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COMMENTARY ON THE CREED OF AT-TAHAWf BY IBN ABIAL -'IZZ SHARHAL -'AQIDAH AT - TAHAWIYYAH TRANSLATED BY MUHAMMAD' ABDUL-HAQQ ANSARI KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Ministry of Higher Education Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University Deanery of Academic Research COMMENTARY ON THE CREED OF AT-TAHAWf BY IBN ABIAL -'IZZ SHARHAL -'AQIDAH AT - TAHAWIYYAH TRANSLATED BY MUHAMMAD' ABDUL-HAQQ ANSARI AL-IMAM MUHAMMAD IBN SA'UD ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY IMADAT AL-BAHTH AL-'ILMI RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC AND ARABIC SCIENCES IN AMERICA 1421 A.H.-2000 C.E. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE COMPASSIONATE THE MERCIFUL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1421 A.H.-2000 A.D. Commentary on the Creed of At-Tahawi TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction XVII Translator’s Preface xix Commentator’s Preface xlvii The Creed of At-Tahawi Ivii The Creed and its Commentary 1 Tawhid'. Affirming God’s Unity 1 Two aspects of tawhid: tawhid al-ilahlyyah, and tawhid al-rubublyyah Tawhid is inherent in man The Qur’an expounds on and argues for God’s unity Tawhid in faith and in action The prophets’ tawhid was the most perfect Criticism of the mystical view of tawhid God is unlike anything 23 To affirm attributes of God is not to liken Him with His creatures (tashblh) Words common between the Creator and the created denote nothing real Nothing is impossible for God 31 The Qur’an mentions God’s positive attributes in detail, and negative attributes in brief Mutukallimun do just the reverse God is Eternal and Everlasting 35 The Qur’an uses the words: the First and the Last Mutakallimun use the word Al-Qadlm, which is not a happy choice v Shark Al- ‘Aqidah At-Tahawiyyah Nothing comes into existence except what God wills 38 Two kinds of Divine will: creative and prescriptive Creative will does not necessarily imply that God approves of the object He creates Prescriptive will implies that God approves of the object He commands men to do Both the wills have some purpose which may concern man, God or both It is not necessary that God should help one to do what He asks him to do God is beyond understanding and imagination 41 The Jahmlyyah are wrong in saying that to affirm attributes of God is to anthropomorphize Him Theological discussion does not admit of syllogistic or analogical argument; it admits only the argument of priority God is Living and All-Sustaining 45 He is the Creator and the Provident He causes death and shall raise again All the attributes of God are eternal 49 This is true of essential attributes, such as knowledge and power, Of active attributes such as creation, and Of voluntary attributes such as coming, descending, mounting, anger and pleasure The meaning of coming, mounting, anger etc., is known to us; what is not known is their modality Do things happen to God? Essence and attributes, whether one or different? Name and the Named Events as a class have no beginning and God is active from eternity God is Creator, Originator, Lord, Reviver, etc., from eternity God has power over all things; the impossible in itself is nothing God has created things with knowledge 66 He Ordained them in due measures, and fixed their terms vi Commentary on the Creed of At-Tahawi He knew what people would do even before He created them Things happen as He ordains and wills This does not mean that He approves of everything people do Nor does pre-ordination offer any justification for doing evil His guidance and protection is a favor from him Refutation of the view that God must do what is best for man His decision is not reversed, resisted or frustrated Prophecy of Muhammad (pbuh) 76 Muhammad is a servant of God, and the most perfect man is the most perfect servant of God Miracle is a proof among other proofs of prophecy Other proofs are: the message, teachings, life and conduct, works and achievements of the prophet It is on these grounds that Negus of Abyssinia and Heraclius of Syria testified to Muhammad’s prophecy The difference between nabi and rasul Muhammad is the seal of the prophets ahadlth on the subject He is the leader of the pious He is the chief of the apostles He is the best of all the prophets, but this should not be said to degrade other prophets He is very dear to God Grades of love Every claim to prophecy after him is false He is sent to men as well as to jinns The Qur’an 96 The Qur’an is the word of God It has proceeded from Him in an unknown manner as articulated speech To say that it is spoken by God is not to anthropomorphize him Verses and ahadlth saying that God speaks; the meaning of His speech The Qur’an is an attribute of God, not something created Vll Sharh Al- ‘Aqldah At-Tahawiyyah It has been brought down to Muhammad by Gabriel, acting simply as a messenger It is not the word of a human being, one who says that is a kafir Speech is an attribute of God, and He has been speaking from eternity as and when He has willed His speech as a class is eternal Refuting the objection that God shall then be the locus of contigent events The Qur’an is the word of God whether recited, written or remembered; and it is uncreated However, our reciting, writing, or remembering is our act, and is contigent, as is the voice or the ink involved in the process This is the view of Abu Hanlfah and the Ahl al-Sunnah The view of later Hanafis on the subject is not correct The view that God’s speech is a simple inaudible idea, and what is recited is its interpretation is wrong Beatific Vision 119 People will see God in Paradise in an unknown manner and without encompassing Him Verses referring to it must not be interpreted allegorically Refutation of the arguments advanced by the Mu‘tazilah Ahadlth on the subject are very clear However, no one has seen or can see God in this life Did the Prophet see God in his life? Mu‘tazill interpretation of texts is not correct Tawhid is to believe in what has come down from the Prophet authentically Islam is to believe, submit, and refrain from misinterpreting texts 136 Three kinds of people destroy religion: Rulers pursuing policies opposed to the Shar ‘ Sufis following kashf and experience Mutakallimun arguing from reason alone Al-Ghazall on the inadequacy of kalam The reason the Salaf condemned kalam The root cause of error is lack of reflection on the Qur’an and the Sunnah vm Commentary on the Creed of At-Tahawl Philosophers and theologians speak about the limitation of philosophy and kalam Meaning of ta ’wll Ta ’wll in the Qur’an and Sunnah Ta ’wil in early commentaries Ta ’wll in the works of later jurists and mutakallimun Interpreting divine names: Avoid both negation and anthropomorphization God’s hands, face, eyes God and space (jihah) Ascension of the Prophet 162 His Fountain 167 His Intercession 170 Intercession by other prophets, ‘‘ulama ’ and martyrs Praying in the name of someone Tawassul God’s Covenant with Mankind 182 Tawhld is inherent in man Shirk is alien to human nature Fore-ordainment 191 God knows from eternity who will go to Paradise and who will go to Hell, as well as their deeds leading them to their destination Everyone gets the opportunity to do what he or she has been created for Fore-ordainment is a secret of God; one should not delve into it Everything good and bad is brought out by God’s creative will, which does not necessarily imply His approval However, God does not will pure evil God may not help one do what He approves of Fore-ordainment and repentence Fore-ordainment and resignation (rida ’) We are not required to resign to everything decreed IX Shark Al- ‘Aqidah At-Tahawiyyah The Pen and the Tablet 210 What shall come into existence till the Last Day has been written down No one can change what has been written Earning is not opposed to trust There is no change in God’s fore-knowledge Faith in fore-ordainment is necessary What qadr implies Questioning qadr is a disease The Throne and the Footstool 223 The Throne and the Footstool are real But God does not need the Throne He encompasses all and is above all Verses and ahadlth that speak of His being above the world (fawqlyyah) Twenty reasons for His fawqlyyah Sayings of Abu Hanlfah on the subject ‘Ulu and fawqlyyah The knowledge that God is above the world is inherent in human nature God took Abraham as friend 242 Angels, Prophets and Heavenly Books 246 Angels, their grades and functions We must believe in all the prophets of God and in all His books As for Muhammad (pbuh), we must believe in him as well as follow his teachings One is muslim and mu’min so long as one witnesses to what the Prophet has brought 261 The Qur’an may be read in all the seven established ways The Faithful Spirit has brought down the Qur’an and conveyed it to Muhammad (pbuh) Sin, Faith and Salvation 266 No Muslim becomes kafir by committing a sin unless he or she thinks it to be lawful To deny what the Prophet has affirmed, affirm what he has denied, legalize what he has prohibited, or x

Shark Al- 'Aqidah At-Tahawiyyah. Nothing comes into existence except what. God wills. 38. Two kinds of Divine will: creative and prescriptive. Creative
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