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Comment on “Mixing beliefs among interacting agents” 2 1 0 Javier Go´mez-Serrano∗, Jean-Yves Le Boudec 2 n January 10, 2012 a J 9 Abstract ] O We comment on the derivation of the main equation in the bounded A confidencemodelofopiniondynamics. Intheoriginal work,theequation is derived using an ad-hoc counting method. We point that the original . n derivation does contain some small mistake. The mistake does not have i l a large qualitative impact, but it reveals the danger of thead-hoc count- n ing method. We show how a more systematic approach, which we call [ micro to macro, can avoid such mistakes, without adding any significant 1 complexity. v Keywords: Opinion dynamics, bounded confidence, model, micro to macro, 9 8 mean field. 7 1 . 1 Introduction 1 0 2 One of the mostfamous mathematical models of opiniondynamics is presented 1 in [5], in which the agents have continuous opinions and adjust them based on : randomencounterswithotheragentsgiventhattheiropinionsarebelowafixed v i thresholdd. UsingaTaylorapproximationandanad-hoccountingmethod,the X authors are able to derive an equation for the evolution of the distribution of r opinions for small values of d. a We show that the originalderivation does contain some small mistake. The mistake does not affect severely the model, as the qualitative behavior remains unchanged, but some values like the speed of convergence or the n-th order momentsareimpacted. Thisrevealsthedangerofthead-hoccountingmethod. We then show how the equation canbe derivedin a safer way, using a more systematic approach, which we call “micro to macro”. It consists in explicitly modelling the microscopic system before going to the fluid limit. The key tech- nicaltoolisthedriftequation. Weillustratethatthisisnotmorecomplexthan the ad-hoc approach,and can be more easily validated. ∗J.G´omez-Serrano’sresearchwasdonewhilebeinganexchange studentatEPFL. 1 2 The Model We considerapopulationofN peers,eachofthem havinganopinionx ∈[0,1] i about some common subject. At every time step k ∈N, two peers are selected uniformlyatrandom. Ifthedistancebetweentheiropinionsissufficientlysmall, eachoftheopinionsis modified,whereasifthe opinionsarefarawaythey don’t change. This is controlled with the uncertainty parameter d. Mathematically, we have that: • If |x −x |>d the opinions remain unchanged. i j • If |x −x |≤d the opinions change the following way: i j x (k+1)−x (k)=µ·(x (k)−x (k)) i i j i x (k+1)−x (k)=µ·(x (k)−x (k)) j j i j where µ is a parameter (adaptation capacity) between 0 and 1. 2 3 The Ad-Hoc Counting Method in [5, 10] Thefinalresultisanequationforρ(t,x)definedasthePDFofopinionsattime t: ∂ρ(x,t) =I +I (1) 1 2 ∂t whereI andI aredescribednext. In[5]only the finalresultis statedwithout 1 2 proof; the proof is available in [10], but in French only. Therefore, in the rest of this section we give a literal translation into English of the relevant parts of [10]. A simple enough calculation shows that, at the limit of the small values of d, the system has the tendency to amplify the irregularities of the population density according to their opinions, ρ(x). During an elementary timestep cor- responding to one interaction, the variation of ρ(x) can be seen as the sum of two contributions: Anegative contributioncorresponding totheprobability for anagent ofopin- ion x to interact and modify his opinion: d I =−ρ(x) ρ(x)ρ(x+y)dy (2) 1 Z−d A positive contribution I corresponding to the probability that an agent of 2 an initially different opinion has opinion x after the interaction. For this term, the obtaining of the normalizing constant is less trivial. The solution I have used is to consider a model in which the displacement of x+y while interacting with x+z is done around µ(y−z) with a gaussian probabil- ity. Letting the length of the gaussian go to zero, one gets our initial model 2 conveniently normalized. The positive term is therefore calculated by the double integral: I =+ dy·ρ(x+y) dz·ρ(x+z)δ((x+y)+µ((x+z)−(x+y))=x) 2 Z Z =+ dy·ρ(x+y) dz·ρ(x+z)δ(y+µ(z−y)) Z Z 1 1−µ =+ dy·ρ(x+y) dz·ρ(x+z) δ(z+ y) µ µ Z Z 1 µd µ−1 = ρ(x+y)·ρ(x+ y)dy (3) µ µ Z−µd For small d, one can replace in the integrals the terms in ρ by their Taylor series around x (limiting to second order in y): d y2 δρ=− ρ· ρ+yρ′+ ρ′′ dy 2 Z−d (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 µd y2 µ−1 1 µ−1 2 + ρ+yρ′+ ρ′′ · ρ+ yρ′+ y ρ′′ dy (4) µ 2 µ 2 µ Z−µd(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ! whereallthetermsinρareevaluatedat xand′ representsthepartial derivation with respect to x. Continuing the calculation, one obtains: d3 δρ=−2dρ2− ρ′′ 3 1 1 µ−1 1 µ−1 2 (µd)3 + (2µd)ρ2+ ρ′2+ +1 ρρ′′ ·2· (5) µ µ µ 2 µ 3 " (cid:18) (cid:19) ! # After simplification, and supposing that the characteristic interaction time is τ, one finally finds at the first non-zero order: ∂ρ d3 ∂2(ρ2) = ·µ·(µ−1)· (6) ∂t 2τ ∂x2 There are three errors that alter the final result published in [5]. (i) Equation (2) contains an extra term ρ(x) and equation (5) lacks a factor ρ in the second term. (ii) In both I andI there is a multiplying factor 2 missing. Correcting both 1 2 mistakes I should read: 1 d I =−2ρ(x) ρ(x+y)dy (7) 1 Z−d 3 and I : 2 2 µd µ−1 I = ρ(x+y)ρ x+ y dy (8) 2 µ µ Z−µd (cid:18) (cid:19) ∂ρ 2d3 ∂2(ρ2) = ·µ·(µ−1)· (9) ∂t 3τ ∂x2 The error here is a division by 3/2 instead of 2. Note that the error is propagated to [12] and, to the best of our knowledge, has not been corrected anywhere else. It is clear that the first correction is a typo, as it is corrected afterwards and the error is not propagated. Regarding correction (iii), it is a calculation mistake. Although the system’s qualitative behavior isn’t affected by this one, itmightchangethe convergencespeedofthe system. Correction(ii) affects the time scale of the model by a factor of 21. This is a common difficulty in the ad-hoccountingapproach,whichcanbecircumventedif,aswediscussnext,we specify the microscopic model in detail. The equation should read then, following the notation from [10]: ∂ρ(x,t) 2 x+µd x−(1−µ)y x+d = ρ ,t ρ(y,t)dy−2ρ(x,t) ρ(y,t)dy. ∂t µ µ Zx−µd (cid:18) (cid:19) Zx−d (10) or, in a more compact (symmetric) way, as in a Boltzmann-like equation [8, 11], for µ6= 1: 2 ∂ρ(x,t) 2 x+d(2µ−1) µx−(1−µ)y µy−(1−µ)x = ρ ,t ρ ,t dy ∂t 2µ−1 2µ−1 2µ−1 Zx−d(2µ−1) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) x+d −2ρ(x,t) ρ(y,t)dy (11) Zx−d Note that this mistake has also propagated to [1], in which it affects the calculation of the evolution of the second order moments, as it should read M (t) = M (0)e−M0t (there is a factor 2 in the exponent missing), and from 2 2 there to several papers such as [4] or [2]. However, the derivation is also cited in [9], where it is partly corrected. 1The system is described by “A chaque pas de temps, deux agents sont tire´s au hasard dans l’ensemble de la population” (At every timestep, two agents arerandomly chosen from the population), which differs from what is computed in the sequel: the variation of ρ(x) should be calculated as the positive and negative contribution (which are correctly written) for the case when the peer with opinion x is the first element of the randomly chosen pair, andagain,thesamecontribution(becauseofthesymmetryoftheproblem)forthecasewhen heisthesecondelementoftherandomlychosenpair. 4 4 An Alternative Method Based on Micro-to- Macro In this section we describe how the evolution equation can be obtained in a safer way, using a micro to macro approach. The idea [3] is to first write the “drift equation” for the microscopic system, i.e. for the discrete time system definedinSection2wherethe numberofpeersisfinite. Then, inasecondstep, the evolution equation for densities as in Eq. (10) is obtained in the limit of infinitely many peers. In the microscopic system, the density is not a proper one, but a mixture of Dirac masses. Instead of manipulating densities, it is more convenient (and faster)tomanipulatetheintegralofarbitrarytestfunctionsagainstthedensity. Therefore, we proceed as follows. Step1 (Micro) LetMN(t)betheoccupancymeasureofthemicroscopicsys- tem with N peers, defined as MN(t)= N1 Nn=1δxNn(t). Let h be any bounded, measurable function defined on the space of one peer, i.e. on [0,1]. The “drift” of the microscopic system is the operator GPN defined by GN(h)(ν)d=ef E h MN(t+1) −h(MN(t)) MN(t)=ν where the starting condit(cid:0)ion(cid:0)ν must be(cid:1)of the form ν(cid:12)(cid:12) = 1 N (cid:1)δ . With N n=1 xn some elementary manipulations we obtain: P GN(h)(ν)= 2 1 (h(µx +(1−µ)x )+h(µx +(1−µ)x )−h(x )−h(x ))1 N(N −1)N m n n m m n {|xn−xm|≤d} m<n X 1 = (h(µx +(1−µ)x )+h(µx +(1−µ)x )−h(x )−h(x ))1 N2(N −1) m n n m m n {|xn−xm|≤d} m<n X 1 + (h(µx +(1−µ)x )+h(µx +(1−µ)x )−h(x )−h(x ))1 N2(N −1) m n n m m n {|xn−xm|≤d} n<m X 1 = (h(µx +(1−µ)x )+h(µx +(1−µ)x )−h(x )−h(x ))1 N2(N −1) m n n m m n {|xn−xm|≤d} n,m X 1 = (h(µy+(1−µ)x)+h(µx+(1−µ)y)−h(x)−h(y))1 dν(x)dν(y) N −1Z[0,1]2 {|x−y|≤d} 2 = (h(µx+(1−µ)y)−h(x))1 dν(x)dν(y) (12) N −1Z[0,1]2 {|x−y|≤d} Step 2 (Micro to Macro) Assume that when the number of peers N grows towards ∞ the occupancy measure MN has a limit, say ν . We must also re- t scale time by a factor of N, as we see next, so that MN(k) ≈ ν . Whether k/N this holds, and why, is an entirely different problem, which is not addressed in 5 [5,10]andwhichdonotaddresseitherhere2. Ourpurposeinthisletterissolely to obtain a safe method for writing the equation. The method in e.g [3] says that, if we re-scale time by 1/N, then the limit must satisfy ∂hh,ν i t = lim NGN(h)(ν ) t ∂t N→∞ if the limit exists. Intuitively, this is because in the limit we have hh,νt+N1i− hh,ν i≈GN(h)(ν ). By Eq.(12), we obtain: t t ∂hh,ν i t =2 (h(µx+(1−µ)y)−h(x))1 dν(x)dν(y) (13) ∂t Z[0,1]2 {|x−y|≤d} which is the main equation. To derive an equation for the density, we write ν (dx)=ρ(t,x)dx, ν (dy)=ρ(t,y)dy and re-arrangeEq.(13) to obtain t t ∂ρ(t,x) 1 x+µd x−(1−µ)y h(x) dx = 2 h(x) ρ ,t ρ(y,t)dy ∂t µ µ Z[0,1] Z[0,1] " Zx−µd (cid:18) (cid:19) x+d −ρ(x,t) ρ(y,t)dy dx Zx−d # Eq.(12) follows by identification of ∂ρ(t,x) to the term between square brackets. ∂t 5 Conclusion We pointed out that there were some mistakes in the derivation of Equation (6) in [5]. The mistakes do not affect the qualitative behavior of the system and were partly correctedin later works,however,their existence suggests that the ad-hoc counting method for deriving such equations is error prone. We described how a more systematic method can be used to avoid such pitfalls. References [1] E. Ben-Naim, PL Krapivsky, and S. Redner. Bifurcations and patterns in compromise processes. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 183(3-4):190– 204, 2003. [2] E.Ben-Naim,PLKrapivsky,F.Vazquez,andS.Redner. Unityanddiscord inopiniondynamics. Physica A:StatisticalMechanics anditsApplications, 330(1-2):99–106,2003. [3] M. Bena¨ım and J.-Y. Le Boudec. A class of mean field interaction models forcomputerandcommunicationsystems. Performance Evaluation,65(11- 12):823–838,2008. 2Ifthe state space isreplaced byadiscreteapproximation, thisisaclassical resultof [6]; forthemodelinSection2,thisisprovedin[7]. 6 [4] C. Castellano, S. Fortunato, and V. Loreto. Statistical physics of social dynamics. 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