" A NEWSLETTER FOR FACULTY AND STAFF AT BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY 12 JAN 95 Ebony editor to speak at King Day observance The highlight of Bloomsburg main lobby of the Kehr Union and the SocietyofMidlandAuthors. He University'sobservanceofDr.Martin woitehopsfrom1to4p.mintheUnion. hasbeenhonoredwiththeLiterature LutherKingDayJr. DayonMonday, KeynotespeakerBennetthasbeen AwardfromtheAmericanAcademy Jan. 16, will be a lecture by Lerone aneditoratEbonysince 1954,previ- ofArts and Letters in 1978, and the Bennett Jr., executive ouslyservingasareporterandeditor Lifetime Achievement Award from editor of Ebony maga- for TheAtlantaDaily Worldand as the National Association of Black zineandaninternation- an editoratfetmagazine. Bennett's Journalists in 1981. ally known author. many books include: Before the In honor of King, Bloomsburg Bennettwill speak at Mayflower: A History of Black classes will not meet on Jan. 16. 7 p.m. in Kehr Union America, TheNegroMood, Confron- Organizations sponsoring the day's Ballroom on "Under- tation:BlackandWhite,BlackPower eventsinclude theDr. MartinLuther standing the Place of U.SA. and The Human Side ofRe- King Day planning committee, the Dr.KinginHistory." The construction. Other books include office of minority affairs, the Black overall theme of Pioneers in Protest, Challenge of Caucus,KehrUnionProgramBoard, Bloomsburg's celebra- Blackness,ShapingofBlackAmerica Multicultural Center,AcademicSup- tion is "Continuing the and Wadein the Water. port Services, committee on pro- Struggle for Freedom Hisbook, WhatMannerofMan:A tected class issues. Black Cultural and Human Dignity." BiographyofMartinLutherKingfr., SocietyandtheBloomsburgUniver- Bennett will be at a received the Patron Saints Award of sity Foundation. reception and book signing after his lecture Herring to head student intheMulticulturalCen- life LeroneBennettJr. ter ofthe Kehr Union. The day's events will include an H. Preston Herring, associatevice until Herring arrives on campus. opening ceremony at noon in the presidentforstudentaffairsatRoch- Herring succeedsJennie Carpen- ester Institute of Technology (RIT), ter who retired Dec. 23 after more has been named vice president for than 26 years in the student affairs An excerpt from Lerone Bennett's student life. division at the university. Carpenter Herring will begin his new posi- served as interim vice president for WhatManner ofMan:A Biography tionatBloomsburgonMarch1.John student life for the past three years ofMartin LutherKingJr. Trathen,directorofstudentactivities and as assistant vice president prior and the Kehr Union, will serve as to that. Hisgrace, like Ghandi's, grew out ofa compli- interimvicepresidentforstudentlife Continuedonpage2 catedrelation not to oppression butto theancient scourgesofman, topain, tosuffering, todeath.Men Mowad joins Council of Trustees who conquerthefearofthesethings in themselves acquire extraordinarypoweroverthemselves and overothers. JosephJ.Mowad,M.D. ofDanville, Foundation. He came to Geisinger , "A manwhowon'tdieforsomething, "Kingsaid, has been named to Bloomsburg's Medical Centerin 1968 asanassoci- "is notfittolive. Council of Trustees. The appoint- ate in the urology department. Byresurrectingthattruthandflingingitintothe ment was announced last Novem- Hehasservedasdepartmentchair- teethofourfears, bysaying itrepeatedlyandliving ber, following Mowad's confirma- person and assistant medical direc- it, MartinLutherKing,fr. taughtus, allofus, black tion by the Pennsylvania Senate. toratGeisingerMedicalCenter, and men and white men, fews and Gentiles, not only Mowadwillserveafive-yeartermas assistanttothepresidentofGeisinger howtodie, butalso, andmoreimportantly, howto a trustee. Clinic. live. Mowad, a native of Scranton, is EducatedatScrantonPrepSchool senior vice president of Geisinger Continuedonpage2 2 Communique 12JAN 95 — Herring News briefs Continuedfrompage 1 Computer services is implementing new terminal Herringwillberesponsibleforthe academicmissionoftheschoolwith emulation software for mainframe access on the Husky university's residence hall system, its student affairs function. UNIX server. This software will replace the "main" theintercollegiateathleticsprogram, "That's the kind of linkage we program. Ifyouusethisprogramformainframeterminal counselingandcareerdevelopment, want to create here between aca- emulation and have questions regarding this change, student activities, financial aid, demic affairs and student life. contact Chuck Ross at 4104. multicultural activities and student "Thesearchcommittee,chairedby standards. Brian Johnson, a professor in the Regular academic semester library hours will resume Herring held similar responsibili- geography and earth sciences de- on Tuesday, Jan. 17. Library hours will be: Monday ties at RIT, where he has worked partment, was diligent in its work throughThursday,8a.m. tomidnight;Friday, 8a.m. to9 since 1981. There, he was actively and succeeded in identifying and p.m.;Saturday,9a.m. to5p.m.;andSunday,2 to10p.m. involved in expanding RIT's health bringing five exciting and highly education program with special qualifiedcandidatestocampus,"says Hours for dining outlets on campus are as follows: emphasisuponAIDSeducation,sub- Kozloff. "The quality of candidates HuskyLounge,MondaythroughFriday,7a.m.to11p.m.; stance abuse and eating disorders. that we were able to attract is a Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Monty's, He also directed the creation of a reflection of Bloomsburg's reputa- Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday and campus-wide wellness program for tion around the country." Sunday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Itza Pizza, Monday through students and developed a conflict In John Trathen's absence, Mike Friday, 10:30a.m.to8p.m.;HuskyTrail,Mondaythrough mediationprogramasanalternative Sowash will direct student activities Friday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Pennsylvania Room, Monday for dispute resolution. andtheKehrUnion.JimmyGilliland through Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. PriortojoiningRochesterInstitute will serve as associate director of ofTechnology, Herring was an ad- student activities in Sowash's place. ministrative director for the depart- StephanieJepko, a 1994graduatein ment of surgery in the School of management is serving as assistant Communique Medicine at the University ofLouis- director of student activities for ville. He also held asimilarposition Gilliland. A newsletter for Bloomsburg University faculty and in the School of Medicine at Michi- TheappointmentofHerringisthe staff, Communiquepublishesnewsofactivities,eventsand gan State University. first of several vice presidential ap- developments at Bloomsburg University bi-weekly throughout the academic year. "I think there's a tremendous fit pointments that Kozloff expects to Bloomsburg is committed to providing equal educa- here,"saysPresidentJessicaKozloff. make overthe nextseveral months. tional and employment opportunities for all persons "Preston's experience at Rochester Similar searches are underway for without regardto race, color, religion, sex, age, national reflectshisexperienceindeveloping theuniversityadvancementandaca- origin, ancestry,life-style, sexualorientation,disabilities, a seamless connection between the demic affairs posts. Vietnam-era veteran, or union membership. Theuniversityisadditionallycommittedtoaffirmative Mowad action and will take positive steps to provide such educational and employment opportunities. Continuedfrompage 1 DirectorofUniversityRelations andCommunication:Joan T. Lentczner DirectorofNewsandMediaRelations: and the University of Scranton, chairs the Governor'sRenalDisease Mark Lloyd Mowad earned his medical degree Advisory Committee. from the Creighton Medical School He has served on the board of Editor: Eric Foster in Omaha, Neb. He completed his directorsformanyGeisingersystem Proofreader: Winnie Ney urological and entities, including Geisinger Clinic, Photographer:Joan K. Heifer surgical resi- Marworth, Geisinger Wyoming Val- Publicationdate forthe nextCommunique: dency at the ley Medical Center and Geisinger January26 University of Medical Center. He is a memberof Maryland in theboardforGeisingerHealthPlan. College Park. Active in the community, Mowad infPolremaasteiosnutbomiCtomsmtuonriyquied,eaUsn,ivneerswistybRreielfastioannsdancdaleCnodma-r Mowad is a is on the board of directors of the munication Office, Waller Administration Building, Room diplomate of First National Bank of Danville. He 104ABloomsburgUniversity,Bloomsburg,PA17815.TheE- the American has served on the Montour County Mail address is: Board of Urol- RecreationAuthorityandasa mem- [email protected] ogy and active JosephMowad ber of the advisory board of the Four-digit phone numbers listed in the Communique are intheAmerican MontourCountyAdvisoryBoardon on-campusextensions. Tousethenumbersoff-campus,dial Urological Association, the Ameri- DrugandAlcoholProgramsandthe 389 first. The area code is717. can College of Surgeons and the Montour County Child Welfare Ser- Society ofUniversity Urologists. He vices. 12JAN 95 Communique 3 Campus notes FAREWELL AttheCouncilofTrustees' quarferiymeetinginDecember, GaryF. Clark, assistant professor of art, has had his RamonaAlley,left,chairperson computerartfeaturedwithachapterdevotedtohiswork ofthecouncil,presenteda in the just published book Painter by Dawn Erdos, plaquetoJennieCarpenter, published by the MIS Press. His computer artwork interimvicepresidentforstudent recently won an award at the 7th National Juried Art lifewhoretiredinDecember,on Exhibition attheMableCultural CenterinMableton, Ga. behalfofthetrustees.Carpenter Hehasshownnewcomputerartworksandlectviredatthe servedtheuniversityfor26 WestVirginiaArtEducationAssociationStateConference years.Thecouncilalso in a presentation titled "Methods and strategies for presentedaplaquetograduating teachingfineartusingthecomputer"Clarkhasexhibited studenttrusteeJohnMcDaniel. at the Mitchner Museum of Art in Doylestown and presented two lectures titled "FineArton theComputer: TwoApproaches"and"FractalFairyTales."Clark'swork was featured at a two-person exhibition in Decemberat the Silicon Gallery, the first digital fine art gallery in Council of Trustees approves Philadelphia. master's in accounting program Frank Peters, professor of English, recently partici- patedasaninvitedspeakerinthesecondNordicConfer- enceofGenderandLanguageheldatTromsoeUniversity Bloomsburg'sCouncilofTrustees, programs of other nearby institu- in Norway, where he presented the paper "/a/ in Cana- atitsquarterlymeetinginDecember, tions. Other schools in the State dianEnglish. Hewas invited to participate in theconfer- approvedthecreationofamasterof System are expected to contribute ence to recognize that he had introduced the study of science degree in accounting. graduates to the program. language and gender into Scandinavia. Peters also re- If approved by the Slate System "To our knowledge, nearby col- cently presented a paper, "Alexander Pope's Views, an BoardofGovernors, thenewgradu- leges and universities have not for- Ecofeminist Perspective," at the English Association of ate program will enroll its first stu- mulatedplans to meetthe fifthyear PennsylvaniaStateUniversitiesconferenceheldatEdinboro dents in the fall of 1996. requirement,"saysBaker"Thereare University. AccordingtoRichardBaker,chair- no state-owned or state-supported person of the accounting depart- schoolswithinareasonabledistance Lawrence Tanner, assistant professor of geography ment, "more than 30 states require that have an existing accounting and earth science, has published a research paper titled eithera total of150 hours ofeduca- program large enough to support a "Distribution and Origin of Clay Minerals in the Lower tionor30hoursofeducationbeyond qualitygraduateprograminaccount- Jurassic McCoy Brook Formation, Nova Scotia," in the thebachelor'sdegreeasaminimum ing." September issue of Sedimentary Geology. educationalrequirementforlicensure When mature. Baker says the as a Certified Public Accountant Bloomsburgprogramcouldhaveas JohnS.Baird,professorofpsychology,recentlymade (CPA). many as 50 to 60 students taking a presentation titled "Science in Bloom: Minority Pro- "WeexpecttheCommonwealthto graduatecoursesinaccountingeach grams for the Pre-College Gifted" at the National Colle- followthisnationaltrendinthenext year giate Honors Council meeting in San Antonio, Texas. severalyears,"hesays. "Bloomsburg alreadyhasoneofthelargestunder- ThomasM. Lyons, director offinancial aid, recently graduate accounting programs in Foundation co-presented a workshop dealing with relationships onourrthneeaswtermnasPteenrn'ssylpvraonigar.amWeantthiicnik- awards grants atomomenmgbtehresadomfistshieoPnes,nnrseyglivstarnairaaAnsdsofciniaantciioanloafidSotfufdiecnets pates the state's mandate and pre- Financial Aid Administrators (PASFAA). pares students for a changing busi- TheBloomsburgUniversityFoun- ness climate." dation recently provided $7,500 in DennisHwang,associateprofessorofaccounting,has Bloomsburg's undergraduate ac- grantsforthefollowingprojectsand an article titled "The Application of the Theory of counting program enrolls between items. Constraints in Managerial Accounting" published in the 500 and 600students and graduates • Up to $2,000 to the student November issue of Accounting Research Monthly. He between 110 and 150 students each newspaper. TheVoice,topurchasea also has—an article titled "Money Supply and Economic year. More than 40 percent of SprintScan 35 scanner Growth The Case ofTaiwan" in the Octoberissue of Bloomsburg'sgraduatestaketheCPA • $5,000 for staff development IndianJournalofEconomics, No. 279. examination. programs. Bloomsburg's graduate program • $500 in support of the annual willcomplementitsownundergradu- Health Sciences Symposium which ate accounting curriculum and the will be held April 20 and 21. 4 Communique 12JAN 95 new Three faculty appointed to tenure-track positions Three new faculty members were re- Parkland College in Champaign, 111., anda UniversityofCincinnati and the University cently appointed to tenure-track positions pre-doctoral fellowfortheAmericanHeart ofIllinois, an employment coordinatorfor at Bloomsburg University. Association in Springfield, 111. theCranstonCenterforRetardedCitizensin CaseyA.Shonishasbeennamedassistant PhilipTucker has been namedassistant Cranston, R.I., and a child care counselor professor of biological and allied health professorofcommunication disorders and andrecreationcoordinatorfortheSt.Aloysius sciences.Shonisearnedabachelor'sdegree special education. Tucker earned a Home for Boys in Greenville, R.I. in biology at Slippery Rock University of bachelor's degree in sociology from the SharonHaymakerhasbeennamedasso- Pennsylvania and master's and doctoral University ofNotre Dame in Notre Dame, ciateprofessorofnursing.Haymakerearned degrees in physiology at the University of Ind., and a master's degree in special edu- a bachelor of science degree in nursing Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She previ- cation at Rhode Island College in Provi- from the University of Maryland at Balti- ously served as a graduate research assis- dence. He previouslyserved as a graduate more,amasterofsciencedegreeinnursing tant at the University ofIllinois at Urbana- assistantand instmctorat the Universityof atCaseWesternReserveUniversityinCleve- Champaign, a part-time faculty member at Cincinnati, a statistical consultant for the land, Ohio, and a doctorate in behavioral science at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Previouslysheservedascoordi- nator of the W. K. Kellogg Project at the Non-instructional employees hired, promoted Emory University School of Nursing in Atlanta,Ga.,from1992to1994.Shehasalso Six non-instructional employees were recentlyappointed to permanent positions. served as an assistant professor ofnursing Jean W. Bucher custodial worker 1 in custodial services. at the University ofMaryland in Baltimore Kurt R. Lambert, of Lewisberry was named senior civil engineer serving in the andastaffnurseattheGeorge'Washington capacity ofproject manager/quality assurance coordinator. University Hospital in "Washington, D.C. ThomasJ. Lewis, custodial worker 1 in custodial services. Michael Long, computerprogrammer 3 in university computer services. J. Dave J. Permar, stock clerk 2 serving in the capacity of receiving clerk in the Former trustee purchasing department. Philip A. Sykes, stock clerk 2 for the departments of biological and allied health Richard Wesner dies sciences, chemistry and psychology. Six non-instructional employees were recently promoted. Former Bloomsburg University Beckey F. Greenly from custodial worker 1 to custodial worker 2 in university trustee Richard "Wesner of Danville custodial services. diedMondayafternoon,Jan. 9, atthe CherylA.Johnfromclerktypist 1 inthecarpentryshoptoclerktypist2intheoffice GeisingerMedical Centerin Danville. ofplanning and construction. "Wesner, 71, sensed on the Council of ShawnT. Makarfromgroundskeeperon the grounds crewtoequipmentoperator TrusteesfromNovemberof1983toApril B in the transportation department. of 1990 and chaired the trustees' aca- Duy D. McBride from police officer 1 to police officer 2 in the university police demicaffairscommittee. Healsoserved department. ontheboardoftheBloomsbuigUniver- CassandraD.Newsomefromclerktypist1toclerktypist2intheofficeofadmissions. sityFoundationfrom 1992topresent. Angelo'Venditti frompoliceofficer 1 topoliceofficer2supervisorintheuniversity "Dick's extensive involvementwith police department. theuniversityandthecommunityhas made a tremendous contribution to this area's civic organizations," said Anthony laniero, interim vice presi- FOODDRIVE dentforadvanceandexecutivedirec- Morethan2,000fooditemswere toroftheBloomsburgUniversityFoun- collectedlastmonthinBloomsburg's dation. ""We are thankful forallofthe annualemployeefooddrive.The servicehehasgiventotheuniversity." collectedfood wasdonatedto20families A native of Reading, "Wesner had beforetheholidays.TheAlumni been president and chief executive Associationalsopartidpatedbydonating officerofKennedy"Van Saun Corp. in candy,snacks,granolaandapples. Danville. He held directorships in the Shownfromleftarefooddrivevolunteers GeisingerFoundationandtheGreater BonitaRhone,BobWislock,DonHock, Danville Area United "Way. DebbieSchell,AudraHalyeandDang A memorial service will be held LaBelle.I'dliketothanktheentire universitycommunitywhoparticipated," Friday at 7 p.m. in Christ Episcopal saysdriveorganizerBobWislock.This Church in Danville, where he had year'scollectionexceededanythingwe served on the vestry. havedonebefore." 12JAN 95 Communique 5 Schloss to head graduate studies Patrick Schlosshasbeennamed ofspecial education. J. assistantvice president forgraduate Schloss earned his doctorate in studies and research. He began his special education and rehabilitation duties in December. psychology from the University of Schloss had been director of the Wisconsin and holds master's and office of research in the College of baccalaureate degrees from Illinois Educationatthe State University in Normal, 111. University of Schlosswillprovide management Missouri in Co- and direction for the university's lumbia.Priorto School of Graduate Studies, which that, he had has more than 600 students in 18 chairedthespe- programs, as well as all academic || A cial education research activitieswithintheuniver- department sity. The honors program, the Insti- there. He also tuteforInteractiveTechnologiesand spentfiveyears theCenterforAcademicComputing atPennsylvania PatrickSchloss report to his area. KennethWilson,chairpersonoftheartdepartment,examinesfive StateUniversityasprofessorincharge printsbyartistJohnBaederwhichwererecentlydonatedtothe university'spermanentartcollection. Hicks named interim social equity director Five prints donated Susan R. Hicks, assistant director academic affairs atEastStroudsburg of development, has been named University.Shehadalsoservedthere to permanent collection interimdirectorofsocialequity. She asaffirmativeactionofficerandTitle beginshernewdutiesearlythisyear DC coordinator BloomsburgUniversityhasreceivedadonationoffive Thetemporaryappointmentisfor18 At Bloomsburg, she hasserved as prints from the LondonArtsGroupofDetroit, Michigan. months. chair for the women's issues com- ThefiveseriographsbyAmerican artistJohn Baederwill In her new position, reporting mittee, forerunner of the Commis- join the university's permanent collection of some 700 directly to the president, Hicks will sionontheStatusofWomen, andas sculptures, prints, photographs and paintings. lead the process of drafting the amemberoftheUniversity/Commu- The Baederseriographs, part ofthe artist's "American university'sEquityPlan.Shewillalso nityTask Force on Racial Equity. Diner"series,werecompletedinthelate 1970sandearly monitor the organization's Affirma- Hicksearned 1980s. tiveActioncompliance.Shewillsup- herdoctoratein "There's arenaissanceofinterestin1950'sstylediners port programs developed in the higher educa- thatBaederseemstocapturein hiswork," saysKenneth Multicultural Center, as well as the tion from New Wilson, chairperson of the art department. "The prints work of the various YorkUniversity. have a photographic exactitude about them." campus committees dealing with Shehasmaster's Baeder'sworkisincludedinthepermanentcollections social equity issues. degreesinedu- ofseveralmajorcorporations,mostnotablyAT&Tandthe Hicks, who came to Bloomsburg cationaladmin- Coca-Cola Co., and in the High Museum in Milwaukee, Universityin 1982asexecutiveassis- istration and the Newark Museum and Yale University. tant to then-president James saidentperson- McCormick, was appointed to her nel administra- SusanHicks currentdevelopmentpositionin1988. tionfromOhioUniversityinAthens, Brasch honored for column Prior to coming to Bloomsburg, she Ohio., and her bachelor's degree wasassistanttothevicepresidentfor from Bloomsburg. WalterM. Brasch, professorofmass communications, recently earned first place for editorial and opinion Agbango participates in C-SPAN seminar writing from the International Association of Business Communicators. Brasch's syndicated columns appear in more than 30 George Agbango, associate pro- to use C-SPAN's programming to newspapers throughout theCommonwealth. During his fessorofpoliticalscience,wasoneof teachpublicpolicyintheclassroom. career, Brasch has won more than four dozen awards 36 college professors from around Agbango was selected through a from state and national media organizations. the nation selected to participate in competitiveapplicationprocessopen A former newspaper reporter and editor, Brasch is C-SPAN's 1995 winter seminar. to 4,500collegefacultymembersof authorofninebooks.Hisforthcomingbookis"Betrayed: Theseminar, heldJan. 9and 10at the cable television network's na- Death of an Afternoon Newspaper," a 145,000-word C-SPAN's Washington, D.C., offices, tional membership service for edu- studyofnewspapermanagement.Thebookisscheduled brought together teachers from a cators. for publication in September by the Lehigh University varietyofdisciplinestoexploreways Press. — , 8 Communique 12JAN 95 CELEBRITYARTISTSERIES PROVOST'SLECTURESERIES Calendar All performances are at 8 pm in Haas — CenterfortheArts, MitraniHall. Call4409 Information SuperHighways Ed Krol, au- forinformation. thorofTheWholeInternetUsersGuideand Catalog,Thursday,Feb.2,7:30p.m.lecture, ARTEXHIBITS Minnesota Orchestra, Andre Watts, soloist, workshop to be announced, Mitrani Hall, Haas Gallery hours are Monday through pianist, Friday,Jan. 20. Haas Center. Friday,from 9a.m. to 4p.m. — TheBarberofSeville, New York City Opera Some Leaders Are Born Women Sarah — SusanDaboll Photographs,Jan. 17toFeb. NationalTouringCompany,Friday,Jan. 27. Weddington, attorneyfor thewinningside 14,HaasGalleryofArt. ReceptionTuesday, oftheRoevs. Wade case, Thursday, March Feb. 14, at noon in the gallery. BalletTheatredeBordeaux,Saturday,Feb. 18. 23, 4 p.m. workshop, 7:30 p.m. lecture, Carver Hall, Kenneth Gross Auditorium. — BlackburnPrintWorkshop Feb.16toMarch — 9, Haas Gallery ofArt. Featuringworks by CONCERTS Health Care in the 21st Century Norma artists Edward Fausty, Kay WalkingStick, Admission to all events isfree except the Swenson, co-author of Our Bodies, Our- Shigeko Kumabe and Bob Blackburn. Re- "showcase" scholarship concert and selves, Thursday, April 20, 7 p.m. lecture, ception Thursday, March 9, at noon in the president'sinauguralball. Friday, April 21, 4 p.m. workshop, Kehr gallery. — Union, Ballroom. JohnCouch facultypianist, Sunday, Feb. — StudentArtAssociationJuriedExhibit March 12, 2:30 p.m., Mitrani Hall, Haas Center. 23 to April 4, Haas Gallery ofArt. Curator — SPECIALLECTURE Carol Burns. Reception Thursday, March Music Department Showcase Tuesday, 23, at noon in the gallery. March 7, 7:30 p.m., Mitrani Hall, Haas UnderstandingthePlaceofDr.KinginHistory Center. Allsevenuniversityensembleswill LeroneBennettJr.,executiveeditorofEbony THEATER appearin one concert. Nominal chargefor magazine, Monday,Jan. 16, 7 p.m., Kehr admissionwithproceedsaidingmusicschol- Union Ballroom. — TheCherryOrchard TheBloonisburgPlay- arships. Tickets available beginning Feb. ers, March 1 to 4, 8 pm, March 5, 2 pm. 14. Call 389-4284 for tickets. LECTURES Carver Hall, Gross Auditorium. Tickets are — $6 for adults, $4 for students and senior BrassMenagerieQuintet AnEveningWith TheDeclineoftheNationStatesofAfrica,panel citizens, and freewith a community activi- Brass. Thursday,March9,7:30p.m..Carver discussion led by visiting scholar Howard ties sticker. Hall, Gross Auditorium. Gray,Thursday,Feb. 2, 6p.m.,McCormick — Center, Forum. An Absur—d Act: Two Short Plays by Eugene SuzukiStringRecital Saturday, March 11, lonesco The Bloomsburg Players, April 2:30 p.m., Mitrani Hall, Haas Center. ConfrontingtheIssueofSexuality,Values and 26to 29, 8 pm, April 30, 2 pm. CarverHall, — Visions Forum, Thursday, Feb. 2, 8 pm, GrossAuditorium.Ticketsare$6foradults, DoubleBassRecital Matthew Hare, with Kehr Union, Multipurpose Room B. $4forstudentsandseniorcitizens,andfree an appearance by The Student Chamber with a community activities sticker. Orchestra. Sunday, March 26, 2:30 p.m. Racism 101, Feb. 16, 2 p.m., Kehr Union, Carver Hall, GrossAuditorium. MulticulturalCenter.SponsoredbyS.T.A.R.T. SPECIALEVENTS (StudentsTogetherAlleviatingRacialTension). — President'sInauguralBall Saturday,April1 MartinLutherKingJr.CommemorativeBanquet, 6 p.m., 24 West Main Street, Town of Thursday, Feb. 9, 6 p.m., KehrUnion Ball- Bloomsburg. Tickets required with pro- GOVERNANCE room. Call 4638 or 387-5261 for tickets. ceeds aiding general and music scholar- ships. Call 389-4705. MusicbytheUniver- BUCC (Bloomsburg University Curricu- FILMS sity-CommunityOrchestraandStudioBand, lum Committee), McCormick Center for — MarkJelinek and Stephen Wallace direct- Human Services, Forum, Wednesday, 3 The RiverWild Wednesday, Jan. 18, Fri- ing. pm,Jan. 18, Feb. 8 and 22, March 8 and day,Jan. 20, 7 and 9:30 p.m., Sunday,Jan. 29, April 12 and 26. 22, 7 p.m., Kehr Union Ballroom. Wom—en'sChoralEnsembleandChamberSing- — ers Friday,April7,7:30p.m., CarverHall, Forum, McCormick Center for Human Ser- I Like It Like That Wednesday, Jan. 25, GrossAuditorium.DirectedbyWendyMiller. vices, Forum, Wednesday, 3 pm, Feb. 1, Friday,Jan.27,7and9:30p.m.,Sunday,Jan. — March 22, April 19. 29, 7:30 p.m., Kehr Union Ballroom. UniversityConcertBand Sunday, April 9, — 2:30 p.m., Mitrani Hall, Haas Center. Planningand BudgetCommittee, McCormick The Front Monday, Jan. 30, 7:30 p.m., Directed by Terry Oxley, with guest con- CenterforHuman Services, Forum, Thurs- Bakeless Center. ductorDr. DonaldS. George, Universityof day, 3:30 pm, Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 23, Wisconsin-Eau Claire. April 20. A NEWSLETTER FOR FACULTY AND STAFF AT BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY 26 JAN 95 Student wins trip to Cannes for class project BloomsburggraduatestudentRon program last spring as part of their Miller ofAllentown spent four days class work in Bloomsburg's master inCannes,France,earlierthismonth of science in instructional technol- todemonstrateaninstructionaltech- ogy program. The intensive one- nology project he helped create for and-a-half-yearmasterofinstmctional a class. science program annually prepares Miller, a student in the master of about33graduatestudentstocreate science in instructional technology multimedia instructional software. program, was one of only three While thegraduatestudentswork graduatestudents on theirdegree, Bloomsburg's Insti- Ron Millerwas one of from North tuteforInteractiveTechnologiespro- onlythree graduate America chosen vides them with opportunities to students fromNorth toreceivetheall- gainreal-worldworkexperienceon America chosen to expenses-paid projects for clients both on and off- trip to Cannes to campus.Thejobplacementrateafter receive the all-expenses present their graduation is nearly 100 percent. paid trip to Cannes to project at MILA TimPhillips,assistantprofessorof present theirproject. '95. MILA is an instructiontechnology,designedthe PHOTOBYJOANHELPER internationalcon- "Advanced Instructional Design" TimPhillips(left),assistantprofessorof ferencethatfocusesonthedevelop- course to expose students to the instructionaltechnology,teststhe mentofmultimediaprojects.Only50 entire process by which interactive multimediaprogram'TheMusicGarage" student projects from around the Continuedonpage 7 withgraduatestudentRonMiller. world were selected for the confer- ence which ran fromJan. 13 to 16. Black History Month features The project, titled "TheMusic Ga- rage," allowschildrentocreatetheir lectures, Martin Luther King banquet ownbandbyauditioningavarietyof cartooncharactermusicians.Thegoal Bloomsburg'sobservanceofBlack political science, Steven Agbaw, as- of the project is to instruct learners History Month in February will in- sistant professor ofEnglish, and Ri- aboutrhythm,harmonyandmelody. Whenthelearnerchoosesthecor- clude a series of lectures and the chardMicheri, assistantprofessorof university's second annual Martin political science. rectmixofmusicianstoplayrhythm, Luther King Commemorative GrayhasbeenawardedaWoodrow harmony and melody, the cartoon Banquet. Wilsonfellowshipfourtimesandhas musicians play together as a band. Thefeaturedspeakerforthemonth served as a consultantfortheWorld Millerandthreepartnerscreatedthe willbeHowardK.Gray,aconsultant ResourcesInstitute,theInternational to numerous international agencies ScienceandTechnologyInstituteand Provost finalist on campus Jan. 30 andformervicepresidentforcorpo- the Equity for Africa Foundation rate finance at Lloyds Bank Califor- among many others. From 1973 to BarbaraByrne, finalistforthepositionofprovost nia. Graywill participate in a panel 1978, Gray directed all Peace Corps and vice president for academic affairs, will be on discussiontitled"TheDeclineofthe activities in Africa's Malawi and Si- campus Monday, Jan. 30, for interviews. An open Nation States in Africa" on Wednes- erra Leone. From 1979 to 1984, he forumwithByrnewillbeheldfrom3:30to5:30p.m. day, Feb. 1, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the directedPathfinderInternational, an in McCormick Center, Forum. Byrne is dean of Forum, McCormick Center for Hu- internationalfoundationinvolvedin naturalsciencesandmathematicsatRichardStock- manServices. Participantsinthedis- globalfamilyplanning,maternalchild ton College in Pomona, NJ. Other candidates will cussionwillincludeBloomsburgfac- health and other public research visit campus soon. ultymembersGeorgeAgbango,chair- programs in 30 developing nations. person and associate professor of Continuedonpage 7 2 Communique 26JAN 95 Vice president emeritus, News briefs Boyd F. Bucicingiiam, dies President Jessica Kozloff has scheduled open office Boyd F. Buckingham, a 1943 hoursonWednesday,Feb.8,andonWednesday,Feb.22, graduate and vice president for ad- from 1 to 3 p.m. both days. Because emergencies ministrationemeritusatBloomsburg occasionally occur, it is recommended that those inter- University, died Friday, Jan, 20, in ested in meeting the president during open office hours Geisinger Medical Center. call in advance to be sure the time is still available. A member of the Bloomsburg University Foundation Board since The office of human resources and labor relations is 1993, Buckingham first came to the surveying employees to determine the interest in stan- university as a faculty memberand dard first aid programs. The standard first aid program, taught for seven years. Leaving his sanctioned by the American Red Cross, consists of two position as associate professor, sessions which are four hours each. The first session Buckingham first served in the ad- certifiesapersoninstandardCPR,thesecondpartfocuses ministration for 15 years as director on standardfirstaid practices. The response level to the ofpublicrelationsanddevelopment. survey will determine the number of programs offered In 1970 he was promoted to associ- during the spring and summer semesters. Those inter- ate vice president for development ested in the programs should contact Bob Wislock, and external relations, and in 1974 training specialist, at 4414. hebecamevicepresidentforadmin- BoydBuckingham istration, a position he held until his retirement in 1981. A member of the Caldwell In 1986, the Boyd F. Buckingham Consistory, Valley of Bloomsburg, MaintenanceCenteroncampuswas andpastcommander-in-chief,hewas Communique dedicated in his honor. active in various Masonic organiza- AnativeofYork,hewasthesonof tions for more than 40 years in the late Austin S. and Nora M. Wolf Bloomsburg, ShamokinandAthens. A newsletter for Bloomsburg University faculty and Buckingham. He lived in Blooms- A 33rd degree member ofSupreme staff, CoMMu.viQUEpublishesnewsofactivities,eventsand burg since 1953. Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish developments at Bloomsburg University bi-weekly throughout the academic year. Buckinghamserved inWorldWar Rite, he has also been an active Bloomsburg is committed to providing equal educa- II asa second lieutenant, B-17 com- memberforPennsylvania, Supreme tional and employment opportunities for all persons bat bomber pilot in the European Council,since1989.Afterretirement, withoutregardtorace, color, religion, sex, age, national Theater of Operations. Following he traveled extensively throughout origin,ancestry,life-style,sexualorientation,disabilities, hisdischarge,hetaughtforrwoyears the United States on behalf Vietnam-era veteran, or union membership. Theuniversityisadditionallycommittedtoaffirmative intheAthens(Pa.) HighSchool and ofMasons. action and will take positive steps to provide such six years in the Sayre (Pa.) Area He was also a member of the educational and employment opportunities. High School. Bloomsburg Elks Club and was an Buckingham'scommunityservice elder, trustee and deacon at First DirectorofUniversityRelations has included presidencies of the Presbyterian Church, Bloomsburg. andCommunication:Joan T. Lentczner Bloomsburg Chapter of the Ameri- For his life of service, he was DirectorofNewsandMediaRelations: can Red Cross, the Bloomsburg presented with the Distinguished Mark Lloyd ChamberofCommerce, theJacques Service Award by the Bloomsburg WeberFoundation, Inc. and theCo- UniversityAlumniAssociationin1976 Editor: Eric Foster lumbia-MontourTorchClub. Hehas andtheDistinguishedServiceAward Proofreader: Winnie Ney Photographer:Joan K Heifer also served as chairperson of the fromtheBloomsburgAreaChamber Bloomsburg Town Planning Com- ofCommerce in 1980. Publicationdate forthe nextCo.mmunique: mission and the Columbia County Buckingham earned a master's February9 Redevelopment and Housing degree from Bucknell University in Authority. Lewisburg. He is survived by his Plea.se .submit story ideas, news briefs and calendar Hewasa memberoftheboardof wife, the formerJoanna Fice '43, a information to Qj.mml'.mque, University Relations and Com- directors of the Columbia County son, BoydJr.; daughter, Mrs. Frank munication Office, Waller Administration Building, Room HousingAuthorityfor 13 years, and (GailLynne)Worthington;fourgrand- M1a0i4lAaBdldoroesmssbisu:rgUFnoisvter@sHiutsy,kyB.lBoloomosmbuur.ge,duPA17815.TheE- hofe itshperebsoeantrldy aoflodnigr-etcitmoersmeofmbtehre cKh.i)lSdmrietn;haannddsMirsste.r'sV,iMorlest.JM.aRmiense(bAolndz.a Bloomsburg Area Industrial Devel- Abrother,ReedBuckingham,diedin Four-digit phone numbers listed in the Co.mml'nique are opment Association and the advi- November of 1993. on-campusextensions. Tousethenumbersoff-campus,dial sory board of the First Federal Sav- Funeralarrangementswerebythe 389first. The area code is 717. ings and Loan Association. Dean W. Kriner Funeral Home. 26JAN 95 Communique 3 Provost's lecture features Internet expert Ed Krol Ed Krol, the author of We Hitchhiker's Sciences," at 4 p.m. in umn about Internet technologies for GuidetotheInternet,willspeakatBlooms- Mitrani Hall. Network World. burg on Thursday, Feb. 2. At 8 p.m., Krol will Aspartofauniversityefforttoconnectall Krolwillgiveaworkshop,"InternetTrav- give his evening lec- on-campus computers tothe Internet, Krol els forthe Hard Sciences," from 9:30 to 11 ture, "Cultural Effects wrote the The WholeInternet Users Guide a.m. in Hartline Science Center, Kuster ofInformation Super- andCatalog, one of the leading books in Auditorium.At4 p.m., hewillgive another highway," in Mitrani the 1990's on Internet use. workshop, "Internet Travels for the Soft Hall. The workshops Startingwithacampusnetworkinggroup and lecture are open in 1985, Krol helped connect the National to the public. EdKrol Center for Supercomputing Applications NYC Opera to perform Krol has been in- (NCSA) to the Internet, which led to the The Barber of Seville' vmoulnviecadtwiiotnhsvdaurtiioeussfcoormtphuetpiansgta2n0dyceaorms-. ddaetvieolnopNmeetnwtorofkth(eNSNFanteito)n.alNSCciSeAncheaFsoubne-- He is assistant director of the University come internationally recognized for the TheNewYorkCityOperaNationalCom- ofIllinoiscomputingandcommunication development of Mosaic software and panywillpresent"TheBarberofSeville"at service office and writes a monthly col- NCSA Telnet. BloomsburgonFriday,Jan. 27, at8p.m. in Mitrani Hall. Buehner reappointed to Council of Trustees A comic opera by Gioacchino Rossini, "TheBarberofSeville"isthestoryofacount whofallsinlovewithRosina,awomenkept RobertW. BuehnerJr.,hasbeen committee, initiatedtheawarding under lock and key by her guardian. The reappointed to Bloomsburg's ofhonorarydegreesandproposed wily barber of Seville, Figaro, concocts Council ofTrustees. the partnership with the Harris- several plots to bring the lovers together. Buehner, district attorney for burg School District. Thestoryisbased on thefirstin a trilogy MontourCountyandamemberof Buehnerhaslecturedinclasses of satirical plays by French author Pierre thelawfirmofJames&Mihalikin on campus frequently, provided Beaumarchais. Bloomsburg, was first appointed internship opportunities for Rossini took a gamble in composingthe totheuniversity'sgoverningcoun- Bloomsburg students, judged na- opera, which premiered in 1816, because cil in March 1980 by then-Gover- tional and regional forensic com- Italyalreadyhada"BarberofSeville"opera nor Richard Thornburgh. He has RobertBuehnerJr. petitions and supported the that had been extremely popular for 30 sincebeenreappointedtosucces- university's athletic programs. years. Despite a disastrous opening night sive six-year terms. A native of Danville, Buehner earned a caused by heckling fans of the earlier "I am pleased that governors from both baccalaureate degree with high honors in versionof"TheBarberofSeville,"Rossini's partieshaveacknowledgedmysupportfor political science from WestminsterCollege work quickly became one of the most andcontributiontotheuniversityandpub- in New Wilmington and his juris doctor popular comic operas everwritten. lic higher education," says Buehner. degree from Dickinson School of Law in Sung in Italian, the performance will Buehner, whohasservedaschairperson Carlisle. feature supertitles, simultaneous English and vice chairperson of the university's He is served on Governor-Elect Tom translations projected onto a screen above Council of Trustees, is secretary of the Ridge's transition team. the stage. Tickets for the performance are council for the current year He has also BuehnerresidesinDanvillewithhiswife $20 and $25 and may be purchased by served as chair of its presidential search and three children. calling 4409. Student magazine, 'Spectrum,' named nation's best Faculty awarded grants "Spectrum," published by students at publications earn CPSA medalist status. The following faculty have recently re- Bloomsburg, has been named the number "Spectaim" has been similarly honored by ceived grants from the State System Office one student magazine in the United States the American Scholastic Press Association ofthe Chancellor. by the Columbia Scholastic Press andtheAssociationforCollegePress,which Patricia Wolf and Robert Gates,assistant Association (CSPA). has awarded "All-American" honors to the professors ofcurriculum and foundations, The competition included entrants from Bloomsburg magazine for seven consecu- $14,200 for "Philadelphia Pluralism." 335 colleges and universities across the tive years. Only four publications in the Mary Harris, associate professor of cur- United States. nation have similar records. riculum and foundations, $45,000 for "The The award is another in a series of AccordingtofacultyadviserWalterBrasch, PRIDE Program." nationalawardsthat"Spectrum"hasearned professor of mass communications, "this Ekema Agbaw, assistant professor , and since its inception in 1986. latest award is a tribute to the work of Mary Bernath, associate professor of En- In sixofthepasteightyears, the student students here. 'Spectrum's' competitors in glish, $12,000 for "Toni Morrison: Making publication has earned medalist honors these contests are publications from some Connections." fromtheCSPA.Approximately5percentof ofthe nation's finest journalism schools. 4 Communique 26JAN 95 Bidding and applying for positions explained Inresponsetonumerousquestionsfrom vacancy,butislettingitbeknownheorshe and forward the recommendation to the employeesaboutbiddingandapplyingfor wishestobeconsideredfortheposition,i.e. director of the department and/or dean/ newpositionsattheuniversity,theofficeof clerk typist 2 to clerk typist 2. Since these vice president. The hiring supervisor is human resources and labor relations has positions are filled competitively, a staff advisedtoconsiderthevalueofinstitutional prepared the following information about member applying for such a position is knowledge and dedication to the univer- the bidding process. encouraged to provide the hiring depart- sity, as well as knowledge and skills that mentwithasmuchinformationasisneces- mayhavebeenacquiredattheuniversityor Learningaboutanopen position sary to successfully compete with other other employment. applicants.Normally,theapplicantpoolfor Theroleofhumanresourcesistoprovide Vacanciesforstaffpositionsarenormally vacantpositionsisverylargebecauseofthe a pool ofapplicants, which mayconsistof postedonMondays.Entrylevelandtempo- desirability of working at the university. internal as well as external applicants; to rary positions are posted for five working Whileaninternalcandidatehastherightto coordinatetheemploymentprocess;andto days.Allotherstaffpositionsarepostedfor submitabidformonly,itisstronglyrecom- assistindevelopingcriteriatobeusedinthe 15 working days. Postings are placed in mended that this person provide all the selection process as requested. glassenclosedbulletinboardsinthefollow- information and documents requested on Employees who believe information or ing buildings: Kehr Union, Buckingham the posting. instruction in resume preparation or inter- Maintenance Center, Hartline ScienceCen- viewing skills would be helpful are re- ter, Benjamin Franklin Hall, Nelson Field Theselection process quested to contact the office of human House, Old Science Hall, and Waller Ad- resources. If there is sufficient interest, ministration Building. Information on va- Hiring supervisors select the applicant programs may be offered individually cant positions is also available through the theybelieveisbestqualifiedfortheposition or in groups. human resourcesJob Hotline at 389-2093. Thehiringdepartmentmaydecidetoadver- tise a vacant position in local newspapers. Managers, administrators appointed Biddingforaposition Six managers and administrators were VolunteerismandEmployment(S.O.L.V.E.) The term "bid" refers to the process recently appointed to permanent full-time office. followed insituations inwhich employees positions at Bloomsburg University. The JeanneR. Fitzgerald, assistantdirectorof appointments were confirmed by the career development. in the classification immediatelybelowthe vacantpositionsubmitabidformindicating BloomsburgUniversityCouncilofTrustees Scott J. Leightman, assistant director of they wish to be considered for the open at its recent quarterly meeting. sports information/athletic development. pKDsition. Bid forms may be obtained from New personnel include: Markland G. Lloyd, directorofnewsand the human resources office and must be ThomasContos,assistantdirectorofplan- media relations. submitted to that office by4:30 p.m. ofthe ning and construction. MichaelJ. Seibert, nerw'ork managerand last day the position is posted. When it is Jean Downing, coordinator of the Stu- system administrator in academic determined that the skills and abilities are dents Organized to Learn Through computing. relativelyequalamongthebiddingemploy- ees in theclassification immediatelybelow thevacancy,i.e. clerktypist1 toclerktypist AFTERCONCERT 2, the employee with the greatest Master CAMRADERY Agreementseniorityis promoted to the posi- Aftertherecent tion,except(1)whereitisnecessarytocomply performanceofthe withtheprovisionsofapplicablelawandmles MinnesotaOrchestrain relating to the Commonwealth's affirmative MitraniHall,president action program or(2) when thejobinvolved JessicaKozloffand highlyspecializedskills,trainingandexpertise, musicdepartmentfaculty andtherearenoemployeesintheclassification enjoyedthecompanyof immediatelybelowthevacancywhopossess conductorEdodeWaart andpianistAndreWatts. suchqualifications. Shownfromleftare Kozloff,MarkJelinek, Applyingfora position conductorofthe BloomsburgUniversity- Membersoftheseniorityunitwhoarenot CommunityOrchestra, in the classification series may also submit DeWaan,Watts,and abidforanyvacantposition.Inthesecases, JohnCouch,faculty the employee has no bid rights to the pianist. PHOTOBYJOANHELFER