,.~ SPONSORS: CliCFhFaOifRmDot 'JF ORSTER •B ULLETIN OF T•HE AM ERICAN COMMITTEE FO•R FR ANC•E AND •ALGERIA DR. RICHARD SAl( • COL. R. V. C. BODLEY SAMUEL L. 8LUMENFELD JAMES BURNHAM GEORGE A. DAVIS LEONARD FELDMAN ElliS FREEMAN DR. ALFRED KOGON 15 WEST 67 STREET, NEW YORK 23, N. Y. F. R. MANFRINI THOMAS MOLNAR H. GREGORY THOMAS JIM TUCK Number 1 September, 1960 THE AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR FRANCE & ALGERIA POLITICAL ORGANIZATION FOR FRENCH ALGERIA FORMED BY MOSLEM LEADER, SAID BOUALAM The American Committee for France &Alger ia has been organized to explain to the American The creation of a popular Front for French people the reasons wQy we, a group of American Algeria this summer indicates that Europeans and citizens, believe that, in the interests of Moslems in Algeria are uniting behind the common humanity and Western civilization, American pol cause of Integration, despite government opposi icy as well as that of our allies will be best tion. The Front, led by Said Boualam" Moslem served by an Algeria integrated with France. vice president of the French National Assembly, aims to enrol 1,000,000 Algerians behind the The history of France and Algeria cannot Integrationist movement. Explaining in Carrefour be obscured by false cries of ItAlgerian nat. (July 6) the reasons for forming the Front, ionalism" on the one hand and "French colonial. Said Boualam has stated: "It appeared neeessary ism" on the other. The extension of French and vital for us to remind the government, metro culture and concepts of individual liberty to politan France and the entire world that our North Africa have resulted in a felicitous de wish remains the same: to be and to remain velopment in Algeria of what was once a barren, Frenchmen." inhospitable country. According to Aux Ecoutes a counterpart organization has already been organized in The importance of Algeria and indeed all Metropolitan France. of North Africa to the defense of Western ~urope cannot be underestimated. The military strategy of the Soviet Union is directed to expansion liave that the terrorists have no right to im to the Atlantic Coast of Africa, if ROssible pose a dictatorship in Algeria over a population through the Northern African littoral. If which, if anything, is multi-racial and multi successful, the NATO Alliance will be outflanked religious. We strongly believe that Algeria, and the United cut off from its allies. as an integrated part of France, will be a land ~tates Algerian France today remains the main block where all the inhabitants will have equal oppor to this Communist drive. tunity to grow, develop and fulfill themselves within the context of a great humanist culture These are the simple strategic facts in and political system, with enormous capacities volved in the global struggle between and for economic growth. ~st West. But what of the people of Algeria and their future? De Gaulle has offered them three The facts and background of the whole choices, and we believe that they will choose Algerian question are well set forth in Michael Integration. The Algerian people have already K. Clark's enlightening history of the rebellion in two referendums expressed their overwhelm "Algeria in Turmoil." Our members are urged to ing desire to be integrated with France, and read this book and to bring the facts whenever these demonstrations of loyalty indicate clearly possible to the attention of newspapers and that the rebels do not have the popular magazines•. support of the Algerian masses. This bulletin will be sent to you from As a group. the American Committee for time to time to keep you abreast of developments France & Algeria will be dedicated to the task in Franoe and Algeria and provide you with facts of informing the American public of the histor and materials for your information. ical and present-day facts of the situation and of the important issues involved. We be- Clifford Forster, Chairman Bulletin of The American Committee for France &Algeria - Number 1, September. 1960 _ Page 2 THE PRESENT SITUATION IN FRANCE &ALGERIA support, the Army, and whatever means they can employ to prevent both de Gaulle and the FLN General de Gaulle1s news conference of from having their way. Their appeal in Metro September 5th represents a further step in the politan France is to French nationalism and pride t evolution of his Algerian policy. That policy which is a force not to be underestimated. The which began in June 19)8 with a vocal accept aim of de Gaulle is to establish a separate ance of the popular demand for Integration, Algerian government with strong links to France, evolved suddenly in September 1959 into a pol links as yet undefined. His weapons are his icy of self-determination for the Algerians. prestige and an Army which is reluctantly follow and has finally arrived at a policy of pre-de ing his orders. It is doubtful that de Gaulle's termination in which the General has expressed solution will survive his own tenure in office. his desire for an "Algerian Algeria" with strong links to France. The September 5th statements In the coming weeks we shall probably see confirm that de Gaulle intends to set up an the following maneuvers: De Gaulle will try to Algerian government for the whole of Algeria. constitute his Algerian Algeria. He will en counter strong opposition from the Integration This policy has encountered great opposi ists. The FLN will try to rally the UN to its tion in almost all quarters in France and Alm cause, continue to use terror and fear and geria. Those among the leftists who have placed perhaps make good its threat to use Chinese their faith in the FLN terrorists are enraged Communist 'volunteers.' Its hope is that inter because de Gaulle will not negotiate a peace national pressure as well as pressure from immediately with the rebels. Those in the In leftists at home will force de Gaulle to nego tegrationist camp, of course, are bitter be tiate with them without a cease fire. As for cause de Gaulle has betrayed them once more. the Integrationists, they will consolidate their strength behind the Front for French Al The situation is therefore one of dead geria and other similar organizations so that lock. The FLN will not lay down its arms and in the event of a referendum their voice will cease its terror. Nor will the Integrationists be strong and united. give up their position that Algeria is an inte gral part of the French Republic and therefore The outcome? It is likely that the three forever French. These are the two positions positions will once more be reduced to two which Algerians are willing to die for. But no when de Gaulle leaves the scene. When and how one can become very passionate over de Gaulle'S de Gaulle leaves is open to conjecture, but solution. The reason for this is quite simple. leave he must some day. The final battle will De Gaulle's solution requires the same militar,y be between the Integrationists and the FLN. sacrifices as would Integration, but in the end All those who believe in the cause of Integration deprives Frenchmen of the fruits that would are readying themselves for the long struggle . make that sacrifice worthwhile. In all re ahead 0 spects it is a policy which opposes human na ture too strongly to succeed. BOOKS TO READ However, before the final outcome, many things can happen. There is alw8:Y's the We recommend that our members and friends possibility of another insurrection in Algiers, read the following books on Algeria for an and this time with much more support from understanding of the facts of the situation: Metropolitan France. The Congo catastrophe has awakened many Frenchmen who until now have ALGERIA IN TURMOIL by Michael Ko Clark passively accepted de Gaulle's policy. They (Praeger) are now worried lest a similar catastrophe ALGERIA: THE REALITIES by Germaine Tillion befall Algeriao (Knopf) There are therefore three positions on Mr. Clark was the New York Times corres Algeria, three aims, and three tactics. The pondent in Algeria. aim o£ the FLN is to establish its sole author Mme. Tillion's book was praised by Albert ity over all of Algeria. To achieve this it is Camus as being the book that best understood using terror, the UN, and leftist sympathizers the country of his birth. in France. The aim of the Integrationists is to form one constitutional republic out of MEMBERSHIP: If you are interested France and Algeria. Their weapons are popular in joining our Committee, write to the address on the masthead o Number 2 ---- -----._---- KENNEDY AND ALGERIA all the inhabitants of Algeria; the side of The election of Sen. Kennedv to the Presi freedom in this case is the side of France who dency brings '\-Irith it many doubts" and anxieties alone can guarantee the individual rights and concerning our future policy toward Fr8.nce and freedoms of every inhabitant of Algeria--be he Algeria. As is only too well remembered. Sen. Christian, Moslem or the context of the Jew~-in Kennedy, in 1957. made a speech in the sen~te French Republic. If Pres. Kennedy--in the name advocating that the United States support the of freedom--decides to choose sides. this is FLN rebels in their struggle against France in the side he is morally obligated to choose. Algeria. The senator s contention was that t t<Ie should be on the side of FreedoPl" in this !lcol VJe of the Ar'lerican Cornrnittee consider Al !l onial war against the French. I,Jeedless to say. geria the most important strategic area being II that speech provoked a great deal of criticism contested in the struggle bebTeen East and Uest. here and abroad. The Senator had committed It would be wrong for us to think of the Alger ~)ot,h tl,e very grave sin of interfering in the internal ian rebellion in the simple terms of a colony affairs an ally. Ci.nd. our ally let us kn.oi!J that fighting for its freedom. This is exactly what the Senator had lost many friends for us ill the Soviet bloc wants us to think. Thl?l facts, France. however. tell another ar.ci much more significant story. In the first place, the VCl.st majority Three years have passed since that speech, of the inhabitants of Jugeria want to remain and we are not sure as to where the Presid€mt French. This has been demonstrated in the pop Elect stands on this question. During the elec ular uprising of Hay 1958, in the two overwhel t:i.on campaign, the Senator made several oblique mingly pro-French referendums that followed. references to the war in Algeria, but in general and the formation of the Front fo~ French Al he exercised considerable restraint in discuss geria under the leadership of Said Boualam. Mos ing the matter. Vie, of the American Committee lem Vice-President of the French National As for France and Algeria, consider this a good sembly. JUI of these manifestations leave no sign on the part of the Senator. l{e hope that as doubt as to what the inhabitants of .Ugeria want. Fresident, he will follow the prudent policy of the Eisenhower administration in regard to Al Thl?l rebellion is the work of a minority geria: that is to meticulously avoid antagoni faction v,thich uses terrorism. extortion and mur zing France. He feel that this is a wise policy der to attain its dictatorial goal. This fac to follow for several important reasons: (1) the tion receives direct material aid from Egypt, French themselves are r:reatly divided in their Tunisia and Morocco vlhich have granted the sentiments and desires concerning the Algerian rebels military sanctuary on the borders of problem; (2) General de Gaulle's policy has en Algeria. The interests of the Soviet Union in countered such strong opposition that it is this rebellion are all compelling. They know quite probable it will not be successfully car vThat the stakes are, and they have helped the ried out; (3) the government that s1)cceeds De rebels T'lTith arms. 'Support in the UN, and by way Gaulle will most likely be strongly pro-French of a huge subversive propaganda machine in Algeria, and we should therefore avoid aliena France and the r,..lorlo. over. The big lie of the ting it in advance; (L~) the war in Algeria is colonial war has been a great success, It is believed by virtually everyone outside France not a t!oolonial H war but a oivil '"ar in which the very future of France is at stake. The "side including the most honorable anti-cotmlunist of Freedom!! is not the side of the FLlr, a minor newspapers of the \cJest. One has yet to find a i ty faction of Algerian ~1oslems bent on esta significant segment of world opinion v.rhich has bli,:hing a Moscow-supported dictatorship over not been deceived by this big lie. ",n alarming t.i .u",' (. '-'.8? Bulletin of The American Committee for France &Algeria - Number 2. Novembe~ 1960 -aPge 2 . 'I indi¢ation of how poorly equipped the ~.jest nationalists identify their aims with those of to fight the subversive propaganda war being Hoscow and Peking. We must not be tricked into waged by the Communists. opening the way for a communist take over in North Africa. Only a French Algeria can pre One might ask what is the Communist goal in vent such a take over. The people of Algeria, Algeria? It is the same there as ever;'lwhere els,e. the vast majority who want to remain French, conquest and domination. The first step ho,;rever must have our support and understanding. 'is obvious. Get the French out first. and then take over the weak local government. This was THE PRESENT SITUATION IN FRANCE & ALGERIA the plan in Indochina, where the French are now out and the communists are now taking over piece On November 4th, General de Gaulle fur meal, and this is the plan for Tunisiat Horocco ther elaborated on his plan tv fon,~ ;,;~n ,ager and Algeria. Since the French have been driven ian .K_;pn~lic. But before he can do so he out of Tunisia and Morocco, economic conditions must overcome several important obstacles. have become so bad that only a leftist revolution First, the constitution must be amended. The will be able to offer the masses any hope ·of eco French constitution, approved by an overwhelm nomic improvement. In Algeria, the communists ing majority in the 1958 referendum, states hope to produce the same situation. that Algeria is an L,tegr;:;.l. n:::trt of the French Republic. De Gaulle intends to circumvent Algeria however. is strategically much more this legal obstacle by holding another referen f irl1portant to the Communists than Indochina. dum which would give him special powers. Should the FLN gain control over Algeria. and it is a foregone conclusion that they will if Alger Other obstacles, hov.Jever. will be the ia becomes independentt the Soviets will no doubt more difficult ones to overcome. The Army, set up military bases and rocket launching sites for one, will be hard to control. However, there with which to subdue Western Europe. As this can be accomplished by another purge of fiI8.rechal Juin stated in a recent interview: "Al_ doubtful officers who might disobey the Gen geria constitutes the last \·Jestern anchor in er:al. The next obstacle--all of those French North Africa. \'l/ithout Algeria, the defense of men who want Algeria to remain French--vdll be France, of Eurore and of the Atlantic world is hardest to overcome. There are too man;y ~he inconceivable. If the Algerian territory were of'them. including such important military men lost, NATO would be outflanked and its mission as Salan, Juin, l''lassu and statesmen like compromised.1! Bidault, Soustelle, Bourges-Manoury, Lacoste, Arrighi, Lagaillarde, Said Boualam. etc., and But not only would the loss of Algeria to the General cannot anticipate what form their Fr'ance be a great strategic disaster for the West. opposition will take. Those in metropolitan but it would so gravely undermine the economic France can be somewhat controlled by the pa p()sition of France as to make that c:::lU.ntry all the lice, but those in Algeria are simply too more ripe for a COI!lr.1unist victory. The less of numerous. and if the masses choose to over Algeria would mean the loss of oil for French in th:rmc'r the Gaullist regime in Algeria th.ey dustry and the primary market for French goods. stand a good chance of succeeding. It would mean the influx of at least two million refugees into continental France which pro One might say that French Algeria, as \~ould duce an crisis. Lastly, it would mean saulted from without by the FLN and by De emplo~~ent the total demoralization of the French Army and Gaulle from within, will be fighting the with it the strongest elements in battle for its life within the next few weeks. anti~communist France. In other words, the loss of Algeria to Each day, as De Gaulle pushes French Algeria France would mean' a catastr_o,Rhecompara.ble to the further and further back against the wall, the French debacle of 1940. Such a debacle, of course, instinct for survival will gain strength among would have its repercussions in the Western .world. its people. It is expected that an outbreak ag13.~nst De Gaulle will be considerably more The American Committee for l"l"ance & Algeria vehement-·tha:Q. it was against Phlimlin. It is strongly urges Pres. Kennedy and the new admini also expected that De Gaulle ...ill strike back strat~on to give France its complete support in wI ith~ ou. t Iierc.j' • The fini.~jil outcome 1 however, the United Nations and in the military field. willd.~pend.on 'li!L~lt the Army decid.esto do. F'r1.nce is fighting the IIhot war" against the In,May 1958 , the Arrnyjoined with the civilians Communist assault of the and we are morally of Algeria at:ainst the I"aris regime. In 1960 ~kst I obligated to give her our support. The Arab the Army again will be in a position to de cide the political and military future of (continued in next column) France and Algeria. SPONSORS: It CLI FFORD FORSTER BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR FRANCE AND ALGERIA Chairman • •• • • • • DR. RICHARD BAK COL. R. V. C. BODLEY SAMUEL L. BLUMENFELD JAMES BURNHAM GEORGE A. DAVIS LEONARD FELDMAN ELL IS FREEMAN DR. ALFRED KOGON 15 WEST 67 STREET, NEW YORK 23, N. Y. F. R. MANFRINI THOMAS MOLNAR H. GREGORY THOMAS JIM TUCK Number j January 1961 ALGERIA AND THE REFERENDUM Although the vote in the recent referendum certain urban areas of Algeria is the result of in France is open to many interpretations. there the intensive and highly organized work of FLN is nothing equivocal about one particular aspect agents who under De Gaulle's liberal administra of ito The people of France and Algeria voted tion have found infiltration much easier than for a French solution to the Algerian problem before. De Gaulle 8s amnesties have released and not an FLN one in the form of a capitula thousands of potentially dangerous pro-FLN Mos tion. That is quite clear if one studies how lems who have merely returned to the Casbahs and the issue was presented to the French people by taken up where they left off. The people living the De Gaulle government in its campaign. The in these densely populated Moslem quarters are referendum asked the French people whether or perhaps the easiest to manipulate by terrorist not they were in favor of self-determination for methods. It therefore ought not to be any great Algeria. The response was "yes." This means surprise that the FLN has suddenly--after seven that the people of Algeria will be given the for years ~- found "popular support" in the Casbah. mal opportunity to decide whether or not they want to remain French or become independent. Certain American journalists, whose voca This of course. can only be made under bulary and point of view seem to have their ori decision~ fully peaceful conditions, and the French people fins in Moscow, have, however reported just the have given De Gaulle the freedom to obtain that opposite to the American public. They are trying peace in manner he sees necessary. to fool the American public into believing that ~hatever the FLN has wide popular support in Algeria and We, the members of the American Committee that France's battle is therefore futile. This for France & Algeria. strongly believe that the is a blatant and vicious attempt to influence people of Algeria will overwhelmingly choose public opinion in ways beneficial to Moscow and Integration with France. Integration was their Cairo but entirely detrimental to our ally rrhoice in May 1958 when they chose De Gaulle; France and the majority of the Algerian people. Integration will once more be their choice when they are asked to proclaim it at some future date. This is all part of a vast subversive effort Our conviction is based on an extensive and deep on the part of the communist-Arab nationalist study of the realities of the Algerian situation. coalition to divide the West and deprive the These realities point to one simple and over free world of one of NATO's most strategic and riding truth: the people of Alger~a know that vital areas: Algeria. Integration with France means security and indi vidual freedom; they know that "independence" in It would be wise to give deep thought to the hands of an FLN totalitarian Peopleis Re the words of Lenin strategist par excellence g public means expulsion. confiscation, massacre of the Bolshevik revolution, who said in 1923: and revengeo No one knows this better than the people of Algeria who for the last seven years "THE ROAD TO PARIS GOES THROUGH PEIPING AND have been exposed to a reign of terror at the ALGIERS. WHEN WE SHALL BE IN ALGIERS, FRANCE hands of the FLN unlike anything before in WILL FALL INTO OUR HANDS LIKE A RIPE FRUIT. II history. The systematic use of murder. intimida tion, kidnapping. extortion and blackmail to It is perhaps the most tragic failure of terrorize a whole people into submission has not our time that the West has refused to recognize made the rebel cause popular with the majority. the strategic meaning that Algeria has in the Communist drive for world domination. Algeria The recent appearance of Moslem mobs carry is not only the key to North Africa and the Med ing the rebel flag and shouting rebel slogans in iterranean; it is also the key to Western Europe. (continued in next column) Hullettn of the American Committee for France & Algeria ~ Number )9 January ;961 - Page 2 ALGERIA NATO AND THE SIGNS OF A COMING WAR Reports from Tunis and Casablanca lead one & 9 to believe that the FLN will accept nothing Most Americans are unaware that the Algerian short of a capitulation by France. If they ac Departments of the French Republic are covered by cept a compromise, it will not be on the essen the NATO agreement This means that should an tial point of but rather on the o capitulation~ outside enemy launch an attack on Algeria we kind of capitulation that De Gaulle will be p would' be obliged to come to France s aid willing to accept: capitulation in stages, or I 0 all at once. If it is a capitulation in stages. This NATO protection which covers Algeria the FLN will work out the procedure so that no may be one reason why the Russians and the Chi thing will compromise its victory in any of the nese communists have not as yet attempted to help stages. the FLN stage a regular military invasion of Al geria from bases in Morocco and Tunisia An The gravest problem facing De Gaulle is how Q invasion of this sort could bring the United to withdraw the French Army from Algeria with direotly into the struggle it France re out causing serious disorder and rioting. There Stat~ quested. But the communists. it seems, do not is talk that an Ilintermediary" force made up of want to become involved in any struggle with the neutrals will in the wake of the French r~llow Uniteu States in Algeria at the presento Army and precede the arrival of the FLN forces. But it is doubtful that a neutral force could However. that situation may be changed in control the country in the event of wide-spread the near future if De Gaulle carries out his in civil strife. In any event9 civil violence is tention of up an independent Algeria. a certaintyo and that may preclude a withdrawal se~ting ot This would remove Algeria from under the NATO the French Army altogether and a recognition urn~ brella and perhaps free the communists for their on the part of De Gaulle that Ftance cannot. invasiono This is by far the riskiest aspect of without provoking a chain of catastrophic events, De Gaulleus policy from our point of view. and we abandon Algeria. urge the American to be espeoially vi= gove~pment gilant" on Algeria during the coming months. We At the same time it is quite probabie that think also that it might not be a bad idea for the opposition to De Gaulle will be reinforced 9 t the American government to serve notice to the by any failure of his policy" If De. Gaulle communists and Arab nationalists that we will not fails to bring an honorable peace within a rea tolerate an invasion of an independent Algeria sonable period of time, the pressure for him to from'M'orocco or Tunisia under Russian and Chinese resign will be very strong. auspiceso In any case, the next few months will be The increasing buildup of arms and materiel extremely dan~rous for France and Algeria. through communist aid to the FLN in Marrocco and There are many forces at play and anything can Tunisia is producing a highly exp16sive situa and most likely will happen. tiorto Chinese "volunteers are now undergoing 11 training in Albania and former American airbases SOUSTELLE SPEAKS IN NEW YORK 9 in Moroc~o are being readied to accomodate Rus sian jets which may soon be used over the skies A capacity audience at Hunter College Au 'Of Algeria. We urge our government to exeroise ditorium was treated to an engrossing talk by the most astute intelligence over these movements Mr. Jacques Soust~lle during his recent visit and not; find itself surprised and unprepared for to New York in December. Mr. Soustelle gave an the war 'which is now being planned. incisive and informative lecture on the subver sive war and how it is being waged today the TtIE PRESENT SITUATION IN FRANCE AND ALGERIA world over by the Communist Bloc and their Arab nationalist allies9 who in turn are being The January 8th referendum has given De coached by refugee Nazi war criminals in Cairo. Gaulle a free hand to pursue his Algerian policy in whate.er manner he sees fite He has suc There was a lively question and answer pe ceeded in overcoming the opposition in all quar= riod following the talk during which time Mr. ters except one. the opposition of the rebel Soustelle ably explained his opposition to De enemy itselfo It will now be seen whether or Gaulle and the present policy being pUrsued by not De Gaulle oan exert any effective pressure the French government in Algeria. Mr. Soustelle on the FLN to accept a compromise solution. was given a standing oy~tiono (continued in next column) Bulletin of the American Committee for France &Algeria - Number 3, January 1961 - Page :3 FLN = MOSCOW _ PEIPING AXIS COMMUNISTS INFILTRATE AMERICAN PRESS For some Americans who still believe that Suzanne Labin, a French journalist, recent the FLN rebels have not seriously hitched their ly presented to the U.S~ Senate Committee on the destiny to the Communist cause. here is a brief Judiciary a most informauve study on the tech chronology of events and statements made by niques of Soviet propaganda in which she revealed leaders of the FLN: how the communist line often gets into the non communist preas: Oct.. 17~ 19.58 = "When Algeria will acquire its "There are in the world few organs of the independence. economic and cultural relations press. even when 'bourgeois in which the So p t between communist China and our country will be viet apparatus has no intelligenc6e The main developed.. " Ferhat Abbas task of auxiliaries in the press is to manipu Dec. 10, 19.58 - FLN delegation visits Peiping.. late the editor or, if that is not feaSible, the Dec.. 18-, 1958 - Ferhat Abbas in Cairo: "We reportersg without the editor"s knowledge. Gen.. prefer to be free Algerian communists rather era.Inotion$ like lthis- paper is conservative' than remain under foreign domination." or 'Catholic' are not at all sufficient any Septo 21', 19.59 - FLN delegation visits Peiping.. lopger to recognize the policy it follows toward Septa 27, 1960 - FLN delegation visits Peiping Moscow. Sometimes the managers themselves are Oct. 2, 1960 - At Glen Cove, Krustchev re un~ware that their newspaper is 'permeated. i ceives FLN delegation and declares "We are in "The most thoroughly infiltrated areas are full accord.lI international pages and book and film reviews. II Octo 21, 1960 - Krim Belkacem announces in Rabat that the USSR and Communist China are rea This revelation, of course~ makes one think dy to help the FLN army. more deliberately on such as The New ne~spapere Oct. )D 1960 - Ferhat Abbas in Unita: "We York Times 'which are Bupposedto reflect conser Q needed allies and we found them in Peiping and vative views, yet, on matters such as Algeriav Moscow. " conSistently follow a line not far off from that NO"fr. I, 1960 - Ferhat Abbas declares that the of the Daily Worker. For the last two years t different voyages of theFLN qelegations to China Thomas F. Brady's despatches on Algeria have and the USSR since 19.58 have been crowned with unfailingly given the FLN bias to all news ema success "Our government has been recognized by nating from that area. Mr. Doty, too, has bent 0 the USSRo The support of the socialist camp is over backwards to be kind to the rebels at hereafter acquired. 1I France's expense. Both the Times and the Tri bune are violently anti-colonial even to the point of offending so loyal and inoffensive an ally as Portugal. The reporters mentioned here p THE AMERICAN COMMI'l'TEEFORFRANCE &: ALGERIA as well as editorial writers on these newspapers use the same cliche semantics which often obs This Committee. organized in February of cure the true facts of some of the situations lut year is dedicated to informing the Amer they wri1:.e of. . 0 ican public ·01 the true .realities of the Alger ian rebellion.. Never in history have the facts The New York Post, too, has its pro-Arab of a conrIict been so badly and systematically nationalists, such as Joseph Barry, despite the distorted. American correspondents abroad seem fact that the Post is mostly read by Jews. Mr. to rely almost entirely on the leftist press Barry went so far recently as to compare the for their information.. This information finds Arabs in the Algiers Casbah to the Jews in the its way into our newspapers. and is taken as "ob Warsaw Ghetto! Recently he made his debut in jective" reporting" We of the Committee want to Commentary, which is sponsored by the conserva correct this situation. tive American Jewish Committee and read widely by Jewish intellectuals. Mr. Barry's article The Committee needs funds in order to do was a eulogy of the 121 left-wing Parisian intel its important work. We therefore appeal to all lectuals who condoned desertion from the French of those who would defeat communism to contri Army. One wonders whose interests Mr. Barry is bute to the Committee so that its program can really serving. be successfully pursued. Please send all con tributions to Nor is Time Magazine immune. if one is to American Committee for France &: Algeria believe James Burnham who. in a recent article, 1.5 West 67th Street drew attention to Time's pro-soviet line on New York 2), N.Y. Portuguese Africa. Is t-lr. Luce being manipula_ ted? Memories of Whittaker Chambers" •• FHA CETODAY PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR FRANCE AND ALGERIA ROOM 1012 • 175 FIfTH AVENUE • NEW YOlK 10, N. Y. Dear Reader: Here is a newsletter about France and about North Afrioa, which may surprise you -- even shock you. The point of view expressed in it, as you will immediately see for yourself, is definitely a minority opinion. It goes· counter to most of what you have been reading in the American press and hearing and seeing on radio and television. But the subject of France and North Africa is terribly important -- not just for France or North Afripa, or even for the free world, but for the United States and all of us. The American national interest and the security of the United States are desperately involved in events happening far away, as every one knows. But it is not so well-known how much North Africa _ and Algeria - can affect lives and destinies. especiall~ ~ ~ Terrible mistakes are being made_-but there is still time to avoid disaster.. All we ask of you is that you give this newsletter a decent break by just reading it -- by reading it with an open mind, even if it tends to upset things honestly believe. yo~ I Please remember that this newsletter has been written b.Y Americans is being paid for by Americans , and is an honest f effort by these Americans to set things straight about a ver.1 important matter -- in the interest of the United States and of plain. simple truth and justice. This first issue is our initial effort. We are going to improve the newsletter and make it brighter, easier to read. and more informative as we go along" Wetd like to send you a few issues as out. ,1£ theyco~e you find anything in any of them that you. or that per ~thers suades you. and if you have the time to let us know about it, please write. In any case, pleMI :read. Very sincerely yours, SPONSORS: CLIFfORD FORSTER, Chairman • SAMUEL L BlUMENFElD, Secretary-Treasurer DR. RICHARD BAK • COLONEL It. V. C. aODLEY • JAMES aURNHAM • LtOtolARD fELDMAtol • Dit. EUIS FUEMAtol DR. ALFRED KOGOtol • P. I. MANFRltoll • PROf. THOMAS MOLtolAR • PIOf. CHAllES RIEGER • H. GIEGORY THOMAS CETODAY PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR FRANCE AND ALGERIA ROOM 1012 • 175 FIFTH AVENUE· NEW YORK 10, N. Y. September 1961 Vol. 1 No.1 CONCENTRATION CAMP FOR FRENCHMEN Last April, General de Gaulle took advantage of the abortive and short lived military uprising to cloak himself with the emergency powers of the French Constitution. However, if the emergency has ended, the powers continue, only now they are being used to stifle the voice of the opposition. He has revived in modern form the J,ettres de Cachet of his royalist pre decessors, condemning his opponents to that Bastille known to present-d~ Frenchmen as the concentration camp at Thol. Fortunately, Frenchmen are not so easily silenced. They have gone under ground. taken to the maquis. Mimeo graphed bulletins and even handwritten letters are keeping the opposition in formed and very much alive. The American press cannot or will not take cognizance of this "illegal" source of news. We are being spoonfed with information culled from official handouts. This is a picture of the sinister The American public is sufficiently adult concentration camp at Thol (Ain depart and intelligent to merit better than this. ment) in the southeast of France. It shows part of a watch.tower and the FRANCE TODAY intends to tell what the barbed wire fence. In the true style press has not told. of a concentration camp, the special police carry machine.guns and use police If you are interested in being really dogs in patrolling the camp and night. d~ informed on what is going on in France The camp is full of those who oppose de and Algeria. we invite your subscription. Gaulle 'a dictatorial policies. Among them are some newspapermen who were indiscreet We suggest that you use the convenient enough to write what they knew and thought. subscription blank on page three. S P0 NS 0 RS : CLI FFORD FORSTER, Chairman • SAMUEL L. BLUMENFELD, Secretary-Treasu rer DR. RICHARD 8AK • COLONEL R. V. C. 80DLEY • JAMES 8URNHAM • LEONARD fELDMAN' DR. ELLIS FREEMAN DR. ALfRED KOGON • f. R. MANFRINI • PROF. THOMAS MOLNAR· PROf. CHARLES RIEGER. H. GREGORY THOMAS INSIDE ALGERIA pr~dominantly Moslem, manager of a I3mall faetory which he struggles to Does anyone, by chance, remember the keep going under the most adverse cir phony referendum of last January 8th': 'cumstances, who writes us: which has since served as pretext for , "We have the im{>ression that the de Gaulle's sellout of Algeria? That Metropolis (France), too happy not to referendum, it can be said flatly, was have to look fora difficult solution, false in every aspect, in its intent, in prefers to get drunk on grandiose pro the "wording' of, the text, the propaganda jects for the future. We are ,quite that preceded the vote, the voteitself', aware here that France, if it wants to the conditions under which it took, place safeguard its future must take its and, lastly, the shameful use to Which responsibilities tod~J here in this it has since been p~t by the French country. But we are persuaded that our government. salvation will come from Algiers and , Algeria and perhaps 'for a good part, , I I It ~ay be remembered that in onder to from the Moslems who do not desire, for further a "yes" vote,.de Gaulle ,toU!reC,i the immense majority to separate from Algeria in the weeks before the referen France. They say it,,"readlly to their dum. A deli~r~te redeployment of troops friends and are ready to proclaim it preceded his 'visit, enabling the FLN to publicly. France will finally under- . infilttate the cities and provoke riots stand, since she wants very much to and acts of blopdy viplence along his hold to easy things that it will be rot).te. The evident ilJ-tention was to easier fo;r her to keep us, and Algeria oreate a feeling of terror and inse'curity with us, than to latus go. We con among'those loyal to the idea of a French tinue during this time to work, knowing Alg~ria, and in tha,t it was, let it be well that the Algeria of tomorrow, said, partly su'ccessful. whichever. it may be, ·will have: to work hard to be a really free and equal That policy of redeployment,' accom partner of metropolitan France. II panied now by withdrawal of troops under pretense of the Berlin crisis, has con This is a Frenchman born in Alge: tinued with the same end in view. A ria, a real, "pieds noirs", with Al leftwing French weekly writes:, that the gerian-born'children, who speaks so of four members of a parliamentary committee eloquently to us of the future Al Who, it says, "could not be considered as geria, his homeland. ultras" were 'in complete cigreement that ---------.-------- ••••••••••• 0 •• 1;10. if the unilateral ceasefire, with its ac companying redeployment, cont,inued, there POLITICS BY MURDER woulq. be a IIcoinplete dislocation of what ~ould subsist in Algeria of :french implan ~alah Ben Youssef, the newpapers tation.1I reported recently. was killed by a bullet behind the ear in a Frankfurt But this is precisely what de Gaulle hotelroom where he had gone to see two wants. He is seeking in very deliberate men recently arrived from Switzerland. fashion to, force that implantation" It was later established that the two '~French into certain specified areas of Algeria in men carried Tunisian passports which order, to facilitate his own plans of aban does and does not prove they were Tu_ donment.! ' nisians, ,Yet despite this open betrayal of the wbo was Salah Ben Youssef? The po I cause o·f France in Algeria by the man who litical arch-eneMlf of Habib Bourguiba considers himself another Louis XIV (L'Etat, who had him condemned to deat:h in ab c est Moi ! ), the people of Algeria French' sentia in 1957. presumably for having I I and alike, refuse to let themselves plotted the Tunisian presidentls assas ¥~slems be frightened, as witness this Algerian sination. Little did Youssef worry correspondant. living in a seaport town about this death sentence for he was in FRANCE TODAY September 1963. Page 2