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Reply to the Reply to the Comment on “Z -slave-spin theory for strongly correlated 2 fermions” Alvaro Ferraz1, Evgeny Kochetov1,2 1International Institute of Physics - UFRN, Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics - UFRN, Natal, Brazil and 2Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia The authors of the Reply [1] to our Comment[2] claim mutes with H , the constraint Q =0 must now be approx i that the equation enforced explicitly at any given time instant. This can 3 be done byaddingto the HamiltonianaglobalLagrange 01 A˙i|physi=i[Ai,H]|physi=DiAi|physi=0 (1) multiplier in the form λPiQi. Since the eigenvalues 2 of the on-site projection operator Qi are either 0 or 1, insures that the on-site operator constraint A = 0 se- i the limit λ → +∞ singles out the physical subspace.[3] n lects the physical subspace consistently with the time a Only after this is done, can one safely use the equation evolution generated by the Hamiltonian H. Here D is J i A = 0. Within a mean-field (MF) approximation, one i some nonlocal operator constructed out of the spin and 8 may however replace the operator equation Qi =0 with 1 fermion operators. This is indeed the case since an ex- its ground-state expectation value, hQ i= 0. In spite of i plicit solution of Eq.(1) reads Ai(t) = exp(tDi)Ai. As thatit stilleliminates the unphysicalstates. In contrast, ] A |physi=0,onegetsA (t)|physi=0atanygiventime l i i the constraint expectation value hAii can be nullified by e instant. the unphysical subspace as well. [2] Consequently, a MF - r Nocalculationsareinfactneededtoseethis,sincethe theory based solely on the condition hA i = 0 becomes st equation Ai(t)|physi = e−itHAieitH|physi = 0 follows inconsistentsinceuncontrolledunphysicalidegreesoffree- . simplyfromtheobservationthattheHamiltonianH does t dom contribute to the theory as well. a not couple the physical and unphysical subspaces. This m occursbecauseofthefactthatitcommuteswiththepro- - jection operator Q :=A2 which has eigenvalues 0 and 1 To conclude, Reply [1] does not refute the criticism d i i n corresponding to the physical and unphysical subspaces, exposed in our Comment [2]. o respectively. In case the dynamics never takes the state c outside the physical subspace, the requirements A = 0 i [ and Qi =0 are truly equivalent. [1] A. Rüegg, S.D. Huber, and M. Sigrist, Phys. Rev. B 87, 1 However, as soon as any approximate treatment that 1037102 (2013). v couples the physical and unphysical spaces is applied, [2] A. Ferraz and E. Kochetov, Phys. Rev. B 87, 1037101 8 those requirements are no longer identical. In this case (2013). 0 5 Qi =0remainstheonlyconstraintavailabletoselectthe [3] ThistrickcannotbeusedtoimposetherequirementAi= 4 physicalsubspace. Since the operatorQi no longer com- 0, since the operator Ai has an eigenvalue −1. . 1 0 3 1 : v i X r a Comment on "Z -slave-spin theory for strongly correlated fermions" 2 Alvaro Ferraz1, Evgeny Kochetov1,2 1International Institute of Physics - UFRN, Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics - UFRN, Natal, Brazil and 2Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia PACSnumbers: 71.27.+a,71.10.-w,71.30.+h The authors of ref.[1] introduce a new slave-spin (SS) which appears as a necessary step to recover the trans- 3 mean-field (MF) approach to the Hubbard model of verse field Ising model representation. 1 strongly correlated electrons in terms of Ising spins and The projection of the Hubbard model 0 standardfermion operators,by constructing an enlarged 2 U 1 n HThilebeprutrpspoaseceofwtihtihscboontshtrpuhcytisoicnailsacnledaru:ntphhisysfoicramlusltaattieosn. H′ =−XtijIixIjxfi†σfjσ + 2 X(Iiz + 2) (6) ijσ i a involvesamuchsmallernumberofslavefields,compared J with more standard slave particle frameworks. In this onto the physical subspace is equivalent to the original 8 way the complexity of the originalmodel is reduced to a model (1). Such a projection can be achieved explicitly 1 more readily tractable system of Ising spins in a trans- by imposing the requirement Qi := A2i = 1/2+Iiz[1− ] versefieldcoupledtofreefermions. InthisComment,we 2(ni−1)2] = 0, for each lattice site. The projection op- l e showthattheunphysicalstatesarenotproperlyexcluded eratorQi commutes with Hamiltonian(1) and generates - and despite the claimed good agreement with previous a U(1) local gauge symmetry which takes care of the r t results,the consistencyoftheirMFtheoryisunjustified. redundancy of the decomposition (2). However, notice s . The paper [1] may be considered as an extension and that the operator constraints Ai =0 and Qi =0 are not t a animprovementoftheformalismdevelopedearlierin[2]. equivalent to each other.[7] m It can also be thought of as a minimal formulation of The,sofar,exactSSformulationisthentreatedatMF - previous slave-spin representations. [3] levelbyfullydecouplingtheSSandtheauxiliaryfermion nd Thesingle-bandHubbardmodeliswritteninthe form operators in the form H′ →HMF =Hf +HI, where o U c H =−Xtijc†iσcjσ + 2 X(ni−1)2. (1) Hf = −Xgijtijfi†σfjσ, [ ijσ i ijσ v1 Tonhseitehorpeppuinlsgioanm. pTlhiteudoepeirsatdoernco(t†e)dcrbeyatteisjaanndeleUctriosnthaet HI = −XχijtijIixIjx+ U2 XIiz. (7) 8 iσ ij i 0 site i with spin σ, and ni =Pσc†iσciσ. Here the hopping amplitude andthe Isingexchangecou- 5 The authorsintroduce auxiliarylocalpseudospinvari- 4 ables I~ =(Ix,Iy,Iz) with eigenstates Iz|±i =±1|±i . pling are renormalized by the factors gij and χij, re- . i i i i i i 2 i spectively. These are to be determined through the self- 1 The physical electron operator is then represented as 0 consistency equations 3 c(†) =2Ixf(†), (2) iσ i iσ :1 wheref(†) isanauxiliaryfermionoperatordefinedonthe gij =4hIixIjxiHI, χij =4X(hfi†σfjσiHf +c.c.). (8) v iσ σ space spanned by the vectors |0i , |↑i , |↓i , |↑↓i . [4] i i i i i X The SS representation (2) expands the Hilbert space. To proceed, the authors replace the constraint Ai =0 r Theauthorsidentifytheon-sitephysicalHilbertspaceto by its ground state expectation value, ignoring com- a be spanned by the states pletely the condition Qi = 0. In the enlarged Hilbert space, the Q operator is a projection matrix, i H ={|+i|0i, |−i|↑i, |−i|↓i, |+i|↑↓i}. (3) phys Q |H i = 0, Q |H i = |H i . Because of i phys i i unphys i unphys i The unphysical states are then this,thelocalMFconstrainthQii=0stilleliminatesthe unphysical states. In contrast, the same condition does H ={|−i|0i, |+i|↑i, |+i|↓i, |−i|↑↓i}. (4) unphys not hold for the constraint expectation value hA i that i To obtain a faithful representation of the original prob- can be nullified by the unphysical subspace as well. To lem,theauthorsclaimtosingleoutthephysicalsubspace see this, let us pick up a state by the local constraint A := Iz +1/2−(n −1)2 = 0. This equation justifies thei substiitution in (1i) |Φi=c(i1)|−ii|0ii+c(i2)|−ii|↑↓ii U U 2 X(ni−1)2 → 2 X(Iiz +1/2), (5) +c(3)|+i |↑i +c(4)|+i |↓i ∈H , i i i i i i i i unphys 2 where |c(1)|2 +|c(2)|2 = |c(3)|2 +|c(4)|2. It then follows [2] S.D. Huber and A. Rüegg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 065301 i i i i thathΦ|A |Φi=0. Consequently,theconditionhA i=0 (2009). i i no longerdiscriminates between physicaland unphysical [3] L.de’Medici, A.Georges, andS.Biermann,Phys.Rev.B 72, 205124 (2005); S.R. Hassan and L. de’Medici, Phys. states (as opposed to the requirement hQ i = 0), and i Rev.B81,035106 (2010); R.YuandQ.Si,Phys.Rev.B the resulting SS MF theory becomes inconsistent. The 84, 235115 (2011). substitution (5) now implies that the uncontrolled un- [4] In the limit U ≫ t, the physical electron operators ad- physical degrees of freedom contribute to the theory as mitrepresentationsintermsofthesu(2)spinsandspinful well. fermions[5].Withinthatapproach,theunderdopedHub- The authorsrefer to their MF approachas a Z gauge bardmodelreducestotheKondo-Heisenbergproblem[6]. 2 theory. They claim that the local Z transformations, [5] T.C.RibeiroandX.-G.Wen,Phys.Rev.Lett.95,057001 2 f → u f u = −f , Ix → u Ixu = −Ix, u = 1−2Q , (2005);A.Ferraz,E.Kochetov,andB.Uchoa,Phys.Rev. i i i i i i i i i i i i Lett. 98, 069701 (2007). respecttheMFdecomposition(7)and"inthissense,the [6] R. T. Pepino, A. Ferraz, and E. Kochetov, Phys. Rev. B mean-field ansatz breaks the U(1) gauge theory down to 77, 035130 (2008). Z2".[1] This statement may cause some confusion. [8] It [7] TheoperatorAi doesnotcommutewith theHamiltonian is of course legitimate to restrict the space of variational (1). The consistency of the constraint Ai = 0 with time states to a subspace generated by the states related by evolution requires that [Ai,H]H =0. The consistency phys the u transformations. However, this does not result of this secondary constraint implies in turn that Qi = i in a Z invariant MF theory: the gauge-related varia- 0. Therefore the constraint Ai = 0 can be imposed self- 2 consistently only if therequirement Qi=0 holds. tional states still belong to the different Hamiltonians, [8] Tostartwith,thereisaconfusionwiththeverydefinition HMF and uiHMFui 6=HMF. In fact, a Z2 gauge invari- ofgaugeinvariance.TheauthorsclaimthataZ2gaugein- antMFtheoryonlyarisesifoneconsidersbothfunctions variant operator O obeysthecondition uiOui =O.Since χij and gij as Hubbard-Stratanovich dynamical fields, u2i =1, this implies that [O,Qi]=0. In other words, the χij = χ¯ijσij, gij = g¯ijσij. Here χ¯ij and g¯ij are precisely discrete Z2 symmetry is automatically promoted back to the solutions to the saddle point Eqs.(8), and σ = ±1 the continuous U(1) local gauge symmetry generated by ij is an Ising dynamical gauge field that takes care of the Qi. In contrast, the conservation of a genuine Z2 parity Z gauge fluctuations beyond the saddle point approxi- operator implies the conservation of a Z2 charge modulo 2 2. mation. [1] A. Rüegg, S.D. Huber, and M. Sigrist, Phys. Rev. B 81, 155118 (2010).

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