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Commentarii De Bello Gallico: Latin-English Vocabulary PDF

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Preview Commentarii De Bello Gallico: Latin-English Vocabulary

C. IVLII CAESARIS Commentarii De Bello Gallico Ex Libris I, IV, V Discipvlis Legenda Edidit Hans H. Ørberg LATIN-ENGLISH VOCABULARY ABBREVIATIONS abl ablative acc accusative adj adjective adv adverb comp comparative conj conjunctive dat dative f feminine fut future gen genitive ger gerund indecl indeclinable inf infinitive m masculine n neuter pass passive perf perfect pl plural prp preposition sg singular subj subjunctive sup superlative MissingwordscanbefoundinLatin-EnglishVocabularyI,thevocabularyforLingva Latina per se Illvstrata, Pars I: Familia Romana. DocumenttypesetwithLATEXbasedonthePDFdocumentavailableathttp://focusbookstore. com/LLdownloads.aspx, with minor changes. aliēnus -a -um unfavorable A ali-quam-diū adv for some time ab/ā (mīlibus passuum…) at a distance of ali-quī = aliquis someone ab-dere -didisse -ditum hide alius aliā ex nāvī one from one ship and one ab-esse: nōn multum abest little is wanting (but) that from another quīn +subj altitūdō -inis f height, depth abies -etis f fir ambō -ae -ō both ab-sistere stop, refrain ammentum -ī n thong abs-tinēre abstain (from) amplitūdō -inis f size, extent ac see atque amplius adv more ac-cēdere be added amplus -a -um large, great accēdit (quod/ut) moreover… anceps -cipitis adj undecided accersere -īvisse -ītum fetch ancora -ae f anchor āctuārius -a -um (nāvis) fast-moving (with sails and angulus -ī m angle, corner oars) angustiae -ārum f pl narrowness, pass, narrow ad (: ferē) about, approximately passage ad-aequāre come up to, equal angustius adv comp closertogether;morescantily ad-dūcere bring, lead animus: in a.ō est +dat have in mind, intend in cōnsuētūdinem a. accustom a.um advertere notice adductus +abl prompted, impelled a.ī causā for pleasure ad-eō so (very), to such an extent annōtinus -a -um of last year ad-haerēre -sisse -sum cling, stick ānser -eris m goose ad-hibēre bring in, summon ante adv previously, beforehand, above ad-hortārī encourage, urge on ante-cēdere go before, precede ad-igere -ēgisse -āctum drive, hurl ante-currere run before ad-ipīscī -eptum obtain, win antecursōrēs -um m pl vanguard aditus -ūs m access, coming ante-ferre prefer adiūtor -ōris m helper, supporter ante-pōnere place before/above ad-ministrāre perform, organize apertus -a -um uncovered, exposed ad-mittere admit, allow, give rein ap-pellere -pulisse -pulsum drive to; pass (of ships) put equō admissō at a gallop in, sail (to) ad-modum adv very much, greatly, quite, no aptus -a -um (ad) fitted (for) less than aqua -ae f water, water-clock (to mea- ad-monēre advise, urge sure time) ad-orīrī attack, assault aquārī fetch water adventus -ūs m approach, arrival aquātiō -ōnis f fetching of water adversus -a -um: adversā in the face of night aquili-fer -ferī m standard-bearer nocte arbiter -trī m assessor, umpire in adversum ōs straight in the face ārdēre -sisse burn, be inflamed ad-vertere: animum a. notice argilla -ae f clay ad-volāre rush āridus -a -um dry; n dry land aedificium -ī n building, farmhouse armāmenta -ōrum n pl rigging aegrē adv, sup aegerrimē hardly, with difficulty armāre equip, rig aequāre make equal armātī -ōrum m pl armed men aequus -a -um (locus) level, even; fair, just ar-ripere -iō -uisse -reptum seize, grab aes aeris n copper, bronze ascēnsus -ūs m ascent, way of ascending aestus -ūs m tide, current a-scīscere -īvisse -ītum admit af-flīctāre shatter asper -era -erum hard, severe af-flīgere -xisse -ctum strike, shatter as-suē-facere accustom af-fore fut inf = af-futūrum ‘would be present’ atque/ac: (pār) a. as esse < ad- esse (aliter) a. than Āfricus -ī m south-west wind contrā a. contrary to ager agrī m territory, country at-texere -uisse -xtum weave on agere (cum, inter sē) talk, discuss at-tingere -tigisse -tāctum adjoin, reach agger -is m earthwork, ramp at-tribuere -uisse -ūtum assign ag-gredī -ior -gressum attack auctor -ōris m one who advocates, sup- ag-gregāre, sē join, follow porter, adviser alacer -cris -cre eager, keen a. esse propose alacritās -ātis f eagerness, zeal auctōritās -ātis f authority, prestige alere -uisse altum feed, nourish, support audācter adv boldly 3 audītiō -ōnis f hearsay, report adv citō, sup citissimē fast, quickly aurīga -ae m charioteer cīvitās -ātis f state, citizens (of a state) auxiliārī give help clādēs -is f disaster, defeat auxilium: dat auxiliō to the assistance (of) clam adv secretly (venīre/mittere) clāmitāre shout ā-vertere turn away, divert clārus -a -um famous; (vōx) loud āversus with the back turned cliēns -entis m client avus -ī m grandfather coāctū +gen under compulsion co-emere buy cōgere coēgisse coāctum bring together, assemble, collect B cognitus -a -um known balteus -ī m baldric co-hortārī exhort, encourage bellāre wage war col-laudāre praise, commend bellicōsus -a -um warlike col-ligāre tie up, fix together benevolēns -entis adj friendly col-ligere -lēgisse -lēctum collect benevolentia -ae f goodwill sē colligere recover bīduum -ī n two days col-locāre put, place, station, set up biennium -ī n two years comb-ūrere -ussisse -ustum burn bi-pertītō adv in two parts com-meāre come and go, travel bonitās -ātis f good quality commeātus -ūs m supplies, provisions; passage, breviārium -ī n abstract, summary convoy brevitās -ātis f shortness com-mendāre entrust, commit brūma -ae f winter solstice commentārius -ī m record comminus adv at close quarters C com-mittere commit, do cadere cecidisse fall (in battle), be killed proelium c. join battle caeruleus -a -um blue +dat entrust caespes -itis m turf commodum -ī n advantage, convenience; calamitās -ātis f disaster, defeat commodō +gen without inconveniencing capere (locum) reach commodus -a -um convenient, advantageous cōnsilium c. form a plan, make a decision adv -ē readily, easily captīvus -ī m prisoner of war com-movēre trouble, frighten captus -ūs m capacity, notion commūnicāre (cum) communicate, discuss, consult caput (fluviī) mouth com-mūnīre fortify capita pl individuals com-mūtāre change carrus -ī m waggon commūtātiō -ōnis f change casa -ae f cottage, hut com-parāre prepare, provide castellum -ī n fort, stronghold com-pellere -pulisse -pulsum drive (together) cāsus -ūs m chance, accident, fortune comperīre -erisse -ertum find out, learn, be told cāsū accidentally com-portāre carry, bring (together) causa -ae f situation com-prehendere catch hold of, seize, arrest celeritās -ātis f speed, swiftness ignem c. catch fire cēnsus -ūs m census cōnātus -ūs m effort, attempt centuria -ae f century(unitofupto100sol- con-cēdere give in, yield, concede, allow diers, 1/6 of a cohort) con-cidere -disse fall down centuriō -ōnis m centurion (officer command- con-cīdere -disse -sum cut down, kill ing a century) concilium -ī n assembly, public meeting certiōrem facere inform con-citāre incite, stir up pass certior fierī be informed, learn con-clāmāre shout, cry out cibāria -ōrum n pl food, provisions con-currere hurry together circu(m)-īre go round concursāre run to and fro circu-itus -ūs m circumference con-cursus -ūs m gathering, concourse, running circum-cīdere cut out about; (nāvium) collision circum-mittere send round con-dere -didisse -ditum found circum-sistere -stetisse gather round, surround ab urbe conditā from the founding of the city circum-spicere look round (for) condiciō -ōnis f condition, terms, (legal) po- circum-venīre surround sition cis prp +acc on the near side of con-dūcere hire citātus -a -um moving quickly cōn-fectus -a -um +abl worn out, exhausted citerior -ius nearer citus -a -um quick 4 cōn-ferre con-tulisse bring together, collect con-tendere makeaneffort,strive,hasten, col-lātum contend, fight sē cōnferre go, resort contentiō -ōnis f conflict, contention cōnfertus -a -um close, in close order con-testārī call to witness cōnfestim adv at once continēns -entis adj uninterrupted cōn-fīdere -fīsum esse trust, have confidence in continēns -entis f (abl -ī) continent +acc +inf be sure continenter adv continuously cōn-fīnium -ī n boundary con-tinēre keep together, keep, confine, cōn-fīrmāre establish, secure, strengthen limit +acc +inf confirm con-tingere -tigisse -tāctum touch, be in contact with cōn-flagrāre be destroyed by fire continuus -a -um continuous, successive cōnflīctāre strike, harass cōntiō -ōnis f assembly, parade cōn-flīgere -xisse -ctum clash contrā atque contrary to cōnfluēns -entis m confluence con-trahere (nāvēs) drawtogether,gather,reduce cōn-fluere flow together, meet in size, contract con-gredī -ior -gressum meet contrōversia -ae f dispute con-icere-iō-iēcisse-iectum throw contumēlia -ae f indignity, affront in fugam c. put to flight convallis -is f narrow valley in vincula c. put in chains con-venīre +acc meet culpam c. in lay the blame on conventus -ūs m meeting, assize con-iūrātiō -ōnis f conspiracy, plot co-orīrī arise, break out con-quīrere search out cōpia -ae f supply cōnsanguineus -a -um related; m relative, kinsman cōpiae -ārum f pl forces, troops cōn-scrībere write; (mīlitēs) enlist, enrol cōpiōsus -a -um rich cōnsectārī pursue, hunt down cōram adv before his own eyes cōn-sentīre be in agreement, agree cotīdiānus -a -um daily cōn-sequī follow, reach, acquire, gain, crātis -is f wickerwork win crēber -bra -brum, sup close together, frequent cōn-sīdere take up a position, encamp, -errimus settle cruciātus -ūs m torture cōnsilium -ī n deliberation, decision, inten- culpa -ae f blame, fault tion, judgement, discre- cultūra -ae f cultivation tion; council (of war) cultus -ūs m standard of living, civilization cōn-similis -e similar, like cūnctārī linger, hesitate cōn-sistere -stitisse halt, stop, take one’s stand cūrāre +acc +ger undertake, have (something cōnspectus -ūs m: in before the eyes of done) cōnspectū +gen cursus -ūs m running, speed, passage cōn-spicārī catch sight of, see cūstōdia -ae f guard cōnstāre: cōnstat +acc +inf it is apparent, it is plain cōnstīpāre, sē crowd together D cōn-stituere place, locate; appoint dē (III vigiliā) starting with, at cōn-suēr- = cōn-suēver-, -suēvēr- dē-cēdere go away, retire cōn-suēss- = cōn-sēviss- decem et octō eighteen cōn-suēscere -ēvisse become accustomed, accus- dē-cernere -crēvisse -crētum decide, decree tom oneself dē-certāre fight it out, fight to a finish perf cōn-suēvisse beaccustomed/used(to), be dēclīvis -e sloping in the habit of; usually decuria -ae f squad of ten cavalrymen (do) decuriō -ōnis m officercommandingadecuria cōnsuētūdō -inis f usage, habit, practice, cus- decus -oris n honor tom dē-decus -oris n disgrace cōnsul -is m consul dē-dere (sē) give up, surrender cōn-sulere -uisse -sultum consult, deliberate dēditīcius -a -um having surrendered +dat consult the interests of, show dēditiō -ōnis f surrender consideration for dē-dūcere lead away, remove, conduct, cōnsultāre deliberate, debate (nāvem) launch cōnsultō adv deliberately dēfectiō -ōnis f defection, revolt cōn-surgere stand up, rise dēfēnsor -ōris m defender contabulāre coverwithboards,equipwith dē-ferre bring, carry, report floors dē-fessus -a -um worn out contemptiō -ōnis f scorn, contempt dē-fetīgāre exhaust, wear out 5 dē-ficere -iō -fēcisse -fectum run short, fail, revolt, defect dis-pār -paris adj unequal dē-fīgere fix, plant di-spergere -sisse -sum scatter dē-fluere flow dis-pōnere distribute, post, station dē-fōrmis -e misshapen, ugly dis-putāre argue, debate dē-icere -iō -iēcisse -iectum throwdown,divert,(spē)dis- disputātiō -īnis f discussion, debate, dispute appoint dissēnsiō -ōnis f disagreement, dissension deinceps adv in succession, in turn dis-sentīre disagree dē-līberāre deliberate, consider dis-simulāre conceal, dissemble dē-ligāre tie, fasten dis-tribuere distribute dē-ligere -lēgisse -lēctum choose, pick out dis-tul- < dif-ferre dē-litēscere -tuisse hide, go into hiding dītissimus -a -um sup < dīs dītis dē-mēns -entis adj mad, insane diūtinus -a -um lasting, prolonged dēmentia -ae f madness, insanity docēre +acc +inf tell, inform, declare dēmere -mpsisse -mptum take away, remove dolus -ī m deceit, guile, trickery dē-metere − -messum mow domāre -uisse -itum tame, subdue dē-migrāre go away, move domesticus -a -um domestic, internal dē-mittere, sē go down, descend dubitāre waver, hesitate dē-mōnstrāre indicate, point out, explain, dubitātiō -ōnis f doubt describe dūcere +acc +inf consider dēnsus -a -um thick dum conj +subj until dē-perīre perish, be lost duodēnī -ae -a twelve each dē-pōnere lay down, put, place, aban- duplex -icis adj double don duplicāre double dē-populārī/-āre sack, plunder dūrus -a -um hard, severe dē-precārī beg relief, plead for dēprecātor -ōris m one who pleads for someone, E intercessor eā adv that way dē-prehendere seize, intercept ē-dūcere lead out dēsertus -a -um deserted ef-fēmināre unman, enervate dēscendere ad (cōnsilium) resort to ef-ferre ex-tulisse ē-lātum carry out dēsīderāre +acc +inf want, require; pass be miss- efferrī (victōriā) be elated, exult ing ef-fugere +acc escape from dē-sistere -stitisse +abl cease from ē-gredī -ior -gressum go out dēspērātiō -ōnis f despair ēgressus -ūs m going out, (ē nāvibus) disem- dē-stringere -strīnxisse (gladium) draw barcation, landing -strictum ē-icere -iō -iēcisse -iectum throw out, turn out dētrīmentum -ī n harm, loss sē ēicere rush out dē-turbāre dislodge eius-modī of that kind, such dē-vehere convey, transport ē-lābī -lāpsum slip out, manage to get out diēs -ēī m/f (fixed) day, time ē-licere -iō -uisse -itum entice, lure out in diēs day by day ē-mittere send out, let go dif-ferre differ, be different eō +comp so much (the more/ less) dif-ferre dis-tulisse dī-lātum scatter, disperse eō adv for that reason difficultās -ātis f difficulty eō quod because dif-fīdere have no confidence in, dis- eō ut in order that trust eō-dem adv to the same place, to the dignitās -ātis f dignity same purpose dī-iūdicāre settle, decide ephippiātus -a -um furnished with an ephippium dīmicāre fight ephippium -ī n saddle-cloth dīmidium -ī n half epistola -ae f letter d.ō minor half as big eques (Rōmānus) knight, member of the eques- dī-mittere send off (in different direc- trian order tions); give up control of, equester -tris -tre cavalry- abandon; let go errāre (= fallī) be mistaken dīs dītis adj (= dīves), sup rich, wealthy ēruptiō -ōnis f sally, sortie dītissimus essedārius -ī m fighter in a war-chariot dis-cēdere ab armīs give up arms essedum -ī n war-chariot dis-cessus -ūs m departure ē-vellere tear out, pull out disciplīna -ae f training, discipline ē-venīre turn out, happen dis-icere -iō -iēcisse -iectum scatter ēventus -ūs m outcome, event 6 ē-vocāre call out, summon fīnitimus -a -um (+dat) bordering, neighboring; m pl ex-agitāre stir up, harass neighboring people exāmināre weigh fīrmus -a -um (adv -iter) strong, firm, steady ex-animāre kill flamma -ae f flame, fire ex-cēdere (+abl) go out, go away, leave flētus -ūs m weeping ex-cipere follow after, succeed flōrēre bloom, flourish ex-citāre build, erect fore fut inf < esse/fierī ‘would be, would happen’ ex-clūdere -sisse -sum shut out, exclude, prevent fortitūdō -inis f bravery exemplum -ī n precedent, model fortūnae -ārum f pl property exercitāre train, exercise fremitus -ūs m roar, growl exercitātiō -ōnis f exercise, training frequēns numerous exiguitās -ātis f smallness, scantiness quam freqentissimī in the greatest possible number exīstimātiō -ōnis f opinion, judgement frūmentārī gather corn, forage expedītiō -ōnis f raid, expedition frūmentārius -a -um corn-, corn-producing ex-pedītus -a -um ready for action, moving eas- rēs f.a corn-supply ily; easy fuga -ae f in fugam dare, put to flight ex-pellere -pulisse -pulsum drive out, expel, banish fugitīvus -ī m runaway, fugitive (+abl) fūmus -ī m smoke ex-perīrī -pertum try, attempt funda -ae f sling ex-piāre make amends, atone for fundere fūdisse fūsum: rout ex-plōrāre investigate, explore (proeliō) f. explōrātor -ōris m scout, spy fūnis -is m rope explōrātus -a -um secured, certain fūsilis -e molten, fusible ex-pōnere put out, put on shore, land; expose, display G ex-portāre carry out, take away gallīna -ae f hen ex-sistere -stitisse emerge, arise gaudēre gavīsum be glad, rejoice ex-stāre project, stand out genus -eris n stock, descent ex-stinguere -stīnxisse extinguish, wipe out gerere gessisse gestum carry on, perform, do -stīnctum rēs gesta action, event, achievement ex-trahere protract, spend (time) glāns -andis f acorn, acorn-shaped missile extrēmus -a -um outermost, hindmost, last grātia -ae f favor, popularity ad extrēmum finally grātulārī congratulate ex-uere -uisse -ūtum deprive grātulātiō -ōnis f congratulation ex-ūrere -ussisse -ustum destroy by fire gravitās -ātis f heaviness, weight, importance F H factū supine II: optimum f. the best to be done habēre regard facultās -ātis f possibility, opportunity magnī h. value highly fāgus -ī f beech-tree in hostium numerō h. regard as enemies falx -cis f sickle-like hook fitted on a hīberna -ōrum n pl winter camp long pole, siege-hook hiemāre pass the winter familiāris -is m/f close friend historia -ae f history familiāritās -ātis f close friendship hōc abl +comp: hōc facilius so much the more easily fās n indecl right, proper honestus -a -um honorable femur -oris/-inis n thigh honōs -ōris m esteem, honor ferrāmenta -ōrum n pl iron tools horridus -a -um rough, horrible ferre: ut fert illōrum opīniō as far as their opinion goes hospitium -ī n tie between host and guest, fervē-facere heat hospitable relations fervēfactus red-hot, incandescent hūmānitās -ātis f civilization fervēns -entis adj red-hot hūmānus -a -um civilized ficta -ōrum n pl made-up stories humilis -e humble fidēs -eī f trust, guarantee, promise, humilitās -ātis f lowness, lowliness protection, credibility, al- legiance I figūra -ae f form, shape iaculum -ī n throwing-spear, javelin fīnēs -ium m pl land, territory ictus -ūs m stroke, impact fingere fīnxisse fictum make up, invent idcircō adv for that reason, therefore ficta n pl made-up stories ignōbilis -e not well known, obscure fīnīre form the boundary of ignōscere +dat forgive 7 il-lāt- < īn-ferre in-opīnāns -antis adj unprepared illō adv to that place, to that end īn-scius -a -um unaware illūstris -e clear, lucid īn-sequī follow closely, pursue immānis -e vast, tremendous īnsidiae -ārum f pl ambush, plot, treachery im-mittere throw, hurl īnsigne -is n distinctive mark impedīmenta -ōrum n pl baggage īnsignis -e conspicuous, sensational impedīmentum -ī n hindrance īn-sinuāre, sē make one’s way in impedīre encumber, hinder, impede īn-sistere -stitisse stand, take one’s stand impedītus -a -um hindered from moving freely, īn-stabilis -e unsteady encumbered īn-stāre press on, attack im-pellere -pulisse -pulsum impel īn-stituere -uisse -ūtum put up, set up, institute, im-pendēre overhang, tower start on, instruct impēnsus -a -um excessive īnstitūtum -ī n custom, institution imperāre rule, hold power īnstruere -ūxisse -ūctum build, equip +acc (+dat) order, levy, requisition īnstrūmentum -ī n equipment imperātum -ī n command, order īn-suēfacere accustom im-perītus -a -um (+gen) ignorant (of) integer -gra -grum fresh impetrāre obtain (by request) inter-cēdere come in between, be inter- impetus -ūs m impulse, onset posed im-portāre import inter-cipere -iō -cēpisse cut off, intercept im-prōvīsus -a -um: dē -ō unexpectedly, without warn- -ceptum ing inter-clūdere -sisse -sum cut off, stop im-prūdēns -entis adj ignorant, unaware inter-dīcere forbid imprūdentia -ae f ignorance, unawareness, im- inter-diū adv by day prudence inter-esse +dat take part in impulsus -ūs m impulse, instigation interior -ius interior, inner; m pl peoples inānis -e empty of the interior in-cendere -disse -cēnsum set on fire inter-īre perish, die, be killed incendium -ī n fire, conflagration interitus -ūs m death in-citāre cause to move fast, urge on, inter-mittere interrupt,leaveoff,leave(un- spur on, impel used), miss in-cognitus -a -um unknown (tempore) intermissō after a lapse of in-colere dwell, live inter-pōnere put between, insert, interpose in-commodus -a -um, adv inconvenient fidem i. pledge one’s word incommodē interpres -etis m intermediary, interpreter incommodum -ī n harm, disadvantage, misfor- intervāllum -ī n interval, distance tune, setback intro-īre come inside, enter in-crēdibilis -e incredible introitus -ūs m entrance in-currere rush in, charge intrō-rumpere break in incursiō -ōnis f inroad, raid intus adv inside in-dūcere -xisse -ductum lead, induce, prompt in-ūsitātus -a -um unusual, unfamiliar indūtiae -ārum f pl armistice in-ūtilis -e useless in-ers -ertis adj inactive, lazy, idle inveterāscere -rāvisse become old, become established īn-ferre in-tulisse il-lātum cause, inflict in-vicem in their turn signa ī. advance to the attack in-vītāre urge, invite bellum ī. (+dat) make war (on) invītus -a -um unwilling, against one’s wishes īn-ficere -iō -fēcisse -fectum dye eō invītō against his will īn-fīnītus -a -um infinite, great ir-rumpere break in īnfīrmitās -ātis f weakness (of character), un- ita: nōn +adj not very… reliability iter itineris n route, march, day’s march īn-fīrmus -a -um weak magnīs itineribus by forced marches īn-flectere bend iūdicāre judge, decide, consider īnfrā adv below, further down iūdicium -ī n judgement, decision in-gredī -ior -gressum enter, get in iugum -ī n yoke; (montis) ridge in-icere -iō -iēcisse -iectum throw in sub i. mittere send under the yoke (humili- +dat instil, inspire (with) ating defeated army) in-īquus -a -um uneven, unfavorable iūmentum -ī n beast of burden, draught- in-īre enter on, begin animal (horse, mule…) cōnsilium i. form a plan iūrāre swear in-iussū +gen without orders -ius adv comp too… 8 iūs iūrandum oath mātrimōnium -ī n marriage iūstitia -ae f justice in m. dūcere marry mātūrāre make haste, hurry mātūrus -a -um premature, early L adv mātūrē, comp mātūrius early lābī lāpsum lapse, fall into error māximam partem adv mostly labōrāre be distressed, be in trouble medērī +dat cure, remedy labōriōsus -a -um hard, laborious mediocris -e moderate lacessere challenge, provoke mediterrāneus -a -um inland laetātiō -ōnis f rejoicing medius -a -um the middle of lapis -idis m stone memoria -ae f memory largītiō -ōnis f largesse, bribery memoriā prōdere hand down lassitūdō -inis f weariness mēnsūra -ae f measurement lassus -a -um weary merērī (dē) deserve well (of), behave well lātē adv, comp lātius, sup widely (towards) lātissimē merīdiānus -a -um of midday longē lātēque far and wide meritum -ī n benefit, service lātitūdō -inis f breadth, width metallum -ī n metal lēgātiō -ōnis f delegation mētīrī mēnsum measure, measure out, ap- lēgātus -ī m delegate, envoy; staff-officer, portion legate migrāre migrate, move lēnis -e, adv comp lēnius slow, gentle, light mīlia -ium (passuum) n pl (Roman) mile lēnitās -ātis f slowness, gentleness missū Caesaris as Caesar’s envoy lepus -oris m hare mittere send word levāre +abl free from, relieve of mōbilis -e inconstant, fickle levis -e irresponsible, fickle mōbilitās -ātis f freedom of movement, mobility levitās -ātis f lightness moderārī direct, guide līberālis -e, adv līberāliter generous, noble molere -uisse -itum grind ligāre fasten, tie mollis -e (lītus) gentle, open lignārī collect firewood morārī stay, linger, check, delay lignātiō -ōnis f collecting of firewood mōtus -ūs m motion, movement, commo- lignātor -ōris m one who collects firewood tion, insurrection linter -tris m light boat movēre, castra move camp, move forward līs lītis f dispute multus -a -um: multō diē in broad daylight litterae pūblicae documents, records ad multam noctem till late in the night locus -ī m scope, opportunity; position, mūnītiō -ōnis f fortification, defense work rank, status mūrālis -e: pīlum mūrāle spear used to defend walls obsidum locō as hostages longē adv far; +sup by far… longinquus -a -um far-off, remote; long, pro- N longed nancīscī nactum get, obtain, acquire longitūdō -inis f length nātiō -ōnis f people, nation longius adv comp further, longer nātū abl of age lōrīca -ae f cuirass, parapet nātus -a -um born lūx lūcis f daylight nātus… locō/ genere of… descent/rank prīma lūx dawn, daybreak nāvālis -e naval, ships’ nāvigium -ī n vessel, ship M necessāriō adv of necessity magnī habēre value highly necessārius -ī m kinsman, relative magnitūdō -inis f size, force neglegere -ēxisse -ēctum neglect, omit magnopere urgently, greatly negōtium -ī n work, difficulty, trouble māiōrēs -um m pl ancestors nē-quāquam adv by no means, not at all m. nātū elders, seniors nihil adv in no way, not at all mandāre order nōbilitās -ātis f nobility, the aristocracy, the sē fugae m. take to flight, fly nobles mandātum -ī n order, commission nocēre: pass nocērī +dat come to harm manēre mānsisse remain noctū adv by night manus -ūs f armed force, troop nocturnus -a -um night-, nightly, nocturnal manūs dare surrender, give up nōminātim by name, specifically matara -ae f Gallic throwing-spear nostrī gen (< nōs) of us māteria -ae f wood, timber novae rēs revolution 9 novissimus -a -um last, hindmost; pl the rear P novitās -ātis f novelty, unfamiliarity pābulārī collect fodder, forage nūdāre lay open, expose pābulātor -ōris m forager numerus: n.ō in number, in all pācāre pacify, subdue ad n.um to make up the number pācātus settled, peaceful obsidum n.ō as hostages paenitēre +acc +gen (cause to) regret, repent nummus -ī m sg coinage pāgus -ī m district, tribe nūtus -ūs m nod palam adv openly ad nūtum at the nod, instantly palūs -ūdis f swamp, marsh pār paris adj equal O parāre (pretiō) acquire, buy ob-icere -iō -iēcisse -iectum put in front, set before parātus -a -um +inf ready to obiectus +dat situated opposite to pars: quā ex parte for which reason ob-īre visit, inspect trēs partēs three quarters ob-lāt- < of-ferre māximam partem adv mostly ob-servāre observe, follow parvulus -a -um small, slight obses -idis m/f hostage passim adv allovertheplace,ineverydi- ob-sidēre besiege, blockade rection obsidiō -ōnis f siege, blockade patēns -entis adj open, accessible obstrictus -a -um obliged patēre extend, stretch ob-struere -ūxisse -ūctum bar, block patī +acc +inf allow ob-temperāre comply with, obey paucitās -ātis f fewness, small number ob-tinēre hold, occupy pecus -oris n (sg/pl) livestock, cattle ob-tul- < of-ferre pedester -tris -tre pedestrian, infantry- occāsiō -ōnis f opportunity peditātus -ūs m infantry occāsus -ūs m (sōlis) sunset, west pellis -is f skin, hide occultus -a -um hidden, secret pendere pay occupāre seize, occupy per prp +acc because of occupātiō -ōnis f preoccupation (licet) per mē with me, on my part occupātus -a -um occupied, busy, engaged per-agere carry out, perform oc-currere encounter, come upon, run per-cipere -iō -cēpisse perceive, apprehend into -ceptum of-ferre ob-tulisse ob-lātum offer, present, expose, deliver per-contārī make inquiries, question officium -ī n: in officiō loyal percontātiō -ōnis f inquiry, questioning omnīnō adv altogether, only, at all per-currere run over, run along onerāre load per-dūcere conduct, extend, prolong, onerārius -a -um: nāvis cargo vessel construct onerāria perendinō diē abl the day after tomorrow onus -eris n burden, load, cargo per-equitāre ride around opīnārī think, suppose per-exiguus -a -um very small opīniō -ōnis f opinion, expectation, reputa- per-facilis -e very easy tion per-ferre convey, deliver, bring news opportūnus -a -um, adv -ē convenient, favorable, suit- perfidia -ae f faithlessness, treachery able per-fringere -frēgisse -frāctumbreak through op-primere -pressisse overpower, overwhelm, crush perfuga -ae m deserter, renegade -pressum per-fugere take refuge (with the enemy) oppugnātiō -ōnis f attack, assault perfugium -ī n place of refuge opus -eris n work, effort, defense work perīculum facere make an attempt, try (opere mūnītus) perītus -a -um (+gen) experienced, expert opus esse, pl opus sunt be needed per-legere read through ōrātiō -ōnis f speech, words per-manēre -mānsisse remain, stay ōrātor -ōris m speaker, envoy per-mittere permit, commit, entrust orbis -is m circle, ring per-mulcēre -sisse -sum soothe, calm ōrdō -inis m rank; century (centuria) per-paucī -ae -a very few prīmī ōrdinēs the 6 centuries of the 1st perpetuum: in p. for ever cohort, their commanders per-rumpere break through (senior centurions) per-scrībere write (in full) ōrnātus -ūs m embellishment per-sequī (bellō) pursue, press ostendere (verbīs) declare, point out, explain per-sevērāre persist ostentāre display 10

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