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COMMUNICATION POWER This page intentionally left blank COMMUNICATION POWER MANUEL CASTELLS 1 3 GreatClarendonStreet,OxfordOX26DP OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwidein Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofficesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress intheUKandincertainothercountries PublishedintheUnitedStates byOxfordUniversityPressInc.,NewYork ©ManuelCastells2009 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted DatabaserightOxfordUniversityPress(maker) Firstpublished2009 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, withoutthepriorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress, orasexpresslypermittedbylaw,orundertermsagreedwiththeappropriate reprographicsrightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproduction outsidethescopeoftheaboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment, OxfordUniversityPress,attheaddressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisbookinanyotherbindingorcover andyoumustimposethesameconditiononanyacquirer BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Dataavailable TypesetbySPIPublisherServices,Pondicherry,India PrintedinGreatBritain onacid-freepaperby ClaysLtd.,StIvesPlc ISBN 978–0–19–956704–1 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 TothememoryofNicosPoulantzas, mybrother, theoristofpower This page intentionally left blank Contents Acknowledgments ix ListofFigures xiii ListofTables xv Opening 1 1 PowerintheNetworkSociety 10 WhatisPower? 10 StateandPowerintheGlobalAge 17 Networks 19 TheGlobalNetworkSociety 24 TheNetworkState 38 PowerintheNetworks 42 PowerandCounterpowerintheNetworkSociety 47 Conclusion:UnderstandingPowerRelationships intheGlobalNetworkSociety 50 2 CommunicationintheDigitalAge 54 ACommunicationRevolution? 54 TechnologicalConvergenceandtheNewMultimediaSystem: FromMassCommunicationtoMassSelf-communication 58 TheOrganizationandManagementofCommunication:Global MultimediaBusinessNetworks 71 ThePoliticsofRegulatoryPolicies 99 CulturalChangeinaGlobalizedWorld 116 TheCreativeAudience 127 CommunicationintheGlobalDigitalAge 135 3 NetworksofMindandPower 137 TheWindmillsoftheMind 137 Contents Emotion,Cognition,andPolitics 146 EmotionandCognitioninPoliticalCampaigns 150 ThePoliticsofBeliefs 153 TheFramingoftheMind 155 ConqueringtheMinds,ConqueringIraq,Conquering Washington:FromMisinformationtoMystification 165 ThePoweroftheFrame 189 4 ProgrammingCommunicationNetworks:MediaPolitics,Scandal Politics,andtheCrisisofDemocracy 193 Power-makingbyImage-making 193 TheKilling(Semantic)Fields:MediaPoliticsatWork 196 ThePoliticsofScandal 240 TheStateandMediaPolitics:PropagandaandControl 264 TheDemiseofPublicTrustandtheCrisisofPolitical Legitimacy 286 CrisisofDemocracy? 295 5 ReprogrammingCommunicationNetworks:SocialMovements, InsurgentPolitics,andtheNewPublicSpace 299 WarmingUptoGlobalWarming:TheEnvironmental MovementandtheNewCultureofNature 303 TheNetworkistheMessage:GlobalMovementsagainst CorporateGlobalization 339 Mobil-izingResistance:WirelessCommunicationand InsurgentCommunitiesofPractice 346 “Yes,WeCan!”The2008ObamaPresidentialPrimary Campaign 364 ReprogrammingNetworks,RewiringMinds,Changing theWorld 412 Conclusion:TowardaCommunicationTheoryofPower 416 Appendix 433 Bibliography 489 Index 543 viii Acknowledgments Books are usually a collective endeavor under the author’s sole responsi- bility. This one is no exception. It was born in my mind a long time ago, butithasevolvedininteractionwithcolleaguesandstudentsfromaround the world, and has been shaped by the academic and social environments in which I have lived and worked since the beginning of this millennium. And so, to name the people and institutions who are the co-producers of thisworkisnotamatterofcourtesy,butofaccuracyinsigningthebook. MyfirstacknowledgmentgoestoAmeliaArsenault,mydoctoralstudent, an outstanding research assistant, and the Wallis Annenberg Graduate Research Fellow at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California. Simply put, without the intellectual quality and personal dedication of her work over the years, this book would not exist initscurrentform.Shewillgooninheracademiccareertobecomeagreat scholar with wonderful values as she engages in understanding the world tomakeitabetterplace. Additional support for the research on which this book is based came from the excellent research assistance of Lauren Movius, Sasha Costanza-Chock, and Sharon Fain, graduate students at the Annenberg School for Communication, and from Dr. Meritxell Roca, my collabora- tor at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Barcelona. Earlier versions of the analyses presented in this volume have been discussed and modified through interaction with my students at the Annenberg School for Communication. I wish to con- vey special thanks to the students of my research seminar Comm620: “Communication, Technology, and Power” in the spring of 2008. Specific acknowledgmentoftheworkofseveralstudentsinthisandotherseminars canbefoundinthebook’snotesandreferences. My current research, in this book and in other works, has benefited considerablyfromtheintellectualstimulationofmytwoacademichomes: the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern

We live in the midst of a revolution in communication technologies that affects the way in which people feel, think, and behave. The mass media (including web-based media), Manuel Castells argues, has become the space where political and business power strategies are played out; power now lies in th
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