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Committee on Transportation and Public Way 2019-01-17 - Summary PDF

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Preview Committee on Transportation and Public Way 2019-01-17 - Summary

‘SUMMARY OF REPORTS COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WAY ‘Committee Meeting Held on January 17, 2019 SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL - January 23, 2019, 61 2:6 WY $1 ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD, (1) ARTIST VILLAGE LOFTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION -02018.538 To maintaln and usa, as naw constructed, thirty three (38) balconies projecting over the public lght-of- ‘way agjacent to its promises known as 2735 West Armitage Avenue. (1) BONCI -02108-9484 To mainain and use, as now constructed, two (2) awnings projecting aver the public ight-oFway ‘adjacent fa its premises known as 1866 North Damon Avenue (1) BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL DAY -02010-60 ‘Tomeintain and ube one (1) sign over the pubic right-of-way adjacent to Its pramisas known as 2119 West Chicago Avenue. (1) GAR CENTER, ING. . 02018-3561 ‘To mainisin and use two (2) signs over the public ighl-ofavay adjacent fo ts premises known as 655 North Western Avenue. (1) CHICAGO AUTO REPAIR SERVICE, INC. - 021018-9562 ‘Ta maintain and use one (1) sign over the publle ight-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1710 Wast Chicago Avenue, (1) CONRAD'S GRILL -O2018-9539 ‘To mainialn and use two (2) signs over the publle right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1422 North Miwaukes Avenue. {1} DEPASADA RESTAURANT - 02018-0564 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign aver the public rightofway adjacent tn ts promises knawn as 1642 West Chieage Avonua (1) DIRECT PHONE Fix - o2019469 ‘To maintain and use ane (1] sign over the public righto-nay adjacent to its premises known a¢ 1056 North Mitwaukee Avenue (1) DIVISION STREET LIQUORS -02019-64 ‘To maintain and use one (1) eign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1759 1761 Wrast Division Street, (1) ESTELLES CAFE & PUB, LTO -02018-0540 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, two (2) secuity cameras adjacent to its premisss known as 2019 West North Avena, (1) FISH TALES, LLG - 02018-9565, ‘To maintain and! use, as nosy constructed, one (7) building projection projecting over the publle right ‘way adjacent to its promises known as 1936-1940 West Division Street. (1) FLY HOOKAH - 216-9541 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over tho pull right-of-way adjacent to its premises known 2s 2557 ‘West Fullerton Avenue. ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD (1) FULLERTON RESTAURANT -02019.65 ‘To maintain and! use one (1) sign aver the public right-of-way adjacent lo tts premisas known as 2400 West Fullerton Avenue, (1) GARFIELO'S BEVERAGES -02018.9568 To maintain and use, as now constiicted, two (2) ight fatures projecting over the public rightof-way xdjacent to fs premises known as 1336 North Miwaukes Avenue, (1) GARFIELD'S BEVERAGES - 02018.9560 ‘To maintain and usa, as now consiructed, two {2} securly camaras adjacant to its premises known as 1396 North Milwaukee Avenue. (1) GARFIELD'S BEVERAGES - 0019-59 ‘To maintain and use one (1) elgn aver the public right-of-way agjaoent to Is pramisos known as 1396 Noth Mlwaukee Aver (1) GOLDEN TEARDROPS & LONESOME ROSE -02019-62 ‘To maintain and use two (2) signs over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises know as 2101- 2108 North Calfomia Avenue. (1) HIGH DIVE - 02013-66 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign aver the public nghtot-way adjacent ta its premises known as 1998 West Chicago Avenua 41) LAPASADITA- 02019-65, ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the public rightoFway adjacant to its premises known as 1140 North Ashland Avenue. (1) LOGAN SQUARE AUTO REPAIR -02019-61 ‘To maintain and use five (2) signs avar the public right-of-way adjacent Io ts premises known as 2442 North Miwaukee Avene. (1) METROPCS - 02018-9543 ‘Te maintain and use two (2) signs over tha public right-of-way adjacent (0 ts premises known as 2535, ‘West North avenue. (1) RR# CHICAGO - 02018-9465 ‘To maintaln and use, as nosy constructed, one (1) awning projacting over the public ighto-way acjacent to its premises known as 814 North Ashiand Avenue, (1) SILLIKORI- 02018-9572 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, one (1) bay window projecting over the public right-of-way agjacent to its premises known as 2063 Wast Division Street (1) suaway-oz019-3 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the publle rightof-way adjacent to its premises known as 1968 West Chicago Avenus. ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD (1) TECALITLAN - 02018-9564 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent (ots premises known as 1814 West Chicago Avenue, (1) THE BOUNDARY - 02019-67 ‘To maintain and use ane (1) sign over the publlerightof-way adjacent io its promises known as 1932 ‘West Division Street. (1) THE LOCK UP STORAGE CENTERS - 02018-9570 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign aver the publi right-of-way adjacent to is premises known as 2526 West Armitage Avenue, (1) THE UPS STORE -02048.9573 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over tha public right-ofavay adjacent lo its prainises known as 2027 West Division Street. (1) TIP TOP LIQUOR -02018.0468 ‘To malntaln and use, as now constructed, one (1) awning projecting aver the public right-of-way adjacent {0 its promises known 2s 2700 West North Avenue. (1) VIAGARDUGCI LA SORELLA - 02018-9468, “To maintain and use, as ness constructed, three (3) awnings projacting over the public right-of-way ajavent to its promises known as 1928 West Division Strat. (1) WISE OWL DAYCARE, LLC -07018.9471 ‘To maintain and use, 28 now canstructad, one (1) awning pmjecting ever the public righi-of-way adjacent tats premises knovm ue 1610 North Fairfield Averus. (2) 1850 NORTH GLARK (CHICAGO) OWNER, LLC - 02018-9618 Ta construct, instal, maintaln and use one (1) grease trap under ths publ right-of-way adjacent to its pramisas known ae 1850 Norlh Giatk Street {2} 1550 NORTH CLARK (CHICAGO) OWNER, LLC - 02018-9620 ‘To conetruct, install, maintain and use two (2) rmanholes under the publi right-of-way adjacant to its premises knawn as 1550 North Clark Stree (2) ALLSTATE INSURANCE - 02018-0564 ‘To maintain and use twa (2) signs over the publ right-of-way adjacent to its premises known @6 521 West North Avenue. @) AP 100 W. HURON PROPERTY, LLC 02018-0584 To construct, install, maintslh and use thrae (3) planters on the public right ot-way for beautitcation purpasas adjacent to its premises known 2s 110 West Huron Steel, (@ ATAT MOBILITY - 0019-74 To meintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent tos premises known as 1617 North Daren Avenue. ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD @) AVENUE N GUITARS, LLC -02019-73 To main snd use one (1) skgn over the public right-of-way adjanent to its premises knavn as 1823 West North Avenue, (2) BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSELLERS NO.2922 02018-0473, Ta maintain and use, as now constructed, nina (9) awnings projecting over the public ightotway adjacent to ts premises known as 1130 North State Steet (2) BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSELLERS NO.2922 02018-0588 ‘To malnteln and uso, as now eonstructad, si (8) banners over the public rightoFway adjacent to ts premises known as 1130 North Stata Street (2) BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSELLERS NO.2922 - 02018.9591 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, ona (1) comices projecting over tha public right-of-way adjacent io its premises known as 1130 North State Street 42) BRILLIANTBED.COM - 02018-9503, ‘Te maintain and use two (2) signe over the public right-of vey edjacent to its premises known as 165 Wast Chicago Avenue, @ BUBBLE QUIETLY, LLC -02018.9594 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, one (1) light fixture projecting over te publle right-of-way ‘agjarant to Its premises known as 2105 West Division Street. @) BUFFALO WILD WINGS GRILL & BAR -02019-75 ‘To maintain ard use threo (3) signe avar the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known os 1840 North Clyhourn Avenue. @) EL MEXICO MODERNO - 02018-9595 ‘Te maintain and use, as now constructed, twa (2) security cameras adjacent to its premises known as 11245-1247 North Astiand Avenue @} EL MEXICO MODERNO - 02018-9596 “To maintain and use ane (1} sign over the publle right-of way adjacont to its promises known as 1245+ 41247 North Ashland Averue. (2) EUROPEAN WAX CENTER. 02019-70 ‘To malntaln and use ane (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjaoont toe promises known ag 403, ‘West North Avenua, (2) GRAND TRUCK ROAD - 02019-76 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to tts premises known as 1417 West Fullerton Avenue. Q) KFR, LLC -02018-9507 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, four (4) fonees on the publle right-of way adjacent to its pramisas knovm as 15 West Burton Place. ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD @} LULULEMON USA, ING. . 02018-9602 ‘To maintain and use two (7) signs ovar the public right-of-way adjacent to Its premises knowm as 1627 North Damen avneue, (2) PATAGONIA - 02018-9604 ‘To maintaln and use, a8 now constructed, three (3) light fixtures projecting over the public rlghtot-nay adjacent to its promises known as 1809 North Clybourn Avenue. 42) PIZANO'S PIZZA & PASTA - 02019.77 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the publ right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 864 North Stata Street, (2) PRINTS UNLIMITED - 02018-9606 ‘To maintain and use, as now consucted, six (6) light fixtures projecting ever the public rightot-way adjacent ta ts promises known as 1481 West Fullerton Avenue. (REGARDS - 02018-9609 ‘Tomaintain and use one (1) sign over the publle ight-of-way adjacent io its premises known as 2216 West Chicago Avenue, (2) SUNRISE CAFE RESTAURANT -02019-71 ‘To maintain and use ane (1) sign aver the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 2012 West Chicago Aven, (2) TGF NATIONAL BANK - BRANCH -07015-9611 To constrict, install, maintaln and use three (2) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purpases adjacent to is premises known as 1400 West Fullerton Avenus. (@) THE LOCK UP STORAGE CENTERS - 02018-9601 ‘To maintain and use one (} sigh over the public right-oF-way adjacent to ks pramisas known as 1930 Nomth Ciybourn Avenue. (2) THE WESTIN MICHIGAN AVENUE - 02018-9615 ‘To maintain end use one (1) sign over the public nightof-way adjacent to its premises knawm 2s 909 North tichigan Avenue (2) THE WICKER PARK AND BUCKTOWN GHAMBER OF COMMERCE - 02018-0474 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, one (1) ening projecting over the public rightof-way adjacent {0 ts premises known es 141 North Ashland Avenue. @) UNCLE JULIO'S HACIENDA - 02018-9613, ‘Te maintain and use. ae now constructed, cighl (8) ight fixtures projecting aver the publicright-oFway adjacent to its premises known as 886 West North Avenue. (2) WALGREENS #15065 -02018.9614 “Te construct, Install, maintain and use five (6) bicycle racks on the public right-of-way edjacant tots premises known es 1801 North Miwaukee Avenue. ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD (2) WHOLE FOODS MARKET - 02019-72. ‘To maintain and! use thras (3) siuna over the public right-of way adjacent to its premises known as 30 West Huron Street, (2) ZED 481 -O2018-9616 ‘To maintain and use. as now const'ucted, one (1) grease trap under the public rightofavay adjacent te its premises known as 729 North Clerk Strost @) ARRIVE LEX APARTMENTS -02019-78 “To maintaln and use one (1} sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its promises known as 2138 South indiana Avenue. (@} ARRIVE SOUTH Loop - 02018-9628, ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the public rightof-way adjacent io its premises known as 1895 South Wabash Avenue, (3) SAFEGUARD SELF STORAGE - 02019-20 ‘To maintain and use two (2) slgns aver tha public rightat-way adjacent to its premises known as 1353 ‘South Wabash Avenue. (8) _ ST. PAUL SQUARE TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION - 02018-9546 ‘To mainiain and use, as nosr constructed, twa (2) fences on the public righl-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1427 South Flymouth Court. (@} UNION SUB, INC. -02019-75, ‘To mainlsin and use ane (1) sign over the pultiie ight-of-way adjacent to its premises Known as 110 East Sist Streel. () UNITED LOAN CO. INC. - 02018-0547 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the public ghtofway adjacent to its premises known 38 224 East Sst Street. (3) VU ROOFTOP AND BAR- 02018-9549 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign aver the pubic right-of ney adjacent to Its premises known as 139 East Carmak Road. @) AT&T -02019.82 ‘Te maintain and use two (2) signs over the public right-of-way adjacent to is pramisas known as 335 Eas! 36th Strat (@) BURNHAM PARK ANIMAL HOSPITAL, LTD. -02013-85 To maintain and use one (1) sign aver the public right ot.way adjacent to is premises known as 1026 South State Street (@) CROSS TOWN AUTO PARK -02018.9535 To maintain and use tv (2) signs aver the public rightot-way sejacent to its premises known as 370-340 ‘South Wabash Averue. ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD (#) DAILY PARKING, INC. -02019-81 ‘To maintain andi use two (2) signs over tha pubile right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 410 South Wabesh Avenue. (4) DEPAUL UNIVERSITY -02018-0839 ‘Te maintain and use, as now constructed, one (1) fe escape projacting aver tha public right-of-way ‘adjacent tos premises known as 23 East Jackson Boulevard, (4) ESSEX HOTEL OWNER - 02018-2641 ‘To maintsin end usa ona (t) sign aver the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 808 South Michigan Avenue, (4) MBA ENTERPRISES 3, ING. - 02018-9644 To maintain and use, ag now constructed, three (2) light thtures projacting aver tha public right-of-way adjacent (a its premises known as 1112 Soulh Wabash Avenue. (4) MERCY COMMUNITY PHARMACY AT OAKWOOD CENTER - 02018-9647 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacen\ tots promisoe known as 3753 ‘South Cottage Grove Avenue. (4) PLYMQUTH COURT GARAGE CO, -02012.9653 ‘To malntaln and ube, as now constructed, four (4}light Fixtures projecting over the public right-of way ‘adjacent tn hs pramisas known as 711 South Plymouth Cour. (8) PLYMOUTH COURT GARAGE CO, -02018.5655 To mainisin and use three (2) signe over the public right-ofway adjacent to its premises known 8s 711 ‘South Plymouth Cour. (4) PRINTER ROW WINE SHOP -02019-67 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sigh over the publle right-of-way adjacent to its pramises known as 719 ‘South Dearborn Street, (4) PRINTERS SQUARE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION - 02018-9642 ‘Te maintain and use, ae nosr constructed, three (3) 19g poles on the publle right-of way adjacent to its promises known as 700 South Federal Street, (@ SQUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-0671 ‘To maintain and uso, as nosr constructed, one (1) planter on the public right-of-way for besutiiation purposes adjacent tats promises known as 516 East 43rd Sveet, (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018.9673 ‘To maintain and use, @¢ now constructed, one (1) planiar on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent to ts premises known ag 626 East 43rd Streat (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-0874 ‘To maintain and use, az nosr constructed, one (1) planter on the public right-of-way for beautification purpasos adjacant to ts premises known as 1007 West 43rd Street ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATICN, NFP - 02018-9678 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, one (1) planter on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent to Is promises known as 635 East 47th Street (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-9681 To maintain and use, as now constructed one (1) plantar on the public rightotavay for beautification purposes adjacent tots premises known as 1000 Rast 47th Street. (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-9684 Te construc, install, maintain and use four (4) planters on the publle right-of-way for boautliation purposes adjacent tots premises known as 1300 East 47th Street. (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-9685 To maintain and vse, as now constructad two (2) planters on the public rightot-vay for beaubficatlon urpases adjacent toils premises known as 901 East 47th Street. (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-9689 To maintain and use, as now constructed one (1} planter on the public right-of way for beautification purposes adjacent tis premises iniown as €20 East 47th Steel (4) QUAD CONMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-9695 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed one (1} planter on the public right-of way for beautification purposes adjacent tas premises known as 4901 South Collage Grove Avenue. {8 QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP -02018-0697 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed one (1) planter on the publ right-of ay for beautification purpones adjacent fa its premises known as 4304 South Cottage Grove Avenue, 4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-0608 ‘To maintain end use, as now constructed ons {1) planter on the public ight-oF-way for besutlicatlon purposes adjacent io its promisas known as 4235 South Cottage Grove Avenue, (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02015-9700 ‘To maintain and use, 2s now constructed ona (1) planter on the public right-of-way ‘or beauliicaton purposes adjacenl a its premises known as 4238 South Cottage Grove Avenue, (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02648.9703 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed one (1) planter on the puble right-of way for beautification purposes adjacent tots promises known as 4804 South Cottage Grove Avonus, (QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFP - 02018-9708 To maintain and use, a6 now constructed one (1) planler on the public right-of-way for beeuttication purposes adjacent tos promises known as 430 South Cottage Grove Avenue, (4) QUAD COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFF - 02018-9708 To maintain and use, as now constructed one (1) planter on the public right-of-way for beautification purpases adjacent to ts premises known as 8020 Sauth Cottage Grove Avenue, ORDINANCES FOR GRANTS OF PRIVILEGE IN THE PUBLIC WAY: WARD (8) QUAD CONMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NFF - 02018-9712 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed three (3) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent lo ts premises known as 6081 South Cottage Grove Avenue {) THE PRINTERS SQUARE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION - 02018-9477 ‘To maintain and use, as now constructed, thity (30) awnings projecting over tha publle right-of-way acjacen! lo ils premises known as 620-780 South Federal Street. (4) ULTABEAUTY -0201 “To maintain and use two (2) signs over tha public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 5228 South Lake Park Avenue. (4) VBODY POWER FITNESS -02019-84 ‘Te maintain and use two (2) signs over the public right of way adjacent to its pramises known as 900 East 47th Strat. (4) WAREHOUSE LIQUORS - 02018-0478 ‘To maintain and usa, as now constructed, one (1) awning projecting ever the publlo right-of-way adjacent te is premises known as 634 South Wabash Avenue. (4) WAREHOUSE LIQUORS - 020189714 To maintain and use, a6 now constructed, one (1) banner over the publi right-ot-way adjacent to its premises known as 634 South Wabash Avonua, (4) WAREHOUSE LIQUORS -02019-88 To maintain and use one (1) sign over the public ight-of-way adjacant to is premises known 3s 634 South Wabash Avenue, (4) YEHIA & COMPANY - 02018-9717 ‘To maintain and use one (1) sign over the publle right-of-way adjacant io its pramisas known as 707 South Daaibom Street, (8) AMERICASH LOANS, LLC -02019-90 ‘To maintain and usa one (1) sign over the public rightof-nay adjacent to Its promises known as 1513 Fost S90 Stract 48) SNAIL THAI CUISINE - 02019-83 ‘To maintain and use ane (1] sign aver the public right--way adjanent to its promises known ac 1649 East S6th Street, (5) T-MOBILE - 02018-9732 ‘To maintain and use twa (2) signs over the public right-of-way aejacont (ats premises known as 1454 East 53rd Street. (| VILLAGE EVECARE -02018-9724 ‘To maintaln and use, as now constructed, two (2) two facades on the publle ightof-way adjacent to its promises known as 1645 East 53rd Streat 7

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