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CommerCial Visions CommerCial Visions sCienCe, Trade, and Visual CulTure in The duTCh Golden aGe J Dániel Margócsy The uniVersiTy of ChiCaGo Press ChiCaGo & london dániel margócsy is assistant professor at Hunter College, City University of New York. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637 The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London © 2014 by The University of Chicago All rights reserved. Published 2014. Printed in the United States of America 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 1 2 3 4 5 ISBN- 13: 978- 0- 226- 11774- 4 (cloth) ISBN- 13: 978- 0- 226- 11788- 1 (e- book) DOI: 10.7208 / c hicago / 9 7802261178810.01.0001 Published with generous support from: C. Louise Thijssen- Schoute Stichting The Shuster Faculty Fellowship Fund, Hunter College Stichting Historia Medicinae The Warner Fund, The University Seminars, Columbia University Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Margócsy, Dániel, author. Commercial visions : science, trade, and visual culture in the Dutch Golden Age / Dániel Margócsy. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978- 0- 226- 11774- 4 (cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN 978- 0- 226- 11788- 1 (e- book) 1. Science— Netherlands—History. 2. Netherlands—Commerce—History. 3. Scientists—Netherlands. I. Title. Q127.N2M37 2014 382.09492—dc23 2014006569 o This paper meets the requirements of ANSI / NISO Z39.48- 1992 (Permanence of Paper). ConTenTs List of Illustrations vii ChaPTer i Baron Von uffenBaCh Goes on a TriP: THe INFrASTrUCTUre OF INTerNATIONAL SCIeNCe 1 ChaPTer ii shiPPinG CosTs, The exChanGe of sPeCimens, and The deVeloPmenT of Taxonomy 29 ChaPTer iii imaGe as CaPiTal: FOrGING ALBerTUS SeBA’S Thesaurus 74 ChaPTer iV anaTomiCal sPeCimens in The rePuBliC of leTTers: SCIeNTIFIC PUBLICATIONS AS MArkeTING TOOLS 109 ChaPTer V CommerCial ePisTemoloGies: THe ANATOMICAL DeBATeS OF FreDerIk rUYSCH AND GOvArD BIDLOO 135 ChaPTer Vi KnowledGe as CommodiTy: THe INveNTION OF COLOr PrINTING 167 ChaPTer Vii PeTer The GreaT on a shoPPinG sPree 200 acknowledgments 219 abbreviations 223 Notes 225 Bibliography 267 Index 309 Plates follow page 148. lisT of illusTraTions Galleries Gal. 1. Johann Friedrich Armand von Uffenbach, Drawing of a Drawer from simon schijn- voet’s Cabinet of Curiosities, 1711, MS Uffenbach 25, Stads- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, vol. Iv, f. 376. Gal. 2. Simon Schijnvoet, a Drawer of shells, c. 1725, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden. Gal. 3. Frederik ruysch, skull Cap of Newborn with Injected Vessels of Periosteum and Dura Mater, c. 1700, from the collection of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthro- pology and ethnography (kunstkamera), russian Academy of Sciences, inv. no. 4070–900. Gal. 4. Job. Adriaensz. Berckheyde, The Interior of the Bourse of hendrick de Keyser, 1670–90, Amsterdam Museum, inv. no. SA 3025. Gal. 5. Pieter van der Aa, The seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands, wall hanging, 1734, © Sotheby’s. Gal. 6. ruysch, Thesaurus I from Opera omnia, Tab. 1, courtesy of the New York Academy of Medicine Library. Gal. 7. Cornelis de Man, Group Portrait in the Chemist’s house, c. 1700, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, inv. no. M. Ob. 22. Gal. 8. Dessin du chariot qui a servi au transport des eléphants de hollande à Paris, c. 1800, © Musée des arts et métiers—CNAM, Paris / photo Studio CNAM. Gal. 9. Cornelis de Man, The Curiosity seller, 1650–1700, with Jan Six Fine Art, Am- sterdam. Gal. 10. Seba, Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, frontispiece, Bio- diversity Heritage Library, from the copy held at Smithsonian Libraries. Gal. 11. Michiel van Musscher, a Pig on a Ladder with the haarlemmerpoort in the Back- ground, 1668, Amsterdam Museum. Gal. 12. Seba, Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, II / Tab. 19, Biodi- versity Heritage Library, from the copy held at Smithsonian Libraries. Gal. 13. Python sebae, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, ZMB 1478, photo Frank Tillack. Gal. 14. Seba, Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, III / Tab. 94, Bio- diversity Heritage Library, from the copy held at Smithsonian Libraries. Gal. 15. Cornelis Bellekin, shell with a Mythological subject, 1650–1700, Amsterdam Mu- seum, acquired with the support of the vereniging rembrandt, inv. no. kA 20835. viii P lisT of illusTraTions Gal. 16. Jan Weenix, agnes Block, sybrand de Flines, and Two Children at the Vijverhof, 1684–1704, Amsterdam Museum, acquired with the support of the vereniging rem- brandt, inv. no. SA 20359. Gal. 17. anatomical Fugitive sheet, Male, with the head of Vesalius, 1573, Wellcome Collec- tion, London. Gal. 18. Jan van der Heyden, Fire engine, c. 1700, Amsterdam Museum, inv. no. kA 7468.8. Gal. 19. heart of the Giant Bourgeois, Impregnated with red Mass, from the collection of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and ethnography (kunstkamera), russian Academy of Sciences, inv. no. 4905–3. Gal. 20. Frederik ruysch, Foetus (ca. 5 months old) with amniotic and villous sacs, injected intestine, from the collection of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and ethnography (kunstkamera), russian Academy of Sciences, inv. no. 4070–751. Gal. 21. Wood and Ivory Figure Group, based on rembrandt’s anatomy of Tulp, 18th century, Wellcome Collection, London. Gal. 22. Johannes rau, Preparation of the Placenta, c. 1700, with the kind permission of the Leiden University Medical Center, inv. no. Aa0026. Gal. 23. Jacob Christoph Le Blon, The Vernicle of Veronica, c. 1710–20, © The Trustees of the British Museum. Gal. 24. Jacob Christoph Le Blon, anatomical Preparation, c. 1710–1720, © The Trustees of the British Museum. Gal. 25. Jan Ladmiral, The human Brain seen from above, proof state with blue plate, 1738, © The Trustees of the British Museum. Gal. 26. Jan Ladmiral, The human Brain seen from above, proof state with yellow plate, 1738, © The Trustees of the British Museum. Gal. 27. Jan Ladmiral, The human Brain seen from above, proof state with green plate, 1738, © The Trustees of the British Museum. Gal. 28. Jan Ladmiral, The human Brain seen from above, first state, 1738, © The Trustees of the British Museum. Gal. 29. Jacques Fabien Gautier d’Agoty, Observations sur l’histoire naturelle, sur la physique, et sur la peinture, 1752, I / Tab. 2, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Typ. 716.52.630. Gal. 30. Jan Ladmiral, anatomical study of a human heart, proof state, rijksmuseum, rP- P- 1961–16. Gal. 31. Jan Ladmiral, anatomical study of a human heart, first state, rijksmuseum, rP- P- 1961–17. Gal. 32. Jacob Christoph Le Blon, Woven Tapestry Panel with a Figure of Christ, 1723, © Museum of London. fiGures Fig. I / 1. Ian Mol en Compagnie, Nieuwe Kaart van de Wydberoemde Koopstat amsteldam, Amsterdam, 1770, Special Collections, University of Amsterdam, map by William rankin. lisT of illusTraTions p ix Fig. I / 2. entrance Token to the Amsterdam hortus botanicus for Hermannus karsten of the Surgeon’s Guild. 1734, Amsterdam Museum, inv. no. PA 1. Fig. I / 3. Uffenbach, Bibliotheca uffenbachiana, frontispiece, Universitäts- und Landesbib- liothek Sachsen- Anhalt. Fig. I / 4 . Ten Horne, Naeuw- keurig reysboek, frontispiece, Special Collections, University of Amsterdam, OTM: Ok 62–6889. Fig II / 1 . Albinus, Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani, Tab. vIII, Wellcome Li- brary, London. Fig. II / 2. Aldrovandi, Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia, 242, New York Public Library. Fig. II / 3 . Fuchs, De historia stirpium commentarii insignes, 892–93, Octavo Corp. and John Warnock. Fig. II / 4 . Sweerts, Florilegium, Hunter College Library, Special Collections. Fig. II / 5 . Plukenet, Phytographia, Tab. 66, New York Public Library. Fig. II / 6. Buonanni, recreatio mentis et oculi in obseruatione animalium testaceorum, III / 15–18, Wellcome Library, London. Fig. II / 7. Lister, historiae sive synopsis conchyliorum, Images 41–48, Special Collections research Center, University of Chicago Library. Fig. II / 8. William Lodge, Drawing of a spider, 1674, The Bodleian Libraries, The Univer- sity of Oxford, MS. Lister 34 fol. 170r. Fig. II / 9. rumphius, D’amboinsche rariteit- kamer, Tab. XLIv, Wellcome Library, London. Fig. II / 1 0. Arnout vosmaer, systema testaceorum, Nationaal Archief, The Netherlands, inv. no. 2.21.271, no 71, Tab. 62, 18th century. Fig. II / 1 1. Perrault, Memoir’s for a natural history of animals, 3 and 9, University of Wiscon- sin Digital Collections Center. Fig. III / 1 . Nicolaes Aartmen, Two Men in Conversation in front of a Book shop, 18th century, Amsterdam Museum, inv. TA 38316. Fig. III / 2 . Breyne, Dissertatio physica de Polythalamiis, Tab. 11, Biodiversity Heritage Li- brary, from the copy held at the ernst Mayr Library, MCZ, Harvard University. Fig. III / 3. Johann Philip Breyne, accounts for De Polythalamiis, 1732, Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Chart A. 876, fol. 39v- 40r. Fig. III / 4. “Wetstein et Smith, Imprimeurs de cette Bibliotheque.” Bibliothèque raisonnée 11 (1734), January- February, 236–39, The New York Public Library. Fig. III / 5.———, Catalogues van de uitmuntende cabinetten . . nagelaten door wylen den heere albertus seba, 1752, Catalogus van Insecten, 1, Special Collections, University of Amsterdam Library, OTM: HS XXIII C 3. Fig. III / 6. Seba, Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, Iv / Tab. 87, Biodiversity Heritage Library, from the copy held at Smithsonian Libraries. Fig. III / 7. Jacob Hoefnagel, stag Beetle, after Joris Hoefnagel’s archetypa, 1630, The Getty research Institute Digital Collections. Fig. Iv / 1.———. Catalogues van de uitmuntende cabinetten . . nagelaten door wylen den

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