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Diaconia University of Applied Sciences B RepoRtS 57 Editors Jouko Porkka and Marja Pentikäinen Community of the Future Challenges and New Approaches to Community Based Social Work and Diaconia from the CABLE Approach Editors Jouko Porkka and Marja Pentikäinen C f ommunity of the uture Challenges and New Approaches to Community Based Social Work and Diaconia from the CABLE Approach Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Diaconia University of Applied Siences Helsinki 2013 1 DIAKONIA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULUN JULKAISUJA B Raportteja 57 B Reports 57 Julkaisija: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Publisher: Diaconia University of Applied Siences Photo on the cover: Kuvapankki 123RF Lay out: Ulriikka Lipasti Graphics: Liisa Björklund ISBN 978-952-493-189-2 (printed) ISBN 978-952-493-190-8 (pdf) ISSN 1455-9927 Juvenes Print Oy Tampere 2013 2 ABSTRACT Jouko Porkka Community of the Future Marja Pentikäinen (eds.) Challenges and New Approaches to Community Based Social Work and Diaconia from the CABLE Approach Helsinki: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2013 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, 2013 244 p. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja B Reports 57 ISBN 978-952-493-189-2 (printed) ISSN 978-952-493-190-8 (pdf) 1455-9927 Developing of cooperation and approach called CABLE (Community Ac- tion Based Learning for Empowerment) has gradually formed a co-oper- ative network, built up through personal and organisational contacts and common work. The members of the network share a common passion for learning and a desire to make a difference, especially in the lives of mar- ginalised groups and communities. Though there are deeper and stronger currents in the background, the cross-border currents where developing ideas and sharing peoples’ dreams of a better world are taken seriously. Most of the articles published in this book were originally prepared for the seminar ‘Community of the Future’ which was held at Helsinki Uni- versity on May 3.-4. 2012. The articles in Chapter One were the plenary presentations and Chapters Two - Six contain the presentations for each of the five workshops held during the seminar. Although the articles are closely related to the seminar they can readily be understood and used as a resource without being in their original context. To aid understanding, each chapter starts with the introduction to its content and the presenter and a summary of the discussion and the find- ings of the workshops have been collected at the end of the chapter under the heading ‘reflections’. 3 The introduction chapter of this book offers the background and frame- work of the articles by describing the developmental history of the work orientation nowadays known as CABLE. The history has been written from the Finnish perspective on CABLE and therefore it is published both in Finnish and in English, although all the other material is only in the English language in this publication. The last chapter of this book includes two reflections in the issues raised in the seminar and their implications for diaconia and community work and in the Appendix you can find the text of the decisions which were made in the final plenary. Keywords: Themes: Community development, Welfare and health community diaconia, social work, Civil society exposure, empowerment, reflection, user participation, CABLE approach, identity, learning process, contextual theology, biography, narrative approach, locality, social analysis, role of the worker, reciprocity, conviviality, spirituality, diversity, dialogue, system world , life world, civil society, faith communities, Bratislava Declaration Available: Printed and Open Access Order: Webstore Granum at http://granum.uta.fi/ Open access: http://www.diak.fi/tyoelama/Julkaisut/Documents/B_57_ ISBN_9789524931908.pdf 4 TIIVISTELMÄ Jouko Porkka Community of the Future Marja Pentikäinen (toim.) Challenges and New Approaches to Community Based Social Work and Diaconia from the CABLE Approach Helsinki: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2013 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, 2013 244 s. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 1 liite B Reports 57 ISBN ISSN 978-952-493-189-2 (nid) 1455-9927 978-952-493-190-8 (pdf) Tässä kirjassa esiteltävä työote ja yhteistyöverkosto, jotka tunnetaan ni- mellä Cable, on saanut nimensä englanninkielisistä sanoista Community Action Based Learning for Empowerment. Käsite kuvaa erinomaisesti tätä työotetta, yhteisölliseen toimintaan pohjautuvaa oppimista, jonka päämää- ränä on yksilöiden ja yhteisöjen voimaannuttaminen. Cable-työotteen kehittäminen on synnyttänyt yhteistyöverkoston, joka perustuu henkilöiden ja instituutioiden välisiin yhteyksiin ja yhteiseen työskentelyyn. Verkoston jäseniä yhdistää intohimo uusien toimintatapo- jen oppimiseen ja halu parantaa sekä marginalisoituneiden yksilöiden että yhteisöjen elämää. Vaikka taustalla toki on syvempi ja vahvempi ajattelu, voidaan työote yksinkertaistaen ymmärtää monialaisena toimintana, jossa unelma paremmasta maailmasta otetaan todesta. Helsingin yliopistossa järjestettiin 3.-4.5.2012 seminaari “Community of the Future”, jonka järjestäjiä olivat Helsingin yliopisto, Diakonia-am- mattikorkeakoulu (Diak) ja Helsingin Diakonissalaitos (HDL). Useimmat tässä kirjassa julkaistuista artikkeleista tehtiin alun perin tähän seminaariin. Luvun 1 artikkelit olivat seminaarin yhteisen osan esitelmiä ja lukujen 2-6 artikkelit alustuksia seminaarin viidessä työpajassa. Vaikka artikkelit liitty- vätkin seminaariin, ne ovat itsenäisiä kokonaisuuksia, jotka voi ymmärtää alkuperäisestä kontekstista erillään. 5 Kirjan lukemisen helpottamiseksi kukin kirjan pääluvuista alkaa omalla johdannollaan, jossa kuvataan pääluvun sisältöä ja esitellään tiivistelmä työ- pajassa käydystä keskustelusta sekä esitellään kirjoittajat. Kunkin pääluvun lopussa ovat työpajojen tuotokset kokonaisuudessaan otsikolla ”reflections”. Kirjan johdantoluvussa kuvataan Cable-työotteen kehityshistoria ja sa- malla myös artikkeleiden tausta ja viitekehys. Kehityshistoria on kirjoitettu suomalaisesta, erityisesti Diakin, näkökulmasta ja julkaistaan tästä syystä sekä suomeksi että englanniksi. Kirjan päätösluvussa on kaksi kokoavaa artikkelia, joissa arvioidaan se- minaarin antia ja esille nostettujen asioiden merkitystä diakonialle ja yhtei- sötyölle. Kirjan liiteosassa julkaistaan seminaarin loppuistunnossa tehdyt päätökset. Liiteosassa on myös muita materiaaleja, jotka liittyvät kirjan ar- tikkeleihin. Asiasanat: kehittävä yhteisötyö, Teemat: Hyvinvointi ja terveys yhteisödiakonia, sosiaalityö, valottuminen, Kansalaisyhteiskunta voimaantuminen, reflektio, käyttäjälähtöisyys, CABLE-lähestymistapa, identiteetti, oppimisprosessi, kontekstuaalinen teologia, elämäkerta, narratiivinen lähestymistapa, paikallisuus, yhteisöanalyysi, työntekijän rooli, vastavuoroisuus, vieraanvaraisuus, spiritualiteetti, monimuotoisuus, dialogi, järjestelmien maailma ja elämismaailma, kansalaisyhteiskunta, uskonyhteisöt, Bratislavan julistus Julkaistu: Painettuna ja Open Access –verkkojulkaisuna Painetun julkaisun tilaukset: Granum-verkkokirjakaupasta http://granum.uta.fi/ Verkko-osoite: http://www.diak.fi/tyoelama/Julkaisut/Documents/B_57_ ISBN_9789524931908.pdf 6 preface The Community of the Future seminar was organized in Helsinki University in May 2012, by the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak), Helsinki Deaconess Institute (HDI) and Helsinki Uni- versity. The seminar was related to the CABLE network - the acronym comes from the project title: ‘Community Action Based Learning for Empowerment’. At the same time it was the retirement celebration of the Diak Head of International Education Rev. Tony Addy, who has been building the network and participated in developing the practices and ideology of the CABLE during the last 25 years in Finland, UK and Czech Republic – and all over Europe. The CABLE network consists of people who are willing to use their time and resources in developing such activities and learning processes which bring hope to individuals and communities. Those belonging to this network are mostly interested in and motivated by faith, spirituality and the Church’s activity for better world, diaconia. The aim of the net- work is to create a society where everybody can affect their own life and be the subject of it regardless their birth, origin, gender, faith, health or gifts. Special emphasis is on a person’s rights and the possibilities of those on the margins of the society to participate. This orientation necessarily implies criticism towards the present practices where dignity, respect and justice of these individuals are denied or diminished. It also means put- ting effort towards the practices empowering communities and individu- als – not for but with them. 7 The main content of this publication consists of the presentations and workshop conclusions from the seminar. The chapters of this book vary greatly in length and style because of their origin. Despite that, in dia- logue with each other they form a whole, which is relevant and impor- tant for the future of society, according to the participants of the semi- nar. Their stories and descriptions are about projects and activities where these aims have come a bit closer to realisation. I would especially like to extend my warmest thanks and greatest respect for my dear friend and colleague Tony Addy. I have learned so much from him and the experiences he has shared with me. He has also done an im- mense amount for this publication: he has written two of the articles, a part of the conclusion, and the introductions and the reflections in each of the chapters, and given feedback on the contents of this book. During the editing of this book I have once again become aware of the fundamental work of Jim Robertson, Herman IJzerman, Fokje Wierds- ma, Jarmo Kökkö, Katri Valve and Janka Adameová in developing these new ideas and activities. I really appreciate your work and contribution in working for a better world and future. The same thankfulness goes out to all those who have been contributing your time to developing the CABLE idea or those separate projects and activities that follow the model around the world. Without you all this wouldn’t have happened. Some of you have been sharing your experience through this publica- tion. Thank you for that as well. I know how hard it is to find a good time to concentrate on writing an article or text in the middle of your everyday challenges. I’ve been happy for the collegial friendship of Liisa Björklund, Kirsi Rinta-Panttila, Raili Gothóni, Antti Elenius and Kaija Tuuri in the plan- ning of this seminar and publication. We did it together! I would also like to extend my gratitude to all of you who have been funding the separate CABLE-related projects around the world. Your participation has been crucial as well. I’m sure that the investments you have made have and will come back in multiple forms through the re- sults and the learning gained. I would also like to give my thanks to the leadership of my employer Diak, especially rector Dr. Jorma Niemelä and vice-rector Dr. Pirjo Hakala for making it possible to use our work time for learning and developing the CABLE orientation and DSS degree 8 programme. Also director of research Dr. Sakari Kainulainen and head of Church related studies Dr. Esko Kähkönen have supported the writing of this publication in encouraging me which has been very important for the process. Jouko Porkka 9

kurssin nimeksi SOCOM (Social Analysis and Changing Communities). SOCOM toteutui espoused by Amartya Sen. But, developing this further ECG. She describes the application of CABLE insights to working on the issue of
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