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Comments on spin operators and spin-polarization states of 2 + 1 fermions S.P. Gavrilov∗, D.M. Gitman†, and J.L. Tomazelli‡ Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo, Caixa Postal 66318, CEP 05315-970 S˜ao Paulo, SP, Brazil February 2, 2008 7 0 0 2 Abstract n Inthisbriefarticlewediscussspinpolarization operatorsandspinpolarization statesof a J 2+1 massive Dirac fermions and find a convenient representation by the help of 4-spinors for their description. We stress that in particular the use of such a representation allows 8 us to introduce the conserved covariant spin operator in the 2+1 field theory. Another 1 advantageofthisrepresentationisrelatedtothepseudoclassicallimitofthetheory. Indeed, v quantizationofthepseudoclassical modelofaspinningparticlein2+1dimensionsleadsto 2 the 4-spinor representation as the adequate realization of the operator algebra, where the 6 corresponding operator of a first-class constraint, which cannot be gauged out by imposing 0 the gauge condition, is just the covariant operator previously introduced in the quantum 1 theory. 0 7 I.The2+1spinorfieldtheory[1]hasattractedinrecentyearsgreatattentionduetovarious 0 reasons,e.g.,becauseofnontrivialtopologicalproperties,andduetoapossibilityoftheexistence / h of particles with fractional spins and exotic statistics (anyons), having probably applications to t fractional Hall effect, high-T superconductivity and so on [2]. In many practical situations the - c p quantumbehaviorofspin1/2fermions(fromnowonsimplycalledfermions)in2+1dimensions e can be described by the corresponding Dirac equation with an external electromagnetic field. h The main difference between the relativistic quantum mechanics of fermions in 3+ 1 and in : v 2+1dimensions isrelatedtothe differentdescriptionofspinpolarizationstates. Itis wellknow i X that in 3+1 dim. there exist two massive spin 1/2 fermions, the electron and its corresponding antiparticle, i.e., the positron. Both the electron and the positron have two spin polarization r a states. In 2+1 dim. there exist four massive fermions: two different types of electrons and two corresponding positrons. In contrast to the situation in 3+1 dim., each particle in 2+1 dim. has only one polarization state. We recall that constructing the covariant and conserved spin operators for the 3+1 Dirac equation in an external field is an important problem as regards finding exact solutions of this equation and specificating the spin polarization states [3]. Here, theredonotexistuniversalcovariantconservedspinoperatorswhichrelatetoanyexternalfield, for each specific configuration of the external field one has to determine such operators [4]. At ∗Dept. F´ısica e Qu´ımica, UNESP, Campus de Guaratingueta´, Brazil; Permanent address: Dept. of General and Experimental Physics, Herzen State Pedagogical University, St.-Petersburg, Russia; email: [email protected] †E-mail: [email protected] ‡Dept. F´ısicaeQu´ımica,UNESP,CampusdeGuaratingueta´, Brazil 1 first glance, the problem does not exist in 2 + 1 dim., since each fermion has only one spin polarization state. Nevertheless, the spin (or spin magnetic momentum) as a physical quantity in 2+1 dim. does exist, and therefore, the corresponding operators do exist. One can see, by solvingthe Dirac equationin2+1 dim., that knowledgeofsuchspin operatorsis veryuseful for findingphysicallymeaningfulsolutions. Moreover,itturnsoutthatin2+1dim. theappropriate spin operatorservesat the same time as a particle species operatorwhilst its explicit expression is useful for interpretation of the theoretical constructions. In this brief article, we discuss spin- polarization operators and spin-polarization states of 2+1 massive Dirac fermions and some convenient representations for their description. II. It is well known that in 2+1 dim. (as well as in any odd dimensions) there exist two inequivalentsets (representations)ofgamma-matrices. Infact, the proper orthocronousLorentz group L↑, in a pseudo-euclidean space , can be identified with the SL(2,R) group of real + M unimodular 2 2 matrices, associated to linear transformations of unity determinant in a real × two-dimensional vector space [5]. Considering the space of real hermitian matrices spanned M by the vector basis τ , α { } τ =1 , τ =σ , τ =σ , 0 1 3 2 1 where σ belong to the set of Pauli matrices σ , i=1,2,3, one can associate to each vector in 1,3 i this space a matrix in via the isomorphism M L↑ SL(2,R)/Z, + ≈ where Z denotes the center I, I of the SL(2,R) group, which constitutes the (real) spinor { − } representation of the Lorentz group. AnoperatorinSL(2,R)canberepresentedbyamatrixinthehermitianbasis τ orsimply α { } by a matrixformedby the productofanytwo elements ofsuchabasis as,forexample, the anti- hermitian matrix τ =τ τ in the SL(2,R) associated algebra. The new (non-hermitian) basis 3 1 2 τ ,τ ,τ of SL(2,R) is also the set of generators of the real Clifford algebra [6] 1 2 3 { } [τ ,τ ] =2g ; i,j =1,2,3 , i j + ij where g is the metric tensor of a pseudo-euclidean space of signature (+,+, ). − The complexifications Γ0 =τ =σ , Γ1 =τ =iσ , Γ2 = siτ = siσ , s= 1 , (1) s 1 3 s 3 2 s − 2 − 1 ± oftheaboveCliffordalgebragiverisetothealgebraofdifferentrepresentationsforDiracgamma- matrices, labeled by the subscript s= 1. ± As a consequence, there exist, respectively, two different Dirac equations and two different Lagrangians for the corresponding spinor fields. If an external electromagnetic field is present, then the particle (ζ =1) and antiparticle (ζ = 1) with the charges ζe, e>0 respectively obey − the Dirac equationsinwhichthe operatori∂ hasto be replacedby P =i∂ ζeA (x),where µ µ µ µ − A (x)areelectromagneticpotentials. Thus,infact,in2+1dim. wehavefourmassivefermions µ (let us call further the two different types of fermions up and down particles) and respectively four types of solutions of the 2+1 Dirac equation (2-spinors Ψ(ζ,s)(x)): (ΓµP m)Ψ(ζ,s)(x)=0, x=(xµ) , µ=0,1,2, s µ− P =i∂ ζeA (x) , s,ζ = 1. (2) µ µ µ − ± Insucha picture (andin stationaryexternalfieldsthat donotviolatethe vacuumstability),the only physical states are those from the upper energy branch, and only such states can be used in second quantization [10]. 2 III.Inorderto define aspinmagnetic momentumofthe 2+1massivefermionslet ussetthe externalfield to be a uniform constantmagnetic field. In 2+1 dim., the magnetic field has only one component F = F =B =const. The sign of B defines the ”direction” of the field, the 21 12 − positive B correspondsto the ”up” directionwhereasthe negativeB correspondsto the ”down” direction. In such a background,the equation (2) can be reduced to the stationary form H(ζ,s)Ψ(ζ,s)(x)=ε(ζ,s)Ψ(ζ,s)(x) , H(ζ,s) = Γ0ΓkP +Γ0m, n n n − s s k s Ψ(ζ,s)(x)=exp iε(ζ,s)x0 Ψ(ζ,s)(x) , ε(ζ,s) >0, x= x1,x2 . (3) − n (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) As usual, we pass to the squared equation through the ansatz Ψ(ζ,s)(x)= Γ0ε+ΓkP +m Φ(ζ,s)(x) (4) s s k (cid:2) (cid:3) to obtain the following equation ε2 D(ζ,s) Φ(ζ,s)(x)=0, n− n h i i D(ζ,s) =m2+P2+ ζeF [Γµ,Γν]=m2+P2 sζeBσ3, P= P1,P2 . (5) 4 µν s s − (cid:0) (cid:1) The 2-component spinors Φ(ζ,s)(x) may be chosen in the form Φ(ζ,s)(x) = f(ζ,s)(x)υ, where n n f(ζ,s)(x) are some functions and υ some constant 2-component spinors that classify spin polar- n ization states. We select υ to obey the equation σ3υ = υ. One can see that selecting υ to be the eigenvectorofσ3 with the eigenvalue 1,wedo not obtainnew linearly independent spinors − Ψ(ζ,s)(x). This is a reflection of the well known fact (see e.g. [7]) that massive 2+1 Dirac n fermions have only one spin polarization state. This reflects the fact that, in 2+1 dim., the mass terms in the correspondingLagrangiansfor the spinor fields Ψ(ζ,s) are not invariant under parity transformation, which consists in the inversion of one of the space coordinate axis, say, the x-axis. In fact, under the transformation : x x′ =( x,y) , P → − thespinorΨ(ζ,+)(x),whichsatisfiestheaboveDiracequationforfermionsofmassm,transforms as Ψ(ζ,+)(x) Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)= Ψ(ζ,+)(x) , → P where the components of the spinor Ψ′(ζ,−) obey the equations (P Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)+P Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)+iP Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)) = mΨ′(ζ,−)(x′), 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 ( P Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′) P Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)+iP Ψ′(ζ,+)(x′)) = mΨ′(ζ,+)(x′), − 0 2 − 1 1 2 1 2 in any Lorentz reference frame. Hence, we can verify that for Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)=Ψ(ζ,+)(x) and Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)= Ψ(ζ,+)(x) , 1 2 2 − 1 i.e., Ψ′(ζ,−)(x′)=Γ1Ψ(ζ,+)(x) , + we obtain a Dirac equation for a particle of mass m. Therefore, we associate to the operator − which acts on Ψ(ζ,+)(x) the gamma-matrix Γ1. We are thus led to the conclusion that in P + 3 order to get new solutions of Dirac equation from the corresponding Ψ(ζ,s)(x) ones, besides an internal transformation such as the above parity transformation, it is necessary to perform the change m m; these solutions must indeed be related to the solutions Ψ(ζ,−s)(x), due to the ↔− existence of only two inequivalent representations of Dirac gamma-matrices. In a weak magnetic field it follows from (5): sζe ε(ζ,s) = ε(ζ,s) µ(ζ,s)B, µ(ζ,s) = . (6) n n (cid:12)B=0− 2 m2+ fn(ζ,s) −1P2fn(ζ,s) (cid:12) (cid:12) r (cid:16) (cid:17) We have to interpret µ(ζ,s) as the spin magnetic momentum of 2+1 fermions. Thus in 2+1 dim., we have signµ(ζ,s) =sζ. (7) One ought to remark that this result matches with the conventional description of spin po- larization in 2+1 dimensions. Considering the total angular momentum in the rest frame (see, for example, [7, 9]), one can define the operators S(s) of spin projection on the x0-axis, 0 i s S(s) = Γ1,Γ2 = σ3. (8) 0 4 s s 2 (cid:2) (cid:3) In the non-relativistic limit we obtain from (4) and (6), sζe µ(ζ,s) = , Ψ(ζ,s)(x)=2mΦ(ζ,s)(x). 2m n n In such a limit the Dirac spinors Ψ(ζ,s)(x) are eigenfunctions of the operators (8), n s S(s)Ψ(ζ,s)(x)= Ψ(ζ,s)(x) . 0 n 2 n Thus, one can consider ζe M(ζ,s) = S(s) (9) m 0 asthe spinmagnetic momentumoperator. However,the operatorsS(s)arenotcovariantandare 0 not conserved in the external field. Below we represent a conservedand covariant spin operator for 2+1 massive fermions. IV.Letususea4-componentspinorrepresentationforthewavefunctionstodescribeparticles in 2+1 dimensions. Namely, let us introduce 4-component spinors of the form Ψ(ζ,+1)(x) 0 ψ(ζ,+1)(x)= , ψ(ζ,−1)(x)= . (10) 0 σ1Ψ(ζ,−1)(x) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) These4-componentspinorsarerepresentativesof2-componentspinorsΨ(ζ,+1)(x)andΨ(ζ,−1)(x). Atthesametimeitisconvenienttousethree4 4matricesγ0,γ1,andγ2takenfromthefollowing × representation [8] of 3+1 gamma-matrices Γ0 0 Γ1 0 γ0 = +1 , γ1 = +1 , 0 Γ0 0 Γ1 (cid:18) − −1 (cid:19) (cid:18) − −1 (cid:19) Γ2 0 0 I γ2 = +1 , γ3 = . (11) 0 Γ2 I 0 (cid:18) −1 (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19) 4 Inthenewrepresentation,the4-componentspinors(10)obeytheDiracequationofthefollowing form (γµP m)ψ(x)=0, P =i∂ ζeA (x) , x=(xµ) , µ=0,1,2. (12) µ µ µ µ − − Infact,this equationcanbeconsideredasaresultofapartialdimensionalreductionofthe3+1 Dirac equation. Stationarysolutionsofequation(12) canbe expressedvia solutionsΦ(ζ,s)(x) of n equation (5) as follows ψ(ζ,s)(x)=exp iε(ζ,s)x0 γ0ε(ζ,s)+γkP +m ϕ(ζ,s)(x) , x= x1,x2 , n − n n k Φ(ζ(cid:16),+1) (cid:17)h 0 i (cid:0) (cid:1) ϕ(ζ,+1) = , ϕ(ζ,−1) = , ε(ζ,s) >0, (13) 0 σ1Φ(ζ,−1) n (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) whereastheenergyspectrumisthesameasforequation(5). Onecaneasilyseethatthe4-spinors ϕ(ζ,s) are eigenvectors of the operator Σ3 with the eigenvalues s being the particle species σ3 0 Σ3ϕ(ζ,s) =sϕ(ζ,s), Σ3 =iγ1γ2 = . (14) 0 σ3 (cid:18) (cid:19) The operator Σ3 commutes with the squared Dirac equation. This fact allows us to find a spin integral of motion for the Dirac equation (12). Such an integral of motion reads Σ3+Σ3 Λ= H H, = γ0γkP +γ0m. (15) k 4m H − In the case under consideration, we obtain s 1 1 I 0 Λψ(ζ,s) = ψ(ζ,s), Λ= γ0Σ3 = . (16) 2 2 2 0 I (cid:18) − (cid:19) V.Now we can consider2+1 QFT of the spinorfield that obeys equation(12). Such a QFT can be obtained by a standard quantization of the corresponding Lagrangian. Here the field operators have the form Ψˆ (x) ψˆ(x)= +1 , (17) σ1Ψˆ (x) (cid:18) −1 (cid:19) where the 2-component operators Ψˆ (x) describe particles of the s-species. Decomposing the s field (17) into the solutions (13), we obtain four type creation and annihilation operators: a s,n and a+ which are operators of particles (ζ = +1) and b and b+ which are operators of s,n s,n s,n antiparticles (ζ = 1). Thus, in the QFT under consideration all the types of 2+1 fermions − appear at the same footing. Inthe QFTonecandefinethe second-quantizedoperatorΛˆ thatcorrespondsto theoperator Λ of the field theory, Λˆ = e ψˆ†Λψˆdx. (18) m Z It is easily to verify that such an operatoris a scalarunder 2+1 Lorentz transformationsand is conservedin any external field. We call the operatorΛˆ the spin magnetic polarizationoperator. One can easily see that this operator is expressed via charge operators Qˆ of 2+1 fermions as s follows: 1 Λˆ = Qˆ Qˆ , (19) +1 −1 2m − (cid:16) (cid:17) 5 where e Qˆ = Ψˆ†,Ψˆ dx=e a+ a b+ b , s= 1. (20) s 2 s s s,n s,n− s,n s,n ± Z h i Xn (cid:0) (cid:1) Remark that the eigenvalues of the operator Λˆ in the one-particle sector coincide with the spin magnetic momenta µ(ζ,s) =sζe/2m of the 2+1 fermions in the rest frame. We stress that in particular the use of a spinor representationwith more than 2-components allows us to introduce the conserved covariant spin operator in the 2+1 field theory. There is another argument (which is related to the first quantization procedure) in favour of such representations, discussed below. VI. It was demonstrated in [10] that relativistic quantum mechanics of all the massive 2+1 fermions can be obtained in course of the first quantization of a corresponding pseudoclassical actionwheretheparticle speciessisnotfixed. Generalstatevectorsare16-componentcolumns. The states with a definite charge sign ζ can be described by 8-component columns φ . The ζ operators of space coordinates Xˆk and momenta ˆ act on these columns as k P Xˆk =xkI, ˆ =pˆ I, pˆ = i∂ . k k k k P − Here, Iis the 8 8 unit matrix. Besides the spindegrees offreedomare relatedto the operators × ˆξ1 = iantidiag γ1,γ1 , ˆξ2 = idiag γ2,γ2 . 2 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) The operator of a conserved first-class (ungauged) constraint has a form tˆ=ˆθ Sˆ, ˆθ =diag(Λ,Λ) , Sˆ=2iˆξ2ˆξ1. − To fix the gauge at the quantum level, one imposes according to Dirac the condition tˆφ =0on ζ physical state vectors. At the same time we chose φ to be eigenvectors of the matrix ˆθ, ζ s ˆθφ = φ . ζ,s 2 ζ,s WeseethatinthefirstquantizedtheoryunderconsiderationtheoperatorSˆactsastheoperator Λ in the quantum mechanics of item IV, s Sˆφ = φ . ζ,s 2 ζ,s Thus, we can interpret the operator Sˆ as spin operator. Finally, there exists a relationbetween the representations of one-particle quantum states in terms of φ and ψ(ζ,s). Such a relation reads: ζ,s 1 ψ(ζ,+1)(x) 1 ψ(ζ,−1)(x) φ (x)= , φ (x)= . ζ,+1 √2 γ0ψ(ζ,+1)(x) ! ζ,−1 √2 γ0ψ(ζ,−1)(x) ! One can easily demonstrate that these two representations are physically equivalent. Acknowledgement S.P.G. and J.L.T. are grateful to FAPESP. D.M.G. acknowledges the support of FAPESP, CNPq and DAAD. 6 References [1] W. Sigel, Nucl.Phys. B156, 135 (1979); R. Jackiw and S. Templeton, Phys.Rev.D23, 2291 (1981);J.F.Schonfeld,Nucl.Phys.B185,157(1981);S.Deser,R.Jackiw,andS.Templeton, Ann.Phys.(N.Y.) 140, 372(1982);185, 406(E)(1988); S. Forte,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A7, 1025 (1992). [2] F. Wilczek, Fractional Statistics and Anyon Superconductivity (World Sientific, Singapore 1990). [3] V.G. Bagrov and D.M. Gitman, Exact Solutions of Relativistic Wave Equations, (Kluwer Acad. Publisher, Dordrecht 1990). [4] A.A. Sokolov and I.M. 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