Comment on “From geodesics of the multipole solutions to the perturbed Kepler problem” L. Ferna´ndez-Jambrina1,a 1 Matema´tica Aplicada, E.T.S.I. Navales, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid, Arco de la Victoria s/n, E-28040 Madrid, Spain (Dated: January 5, 2011) Inthiscommentweexplainthediscrepanciesmentionedbytheauthorsbetweentheirresultsand oursabout theinfluenceof thegravitational quadrupolemoment in theperturbativecalculation of correctionstotheprecessionoftheperiastronofquasiellipticalKeplerianequatorialorbitsarounda pointmass. Thediscrepancyappears tobeconsequenceof twodifferentcalculations oftheangular momentum of the orbits. 1 PACSnumbers: 95.10.Eg,04.80.Cc,04.20.-q,96.30.Dz 1 0 2 In[1]the authorsmakeuse oftheir static andaxisym- where t and φ are the coordinates associated with the n metric solution of Einstein’s vacuum equations with a isometriesofthe spacetimeandthe functions f, Aandγ a finite number of multipole moments [2–4] in a system of dependonlyonthecoordinatesrandθ,aBinetequation J coordinates adapted to multipole symmetry to derive a is written for U = 1/r along timelike geodesics in the 4 Binet equation for orbits in the equatorial plane and re- spacetime, late it to the classical Keplerian problem. This allows ] c them to write down the relativistic corrections to New- E2−f -q ttohneiasonuerlcleipotfictahleogrbraitvsitiantitoenrmalsfioefldm,ultipole moments of Uφ2 =e−2γ(cid:26)f2(J −EA)2 −U2(cid:27), (4) r g whereE andJ,respectivelyenergyandangularmomen- 1 [ ddϕ2u2 +u= MJ2 +3Mu2− J12dduVpRMM(u), (1) tguemodepseicrmunotitionofamsoacsias,teadretotthheecisoonmseertvreiedsqoufathnteitsipeascoe-f v where u is the inverse of the radial coordinate, M is time, 0 the central mass, J is the angular momentum of the or- r2 0 bit and VRMM(u) is a generalized gravitational poten- E =f(t˙−Aφ˙), J =fA(t˙−Aφ˙)+ φ˙, (5) 7 p f tial which encloses the perturbations due to the grav- 0 . itational quadrupole moment Q after substracting the andthedotmeansderivationwithrespecttopropertime 1 Schwarzschild and centrifugal terms. We have taken the along the geodesic. 0 gravitationalconstantGandthemassoftheorbitingtest This Binet equation arises from the normalization 1 particle m equal to one. condition of the velocity, v = (t˙,r˙,θ˙,φ˙), of geodesics 1 : The authors obtain a result for the angle precessed by parametrised by proper time, v·v =−1, v i the periastron in a revolution around the quasielliptical e2γr˙2+r2φ˙2 X orbit, −1=−f(t˙−Aφ˙)2+ , (6) f r a ∆φ=6π ζ+ζ2 Q −1 +3M , (2) andimposing the existenceofconservedquantities inor- (cid:26) M3 (cid:18) 2 a (cid:19)(cid:27) der to remove the derivatives φ˙, t˙. Binet’s equation (4) where a is the semi-major axis of the unperturbed or- is obtained dividing by φ˙2 and thereby eliminating the bital ellipse of eccentricity e and, hence, of angular mo- dependence on proper time. mentum J = ± a(1−e2)M and energy E = −M/2a. In order to compare our results with [1], we take A dimensionlesspsmall parameter ζ = M2/J2 has been A(r,θ)=0 in order to consider only static spacetimes. introduced. This equation is solved perturbatively [5] in powers of In [5] a different approach was followed to a similar a small dimensionless parameter ǫ=M/J and a change purpose. Startingwiththegeneralmetricforastationary of variable ψ =ωφ, which allows us to get rid of secular axially symmetric vacuum spacetime, terms in the perturbation scheme. This frequence ω is responsible for the precessed angle, e2γ(dr2+r2dθ2)+r2sin2θdφ2 ds2 =−f(dt−Adφ)2+ , ∆φ 1 105 3Q f = −1≃6ǫ2+ +15E − ǫ4, (7) π ω (cid:18) 2 0 M3(cid:19) (3) whereas the energy is also expanded E2 a [email protected]; E ≃1+E0ǫ2+(cid:18)−6−10E0− 20(cid:19)ǫ4, (8) 2 in powers of ǫ. The term E is related therefore to the of the effective potential, 0 classical orbit. The discrepancy mentioned in [1] arises on identifying J2 M Q V (r)= − − , the small parameters in both expansions by means of eff 2r2 r r3 ζ = ǫ2. The term 3M/a in (2) appears to be missing in (7). and so their radius is a solution of The explanation is simple and is due precisely to the Ma2−J2a+3Q=0. previous identification. The authors assign the classical Keplerian values E = −M/2a, J2 = a(1−e2)M to the c c ForJ4 >12MQtherearetwocircularorbits,butweare energy and momentum of the elliptical orbit. However, interested in the exterior one, intheircalculationsE andJ arealsotheconservedquan- titiesofgeodesicmotionandhenceJ hasthesamemean- inginbothnotations,thoughthe valueJ2 ≃a(1−e2)M a= J2+ J4−12MQ ≃ J2 − 3Q, should enclose the contribution of the quadrupolar mo- p2M M J2 ment. since it is the one that appears as a perturbation of the Since we are interested in the first correction to the classical orbit for small Q. angular momentum, we perform just the classical calcu- The conserved quantities por these circular orbits, lation. In classical mechanics the orbit of a particle moving J2 M Q 3Q underacentralforceofpotentialV(r)hastwoconserved E = − − , J2 =Ma+ , 2a2 a a3 a quantities, the angular momentum J and the energyper are seen to have simple classical corrections due to the unit of mass E, presence of the quadrupole moment. Infact, if in (2) we include the quadrupolarcorrection J =r2φ˙, E = r˙2 + r2φ˙2 +V(r)= r˙2 + J2 +V(r), to the Keplerian angular momentum, J2 = Jc2 +3Q/a, 2 2 2 2r2 the lowest order, the Schwarzschildterm, in spherical coordinates (r,θ,φ). 6πM2 6πM2 3Q 3Q The gravitational potential due to a central mass M ≃ 1− =6π ζ− ζ2 , J2 J2 (cid:18) J2a(cid:19) (cid:18) M2a (cid:19) and a quadrupole M is not central, c c M Q(3cos2θ−1) a counterterm appears that cancels out the last term in V(r,θ)=− + , (2). r r3 Hence we have shown that the apparent discrepancy butconsideringjustorbitsintheequatorialplane,itacts between the formulae for the precession of the perias- as if it were central with V(r)=−M/r−Q/r3. tron of an equatorial orbit around a mass endowed with For simplicity we consider circular orbits of radius quadrupole moment calculated in [1] and [5] is solved r = a. It is clear that they cannot be used for mea- by including a first order classical contribution to the suring precessed angles, but still they provide an easy Keplerian angular momentum due to the gravitational computationof(2)and(7). Theyarelocatedatextrema quadrupole moment in [1]. [1] J.L. Hern´andez-Pastora, J. Ospino, Phys. Rev. D 82, [4] C. Hoenselaers, Z. Perjes, Class. Quantum Grav. 7 1819 104001 (2010). (1990) [2] R. Geroch, Journ. Math. Phys. 11 2580 (1970). [5] L. Ferna´ndez-Jambrina, C. Hoenselaers, Journ. Math. [3] R.O. Hansen,Journ. Math. Phys. 15 46 (1974). Phys. 42, 839 (2001).