORSHIP, FORWARD A COMPLETED COPY OF THIS FORM WITH EACH REPORT SHIPMENT TO THE ARO. THIS WILL ASSURE PROPER IDENTIFICATION. NOT TO BE USED FOR INTERIM PROGRESS REPORTS; SEE PAGE 2 FOR INTERIM PROGRESS REPORT INSTRUCTIONS. MEMORANDUM OF TRANSMITTAL U.S. Army Research Office ATTN: AMSRL-RO-BI (TR) P.O. Box 12211 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211 Reprint (Orig + 2 copies) Technical Report (Orig + 2 copies) Manuscript (1 copy) Final Progress Report (Orig + 2 copies) Related Materials, Abstracts, Theses (1 copy) CONTRACT/GRANT NUMBER: DAAD19-99-1-0197 REPORT TITLE: Compact Reconfigurable HF-UHF Antenna is forwarded for your information. SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION TO (applicable only if report is manuscript): Sincerely, Kamal Sarabandi 1548 IEEETRANSACTIONSONMICROWAVETHEORYANDTECHNIQUES,VOL.52,NO.5,MAY2004 Miniature High-Q Double-Spiral Slot-Line Resonator Filters RezaAzadegan,StudentMember,IEEE,andKamalSarabandi,Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Anewclassoflowinsertion-lossminiaturizedfilters example, was made possible first by employing microstrip usingslot-lineresonatorsisproposed.Miniaturizationisachieved stepped-impedance resonators (SIRs) [5], [6] and then by byterminatingtheslotlinewithadouble-spiralinductivetermina- using hairpin-line resonators [7]. A more compact hairpin tionatbothends.Usingthisminiaturizedresonator,bothpositive filterusingsplit-ringresonatorswithparallelcoupledlineswas andnegativecouplingsmayberealized,andtherefore,bothstan- dardcoupled-lineandcross-coupledquasi-ellipticfiltersarerealiz- later proposed [8]. This resonator is a capacitively end-loaded able.Theunloaded oftheseslot-linefiltersisconsiderablyhigher hairpin resonator where the loading is implemented by dis- thanthatofminiaturizedmicrostripfiltersofcomparabledimen- tributed coupled lines. The loaded hairpin resonator, together sionsduetotheinherenthigher oftheslotline.Todemonstrate with the SIR, resulted in an improved hairpin resonator [9]. thevalidityofthedesignproceduresandtheperformancecharac- Incorporating dissimilar resonators in filter designs has also teristics,twodifferenttypesoffilterswerefabricatedandtested. Oneisafour-poleChebyshevfilterandtheotherisaquasi-elliptic beenreported[9]. filterwhere,ineachcase,thefull-wavesimulationsshowverygood Another form of resonator, which is similar to the above agreementwithmeasurements. hairpin resonators, utilizes square open loops [10]. To further IndexTerms—Microstripfilters,microwavefilters,miniaturized reduce size, the open-loop structure can be modified by intro- filters,quasi-ellipticfilters,slot-linefilters. ducinganarrowcapacitivegapattheopenendoftheloop[11]. The same authors suggested an aperture coupled two-layer filter design using the same type of resonator [12]. Using the I. INTRODUCTION two sides of the substrate provides additional miniaturization. MOBILEwirelesssystemsofvariouskindshavebeenthe Inbothloadedopen-loopandloadedhairpinresonators,electric drivingforcebehindsubstantialresearcheffortstoward and magnetic coupling can be implemented, which allows for miniaturizingRFfrontends.High- lowinsertion-lossminia- the flexible design of many structures, such as quasi-elliptic turizedfiltersareimportantrequirements.Afewapproachesin filters. the literature address filter miniaturization, among which are Slotlinesandcoplanarwaveguides(CPWs)areotherimpor- the use of lumped-element filters, high temperature supercon- tantconfigurationsfortherealization ofresonatorsandfilters. ducting (HTS) filters, bulk acoustic-wave (BAW) filters, and In the early 1970s, slot transmission lines were shown to be slow-wavedistributedresonatorfilters[1]–[4]. a practical configuration for the realization of microwave fil- Lumped-elementfilterscanbemadeverysmallatlowerfre- ters and couplers [13], but more attention has been devoted to quencies.Athigherfrequencies,however,theirextremelysmall CPWfilters[14]–[16].Alsoknownasuniplanarconfigurations, size mayresultin highinsertion lossand possibly lowpower- slot and CPWs are fundamental to many microwave and mil- handlingcapacity.Tocopewiththeinsertion-lossproblem,HTS limeter-waveintegratedcircuits[17],[18].WithregardtoCPW filtershavebeenproposed.BAWfiltersalsohaveexceptionally filterminiaturization,theuseofquarter-wavetransmission-line small size and quite good performance, but may be extremely resonators,e.g.,a CPWhairpinresonator[19],meandered expensivetodevelopforanynewapplication.Thesetwoclasses superconductingCPWfilters[20],double-surfaceCPWfilters offiltersarenotfurtherconsideredinthispaper,thesubjectof [21], and air-bridge capacitive loadings have been proposed. whichistointroduceanewtypeofhigh- coiledslot-lineres- Additionally,theperiodicloadingofCPWlineshasbeensug- onator with comparison to the microstrip. On the other hand, gestedtoconstructaslow-wavetransmissionlineandhasbeen conventionaldistributedelementfiltersusingcoupledtransmis- usedinthefabricationofaminiaturelow-passfilter[22]. sion-line resonators exhibit superior performance, but are fre- Incontrast,theliteratureconcerningtheuseofslotlinesfor quentlytoolarge. filterdesignandfilterminiaturizationisrathersparse[23].The In order to reach a compromise between size and per- of slot-line resonators is higher than that of microstrip res- formance, some compact architectures have been proposed. onatorsofsimilardimensionsduetothefactthatthestoreden- The size reduction of ordinary microstrip line resonators, for ergyintheresonatorisconfinedwithinalargervolumeandthat theelectriccurrentflowsoverawiderarea,whichtranslatesinto lowerohmiclosses.Actually,slotlinesarecomparabletosus- ManuscriptreceivedDecember1,2003. The authors are with the Radiation Laboratory, Department of Electrical pendedsubstratestriplines,whichalsohavehigher thanmi- Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan at Ann crostripsduetothelargervolumeoccupiedbythestoredenergy. Arbor,AnnArbor,MI48109-2122USA(e-mail:[email protected]; Inthispaper,newfilterarchitecturesbasedonaminiaturized [email protected]). DigitalObjectIdentifier10.1109/TMTT.2004.827044 slotlinewithdouble-spiralinductiveterminationsareproposed. 0018-9480/04$20.00©2004IEEE AZADEGANANDSARABANDI:MINIATUREHIGH- DOUBLE-SPIRALSLOT-LINERESONATORFILTERS 1549 TABLE I EFFECTOFTHESLOT-TO-STRIPWIDTH(s=w)ONTHEUNLOADEDQOF THEMINIATURIZEDSLOT-LINERESONATOR Fig.1. Proposedminiaturizedresonatorcapacitivelycoupledat400MHzwith asymmetricendloadings. Bothelectricandmagneticcouplingsareachievablebyappro- priategeometriclayoutoftheminiaturizedresonators,enabling quasi-ellipticfilterstobedesigned. II. MINIATURIZEDSLOT-LINERESONATORTOPOLOGY Fig. 2. Miniaturized slot-line resonator topology with different ratios of Recently, the authors proposed a highly efficient miniatur- slot-to-stripwidth(s=w). izedslotantennausingaresonantslot-linegeometry[24].Com- paring this slot antenna with its complementary printed strip Usingtherelationship[1] counterpart shows a considerable increase in the antenna effi- ciencymainlyduetolowerohmiclosses[25].Thus,miniatur- (1) ized slot-line resonators may be expected to exhibit higher where isalineardimensionoftheresonator,and isacon- thantheirmicrostripversions. stant defined as a figure-of-merit, a better comparison can be Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the miniaturized slot-line res- madebetweenminiatureslot-lineandmicrostripresonators.For onatorwithdouble-spiralinductiveterminations.Theverycom- microstrip resonators, is defined as the substrate thickness, pact inductive end loading is realized by coiled shorted slot while for the slot resonators, represents the slot width. In- lines, each with a length smaller than a quarter-wavelength. voking(1),thefigure-of-meritconstant isfoundtobe Thisresonatorexhibitsasuperiorminiaturizationfactorandis fortheminiaturizedhairpinresonator[8],and for capable of generating electric, magnetic, and mixed coupling theslot-lineresonatorofFig.1. mechanisms. TheohmiclossoftheCPWlinesandslotlinesisdrastically To assess the performance of the miniature slot-line res- affectedbythewidthoftheslotor,equivalently,theimpedance onators, a capacitively coupled miniaturized resonator, as of the line [13]. At resonance, the electric current distribution shown in Fig. 1, was fabricated on a 0.787-mm-thick Duroid onthegroundplanearoundtheslothasahigherconcentration substrate with a dielectric constant of and a loss near the edges. By makingthe slotwider, the peak of the cur- tangentof .1 Thesamesubstrateisusedforthe rentattheedgesisreduced,andasmoothercurrentdistribution restofthedesignspresentedinthispapertogivedirectcompar- away from the slot edges is obtained. Lower current distribu- isons. A low-permittivity substrate was used to minimize the tionattheedgestranslatesintolowerohmiclosses.Inorderto effects of dielectric loading on miniaturization. The resonator obtainthe best , for a givenresonator, the width of the slot of Fig. 1 is designed to operate at 400 MHz and fits within linemaybeoptimized.TableIcomparestheunloaded ofthe a rectangular area with dimensions . The proposedminiaturizedresonatortopologywithanumberofdif- unloaded canbefoundusingasingle-portimpedance/admit- ferentslot-linewidths(seeFig.2).Inthisstudy,theoverallsize tance measurement technique referred to as the critical-point of the resonator is fixed while ( ), i.e., the ratio of the slot method [26]. The unloaded of the miniaturized resonator width( )totheadjacentmetallicstripwidth( ),isvariedasa at 400 MHz was measured to be , which compares parameter.Fortheproposedminiaturizeddouble-spiralslotres- favorably with the of miniaturized hairpin resonators [8], onator,thewidthofthemetallicstripsshouldbeapproximately whilebeingaboutanorderofmagnitudesmallerinarea. twicethewidthoftheadjacentslots( ).Fig.3shows anoptimizedminiaturizedresonatorat2.45GHzwithapprox- 1RT/Duroid5880,Adv.CircuitMat.Div.,RogersCorporation,Chandler,AZ. imately the same size as the previous resonator relative to the 1550 IEEETRANSACTIONSONMICROWAVETHEORYANDTECHNIQUES,VOL.52,NO.5,MAY2004 Fig.3. Optimizedminiatureresonatorat2.45GHz. wavelength,namely, .Theunloaded isfound Fig. 4. Equivalent-circuit model of coupled miniaturized resonators tobe .Acomparisonofthe ofthisresonatorwith exhibiting: (a) electric coupling, (b) magnetic coupling, and (c) mixed that of the scaled version of the resonator in Fig. 1 (shown in coupling. TableIwith )exhibitsaconsiderableimprovement duetotheeffectofslot-lineimpedanceonreducingtheohmic fect conductor, and therefore, the ohmic loss cannot be mod- lossesoftheresonator.Thefigure-of-meritconstant forthe eled in this case. Obviously, the ground plane of the slot-line optimizedminiatureresonatorwith( )at2.4GHzcan resonators under study is neither a perfect conductor, nor is it be obtained from (1) as , which is four times higher extendedtoinfinity.Despitetheaforementioneddrawbacksof thanthatofahalf-wavemicrostripresonator. theintegral-equationmethod,suchas[27],itcanpredictthefre- Itisworthmentioningthat(1)indicatesthatthe ofagiven quencyresponseofthefiltersveryaccuratelywiththeexception resonatorincreasesas .However,thereisalimitationonthe oftheinsertionloss. maximum value of the linear dimension , which is inversely proportional to frequency. Hence, if one compares resonators III. DIRECTCOUPLEDFOUR-POLEFILTER having the maximum possible values of , one can define an To demonstrate the versatility of the proposed miniaturized available ,whichdecreasesbythesquarerootoffrequency. resonatorstodesigndifferenttypesoffilters,webeginwiththe Tomeasuretheradiationlossoftheresonator,itwasenclosed designofdirectcoupledbandpassfilters. inalargermetalliccavity,andits wasmeasuredtobe .Therefore,the duetotheradiationlosscanbeobtained A. CouplingStructures from For the case of capacitively coupled miniaturized slot res- (2) onators, the resonators have a series equivalent circuit model. Fig.4illustratestheequivalentcircuitoftwocoupledminiatur- giving .Thisresultindicatesthatthe oftheres- ized resonators exhibiting electric, magnetic, and mixed cou- onatorisdominatedbytheohmicanddielectriclosses. plings,allrealizedbyanimpedance( )inverter. Here,onlymeasurementhasbeenusedtoidentifythequality In order to realize the desired values for the coupling co- factoroftheproposedresonatorssinceanumericalestimateof efficients, there are differing coupling configurations. In each fortheminiaturizedresonatorsdoesnotprovideveryaccurate of these configurations, the coupling coefficients may be ex- results. For example, the finite-element method (FEM) would tractedusingthepole-splittingmethod[10]inconjunctionwith requireenormousamountsofmemoryandextremelysmallcell full-wavesimulations[27].Giventhat and arethefrequen- sizes due to the very large ratio of fine and coarse features of ciesatwhichthe reachesitspeakvalues,thecouplingco- the structure. On the other hand, full-wave methods based on efficientscanbeobtainedfrom integral equations [method of moments (MoM)] make use of (3) theGreen’sfunctionformultilayerstructuresofinfiniteextent. Hence, ground planes and substrates of finite size cannot be In the case of the pure electric or magnetic couplings whose modeled efficiently. The equivalent magnetic-current method, appropriatecircuitmodelsareshowninFig.4(a)and(b) however,providesanumericallyefficientapproachforthesimu- lationofslottedstructures.Inthisapproach,thetangentialelec- electriccoupling tric field overthe slot is replaced with an equivalent magnetic current, while the field is assumed to vanish over the ground magneticcoupling (4) plane. This assumption implies thatthe ground plane is a per- AZADEGANANDSARABANDI:MINIATUREHIGH- DOUBLE-SPIRALSLOT-LINERESONATORFILTERS 1551 Fig. 5. Extracted coupling coefficients for a back-to-back coupling configurationAasafunctionofthehorizontalseparation(cid:1)xfortwodifferent valuesofverticaloffsets(cid:1)y. Fig. 6. Extracted coupling coefficients for configuration B (face-to-face Note that, in the case of electric coupling, the capacitance arrangement)asafunctionofhorizontalseparation(cid:1)xfortwodifferentvalues to ground of the impedance inverter is formed by the rel- ofverticaloffsets(cid:1)y. atively wide ground-plane region of length between the two resonators shown in Fig. 5. Since the inverter impedance is , a larger gives a larger , and the in- verter impedance becomes smaller. Note that the coupling co- efficient is proportionalto inthe seriesrepresentation [28], whichisconsistentwiththeloosercouplingrequirementas and increase.Alsonotethat relatesonlytothe inverter impedanceandisunrelatedtothemutualcapacitancebetween the resonators. Mixed coupling may also be represented by an impedance invertor, as shown in Fig. 4(c). Since usually and ,thecouplingcoefficientforthemixedcouplingcan besimplifiedas (5) Equation(5)indicatesthat,formixedcoupling,theelectricand magneticcouplingareout-of-phaseandtendtocounteracteach Fig. 7. Comparison between dominantly magnetic (configuration A) and other.Examiningthemixedcouplingmoreclosely,itbecomes dominantlyelectric(configurationB)forthesameoverallcouplingcoefficient. clear that, at the frequency of , the two res- (Notethelocationsofzeros.) onatorsinFig.4(c)becomedecoupled,andazerointhepass- bandisintroduced.Fordominantelectriccouplingwhere offsets( ).Fig.6showsaface-to-facecouplingarrangement and its calculated coupling coefficients, henceforth referred to asconfigurationB. (6) Sincetheproposedresonatorsareverycompactandinclose proximity to each other, the coupling mechanism is complex. Likewise, when the magnetic coupling is dominant, the zero Theexternalcouplingtopologyalsohasasignificanteffecton appearsbelowthepassband,i.e., . thenatureofthecouplings,andthus,eachcaseshouldbestudied In order to design the first Chebyshev sample design, two separately. Fig. 7 shows the pole-splitting phenomenon in the different coupling configurations are investigated. These con- responsesofthetwocouplingconfigurations.Thecoupling figurations are identified according to the mutual orientation parameters for configuration A were set to mm and ofthetworesonatorswithrespecttoeachother.Thefirstcou- , and for configuration B, to mm and pling configuration, henceforthreferred to as configuration A, mmsoastoprovideapproximatelythesamecouplingvalue. is one in which the resonators are positioned back-to-back, as The responsesshowninFig.7demonstratethatbothstruc- showninFig.5.Thecouplingcoefficient( )iscalculatedfrom tures are coupled through a mixed-coupling mechanism since (3) and is plotted as a function of the horizontal distance be- there is a zero in the transmission. The locations of the zeros, tween the resonators ( ) for two different values of vertical however,aredifferent.ForconfigurationA, ,andthus,

The development of a compact reconfigurable HF-UHF antenna is of great practical importance in . Miniaturized Slot Antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. such as patch or printed wire antennas [1].
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