CoMMUNISTS LIKE Us OFL mERTY, NEwS PACES LINES OF NEW ALLIANCE FELIX GUATIARI & Tom NEGRI WITH A 1990" "PosTSCRIPT, ToNI NEGRI BY (tq; ,qq 0 Translabteyd Ryan Michael SEMIOTEXT(EF)O REIGANG ENSTESR IES Main texto rigialnly publini sFherde nch in 198as5 N ouvelleess pacesde liberte. This isthe original pubilcationo ft he "Postscri1p9t, 9b0y"T o niN egri. Specialt hankst oJ ared Becker, JimF leminJge,ffF ort, MichaHealr dSty,l v�Lroetri nger, MichaReylan ,and TomY emm. Translaticoonp yrig©h 1t990Se miotext(e) Semiotee)x t( 522P hilosophHya ll ColumbUinai versity NewY orkNY, 10027U SA Printed tinh Ue nitedS tateosfA merica CoMMUNISTS LIKEU s Thep rjoectto:re scu"ec ommunism" fromi tso wnd isrepuOtnec.ein vokeasd the liberatoifow no rkt hroumgahn kind'cso l lective crceoamtmiuonni,s hmas instead stifledh umanitWye. w hos eei nc ommu nistmh lei beratoifobo nt hc ollecantidv ien dividpuoasls ibilmiutsitree vse rsteh arte gi mentatioonf th oughantd desiwrhei cthe r minattehsei ndividual. Bankrupt:c otlhlee ctrievgiismte s havfea iled tos orecaliialzeoi rsc to mmunist idealCsa.p italtiosohm a sp layefdas ta nd loosew itphr omisoefls i bertye,q ualpirtoyg, resasn de nlightenmeFnotr gceatp itaanldi sm socialIinssmt:e waed h avien p lacoen ev ast machineex,t endoivnegrt hep laneant en slavemeonfat l mla nkind. Evaesrype cotf humanl if-e workc,h ildholoodv,el ,i fe, thoughftan,t asyart, isd eprivoefd dig - nityi nt hisw orkhouEsvee.ry onfee elosn ly theth reaotf s ociadle misuen:e mployment, povertyw,e lfare. 8 F:Eux GuAITARI& ToNNIE GRI Worikt sdeelffao unil tspt rso miosfe develtohpreie nlga betitowneshe unm anity andt hmea teerinavlir onmneonewtv ;e ryone worfukrsi outsoel vyae,dv ei cytieootnnl ,y hastentihneogiw ren x pulfrsoimto hmnee chanpircoactleh wsaostr h kabe sc ome. Indeweodri kts e-lafs o rganized byc apitaolrsi oscmi al-ihsasmbe come thien terosfei crtiroasnto icorineaapllr oduc tioannd a mplisfioeccdio anls tFreaintttse.r s - irratsioocnciaoalnl s trainaret sth uast - thfeo undoafti osnu bjeccotinvsec ious all nesfso rmienthd ew orpkr oceAsnsed.s tab lishitnhcgio sl lescutbijveeoc ftre isvtriitcy tioann sdu rveililsthan efic resi tm perative oft hcea piwtoalriaksp tp aratSue-sls.fu rveil lanancded oupbretv eannyti ntimaotfi ons escaapnpedr, e eamnpqytu estioofnt ihneg politilceagolarm,l o rlaelg itiomfta hsceyy s temN.oo ncean w ithdrfraowmt hciasp ital islte galoifbt lyi nanddna ebsssgu oralds . Eacihn stanocwfeo reakc,sh e quence, is" overdetbeyrt minehidem" p eratiovfe s capitraelipsrtod uecvtieoarncy;ti h oenl tpos solitdhhieify e rarocfvh aileanusde a uthor ity. ye-tw hiyis tht at t hdei scus- And CoMMUNISTS LIKE Us 9 sioonf c ommunisimsta boo?T hidsi scourse isd efamedan d banishbeydt hev erpeyo ple itp retentdosl iberafrotem their chansi.C ould itbe duet ot hes educti"vper,o gsreisvirsat" tionaloiftc ya pitaanldi simtso rgazantiiono f work?' Afteral lc,a ptailiwsotr karran gements havseu cceeidnea dp proaptirnigth ed iscourse ofc ommunis-man analyosfils a bora nd itsl iberatpooryw e-r andr educiettd o t ech niquoefsm anipulati"oAnr:be iMta chFtre i." Event he socialtiiesst truvmaperrtiec eovery and reconstructasi tohno ugthh eswee re in strumentaglo alasttaina ble throutecghhni cal means. "Tehteh iocf"s ociarle volutihoans becomei nsteandi gah tmaroe fl iberatibeon trayedan,d thve isiooftn h fue ture isfre ighted witaht erribilnee rt.i.a. Nots ol onagg ot,h ec ritiqoufec a pi taliwsasm direcattei dts d estructipveen,e tratnigm arketT.o dawye submittoi ttrsa u matizatioofon u rs oulpsas,s iveaslsyu ming tharte investmsetrantte giaree st he leasotp pressfiovrm e ofp lanning and- socialism orc apitalisbemc omesam oot point. So now evryethinmgu stb e rein ventetdh:ep urposeo fw orkas wella s the 10 FELIXG uATIARI& ToNIN EGRI modalitieso fs ocilailf rieg,h tsas wellas freedoms.W e wiloln cea gainbe gint od e finec ommunisasm thec ollective struggle fort hel iberatioofnw orkt,h aits a,t o ncean, endt othe currensti tuation! ***** Empty-heaedceodn omidsotmsi nate allo verth eg lobe- and yett hep laniest devastatepedr,h apisn exoraWbel myu.s taf firm firsotf al lt hatth erei sm ore thaonn e patht:h ep atohf c apitailmipesrti um and/or socialist/collweocrtkfi ovrmissw th ospee r sisteanncdev italitdye pendt oa largep an ono uro wnin capactiotr ye defiwneo rka sa projeacntda proceosfsl iberatioWne. w ill definceo mmunisasm th e assortmento fs o ciaplr acticleeasd intgo th e transformation ofc onsciousannde rsesa lointe yv erlye vel: politicanadl sociahli,s toranidc ealv eryday, conscianodu su nconsciRoeucso.g nizintgh at discouirsas ceti onw,e w ilflorg e a newd is coursiens ucha fashiaosnt oi nititahtee destructioonf t heo ldw ayB. uto urc ommu nismw ilnlo tf ora ltlha tbe as pectrhea unt ingt heo ldE W e ratheenrv isaagne CoMMUNISTS LIKE Us 11 imaginaitvec,r eatipvreco esast o nces ingu laran d collectsiwveee,p itnhgew orlwdi tah greatw aveo fr efusaanld ofh ope.C ommu nismi sno thing otthhanea r callt ol ief:t o breakt hee ncircleomfet nhtec apitalsita nd socialoirgsatzni atioonf w orkw,h icthod ay leadnso to nltyo a continuisnugr ploufrs e pressiaonnd e xpolitoanti,b ut toe xtthien c tioonf t hew orladn dh umanitwyi tiht Explotiitoahna sa dvanceodn, t he basiosf n ucleaarc cumulatiotnobe, c omea threoafte xecutithoenc ;y cloefsw ar andt he dangeorfd estructiareo nw elknlo wn.N ow we are notd etermiinsts- butt odaiyti s not onldye teirmniswthsore cognitzhea tth ee nd isi,f n otn ear,c ertainlcyl osbey ,e sepcially ifw e abadnonpo wer tot hec apiitsaatln d sociajluigsgte rnuatosf l enticnag tastropwhiel rleq uirea collecmtoibviezl ai tiofnor fr eedom. Continunig. .. Why doese verydlaieyf tr emblwei th fear andl oathiThnigs?f eairs n ott hes tate ofn atuasre d escribbeydH obbes- thaotl d excusoeft hew ar ofa lalg iansatll ,i ndivid ualw illfsra gmenteidna thirfsort p ower. Rathewrh atw e haven owi sa transcenden- 12 F:Eu:x GuATIAR&I ToNNIE GRI tal, yet actually fmeaanwrmh aidcesh e eps inteov ermyi ndw ithi mmobilizciantga, strophidcr eadI.n deehdo pei tsehlafsfl ed thihso peleshsa,p legsrse,y w orldB.e yond malailsief,se i nkisn tsoa dnebsosr,e doamn d monotonwyi,t hn oc hancteo b reako uto f them orass abosfu rdCiotmym.u nication speechc,o nversatbianotne,er v,e nc onspir acyh as albele n takeinnb yt he" discourse" ofm ass mediaI nterperrseolnaatilo lnisk e wise haves poilanedd ,ar e now character izedb yi ndifferencdei,s ingenduiosugsuan sdt self-ha-treidna wordw,e 'ralel s uffering fromb adf aith. Amazingltyh,ef abroifch umanf eel inghsa si tseclofm eu nravelseidn,ci etn o longseurc ceeidncs o nnecttihnetg hr eadosf desiaren dh opeA.s a r esutlhti,ps s eudo-war hasp assedo vetrh ew orlfdo r3 0y earsw ith outi tkse yf eatuberiensg n oticed;C oltdh e War escaupneersc ognizase dt hetr uec ul prit. Durintgh awth oltei meh,u man con sciousnheass bese ng rounddo wni ntsoo me thinmgo rem anageableev,e nc omplicAist . thei ndividsuialnk si ntios oladteesdp aairl,l theb uilutp valueisn t hew orlcdo llapse