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Preview Commissioner Kenny Heath was absent

Watch for Our Home & Garden Issue Coming Soon: Can Spring Be Far Behind? Vol. 49 No. 08 16 pages Maybe | | Your Community News Source Since 1968 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 www.thepamliconews.com | 50 Cents Great Oyster Revival: Good Food for a Great Cause NOTABLE By Townley Cheek • Call for Chefs! This Saturday, the Pamlico Community College Foundation will host Get those aprons out and recipes ready. Yummy! The annual Chowder Cook Off is set the Sixth Annual Great Oyster Revival. It’s a casual, fun event with good for Saturday March 12 from 11- 1:30. The event friends and good food for a great cause. is the kick off event for the 2016 fun-time in For the past six years, this event has been a way for people in the com- Oriental season and will continue the celebration of the Oriental Woman’s Club 100th anniversary. munity to come together for an all you can eat oyster roast and chili com- It’s time for all prospective chefs to register for petition. The oysters are fresh and the chili is made by some of the best the event. Registration deadline is March 8. To cooks down in Pamlico County. While enjoyed by all that attend, Pamlico enter please contact Carol McAdoo at 745-7762. Community College students are the true reason for the event. • Band Concert Planned for March 19 Each year, the PCC Foundation gives thousands of dollars in scholar- ships to deserving PCC students. The proceeds from this event will benefit The Pamlico Community Band will present its Spring Concert on Saturday March 19 at 7 p.m. students with great potential that may have never dreamed of being able to at Oriental’s Old Theater. Admission is free, attend college because of cost. though donations are welcomed. Doors open at Whitney Griffin is in her second semester at Pamlico Community 6:30 p.m. Fore more details contact Jim Durham at 252-670-5156. College. In July, her and her family moved down to Arapahoe from Virginia to be closer to family. “I was born and raised in Virginia, but my • OWC to Host Fundraiser husband’s family is from the area. After our fourth child, we decided that The Oriental Woman’s Club Continues we wanted our children to grow up close to family and live in a family ori- Celebration of 100th Anniversary with Raise the ented community,” Griffin says. Roof with Music and Voice. Harbor Sounds will give a benefit concert at the Oriental Woman’s Griffin always had dreams of going back to school and getting her Allegedly, (l-r) Jim Ragan, Chuck Forrest, Jim Kellenberger, Reg Piland, and Master Shucker Ricky Miller venture to the Pamlico Sound at dawn in an open skiff with tongs and baskets each year to provide oysters for this iconic Club Clubhouse, 1007 Gilgo Road, Oriental, on degree, but with the cost of college and childcare on the rise, it just was not event. Defying wind chills below freezing, allegedly, they arrived back at the docks just in time to steam their Friday, February 26, from 7-9pm. This concert See Oysters, page 4A catch for last year’s Oyster Revival attendees. (Photo by Ben Casey) will be a fund raiser for the OWC Roof Fund - donations only. An old-fashioned Ice Cream Social will follow the concert. Make plans to Zika Virus in NC; attend - tell all your friends and neighbors about this event - better yet - bring them out for an enjoyable evening. For information, call Carol McAdoo at 745-7762. Outbreak Unlikely • Oriental Rotary Club Scholarships Available Staff Reports The Oriental Rotary Club is taking applications for scholarships from the 2016 graduating class of The North Carolina Department of Health Pamlico High School and other graduating seniors who are residents of Pamlico County but do not and Human Services said Friday that a state attend Pamlico County High School. If you wish resident who has recently traveled outside of to apply, please contact the guidance secretary at the U.S. to a country where there is active Zika Pamlico County High School or Jim Ragan at 252- 249-1156 for more details. Applications should be Virus transmission has been confirmed to have completed and returned by April 15, 2016. the virus. It is the first confirmed case of Zika in our state. • UMC to Host Corned Beef, Cabbage Dinner Health officials say there have also been no The Arapahoe United Methodist Church will local mosquito-borne hold its Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner Zika virus cases on March 9 at 6p.m. The menu includes corned beef and cabbage with red potatoes and Mark’s reported the the U.S. “famous” glazed carrots, Irish soda bread, carrot with the exception cake, iced tea and coffee – all home made with of one infection in fresh ingredients – nothing canned or frozen so it’s a dinner to savor! Tickets cost $16, eat in or State Champion Clay Conley, pinning his opponent with Coaches Kevin Knox and Terrance Green cheering him on. Texas attributed to take out. This dinner is an annual fundraiser for sexual transmission. Pamlico County Fishes and Loaves Outreach, Clay Conley Wins State But, there have been a food bank for the needy here in our county. Tickets must be purchased in advance, so just travel-associated call Pam Yurko at 617-3573 or Mark Yurko at Wrestling Championship cases. So in response, state health officials are 617-0669 or E-mail Pam: [email protected]. The urging residents to be aware of the risk before church is located on Highway 306 South and Bennett Road – at the Minnesott Beach Town line. traveling to Central America, South America or Hurricanes’ 160-pound senior Clay Conley pinned Swain the Caribbean. • Sign Up for First Ever Polar Plunge! County’s Ross Ensley in 3:29 to win the state championship at "We have anticipated all along that travel- the NCHSAA 1A wrestling tournament in Greensboro Saturday. The first ever Polar Plunge to related cases would be identified in North Conley won his first match with a 12-6 decision, won his next help Special Olympics of Pamlico Carolina," said Megan Davies, MD, State County raise money and aware- 5-2 and completely dominated his final bout. He is the first Epidemiologist. ness takes place Saturday, Pamlico wrestler to win a state championship, finished the season February 27th at Arlington "We want to take this opportunity to reinforce with a 40-4 record. The Hurricanes’ Senior, Marlon MacIntyre Place, Burton Clubhouse, 57 that travelers to any of the countries with active Burton Farm Road in Arapahoe. (132 pounds), Junior, Anthony Davis (152) and Junior, Nathan State Champion, Clay Conley, during presen- Zika transmission should follow precautions to Registration begins at 9:15 a.m., Shaw (195) all placed fourth in the tournament. tation of medals ceremony raffle at 9:45 a.m. and jump at 10 minimize their exposure to mosquito bites." a.m. Nominate a friend or co-work- Earlier this month Davies told the Joint er to take the plunge! A minimum CarolinaEast Upgrades Security Measures Legislative Emergency Management Oversight donation of $25 dollars is required to make a nomination. Nominees Committee that our state is limited in its abil- will be given the option to match the donation ity to track and control the spread of mosquitos given in their name or brave the icy waters! For Public Required to Show I.D. when Visiting because of lack of funding. Programs aimed more information contact Morgan Kennedy at Select Areas of Medical Center [email protected] or Jackie Coming Soon! at controlling mosquitoes and other pests were Marquardt at jaclynmarquardt@pamlicoschools. pared back, and then finally eliminated. In org. NEW BERN - Beginning March 1, when visiting FAST-PASS®  2010, the first cuts were made to grants that CarolinaEast Medical Center, expect to have a • Military Activity Planned form of identification readily available for access To enhance security at CarolinaEast     GUEST I.D. SYSTEM  helped local governments control mosquitoes. Medical Center, the Security Department  In 2011 the General Assembly voted to elimi- U.S. Navy special boat teams will conduct to certain areas. This will be a requirement to will introduce a new guest                       nate the “vector control program,” which moni- surface maneuver training in the Neuse River gain entry to the women’s and children’s care iden�ca�on system beginning on or  and Pamlico Sound in the vicinity of Bombing about  tored and analyzed the spread of mosquitoes. areas and patient care units located on the sec- Targets 9 and 11, during the entire month of March 1, 2016 The last of the mosquito control grants for local February. The training will include live-fire ond floor of the hospital. This change in protocol machine gun operations at the bombing targets. is expected to ensure a safer environment for For more informa�on  governments were eliminated in 2014. Boaters should remain clear of the restricted patients, visitors and staff. about Fa  st‐Pass®   The mosquito that carries Zika virus is not areas surrounding Bombing Targets 9 and 11 in believed to be widespread in NC, and the virus the Pamlico Sound. The Fast-Pass Guest Identification System    call 633‐8177  may be less likely to spread so quickly in the and similar systems are being used by hospitals • Oyster Revival Set for Feb. 27 Here’s what you should know about Fast‐Pass®:  U.S. than in other countries because of better across the nation as the healthcare industry has  Fast‐Pass® sta�ons will be set up at the Visitor Informa�on Desk by the public elevators  mosquito control measures and lower popula- The Pamlico Community College Foundation recognized a rising need for greater security and for access to the Women’s and Children’s care areas and all second oor care areas, as  invites you to attend the 6th Annual Great Oyster identified visitor management. CarolinaEast staff well as in the Emergency Department lobby for access to inpa�ents via the Emergency  tion density, state health officials said. Revival on Saturday, February 27 from 3-5 p.m. Department a�er 9:00pm.   Davies said there is a potential for mosqui- at PCC’s main campus in Grantsboro. Come out is being extensively trained to use Fast-Pass,  A pass with photo will be quickly created for each visitor to these select  areas.  Adult  toes with Zika to crop up in North Carolina this and support your local community college and which completes the process in seconds and is guests will be required to provide a photo iden�ca�on for verica�on and a Fast‐Pass  have fun doing it. This is a Foundation fundraiser not expected to have any hindrance to the flow veimsietorgr ebnacdyg sei twuiall� boen sg,e wnehreant endo i np hsoetcoo niddesn. �(Spceac�iocn  pisr oatvoaciloalbs laer).e  in place for          summer, although it's unclear how widespread for student scholarships. BYO glove, knife, or severe any outbreak might be. Even so, NC e$t3c0. fGoer ta yllo yu rc atinc keeatts otoysdtaeyr sb! eTfiocrkee tths eoyn s sealll eo uatt! oscf avninsietda taionnd. aOpnpcroe vtehde fvoisr ivtoisri’tsa Iti.Don. ,h aa sp hboeteon  Mbeacnoym heo asp sittaanlsd aacrdro fsosr t ahlel  hnoas�poitna lasr.e   adop�ng this or a similar system and soon it will  health officials are ramping up the ability to test PPChaCr’ms aBcoyo &k stthoer eP, CN aCuhtaicmalb Werh oefe Cleorsm, mBearycbeo. rCo all is taken of the visitor and a badge is instantly  tCoh itlhdereirn p’sa preanstsse sw  hwiliell  datis tphleay h tohsepiirt apla.  rent’s photo for safety and returning lost children  ftroarv tehlee rdsi saenads ew aonmde pnr, oevsipdeicniga lilnyf othrmosaet iwonh oto m ay Bmroarned di eMtaciClsu.llough at 252-249-1851 x 3010 for pdreisnttienda,t idoens. iVgnisaittionrgs eexnpteirriantigo nth de aEtem aenrdg efnincayl  Tanhdis  sstyasffte mme wmibll eernsh. Tahnacen kt hyeo use fcour ryitoyu ar nudn dsaefresttay nadt ionugr.  hospital for pa�ents, families  become pregnant. According to Bryan Harris, REHS, Department after hours to visit patients and the • New Bern Farmer’s Market Open Saturday Environmental Health Director for Pamlico second floor women and children’s wing and “Safety has always been and will always be our County, there is continuous funding for mos- The New Bern Farmers Market will offer Local other care areas will be expected to wear these number one guiding principle at CarolinaEast,” Fresh Winter & Hot House Vegetables, Farm- badges at all times. This new process will even- says Chief of Police Johnny Cahoon. “Fast-Pass quito control available in our county. raised Meats, Dairy, Wine, Cheese, Sausage, “Mosquito control is ongoing regardless of tually be required to visit patients in all units on is simply another way to enhance security and Sauces, Canned & Baked Goodies, Handcrafted what virus is out there,” said Harris. one-of-a-kind Treasures, Homegrown and all floors. keep our patients, guests and staff as safe as Handmade by Your Neighbors on Saturday, CarolinaEast would like to thank its patients possible,” he adds. For more information about He says there are other transmittable diseases 8am - 2pm. Tuesday market closed til April. Now in the county and the department implements accepting SNAP/EBT. and visitors, in advance, for their understanding this system, call CarolinaEast Public Relations spraying to curtail the physical presence of of the importance of implementing such a tool. Department at 252-633-8154. INsIdE mosquitos. The county primarily uses a del- tacide application which is an effective pyre- Help Stop Hunger Now - 2016 throid spray combining rapid knockdown and Almanac ...................................................................................2A Classifieds/Puzzles ...............................................................10A Over the past few years the Oriental community has share, which is tax deductible, and/or volunteering to kill. Larvicides which target larvae in the breed- Commentary ............................................................................8A come together to support Stop Hunger Now. In less help pack meals on Saturday morning. The Saturday ing habitat before they can mature into adult Community ..............................................................................9A than two hours, the event packs enough food bags morning packing is a fun community effort. To buy a mosquitoes and disperse are also used. Giving Back..............................................................................5A to serve 10,000 meals. This year’s event will be held share, please make your check payable to Oriental Kitchen Chatter .....................................................................11A at the Oriental United Methodist Church on Saturday, UMC with Stop Hunger Now on the memo line. For “A lot depends on what Mother Nature deliv- Legals .......................................................................................6A March 19, starting at 9:30 a.m. and ending around more information call 252-249-0213 (OUMC Office) or ers, this is still new and we will rely on guid- Living Well ..............................................................................14A noon. Your support is needed by buying shares at $25/ 252-249-1361 (Allen Price) to show your support. ance from the state,” added Harris. Local News ..............................................................................4A Neighborhood ..........................................................................3A Obituaries ............................................................................8-9A LAST OF THE 2015s On the Water ..........................................................................13A 2015 LINCOLN 2015 VOLVO School Page ..........................................................................15A NAVIGATOR Sales Things To Do ..........................................................................12A S80 T5 $5000SAVINGS Event SAVE$6400 OBITuArIEs PLUS0%for72Months** 2015 LINCOLN MKC • Vernon Leland (Lee) Bounds, 97, of Chapel Hill 2015 VOLVO • Levy Wallace Broughton, 65, of Oriental UPTO$5000OFF* V60 • Anna Murray Robinson, 80, of Alliance PLUS0.9%for60Months** • Martha Lynn Hall, 69, Memorial set for Saturday IncludesVoiceActivatedNAV SAVE$5500 Hwy17S•NewBern JOE ALCOKE LINCOLN Hwy17S•NewBern Got News? 252-638-6161 JOE ALCOKE VOLVO 252-638-6161 Cemalal iucl seo dnaiett,ow [email protected] oli-r **withapprovedcredit. joealcokelincoln.com 511-185519 joealcokevolvo.com Almanac 2 A WEDNEsDay, FEBRUaRy 24, 2016 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wednesday, February 24 Wednesday, March 2 p.m., Snowden Elementary School (Aurora), at 1 p.m. at Senior Center • Pamlico Partnership Parent & Child class at • Pamlico Partnership Parent & Child class at music center, meeting at 5 p.m. • Stained Glass class at Senior Center at 1 p.m. Pamlico Primary School, 9:00 or 10:30 a.m. Pamlico Primary School, 9:00 or 10:30 a.m. • TOPS Meeting at Senior Center at 5:30 p.m. • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 • 11% of people are left handed • Ralph Lauren’s original name when school is in session. Call Michelle Sheilds when school is in session. Call Michelle Sheilds • MADD Chapter Meeting for Craven/Pamlico. p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History • August has the highest per- was Ralph Lifshitz 252-745-7850 for information. 252-745-7850 for information. Trinity United Methodist Church, 2311 Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. centage of births • rabbits like licorice • Crocheting & Knitting at Senior Center at • Crocheting & Knitting at Senior Center at Elizabeth Avenue, New Bern at 7 p.m. • Pamlico County Law Enforcement Association 10 a.m. 10 a.m. • The Lower Neuse Anglers club will be meet- monthly meeting at the PCLEA Range, Mill • unless food is mixed with • the Hawaiian alphabet has 13 • Health Screening - Blood Pressure & Weight • Health Screening - Blood Pressure & Weight ing at Brantley’s Village Restaurant at 7 p.m. Road, 7 p.m. Contact 252-670-5625 for infor- saliva you can’t taste it letters Checks at Senior Center at 10 a.m. Checks at Senior Center at 10 a.m. • Croatan Group of the Sierra Club execu- mation. • the average person falls asleep • ’Topolino’ is the name for • Talk & Exercise with Beth at Senior Center at • Talk & Exercise with Beth at Senior Center at tive committtee at St. Andrews Episcopal in 7 minutes Mickey Mouse in Italy 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Church, 2005 Arendell St.. Morehead City. Friday, March 11 • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 • Quilting at PC Senior Center from 1-3 p.m. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. Visit • Fantastic Friday at Senior Center • a bear has 42 teeth • a lobsters blood is colorless p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 CroatanGroupSierraClub.com for info. • Oriental Quilting Bee, 9 a.m., 403 Mildred • an ostrich’s eye is bigger than but when exposed to oxygen it Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History • Grief support group at Alliance UMC at 7:30 Street. No experience needed. its brain turns blue • Drumming Dragons, Oriental Town Hall, Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. p.m. Call Penny Dollar Farmer for info 670- • Preschool story time at PC library at 10 a.m. • lemons contain more sugar • armadillos have 4 babies at a 7:00 p.m. • Drumming Dragons, Oriental Town Hall, 7766 • Bingo at 10 a.m. at Senior Center 7:00 p.m. • Alcohol Anonymous 8 p.m. Open, Discussion • Card Games at Senior Center at 1 p.m. than strawberries time and are all the same sex Thursday, February 25 @ Free Will Baptist Church, Ragan Rd., • Young at Heart Crafts at Senior Center at 2 pm • 8% of people have an extra rib • reindeer like bananas • Prayer Shawl Ministry, Oriental United Thursday, March 3 Oriental. • 85% of plant life is found in the • the longest recorded flight of a Methodist Church, 10 – 11:30 a.m. For all • Prayer Shawl Ministry, Oriental United • Al-anon Family Group, Tuesday 8 pm, Saturday, March 12 ocean chicken was 13 seconds levels of knitting and crocheting. We can teach Methodist Church, 10 – 11:30 a.m. For all St.Thomas Episcopal Church Annex, 403 • Oriental Farmer’s Market on Hodges St. from you how! Call Leigh Price for more info, 249- levels of knitting and crocheting. We can teach Mildred St., Oriental. 9 a.m. to noon. QUICK REFERENCE 1361. you how! Call Leigh Price for more info, 249- • Family Movie at 11 a.m. at PC Library • Alcohol Anonymous, Thursday @ 12 noon, 1361. Wednesday, March 9 Closed, Grapevine, @ Free Will Baptist Church, • Site meeting at PC Senior Center at 10 a.m. • Pamlico Partnership Parent & Child class at Monday, March 14 Ragan Rd., Oriental. • Alcohol Anonymous, Thursday @ 12 noon, Pamlico Primary School, 9:00 or 10:30 a.m. • Acrylic Painting at Senior Center at 9 a.m. Emergency: Dial 911 for police, sheriff, fire departments, rescue • Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Class Closed, Grapevine, @ Free Will Baptist Church, when school is in session. Call Michelle Sheilds • Center volunteers paperwork at 9 a.m. at squads, ambulance at 1 p.m. at Senior Center Ragan Rd., Oriental. 252-745-7850 for information. Senior Center • Stained Glass class at Senior Center at 1 p.m. • AARP meeting at 1 p.m. at PC Senior Center • Crocheting & Knitting at Senior Center at • Bible Study at Alliance UMC at 9:30 a.m. All Animal Poison Control Center: 1-888-426-4435 • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 • Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Class 10 a.m. are welcome p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History at 1 p.m. at Senior Center • Health Screening - Blood Pressure & Weight • Grief Support Group meets every Monday at Carteret General Hospital: 808-6000; Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 Checks at Senior Center at 10 a.m. 10 a.m. at Oriental Methodist Church (Round Coastal Carolina Regional Airport: 638-8591 • DAV at PC Senior Center at 7:30 p.m. p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History • Talk & Exercise with Beth at Senior Center at Table Room) Call 249-2493 for more informa- Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. 10:30 a.m. tion Emergency Pet Care: 444-1399 Friday, February 26 • Honor Guard at PC Senior Center at 6 p.m. • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 • Arthritis Class at Senior Center at 1 p.m. Highway Patrol: 1-800-441-6127 • Fantastic Friday at Senior Center • Reelsboro Community Watch meeting at the p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History • Look good, feel better for adult, female can- • Oriental Quilting Bee, 9 a.m., 403 Mildred Reelsboro Fire House on Holland Drive at 7 Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. cer patients currently in treatment 2-4 p.m. at Medical Assistance: CarolinaEast Medical Center: 633-8111 Street. No experience needed. p.m. • Drumming Dragons, Oriental Town Hall, Shepard Cancer Center. Pre-registration required • Preschool Story time at PC Library at 10 a.m. • Pamlico County Horseman’s Association 7:00 p.m. at (252) 975-4308 ext. 109 Nova Urgent Care: 745-7440 • Bingo at 10 a.m. at Senior Center meets at 7pm at the Pamlico County History • Dementia Support Group meets at Senior Pamlico County Departments: • Card Games at Senior Center at 1 p.m. Center in Grantsboro. Horse Lovers come on Thursday, March 10 Center from 2-3:30 • Young at Heart Crafts at Senior Center at 2 out, even if you don’t own a horse, you can • Prayer Shawl Ministry, Oriental United • NAACP of Pamlico County regular meeting at Board of Elections: 745-4821 p.m. still be a part of the club and can help plan Methodist Church, 10 – 11:30 a.m. For all 6 p.m. at Green Hill MB Church, 314 Water St., County Manager: 745-3133 horse shows, trail rides, community fun days levels of knitting and crocheting. We can teach Bayboro. All welcome. Saturday, February 27 for kids and fun days at our arena in Arapahoe. you how! Call Leigh Price for more info, 249- • Women’s Living Sober Group, 7 p.m. at Emergency Management: 745-4131 • Oriental Farmer’s Market on Hodges St. from For more information call Karen Gardner at 1361. Bayboro Methodist Church 9 a.m. to noon. 252-671-6945 • Alcohol Anonymous, Thursday @ 12 noon, • American Legion at Senior Center at 7 p.m. Health Dept.: 745-5111 • The Pamlico Amateur Radio Society (PARS) Closed, Grapevine, @ Free Will Baptist Church, Recycling Center: 745-3283 meets at Brantley’s Village Restaurant at 9 a.m. Friday, March 4 Ragan Rd., Oriental. Email your event to frontdesk@thepamlicone- on the last Saturday of every month (except • Fantastic Friday at Senior Center • Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Class ws.com no later than noon Friday Senior Services: 745-7196 June) We invite all HAMS and anyone inter- • Oriental Quilting Bee, 9 a.m., 403 Mildred Sheriff’s Dept. (non-emergency) – 745-3101 ested in amateur radio to attend. Call Bill Olah, Street. No experience needed. KR4LO at 252-249-0287 for information. Visit • Preschool story time at PC library at 10 a.m. Social Services: 745-4086 our webste: www.N4PRS.org. • Bingo at 10 a.m. at Senior Center • Card Games at Senior Center at 1 p.m. Tax Collector: 745-4125 Monday, February 29 • Young at Heart Crafts at Senior Center at 2 Water Dept.: 745-5453 • Center volunteers paperwork at 9 a.m. at p.m. Senior Center • YA Anime at PC Library at 3 p.m. Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222 • Bible Study at Alliance UMC at 9:30 a.m. All US Coast Guard (Hobucken): 745-3131 are welcome Saturday, March 5 • Grief Support Group meets every Monday at • Oriental Farmer’s Market on Hodges St. from 10 a.m. at Oriental Methodist Church (Round 9 a.m. to noon. WEATHER.COM Table Room) Call 249-2493 for more informa- • Children’s Nutrition Event at PC Library at tion 6 p.m. • Arthritis Class at Senior Center at 1 p.m. • Dementia Support Group meets at Senior Monday, March 7 Wednesday - Showers likely and pos- and half of an inch possible. Center from 2-3:30 • Center volunteers paperwork at 9 a.m. at sibly a thunderstorm. Mostly cloudy, Thursday - A chance of showers before • Women’s Living Sober Group, 7 p.m. at Senior Center with a high near 69. Breezy, with a south 1pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 55. Bayboro Methodist Church • Bible Study at Alliance UMC at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome wind 7 to 12 mph increasing to 15 to 20 Breezy. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Tuesday, March 1 • Crystal Coast of the American Needlepoint mph in the afternoon. Chance of pre- Thursday Night - Mostly clear, with a • Plein air painting is Tuesdays 9 a.m. Different Guild meets at the West New Bern Rec. and cipitation is 70%. New rainfall amounts low around 37. location each week. Artists paint outside. Call Parks Center at 10 a.m. Open to all. between a quarter and half of an inch Friday - Sunny, with a high near 48. Susan Cheatham at 249-4925 for locations/info. • Grief Support Group meets every Monday at possible. Friday Night - Mostly clear, with a low • Line Dancing at Senior Center at 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. at Oriental Methodist Church (Round Wednesday Night - Showers and pos- around 34. • Conversations support group for people with Table Room) Call 249-2493 for more informa- sibly a thunderstorm before 1am, then Saturday - Sunny, with a high near 48. any type of cancer. Shepard Cancer Center at tion a chance of showers. Low around 49. Saturday Night - Mostly clear, with a 10 a.m. • Arthritis Class at Senior Center at 1 p.m. Breezy. Chance of precipitation is 80%. low around 39. • Knitting at PC Libary at 10 a.m. • Dementia Support Group meets at Senior • Singing at Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. Center from 2-3:30 New rainfall amounts between a quarter Sunday - Sunny, with a high near 56. • 50+ Club at Senior Center at 11 a.m. • Women’s Living Sober Group, 7 p.m. at • Wicker Basketry Class at Senior Center at Bayboro Methodist Church WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 1 p.m. • American Legion at Senior Center at 7 p.m. • Cards at Senior Center at 1 p.m. Sale Will Continue From • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 Tuesday, March 8 Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History • Plein air painting is Tuesdays 9 a.m. Different Monday March 7th to Thursday March 10th Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. location each week. Artists paint outside. Call Life is a mixed message for This is a hard-working time for • Weight Watchers, weigh-in begins at 4:30 Susan Cheatham at 249-4925 for locations/info. you right now because you Librans, which is why you’re p.m., Snowden Elementary School (Aurora), • Beach Book Breakfast Club at PC Library are in limbo. Your personal setting such high standards for music center, meeting at 5 p.m. at 9 a.m. year is ending and you are yourself. You want productivity, • TOPS Meeting at Senior Center at 5:30 p.m. • Line Dancing at Senior Center at 9:30 a.m. waiting for your new year to effectiveness and results! You • Grief support group at Alliance UMC at 7:30 • Knitting at PC Library at 10 a.m. begin; and this time of waiting is not easy for the are also creative this week, in fact, innovative and p.m. Call Penny Dollar Farmer for info 670- • Singing at Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. Aries warrior who likes action! In fact, it can be experimental. Trust these impulses. If a romance 7766 • 50+ Club at Senior Center at 11 a.m. maddening! Fortunately, friendships with younger with someone younger begins, this will surprise • Alcohol Anonymous 8 p.m. Open, Discussion • Wicker Basketry Class at Senior Center at people and artistic, creative types are rewarding. you as well, but it will invigorate you. (Ya think?) @ Free Will Baptist Church, Ragan Rd., 1 p.m. You don’t even mind the disputes about shared Sudden opportunities for a vacation or a chance Oriental. • Cards at Senior Center at 1 p.m. property, taxes, debt and such. The upside being to move ahead in the arts, the entertainment • Al-anon Family Group, Tuesday 8 pm, • Research genealogy and search online 1-4 that this same influence pumps your sex drive. world or the hospitality industry will help you this St.Thomas Episcopal Church Annex, 403 p.m. at the Pamlico County Family History (Yay!) And yes, job opportunities continue to be week. Believe in your future! Lucky Jupiter will Mildred St., Oriental. Center in Grantsboro. Call 745-2239 for info. great and will continue -- so grab this chance enter your sign in September for the first time • Weight Watchers, weigh-in begins at 4:30 while you have it. This blessing will not return since 2005. (So much to look forward to!) again until 2027. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) GOVERNMENT Pamlico Animal Welfare society (PAWs) Taurus (April 20-May 20) This continues to be a playful, yyoouu rm biogshst obre gsoinm aTfwbteoh hfroiriritnig inhseykhe nobi t sydu,ion o!asws uhEa sal’oi verprpevems o eon ca slr mylyin et,aoi dvoop ure mnooVrr p!mIeoi PnSunfast ltoaean samurrc.a rtteTeehcim h towfoieuorefiiylt nt lh y so. f annodw ,t hyeomu eh apvaer ksstr.fboam ouW pencnuspgih-sttol hai oecir nnvnt fiwu cieemnneorrggy iortt lyyontdMi m tft,eho oatnesrrh ps j. oea f lGoi ay ntvr yrh saayy epacbooanao uutedtrr.ritve o sTswe,n, hir hgo tyeohonr rket e. ls T•Mf•DPo hliPAraer uecearCcaretmshitp nodiClalgirdcahls uroayo ebm, te nP hF1 e aCooe erpufbhttf.nssiarmc eeuraetr .aet ,s arrh76y ti0S : p3t22hc 05f-eho Ap orP .oMCmal mhaB. iiallnodict a rSoterhdt n.Pe , o BaBAfro tarnalyinerbdgros trhooinp PCmTAhoaeWrrr kedS“ecoN ttragieoEbssn lWceaau rlse e Ik Lnsvil sEelasttdAi.tteuoSdtpi,oHt avn ba.O clTecNh sienh aLientIlemtFedEar atd”eno sdPg lasreo lataergnnrrde apd pam, athiie ro-snu cEtsheeve,,e mrcrery swaoptieonth nea si nndibdmei llsaietetyae rsa vthnre adtsri nat eeainar essm deaw,ct aootnhrnkded aPr elcaochmneagilvi ncweoc ib teha” sniecw , Quite likely, someone will seek out your advice Your thoughts are also turning to romance. (If you Tuesday, March 1 and advanced obedience, agility and rally training. These well-behaved companions graduate or recommendations about how to make went through Valentines without a sweetheart, • Bayboro Town Hall Meeting - 208 North every eight weeks, ready to join new, forever families - maybe yours? something look more attractive. (Design, layout, you are aware of this.) Surprise changes on the Street, Bayboro, 7 p.m. arrangements.) It’s wonderful to enjoy these home front, perhaps with unexpected news • Grantsboro Town Hall Meeting, Highway warm relations with others because admittedly, or something that impacts a younger family 55, Grantsboro, 7 p.m. partnerships and close friendships are tough member, will occur this week. Sudden repairs • Oriental Town Hall Meeting and Public rreigmhte mnobwe.r Yiso uth kant othwis i tt;e tshteinyg k tnimowe iist. tTehmep tohrinagry .t o mroimghatn bcee, nsepeodretsd a ansd w fuenll. aMree atonpwsh oilne, ypoleuar smueren,u . Hearing - 507 Church Street, Oriental, 7 p.m. Woof, Woof, Woof, Cole is my name and playing is my game. Nothing lasts forever. Monday, March 7 “Play, play, play all day” is my motto. I’m so glad to be in the New Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) • Pamlico County Board of Education meets Leash on Life program at Pamlico’s Correctional Institution. I’ll have at 6:30 p.m. at the Board Office on Anderson eight weeks of learning all kinds of fun stuff. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Your focus on home, family Avenue Some people have said they think I might be a Sheltie mix which and your private life continues. • Pamlico County Commissioners Meeting means I’m very smart. I really really love kids and children too. My The Sun continues to be high This also means that you at 7 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commissioners foster mom says I’m sweet and a love bug. Just a baby at around 5 in your chart making you look need some down time to Room so good in the eyes of others, contemplate your future. With months old it will be your job to teach me everything you want me especially bosses, parents and Jupiter at the top of your Tuesday, March 8 to do. Cole has been sponsored by Delanie Royal and Ed and Lee VIPs. This is a once-a-year chart, boosting your reputation in the eyes of • Minnesott Beach Town Hall Meeting - Duer phenomenon, so make the most of it. Go after others, you have to know how to harness this 11758 Highway 306 S, 7 p.m. what you want. Make your pitch. You will be good fortune in the best way possible. After • Stonewall Town Hall Meeting, Stonewall surprised at how the doors will open for you. Oh all, you can’t waste it or let it just slip by. This Town Hall, Spain Farm Road, 7 p.m. yes! Meanwhile, travel for pleasure, study plus opportunity comes only once every 12 years opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and will not return again until 2027. Since Wednesday, March 9 and the law will reward you. And why not? everyone see you in such a positive light right • Oriental Parks & Recreation Advisory If you’re interested in adopting a NLOL dog contact Jackie Schmidt at 649-5504 or Penny Monell at 249-1453. Goodness knows you are busting your buns right now -- how can you use this to your advantage? Committee at 8 a.m. You can also email PAWS at mail.pamlicopaws.net and download an adoption application now working hard, as well as directing the efforts This is a good time to think about this because at pamlicopaws.net on the individual dog’s page . of others. Fortunately, benefits from home, family lots of bright, clever ideas are going to occur to Thursday, March 10 and real estate continue to bless you. you this week. “Ping!” • Harbor Waterfronts Committee at Oriental Town Hall at 4:30 p.m. • Arapahoe Town Hall Meeting - Arapahoe Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Town Hall (in front of fire station) at 7 p.m. • Soil & Water Conservation Board Meeting Atras vae lr ufoler, ay oreuars soignn. Yliokue’sr eto Ywoituhr abnu sayc cpealceera cteodn ttienmuepso . a• tA Lriattplea hItoaely CPhizazrate ar tS 6c hpo .oml .B oard of Pamlico animal not the restless drifter that Just accept this and go Directors meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Arlington Sagittarius is. Nevertheless, with the flow because you Place Clubhouse many of you seem to have have no choice. You’re full Welfare Society (PaWS) reason to travel now because travel opportunities of moneymaking ideas that are original and Monday, March 14 abound. Likewise, others will explore their world clever. The trick is - can you act on them? Part • Vandemere Town Hall Meetings, 6:30 p.m. through learning or capitalizing on opportunities of you is excited about taking a chance, but Planning Board, 7:30 p.m. Commissioners “Helping the Helpless” in medicine and the law. The advantage of another part (to the left and lower down) never Mtg, Pennsylvania Avenue, Vandemere travel right now is that you’re in such a playful wants to risks your security, especially a steady • Alliance Town Hall Meeting - 934 Main mood! You want to have fun! You want to job. You agree with Oscar Wilde who said, Street, Alliance, time is changed to 7 p.m. for Spay and Neuter Assistance Program explore sports, the arts, musical performances “It’s better to have a permanent income than this meeting and playful times with children. And fortunately, to be fascinating.” Continue to look for travel because you will benefit from the gifts and opportunities because they exist. Likewise, Tuesday, March 15 resources of others - you can afford to do so. this same planetary influence brings you • Pamlico County Chamber of Commerce PAWS provides low-cost spay and neuter (Where there’s a will, you want to be in it.) opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine Board Meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the Heritage and the law. Grab ‘em! Museum. assistance to those needing help to “fix” their • Oriental Tourism Board meets at Oriental Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Town hall at 5:30 p.m. pets. We issue vouchers for use at local vets, or This intense month continues. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) • Bayboro Town Hall Meeting - 208 North In fact, this is one of the most For many reasons, money is Street, Bayboro, 7 p.m. at the Spay Today clinic in Greenville. intense months of the year flowing and you’re happy! You Wednesday, March 16 for you. Nothing is casual. have moneymaking ideas, • Oriental Planning Board meets at Oriental Our mission is to reduce the pet overpopula- Fortunately, relations with and at the same time, you can Town Hall at 3 p.m. partners and close friends are convivial and reap benefits from the wealth tion problem in Pamlico County and surround- warm. This week, you might be introduced to and resources of others. Yippee! (Small wonder Monday, March 21 someone who is new and different or original that both Mercury and Venus in your sign now • Pamlico County Commissioners Meeting ing areas by preventing hundreds of unwanted, in some way. This person will likely stimulate make you eager to communicate to others with at 7 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commissioners you and make you feel younger. Of course, such charm and diplomacy.) Everyone wants Room innocent animals from being born. They are your ability to earn money now pleases you to see your face! People also admire you now and offsets some of the tension and challenges because you’re fired up with enthusiasm about Tuesday, March 22 often neglected, abandoned or killed in shelters so altering your pets taking place on the home front. Continue to your career and your life path. Nothing will hold • Oriental Tree Board meets at Oriental Town focus on ways to boost your income because you back because this year you’re going for Hall at 8 a.m. before they breed is the humane and common-sense solution. they exist; and you can use (and should use) this baroque. Because the gods are with you now, • Pamlico County Board of Elections, 10 opportunity while you have it. Be patient with the and you personally are so ambitious, this is an a.m. in the Elections office (Pamlico County challenges at home because they will continue unbeatable combination bringing success. Courthouse) We are here to help! Take action today! for a month. And so it goes. • Pamlico Human Services, 11 a.m. at the Human Services Building Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) • Pamlico County Planning Board, 7 p.m. in Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 2nd floor Commissioners room “Saving one animal doesn’t change the world, but it You continue to be favoured Othnact ey oaug aniene, dh emreo rise as lreeemp.in der wHoithw ethvee rS, autn t ihne y eonudr soifg tnh.e T• hPuarmsdlicaoy, PMaartrncehrs 2h4ip for Children Board changes the world for that one animal.” This is the only time of the week, when it lines up with Meeting at 1 p.m. at the Pamlico Partnership year when this happens; your ruler Neptune, you will for Children office, 702-A Main St., Bayboro PAWS is an all-volunteer, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that relies and believe me - you feel it. feel confused and tired. It’s as if your direction • Arapahoe Charter School Board of Acknowledge your need for more rest by taking in life is unsure. Fear not because this will pass, Directors meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Arlington solely on donations. Find out more about us and how you can help at cat naps, getting to bed earlier or rising later. (especially if you drink a lot of water). In the Place Clubhouse Paradoxically, your mental energy is bright! Your bigger scheme of things, this is one of the most PamlicoPAWS.net ability to converse and communicate is excellent powerful times in your life because it’s a time of Monday, March 28 and energetic! (Go figure.) This week something harvest for you. You see what is working, and • Water Advisory Board Meeting at Oriental new and fresh will surprise you at work. It could you see what is not. Act on this. Cut your losses Town Hall at 1 p.m. To request assistance, call the PAWS “Help Line” at (252) 745-PAWS relate to a clever idea that you have or perhaps, and go with what works. You are stronger than • Pamlico County Historical Association the introduction of new technology or someone’s you think and you have more support than you meets at the Heritage Museum at 7 p.m. (7297) or email us at [email protected] suggestion about a better way of doing know. “Trust the Force, Luke.” Don’t hesitate something. Things continue to go in your favour to explore travel plans and opportunities in Email your meeting to frontdesk@thepamli- with lucky Jupiter in your sign. You are blessed! publishing, the media, medicine and the law. conews.com no later than noon Friday. Neighborhood 3 A WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2016 Celebrating GOP Hosts Lincoln Day Lunch Patti’s 80th! On Saturday February 13, The Pamlico County Republican Party held its annual Lincoln Day Lunch. The turnout was impres- A celebration for Patti sive with 97 attendees including several local Higginbottom’s 80th birth- and state candidates. day was attended by a host Land/Home Sales of family and friends in the Fellowship Hall of the Property Management Oriental United Methodist Appraisals Development Church. Those in attendance were able to meet all of Patti, Agent and her husband Jim’s, five children and 12 of their 15 grandchildren along with of the great-grandson Vernon Briggs. The evening was launched by a proclamation presented by Oriental Sarah Davis, Luncheon Chairman, Week Mayor Sally Belangia declaring February 26th “Patti Higginbottom Day”. extends a warm welcome to 97 attendees. The luncheon is a fund All were treated to a lovely buffet, gaiety and laughter as the family and raising event for the Pamlico County Nancy Elrick friends provided glimpses into Patti’s life. Republican Party. Attendees had the State Senator Norman Sanderson introduces the guest speaker for the opportunity to hear from several local Broker luncheon, Sheriff Chris Davis, who highlighted the department’s priori- and state candidates who will be on ties, the recent accomplishments of the office, and resulting positive the Republican Ballot for the March Stop Hunger Now- 2016 statistics. 15th Primary. Here’s what one of Nancy’s customers had to say... Over the past few years the Oriental community has come together Nancy made the process of finding a home enjoy- to support Stop Hunger Now. In less than two hours, the event packs able and easy. She understood my needs and enough food bags to serve 10,000 meals. This year’s event will be showed me a wide variety of properties in my price held at the Oriental United Methodist Church on Saturday, March 19, range. Because we were from out of state, Nancy starting at 9:30 a.m. and ending around noon. Your support is needed made the most of our short time in Oriental. by buying shares at $25/share, which is tax deductible, and/or volun- Lori, Vermont teering to help pack meals on Saturday morning. The Saturday morn- ing packing is a fun community effort. To buy a share, please make your check payable to Oriental UMC with Stop Hunger Now on the memo line. For more information call 252-249-0213 (OUMC Office) or 252-249-1361 (Allen Price) to show your support. Benefit Program Planned for Pamela Jones Give and it shall be given unto you…press down, shaken Commissioners Paul Delamar and Ken Heath honor Christine Mele for her long term, outstanding together, and running over!! contribution to the Pamlico County Commission and to the community. ARAPAHOE – Immaculate 3BR/2BA, screened porch overlooking Fairway #3 at Minnesott Golf There will be a benefit pro- It Happened in the Park to Open & CC, 9’ ceilings, granite kitchen counters, gram for Pamela Jones, who bamboo flooring, gas-log fireplace in living recently lost her mom and her room, gorgeous Sun Room, walk-in closets in home in a house fire in the There's this fishing village, you see, with bedrooms, 2nd floor rec room w/walk-in stor- Maribel Community. Everyone quaint shops and a lovely park that looks out age. Not in a flood zone. No HOA dues. over a majestic river. Folks gather at the park to is invited to come and lift the OFFERED AT $185,000 fish ... to picnic ... to worship ... to enjoy festi- name of Jesus through songs vals and celebrate special occasions. of praise! The Marshall Family Next month, a slice of the village comes to Gospel Singers will open the the Old Theater stage where you'll be enter- program. The Supreme Four tained by an evening chock-full of your favorite will perform the second half of the concert. The program tunes ... performed by your friends and neighbors. It's a happening you don't want to miss! will be held at St. Galilee There will be three performances: March 4 and 5 at 7:30 p.m. and Missionary Baptist Church on March 6 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $15 (member discount available), $12 for Saturday, February 27 at 5pm. students and active duty military with ID and are now on sale starting at For more information, you may contact Pastor Armandez Crawford or Nautical Wheelers or the theater box office on performance dates. Sister Bertha Smith. ORIENTAL – Cottage with unique feel and designer’s touch. Airy open and light filled floor plan makes the best use of all space in 3BR/2BA convenient to everything in Oriental. Hear Better. Live Better. Easy walk, bike or kayak to town. Extra-large yard and a garden bldg. Great rental investment opportunity or for full or part-time residence. Microchips: A New Kind of Hearing Aid Furnishings negotiable. OFFERED AT $198,000 Announcing a hearing breakthrough: a microchip that is so small it can fit on the head of a pin. Digital technology means that hearing aids are much smaller and less visible than older analogue devices. ORIENTAL – Lovely 3BR/2.5BA home in Do you feel left out of conversations? Oriental Plantation includes .48 acre lot, water access and deeded boat slip. Vaulted ceilings, Is it difficult to hear words in noisy spacious master bedroom, covered porches environments? and concrete patio. Gas log fireplace in family room, attached garage and FROG with ½ bath. Do others say that you listen to the OFFERED AT $260,000 TV or radio too loudly? Do you feel like a bother to others due to your problems hearing? If your answered YES, you may qualify for this new chip-in-the-ear! This revolutionary Chip actually mimics ORIENTAL – Exquisite 3BR/3.5BA Spinnaker the natural sound selection of the human ear. Point home on 1.2 acre corner lot, gorgeous With multi - core microprocessors technology landscaping & private setting. Deeded boat slip on Smith Creek a short walk away. Swimming used in the most advanced computers sounds are pool on spacious deck adjoins huge screened analyzed and classified each milli- second, controlling porch with custom enclosures that transforms to a sun room during winter. Spacious kitchen, noise and making speech clear. living room fireplace. OFFERED AT $299,900 Call now to see if you qualify to wear this revolutionary new microchip. Honesty Integrity and 28 Years of Experience Helping people with hearing loss… MERRITT – Waterfront Paradise at an incred- ible value. Custom built 3BR/3.5BA on 1.66 acres in Silver Acres community, on a cul-de- sac and on protected water, just 15 minutes to ICW and Neuse River. Great fishing, concrete “We will beat any competitor’s price on exact manufactures and models. dock with 2 lifts, workshop and office! OFFERED AT $395,000 We can save you hundreds and maybe even thousands!” See all Listings & Visual Tours at We service all makes and models of hearing aids, Free! www.orientalncwaterfront.com 1-800-347-8246 Helping Peo ple 252-249-1014 Or contact Allen Propst Hear 252-671-4644 www.affordablehearingnc.com 704 Broad St • PO Box 750 14184 Hwy 55 East, Bayboro 252-745-3400 Oriental, NC 28571 1427 S. Glenburnie Road, New Bern 252-636-2300 | 229 Professional Circle, Morehead City 252-222-4327 Local News 4 A WEDNEsDay, FEBRUaRy 24, 2016 Oysters Continued from page 1 Combining The Chiropractic Adjustment with Active Release (ART) Soft Tissue Treatment for Optimal Results 252-745-0334 13550 Hwy 55 East, Alliance, NC 28509 www.axelsonchiropractic.com Just like home. Only better. Whitney Griffin, PCC work study student and scholarship recipient, is thankful for the PCC Foundation and generous supporters like you. an option until now. Before the family moved to be taken away. In return, it is a gift that will even- NC, Griffin started looking into colleges in the tually help Pamlico County and the surrounding area. “Once I called Pamlico Community College areas because many of our students want to stay and spoke with the staff there, I knew it was the in the area and work after graduation, like Griffin. place for me.” Griffin says. “I was just worried “I hope this opportunity remains for other about the cost.” students. To be awarded a scholarship and know After talking with PCC’s student services, someone believes in your future really mat- Griffin decided to apply. “They helped me ters,” Griffin says. With the continued support through the application process and helped me of the PCC Foundation and the community’s find scholarship options that I would have never participation and contributions at events like The Call 252-624-0882 today to schedule known about,” she says. “Truly, the scholarships I Sixth Annual Great Oyster Revival, Pamlico a personal visit and complimentary meal! received through the college are the only reason I Community College students will continue to be was able to continue on with my education.” given opportunities. WelcometoHoliday.Welcomehome. After graduation, Griffin plans to continue her If you would like to eat bottomless oysters and ©2015HARVESTMANAGEMENTSUBLLC,HOLIDAYALMANAGEMENTSUBLLC,HOLIDAYALNICMANAGEMENTLLC education at East Carolina University. She hopes chili while changing a life, then you should attend At Courtyards at BerneVillage,we take care of life’s to one day teach kindergarten in Pamlico County. the Pamlico Community College Foundation’s daily details so you can focus on what matters most. “It feels great to know that I am finally so close Sixth Annual Great Oyster Revival this Saturday, to achieving my dream, and I have the Pamlico February 27 from 3-5pm at PCC’s Grantsboro Our residents enjoy: College Foundation and other PCC supporters to location. To purchase tickets, please contact • Allinclusive,ground-level,brickvilla apartments thank.” Brandi McCullough at 252-249-1851 x 3010 or • Freshlyprepared mealsdaily The Pamlico Community College Foundation visit the PCC’s Bookstore Nautical Wheelers, has partnered with over 300 individuals and Bayboro Pharmacy, and the PC Chamber of • Housekeeping and maintenance services businesses to help give PCC students the gift of Commerce. As always, tickets can be purchased • Scheduledtransportation education. It is a gift that once given, can never the day of at the door. • Plannedrecreationandsocialactivities • Independentliving apartments Courtyardsat BerneVillage SeniorLiving 2701AmhurstBoulevard,NewBern,NC28562 252-624-0882 | courtyardsbernevillage.com Conference Run Ends for Boys, Lady Canes Shooting for Championship Title The Pamlico County Boys basketball trounced Pamlico’s Girls Basketball Team continues to the Lejeune Devil Pups during last Tuesday’s dominate the conference. They beat the Lejeune home conference tournament game against beat- Devil Pups by a score of 58-27 in a neutral ing them by a score of 65-32. On Thursday the conference tournament game last Wednesday at Hurricanes went on to beat the Jones Senior home. Congratulations to Laichelle Sparrow for Trojans by just one point on their own turf for a being selected Player of the Game. The Senior final score of 63-62. In another close game, the Center scored 17 points for The Lady Canes. Canes suffered a disappointing loss on Friday On Friday, the girls continued to dominate on night losing to host, the East Carteret Mariners the court beating the East Carteret Mariners in by a score of 58-56. Despite big contributions Beaufort by a score of 48-25. Congratulations to by Daquan Dudley with 23 points and Jawaan Senior Point Guard, Briana Jones. She contrib- Coffey with 17, the Hurricanes could not eke out uted 15 points and was selected as Player of the a win, making this their final tournament game. Game.The girls, undefeated in the playoffs with The loss leaves the Hurricanes with a 15-12 a 12-0 record, continue to lead in the Coastal overall record and 8-4 in the conference. Plains 1 A Conference. Volunteer Yolanda Cristiani leads Heartworks’ students in learning Kids Zumba moves Kids Zumba Introduced at Heartworks Community Volunteer, Yolanda Christiani, has introduced Youth Zumba to the students at st Heartworks 21 Century Community Learning Center’s Afterschool Program in Bayboro. “Ms. Yolanda”, as the children affectionately call her, leads two sessions of ‘Kids Zumba” each week. One for students in grades K-2 and another for students 3-8. Zumba is a combination of dance and exercise movements done to lively music. Ms. Cristiani participated in a special training course to be able to offer the “Kids Zumba” at Heartworks. Enrichment activities like Zumba, Go Far Running and Organic Gardening are offered to the Heartworks kids as an exciting means to fitness and good nutrition. “On fair weather days when the Zumba music is blasting outside it is hard to keep all the children from joining in. It is the wonderful volunteers like Ms. Cristiani that keep our program fresh and fun,” said Heartworks Prgram Director, Cathy Cox. Your communitY newspaper The eEdition of The Pamlico News is available on your computer, notepad. Great Reporting • Local Columns • Stories You Care About • Community News At Its Best! Call 252-249-1555 to subscribe today. Giving Back 5 A WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2016 State Legislative Candidates Visit Schools Vote for Angie Propst in the Primary th On February 16 , Tuesday, March 15, 2016 candidate for NC Senate, Ms. Dorothea White, and candidate for NC House of Representatives, Ms. Here is what some of Angie’s supporters have to say…. Marva Fisher Baldwin, visited Pamlico County I have had the pleasure of personally I have known Angie for many years. I Schools as participants knowing Angie for over five years. It first made her acquaintance when our in the “Teacher for a would be very difficult to post all of the kids attended the Arapahoe Charter Day” program. “Teacher for a Day” was imple- positive aspects of this dynamic woman School. She has always had a passion for mented by the North but a few clearly come to mind: Dedicat- being involved and helping with school Carolina School Boards ed, Professional, Caring, Open, Deter- activities and endeavors. I think Angie Association in order to mined, Sympathetic and Straight For- will be a great asset for the County. She provide candidates and ward. Having served in law enforcement is a very responsible and approachable current legislators with the opportunity to learn for over 30 years and dealt with govern- person, the kind of person that will be about the challenges that ment as a Chief Officer, I can positively hands-on and involved. She will take her teachers face in today’s support Angie for Pamlico County! job very seriously and do her very best classrooms. S Creamer for Pamlico County. Go Angie!!! Ms. White chose to Elsa B. Schmidt visit business and his- tory classes at Pamlico County High School. Ms. Marva Fisher Baldwin, candidate for NC Senate, begins the lesson in Mrs. Martha Ann Harper’s Ms. White said that Language Arts class. when she received the Angie Propst invitation from Ms. Jackson and Pamlico Board of Education Chairman, John Prescott, she was happy to accept as “it [being in a classroom] was always something I wanted to do.” Ms. White said that she chose business classes because she majored in business in college so felt she would be Pamlico County comfortable with the course material. She said she chose to visit history classes because history has always been a subject she loves. Commissioner th Ms. Baldwin visited Mrs. Martha Ann Harper’s 8 grade Language Arts class at Pamlico County Middle School. Ms. Baldwin said that she wanted to participate in the “Teacher for a Day” program because it’s a “major focus of what I hope to do in the General Assembly – support public education. VISION I want to get into this by listening to students and staff who have a voice that needs to be heard. It is important for a legislator to be among the students. We can’t forget that young people have a voice EXPERIENCE and that what they say is worth listening to.” Ms. Baldwin chose to visit the middle school because it was a place she felt comfortable as she had taught there for several years. & INTEgRITy “I want to ensure our county is a place where businesses thrive and families enjoy the unique life found only in Eastern Carolina.” Angie Paid for by the Committee to Elect Angie Propst BIG FEBRUARY SAVINGS! Ms. Dorothea White (background) assists Mrs. Jammie Tyndall, PCHS Ms. Dorothea White introduces herself to Mr. Joshua Gaskill’s AP US Business teacher, with a computer science lesson. Student Sharon Jacome History class. (foreground) is paying close attention. A Helping Hand for HeartWorks NOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 29 SALE 599 Gal. Ace Weed & Grass Killer 7105141 SALE $8.99 -$3 You599 Pay Qt. GroundClear® Complete Vegetation Killer Concentrate Makes one gallon. 71382 Limit 2 at this price. YOUR CHOICE SALE 999 10% Ace Yard & Garden Tools 70018, 70024, 70093, 71752 off ALL HEATERS & HUMIDIFIERS * Ace Rewards card Instant Savings (“Instant Savings”) amount is available as mail-in savings for non-Ace Rewards members (see store for details). Where applicable by law, tax is charged on the sale price before application of Instant Savings or mail-in savings. You must present Ace Rewards card to receive Instant Savings in store. You cannot redeem Instant Savings and mail-in savings on the same purchase. Instant Savings (or mail-in savings for non-Ace Rewards members) listed in this advertisement are valid through 2/29/16, at participating stores. The best tools Apply Today! for saving money.® Visit www.acerewardsvisa.com/ar93192 Visit acehardware.com for store or see your local participating services, hours, directions and more... Ace Rewards retailer for more details. TUh.Se. Bcraendki tNora taionnda ils Asusesor coifa tthioen A, pcuer sRueawnat rtdos a V liiscae nCsaer dfr iosm FUISN DO N: Oriental Rotary Club, with the help Forrest Farm Supplies’ heavy equipment, finished the Rotary Visa U.S.A. Inc. and the card is available to United States residents only. Prices good through February 29, 2016. HeartWorks project. The project was accomplished through the use of Rotary District Grant money and the labor of Oriental Rotary members. The project will provide shade for the children using the Pamlico Home Builders HeartWorks playground in the hot summer months. (Photo by Tony Santore) Second Graders Treated to Live Theater & suPPlies, inc. Children's Theater Workshop was proud to have an acting troupe from TheatreWorks Hwy 55, Alliance • (252) 745-4111 USA, out of NYC, visit Oriental on Tuesday, Hours: Mon. – Fri. 7:30 am to 5:30 pm • Sat. 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Feb 16th. They presented with a wonder- ful production of "Miss Nelson is Missing". Due to physical size, merchandising policies and manufacturer’s shortages, some stores may be unable All second grade classes in Pamlico County to stock all items shown. However most items can be ordered by your Ace dealer and “Rain Check” can (including Pamlico Primary, Pamlico Christian be issued assuring you of the sale price featured. Not responsible for printing errors. Academy, and Arapahoe Charter School) were invited to The Old Theater where they enjoyed the performance. For many students, this was the first viewing of a live show and the first time in an active theater. There were 5% approximately 250 students and 50 adults in attendance. The professional troupe, which consisted of 5 actors and one stage manager, brought in and set up back drops and props on Monday eve- Off ning, then presented a morning and afternoon Cigars show on Tuesday. After the last performance, they packed up and headed back to NYC. Special thanks goes out to our Children's Party Supplies Theater Workshop Board of Directors and Your The Old Theater, especially Carl Baxley, Dick Excellent Value Flaherty, and Tom Cochran. How fortunate we are to be in a community that cares about the chil- dren's exposure to the arts! Best Wine Purchase Prices in Town! of Open to the Public KEGS We look forward to serving you! 1201 Broad St., New Bern, NC 28560 (252) 638-1822 With This Coupon www.armstronggrocery.com Includes all domestics & most Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mon. – Fri. imports. Cannot be used with any 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday other discount or coupon. Closed Sunday Legals 6 A WEDNEsDay, FEBRUaRy 24, 2016 NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL Estate of Frederick W. Fisher NC Superintendent of Public Instruction an absentee ballot must be made on a State Take Notice that a pleading seeking relief Bernard B. Hollowell, Jr. COURT OF JUSTICE Karen Mattocks, Executrix NC Treasurer Board of Elections Absentee Request Form, against you has been filed in the above-entitled HOLLOWELL & HOLLOWELL PAMLICO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT c/o Sara L. Delamar, Attorney Pamlico County Commissioner District 5 available at the County Board of Elections action. The nature of the relief sought is P.O. Box 218 DIVISION Delamar & Delamar, PLLC Pamlico County Board of Education Districts office and at all one-stop early voting sites, absolute divorce. Bayboro, NC 28515 15 E 171 408 Main Street 1, 2, 3 and 5 and received in the Pamlico Board of Elections You are required to make defense to such NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF P.O. Box 411 Connect NC Public Improvement Bond office or any one-stop early voting site by 5:00 pleading not later than March 23rd, 2016. Upon Publish: February 24th, March 2, 9, 16th 2016 CARL WAYNE JOHNSON Bayboro, N.C. 28515 p.m. on March 8, 2016. Completed absentee your failure to do so the party seeking service Most voters will be asked to present acceptable ballots must be returned to the Pamlico Board against you will apply to the court for the relief Having qualified as Co-Executors of the (For Publication: 2/3/2016, photo identification when presenting to vote in of Elections by 5:00 p.m. on March 15, 2016. sought. NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL Estate of CARL WAYNE JOHNSON, late of 02/10/2016, 02/17/2016, 02/24/2016) person at the polls, with exceptions for voters COURT OF JUSTICE Oriental, Pamlico County, North Carolina, the who are unable to obtain acceptable photo Absentee Meeting will be held at the Pamlico This the 10th day of February, 2016. PAMLICO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT undersigned do hereby notify all persons, identification, have a religious objection to Board of Elections office at 2:00pm on Febru- DIVISION firms and corporations having claims against NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL being photographed, or are victims of a natural ary 23, March 1, March 8 and March 15, 2016. Steven E. Lacy NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF the estate of said decedent to exhibit them COURT OF JUSTICE disaster. The acceptable forms of photo Attorney for Plaintiff MILLICENT D. BOTWAY to the undersigned at Carlee Sears Johnson, PAMLICO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT identification are a NC Driver’s License or All residents of Pamlico County who are P.O. Box 156 File No.: 16 E 35 P.O. Box 782, Oriental, NC 28571 or Saundra DIVISION DMV-issued Identification Card (expired up to registered to vote with the Pamlico Board of Bayboro, N.C. 28515 Johnson Clark, 5902 Sea View Drive, Oriental, 16E 15 four years), US Passport or Passport Card (un- Elections may vote in this election. Voters who All persons, firms and corporations having NC 28571, Co-Executors on or before the 11th NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF expired), Military ID Card or Veterans Affairs ID are previously registered need not re-register claims against MILLICENT D. BOTWAY, de- day of May, 2016, or this notice will be pleaded MARILYN K. RYEN Card (unexpired, if there is an expiration date), for this election. THOSE VOTERS WHO ARE NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL ceased, are notified to exhibit them to PAUL R. in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and certain Tribal Enrollment Cards. VOTERS REGISTERED UNAFFILIATED MAY VOTE IN COURT OF JUSTICE DORF, Administrator of the Estate, on or before and corporations indebted to the said estate Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of WHO ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN ONE OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION. Unaffiliated voters PAMLICO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT MAY 24TH, 2016, at the address listed below will please make immediate payment to the MARILYN K. RYEN late of Oriental, Pamlico THESE FORMS OF IDENTIFICATION MAY will be given a choice of ballot at the polling DIVISION or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of undersigned. County, North Carolina, the undersigned does STILL VOTE IF THEIR INABILITY IS DUE TO places. Those residents of Pamlico County NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF the decedent are asked to make immediate hereby notify all persons, firms and corpora- A REASONABLE IMPEDIMENT such as a lost who are not registered to vote must register on JANE H. L’HOMMEDIEU payment to the above-named Administrator. This 3rd day of February, 2016 tions having claims against the estate of said or stolen ID, lack of transportation, illness or or before Friday, February 19, 2016 in order to File No.: 16 E 32 decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at disability, a lack of proper documents, work be eligible to vote on Election Day. Those vot- This 24th day of FEBRUARY, 2016. Saundra Johnson Clark, Co-Executor Margaret D. Fauci, 3536 Dipper Court, Punta schedule, and others. These voters may vote ers who are not registered by Friday, February All persons, firms and corporations having 5902 Sea View Drive Gorda, FL 33950, on or before the 18th day of a provisional ballot after completing a Reason- 19, 2016 may register and vote during one stop claims against JANE H. L’HOMMEDIEU, de- Paul R. Dorf, Administrator/Executor Oriental, NC 28571 May, 2016, or this notice will be pleaded in bar able Impediment Declaration and providing an early voting only, and will be required to provide ceased, are notified to exhibit them to AMY J. 39 Lilline Lane of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpo- alternate form of identification or the last four documentation of their identity and residence. MURPHY, Executor of the Estate, on or before Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Carlee Sears Johnson, Co-Executor rations indebted to the said estate will please digits of their social security number and their Voters who wish to change their party affiliation MAY 17TH, 2016, at the address listed below P.O. Box 782 make immediate payment to the undersigned. date of birth. Acceptable alternate forms of or who have changed their name or address or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of Publish February 24, March 2, 9, and 16, 2016. Oriental, NC 28571 identification for voters who complete a Rea- must notify the Board of Elections in writing by the decedent are asked to make immediate This 10th day of February, 2016 sonable Impediment Declaration include their February 19, 2016. Voters who fail to notify the payment to the above-named Administrator. Publish: February 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 2016 voter registration card or a current utility bill, Board of Elections of a change to their name Notice to Creditors: Margaret D. Fauci, Executor paycheck, government check, bank statement, or address must update their information when This 17th day of FEBRUARY, 2016. Estate of Susan E. Bennett, Bernard B. Hollowell, Jr. Gregory T. Peacock Estate of Marilyn K. Ryen or other government document bearing the presenting to vote, and may be required to vote File No. 15E36 HOLLOWELL & HOLLOWELL Ward and 3536 Dipper Court voter’s name and current address. Alternative a provisional ballot. Amy J. Murphy, Executor Smith, PA Punta Gorda, FL 33950 voting options are available for voters who do PO Box 314 Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate P.O. Box 218 P.O. not present acceptable photo identification for a Voters who require assistance with casting their Alliance, NC 28509 of Susan E. Bennett late of 1403 NC Hwy 306 Box 867 Publish: February 10, 17, 24 and March 2nd, reason other than a reasonable impediment to ballot are entitled to assistance by an appropri- North, Grantsboro, Pamlico County, North Bayboro, NC 28515 2016 obtaining one. Voters who use curbside voting ate person of their choice or an election official. Publish February 17, 24, March 2, and 9 2016. Carolina 28529, the undersigned does hereby New Bern, NC 28563-0867 may also present one of the alternative forms Registration facilities and polling places are notify all persons, firms and corporations hav- HOLLOWELL & HOLLOWELL of identification described above. No identifica- accessible to the elderly and handicapped. ing claims against the estate of said decedent P.O. Box 218 tion is required to vote an absentee ballot by Curbside voting is available for voters who are NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL to exhibit them to the undersigned at 408 Main Notice to Creditors: Bayboro, NC 28515 mail. Free Identification Cards for registered not physically able to enter the polling place. COURT OF JUSTICE Street, P.O. Box 411, Bayboro, North Carolina Estate of Frederick W. Fisher, voters are available from the NC DMV. For PAMLICO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 28515, on or before the 24th day of May, 2016, File No. 15 E 186 assistance with obtaining acceptable photo Persons with questions about registration, loca- DIVISION or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION identification for voting or for more information tion of polling places, absentee ballots, early 15 E 160 All persons, firms and corporations indebted Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of PAMLICO COUNTY, on exceptions and alternative voting options, voting at One-Stop locations or other election NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF to the said estate will please make immediate Frederick W. Fisher, late of 350 Fisher Road, NORTH CAROLINA contact the NC State Board of Elections voter matters may call the Pamlico County Board RUBY M. SMITH payment to the undersigned. Pamlico County, Merritt, North Carolina, 28556, outreach team toll-free at 1-866-522-4723 or of Elections Office at 252-745-4821 Monday the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, A primary election will be held on March 15, visit www.VoterID.nc.gov. thru Friday. Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate This the 24th day of February, 2016. firms and corporations having claims against 2016 in PAMLICO COUNTY to vote on the of RUBY M. SMITH, late of Bayboro, Pamlico the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to candidates for the offices of: Polls will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Jennifer G. Roe, Chairman County, North Carolina, the undersigned does Carolyn L. Bennett, Administrator the undersigned at 408 Main Street, P.O. Box on Election Day. One-stop early voting will Pamlico County Board of Elections hereby notify all persons, firms and corpora- Estate of Susan E. Bennett 411, Bayboro, North Carolina 28515, on or US President be held at the PAMLICO Board of Elections tions having claims against the estate of said before the 3rd day of May, 2016, or this notice US Senate office beginning Thursday, March 3, 2016 at decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned Carolyn L. Bennett, Administrator will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, US House of Representatives District 3 8:00 a.m. and ending at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY at Hollowell and Hollowell, P.O. Box 218, c/o Sara L. Delamar firms and corporations indebted to the said NC Governor March 12, 2016. One-stop early voting hours PUBLICATION Bayboro, NC 28515 on or before the 1st of Delamar & Delamar, PLLC estate will please make immediate payment to NC Lt. Governor are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm and STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA – CRAVEN June, 2016, or this notice will be pleaded in bar 408 Main Street the undersigned. NC Attorney General Saturday March 12, 2016 8:00am – 1:00pm. COUNTY of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpo- P.O. Box 411 NC Commissioner of Agriculture Canvass Day will be held in the Pamlico In the Civil District Court rations indebted to the said estate will please Bayboro, N.C. 28515 This the 3rd day of February, 2016. NC Commissioner of Insurance Board of Elections office on March 22, 2016 make immediate payment to the undersigned. NC Commissioner of Labor at 11:00am. Lashaun C. Nobles vs. Robin Nobles This 24th day of February, 2016 (For Publication: 02/24/16, Karen Mattocks, Executrix NC Secretary of State Absentee ballots are allowed. Requests for To: Robin Nobles 03/02/2016, 03/09/2016, 03/16/2016) Robinson A N D Stith I N S U R A N C E www.newberninsurance.com HOME – BUSINESS Delamar & Delamar, PLLC LIFE – HEALTH Attorneys at law FLOOD – AUTO BOATS – BONDS Sara Delamar Residential, Commercial Real Estate LOW RATES & Small business incorporation, set-up Estate Planning GREAT SERVICE Paul Delamar CALL US AT 252-633-1174 Criminal Defense. Traffic Citations Domestic Law, Estate Administration 513 Pollock Street, New Bern 408 Main Street • Bayboro Complete Insurance Since 1905 252-745-3222 • Fax 252-745-7477 • M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm Advertise Here… Place a 3x5 color ad in The Pamlico Newspaper and get a banner ad on our web site linked to your web site or to your ad. FREE 800 Broad St., Oriental 252-249-1555 www.thepamliconews.com WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2016 – The Pamlico News – A7 PCC Small Business Center Financial Summit “FINANCIAL ISSUES? HAVE TOO MUCH DEBT? STRUGGLING TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS? LEARN HOW TO MANAGE YOUR CASH FLOW, UNDERSTAND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, REDUCE DEBT, AND INCREASE YOUR CREDIT SCORE!!” Sandy Johnson-Clark, SBC Director Friday March 4th and Saturday March 5th 2016 LOCATION: Bayboro Center, 701 Main St., Bayboro, NC; COST: FREE Business Bookkeeping – Guest Presenter Don Clark The Business Bookkeeping Seminar will help you manage your business's financial records and legal records so that you can evaluate your operations to insure success. We will discuss the types of legal and tax records that must be kept, the methods of accounting and the 5 principles of Business Bookkeeping. (Friday, March 4, 3-5pm) Excel for Business – Guest Presenter Don Clark One of our most popular seminars. This seminar informs the business owner on the many uses of EXCEL business software. From inventory to payroll and beyond, this seminar informs the business owner on how to use EXCEL simply. It also helps them in the "how-to" of making a formula. It provides information on the many free templates available for starting and running a business. (Friday, March 4, 6-8pm) Business Financial Statements – Guest Presenter Don Clark Understanding Business Financial Statements is essential to a successful business. Business owners will learn what financial information is captured in each of the different statements. The Balance Sheet, Income and Expense Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Profit and Loss Statement, etc. are discussed. Working hand outs help the attendee grasp the basics of these reports. (Saturday, March 5, 10am to 12noon) Business Owners, Be Free from Debt’s Hold! – Guest Presenter Bob Moore Bring a list of your debts with balances and monthly payments and learn how to develop your own debt elimination plan that can be implemented immediately into your lifestyle. Bring a calculator! (Saturday, March 5, 1–3pm) How to Increase Your Credit Score to Over 740 Points! – Guest Presenter Bob Moore Should you have one credit card or four? Should you pay off your balances every month or carry a balance? Should you carry a credit card even though you have not used it in years? (Saturday, March 5, 3-5pm) Register at www.pamlicocc.edu/sbc 252-745-7348 & 252-571-2243 Pamlico Community College Small Business Center 705 Main St. Bayboro, NC 28515 Commentary 8 A WEDNEsDay, FEBRUaRy 24, 2016 Anyone Interested in the Comforter Business? I know many of you have break or on the way to picking up junior at baseball practice. Need a gift? Think Local! seen the Made in America fea- Even when most of us are forced to take the time to do what I call ture running on ABC news for Buy a piece of local artwork and purchase gift certificates from local res- “a big shop,” I personally find myself with so much to do that I’m Maureen Donald some time now. For a long time, taurants, salons and small businesses for gifts. How about giving someone running from store to store just trying to make sure I’ve got it all. The Editor’s Desk we’ve been saying the same a certificate to get their car detailed, a tune-up, their lawn mowed or a gift Add to this the honest desire to buy made in America as much things I imagine are being said of locally-made jewelry or pottery. And don’t forget our local arts - how as possible and we now add the task of checking tags, etc. I’m not in households throughout the country – what a great idea! about tickets to the Old Theater or Pamlico Musical Society events? even going to get into “assembled in America” - so much for being The feature, now a bit more spare but still running, brought to the in a hurry. national stage the desire to buy things made in America and from all my first point: if we can't even buy our own flag made in America, I set out recently on “a big shop” and found out just how difficult accounts, is still being well received. how realistic is the expectation that we can buy other items bearing this is. One of the items on my list was a comforter and I was bound For the last year or so my husband and I have been on a quest to that label? and determined (just where did that idiom come from?) to buy one find products that say Made in America. It's become a bit of a pas- I’ve decided to bring the issue to the community level – not made in America. Keeping in mind that I have a ton of other stuff to sion. It irks us to no end that there's hardly ever a Made in America something I normally do when an issue has been on the network do, this not only proved time-consuming, it proved impossible. label attached, even on many of our packaged foods. You can imag- news for over a week garnering a wide audience, but the more I After checking four stores I couldn’t find a comforter made in ine our reaction when picking up an American flag on one of our thought about it, the more I realized the need to keep the issue in America – actually I couldn’t find one not made in China. I gave up shopping expeditions that said Made in China. the spotlight. It is the job of community newspapers to bring nation- and returned home sans a new comforter. That isn't all. All military personnel wear a United States flag al issues to the grassroots level, to bring them home, so to speak. Obviously this isn’t easy. I still haven’t found a comforter made emblem on their uniforms. We’ve learned that the U.S. government I have no doubt that the vast majority of American consumers in America. no longer buys those from American companies. They purchase would like to purchase goods made in America, but just how easy I’ll keep looking. those emblems from a company in China. U.S. military personnel is it to do right here in our backyard. And how often do we have the Bottom line is the call is out for people to "Buy American.'' If bearing the Stars and Stripes on their sleeves, made in China. Here's time to think about it when we’re running to the store during lunch only we could. Making Sense of Investing How Should You Respond to Market “Correction” Dan M. Roberts, IV As an investor, you may become aware of the need to periodically review and rebalance So, to avoid being forced into selling, you need to be prepared. Financial Advisor be gaining familiarity with your portfolio. Stocks, and investments containing stocks, often During your retirement years, try to keep at least a year’s worth the term “market correc- perform well before a correction. If their price has risen greatly, of cash instruments on hand as well as short-term fixed income tion.” But what does it mean? And, more impor- they may account for a greater percentage of the total value of investments. By having this money to draw on, you may be able tantly, what does it mean to you? your portfolio – so much so, in fact, that you might become “over- to leave your stocks alone and give them a chance to recover, A correction occurs when a key index, weighted” in stocks, relative to your goals, risk tolerance and time post-correction. such as the S&P 500, declines at least 10% from its previous high. horizon. That’s why it’s important for you to proactively rebalance And it’s important to maintain a reasonable percentage of A correction, by definition, is short-term in nature and has histori- your portfolio – or, during a correction, the market may do it for stocks, and stock-based vehicles, in your portfolio, even during cally happened fairly regularly – about once a year. However, over you. To cite one aspect of rebalancing, if your portfolio ever does retirement – because these investments may provide the growth the past several years, we’ve experienced fewer corrections, so become too “stock-heavy,” you may need to add some bonds or necessary to help keep you ahead of inflation. Consequently, as a when we have one now, it seems particularly jarring to investors. other fixed-rate vehicles. Not only can these investments help retiree, you should have a balance of stocks and stock-based vehi- How should you respond to a market correction? The answer keep your portfolio in balance, but they also may hold up better cles, along with fixed-income vehicles, such as bonds, certificates may depend, to some extent, on your stage of life. during a correction. of deposit, government securities and so on. • If you’re still working … If you are in the early or middle • If you’re retired … After you retire, you may need to take Being prepared can help you get through a correction – no mat- parts of your working life, you might not have to concern your- money from your investment accounts – that is, sell some invest- ter where you are on life’s journey. self much about a market correction because you have decades to ments – to help pay for your cost of living. Ideally, however, This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local overcome a short-term downturn. Instead of selling stocks, and you don’t want to sell stocks, or stock-based vehicles, during a Edward Jones Financial Advisor. stock-based investments, to supposedly “cut your losses,” you correction – because when you do, you may be “selling low.” This information is offered for broad, informational purposes may find that now is a good time to buy more shares of quality (Remember the most common rule of investing: Buy low and only. Edward Jones does not employ financial aid experts or give companies, when their price is down. sell high. It’s not always easy to follow, but it’s still pretty good financial aid advice. This is a highly specialized field, and specific Also, you may want to use the opportunity of a correction to advice.) questions should be directed to a qualified financial aid officer. North Carolina Consumers Get $259,000 in Refunds RALEIGH - 231 North Carolina ing those sold by SmartBuy, an electronics retailer that charged all related negative items related from military consumers’ credit military service members who thousands of military personnel inflated prices. SmartBuy oper- reports and consumers were allowed to keep the merchandise were caught in an electronics ated a chain of retail stores in shopping malls near military bases they purchased. The agreement also liquidated Rome Finance and Attorney financing scam with Rome Finance around the country, including locations near Fort Bragg and Camp banned Colfax, Culver, and two of their owners, Ronald Wilson General have gotten $259,000 of their Lejeune. and William Collins, from the consumer lending business. Roy Cooper money back, Attorney General Roy Sales personnel allegedly targeted military consumers, including Help for military consumers Cooper said today. many who were young or learning how to manage a salary for the Cooper’s Consumer Protection Division fights unfair business “Our military men and women deserve a fair deal when they first time, and tricked them into paying two to three times what practices like scams and frauds and bad business deals. Military spend their money,” Cooper said. “Unscrupulous businesses that the computers and other electronics were really worth. Rome, personnel and their family members who experience problems try to rip off military families aren’t welcome in North Carolina.” Colfax or Culver financing representatives allegedly used con- are encouraged to file a consumer complaint with the Attorney Refund checks worth approximately $1,120 each were mailed to fusing paperwork and pushy sales tactics to rope consumers into General’s Office by calling 1-877-5-NO-SCAM toll-free within 231 eligible consumers in North Carolina on December 15, 2015 excessive financing agreements with interest rates upwards of 200 North Carolina or filling out the complaint form at ncdoj.gov. as part of a 2014 settlement that Cooper’s office reached with percent, far in excess of North Carolina lending laws. Customers “Servicemembers keep us safe and contribute enormously to Rome Finance, which also operated as Colfax Capital Corporation were left with bad credit and mountains of debt. North Carolina’s economy,” Cooper said. “My office is here to and Culver Capital, LLC. The cash refunds are in addition to Consumer relief protect military consumers from scams and help them when they approximately $6.8 million in debt forgiveness for more than Across the world, the settlement resulted in nearly $92 million encounter problems.” 1,300 North Carolina servicemembers. in debts forgiven for approximately 17,000 U.S. military service- Cooper’s office has also put together a guide for military con- The companies financed debts for military consumers who pur- members, including around $6.8 million owed by 1,328 North sumers, available at ncdoj.gov/military and distributed to military chased computers, gaming systems and other electronics, includ- Carolina servicemembers. The defendants were required to clear installations statewide. Letters to the Editor The Pamlico News Responding to Political Ad a very optimistic person and have never given up hope that our economy would one day recover and I would be able to catch I am writing in response to an ad that appeared in the Pamlico up on my taxes a little quicker. I thought at one time that I could News on Tuesday February 16. First, let me apologize that this handle all my tax issues myself but found the tax code to be type of mud slinging politics has made its way into Pamlico very confusing. I have hired a very experienced CPA and all USPS 782-460 Published 51 times a year County. I never in my life thought that I would have to put my these issues are being handled. 800 Broad St., Oriental, NC 28571 and my family’s hardships out on public display due to county I have not shared these details for pity or sympathy. My fam- (252)249-1555 (252) 249 0857, fax politics. ily and I believe that there are people and families that have www.thepamliconews.com Unfortunately the story is not as simple as just being late or faced much worse over the past few years than we have. We not paying taxes. It’s a story that due to a collapsing economy, consider ourselves blessed to have even kept our home. Sandy Winfrey, Publisher many of us had to make some very tough choices. I felt like my I would also like to say thank you to the many people who business could withstand most anything but the collapse of the have called and stopped by to voice their support since the ad Press Releases, Events, economy was like a rug being pulled out from under me. One was placed. News: [email protected] minute you are standing and the next you are lying flat on your I’ve always believed that my job as a person and county com- Advertising: [email protected] back wondering how to pay your taxes, your light bill, how to missioner is to support and build people up. There is no posi- Billing Inquiries: [email protected] buy groceries to feed your family, how to pay for gas to even try tion in life that will cause me to try and tear a person or family to do a job and how to pay the mortgage to avoid foreclosure. down. That is a Promise. That’s exactly the choices we were left with. My house was in Managing Editor: Maureen Donald foreclosure and has been a couple other times since then and I Sincerely, Office Manager: Jeannine Russo made the best decisions I could for my family at the time. I’m Ken Heath Staff Reporter: Deborah Dickinson Correspondent: Sherri Hollister Deaths Production Manager: Joe Miller Graphic Artist: Josh Wilkinson Distribution: Neal McCraw OBITUARY FOR VERNON LELAND BOUNDS University of Chicago. Vernon Leland (Lee) Bounds, former com- Bounds moved to Chapel Hill with his family to become assistant Letters to the Editor missioner of the North Carolina Department director of the Institute of Government at the University of North Readers are invited to submit letters for publication. Please keep them to of Correction and a longtime educator and Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was a professor of public law and gov- under 400 words. You must include your address and daytime phone number public servant of the state, died at age 97 on ernment at the Institute from 1952 to 1965 and helped draft many How to do it: Please email your letters to [email protected]. If you Feb. 10 in his Chapel Hill, North Carolina of the criminal correction laws enacted by the state legislature in the cannot email, please mail your letters to P.O. Box 510, home. 1950s. Oriental, NC 28571, During his distinguished career, Bounds Bounds was appointed commissioner of the North Carolina or drop them off at our office, led and instituted substantial reforms within Department of Correction in 1965 and held this role until 1973. 800 Broad St. in Oriental. the correction system while working for Afterward, he served as the William Rand Kenan Jr. professor of Birth Announcements and Cards of Thanks are free up to North Carolina governors on both sides public law and administration at UNC-Chapel Hill until 1986 when 15 lines, approximately 75 words. of the political aisle, including Daniel K. he retired. A Margaret and Paul A. Johnston distinguished professor- Wedding, Engagements and Anniversaries are free Moore, Robert W. Scott, James Holshouser ship was named for V. Lee Bounds in the disciplines of Physics and when using our form. Jr., and James G. Martin. Bounds, a Democrat, was a staunch advo- Astronomy at UNC’s College of Arts & Sciences. Add a photo for $24. Call, visit our website (www.thepamliconews.com) cate for the rehabilitation of criminals, and after putting down a riot Upon retiring, Bounds split his time between Chapel Hill and or stop by office for forms. that lasted more than 13 hours at Central Prison in Raleigh on April Oriental, North Carolina where his family gathered for sailing and 17, 1968, he proposed new correctional programs to help prevent other recreation. However, in 1992, Bounds briefly left retirement How to Subscribe to The Pamlico News future insurrections. after receiving a call from Governor Martin to join his cabinet Born Oct. 13, 1918 in Salisbury, Maryland, Bounds was the son and assume the position of Secretary of the North Carolina State P.O. Box 510 800 Broad Street of the late Floyd Solon and Lula F. German. His mother died of Department of Correction. Bounds held the post until Governor Oriental, NC 28571 pneumonia and influenza when Bounds was 17 days old during a James B. Hunt Jr. assumed office in 1993. (252) 249-1555 (252) 249-0857, fax flu epidemic that raged in the latter part of World War I. Bounds Bounds is preceded in death by his former wives Barbara Namias Published Each Wednesday later was cared for by his grandmother Olevia Culver Bounds and in and Marjorie Sorrel, his siblings Vivian Loraine and Floyd Solon his teenage years worked delivering newspapers and running films and grandchildren Michael Wayne Wilson and Deborah Christine Yearly Subscription Rates at the Elkton movie theater. Wilson. $30 in Pamlico County and Richland Township Bounds joined the Navy in 1936 and was stationed in San Diego, He is survived by his children Barbara (Bobbi) Bounds Embree $45 in North Carolina California; Bremerton, Washington and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and Dr. Michael F. Bounds, granddaughter Gwendolyn M. Bounds, $55 outside North Carolina where he was a member of the wrestling squad on the battleship great-grandchildren Mary Elizabeth (Emme) Wilson and Michael Periodical Postage Paid at Oriental, NC Oklahoma. He married Barbara Namias in 1938 on New Year’s Eve W. Wilson Jr., and his longtime love and companion, Edith and had two children, Barbara Lee and Michael Frederick. Bounds Hubbard. enlistment ended in 1941, but he remained in the Navy Reserve and Upon his death, Bounds asked that his body be donated to the Your communitY newspaper returned to service after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. UNC School of Medicine to support education and research at the The eEdition of The Pamlico News is available on your computer, notepad. Great Reporting • Local Columns • Stories You Care About • Community News At Its Best! After leaving the Navy, Bounds studied law and received a bach- public institution he loved and served throughout much of his adult Call 252-249-1555 to subscribe today. elor of laws degree from the University of Virginia in 1949 and life. (Paid Obituary) performed graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania and See Deaths, page 9A Community 9 A WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2016 Goose Creek Island Goose Creek Island 55 Plus Club Jones - Mar – 2, Steven Ross Feb – 3. Annette met Thursday at the Community Warden's Groove Baptist Church held their annual Valentine's Jones, 55 Center. The scheduled guest speaker Dinner Sunday. It was postpone because of bad weather. The event Onion Sets Plus Club was unable to attend. We enjoyed was well attended and enjoyed by all! Correspondent a time of visiting and talking. Bob, The Eleventh Annual Pamlico County Middle School Spelling Bee Edith and Lottie told us about the was held February 19 in the school library. There were eleven stu- week spent with John and Karla dents competing. Jenna Noelle Jones was Champion Speller and was And Sessing from Fort Worth,Texas. Tuesday they dined at Baker,s presented a certificate by Kim Prescott, Media Coordinator, She will Kitchen in New Bern and went antique shopping. Thursday they compete in the Regional Spelling Bee in Washington, NC March 5th. attended the 55 Plus Club in Hobucken and later visited with Mrs. Congratulations Jenna! Seed Potatoes Molly Campen, (Karla's grandmother) at Grantsbrook and had supper I enjoyed some very special visitors this week. My sister Maxie with Floyd and Martha Campen in Arapahoe. Saturday they visited came Wednesday morning bringing ham biscuits and cinnamon Elizabeth Lupton Campen at Cape Carteret and dined at Sanitary buns. We talked about many things, mostly stuff that happened when Forrest Farm Supply Seafood Restaurant in Morehead City. we were children. It was great. That afternoon Johnny and Gladys They attended Worship Services at the Bayboro Baptist Church Holton came. Gladys brought a picture of Bennie wearing his Air 502 Main Street • Bayboro, NC 28515 • 252-745-3551 on Sunday. Monday they went to Yoder's near Griffin and visited the Force uniform. He was holding Gladys and Lester Sadler's baby www.forrestfarmsupply.com General Merchandise Store run by Amish people They were surprised daughter, Emma Gay. I really appreciated her having a copy made with a nice steak dinner at the home of Dwight Caroon on Monday for me. Thank you Gladys! Sunday afternoon Sandra Jones O'Neal night and returned home the next day. It was a very nice week for came to visit. Sandra was my next door neighbor for many years, A F F O R D A B L E everyone. so of course, we had lots to talk about. My children come Saturday After the meeting Brenda and I played Scrabble and each won a to clean up the yard and help with housework. I sat in my easy chair T R E E S E RV I C E game. The Rummikub ladies also played. We would sure love to have and watched the basketball game. I felt a little bit guilty, but not too some " new" old people come out and join us! much! Prayer List; Musa Voliva Harries has pneumonia and is in the Ernie and Wendy Mayo of Wilmington traveled to Texas to attend a SPECIALIZING IN hospital. Norman Miller is back in the hospital. Also, it was reported business conference. Violet Mayo Britt flew down to babysit with the • View Enhancement that Gary Futch from Mesic is in the hospital. Edwin Ireland is hav- children, Nick and Samuel. Wishing them a safe and successful trip. • Tree Preservation ing heart problems. Ray Lupton is having back pain. Doris Goodwin Angie Brousard and children have moved to Aurora. I believe • Hazardous Tree Removal Sawyer is now caregiver for Mr. Kirby Spencer, who is living in Angie is employed with Dollar General. We wish them much happi- Reelsboro. ness in their new home • Stump Grinding Happy Birthday Molly Popperwill, Maggie Popperwill and Kenny Bob Johnson reported that the Chick-Fil-A sandwich fundraiser FREE ESTIMATES Balance, Sr. – Feb 25, Sharlene Ireland Andres, Dawson Vaughn held at Stonewall Methodist Church was a big success. About $700 - A Full Service Tree Company - Jones- Feb 26, Gladys Watson Hopkins and Peggy Crocker Page - was raised. Remember the Pamlico County Relay For Life Benefit is Feb 27, Nancy Ireland Rhoden - Feb 28, Barbara Jarvis and Janice scheduled for May 14 in Bayboro. Autumn Hardison is Chairperson Serving Pamlico County Since 1991 Mayo Taylor - Mar 1, Bobby Whitford, Dena Aldridge, and Sara of the Goose Creek Island Team. YARDBARBER Tree & Shrub LLC 675-TREE (8733) • 249-0003 Pamlico [email protected] This has been one beauti- on Wednesdays at 8:00 am with communion being served by the ful weekend in Pamlico. It was Reverend Dr. Robert Cayton. These services will continue through Betty Jo almost like spring. It was so nice Easter: Rodgers to get out and not have to be wear- • February 24 Reverend Casey Perry Correspondent ing several layers of clothes just to • March 2 Reverend John Farmer keep warm. Fishermen have been • March 9 Reverend Allan Woodard coming up the creek in their boats, much to the displeasure of Jake. He • March 16 Reverend Betty Jo Rodgers thinks it is his private spot. • March 23 Reverend Nick Lewis We were truly blessed last Friday night when we decided to go to Lenten services continue in Bayboro at noon on Wednesday until New Bern to see the just released movie, “Risen.” We thought if we Easter. Lunch is available by donation. The following is a schedule went to the 6:30 showing that it would not be quite as crowded because for these services: dating folk would go out to eat and then attend the 9:00 show. • February 24 Luke 4:-3 - Reverend Jeremiah Day – St. Thomas Boy, were we in for a surprise! The parking lot was full and there Episcopal Church was a long line outside the theater. Roy dropped me off to try and • March 2 Luke 13:31-35 - Reverend Dr. Robert Cayton – get tickets while he searched for a place to park. Tables were set up Reelsboro Christian Church in front of the theater so I went to one of them and the lady told me • March 9 Luke 13:1-9 - Reverend Carol Grantham – Stonewall UMC that her church, Brice’s Creek Bible Church, had bought out the entire • March 16 Luke 15:1-7 - Reverend Walter Graves – Reelsboro UMC theater for the 6:30 showing. I think it was an awesome idea and • March 23 John 12:1-8 - Minister Shontina Green – Galilee they had a lot of people who had reserved seats. Then she asked me United Church of Christ if I wanted to see that movie. I told her that was why we drove from “Written in Red,” love’s greatest story will be presented at Oriental. They had some extra tickets and I offered to buy them, but Reelsboro UMC March 17-20. On March 24, there will be a spe- she gave us complimentary tickets for admission, popcorn and a soda. cial Maundy Thursday service at Aurora UMC with the Reverend Now was that a blessing, or what? I think it was an awesome thing for Peg O. Witt presenting a dramatization culminating in Holy Brice’s Creek Bible Church to do. I was familiar with the church as it Communion. On April 3, there will be a Healing Service at 8:00 is close to my sister’s house. They have a drive-through nativity drama pm at Reelsboro Christian Church with Alliance United Methodist at Christmas, and I have been blessed by that as well. They really live Church and Arapahoe United Methodist Church. Please note the their faith. correct time for this service is 8:00 pm. I had it incorrect in my I have been blessed in many ways this week and I give God the article last week. glory. I was unable to attend the Lenten services on Wednesday but Those celebrating birthdays in February include Tillie Roberts, friends Eloise Sos and Joan Ford attended and told me what a blessing John Daniel Brady Jr. & Jeannette Hudson (2/24), Elizabeth th it was. They especially liked the way Reverend Mosely gave back- Cuthrell (2/25) and Penny Ford’s birthday is February 29 . ground about various denominations. Have a blessed week. Downhearted? Take Spiritual Vitamin D. The morning Lenten service at Reelsboro Christian Church is "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." (James 4:8) Whortonsville Last week was a very busy week. here from Greenville. Maura was getting text from her nursing Reba Tiller Enjoying good weather was the students that were in Raleigh taking their exams, and she was so Correspondent best part. I had to get outside and happy they were all doing great on their tests. rake the hundreds of pine cones Last week there was a picture of Joan Ford and daughter and twigs in our yard. It isn't as Elizabeth Cuthrell with the firemen and E.M.T. that saved Joan's bad here as in our yard in Durham life when she had a heart attack. Elizabeth did CPR for about where we are surrounded by all seven minutes, but was so exhausted when the men showed up kinds of trees but the worst ones are the pines. and took over. We have experienced the good work the Florence- Ann Watson had a good rehearsal for the Chorale on Monday Whortonsville firemen are doing when we call for an ambulance NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING evening. You don't want to miss the concert in April because she for Weeks. They are here in a flash! has selected some great music. We are so blessed to have two Carla Byrnes and I enjoyed the Texas Tenors in New Bern on A Public Hearing on adjustment to the Growth Management Ordinance wonderful accompanists, Claudia Bemis and Mary Katherine Thursday evening. They had a great show to benefit the New (GMO) of the Town of Oriental will be held on Tuesday, March 1, at 7PM Christianson playing for us. Bern Historical Society. in the large Board Room in Town Hall, 507 Church St, Oriental, NC. Pastor Caton had a good sermon on love this past Sunday. I have inherited all of Jane L'Hommedieu's music after she The Ordinance and its accompanying list of changes will be available Little Mattie Cuthrell and little Margo Tipton opened the ser- passed away. She had a great deal of old sheet music, so if any- for viewing by the Public at Oriental Town Hall and online at www. vice singing Jesus Loves Me. Mrs. Caton passed out boxes of one is interested in some of it just call me. I have six boxes of all T ownofOriental.com Valentine candy to the congregation. The Lenten Services are kinds of music. The meeting is open to the Public. being held at Reelsboro Christian Church on Wednesdays morn- Thought for the week -- Inscription on tombstone - Beneath this ings and at Bayboro U. Meth. Church at noon on Wednesdays. stone lies Dr. John Bigelow, an atheist all dressed up with no place Visited with my neighbors, MeLydia and Maura who were to go. Community College Deaths On Your Mind? Need A Ride? Memorial Service Set for Martha Hall Cross, N.C., will be held at a later date. Pollock~Best Funerals & Cremations is entrusted with the Hall Family. NEW BERN - A memorial service for Martha Lynn Hall of New Bern will be held Feb. 27, 2016 • Anna Murray Robinson, 80, of Alliance passed away peacefully Groceries–Shopping? at 1 p.m. at the Masonic Theater, 514 Hancock at home on Friday, February 19, 2016. She was a member of the St., New Bern. Martha, 69, died on Thanksgiving Trent FWB Church, the Woodmen of the World, VFW Auxiliary, Need A Ride? morning 2015, after a lengthy illness. The the Pamlico County Moose Lodge and Meals on Wheels She is Masonic was the last theater in which she sang survived by her husband, Wesley J. Robinson of the home; one son, and performed, capping 40 years in community Charles A. Robinson of Bayboro; one daughter, Helen M. Price theaters in Carteret, Nash and Craven coun- of New Bern; one brother, Marvin Murray of Merritt; two sisters, ties. She was a newspaper writer in Craven and Betty Arnold of Stonewall, Verdie Lee of New Bern and five grand- Pamlico counties for more than a decade. children. Her funeral service will be held at 11am, Wednesday, Transportation The Feb. 27th celebration of her life will feature February 24, 2016 at Bryant Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. a number of her musical and theatrical friends offering songs and Scott Fitzgerald officiating. The family received friends Tuesday Problems? music in her memory. Her husband, Charlie Hall and all of her fam- evening at Bryant Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Greenleaf ily, invite everyone who knew her to attend. Memorial Park. Need A Ride? She was a lifestyle writer for the New Bern Sun Journal and later Arrangements by Bryant Funeral Home and Crematory, Alliance. the editor of the New Bern Herald. She worked the final years of her career writing features and covering local government for the Pamlico • Levy Wallace Broughton, 65, of Oriental passed away at Wake News. She had earlier been a lifestyle writer for the Rocky Mount Forest Baptist Medical Center on Saturday, February 20, 2016. Telegram. In the 1980s and 1990s, she worked in the medical field as He was Maintenance Director for the Pamlico County Schools a transcriptionist and later as head of the medical assisting program at for 24 years and a member of the New Bern Church of God. He Carteret Community College. is survived by his wife, Jeri Broughton of the home; one son, Jeff Her community theater career spanned four decades, including Best Broughton and wife, Ferdenita of Havelock; one daughter, Stacy Actress in 1977 and 1978 at Carteret Community Theater. She was Sykes and husband, Jimmy of New Bern; six grandchildren, Jon best known in New Bern for her portrayal of Mother Superior in the and Jason Broughton, Brooke and Brittany Sykes and Patrick P T S RiverTowne Players and Patricia Mckenna. His funeral service will be held at 3pm UBLIC RANSPORTATION YSTEM “Nunsense” trilogy and as Sheree in the Paul White production of Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at the New Bern Church of God Serving Craven, Jones, & Pamlico Counties “The Dixie Swim Club.” She was also a church soloist in Morehead with Dr. David Salmons and the Rev. Doug Case officiating. The Advanced Scheduling Required City and a longtime vocalist for the Carteret Chorale. family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the In lieu of flowers, make donations to the American Cancer Society church. Interment will follow at the Shine Cemetery. In lieu of flow- 252-636-4917 or other cancer research groups in the name of her late daughter, ers memorials may be made to the Pamlico County Honor Guard,, Lynn Reedy Hinson. Online condolences may be made at www.pol- c/o Russell Spalti, 22489 NC Hwy 33E., Aurora, NC 27806. lockbest.com. A private interment at the family cemetery in Mason’s Arrangements by Bryant Funeral Home & Cremations, Alliance. Classified 10 A WEDNEsDay, FEBRUaRy 24, 2016 MobiLE HoME for rENT Crossword FOR SALE Pamlico Tree care, llc Two Bedroom, two bath mobile home for rent. Includes washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, central HVAC, dishwasher, trash pick-up and lawn maintenance. NO PETS ALLOWED! Background and refer- ence checks required. $500/month + Deposit. (252)249-1617. (1/13-TFN) Two bedroom, one bath mobile home for rent. Includes washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, central Merritt Mini-Farm - Well-maintained 3 HVAC, water, trash pickup and lawn Bedroom/3 Bath manufactured home on * Complete Tree removal * Brush & Branch chipping maintenance. NO PETS ALLOWED! over 6 acres in the country. Features Background and reference check screened porch for outdoor entertaining * Experienced Tree climber * Stump grinding required. $425/month+deposit. 252- and a fenced in yard for children or pets. * Tree Pruning and Shaping * Tractor work 249-1617. (2/17-TFN) Includes 24x30 detached workshop. * Bucket Truck * Bush hogging $159,900 HousE for sALE DumP Truck hauling New Zone II Single Wide 3 BR, 2 BA rock, ToP Soil & SanD set up on your lot, $29,990. Down East Realty & Custom Homes, 4130 Dr. ML King Jr. Blvd, New Bern, NC Free eSTimaTeS * Fully inSureD 28562. (252) 649-1799. (9/5-TFN) 249-1787 • (800) 327-4189 PET EXCHANGE www.SailLoftRealty.com Email: [email protected] Female Beagle lost and running 252-745-7232 / 252-671-7563 loose in Minnesott Beach, Country Brand New Mattress Sets Club Drive and Lakeshore Drive Across Down area for several weeks. Call 249- Twin $89 Queen $119 1. Harvest fly 1. Endure 2575 for more information or to 7. Some sorority girls, maybe 2. Insert something alternately claim. (2/17-2/24) Full $109 King $179 13. Like some guests 3. Famous conquistador 14. Chief 4. “___ we having fun yet?” CAMErA for sALE Financing Available 15. Becoming popular 5. Animal shelters Delivery Available • Free Layaway Oriental - Ragan Road - 2BR/2BA Duplex located in the heart of the village. 16. One who lives against the 6. Calculator, at times ‚Äònorms‚Äô 7. Set of directions Antique Cameras: 252.758.2377 | 910.794.4111 Open floor plan with vaulted ceilings and laminate floors. Fireplace and private 17. Convene 8. Attraction Call 252-249-1555 patio. Attached garage 18. Break away 9. “___ Doubtfire” $675/mo 20. Charlotte-to-Raleigh dir. 10. Allocate, with “out” Have Something to Sell? Bayboro - South 2nd Street - This retro home offers 2BR/1BA located in a quiet 21. “Andy Capp” cartoonist Smythe 11. Call from the flock 23. Review again 12. Arid neighborhood convenient to shopping and schools. Freshly painted, new flooring Home to rent? 25. French novelist 13. Be busy with fireplace. Great breezeway leading to the 1 car garage and large back deck. Looking for a new employee? 28. One who wastes time 14. Hilton rival This adorable home is situated on a corner lot with a detached shed/workshop. 31. “___ to Billie Joe” 19. Money of Ghana Need help with a special project? $750.00/mo 32. Yellowstone sight 22. Rubberneck BUT . . . don’t want to publish your Oriental - Oriental Harbor Place - Unfurnished condo offering great views 34. Coin opening 24. Gossip, slangily 36. Lazy person 25. Big cheese phone number, address or email? Ben Casey of the River and Smith & Green Creeks. Balcony. Wi-Fi available. Steps away 38. Busy 26. Go off script Custom Framing from restaurants, art galleries and theater. Pool. Bike Rack. 2 parking spaces. 40. Part of the Hindu trinity 27. Relations to the famous Julius Place a blind ad in The Pamlico News and Six (6) month rental then mo-to-mo. On Sales Market. Advanced showing 41. One using a large fishing net 29. Most technology we’ll field your calls and get them to you Distinctive notice to tenants. 43. Blackguard 30. Scalawag confidentially. $800/mo + Utilities + Lawn Maintenance 44. Hags 33. Land or property Work For 46. Mellow 35. Conflicted All of our other rental properties are currently leased. Cost is $20 per week for a Discriminating Tastes 48. Relating to a rodent 37. Pacific If you are looking for professional management of your rental property, 50. Toni Morrison’s “___ Baby” 39. Gait between walk and canter 25-word classified ad. please contact us at Mariner Realty, Inc. (252) 249-1014. 51. Kind of pie 42. “___ It Romantic?” (contraction) The Casey Studios Please check out our web page 54. To cause to become active 45. Irish city Ben & Carolyn – www.orientalncwaterfront.com - 56. Like Santa’s cheeks 47. Breakfast bowlful Casey for more rental details! 59. Rings of color 49. Downy duck 61. Scottish schoolmaster 51. Artist Chagall Call Jeannine at www.bencaseyphotos.com 704 Broad Street, Oriental, N.C. 63. Stays behind 52. Waste product of protein metabo- [email protected] 64. African American slang language lism 249-1555 [email protected] 1-800-347-8246 65. NE Australia port 53. Moore of “G.I. Jane” to place your ad. 252-249-6529 LOCAL: 249-1014 66. Rearrange 55. After-bath wear USCG AppOEQPrUPAOLR HTOUUNoSIITNYG ved 57. Down with something www.orientalncwaterfront.com 58. “Absolutely!” 60. Propel, in a way Training and Testing! 62. Finish, with “up” USCG Approved Training and Testing! n Call o Toll-Free: i t u 866-249- l 2135 o We just don’t create signs. S TCoalplt-aFinr Leeic:e n8s6es6 t-o2 24009--T2o1n 3M5aster, AB to your company or your needs... Unlimited, STCW-95, Radar & ARPA s • Outdoor Signage Captains Licenses to y’ • Contractor Signs • Vinyl Graphics 200-Ton Master, AB to Unlimited, a • Real Estate Signs Small dump truck to d • Custom T-Shirts and Apparel STCW-95, Radar & ARPA haul sand and gravel • Boat Lettering & Numbers o • Banners & Posters for driveways and small T • Window Lettering & Graphics tractor to spread. • Magnetics • Custom Personalized License Plates • Monogrammed License Plate Located in Bayboro Business and Professional 800 Broad St., Oriental NC Call: Roy Holton Jr. Directory 249-1555 252-670-7124 T.O.P.P. Care For Pets The Oriental Pet Parlour Entertainment news at your K. H. Winfrey Full Service Grooming Professional Accounting Licensed Boarding f ingertips Day Care Income Tax Service For Dogs, Cats, Birds & Other Pets 252-249-0243 1101 Broad Street Oriental, NC 315 White Farm Road Oriental, NC 28571 Hours: M - F 8:30 - 5 Sat. 9 - 3 252-249-0945 Check out our website at www.TheOrientalPetParlour.com Maid to Order Create custom t-shirts and personalized Mail To: THE PAMLICO NEWS, shirts at Broad St. Custom Signage & T's. Housecleaning Bring us your design, Boat Name, Family P.O. Box 510, Oriental, NC 38571 or Call 252-249-1555 Reunion, Event, or have something to say what ever it may be. Don't have a design! Yearly Subscription Rates We will work with you to create one just for you. “No minimum” c $30 in Pamlico County & Beaufort County Shirts starting around $16.00. Call Judy Jernigan at Call: 252-249-1555 c $45 in North Carolina 249-2413. c $55 outside North Carolina Yep I Do! c $25 eEdition only Bush Hogging, Debris Removal, Driveway Installations and Small Lot Clearing. Free Estimates, Insured. c $10 additional for eEdition added to your subscription Boat Slips Ethanol-free Fuel Call Yep I Do! At 252-745-4147, RV/Camp Sites Brand New Boat Ramp 252-670-6058 or 252-670-2815 Bar & Grill Beer-Wine-Ice-Bait-Fuel for all your hauling and tractor work. 1242 Paradise Shores Road, Merritt Name: Turn those 252.249.2025 unwanted Owner: D. Armstrong items into www.paradisecovenc.com cash. Sell them in the Address: Classifieds! They may be just the thing someone LICENSED GENERAL L.A. else is CONTRACTOR email looking for. Let us look at your next project. (Skip) Provide your e-mail for the eEdition… Garages • Decks • Porches YOU NAME IT! 40 Years of Experience Zip: Phone: Call Sandy Winfrey at Specializing in 252-670-2915 Log Homes - Home Additions - Remodeling e-mail: [email protected] Call • 249-1555 We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction

He says there are other transmittable diseases . Cancer (June 21-July 22) partners and close friends are convivial and warm. ability to converse and communicate is excellent .. the Lejeune Devil Pups during last Tuesday's.
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