US007953167B2 (12) Umted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,953,167 B2 Ode et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 31, 2011 (54) COMMUNICATIONS APPARATUS AND FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM USING JP 10424659 A 8/1998 MULTICARRIER TRANSMISSION MODE JP 2000-032565 A 1/2000 JP 2001-238269 A 8/2001 (75) Inventors: Takayoshi Ode, Kawasaki (JP); JP 2001498436 10/2001 Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Kawasaki (JP); (Continued) Kazuo KaWabata, KaWasaki (JP) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: Fujitsu Limited, KaWasaki (JP) Japanese Patent Of?ce, Of?ce Action, “Notice of Reasons For Rejec ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this tion” for corresponding Japanese Patent Application No. 2006 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 542184, with a mailing date of Aug. 11, 2009. English translation U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. attached. (21) Appl. No.: 11/790,789 (Continued) (22) Filed: APF- 27: 2007 Primary Examiner * Khanh C Tran (65) P _ P bl_ t_ D t (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Myers Wolin, LLC. r10r u 1ca 10n a a Related US. Application Data A communications system for communications by a multi (63) Continuation of application NO. PCT/JP2004/0l 6154, Carper ‘ransmlsslon mode between ?‘ Plurahty of Commum' ?led on Oct‘ 29 2004' cat1ons apparatuses (10, 20) Where1n an overall frequency ’ band assigned to the communications system is divided into a (51) Int_ CL plurality of frequency bands each having a constant band H04L 27/28 (200601) Width (for example band 1 to band 4) and a speci?c band (for H04W 4/00 (200901) example band 1) among these divided bands is used to trans (52) U 5 Cl 375/260 370/329 mit used frequency band information and thereby determine 58 F,‘ I'd "" """ "" " ’375/141 the assignment of the remaining bands (band 2 to band 4) to ( ) 1e 0 37235216821219‘): 338 347f be used betWeen said communications apparatuses. Here, the ’ ’ ’ 4 5 5 / 4 4g4 47’ 4 5 6 4 3 4’ speci?c band is de?ned as a main band for transmitting con S 1. t. ?l f 1 t h h. t’ ’ trol channel information including said used frequency band ee app 10a Ion e or Comp 6 e Seam 15 my‘ information and also data channel information. The main (56) References Cited band may also be added With an extension band for transmit ting further data channel information. Further, the main band Us PATENT DOCUMENTS and extension band can be changed in the frequency band 6 128 490 A * 10/2000 Shah 1 455/434 used along With time or can be changed in the number thereof. 6’567’383 B l 5/2003 B61153 et a ' """"""" " Both of the main band and the extension bands are preferably 638853697 Bl * 4/2005 Tokunaga et al. ........... .. 375/222 used by multiplexing by some of Communications appara 7,292,824 B2 * 11/2007 Yamaguchi et al. . 455/631 tuses. 7,342,973 B2 * 3/2008 Walker et a1. ............... .. 375/260 2001/0024427 A1 9/2001 Suzuki 2010/0046654 A1 * 2/2010 Ode et al. .................... .. 375/260 6 Claims, 35 Drawing Sheets 32 /I/ '1'] '12 '13 'l L 2 l l 1 AT S 0N rigi?sigils l "—> mmsmssmn 0m Pg MODULATION __> 21> WIRELESS GENERATION UNIT UNIT SENDER UNIT UNIT USED FREQUENCY BAN l INFORMATION If T Ici i USED FREQUENCY BAND SELECTING/SETTING UNIT B1110 swirls INSTRUCTION siéNAL Sb “ 5 15 US 7,953,167 B2 Page 2 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS OTHER PUBLICATIONS JP 2002-111631 A 4/2002 Japanese Patent Of?ce, Of?ce Action, “Notice of Reasons For Rejec JP 2002-319917 A 10/2002 tion” for corresponding Japanese Patent Application No. 2006 JP 2003-264524 9/2003 JP 2004-214746 7/2004 542184, With a mailing date of Jan. 5, 2010. English translation JP 2004-242059 8/2004 attached. JP 2004-537875 12/2004 WO 02/49306 6/2002 * cited by examiner US. Patent May 31, 2011 Sheet 1 0135 US 7,953,167 B2 P4 fmiu 5H3H iTNs?, Mw\Q $6555322m:22 m5:25“3 38;5: , -2Imm- 2Eia5Zaw.Wtm3Hww5aww5 ml1:: 522222:5:5 ? Q. =QZCE2wEZE:Qw? w All! E2cEu2DmEm:E mr m 5oE5z:m<5:m5