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Community-Based Primary Prevention Plan to Reduce High-Risk and Underage Alcohol Use, A PDF

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Preview Community-Based Primary Prevention Plan to Reduce High-Risk and Underage Alcohol Use, A

A Community-based Primary Prevention Plan to Reduce High-Risk and Underage Alcohol Use Minnesota Department of Health Attached is a comprehensive community-based primary prevention plan for reducing high-risk and underage alcohol use in a community. Though it is important to realize that any effort to be comprehensive will always be lacking some components, the strategies/activities/tasks listed are possible examples of what could be undertaken to reduce high-risk and underage alcohol use. This plan is intended as a guide for local communities to develop a plan that is 1) focused on primary prevention, 2) community-based, and 3) comprehensive. In Objective 12 some secondary and tertiary objectives are included in order to connect this plan to the continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment and aftercare. The twelve objectives in this plan will help achieve the goal of reducing high-risk and underage drinking. This document is designed to flow logically. There are strategies/activities/tasks; short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes; and methods for measuring outcomes for each of the twelve objectives. Although a specific evaluation plan is not included, the plan provides a sound basis for developing evaluation activities. In particular, the columns related to measuring progress in achieving outcomes could provide the basis for developing evaluation plans. This plan is intended to work with the alcohol chemical health strategies in the Strategies for Public Health produced by the Minnesota Department of Health. February, 2009 A Community-based Primary Prevention Plan to Reduce High-Risk and Underage Alcohol Use Problem Statement: High-risk alcohol use, including underage use, causes numerous public health and public safety problems in Mock Duck County. Goal: Reduce high-risk and underage alcohol use and the problems associated with it in Mock Duck County. Objective Strategies/Activities/Tasks What is the expected short-term (or How will you measure progress in What is the expected long-term How will you measure progress in intermediate) outcome? achieving this outcome or objective? outcome? achieving this outcome? 1. By --/--/-- assess 1. Collect available data. A useful picture of high-risk and Chemical health indicator data on A useful package of data that can be Data will continue to be collected the prevalence of 2. Analyze and interpret data. underage drinking and the problems alcohol use, drinking and driving and updated and an alcohol surveillance and reviewed. high-risk and 3. Determine what other data are caused by it will be available. other alcohol-related issues will be system will be available. underage alcohol needed. collected and analyzed and a useful Assessments will be conducted use and problems 4. Collect data needed. understanding of the problem will The data will be used to identify and regularly and the reports will be caused by it in the exist. prioritize problems and plan reviewed. county. effective strategies to address the problems and measure success by Action plans will be reviewed and ongoing assessments. modified if indicated by new data. A plan will be in place that will be based on the assessment. 2. By --/--/-- assess the 1. Conduct a community readiness The readiness of the county to address Activities to assess community The results of the community Readiness survey findings will be readiness of Mock survey. high-risk and underage drinking will be readiness will be conducted, data will readiness assessment will be used to reviewed. Duck County to 2. Conduct focus groups. known and appropriate planning can be be collected and analyzed and the identity effective strategies address high-risk 3. Conduct key informant surveys. done to choose strategies. readiness of the community will be appropriate to address the problem Action plans will be compared and underage 4. Analyze and interpret data. understood. and measure success by ongoing with readiness survey findings. drinking problems. assessments. Strategies will be selected that are appropriate with the readiness of the community 3. By --/--/-- identify 1. Identify organizations and groups Policies and programs currently in An inventory of policies and programs There will be a compilation of Review existing polices and community, school, that might have policies and place in the county will be known. currently in place will be maintained. existing policies and programs. program documentation. and organizational programs related to alcohol use. policies and 2. Contact those groups and collect Opportunities will be identified for programs currently information. developing new policies and/or in place in the 3. Compile list of policies and programs that support a county. programs. comprehensive effort to reduce high-risk alcohol use. Minnesota Department of Health, 2009 1 Objective Strategies/Activities/Tasks What is the expected short-term (or How will you measure progress in What is the expected long-term How will you measure progress in intermediate) outcome? achieving this outcome or objective? outcome? achieving this outcome? 4. By --/--/-- identify 1. Collect information on effective and Effective strategies to reduce high-risk A list of effective strategies will be Gaps will be “filled” based on Communities will have effective strategies promising prevention practices. and underage drinking will be known available and gaps between what is community need, priority and comprehensive policies and to reduce high-risk 2. Contact others who have and gaps will be identified. The available and what is not will be capacity, and a comprehensive programs in place to reduce high- and underage implemented suggested strategies to feasibility of policies and programs identified. Best strategies for the program to reduce high-risk and risk and underage drinking. drinking. learn their experiences. working in the community will be community will be identified. underage drinking and its problems 3. Identify effective assessed. will be in place. Policies and programs will be strategies that are not being used updated as new data become that could work in the community. available. 5. By --/--/-- have a 1. Identify partnerships and A partnership addressing high-risk and There will be a partnership to address The partnership will work to reduce Surveys will show an awareness partnership in place organizations currently addressing underage alcohol use will be high-risk drinking in place. Meetings high-risk and underage alcohol use of the partnership and there will be to address high-risk or interested in high-risk behaviors functioning. will be held regularly, minutes will be and its problems in the county. an understanding of the and underage in the county. taken. partnership’s efforts to reduce alcohol use. 2. Determine if any are addressing The partnership will have adequate high-risk and underage drinking. alcohol use and if not if any are The partnership will be representative representation from throughout the interested. of the community or targeted group. community. Interviews will be conducted with 3. Work with existing groups to various groups within the address high-risk drinking or The partnership will be able to community to assure adequate identify and recruit members for a demonstrate progress toward representation. coalition if nothing else exists. reducing high-risk and underage 4. Make sure the group is drinking in the community. Assessments of prevalence data on representative of the community. high-risk and underage drinking will be conducted. 6. By --/--/-- publicize 1. Develop a communication plan that A communication plan will be used to A communication plan and a media Various media outlets will be using The coalition will track media information includes identifying key provide information about high-risk plan will be in place and the amount the coalition as a source of requests and coverage and gathered about stakeholders. and underage alcohol use and its of communications and media information on the topics. The communications of alcohol-related prevalence of high- 2. Develop a media plan. problems as well as potential solutions coverage will be quantified. public will be aware of the issues. risk and underage 3. Implement the plans to publicize the to various stakeholders in the messages and how they relate to use and problems. results of the information gathered community. A media plan will be used high-risk alcohol use. There will be Surveys will be conducted to about the prevalence of the communicate through the media. regular communications with measure citizens’ awareness of the problems. stakeholders. There will be a high messages. level of awareness of the problems in the community. Minnesota Department of Health, 2009 2 Objective Strategies/Activities/Tasks What is the expected short-term (or How will you measure progress in What is the expected long-term How will you measure progress in intermediate) outcome? achieving this outcome or objective? outcome? achieving this outcome? 7. Reduce commercial 1. Build relationships with merchants, Communications with law Meetings with various parties to Policies will be implemented to The coalition will track policies youth access to law enforcement, prosecutors, the enforcement, prosecutors, merchants, discuss the various policies and reduce youth access to alcohol. implemented in the alcohol. judiciary and local decision-makers decision-makers and the judiciary will practices will be held. community/state to reduce to stop commercial access to begin and relationships will be built. Successful alcohol compliance commercial alcohol sales to youth. alcohol by youth. Measure awareness of merchants check purchase attempts will be 2. Work with merchants to implement The effectiveness, practicality and about penalties for selling to underage minimal. Compliance check data will be beverage server training. implementation of existing and/or new youth. collected and regularly publicized. 3. Work with local decision-makers policies will be discussed. Youth will find it very difficult to and law enforcement to institute commercially obtain alcohol. Data on how youth obtain alcohol compliance checks and will be examined. administrative penalties. Alcohol excise taxes will be 4. Publicize compliance check results. increased. Data will be examined to 5. Work with local decision-makers to determine the effects of raising the prohibit alcohol service and sales by price of alcohol through an excise 18-20 year-olds and youth nights in tax. If necessary, surveys of youth bars and ban home delivery of will be conducted. alcohol. 6. Work with prosecutors, the judiciary, local decision-makers and law enforcement to enforce penalties for selling to youth and for youth who use false identification. 7. Support an increase in alcohol excise taxes. 8. Reduce social youth 1. Provide information about why Materials in various media formats will Materials will be available and their Parents and other adults will be less Data on how youth obtain alcohol access to alcohol. adults should not provide alcohol to be distributed about the dangers of dissemination will be tracked. likely to provide alcohol to youth will be examined. youth. underage alcohol use and the and will make it less accessible. 2. Institute social host ordinances. consequences for providing alcohol to Meetings with various parties to Law enforcement and anecdotal 3. Publicize the consequences for underage youth. discuss the various policies will be Alcohol-free prom and graduation reports of parents and other adults adults who provide alcohol to held. parties will be the norm. providing alcohol to youth will be youth. Communications with law examined. 4. Work with law enforcement, enforcement, prosecutors, decision- Youth will not be able to easily prosecutors and the judiciary to makers and the judiciary will begin and obtain alcohol from their homes and enforce the consequences. relationships will be built. from other adults. 5. Institute keg registration. 6. Collect information about sources of alcohol when charging youth with alcohol-related offenses. Minnesota Department of Health, 2009 3 Objective Strategies/Activities/Tasks What is the expected short-term (or How will you measure progress in What is the expected long-term How will you measure progress in intermediate) outcome? achieving this outcome or objective? outcome? achieving this outcome? 9. Reduce the 1. Work with law enforcement, Communications with law Meetings with various parties to There will be an understanding of Community opinion surveys will acceptability of prosecutors, the judiciary, decision- enforcement, prosecutors, decision- discuss the various policies will be the dangers of underage alcohol use show that the majority of adults do underage youth makers, school administrations, makers, school administration, Park held. by youth and adults in the not think it is acceptable for youth alcohol use. Park and Recreation Departments, and Recreation Departments, community and it will not be to use alcohol. employers, faith community leaders, employers, faith community leaders, Materials will be available and their accepted. and parents to enforce policies parents and the judiciary will begin and dissemination will be tracked. Youth will report an increase in the regarding youth use. relationships will be built. understanding of the dangers of 2. Promote zero tolerance of underage Evidence-based curricula will be used underage alcohol use in the school use. Materials in various media formats will or will be in the curriculum review district and/or Minnesota Student 3. Enforce school, community and be distributed about the dangers of process in the schools. Survey data. organization policies. underage alcohol use. 4. Institute a media plan about the Parenting skills programs will be dangers of youth use. Evidence-based school curricula will be offered to the parents in the 5. Assure that evidence-based school used or under consideration in the community. curricula are being implemented. schools. 6. Assure that effective parenting skills are being taught. Parenting programs will be available or planned. 10. Improve alcohol 1. Institute a communication plan Materials in various media formats will Materials will be available and their Policies and norms about adult use Surveys will show that adults use role modeling about adult role modeling. be distributed about adult role dissemination will be tracked and role modeling that impact youth understand how their use impacts by adults in the 2. Institute “no use” chaperone modeling. use will be instituted. youth. community and in policies for school and youth Meetings with various parties to the media. activities. Information and materials about the discuss the various policies will be There will be positive adult role Community events will be 3. Institute policies prohibiting or promotion and portrayal of alcohol in held. The number of meetings and modeling norms in the community. observed and documented to see if restricting alcohol use in public the community and in the media will be their attendance will be tracked. they are either alcohol-free or have areas and at community events. prepared and disseminated. Community events will either be adults-only areas where alcohol 4. Raise awareness about how alcohol Presentations will be documented and alcohol-free or will have adults-only can be consumed will be is promoted and portrayed in the Communications with decision-makers evaluated. areas where alcohol may be conducted. media and in the community. and organizers will begin and consumed. relationships will be built. Police and anecdotal neighborhood Police and neighborhood reports of reports of community events will alcohol-related problems at be examined for alcohol-related community events will decline. problems. Minnesota Department of Health, 2009 4 Objective Strategies/Activities/Tasks What is the expected short-term (or How will you measure progress in What is the expected long-term How will you measure progress in intermediate) outcome? achieving this outcome or objective? outcome? achieving this outcome? 11. Reduce the ability 1. Work with merchants, prosecutors, Communications with law Meetings with various parties to Policies and programs will be The implementation and for and the law enforcement, decision makers enforcement, prosecutors, decision- discuss the effectiveness, practicality instituted that discourage high-risk enforcement of policies and acceptance of high- and the judiciary to enforce laws makers, merchants, Park and and implementation of various drinking and incidents of high-risk programs will be assessed. risk drinking among that will reduce high-risk drinking. Recreation Departments, employers, policies and programs will be held. drinking will decrease. youth and adults. 2. Work with law enforcement, faith community leaders, and the Reports of law enforcement, prosecutors and the judiciary to judiciary will begin and relationships Reports of high-risk drinking school and anecdotal high-risk and enforce DWI laws and penalties and will be built. incidents will decrease. underage drinking will be policies about selling to youth and examined. overserving intoxicated adults. The effectiveness, practicality and Law enforcement officers will 3. Work with merchants to institute implementation of policies will be report fewer alcohol-related calls. Student Survey data on alcohol beverage server training to reduce discussed. use, binge drinking, drinking and sales to youth and overserving There will be a decrease in alcohol driving, and youth reporting intoxicated adults. use, binge drinking, drinking and alcohol abuse in their homes will 4. Work with decision-makers and driving, and youth reporting alcohol be examined. merchants to institute policies abuse in their homes. prohibiting or restricting drink Surveys will be conducted to specials at bars and restricting the High-risk and underage drinking determine public opinion about promotion and advertising of will not be acceptable behaviors in high-risk and underage drinking.. alcohol products. the community. 5. Work with decision-makers to control the density of alcohol DWI arrests and convictions will go outlets, institute administrative up first and then come down. There penalties for selling to underage will be an increase in enforcement youth and overserving intoxicated and prosecution at first. Over time adults, prohibit or restrict alcohol there will be a decrease as the use in public areas and at norms about drinking and driving community events, prohibit change. sponsorship of community events by the alcohol industry, prohibit home delivery of alcohol products, and limit hours of sale of alcoholic beverages. 6. Support state and national efforts to restrict the packaging of alcoholic products that appeals to youth, lower the legal blood alcohol content limit, and increase the alcohol excise tax. Minnesota Department of Health, 2009 5 Objective Strategies/Activities/Tasks What is the expected short-term (or How will you measure progress in What is the expected long-term How will you measure progress in intermediate) outcome? achieving this outcome or objective? outcome? achieving this outcome? 7. Encourage businesses and faith communities to establish policies about alcohol use at events and during work time. 12. Assure that 1. Meet with health care providers, Communications with health care Meetings with various parties to Employee assistance and student Businesses and schools will be support, services, insurers, Managed Care providers, insurers, Managed Care discuss the policies and provision of assistance programs will be surveyed to see if they have and brief organizations, school administration organizations, school administration services will be held. available for those who need it. implemented employee/student intervention exist and businesses to encourage them to and businesses will begin and assistance programs. for youth and adults provide services to prevent high- relationships will be built. Plans will be implemented to provide Medical providers will screen to reduce high-risk risk and underage drinking and support and services to prevent high- patients for alcohol use regularly. Medical providers will be surveyed alcohol use. support those in need of help. The effectiveness, practicality and risk and underage drinking and help about screening, brief intervention 2. Provide training on screening, brief implementation of policies that will those in need for youth and adults. Referrals to support services will be and referral. intervention and referral as needed. prevent high-risk and underage made as needed. 3. Encourage businesses to provide drinking and support those in need of employee assistance programs and help will be discussed. schools to provide student assistance programs. The various organizations will begin to take action to support their students, patients, clients, and employees. Minnesota Department of Health, 2009 6

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