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Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity to Plan for, Respond to, and Recover from Wildfires MATTHEW S. CARROLL, TRAVIS PAVEGLIO, AUTUMN ELLISON, JESSE ABRAMS, AND CASSANDRA MOSELEY SUMMER 2014 E C O S Y S T E M W O R K F O R C E P R O G R A M W O R K I N G P A P E R N U M B E R 5 0 Ecosystem Workforce Program About the authors Matthew S. Carroll is a professor in the School of the Environment, Washington State University. Travis Paveglio is an assistant professor in the College of Natural Sciences, Department of Conservation Social Sciences, University of Idaho. Autumn Ellison is a faculty research assistant, Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon. Jesse Abrams is a faculty research associate, Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon. Cassandra Moseley is director of the Ecosystem Workforce Program and the Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon. Acknowledgements Thank you to the interviewees who provided their time during our case study on the Track Fire and affected communities. Melanie Knapp provided proofreading services. This research was supported by the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Grant # 2011-67023-30695. Photo credits: Front cover, p.10, p.14: Autumn Ellison—Ecosystem Workforce Program Cover inset, p.2, p.5, back cover: U.S. Forest Service, Coconino National Forest p.13: U.S. Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Gila National Forest p.16: Emily Jane Davis—Oregon State University. For more information: Ecosystem Workforce Program Institute for a Sustainable Environment 5247 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-5247 541-346-4545 [email protected] ewp.uoregon.edu An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. ©2014 University of Oregon DES0114-044bs Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity 3 The wildfire dilemma in the United States throughout these programs is the need to acknowl- (and particularly in the U.S. West) has been edge that the problem of uncontrolled fire in the well documented and its broad parameters backcountry is different than fire in the wildland are well understood. A very small fraction of wild- urban interface, or WUI, where human settlement fire igniting in wildland settings each year turn is adjacent to or interspersed with flammable wild- into major conflagrations that burn homes and in- land vegetation. frastructure, pose significant threat to human life, and upend the budgets of federal land management Recent social science research concerning wildfire agencies. Although the mandates of federal land management has revolved around understanding management agencies also dictate a focus on pro- how private citizens and communities can take tecting public land and associated natural resourc- more personal responsibility for actions and plan- es such as habitat, the reality is that much of the ning that contribute to reduced damage from wild- effort and expense at federal, state, and local levels fires. Researchers have sought to understand what is directed toward protecting human infrastructure motivates or facilitates collective and individual and other societal “values at risk.” action in response to wildfire risk, as well as how to increase capacity for actions that have been proven The need to protect communities, infrastructure, to reduce risk and promote recovery. A significant and lives from wildfire has spawned a number proportion of this research has focused on residents of federal and state initiatives aimed at resolving of the WUI as a policy target for exposure to wild- the growing tension between people and wildfire. fire risks. Yet the WUI is not geographically con- These include major provisions in the Healthy For- tinuous, nor is it uniform in terms of residents. This ests Restoration Act, the Healthy Forests Initiative, diversity presents a challenge to wildfire policy as the National Fire Plan, the Firewise Communities residents with different perceptions about, experi- USA program, the Cohesive Wildland Fire Man- ences with, and constraints for dealing with wild- agement Strategy, and recent efforts to promote fire risk reduction respond differently to various “Fire-adapted” communities.1 A common thread messages and incentives. 4 Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity Existing research has documented how com- cases.4 These processes allowed researchers to munities differ in the ways they interact with or group the cases into tentative archetypes. Two au- use local landscapes and how residents organize thors then separately coded each adaptive capacity themselves in response to wildfire risk.2 Not only characteristic for each community and the tentative do communities across the WUI have (often drasti- archetypes were refined iteratively based on this cally) different needs in terms of dealing with fire coding. See Paveglio et al. (in press) for additional risk, but they also have different resources, knowl- details on the methods used for this analysis. edge, experience levels, action orientations, and abilities to work collectively to solve local prob- In May 2014, we conducted another case study on lems. As a result, different WUI communities face community preparation, response, and recovery different opportunities and challenges in becoming surrounding the June 2011 Track Fire that burned fire-adapted. This research is an ongoing effort to 27,792 acres in New Mexico and Colorado. In total understand and organize these differences among we conducted semi-structured interviews with 23 WUI communities in the American West to more individuals involved in wildfire preparation, re- effectively develop wildfire risk reduction ap- sponse, and/or recovery efforts, and 10 landowners proaches that address the unique needs, capacities, affected by the Track Fire. We used the character- and obstacles in different places. The underlying istics that define the archetypes to investigate how questions in this working paper, which synthesizes unique social context in two communities affected and builds on recently completed work by Paveg- by the fire (Raton, New Mexico and Santa Fe Trail lio et al. (in press), were: 1) Are there patterns of Ranch, Colorado) influenced community approach- influences on wildfire risk management that can es for dealing with wildfire risk, as well as their be documented across case studies?; and 2) Does response and recovery to the Track Fire. the evidence suggest that communities exhibiting similar patterns constitute distinct “archetypes” In this working paper, we first summarize the that approach wildfire risk differently from others? general tendencies and characteristics identified for each community archetype during the 18-case analysis (see Paveglio et al. in press for details). We Methods then provide examples from the cases to illustrate how the tendencies in different archetypes can In order to answer these questions, we reviewed influence wildfire adaptation actions in communi- 18 case studies to identify characteristics of social ties. Finally, we discuss the 2011 Track Fire case context that influence WUI residents’ capacity and study through the lens of the archetypes approach. willingness to plan for, respond to, and recover Through this example, we show in greater depth from wildfire (see Paveglio et al. in press). The re- how WUI communities’ preparation, response, and search team included authors from each of the 18 recovery efforts may differ even among communi- cases; in any case where additional information ties that are geographically close and exposed to about specific cases was needed, it was obtained the same wildfire events, and how future efforts from researchers involved in the original studies. can consider the unique social context of communi- ties at risk from wildfire. We based our analysis around 22 characteristics that Paveglio et al. (2009, 2010a, 2012)3 outlined in prior research as influencing adaptive capacity to Results wildfire risk. For each of the 18 cases, the research team first created descriptions of the characteris- Four distinct archetypes emerged from the cross- tics in each case study community. Characteristics case comparisons outlined in Paveglio et al. (in unique to each case study were analyzed through press): 1) formalized suburban communities; 2) iterative processes of agreeing upon common ex- high amenity, high resource communities; 3) rural pressions and levels of the characteristics across lifestyle communities and; 4) working landscape/ Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity 5 resource dependent communities (see Table 1, page 6). Community archetypes represent common so- cial contexts and outline specific combinations of characteristics that are likely to drive ongoing ad- aptation to wildfire. It should be noted that some communities are best described as “hybrids” be- cause they share characteristics of two archetypes. This fits with a larger finding of our comparisons across case studies—that the social context of many WUI communities is in flux and communities can evolve over time. The following sections describe each archetype outlined in Paveglio et al. (in press), explain how key differences in characteristics across archetypes affect adaptation to wildfire risk, and illustrate the different ways that communities can address wildfire risk through a case study of two communities affected by the same wildfire. Community archetypes Formal suburban WUI communities Formal suburban WUI communities often consist of a collection of homes and subdivisions con- structed by one or a few individual developers. These communities may or may not be gated, and they are typically inhabited by an affluent popu- lation. Formal suburban WUI communities are to residents of other community archetypes, and often “bedroom communities” within commut- often have less detailed knowledge or direct expe- ing distance of an urban area. They tend to have rience with wildfire. They are generally less like- high proportions of professional and specialized ly, due to time, skill, and equipment constraints, technical workers with fewer manual skills, and to perform their own fuel reduction activities or limited knowledge of natural resource manage- other residential modifications for fire prepared- ment. Place attachment and collective identity in ness, and are instead more willing and able to pay these communities often focuses on the quality of for contracted services to do this work. the immediate residential environment and more “developed” amenities such as restaurants and High amenity, high resource WUI playgrounds for children. Residents are gener- communities ally familiar with subdivision covenants relating High amenity, high resource WUI communities to amenities and restrictions on certain kinds of tend to be less suburbanized than formal subur- building and development in residential areas. ban communities, with high housing density and To the extent that there is a collective identity in low residential sprawl. They are typically found such areas, it generally focuses on the exclusivity in areas with many cultural amenities (e.g., arts, and built amenities of a particular neighborhood. night life, and restaurants) in addition to natural Residents often view the “wildfire problem” in amenities and outdoor recreation opportunities. terms of fuel and fuel reduction. They tend to match their suburban counterparts in terms of financial resources, general trust in Residents also tend to be more trusting and will- government, and willingness to collaborate with ing to work with government agencies compared formal organizations in reducing wildfire risk. 6 Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity Table 1 Adaptive capacity characteristics* Conceptual Adaptive capacity Sub themes or examples category characteristic Community organizations Local homeowners associations; land preservation or conservation groups; community-based development organizations, resource conservation districts, or citizens’ groups Land use, building, or fuels County requirements for Firewise landscaping on new properties; homeowners Access to and reduction standards association codes and covenants for fire-resistant building materials ability to adapt Community fire organizations Firewise community groups; FireSafe Councils; subcommittees of community scientific or organizations dedicated to fire preparedness technical knowledge Diversity of people/skills in a Residents have previous experience with: logging, grant writing, management, locality law enforcement, or firefighting experience Local understanding of fire Personal responsibility for fire protections vs. expectations of firefighting service suppression responsibilities and limitations Perception and action related to Forest health as a motivation for vegetation management vs. privacy or forest health/aesthetics conservation as barrier to forest treatments Local experience with wildfire The frequency of and impacts previous fire events have had on community members Place-based Place and community attachment Strong bonds with physical landscape; strong bonds to community; existing knowledge relationships in place and wildfire experience Local independence or distrust Opposition to standards and codes; ability to manage vegetation and/or fire of government risk without outside help; distrust of government officials Local awareness of wildfire risk Understanding of area fire regimes and fire risk Local ability to reduce wildfire Capability to perform fuel reduction; modifications to structures or infrastructure risk to reduce wildfire risk Development patterns/landscape Size of average parcels; continuity of fuels across management or property fragmentation types; housing patterns; average housing price Local wood products industry Local and regional demand for logs or biomass; price paid for logs or biomass; capacity local employment in forest products industry; trends in number of contractors or workforce over time Proximity and capacity of mill Hauling distance of material from fuel reduction sites; presence of local mills Demographic facilities and structural characteristics Willingness/ability to pay for fire Perceived cost effectiveness of mitigations; available capital (income) mitigation actions Amenity migration Number of residents moving to area based on natural or cultural amenities; conversion of economies due to in-migration/tourism Number of second/seasonal Average residency time; proportion of residents that do not live in the area full- homeowners and turnover rate time; number of second homes Community identity/collective Common hardships; shared values or norms; experience mobilizing collective action resources; willingness to mobilize collective resources Communication networks (e.g. Sharing of information among locals (e.g. formal and informal); sharing of formal and informal) information among agencies and/or locals Interactions Presence of local champions Firewise leaders; active local fire chiefs; agency outreach specialists; and community-based organization leaders; knowledgeable longtime residents or relationships county supervisors/commissioners within the community Risk reduction initiatives among CWPPs; community fuel breaks; codes and standards for fire mitigations agencies and locals Local firefighting capacity Resources; training and number of firefighters; community support or supported by community participation in firefighting volunteerism * This table reproduced from Paveglio et al. (in press) Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity 7 Collective identity is often at the community ban and high amenity communities to tackle local and landscape scale and linked to recreation and problems such as reducing fuel loads themselves. natural amenities, including landscape conserva- For those reasons they tend to resist what they tion. Skill sets tend to be primarily professional might see as micromanaging from the outside. but with a greater presence of emergency service experience and the skills and equipment to man- Working landscape/resource dependent age local landscapes (e.g., tree felling and brush WUI communities removal) than formal suburban communities. Working landscape WUI communities are located Residents are generally as likely to turn to infor- furthest along the “rural” end of the urban-rural mal social networks such as friends and associ- continuum. Development in these communities ates as they are to formal programs to learn about is generally low density and influenced by land- fire risk reduction for their homes and properties. scape features. These communities often have an Typically, they are more likely to hire contrac- historic local economies based on resource ex- tors to carry out fuel mitigation activities than to traction and primary production; current econ- perform it themselves. omy may or may not be extraction-based. They tend to have intergenerational links to “work- Rural lifestyle WUI communities ing the land” that affect the culture and views Rural lifestyle WUI communities tend to be of residents. This culture generally engenders a characterized by low-density housing and more mistrust of government regulations, particularly problematic ingress and egress during wildfire at the federal level, and a strong desire for local emergencies. Residents’ place attachment general- independence and freedom from what they might ly focuses on the rural and more rugged nature of see as excessive outside interference. Thus, there where they live and the wildlands within which is often an abundance of manual skills, local they are interspersed. Collective identity in rural ecological knowledge, and “country competence,” lifestyle communities often revolves around fac- but fewer professional backgrounds and skill ing common challenges that come with living a sets. There is a general tendency to have greater rural way of life (e.g., poor winter roads, or the respect for knowledge derived from hands-on need to maintain personal property and machin- experience rather than knowledge transmitted ery). One author labels this as a focus on “country through public agency programs or academic competence.” 5 Professional skills are common sources. For these reasons, residents in these and tend to occur in equal measure with emer- areas often spread knowledge and experience gency services and land management experience. through informal social networks. As a result, residents tend to have a greater collec- tive stock of practical local ecological knowledge While there is great variability, many work- in general, and fire knowledge in particular, than ing landscape communities have not prospered residents in the prior two archetypes. However, financially in the globalized economy. Many do they often lack the financial resources or ability have well-developed local capacity and organi- to command local attention that distinguishes the zation for dealing with small- to medium-sized prior two categories. fire events, but relatively little tolerance for the highly-structured, command-and-control ap- Rural lifestyle residents are generally more likely proach to firefighting that characterizes high-level to rely on social networks and local knowledge federal fire fighting teams responsible for larger than public agency programs to deal with fire fires. There is a strong tendency in these com- risk. While they are not as mistrustful of gov- munities to eschew formalized programs related ernment regulations as residents in the working to reducing fire risk, mirrored by a corresponding landscape archetype (below), they often have a emphasis on the application of local knowledge to greater tendency and ability than formal subur- community-based efforts. 8 Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity Influence of community Also relevant is the tendency for formal suburban characteristics and high amenity, high resource communities to use outside services and non-local businesses The adaptive capacity of communities to wildfire for fuels reduction efforts. For instance, amenity can emerge differently in unique settings depend- migrants in Whitefish, Montana often used con- ing on which characteristics are at play in those tractors for fuel reduction work due to a dearth of areas. In some cases, the differences between knowledge, equipment, and skills among resi- communities results from differential access to dents in the area. In comparison, rural lifestyle resources or knowledge of how to solve natural or working landscape communities often include resource problems. In others, it relates to resi- residents who prefer to conduct fuel reduction dents’ willingness and ability to work together work themselves, or who can help their neigh- or with local offices of federal and state agencies. bors perform it. In Wilderness Ranch, Idaho, this The archetypes begin to organize more consistent meant that some residents removed brush and lessons about the expression of adaptive capacity trees themselves and organized through the vol- characteristics across communities. unteer fire protection district to help reduce fuels on properties of those who could not.8 Analysis of cases revealed, for instance, that efforts in formal suburban communities were Additional characteristics related to fire adapta- often institutionalized into enforceable local tion differ among archetypes, but they are more regulations. Residents of formal suburban com- difficult to characterize in terms of a particular munities tended to put more trust in federal and continuum. Place-based attachment and com- state agencies working on wildfire mitigation and munity attachment were important across arche- were more willing to collaborate with them on types, and both influenced collective action and those efforts. In communities near Rancho Santa wildfire mitigation planning in the communities Fe, California, this meant providing the local fire analyzed. But the basis for place-based or com- protection district the authority to forcibly re- munity attachments varied among archetypes. move high fire risk material from private property and determine whether residents could shelter in Place-based attachment in high amenity, high their homes during wildfires.6 resource communities such as Leavenworth, Washington, and Whitefish, Montana were often Trust in agencies diminished while progressing heavily tied to exceptional outdoor recreation or to the other end of the WUI archetype continuum. natural resource amenities9 while place-based Working landscape/resource dependent com- attachment in rural lifestyle communities such munities often featured distrust of government as Woodland Park, Colorado, and Grizzly Flats, agencies (especially higher levels of govern- California were linked to the rural character of ment) and demonstrated an unwillingness or a place, lack of development, and nearby wild- inability to collaborate with agencies on resource lands.10 Place-based attachment in working management. In Linden, Arizona and Hayfork landscape/resource dependent communities such and Weaverville, California, this mistrust was as Hayfork, California and Entiat, Washington, grounded in local frustration about the reduc- was tied predominantly to “working the land” or tion in timber harvesting on National Forests and intergenerational ties to an area.11 In formal sub- anger about the ways previous wildfires had been urban communities, place-based attachment was handled by federal fire teams.7 Instead, working often linked to recreational opportunities or was landscape/resource dependent communities were not a prominent feature of local life. more likely to use information from trusted local sources (e.g., firefighters, select agency profession- als) to organize efforts aligned with traditional skills and practices of landscape management. Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity 9 Community attachment in formal suburban These examples from the case studies analyzed communities such as Auburn Lake Trails and in Paveglio et al. (in press) show how some of Rancho Santa Fe, California was often tied to the the adaptive capacity characteristics (see table 1, exclusivity of living in the community and the in- page 6) in communities from different archetypes group/out-group dynamics it engendered.12 Com- affected approaches to wildfire risk mitigation munity attachment in rural lifestyle communities efforts. They also show the importance of local such as North Fork, Montana and Weaverville, social context in wildfire planning processes, and California was based on the desire of residents how diversity among WUI communities can lead to work together to solve common problems (e.g., to efforts that work differently across communi- road maintenance, chores, and erosion) and sup- ties. port each other financially after wildfires.13 The expression of adaptive capacity character- Among working landscape/resource dependent istics that define each archetype is the result of communities, strong, often intergenerational ties unique historic and current capabilities, social among family and friends motivated community interactions, and cultures of representative com- attachment. Rural lifestyle community attach- munities. Communities can also evolve in ways ment was similar to working landscape/resource that allow them to change archetypes. For in- dependent communities with respect to views on stance, rural lifestyle communities can arise from property rights and ecosystem management. For working landscape communities as resource- or instance, in Pinetop and Show Low, Arizona14 timber-based economies shift and amenity mi- and Roundup, Montana, residents were resistant grants with different perspectives about uses of to provisions that would infringe on individu- the landscape move to the area. In some cases, als’ freedom to manage private property as they these influences led to different approaches to chose. In fact, many residents made it clear that wildfire management such as increased focus on they had moved to or enjoyed living in the area neighborhood-level fuels reduction strategies and because they did not feel as regulated by govern- a focus on landscape conservation.15 ment as they would in a different type of setting. 10 Community Diversity and Wildfire Risk: An Archetype Approach to Understanding Local Capacity but the fringes of town and some unincorporated Examples from a case study developments are on wooded slopes. Raton sits close to the Colorado border in northeastern New In June of 2011, the Track Fire burned near Raton Mexico in a rural setting. The nearest large urban Pass on the New Mexico/Colorado border, affect- centers are Denver and Albuquerque, each rough- ing the city of Raton, New Mexico and threat- ly a three hour drive away. Trinidad, Colorado ening the community of Santa Fe Trail Ranch, (population 9,000) is about 25 miles away. Al- Colorado. The two very different communities though many of the working landscape jobs that in this case study highlight differences in how played a foundational role in creating the town communities can prepare for, respond to, and have since left the area, the resulting depressed recover from wildfire risk. It also illustrates how economic condition of the city exemplifies the de- local social context affects communities’ percep- pendence on these types of jobs, and the culture tion and response to wildfire risk, as well as some remains strongly tied to the mining, ranching, challenges and opportunities for wildfire adapta- and horse racing industries that were historically tion that different communities face. important to the community. The community has resisted potential business developments in Community context and wildfire recent years that are at odds with these activities preparation (e.g., call centers and distribution warehouses) de- spite the overall need for economic development. Raton, NM Residents describe these contradictory actions Raton, New Mexico (population 7,000) is a tradi- as longing for the “good old days.” Some amenity tionally working landscape/resource dependent migration to Raton has occurred but it has not community with ties to the mining and ranching been extensive. Many residents have family roots industries. Most of the city’s developed area is on in the area that trace back multiple generations sparsely vegetated flatlands between two mesas, and contribute to their attachment to the area.

Yet the WUI is not geographically con- tinuous themselves in response to wildfire risk.2 Not only .. heavily tied to exceptional outdoor recreation or.
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