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Communications in Mathematical Physics 2000: Vol 211 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Communications in Mathematical Physics 2000: Vol 211 Table of Contents

Contents Arveson W.: Interactions in Gao Y.: Vertex Operators Arising from Noncommutative Dynamics 63 the Homogeneous Realization for gl A Astashkevich A., Nekrasov N., Schwarz 745 A.: On Noncommutative Nahm Gesztesy F., Simon B.: On Local Transform 167 Borg—Marchenko Uniqueness Results 273 Bechtluft-Sachs S., Hien M.: Sets of Fibre Homotopy Classes and Twisted Hien M. — Bechtluft-Sachs S. 407 Order Parameter Spaces 407 Hiroshima F.: Essential Self-Adjointness Bonechi F., De Biévre S.: Exponential of Translation-Invariant Quantum Mixing and |I n h| Time Scales in Field Models for Arbitrary Coupling Quantized Hyperbolic Maps on the Constants 585 Torus 659 Hitchin N.: L?-Cohomology of Hyperkahler Quotients 153 Borodin A., Olshanski G.: Distributions Hundertmark D., R6hrl N., Siedentop on Partitions, Point Processes, and the H.: The Sharp Bound on the Stability Hypergeometric Kernel 335 of the Relativistic Electron-Positron Field in Hartree-Fock Approximation Cantarini N.: The Quantized Enveloping 629 Algebra U,(sl(n)) at the Roots of Unity 207 looss G., Kirchgissner K.: Travelling Chierchia L., You J.: KAM Tori for 1D Waves in a Chain of Coupled Nonlinear Wave Equations with Nonlinear Oscillators 439 Periodic Boundary Conditions 497 Constantin A., Molinet L.: Global Weak Jenkinson O. — Pollicott M. 687 Solutions for a Shallow Water Jiang M., de la Llave R.: Smooth Equation 45 Dependence of Thermodynamic Limits of SRB-Measures 303 De Biévre S. + Bonechi F. 659 Jing N. — Frenkel I. B. 365 de la Llave R. > Jiang M. 303 Jitomirskaya S. Ya., Last Y.: Power Law Subordinacy and Singular Spectra. II. Esnault H., Tsai I-H.: Determinant Line Operators 643 Bundle in a Family of Curves, after A. Beilinson and V. Schechtman 359 Kaiser R., Neudert M., von Wahl W.: On the Existence of Force-Free Magnetic Frenkel I. B., Jing N., Wang W.: Fields with Small Nonconstant q@ in Quantum Vertex Representations via Exterior Domains 111 Finite Groups and the McKay Kaloshin V. Yu.: Generic Diffeomor- Correspondence 365 phisms with Superexponential Growth of Number of Periodic Orbits 253 IV Contents Kawashima S., Nishibata S.: Stationary Pujals E.R. — Morales C. A. 527 Waves for the Discrete Boltzmann Equation in the Half Space with Rehren K.-H.: Canonical Tensor Product Reflective Boundaries 183 Subfactors 395 Kirchgissner K. + loossG. 439 Rezakhanlou F.: Central Limit Theorem for Stochastic Hamilton—Jacobi Last Y. + Jitomirskaya S. Ya. 643 Equations 413 Li W.: A Module Structure on the Rodhrl N. > Hundertmark D. 629 Symplectic Floer Cohomology 137 Schmidt K. M.: Critical Coupling Makarov N., Smirnov S.: On Constants and Eigenvalue Asymptotics “Thermodynamics” of Rational Maps of Perturbed Periodic Sturm—Liouville I. Negative Spectrum 705 Operators 465 Markopoulou F.: The Internal Schwarz A. — Astashkevich A. 167 Description of a Causal Set: What the Scoppola B. — ProcacciA. 487 Universe Looks Like from the Inside Siedentop H. + Hundertmark D. 629 559 Simon B. — Gesztesy F. 273 Mikhailov A. V., Sokolov V. V.: Smirnov S.— Makarov N. 705 Integrable ODEs on Associative Sniady P.: Quadratic Bosonic and Free Algebras 231 White Noises 615 Molinet L. — ConstantinA. 45 Sokolov V. V. > Mikhailov A.V. 231 Morales C. A., Pacifico M. J., Pujals E. R.: Strange Attractors Across the Tsai I-H. — EsnaultH. 359 Boundary of Hyperbolic Systems 527 Valerio Silva D. S. > Zubelli J.P. 85 von Wahl W. > KaiserR. 111 Nekrasov N. > Astashkevich A. 167 Neudert M. > KaiserR. 111 Wang W. — Frenkel I. B. 365 Nishibata S. > KawashimaS. 183 Xu F:: Algebraic Coset Conformal Field Olshanski G. + Borodin A. | 335 Theories 1 Pacifico M. J. MoralesC. A. 527 You J. > ChierchiaL. 497 Pollicott M., Jenkinson O.: Computing Invariant Densities and Metric Entropy Zharnitsky V.: Invariant Tori in 687 Hamiltonian Systems with Impacts Procacci A., Scoppola B.: The Gas Phase 289 of Continuous Systems of Hard Zubelli J. P., Valerio Silva D. S.: Spheres Interacting via n-Body Rational Solutions of the Master Potential 487 Symmetries of the KdV Equation 85

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