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Author- Title Index Vol. 34, Nos. 1-4, (1999) community environment knowledge through participatory methods in the Kat Section I — Articles [by authors] River Valley, South Africa, 227. AIGNER, Stephen; BUTLER FLORA, MURTAGH, Brendan. Urban segregation Cornelia; TIRMIZI, Syed Noor and and community initiatives in Northern WILCOX, Carrie. Dynamics to sustain Ireland, 219. community development in persistently NEWMAN, Harvey K. Neighborhood poor rural areas, 13. impacts of Atlanta’s olympic games, 151. BRADEN, Su and MAYO, Marjorie. NIEBANCK, Paul. Community develop- Culture, community development and rep- ment training: an industry discovering resentation, 191. itself, 58. BROWN, Malcolm J. The plight of rural ONYX, Jenny and DOVEY, Ken. Cohabi- elderly in South Africa: a case for a com- tation in the time of cholera: praxis in the munity development cadre? 143. community sector in the era of corporate CARAGATA, Lea. The privileged public: capitalism, 179. who is permitted citizenship? 270. PANET-RAYMOND, Jean. A_ postscript: DETRICK, Sabina. The post industrial revi- community development in Quebec: talization of Pittsburgh: myths and evi- between hope and doubt, 340. dence, 4. SAVAYA, Rivka; MORENO, Naomi; LIP- FORREST, Dod. Education and empower- SCHITZ, Ora and ARSET, Noa. The ment: towards untested feasibility, 93. application of a model of systematic HIEBERT, Walter and SWAN, David. Posi- planned practice to participatory com- tively Fit: a case study in community munity work, 240. development and the role of participatory SCHUFTAN, Claudio. Sustainable develop- action research, 356. ment beyond ethical pronouncements: HIGGINS, Joan Wharf. Citizenship and the role of civil society and networking, empowerment: a remedy for citizen par- 232. ticipation in health reform, 287. SPENCER, Charles. Linking forest employ- HUDSON, Pete. Community development ment and forest ecosystem objectives in and child protection: a case for integration, the Pacific Northwest, 47. 346. SWANSTROM, Todd. The nonprofitization KAMARA, John and KARGBO, Stephen. of United States housing policy: dilemmas initiatives for sustainable community of community development, 28. development in Sierra Leone, 108. TYKKLAINEN, Markku. Research design KARABANOW, Jeff. Creating community: of survival strategies in transitional coun- a case study of a Montreal street kid tries, 133. agency, 318. WELLS, Betty; GRADWELL, Shelly and KHAN, Niaz Ahmed. Community cooper- YODER, Rhonda. Growing food, growing ation in a voluntary environmental project: community: community supported agricut- Some lessons from Swansea, Wales, 205. lure in rural Iowa, 38. KRUZYNSKI, Anna and SHRAGGE, Eric. WHARF, Brian. Concluding comments, 365. Getting organized: anti-poverty organizing and social citizenship in the 1970s, 328. Section Ii - Articles [by title] LUNDY, Patricia. Community participation A postscript: community development in in Jamaican conservation projects, 122. Quebec: between hope and _ doubt. MOFFATT, Ken; GEORGE, Usha; LEE, PANET-RAYMOND, Jean, 340. Bill and McGRATH, Susan. Advancing Advancing citizenship: a study of social plan- citizenship: a study of social planning, 308. ning. MOFFATT, Ken; GEORGE, Usha; MOTTEUX, Nicole; NEL, Etienne; ROWN- LEE, Bill and McGRATH, Susan, 308. TREE, Kate and BINNS, Tony. Exploring Citizenship and empowerment: a remedy for COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL VOL. 34 NO. 4 October 1999 pp. 392-395 Author- Title Index Vol. 34, Nos. 1-4, (1999) community environment knowledge through participatory methods in the Kat Section I — Articles [by authors] River Valley, South Africa, 227. AIGNER, Stephen; BUTLER FLORA, MURTAGH, Brendan. Urban segregation Cornelia; TIRMIZI, Syed Noor and and community initiatives in Northern WILCOX, Carrie. Dynamics to sustain Ireland, 219. community development in persistently NEWMAN, Harvey K. Neighborhood poor rural areas, 13. impacts of Atlanta’s olympic games, 151. BRADEN, Su and MAYO, Marjorie. NIEBANCK, Paul. Community develop- Culture, community development and rep- ment training: an industry discovering resentation, 191. itself, 58. BROWN, Malcolm J. The plight of rural ONYX, Jenny and DOVEY, Ken. Cohabi- elderly in South Africa: a case for a com- tation in the time of cholera: praxis in the munity development cadre? 143. community sector in the era of corporate CARAGATA, Lea. The privileged public: capitalism, 179. who is permitted citizenship? 270. PANET-RAYMOND, Jean. A_ postscript: DETRICK, Sabina. The post industrial revi- community development in Quebec: talization of Pittsburgh: myths and evi- between hope and doubt, 340. dence, 4. SAVAYA, Rivka; MORENO, Naomi; LIP- FORREST, Dod. Education and empower- SCHITZ, Ora and ARSET, Noa. The ment: towards untested feasibility, 93. application of a model of systematic HIEBERT, Walter and SWAN, David. Posi- planned practice to participatory com- tively Fit: a case study in community munity work, 240. development and the role of participatory SCHUFTAN, Claudio. Sustainable develop- action research, 356. ment beyond ethical pronouncements: HIGGINS, Joan Wharf. Citizenship and the role of civil society and networking, empowerment: a remedy for citizen par- 232. ticipation in health reform, 287. SPENCER, Charles. Linking forest employ- HUDSON, Pete. Community development ment and forest ecosystem objectives in and child protection: a case for integration, the Pacific Northwest, 47. 346. SWANSTROM, Todd. The nonprofitization KAMARA, John and KARGBO, Stephen. of United States housing policy: dilemmas initiatives for sustainable community of community development, 28. development in Sierra Leone, 108. TYKKLAINEN, Markku. Research design KARABANOW, Jeff. Creating community: of survival strategies in transitional coun- a case study of a Montreal street kid tries, 133. agency, 318. WELLS, Betty; GRADWELL, Shelly and KHAN, Niaz Ahmed. Community cooper- YODER, Rhonda. Growing food, growing ation in a voluntary environmental project: community: community supported agricut- Some lessons from Swansea, Wales, 205. lure in rural Iowa, 38. KRUZYNSKI, Anna and SHRAGGE, Eric. WHARF, Brian. Concluding comments, 365. Getting organized: anti-poverty organizing and social citizenship in the 1970s, 328. Section Ii - Articles [by title] LUNDY, Patricia. Community participation A postscript: community development in in Jamaican conservation projects, 122. Quebec: between hope and _ doubt. MOFFATT, Ken; GEORGE, Usha; LEE, PANET-RAYMOND, Jean, 340. Bill and McGRATH, Susan. Advancing Advancing citizenship: a study of social plan- citizenship: a study of social planning, 308. ning. MOFFATT, Ken; GEORGE, Usha; MOTTEUX, Nicole; NEL, Etienne; ROWN- LEE, Bill and McGRATH, Susan, 308. TREE, Kate and BINNS, Tony. Exploring Citizenship and empowerment: a remedy for COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL VOL. 34 NO. 4 October 1999 pp. 392-395 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 393 citizen participation in health reform. Research design of survival strategies in HIGGINS, Joan Wharf, 287. transitional countries. TYKKLAINEN, Cohabitation in the time of cholera: praxis in Markku, 133. the community sector in the era of corpor- Sustainable development beyond ethical ate capitalism. ONYX, Jenny and pronouncements: the role of civil society DOVEY, Ken, 179. and networking. SCHUFTAN, Claudio, Community cooperation in a_ voluntary 232. environmental project: Some lessons from The application of a model of systematic Swansea, Wales. KHAN, Niaz Ahmed, 205. planned practice to participatory com- Community development and child protec- munity work. SAVAYA, Rivka; tion: a case for integration. HUDSON, MORENO, Naomi; LIPSCHITZ, Ora and Pete, 346. ARSET, Noa, 240. Community development training: an indus- The nonprofitization of United States try discovering itself. NIEBANCK, Paul, housing policy: dilemmas of community 58. development. SWANSTROM, Todd, 28. Community participation in Jamaican conser- The plight of rural elderly in South Africa: a vation projects. LUNDY, Patricia, 122. case for a community development cadre? Concluding comments. WHARF, Brian, 365. BROWN, Malcolm J., 143. Creating community: a case study of a Mon- The post industrial revitalization of Pitts- treal street kid agency. KARABANOW, burgh: myths and evidence. DETRICK, Jeff, 318. Sabina, 4. Culture, community development and rep- The privileged public: who is permitted resentation. BRADEN, Su and MAYO, citizenship? CARAGATA, Lea, 270. Marjorie, 191. Urban segregation and community initiatives Dynamics to sustain community develop- in Northern Ireland. MURTAGH, ment in persistently poor rural areas. Brendan, 219. AIGNER, Stephen; BUTLER FLORA, Cornelia; TIRMIZI, Syed Noor and Section III — Reviews [by author] WILCOX, Carrie, 13. ANDERSON, Mary B. and WOODROW, Education and empowerment: towards Peter J. Rising from the Ashes: Develop- untested feasibility. FORREST, Dod, 93. ment Strategies in Times of Disasters Exploring community environment know- (Jonathan Goodhand), 383. ledge through participatory methods in BENTLEY, Tom. Learning Beyond the the Kat River Valley, South Africa. Classroom: education for a changing world MOTTEUX, Nicole; NEL, Etienne; (Jean Spence), 255. ROWNTREE, Kate and BINNS, Tony, BRADEN, S. with HUONG, T. Video for 227. Development: A Casebook for Vietnam Getting organized: anti-poverty organizing (Marjorie Mayo), 86. and social citizenship in the 1970s. COOPER, Charlie and HAWTIN, Murray KRUZYNSKI, Anna and SHRAGGE, (eds). Resident Involvement and Com- Eric, 328. munity Action: Theory to Practice (Mike Growing food, growing community: com- Waite), 381. munity supported agricutlure in rural CREWE, Emma and HARRISON, Eliza- Iowa. WELLS, Betty; GRADWELL, beth (eds). Whose Development? An Shelly and YODER, Rhonda, 38. Ethnography of Aid (Simon Heap), 384. Initiatives for sustainable community DEACON, Bob with HULSE, Michelle and development in Sierra Leone. KAMARA, STUBBS, Paul. Global Social Policy: John and KARGBO, Stephen, 108. International Organizations and_ the Linking forest employment and forest eco- Future of Welfare (Mick Carpenter), 164. system objectives in the Pacific Northwest. EADE, Deborah (ed). Development and SPENCER, Charles, 47. Patronage: A Development in practice Neighborhood impacts of Atlanta’s olympic reader (Mae Shaw), 83. games. NEWMAN, Harvey K., 151. EPSTEIN, T. Scarlet, SURYANARAYANA, Positively Fit: a case study in community A. P. and THIMMEGOURDA, T. Village development and the role of participatory Voices: forty years of rural transformation action research. HIEBERT, Walter and in South India (Howard Jones), 263. SWAN, David, 356. FINE, Robert and RAI, Shirin (eds). Civil 394 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL VOL. 34 NO. 4 1999 Society: democratic perspectives (Andrew in practice reader. EADE, Deborah (ed), Clayton), 259. 83. GITTELL, R. and VIDEL, A. Community Global Social Policy: International Organiz- Organizing: building social capital as a ations and the Future of Welfare. development strategy (Chris Miller), 260. DEACON, Bob with HULSE, Michelle LEDWITH, Margaret. Participating in and STUBBS, Paul, 164. Transformation: Towards a Working Globalisation, Education and_ Training: Model of Community Development (Chris Impacts and Issues. WALTERS, Shirley, Warren et al), 81. (ed), 87. LOTZ, Jim. The Lichen Factor: The Quest Learning Beyond the Classroom: education for Community Development in Canada for a changing world. BENTLEY, Tom, (Gord Bruyere), 373. ZS. MacINTYRE, Gertrude Anne (ed). Perspec- Missionaries and Mandarins: Feminist tives on Communities: A Community Engagement with Development Insti- Economic Development Roundtable tutions. MILLER, Carol and RAZAVI, (Gord Bruyere), 374. Shahra (eds), 386. MILLER, Carol and RAZAVI, Shahra (eds). Outcomes and Impact: Evaluating Change in Missionaries and Mandarins: Feminist Social Development. OAKLEY, Peter, Engagement with Development Insti- PRATT, Brian and CLAYTON, Andrew, tutions (Chris Johnson), 386. 168. OAKLEY, Peter, PRATT, Brian and Participating in Transformation: Towards a CLAYTON, Andrew. Outcomes and Working Model of Community Develop- Impact: Evaluating Change in Social ment. LEDWITH, Margaret, 81. Development (Laurence Taylor), 168. Perspectives on Communities: A Community PORTA, Donatella Della and DIANI, Economic Development Roundtable. Mario. Social Movements: an introduction MacINTYRE, Gertrude Anne (ed), 374. (Marjorie Mayo), 257. Resident Involvement and Community PURUSHOTHAMAN, Sangeetha. The Action: Theory to Practice. COOPER, Empowerment of Women in India: Grass- Charlie and HAWTIN, Murray (eds), 381. roots Women’s Networks and the State Rising from the Ashes: Development Strat- (Sarah Crowther), 165. egies in Times of Disasters. ANDERSON, RAHNEMA, M. and BAWTREE, V. (eds). Mary B. and WOODROW, Peter J., 383. The Post-Development Reader (Peter Social Movements: an introduction. PORTA, Oakley), 169. Donatella Della and DIANI, Mario, 257. SHEPHERD, Andrew. Sustainable Rural Sustainable Rural Development. SHEP- Development (Chris Johnson), 171. HERD, Andrew, 171. SIZOO, Edith (ed). Women’s Lifeworlds: The Empowerment of Women in India: Women’s Narratives on Shaping their Grassroots Women’s Networks and the Realities (Tonya Blowers), 172. State. PURUSHOTHAMAN, Sangeetha, WALTERS, Shirley, (ed). Globalisation, 165. Education and Training: Impacts and The Lichen Factor: The Quest for Com- Issues (Kevin Ward), 87. munity Development in Canada. LOTZ, WHARF, Brian and CLAGUE, Michael Jim, 373. (eds). Community Organizing: Canadian The Post-Development Reader. RAH- Experiences (Ken Moffatt and Ann Jef- NEMA, M. and BAWTREE, V. (eds), fries), 375. 169. Video for Development: A Casebook for Reviews [by title] Vietnam. BRADEN, S. with HUONG, T., Civil Society: democratic perspectives. FINE, 86. Robert and RAI, Shirin (eds), 259. Village Voices: forty years of rural transform- Community Organizing: building social ation in South India. EPSTEIN, T. Scarlet, capital as a development _ strategy. SURYANARAYANA, A. P. and THIM- GITTELL, R. and VIDEL, A., 260. MEGOURDA, T., 263. Community Organizing: Canadian Experi- Whose Development? An Ethnography of ences. WHARF, Brian and CLAGUE, Aid. CREWE, Emma and HARRISON, Michael (eds), 375. Elizabeth (eds), 384. Development and Patronage: A Development Women’s Lifeworlds: Women’s Narratives on AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 395 Shaping their Realities. SIZOO, Edith democracy: community development in (ed), 172. Hungary, 160. WELLS, Betty and BRYNE, Jennifer. The Section IV — Review Articles changing face of community in the Midwest KINSLEY, Michael J. Economic Renewal US: challenges for community dwellers, 70. Guide: A Collaborative Process for Sus- tainable Community Development Our Correspondent Reports [by title] (Kristin Bonner), 78. Community economic development in The Aspen Institute: Measuring Community Canada. LOTZ, Jim, 370. Capacity Building (Kristin Bonner), 78. Devolution and community development in the US. HIBBARD, Michael, 75. Section V - Our Correspondent Reports [by The changing face of community in the author] Midwest US: challenges for community HIBBARD, Michael. Devolution and com- dwellers. WELLS, Betty and BRYNE, munity development in the US, 75. Jennifer, 70. LOTZ, Jim. Community economic develop- The development of democracy: community ment in Canada, 370. development in Hungary. VERESEG, OBINNE, C. P. O. The family economic Ilona, 160. advancement programme in Nigeria: a The family economic advancement pro- rural development approach, 252. gramme in Nigeria: a rural development VERESEG, Ilona. The development of approach. OBINNE, C. P. O., 252.

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