COMMUNICATING 22°. OGETHER AS ABILITIES CHANGE (447 COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO. 4/Dec. 41998 Developing Communicative Competence and Functional Communication Strategies Keeping ~~ | Date ~~» Technical Sb tc © > Training A CN for Facilitators, Technical Set-Up - : and Troubleshooting - ISSN 0822-0638 Comlog OnLine ala OP /AWA AW Asl alsHe hy( ener-¥(0) (e1a )(-t-}-foley (ote)a a)C ole] EDITORIAL discussed, and that the other with independent sources of associate editors would respond information concerning disability, to the editorial with their own rehabilitation and assistive tech- ROBERT HAAF thoughts and experiences. You nology would result in more can read my thoughts on the informed consumers entering the subject in the (newly renamed) clinical process, and therefore Getting Technical column. As we maximize the opportunity for a anticipated, everyone brings their truly collaborative (and equal) own perspectives to the topic of relationship. Geb nicely outlines technology in AAC, and the result the role that currently available is, I feel, a well-balanced ap- communication technologies proach to what everyone agrees is could come to play in providing a complex and challenging topic. such information directly to In their joint article, Tracy clients and families. Nola Millin Robert Haaf Shepherd and Brent Duncan discusses her own experiences et me take this opportunity address some of the clinical with AAC technology, both the to welcome you all to issues in AAC technology that positive and negative. Last but Comtog's first "technol- they face every day. They talk never least, Paul Marshall worries ogy issue" in quite awhile. In fact, about some of the expectations about the toll that some of these while my fellow editors and and myths surrounding technol- role changes may be taking on the writers have often discussed AAC ogy. They expand on the idea that satisfaction levels of AAC profes- technology and its impact on AAC clinicians’ roles have been sionals, and reminds us that many different aspects of the changing dramatically in recent providing specialized technology field, it's been some time since years, and talk about how this is to AAC users really shouldn't be there has been even a regular affecting the balance between as difficult as it (Sometimes) is. technology column in the maga- operational and functional com- In reviewing and thinking zine. (Although the amount of munication training as well as the about all of the issues raised by technology-related discussion in opportunity for developing col- my fellow editors and writers, I this issue will, I'm sure, more than laborative relationships with am somewhat saddened that the make up for it with some of you!) clients and families. Shirley negative trends I see are so well For those of you who may have McNaughton's article on the often confirmed and elaborated on by missed the regular technology uneasy marriage between AAC my co-authors. At the same time. discussions of past issues, blame technology and graphic systems though, it's heartening that no one it on my having to focus on helps to highlight the way tech- is losing sight of the fact that the developing and using technology, nology decisions can overshadow latest technology, well applied, as opposed to writing about it. other essential considerations in can be the essential tool that we When we planned this issue AAC system development. all expect it to be. A case in point at our editorial meeting last Shirley points out that an increas- is a theme that underlies both Geb. spring, we engaged in some lively ing technological focus can put and Nola's articles. The growing discussions on a number of the many important language-based importance of the Internet as a issues that you will come across processes, including graphic communication medium that can in these articles. It was decided symbol selection, at risk. In his be very well suited to individuals that I would try to write a feature article, Geb Verberg proposes with disabilities, and how it will article on some of the points we that providing clients and families likely come to play a significant COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO. 4/DECEMBER 1997 i) role in education and clinical are steadily becoming tool man- that communication technology is support in many fields, including agers instead of tool users. The somehow going to reach a point AAC. While the overall focus of inevitable result of such sophisti- where the amount of support and the articles in this issue is on cated tools is the increasing need vigilance described in this issue decidedly different aspects of for vigilance to prevent break- will no longer be required. We technology, this is also an area down. Tenner points out that the aren't just in a "transition period" that I've now spent some time benefits that we receive from where all we have to do is wait to immersed in, and feel that it improved technology are real and get those "better devices" that will would make an excellent follow- undeniable, but it is also neces- need less support and mainte- up to the present issue. So, think sary to be aware of the sometimes nance. The transformations taking of Geb and Nola's comments as chronic problems that this tech- place in the field are ongoing, and precursors to discussions to come nology can introduce, and instead very likely long-term It's essen- in 1998, and look forward to of ignoring these effects or tial, then, that we all continue to more in-depth discussions of this blithely waiting for better devices acknowledge and talk about these exciting and timely topic some- to solve our chronic problems, we issues in concrete ways. time in the coming year. have to be prepared to discuss and I know many people feel I found one particular deal with these very real issues. that "appropriate" discussions of statement in Paul's article to be A co-worker of mine at the AAC technology should be more very telling. He reminds us that it University of Western Ontario, or less confined to reviewing the isn't just individuals with disabili- who provides technical support to latest devices, features and devel- ties who have grown dependent faculty, articulated this particular opments; this is what AAC pro- on technology, and that many of problem with computers very fessionals and families need to the technology-related issues that eloquently. He points out that, know, and all the rest isn't very we all face in our personal and several years ago, computers were relevant to practicing clinicians. professional lives are also those more difficult to set up initially, While I agree with and recognize faced by AAC users. The prob- requiring step-by-step installation the continual need to stay current, lems we all face as technology and configuration of individual I also continue to resist the idea becomes more essential in our components, but once they were that the more basic issues of lives indicate that our clinical role set up correctly, they were easy to functional tool use aren't far more as primarily "technical trouble- troubleshoot and maintain. To- important to our role as commu- shooters" isn't likely to change for day, the situation is reversed. nication professionals. I'm very the better anytime soon. Computers and their operating glad that Communicating To- In his book Why Things Bite systems are a snap to set up, but gether continues to provide a _ Back, Edward Tenner points out so much fs automated and behind- forum for these kinds of discus- that while technology of all kinds the-scenes that when something sions. I hope that some of the is rapidly becoming more power- goes wrong, it's becoming next to issues raised herein strike a ful and full-featured, in the real impossible to identify and, impor- familiar chord with you — that world this doesn't always seem to tantly, to understand the nature of. you realize.these problems and transiate into increased productiv- the problem. Technology is not issues are shared by many others ity and/or functionality. As our requiring less time and support, in our field. We hope we may tools become more complex, but is in fact needing more as it offer some support and solutions. more functions and features are develops and expands its reach. Reactions are warmly invited! installed automatically and run For me, all of this means behind the scenes, a return to the that as long as the field of AAC Tenner, Edward (1996). Why Things Bite "black box". Tenner points out continues to move more and more Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences. Vintage that as a result of the growing towards a technical focus, profes- Books: New York. § sophistication of our devices, we sionals and clients cannot expect COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO.4/DECEMBER 1997 3 "GETTING TECHNICAL Some Thoughts has been involved with the field feelings of frustration and place on Consumption of AAC in many different ways the decision-making powers with and who is very familiar with the clients/families. It’s been my ROBERT HAAF many areas of technology, I experience that the opposite believe that in some very vital frequently occurs. These negative ways, we (AAC professionals, attitudes can actually be users and families) are being exacerbated by the consumer- consumed by the technology in driven ideas and assumptions that our field, and by the ideas that are brought to bear on the surround that technology, at least assessment/intervention process. as much as we are consuming any While I will argue as strongly as of it. While there are many sides anyone that a patriarchal medical to this statement, there are two model never really had a place in trends that I feel represent largely our field, why do we want to Robert Haaf negative results of the way AAC replace it with a model that is ello again, everyone. All technology is being consumed, almost guaranteed to result in I can say is what I seem and I want to talk about these. less informed, less satisfied and to say about all of my less empowered AAC users? Technology Consumed: correspondence: I’ve been In my experience, a meaning to write, but... . Consumerism consumer-driven approach to as a Clinical Model What’s more, given the focus rehabilitation can be problematic Over the past few years I’ve of much of my energies over the because, in the effort to be “good made no secret of the fact that the past year, for my first column in consumers”, people naturally ‘consumer model’ as it is some time I was fully intending to bring assumptions from other frequently applied to AAC makes write about the Internet, and the aspects of their lives into the me uncomfortable. If you like, possibilities that this technology clinical process. When we you can chalk this up to yet can (and will) provide for AAC approach non-AAC technology, another patriarchal clinician users, professionals and for the there are certain assumptions that, struggling to retain control of the AAC field as a whole. Oh well, as consumers, we bring to the entire clinical process; I know another time, I hope. Instead, this table. When I walk into a store that far too many families leave article is meant to set the tone for with the intention of purchasing, the AAC service delivery process this technology issue, and I felt say, a microwave, I’m aware of with this impression of that the topics should be a little certain facts. For example, I professionals. Often, AAC broader, maybe a bit more know that there is a range of clinicians and agencies are seen controversial than a high-tech appropriate technology out in the as the “gatekeepers” of “puff piece”, so that my fellow market, from the most basic (and technology, the ones who grant or editors (and hopefully one or two inexpensive) models that will “do deny access to available devices, readers!) can respond to some the job”, up to deluxe models that with decisions being reached in different issues. offer many more features and what appear to be unclear or So, this feature is all about possibilities. It’s a given that, arbitrary ways. Some may say consumption, and specifically the even if I don’t really need the that encouraging a consumer kinds of consumption that seem features offered by a top-of-the- approach to the clinical process is to be prevalent in the field at this line device, and even if I can’t get in fact an effort to combat these point in time. As someone who one right now, those models COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO. 4/DECEMBER 1997 would do everything I need and technology consumers and if they existing skills and needs rather much more besides. The view their role as obtaining the than one that will “do the most”. implication for most consumers 1s “best piece of technology”, In many cases, a successful that even once a decision and doesn’t this practically assure that device is one that does very little purchase is made, there will they will bring at least some of in terms of quantity of use, always be ‘better’ technology out these beliefs and attitudes to the because this is the device that will there, which due to various assessment process? Do these be utilized in the specific constraints (other than need) the attitudes have adverse effects on environments and situations consumer is unable to obtain. the process and on the client/ where it’s truly needed. A Most consumers settle for what 1s clinician relationship, and if so successful piece of technology is possible right now, trying to get are they truly a desirable aspect of the one that fits best within something that will meet their assessment and intervention for someone’s existing needs but knowing that in a AAC technology? communication modes. It can be perfect world they would My experiences, and the argued that the most successful probably have something better. experiences shared with me by communication outcome is the Additionally, as a consumer I other clinicians and families, have one that requires the least amount expect to enter into a relationship repeatedly demonstrated of technology. with a sales professional that is perceptions that I can only To work well, the selection far from a collaborative, problem- attribute to consumerism. There is process has to consider all of the solving partnership. Be honest — the assumption that, like any ways the individual when you are approached by a other consumable technology, the communicates, where existing salesperson in a store, do you see device that has the most features, strategies fail, and what goals are yourself as entering into a the largest memory, etc., is the important to the AAC user. It is cooperative relationship, seeking ‘best’ technology, and so is the this process that determines what assistance with an open mind? device that ideally the AAC user technology is best suited to the Or are you wary, knowing that should have. More than once, I individual, and not some absolute the person you’re dealing with have been in the position of feature of any specific machine. has their own agenda beyond feeling like I’ve denied an This approach demands extensive helping you find what’s best for individual or a family the best collaboration — with your needs? “Buyer beware” is technology, even ‘vhen I knew professionals providing an often-quoted summary of our that from a functional perspective knowledge of communication approach to consumption in this was not the case. I don’t processes and modes that include general; it’s our role to get the even want to talk about the technology, and with clients/ best deal we can without getting situations where I didn’t feel families bringing their knowledge taken. technology was required at all! of the individual, his/her Yes, I do realize that While a range of AAC strengths, specific needs, and individuals and families searching technology certainly exists, goals. I have found that this kind for communication technology regardless of the claims of of emphasis is very easily lost or don’t generally equate voice manufacturers the range is not a distorted in a consumer-oriented output with microwaves; the vast hierarchy of “good-better-best”. interaction. majority realize that assessment/ AAC devices vary widely in I’m not implying that AAC intervention has a decidedly encoding strategies, vocabulary users and their families are different goal. However, since capacity, access methods, etc. The entirely unaware of the issues technology is frequently a central process of selecting an involved, but when it comes to focus of AAC, if clients/families appropriate device 1s largely a technology, the majority of are continually encouraged to qualitative one, trying to find the families come into the clinical consider themselves as AAC device that will best match process knowing little about the COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO.4/DECEMBER 1997 5) kinds of AAC devices available, perceived loss. Getting anything and healthier perspective. If you their capabilities and limitations. but the top-of-the-line device 1s insist upon taking a consumer Families that may have seen going to seem somehow role, it’s time to be very clear specific devices often believe that inadequate. about what is being consumed. this is the device that will be the IT also can’t help but wonder if It’s not (as the long-standing title best for them, not appreciating the attitudes carried over from a of this column might suggest) fact that successful use of consumer model don't help to purely technology. It’s also not technology is usually a result of a establish an unnecessary feeling clinicians who are being successful communicator, one of conflict between the client/ consumed (except perhaps in the who can maximize the potential family and clinician, between the sense | talk about later on). It is, I of every communication mode purchaser trying to get the ““‘best would argue, an educational and so make the technology work deal” for themselves or their process. The goals of this for him or her. The ultimate goal child, and the provider with their process, for clients/families and should always be successful own goals and agenda. I feel professionals, are to become communication, not even strongly that when technology better informed, to understand the “successful technology use’, and enters the picture, attitudes totality of communication for an definitely not “technology at any change. At best, extra time must individual, and not necessarily COSU: be taken to establish a working simply to obtain a device. If Sounds great, but doesn’t the collaborative relationship. At technology becomes an option, its consumer approach have a worst, a cooperative partnership role and importance is not potentially different meaning? is never established and real assumed from the outset, but Rather than starting out feeling communication needs can’t be instead arises from the process of that the best possible fully addressed. identifying needs. collaborative decision has been I would be much happier, made, families frequently seern to then, replacing the clinician- start out with the idea that “Well, driven model with a needs-driven this certainly isn’t the best thing The ultimate goal model, as opposed to a consumer- out there, but we’ll try it and see.” should always be driven approach. In sucha Additionally, as part of a model, clients and families have successful communication, consumer-oriented, technology- the most critical role in the not even driven model of assessment, a process. Without a thorough *“successful technology use” clinician can comfortably make a understanding of the individual and definitely not case for showing a client/family and their needs, the team simply the entire range of voice output “technology at any cost”. cannot make appropriate technology that 1s available. This, decisions about intervention. This it is argued, is “informing the is where the process should start, consumer’. I would argue that a not end, and I believe that without needs-oriented, collaborative Am I suggesting that clients/ it no truly functional intervention framework has to be in place families should just trust can be established. Helping before device information makes professionals implicitly, or that clients and families to understand sense to families, and that in the clinicians should instead make this role and its importance is absence of such a framework this a priori decisions about critical. This understanding kind of information isn’t easy to technology in order to keep the doesn’t seem to be furthered evaluate. In an effort to inform client from making mistakes? Of when people think and act as consumers, this approach can course not. [ am proposing the re- technology consumers. instead set up a situation of establishment of a more realistic 6 COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO. 4/DECEMBER 1997 | | Professionals Consumed — I think that consumerism has technology is the requirement that Clinician or Technician? played an important part in this AAC professionals, AAC users Looking at the other side of shift, I don’t think that it is just the and their care providers spend - the consumer interaction, can we consumer model that has resulted more and more of their seriously relegate the AAC in this situation; other factors interactions focused on the _ professional to the role of relating to the technology itself technology, on operational salesperson? Well, ve had need to be acknowledged and training, on keeping it all clinicians describe their jobs to discussed. working. me this way on more than one The move away from Even when an AAC clinician occasion, I’ve observed many dedicated communication aids may fully recognize that clinical interactions that were towards computer-based technology is just one mode in an hard to distinguish from technology is a movement that I individual’s communication technology transactions, and I’ve see as largely positive and well system, this realization doesn’t been in many situations that have past due. This ongoing change in change the fact that this one mode made me feel this way. Ina AAC technology reflects the still requires a considerable technology-focused consumer changes in the power and the amount of set-up, troubleshooting, interaction, too often a portability of computers, and also training and repair — demanding professional’s role can be a movement away from an amount of time that in many summarized as: show the client/ considering “face-to-face cases 1s completely out of family the range of devices communication” as somehow a proportion to the attention given available, describe and separate issue from written to other communication modes, demonstrate the features of each. communication, and in some cases Is out of Then when the consumer has telecommunications, educational proportion to the role technology decided on a specific device, help technology, leisure, etc. This plays as a communication tool. set up the financing, deliver it to change takes a broader view that Given the steadily increasing the client’s home, do the the most appropriate technology is caseloads of most clinicians, the programming and technical technology that will meet as many result is that, more and more, the training and be available when it of an individual’s identified needs bulk of an AAC clinician’s time breaks down. I don’t know, that as possible. However, in moving per client is taken up with sounds like a salesperson to me. from dedicated tools towards operational issues. The role of the Every time I discuss this computer-based systems, AAC clinician as a communication particular issue with AAC professionals have had to learn to professional is being consumed clinicians, the response 1s the set-up, configure, train and by the day-to-day requirements of same — recognition, agreement troubleshoot a much more learning about, applying and and typically a personal story of complex technology. In my maintaining the technology, even frustration with the way things experience, professionals now when the technology doesn’t have changed for many have to learn about basic necessarily play a primary professionals. This leads me to computer functions. They must communication role in a user’s believe that the changes that I master the installation and life. At the risk of sounding cute, have experienced in my clinical configuration of applications, the the focus of AAC intervention is role (and observed with many modification of operating system too often on keeping things others) are not isolated to my software, peripherals such as functioning instead of keeping colleagues or caseload. This is printers and scanners, the things functional. Issues of basic an issue that, while not exactly configuration of modem communication strategies, . new, seems to be of growing connections, the Internet, establishing opportunities for concern to (at least some) PCMCIA cards, and on and on. functional communication, even professionals in our field. While The result of a broader-based establishing basic skills and COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO.4/DECEMBER 1997 7 strategies for modeling and technology is often more team. They need to explain to facilitating communication, are straightforward, and easier, clients and families that the demands too often left to chance. We than dealing with the less clear- of technology will often mean that hope that facilitators are able to cut issues that surround purely technical issues will end up apply the technology we have functional communication, such taking much of their time. Maybe set up. And we hope that as language development, they also need to begin to adequate support exists in the vocabulary selection and acknowledge to themselves that they community. Is this a realistic pragmatic skills. In a consumer can’t effectively address all expectation? model of AAC, many of us can functional communication issues, too easily convince ourselves and start to look to (and plan with) that technology support is our other team members to maintain a only role. more specific focus on The focus The consumption of the communication issues. In this way, of AAC intervention clinical role is in some ways the everyone’s expectations are likely to is too often on most troublesome issue, be more realistic at the outset and keeping things because there really aren’t any will then stand a better chance of clear solutions. It’s not as being met. functioning simple as saying “let’s change instead of our focus”. The fact is, Is Technology Worth It? keeping things technology will continue to OK, so it's a trick question. The functional. require high levels of support question should be, is it necessary? What are an individual’s and attention, and will probably require even more energy and communication needs, and will effort before we reach the point technology help to meet at least I haven’t reached this where the technology becomes some of them? Ultimately, what is conclusion from empirical ‘operationally transparent’ for technology worth to the individual? research. Rather, as a clinician, the user. Shifting the bulk of If technology offers the ability to I know what my role has technical concerns away from explore new opportunities, to do become, and as someone who the clinician and towards a something that the individual hasn't works with other clinicians I technician/trainer or been able to do another way, then see these kinds of situations technologist on an AAC team is that technology becomes valued. regularly. I hasten to point out perhaps a partial solution. Too often, it seems that people that it’s not just a case of ‘too- However, clinicians I’ ve approach the use of technology from busy clinicians’ opting for a spoken with feel strongly that the standpoint that technology has to more limited role. Often, as long as technology plays a be better than non-technology, and clients and families will only role in AAC, they need to its value is then assumed from the call an AAC clinician if there is maintain a considerable very beginning. If it doesn’t prove to a problem, and that is typically working knowledge of the be what people expected, it’s the a problem with technology range of devices that they are fault of the process, and not of the (won’t turn on, won’t charge responsible for recommending. assumptions and expectations around up, won’t talk, etc.). By This is an issue that clearly technology. The belief develops that default, then, time with that requires much more discussion the ‘right’ device would do so much client is taken up with repairing than I can give to it in this more, and people start to feel the problem. There is another editorial. Minimally, I believe cheated. issue that can affect all that AAC professionals can and Too often, our assessment members of the team, and that should acknowledge their processes and regular interventions needs to be acknowledged. For specialist role to all of the other lack a sufficient amount of emphasis some people, focusing on members of the intervention on these critical issues. We need a COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO. 4/DECEMBER 1997 renewed focus on the specific result in more aware, more Attention ComTog goals that an individual brings to satisfied AAC users and families. Online Subscribers the assessment process, and how Technology is important. Please send your email this is the only route to When it is selected and establishing a functional role for introduced as part of a address to Rob Haaf. technology. We need to re- collaborative process it can and <[email protected]> emphasize from the beginning does become a valued part of an and copy Shirley that the underlying process is a individual’s communication McNaughton clinical one, emphasizing repertoire. Whenever the <smcn>. communication functions and consumption of technology We want to e-mail you opportunities across the lifespan, begins to drive clinical decisions your password and not a close-ended in our field, however, everyone for your online issues of consumerist scenario. In my involved stands to lose something Communicating experience, the consumer valuable. Together. approach is just too limited to § PAUL'S PLACE PAUL MARSHALL As I was thinking about the caregivers, that we sometimes disappointments of many overlook the heartbreaks, the professionals in the AAC field struggles that professionals have and in the larger disabilities to live with. These past couple of “movement”, I began thinking years, I edged a bit into their about the professionals that are world, and it is not all fun and my co-writers in this magazine. games. Many times, they are My heart goes out to these people beating their heads on walls because like many of you who because funding and resources are picked this field of work, they just beyond their reach. They are Paul Marshall had many other options of often frustrated by those who his is my second attempt occupations that they could have have the power over resources. at putting my column gone into. I know it was not for I am really afraid, what will together for this issue of the money or a big ego trip. It ever happen if these people just Communicating Together. As I was because each of them really say, “It’s not worth it. I can get a read over my first attempt, I saw care and wanted (and want) to 9 to 5 job where I don’t have all that I was writing still another make an impact on improving the this hassle!” Also, is this a dying article based on the impact of the standards and quality of life for field of work? Why go into technology that so often fills the the nonspeaking and the disabled something that will probably chip lifestyles of many AAC population generally. away at your inner self? We are consumers. I said no, I am not We so often deal with the seeing that the problems are basing another column largely on struggles of the AAC consumers outweighing the benefits. Are technology. and their families or their there enough “high days” to keep COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO.4/DECEMBER 1997 9 technology equipment. He for the end users, it is individuals in this field of work? called them “gatekeepers” of disheartening. But, my After all, we are living in an age technology. The sad thing is, discouragement will never take where if you have to sweat with there is so much red tape in away my pioneering spirit. 1am your job, especially sweat many of these clinics that sure I am talking for my co- emotionally, then the work is not committed people get writers and many of you, in worth it. So what keeps the people I disheartened. Sometimes they maintaining an ongoing know in this line of work? I am sure are trapped between the commitment to improve life for as a follower in their large footsteps, consumers who really need many around us. there are winning situations that this equipment to improve Let’s never stop fighting the provide the “gas” to keep going. their quality of life to the battle! § There is nothing more point where they can give empowering than knowing that, because of your work, someone’s back to their society, and the quality of life is at a higher level. limited powers they have to get resources and funding. Please notice sometimes (and I am sure that I am fully correct by Let me leave you with Join ISAAC Now saying most of the time) you have to this idea. I couldn’t do what I measure in inches and not in feet or am doing with my life The International Society for miles when you are measuring the without the technology that I Augmentative and Alternative level. The question for many of us have. I know of many people Communication (ISAAC) offers who are working in this field is, are who are so-called “normal “ members reduced rates for: Communicating Together, we prepared to wait and make the and they couldn’t do their job Communication Outlook, and inches into feet and feet into miles? without the technology that Augmentative and Alternative So, what does all this have to they have. Their standard or Communication (AAC journal). do with technology — the theme of quality of life depends totally this issue of Communicating on technology. Now, isn’t it For a membership applica- funny when it comes to tion or other information getting a piece of high tech about ISAAC, write: for an AAC consumer, we Sometimes [professionals] often have to run up hills and ISAAC, are trapped across the narrowest wires P.O. Box 1762, between the consumers while trying to battle Station R, Toronto, who really need countless obstructions. I am Ontario, Canada, getting discouraged at what M4G 4A3. this equipment seems to be happening to our to improve resources to help AAC their quality of life, consumers to integrate and and the limited powers take part in the mainstream of they have to get their communities. resources and funding. When I see the Have you moved? overwhelming resources Please around me, but a lack of send us commitment by those who Together? I like Rob Haaf’s tag name your new address. could be a source of for the clinics that have the power to empowerment to many provide consumers with professionals and most of all 10 COMMUNICATING TOGETHER VOL. 14, NO. 4/DECEMBER 1997