COMMENTS AND NEW RECORDS FOR THE AMERICAN GENERA GEA AND ARGIOPE WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES (ARANEAE: ARANEIDAE) HERBERT W. LEVI ABSTRACT. 8There are one species of Gea and seven of today9s better understanding of varia- species of Argiope in the Americas. Distributions of tion. When I started this revision I ex- Gea and Argiope species are recorded with new re- pected several species to be new, but I cords from South America. Only one new species, A. found only one. In the 1960s lack of funds ericae, from southern Brazil to northern Argentina, was found and is here described. The coloration of limited the amount of data that could be the female abdomen of Argiope species differs more included in the paper, so the localities of than the visible differences of the genitalia. Males are specimens were omitted, represented only separated by differences in palpi, the attachment of by dots on a map. Although lengthy, both the embolus to stipes, and the shape of the coiled embolus. new localities and disposition of specimens are provided here, much abbreviated for INTRODUCTION common species, except for southern bor- In 1968, I started my araneid revisions der specimens. I have not repeated infor- with the genera Gea and Argiope. These mation published in 1968, except that es- genera were first because they are the sential for maps and diagnoses. most distinct of the araneid genera, sepa- At present, I have revised most Ameri- rated from most others by the presence of can araneid genera and have examined the Argiope of the Pacific area (Levi, 1983). a procurved posterior eye row. At the time, I had mostly North American collections The Chinese Argiope have been illustrated from the MCZ and AMNH. The individ- by Yin (1997), the African species by Bjgrn ual variation among specimens was aston- (1997), and the Mideastern species by Levy (1998). ishing, especially in the structure of the epigynum (these are not again illustrated here). At the time, Willis Gertsch (person- METHODS al communication) stressed that species The methods used here were the same could not be variable: when differences as in the revisions of other American ara- were found, they must indicate two spe- neid genera (Levi, 1993). cies. I disagreed because when many spec- Specimens came from the following col- imens were examined, there were inter- lections: mediates. These were the taxonomic issues of arachnologists in the 1960s. AMNH American Museum of Natural This is an update of the 1968 revision. History, New York, United Since 1968, many additional South Amer- States; N. Platnick, L. Sorkin ican specimens have become available, BMNH Natural History Museum, begging to be examined, especially in view London, England; J. Becca- loni 8Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- CAS California Academy of Scien- versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. E-mail: [email protected] ces, San Francisco, California, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 158(2): 47-66, Month, 2004 AT 48 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 2 United States; C. Griswold, structure of the male palpus place Gea D. Ubick close to Argiope. FSCA Florida State Collection of Females of Argiope are easiest to deter- Arthropods, Gainesville, Flor- mine by their coloration as epigyna of ida, United States; G. B. Ed- many are quite similar (Levi, 1968). This wards differs from Bjgrn9s (1997) observations of IBSP Instituto Butantan, S4o Paulo, African Argiope, which show much greater Brazil; A. Brescovit differences in genitalia as well as colora- IRSNB Institut Royal des Sciences tion. Extracting the broken male embolus Naturelles de Belgique, Brus- tip stuck in the copulatory ducts inside of sels, Belgium; L. Baert the epigynum is helpful for determining MACN Museo Argentino de Ciencias females in faded specimens. Naturales, Buenos Aires, Ar- Males of Argiope can be separated by gentina; C. L. Scioscia examining the palpus. The palpi of most MCN Museu de Ciéncias Naturais, species are much alike, differing, however, Fundagao Zoobotanica do Rio in the attachment of the embolus to the Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, stipes (arrow, Fig. 25) and the shape and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; E. structure of the curved embolus. H. Buckup, M. A. L. Marques The relatively small differences between MCP Museu de Ciéncias, Pontificia Argiope species in morphology of the gen- Universidade Catélica do Rio italia and the consistent differences in col- Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, oration of the abdomen reminds one of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; A. similar differences in the theridiid widow A. Lise spiders, Latrodectus (Abalos, 1980). Both MCZ Museum of Comparative Zo- genera also have a long, thread-shaped ology, Cambridge, Massachu- embolus that breaks off and plugs the epi- setts, United States gynum. In both genera, relatively common MHNMC Museo de Historia Natural, species have been overlooked in well-col- Medellin, Colombia; L. A. Za- lected areas. mudio Gea heptagon is probably introduced MLP Museo de La Plata, La Plata, from the South Pacific where it and other Angemomes, (Ci. ilar, Ib. vA\, species of Gea are found. There are seven Pereira species of Argiope in the Americas, one in MZSP Museu de Zoologia, Univer- Europe, 13 in Africa and Madagascar, and sidade de SA0 Paulo, SAio Pau- about 29 in China. Only one, A. trifasciata, lo, SP, Brazil; R. Pinto da Ro- is cosmopolitan. The similarity of genitalia cha suggests all but A. aurantia are close to A. SMNK Staatliches Museum fiir Na- trifasciata. turkunde Karlsruhe, Karlsru- he, Germany; H. Hé6fer TAXONOMIC SECTION USNM National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- Gea C. L. Koch tion, Washington, D.C., Unit- Gea C. L. Koch, 1843: 101. Type species Gea spinipes ed States; J. Coddington, S. F. C. L. Koch, 1843: 101, pl. 823, from the East In- Larcher dies. ZMUC Zoologisk Museum, Copen- Diagnosis. Ged species, together with hagen, Denmark; N. Scharff those of Argiope, differ from most araneid RESULTS genera by having the posterior eye row Species Characters. The eye arrange- strongly procurved, from Mangora by the ment, procurved posterior eye row, and low thoracic region of the carapace and by Gea and Argiope * Levi AQ lacking trichobothria on the third tibia, Chicot Co.: 29 Aug. 1962, 2? (CAS). Mississippi Co: and from Mecynogea by the wider cara- Big Lake, 23 June 1966, 3 (W. Peck, CAS). LOUI- SIANA Cameron Par: Cameron, 2 (USNM). pace and different structure of the palpus. OKLAHOMA Garfield Co.: Enid, 36°24'N, 97°549W, Gea specimens are smaller than Argiope 28 July 1989, 2 (L. E. Anhorn, USNM). CALIFOR- and have larger posterior median eyes. In NIA San Diego Co.: Del Mar, 2 (M. Martinez, females of Gea, the eyes of the posterior USNM); Los Angeles, 2d (USNM). MEXICO San Luis Potost: Huichihuayan, 98°50'N, 21°19'W, 24 July eye row are almost equally spaced (Fig. 5), 1966, 3 Ge W. Ivie, AMNH). HONDURAS Atlan- whereas in Argiope, the median eyes are tida: Lancetilla, 20 July 1929, 5 (A. M. Chickering, closer to each other than to the laterals. MCZ). Copan: Copan, 16 Feb. 1937, 6 (MCZ). COS- TA RICA Turrialba, 25-31 May 1962, 2 (H. Ruckes, Gea heptagon (Heniz) AMNH). PANAMA Balboa, 1 Aug. 1943, S (J. B. Maps 1A; Figures 1-8 Duncan, AMNH). BAHAMA ISLANDS Grand Bahama Island, 13 Epeira heptagon Hentz, 1850: 20. Type specimens May 1953, 2 (L. Giovannoli, AMNH). DOMINI- destroyed, from North Carolina and Alabama. CAN REPUBLIC Ciudad Trujillo [Santo Domingo], Gea heptagon:4Keyserling, 1892: 76, pl. 3, fig. 58. nest of Sceliphron wasp, 1947, 2d (H. F. Allard, Levi, 1968: 324, figs. 1-24, 2 6. Platnick, 2003. USNM). PUERTO RICO SW Guayama, Pta. Pozue- la, 25 Dec. 1985, ¢ (V., B. Roth, CAS); Aguas Bueno, Diagnosis. The small size of females, the 5 Nov. 1971, imm. (J. Carico, USNM). VIRGIN IS- shape of the abdomen (Figs. 4, 5), the epi- LANDS St.Croix, 1-11 Sep. 1966, 2 (A. M. Chick- gynum with a ventral transverse slit and ering, USNM). paired posterior openings (Figs. 1-3), and COLOMBIA Valle: nr. Cali, 1,000 m elev., 1977, 3 (W. Eberhard, MCZ); Palmira, 27 June 1964, ¢ (R. the male palpus with the embolus only Hunter, CAS). ECUADOR Guayaquil, 22, Mar. 1942, gently curved, held by a large conductor 3 (Landes, CAS). PERU Piura: Hiquéron, July 1941, (Fig. 8), distinguish the species from oth- 6 (H. E., D. L. Frizzell, CAS). BRAZIL Mato Gros- ers. Differences of the first tibia are un- so: S. Antonio de Levergera, 8 Sep. 1992; 2 (M. E. reliable. Marques, MCP 2558). Rio Grande do Sul: Guaiba, 1 Jan. 1989, 26 (A. B. Bonaldo, MCN 18009); 24-27 Variation. Total length of females 3.74 Dec. 1992, 26 (A. B. Bonaldo, MCN 22643); Mon- 6.4 mm, males 2.644.1 mm. The color of tenegro, 7 July 1977, 9 (H. A. Gastal, MCN 6177); the abdomen is variable. There may be Porto Alegre, 21) Sep. 1992, 6 (A. Bonaldo; MCP transverse lines or a dark folium. The il- 2051); Taim, Rio Grande, 18 Mar. 1982, ¢ (J. Grazia, lustrations of a female (Figs. 1-5) were MCN 10247); Vila Nova, 23 May 1991, 2 (F. Garcia, MCP 2729); Xangrila, 5 Jan. 1993, 24 Feb. 1993, 2 made from a specimen from Florida, male (A. A. Lise, MCP 2902, 2974). ARGENTINA Spec- (Figs. 6-8) from a specimen from Hon- imens have been examined from northern Argentina duras. without recording the data. Natural History. Found in soybean field in Arkansas, in high grass in Florida. The Argiope Audouin female drops from the web when dis- turbed. Argyope Audouin, 1826: 121. Type species designat- ed by Thorell, 1869: 51, Argiope lobata from the Distribution. Pacific, probably intro- Mediterranean and Africa. duced to America and found from eastern Argiope Audouin,1827: 328. United States and West Indies (Map 1A), Miranda C. L. Koch 1835: 128, pl. 14. Type species probably to Argentina. Miranda transalpina C. L. Koch (=Argiope bruen- nichi (Scopoli)). First synonymized by Thorell, Additional Records. UNITED STATES, NORTH 1869: 51. CAROLINA Dare Co.: Kill Devil Hills, 12 Sep. 1956, Metargiope F. P.-Cambridge, 1903: 451. Type species 12 (K. V. Krombein, USNM). GEORGIA Bullock by monotypy Argiope trifasciata. Co.: Statesboro, 1984, 2 (E. Dismer, USNM). Chat- ham Co.: Rt. 95, nr. South Carolina border, 1 Aug. Note. The International Commission on 1985, 2d (J. Coddington, USNM). ALABAMA Dal- Zoological Nomenclature (Opinion 1038, las Co.: Selma, 2 (USNM). FLORIDA Franklin Co.: 1975: 105) validated the name Argiope Au- Su Neresay2o MarelIols 2 (|. 8Carico, USNM). Sez douin, 1826, and placed it on the Official Lucie Co.: Fort Pierce, 2 d (M. Mikkelson, USNM): 7 Sep. 1985, 2 (P. Mikkelson, USNM). ARKANSAS List of Generic Names in Zoology with the 50 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 2 A. trifasciata Gea heptagon MEXICO \, A. aurantia Map 1. Distribution of Gea and Argiope species. number 2009, and considered Argyope an wider carapace and a different structure of incorrect spelling. the palpus. Diagnosis. Argiope and Gea differ from Argiope differs from Gea (Figs. 5, 7) by most araneids by having the posterior eye having the posterior median eyes smaller row procurved (Figs. 12, 14), from Man- and closer to each other than to the lat- gora by their low thoracic region of the erals (Figs. 12, 14) and by females being carapace and by lacking trichobothria on larger (Fig. 12) than those of Gea. the third tibia, and from Mecynogea by a Unlike most araneids, the epigynum of Gea and Argiope * Levi 51 A. savignyi A. argeniata A. ericae A. blanda Map 2. Distribution of Argiope species. Argiope lacks a scape; it usually has a bulg- ing hood with a cavity (Figs. 9, 10) or cav- JN GYG( OLG AYS IT gO} d OVENa K) ev oe ee 3 Dorsum of abdomen with transverse lines or ities below (Figs. 18, 20). The male palpus fot ind saC Lhies B26 GS) fvate a ake Me Pe ea tee 4 has a separate sclerite, the stipes, between Dorsum of abdomen with pair of posterior, lon- the radix and embolus (Figs. 161, 171). gitudinal bands (Fig. 31); SE United States The palpus lacks a terminal apophysis and (NA caro A) IE eres eat ES oid ow tae florida has an elaborate conductor (Figs. 16C, Dorsum of abdomen with transverse bands (Fig. 68), abdomen with pair of anterior tubercles and 17C) supporting the embolus (Figs. 16E, three lateral pairs of tubercles (Fig. 68); Sao 17E). A thin curved branch extends from Paulo State to NE Argentina (Map 2C) the median apophysis (Figs. 16M, 17M). So ee Me ek Ee SUR one eS Sage tae eer aE ericae Dorsum of abdomen with transverse lines (Fig. KEY TO FEMALES 22); cosmopolitan (Map 1B) __.... trifasciata i Venter of abdomen with a central transverse Transverse, ventral band wider than length of white band (Figs. 39, 49) that may be broken anterior median black trapezoid (Fig. 49); Texas iiiice 50) Weasel ie taTee ibe ee het ote ae 5 to WentralvAmenca (Map): = blanda Venter of abdomen without central transverse Transverse band narrower than length of black band (Figs. 11, 21, 30) or lines (Fig. 67) on black pate: ME 19s GSO). DG) as Slee hn A 6 Transverse band pointing anteriorly and broken 2(1) Dorsum of abdomen with median black band in middle (Fig. 58); dorsum with posterior black (Fig. 12); epigynum a longitudinal bar (Figs. 9, (Fig. 59); epigynum enlarged posteriorly (Fig. 10); North America, Mexico (Map 1C) 59, 56); Mexico to Argentina (Map 2B) 52 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 2 Pe ee a adem ee eC) RE AB 9 et ae = savignyt mm, males 5.5-9.9 mm. The largest fe- = Transverse band straight, rarely broken (Fig. males come from southern U. S. and Mex- 39); dorsum with posterior having windows in ico. In southern Mexico, the median dark black area (Fig. 40); epigynum smaller posteri- band on the dorsum of the abdomen is orly (Figs. 36, 37); Florida, Texas, California to southern Brazil (Map 2A) argentata broken by transverse yellow and_ black bands. The female illustrated (Figs. 9, 10) KEY TO MALES came from Veracruz, Mexico; the male il Embolus straight (Fig. 15); North America, (Figs. 13-15) from Georgia. WWileseieo, GUMleyo) IC) oe aurantia Distribution. Southeastern Canada _ to = Embolus and conductor coiled (Figs. 16, PT 20s AAS ede oh a eee, ne 2) Guatemala (Map 1C). 2(1) Base of sclerotized embolus with jointed to large flat stipes (arrow, Figs. 25, 34) 3 Additional Records. UNITED STATES, MASSA- = Base of embolus turning into a screw- CHUSETTS Barnstable Co.: Quisset (USNM). shaped base (Figs. 43, 53, 62), stipes small, Hampshire Co.: Amherst (MCZ). Middlesex Co.: partly hidden (I in Figs. 16, 17) Weston (CAS). CONNECTICUT Goshen (USNM): Curl of embolus small, showing stipes and Jordan (USNM); Mt. Carmel (USNM); New Britain tegulum on each side (Fig. 26); cosmopoli- (USNM); New Haven (USNM); Newington tam<GNMIaroy INS) i ee oe oe ee eee eee trifasciata (USNM): Oxford (USNM);: Woodmont (USNM). 4 Curl of embolus large, hiding stipes and te- PENNSYLVANIA York Co.: 3.6 km W Ashville gulum (Fig. 35); SE United States (USNM). MARYLAND Prince Georges Co.: Blad- (Migp SD) tema oh oe ee ae florida ensburg (USNM); Priest Bridge (USNM); Forestville 4(2) Venter of abdomen with a pair of white (USNM); Takoma Park (USNM). Hyattsville Co.: patches on black (Fig. 70); Sao Paulo West Lanham Hills (USNM). DISTRICT OF CO- State to NE Argentina (Map 2C) LUMBIA Washington (USNM); Smith9s Isl. = Venter usually with broken longitudinal (USNM). OHIO Crawford Co.: Galion (USNM). hime (Ieriars, 40LS Bil, (CO) oe ee 5 VIRGINIA Giles Co.: (USNM). Grayson Co.: 5(4) Tip of embolus with a spur (arrow, Fig. 43; (USNM). Rockbridge Co. (USNM). KENTUCKY Figs. 44, 45); Florida, Texas, California to Boone Co.: Florence (CAS). NORTH CAROLINA JNrgegermianaey (MBO) QUA) ose ecco argentata New Hanover Co.: Wilmington (USNM). Tyrrell Co.: = Embolus tip without spur (Figs. 54, 63) 6 Lake Landing (USNM). TENNESSEE White Co.: 6(5) Embolus coil with a basal cone (arrow, Fig. Bon Air, 10.2 km W Cumberland Co. (USNM). Giles 53; Fig. 54); Texas to Central America Co.: Pearisburg (USNM). SOUTH CAROLINA Oco- CIN 2D) eet see dees eee ke blanda nee Co.: Chattuga Riv. 1.5 mi. S Russell Bridge = Embolus without cone (Figs. 62, 63); Mex- (USNM). GEORGIA Chatham Co.: Rt. 95 (USNM). iconto southern, Brazil\(Miap)2/3) a FLORIDA Alachua Co.: Gainesville (USNM). Brad- ford Co.: Starke (USNM). Dade Co.: Lemon City (USNM). Duval Co.: Jacksonville (CAS). Hillsbor- Argiope aurantia Lucas ough Co.: Tampa (USNM). St. Lucie Co.: Ft. Pierce Map 1C; Figures 9-15 (USNM). MICHIGAN Oakland Co.: Birmingham (CAS). Wayne Co.: Detroit (CAS). WISCONSIN Argyope aurantia Lucas, 1833: 86, pl. 5, fig. 1. Fe- Dodge Co. (\USNM). Marathon Co. (USNM). Win- male holotype from North America. nebago Co.: Oshkosh (USNM). ILLINOIS Richland Argiope aurantia:4Levi, 1968: 338, figs. 43-57, 2d. Co.: Olney (USNM); Centerville (USNM). MIN- Platnick, 2003. NESOTA Wabasha Co.: 4.8 km SE Kellogg (USNM). IOWA Woodbury Co.: Sioux City (USNM); Morning- Diagnosis. Females are separated by the side (USNM). Dickinson Co.: Spirit Lake (USNM); black and yellow pattern of the abdomen Lake Okoboji (USNM). MISSOURI Travis Co. (Fig. 12) and the distinct genitalia, a pos- (CAS). Phelps Co.: Rolla (CAS). ARKANSAS Con- teriorly directed prong (Figs. 9, 10). The way Co. (CAS). LOUISIANA Ascension Par: Don- male is colored as in the female (Fig. 14) aldsonville (CAS). New Orleans Par.: Harahan (USNM). Orleans Par.. New Orleans (USNM). TEX- and has a projecting embolus and conduc- AS Bastrop Co.: 21 km SSE Elgin (USNM); 16 km tor (Fig. 15). The genitalia of A. aurantia NW Bastrop (USNM). Bell Co. (USNM). Bexar Co.: are closest to the Eurasian Argiope bruen- 16 km N San Antonio (CAS): San Antonio (CAS): nichi (Scopoli), which differs by having ab- Fort Sam Houston (CAS); Lackland Air Force Base (CAS). Dallas Co.: Dallas (USNM). Harris Co: 3.2 dominal coloration resembling that of A. km W of Alief (CAS). Leon Co.: SW Marques trifasciata (Fig. 22) (Roberts, 1995). (USNM). Travis Co.: Austin (CAS); 8 km SE Manor Variation. Total length of females 15-32 (USNM): Austin (USNM). Victoria Co.: Victoria Gea and Argiope ¢ Levi 53 Figures 1-8, Gea heptagon (Hentz). 1-5, Female. 1-3, epigynum. 1, ventral. 2, posterior, 3, lateral. 4, sternum and abdomen, ventral. 5, dorsal. 6-8, male. 6, abdomen, ventral, 7, dorsal. 8, left palpus. Figures 9-15, Argiope aurantia Lucas. 9-12, Female. 9, 10, epigynum. 9, ventral. 10, posterior. 11, sternum and abdomen, ventral. 12, dorsal. 13-15, male. 13, sternum and abdomen, ventral. 14, dorsal. 15, palpus. Figures 16-17, A. argentata (Fabricius), male, left palpus, expanded. Scale lines, 1.0 mm, genitalia, 0.1 mm. Abbreviations: C, conductor; E, embolus; |, stipes; M, median apophysis; R, radix; ST, subtegulum; T, tegulum. 54 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 2 (USNM). CALIFORNIA Alameda Co.: Oakland Additional Records. UNITED STATES, MAINE (CAS). Los Angeles Co. (USNM). Marin Co.: Lake Washington Co.: Lubec, Moosehorn Natl. Wildlife Bon Tempe (CAS); San Anselmo (CAS). Monterey Refuge (MCZ). MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable Co.: Co.: Salinas (USNM). San Mateo Co.: Daly City Teaticket (USNM). Dukes Co.: Nashawena Isl. (C. (CAS); Menlo Park (USNM). MEXICO Tamaulipas: Parsons, MCZ). Penikese Isl. (MCZ). Nantucket Co.: Paso del Abra, 22°379N, 99°19W (AMNH). Nuévo Nantucket, Almanach Pond (USNM). CONNECTI- Léon: Villa de Santiago Las Ajuntas, 1,300 m elev. CUT Cheshire (USNM): Colchester (USNM): Go- (MCZ). Nayarit: 11.7 km E San Blas (CAS); 3.2 km shen (USNM): Monroe (USNM): New Britain N Sayulita, 19 Nov. 1976, 2 (D. D. Wilder, CAS). (USNM); Newington (USNM); Rocky Hill (USNM); Jalisco: Chamela, 16 Oct. 1988, 2 (Buickerood, E. S. South Meriden (USNM): Storrs (USNM). NEW Ross, CAS). Veracruz: Alto Lucera, 18°7'N, 94°509W, YORK Madison Co.: Lebanon (USNM). PENNSYL- NOWAuse SCOR AR Walvies AMNH). VANIA York Co.: W Ashville (USNM). DISTRICT BAHAMA ISLANDS South Bimini, 2 (AMNH); OF COLUMBIA (USNM). WEST VIRGINIA Po- Bimini, 30 Sep. 1947, 2 (J. Oliver, AMNH). cahontas Co.: Watoga State park (USNM). Tucker Co.: Canaan Valley State Park (USNM). OHIO Por- Argiope trifasciata (Forskal) tage Co.: 8 km ESE Ravenna, 41°8.59N, 81°909W Map 1B; Figures 18-26 (CAS). VIRGINIA Allegheni Mts., Hone Quarry Camp (USNM). Montgomery Co. (USNM); Blacks- Aranea trifasciata Forskal, 1775: 86. Holotype from burg (USNM); Shawsville (USNM). Grayson Co.: Galax (USNM). NORTH CAROLINA Allegheny Co.: Cairo, Egypt, lost. Argiope trifasciata:4Thorell, 1873: 519. Levi, 1968: Sparta (USNM). WISCONSIN Dane Co.: Madison (USNM). Oconto Co.: (USNM). LOWA Clarke Co.: 340, figs. 58-72, 74-91, 9d. Platnick, 2003. Osceola (USNM). Woodbury Co.: Sioux City Diagnosis. Females can be separated (USNM). MISSOURI Vernon Co.: 24 km S Nevada, from mud dauber nest (MCZ). NORTH DAKOTA from other American Argiope by the trans- Slope Co: vic. Burning Coal Mines (AMNH). KAN- verse dorsal lines on the abdomen, two SAS Pottawatomie Co.: Onaga (USNM). NORTH longitudinal ventral lines (Fig. 21), and DAKOTA Slope (USNM). ARKANSAS Lawrence lack of posterior tubercles on the abdo- Co.: Imboden (USNM). OKLAHOMA Woods Co.: Alva (USNM). TEXAS Bell Co.: Paire Dell (USNM). men. It also differs in that the anterior, Burleson/Lee Cos.: Yegua Creek, NE Giddings transverse lip of the epigynum lacks an an- (USNM). Burnet Co.: Sycamore Creek, 16 km ENE terior edge, present in all species with a Marble Falls (USNM). Denton Co.: Lake Dallas similar epigynum (arrow, Fig. 18). The ab- (MCZ). Travis Co.: Austin (USNM); 3.2 km W Man- domen is similar to that of A. bruennichi or (USNM). COLORADO Boulder Co.: Boulder (USNM). ARIZONA Santa Cruz Co.: Sycamore Can- of Eurasia, but A. bruennichi has an epi- yon (MCZ). WASHINGTON Benton Co.: 8 km N gynum like that of A. aurantia. Prosser (USNM). Chelan Co.: Lake Chelan, 47°88'N, The male palpus differs from others 120°8'W (USNM). OREGON Umatilla Co.: Pendle- with a similar palpus by having a joint be- ton (CAS). CALIFORNIA (USNM). San Diego Co.: San Diego (AMNH); Del Mar (USNM). MEXICO tween the embolus and the very large sti- Tamaulipas: 24 km S Victoria, 23°389N, 99°12'9W, 22 pes (arrow, Fig. 25), as is also found in A. July 1966, 2 (J., W. Ivie, AMNH). Chihuahua: 25.6 florida (Fig. 34). Argiope trifasciata differs km NNW Chihuahua, 28°47'N, 106°10'W, 8 Sep. from A. florida (Fig. 35) in having a small- 1964, 2 (J., W. Ivie, AMNH). Baja California Sur: er embolus circle in ventral view (Fig. 26), 4.8 km NW San Antonio, 13-18 Dec. 1977, 2 (L. Vincent, C. Griswold, CAS). México: 38 km NW Mex- still showing stipes to the left and the te- ico City, 6 June 1948, 2 (AMNH). Oaxaca: nr. San gulum on the right (if the left palpus is Gabriel, 900 m, N Puerto Escondido, S of Oaxaca, viewed as in Fig. 26). 1963, 2 (C. M. Bogert, AMNH). Yucatan: Uxmal, 29 Variation. Total length of females 10.34 Sep. 1959, d (O., I. Degener, AMNH); Chichen Itza, Feb. 1934, 6 (AMNH). COSTA RICA Guanacaste: 21.0 mm, males 3.847.3 mm. Abdomen Palo Verde, ca. 27 km SSW Bagaces, Jan. 1978, 2d variable, rarely with transverse grooves, (W. Eberhard, MCZ). sometimes with a tail (Levi, 1968). A fe- BAHAMAS Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera Isl., 2 Apr. male and males from Costa Rica were 1953, @¢ (Hayden, Giovannoli, AMNH). HAITI used for Figures 18-20, and 23-26. Furcy, Nov. 1942, 2 (R. Curtiss, USNM). VIRGIN ISLANDS St. Thomas, 2 (ZMK). ANTIGUA June Distribution. Cosmopolitan, but absent 1918, 2 (Univ. Iowa Exped., USNM). WEST AN- from Europe. (American distribution, Map TIGUA nr. Jolly Beach, 2 July 1963, 2; 20 Sep. 1963, @ (E. N. Kj.-Waering, AMNH). 1B.) Figures 18-26, Argiope trifasciata (Forskal). 18-22, female. 18-20, epigynum. 18, ventral. 19, posterior. 20, lateral, 21, sternum and abdomen, ventral. 22, dorsal. 23-26, male. 23, abdomen, ventral. 24, dorsal. 25, 26, palpus. 25, mesal. 26, ventral. Figures 27-35, Argiope florida Chamberlin and Ivie. 27-31, female. 27-29, epigynum. 27, ventral. 28, posterior. 29, lateral, 30, abdomen, ventral. 31, dorsal. 32-35, male. 32, abdomen, ventral. 33, dorsal. 34, 35, palpus. 34, mesal. 35, ventral. Scale lines, 1.0 mm, genitalia, 0.1 mm. 56 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 2 SURINAME Matapica Beach, 4 Oct. 1962, 3 (B. 3 (MCZ); Lampa, May 1979, 2 (L. Pefia, AMNH); Malkin, AMNH). COLOMBIA Antioquia: Belmira Quilicura, 1979, 2 (L. Pefia, AMNH). Arauco: Angol, Paramo, 3,150 m, 12 Apr. 1988, @ (M. A. Serna, 1950, 2 (D.S. Bullock, CAS). Nuble: Chillan, 10 Apr. MHNM). Cundinamarca: Monterredondo, 1,200 m, 1976, 2 (G. Moreno, MCZ); Puente Rio Cato, 26 25 Feb. 1975, 6 (P. A. Schneble, MCZ). Valle: Buena Mar. 1981, 2 (G. Moreno, MACN). Llanquihue: Ventura, 4 Nov. 1950, 2 (E. S. Ross, CAS); Jamundi, Llanquihue, Mar. 1942, 2 (Lieberman, MACN). Oct. 1991, 2 (A. Batista, MCP 2861). PERU Ancash: JUAN FERNANDEZ ISL. Mas Afuera, Cerro Ino- nr. Colea, Rio Fortaleza, 2,150 m, 1 Oct. 1956, 2 (W. centes, 1,000 m, 18 Mar. 1962, 2 (B. Malkin, Weyrauch, CAS). Ayacucho: Ayacucho, Jan. 1967, 2 AMNH). (T. A. Galarza, IBSP). Cuzco: Machu Picchu, 2,6004 HAWAII Oahu, 1961, 2 (O., I. Degener, AMNH). 2,800 m, 1-5 July 1964, 2 (B. Malkin, AMNH); 24 Hebs OTIS SWAP Eao od) 20m cnr O No mmcun CAG Argiope florida Chamberlin and Ivie Moreton, MCZ); 2,400 m, 16 Oct. 1987, @ (J. Cod- Map 1D; Figures 27-35 dington, USNM). BRAZIL Amapd: Macapa, nest of Eumenes, June 1966, 6 (Becker, MACN). Espfrito Argiope florida Chamberlin and Ivie, 1944: 95, figs. Santo: Uha da Trinidade, 1992, 1995, 2 (R. Castelli; 93, 94, 96, 2. Female holotype from Lake Worth, D. Lewis, MCP 1675, 6144, 6145, 7600). Mato Gros- Florida, lost, not examined. Levi 1968: 344, figs. so: Porto Cercado, 2 Aug. 1992, 3 (G. A. Braul, MCP 92-111, 26. Platnick, 2003. 2486); Santa Antonio de Levergene, 6 Oct. 1991, ¢ (M. I. Marques, MCP 2557). Mato Grosso do Sul: Diagnosis. Females of A. florida, as well Anaurilandia, 22°229S, 52°489W, 15 Nov.423 Dec. as A. trifasciata, differ from females of A. 1998, 2 (IBSP). Sdo Paulo: Presidente Epitacio, 16 argentata, A. blanda, and A. savignyi by Jan413 Feb. 1999, 2¢6 (IBSP); Sao Paulo, 14 July having a pair of longitudinal white bands 1995, 2 (C. M. P. Nasciment6, IBSP). Rio Grande do Sul: Capaio Novo, 1992, ¢ (C. Mazzilo, MCP on the black venter of the abdomen (Fig. 4606); Itapua, Porto Alegre, 4 Feb. 1975, 6 (A. Lise, 30). They differ from A. trifasciata by the MCN 02450); Santa Maria, Apr. 1988, 2 (A. A. Lise, dorsal coloration and shape of the abdo- MCP 4897); 16 Mar. 1990, 2 (D. Linck, MCP 6016). men. Dorsally, there is a pair of longitu- URUGUAY 1913, 2 (Copuelo, MACN). PARAGUAY Feb. 1945, ? (J. Cranwell, MACN); Isla Yasilen, Nov. dinal bands (Fig. 31), and the sides of the 1975, d (A. Martins, MACN). Paraguari Prov.: Yby- abdomen have tubercles (Fig. 31). The cui, 27 May 1980, 2 (P. J. Spangler, USNM). AR- epigynum, unlike that of A. trifasciata, has GENTINA Misiones: Pto. Aguirre, 1943, 2 (J. M. a lip on the anterior rim of the epigynum Viana, MACN); Santa Marfa, Oct. 1944, @ (J. M. Vi- (Fig. 27). ana, MCN); Pto. Iguazu, Dec. 1959, 2 (MCN). For- mosa: Palo Santo, 2 (H. Hepper, MACN). Chaco: Males differ from most Argiope, except Agua de Oro, 2 (Apéstol-Tonina, MACN); Resisten- A. trifasciata, by having a joint between cia, July 1934, 2 (J. B. Daguerre, MCN); Basail, @ the embolus and stipes in the palpus (ar- (M. Birabén, MLP 15116). Corrientes: Corrientes, row, Fig. 25). They differ from A. trifas- Jan. 1949, @ (J. Lieberman, MACN); Solari, 2 (M. Birabén, MLP 16559); Manantiales, 2 (Apostal, ciata in having the embolus longer and MCN); Apipé, 1945, 2 (W. Hanke, MACN). Entre with a wider circle. The embolus coil cov- Rios: Diamante, 19 Mar. 1918, 2 (A. G. Frers, ers both the tegulum and stipes on each MCN); Villaguay, 26 Apr. 1918, 2 (A. G. Frers, side if viewed face on (Fig. 35). MCN). Santa Fé: Las Gamas, 20 km W Vera, Oct. Variation. Total length of females 12.54 1994, d (M. Ramirez et. al., MACN); 9 July 1945, 9 (E. Aiello, MACN): Tostado, 1944, 92 (A. Giai, 18.0 mm, males 5.146.7 mm. The illustra- MACN); Aug. 1945, 2 (MCN); Mar. Chiquita, May tions (Figs. 27-29, 31) were made from a 1962, 2 (C. Hepper, MACN). Cordoba: Calamuchita, female from Georgia, the male (Figs. 324 Dec. 1940, 2 (J. M. Viana, MACN); Leones, 5 Feb. 35) from Florida. 1946, 2 (MACN); Agua de Oro, Mar. 1940, 2 (J. A. de Carlo, MACN). San Luis: Villa Elena, Oct. 1974, Natural history. Spiders were collected 3 (J. M. Viana, MACN). Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires, between trees in open pine scrub on sand ? (Zotta, MACN); Pergamino, Mar. 1963, 2 (Sucro, at 1 m height by F. Enders in North Car- MACN); Zekya, 3 Mar. 1935, 2 (MACN); Bella Vista, olina. 11 Mar. 1984, 2 (J. M. Gallardo, MACN). La Pampa: Distribution. North Carolina to Florida; General Pico, Mar. 1975, 2 (J. Williamson, MACN). CHILE Reg. Metropolitana: Talagante, 15 Dec. 1974, west to Louisiana, Arizona (Map 1D). ?, 18 Sep. 1975, 2 (L. Berrios, AMNH); Conchali, Santiago, 1 Feb. 1972, 2 (I. Maller, AMNH); Antu- Additional records. UNITED STATES, NORTH mapu, Mar. 1973, 2 (MCZ); El Monte, 27 Feb. 1973, CAROLINA Bladen Co.: 13 km S White Lake, 22