. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES FURTHER NOTE ON DEVELOPMENT OF A HYBRID BETWEEN 3. A FEMALE ORIENTAL WHITE IBIS THRESKIORNIS MELANOCEPHALUS AND A MALE EURASIAN SPOONBILL PEATALEA EEUCORODIA' RajuVyas2 'Accepted September 10, 2004 2Sayaji Baug Zoo, Vadodara 390 018, Gujarat, India. Email: [email protected] TwoOrientalWhiteIbisThreskiornismelanocephalus were bom in May 1986 in captivity at the Sayaji Baug Zoo, Vadodara, Gujarat. One of these showed some unusual characters; it was believed to be a hybrid between a female Oriental White Ibis and a male Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia as reported by JadejaandVyas (1988). , The hybrid bird showed characters ofboth the species: largesnow-whitemarshbirdwithlongblacklegs,alongfeathery neck with blackdown,curvedcurlew-like bill, bill tipslightly spatulate, face and throat black, and tail feathers white. The hybridbirdstayedwiththeOrientalWhiteIbismostofthetime. In 1989,thehybridbirdwasfirstobservedtopairwith a female Oriental White Ibis and build a nest along in the cage. The femaleOriental White Ibis laid twoeggs and both thehybridmaleandthefemaleOrientalWhiteIbisincubated tBhoetmh,thbeutegwgist,hwnhoenrecshuletc,ketdh,e wbeirrdesilnafteretrildee.sOerntetdhetbheasinsesot.f Fig. 1:AhybridbetweenafemaleWhiteIbisandamaleSpoonbill this behaviour, it was concluded that the hybrid bird was a Table1:Comparisonofsomeofthebodymeasurements sterile male.Thisiscommoninhighervertebrates(Hoffman ofthe WhiteIbisandtheSpoonbillwiththatofthehybridbird etal. 1978; Weiretal. 2000) and hasbeen reported in many Bodyparts Hybridbird WhiteIbis* Spoonbill* speciesofmammals(Iles 1960). The hybrid Oriental White Ibis has grown well, and Winglength 380 343-370 350-395 Billlength 215 139-170 180-228 afterfifteenyears,thereisnodifferenceinappearanceexcept Tarsuslength 130 99-115 130-165 thattheheadandanteriorpartoftheneckarebare(Fig. 1).A Taillength 140 133-145 108-122 light pink coloured patch developed on its flanks and under 'SourceAli&Ripley(1983):Measurementsinmm wings. Thebody measurements are given inTable 1 NCES Au,S.&S.D. Ripley(1983): HandbookofBirdsofIndiaandPakistan Jadeja,V. & R. Vyas(1988):ThecrossbreedingbetweenaSpoonbill (CompactEdition).OxfordUniversityPress,NewDelhi.737pp. andaWhiteIbisatSayajiBaugZoo,Vadodara.Zoos'PrintJ(11): Hoffman,W.,J.A. Wiens& J.M. Scott(1978): Hybridization between 13. gulls (Lams glaucescens and L. occidentalis) in the Pacific Weir, D.N., A.C. Kitchener & R.Y. McGowan(2000): Hybridization Northwest. The Auk 95(3): 441- 458. andchangesinthedistributionofIcelandGull(Larusglucoides/ Iles, G. (1960): At Home In the Zoo. W. H. Allen, London. 244pp. kumlieni/thayeri). J. Zool. 252: 517- 530. 4. COMMUNAL HARRIER ROOST-SITES IN MUMBAI AND AKOLA DISTRICTS, MAHARASHTRA1 AshokVerma2 'Accepted July 10, 2004 "Society for Research in Ecology and Environment (SREE), Sarafa Bazar. Rekha Naanga Gali, Bharatpur 321 001, Rajasthan, India. Email: [email protected] Six species of harriers, namely Pallid Harrier Circus Harrier C. aeruginosus and Eastern Marsh-Harrier macrounis Hen Harrier C. cyaneus Montagu’s Harrier C. spilonotus migrate to India every winter. Eastern Marsh- , , C. pygargus PiedHarrierC. melanoleucos WesternMarsh- HandersandPiedHamersarerestrictedtoeastIndia.However, , , J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 104 (1), Jan-Apr 2007 85 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Pied Harriers have scattered sightings from all over India Harriers and 8% Hen Harriers. Reports of marsh-harriers (Prakash 1988;Rahmani 1988;Vyas 1992;Grimmettetal. 1999). (around 10individuals) roosting here was alsoconfirmed in Aharrierringedat BharatpurwasrecoveredinKazakh; SSR November2003(pers.comm.).Here,thegrasslandwasspread (Ali and Ripley 1983), whichprobably indicatesthat partof overlessthanasquarekilometre(averageheighttwometres). the harrier population comes to India from Asian breeding The roost site was surrounded by crop fields, especially grounds. In India, harriers generally arrive by end July, and cotton Gossypium sp., on three sides, and wild vegetation depart for their breeding grounds generally by March. (different grass and herb species) on the remaining side. The Juvenile Western Marsh Harriers, however, have been actualroostsitewasatreelesspatch;treesfoundintheadjacent recorded wintering as late as June (Verma 2002a), and they areas were Buteo monosperma Acacia catechu Acacia , , probably go backthefollowingyear. nilotica, Prosopis chilensis, P. spicigera and Zizyphus Harriers are interesting birds of prey as they are the mauritiana. only diurnal raptors that breed and roost on the ground. Another roost-site was located in December 2002 in Among other raptors that occasionally nest on the ground, Mumbai,whichwassituatedneartheMahulcreek(19°OPN, probably due to absence of nest-sites and mammalian 72°53’E)ontheeastcoastofMumbai,alongtheArabianSea, predators, are the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo), the in the suburb of Chembur. Mangrove trees like Avicennia ( Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus), and the Osprey marina and Excoecaria agallocha provided pre-roost ( (Pandion lialiaetus) (Newton 1979; Kenyon 1947).Another perches which they usedforrestingon,before settlingdown interestingcharacterofthe harriers istheirbeingcommunal on the ground, theirfinal roost. The roostsiteextendedover inwinteringgroundswhilesolitaryorsemi-colonialinbreeding asquare kilometre. It was grasslanddominatedby perennial grounds (Cramp and Simmons 1980; Newton 1979). They aquatic grass species like Paspaldium and Paspalum with , generally roost on the ground in tall grasses and reeds, but an average heightof I m. Smalltemporary reservoirs dotted have also been recorded roosting in wetlands with floating thesiteteemingwithwaterbirdslikewaders,ducksandteals. vegetation (such as the Water-hyacinth Eichhornia AstablepopulationofEurasian MarshHarrierroosted crassipes) and bare grounds, during adverse conditions here.TheroostwasobservedinDecember2002,whenabout (Verma2002a).Ascarcityofsafeplacesmayforcebirdsintoa 50 harriers were counted roosting here, and the population communallife,sometimesevenwithotherspecies,onthefew stabilizedtillFebruary 2003. Birdsofall ageandsexclasses good sites that are available (Peterson 1963). The reason werepresent.ThecountmadeinFebruaryshowed48birdsat behindcommunalroostingmaydifferfromspeciestospecies the roost, ofwhich 50% werejuveniles, 25% females, 15% depending upon the local situation. Conservation of malesand 10%unidentified. communalroostsitesiscriticallyimportantforharriersurvival in winter quarters. They have been reported travelling a Threats distanceofabout40kmtojoinaroost(Verma2002a). Although the Akola roost is located on government During2002-2003,duringmyvisitstoMumbaiandAkola, land,thereisriskofheavydisturbancewiththecomingupof Ilocatedtwoharrierroost-sites.InMumbai,anexclusiveroost an irrigation canal in this area, which is presently under ofmarsh-harriers was identified, whereas a mixed roost of construction.Theuseofpesticideswillincreaseforintensive three harrier species was identified inAkola. Harrier roosts farming, which, in turn, will drastically affectthe numberof arereportedfromVelavadarNationalPark,Gujarat(Clarkeet harriersandtheirprey,especiallygrasshoppers.Grasscutting al. 1998), Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh andburningisanotherthreatforroostingharriers.Thecutting (RahmaniandManakadan 1986;ClarkeandPrakash 1997/98), ofgrass by villagers for fodder and thatch during winter in Alwal wetland inSecunderabad,AndhraPradesh(Satheesan and around the roost site disturbs roosting harriers evidenced andRao 1990;GaneshandKanniah2000),Bannigrasslands by several of them shifting from one patch of grassland to of Kutch (now Kachchh), Gujarat (Samant etal. 1995) and another.Thelocal Parthicommunitybumsthegrasslandsduring KeoladeoNationalPark.Rajasthan(Verma2002b). December-February, when theharrierpopulation stabilizes, to A mixed hairier roost of nearly 200 individuals was scan a larger area for hunting for mammals like hares, the locatedinthegrasslandinAkolacity(20°43'N,77°04'E,308m Blackbuck Antilope cervicapra the Blue Bull Boselaphus , above msl). The roost, comprising three species ofharriers, tragocamelus and birds, especially partridges andquails. namelyMontagu’sHarriers,PallidHarriersandHenHarriers, TheroostatMumbaiissituatedontheRashtriyaChemical was identified in February 2003. The Montagu's Harriers Fertilizers (RCF) Fimited land. On the one handgrasscutting dominatedtheroostingpopulation. Ofthe25 birdsidentified fromtheroost-sitebylocalsdisturbstheroostingharriers,while tothespecieslevel,76%wereMontagu’sHarriers, 16%Pallid on the other, reclamation by the RCF itself poses a serious 86 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 104 (1), Jan-Apr 2007 : MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS dangerofcompletelossofroostinghabitatforharriers. An initiative by the public towards conservation of roost-sites of migrant harriers is the need of the hour. The I gratefully acknowledge Mr. Abhishek Patil, RCF. by declaringtheroostpatch asaprotected area, should Mr. Jegannath Patil, Mr.Ashok Patil and Mr. Ganga Reddy setanexamplefortheprivate sector. from Mumbai and Drs. Jayant Deshmukh, Ajit Deshmukh Long-term monitoring of roosting populations of and Deepak Bhat fromAkolafortheirkindcooperation and harriers can prove to be the best indicator ofthe changes in logistic support during my harrier roost surveys in these ourenvironment. districts. REFERENCES Ali, S. & S.D. Ripley (1983): Handbook of the Birds of India and London. Pp. 597. Pakistan.CompactEdition.OxfordUniversityPress,NewDelhi. Peterson, R.T. (1963): The Birds. Life Nature Library. Time Pp. 737. Incorporated, New York. Pp. 192 . Clarke,R.&V. Prakash(1997/98):Thewinteringecologyofharriers Prakash, V. (1988): The General Ecology of Raptors in Keoladeo at Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary. Raptor25 43-46. National Park, Bharatpur. Pli.D. Thesis. Bombay University. Clarke, R., V. Prakash, W.S. Clark, N. Ramesh & D. Scott(1998): Rahmani,A.R. (1988):APiedHarrierCircusmelanoleucosinnorthwest World record count of roosting harriers Circus in Blackbuck Madhya Pradesh. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 85(2): 419-420 National Park,Velavadar,Gujarat,north-westIndia. Forktail14: Rahmani, A.R. & R. Manakadan (1986): A large roost ofharriers in 70-7 1. Andhra Pradesh, India. ./. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 83: 203-204. Cramp,S.&K.E.L.Simmons(1980):HandbookoftheBirdsofEurope, Samant,J.S.,V.Prakash&R.Naoroji(1995):EcologyandBehaviour theMiddleEastandNorthAfrica.TheBirdsofWesternPalearctic. ofResidentRaptorswithspecialReferencetoEndangeredSpecies. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, London. Pp. 722. FinalReport(1990-93).BombayNaturalHistorySociety.Pp.111. Ganesh, T. & P. Kanniah (2000): Roost counts of harriers Circus Satheesan,S.M. & P. Rao(1990): Roostingandfeedingofhanders in spanning seven winters in Andhra Pradesh, India. Forktail 16: Secunderabad,AndhraPradesh,./. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. 87(1): 1-3. 143. Grimmett,R.,C. Inskipp&T.Inskipp(1999): PocketGuidetothe Birds Verma,A. (2002a): WinteringecologyofMarshHarrier. Pli.D.thesis. ofthe Indian subcontinent. Oxford University Press. Pp. 384. MumbaiUniversity,Mumbai. Kenyon, K.N. (1947): Breeding populations ofthe Osprey in Lower Verma, A. (2002b): A large roost ofEurasian Marsh Harriers Circus California. Condor 49: 152-158. aeruginosusatKeoladeoNationalPark,Bharatpur,India.Forktail Newton, I. (1979): PopulationEcologyofRaptors. ButeoBooks Inc., 18: 150-151. Vermillion. S.D. Pp. 399 . Vyas, R. (1992): Pied Harrier, Circus melanoleucos (Pennant) in Newton, I. (1998): Population Limitation in Birds. Academic Press, southeast Rajasthan. J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. 89(2): 248. 5. KHASI HILLS SWIFT APUS ACUTICAUDA: FIRST RECORD FROM NAGALAND AND MANIPUR, NORTH-EAST INDIA' M. FirozAhmed2 4 AbhijitDas2-5 VivoselihMeyase3 , , 'Accepted July 10, 2004 2Aaranyak, 50, Samanwoy Path, Survey, Beltola, Guwahati 781 028, Assam, India. 'KNCTS, Khonoma Village, Kohima. Nagaland, India. 4Email: [email protected] 5Email: [email protected] TheKhasi HillsSwiftApusacuticauda(Jerdon 1864)is observationsonitsdistribution(Inskippetat. 1999; BirdLife a poorly known vulnerable species from Meghalaya and International2001 Ahmedetal.2001,2002;Kazmierczakpers. , Mizoram in north-east India, as well as from Bhutan and comm.). Thailand(Inskippetal. 1999;Brooke 1969;Kazmierczakpers. The Khonoma Nature Conservation and Tragopan comm.). The known distribution ofthe species is shown in Sanctuary(KNCTS)(25°39'32"N,94°02’01"E, 1900-2750m Fig.1. above msl), a 25 sq. km primary and secondary, temperate Very little information is available on the distribution, broadleafand subtropical evergreen forest, is located 16km ecologyandbehaviourofthisenigmaticspecies. Baker(1927) south of Kohima city, bordering Manipur to the south. The collected and observed this species in Cherrapunjee, averageannualrainfallisabove2000mm.Whilethemaximum Meghalaya (erstwhile Assam), and described its taxonomy temperature reaches 30° C in summer (May-July) it drops andbreedingindetail. Brooke(1969)dealtwiththetaxonomy below zero in winter (December- January), particularly at m and distribution of this species. There have been recent 2,500 abovemsl. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 104 (1), Jan-Apr 2007 87